PT 365

[adressed to adamite original ]

625d] within. thou. Mer-lake (fiery lake, south). – [for] all of. the house of the solarplane (buu). of [=by]. thou. legs (ret’). existence. [has] boundary. nót.;

625c] within. thou. wandering-astray (of adamite,shem).  – all of. the house of the solarplane (buu). of [=by]. thou. to be repulsed. nót.;

625b] the sacrificial bull of speech (adam,sma). of. restoration (tcheb). – [by] the Staff’s hidden root (peh’+tá). [in] the great pillar. [for] this. áakhu-spirit. standing upright. + (next line)

625a] [to] his. throne (nestg). [in] the anunna-face (vesica,north)., [by] the Workplace (ás). [of] the image (thut). [for] existence – [by] Osiris. [as] the image. thou. make. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit).;

624c] Within. thou. being repulsed.(‘in your misery’) thou. discovers.  – the place. [of] the threshfloor (for ad.souls). [of] speech. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] thou. word (is) coming (to).; (walk glyph + U)

624b] within. thou. being repulsed., thou. discovers. – the place of the Root. [of] speech. [for] the beautified-soul.  – [by] thou. wandering-astray (shem).;

624a] The word. [for] all. Khu-spirits. [is] the speech. [of]  the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] thou. spirit.;

623c] the phallus (pillar). of [=by]. thou. doing., becoming a new thing (unt). [by] thou. making., [by] thou. [is] the mighty (nekhen).anunna-face (vesica,north). standing upright (mast, ãhã).;

623c] the word. connected to. them (ad.souls). [is] union (t’emt). –

623a] the masterholder (in solarplane, nebh’et). [is] the word. to suckle (seneq)., – Nut (skydimensions of earth). [is] the word. [of] birth (mes)., – [of] the áakhu-spirit. [by] the Workplace’s. image (thut). [for] existence.;

622d] The land. of [=by]. thou. to be repulsed. nót,; – [and] the sky of earth. of [=by] thou. leg. [has] boundary. nót.;

622c] [by] thou. the royalties (sãh’). [of] thou. existence (eden’s). acquired. + (new line)

622b] [by] the place of Õn (ruling South Eye). [of] adam-within. [in] saturn’s temple of the aged prince (h’etser). of. Osiris’. existence., made. [by] the opened-word-inside. [by] thóu. doing., – the gods. in front of. thou. to dwell in? (h’ems).;

622a] the Staff’s hidden root (peh’+tá). [in] the great pillar. – [as] the word. connected to. becoming new., – [for] this. N.’s. word. connected to. the support raising up (thes).;

– to recite [this] spell;