CT 130

CT 130 II 150

o] the blossoms (of words) of the solarplane for the fish-soul (ánb+). of [=as]. he. the ãnkh-life.,

n] [by] the crown of ‘the king of the north’ [double-place-T of hail for the solarplane]. [of] white light [of Saturn] (h’etch).,

m] [for?] place-T of the great pillar. [through?] the split-off watercourse as doubled-place-T of the west. [for] existence. name.;

l] [and so?] to make the words (via ad.soul). [by] the workplace (ás).,
[by means of?] the red crown [at -T of existence] (nt+). he. to make (ár) (=workplace).;

k] [through] the cord of words of the VaV-sceptre at place-T of saturn-wick-H’ (h’etTu+). [for?] the flame (place-T) to split-off.,
[as] existence (matrix). [by] the red crown [at place-T of existence] (nt+). [in order for] the dimension to go cool-down (qebh’).,

j] [this all by?] the doubled-place-T of the east. the evil place-T of the eden-nostril (shert+). [as] place-T of the watercourse. existence. name.;

—— end CT 130

  • – line n] crown of the north
    presumably BÁT, and suggested as doubled-place-T, north; see column N, below, as the bee-glyph; we think as previous BUT ‘abomination’ (at shared-root) which had a vowelchange and now became BÁTT, at new-hand;
  • the BÁT also being “honey”,
    and the link between the golden colour of amber – as nature of the Watercourse – is apparent (see Ezekiel for amber) and Ezekiel pages,
  • – line m] existence name,
    column N, in top; also probable as “[for] existence. [as] existence of speech”
  • – line l] red-crown he to make,
    column L, below; the workplace is often said to be at NTT, “the doubled-place-T for existence”,
  • – line k] cord of words,
    column K, lowest glyph; but probably the H’-TER+cord of words is meant (and is listed), this cord of words from the eden-gate to the adamite-throne, being there -TER, “speech of eden light; yet here added “for saturn-wick-H”, so the inversed TER-cord,
  • – line k] flame to split-off
    usually as T’ENT’EN, for existence by the doubled-new-hand; yet the context of the line is not clear enough, also because S1C adds a ‘place-T’,
  • – line j] existence name,
    see m],

compare Faulkner version (for you to trace back the words),
“The name of the small eastern road is ‘Cool is the Nt-crown’; the bonds are
burnt up (?); he makes the Nt-crown…..The name of the large western path
is ‘bright is the crown of Lower Egypt’; he lives on inb-plants.”