PT 537

PT 537

PT 537
1301c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [for] existence (matrix). [as?] the djed pillar (tch-t’)., of [=by]. place-T(-e) of the djed pillar (tch-t’-t). to transform (kheper glyph). [for] ãnkh-life. of [=as]. place-T of ãnkh-life.;
1301b] [by means of] the word (eden’s). to cool-down [q-axis] (likely glyph qbh’t). [by] thou. [sh] pool. the head (main-pool). [for?] the iron. thou. khen-t’u throne [on boat]. [of] the [an-] face (north). to dwell (h’ems).;
1301a] [and so] the eden star(s) to perish who are unaware of hail. [through] place-T-e of existence of the foremost (kh-house).,
[in order for] the staff-tá. the T’uat underworld. Horus. of [=by]. thou. to manifest (per).;
1300c] [through] thou. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [as] place-T of the kh-house to become new (unkh-t).,
thou. place-T of the serpent. of [=for]. thou. sekhem-power.,
1300b] [as] thou. triple-place-T of hail (átátát,’fathers’). [namely] place-T of the peace [of saturn] (h’etep). of [=as]. place-T for the advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; [by means of] thou. the willpower (eden’s). [through] Geb (land on tiles). to acquire (shep)., +
1300a] [by] the word. to connect to. the adamite soul. of [=for]. to build and unite (khnm).,
[by] thou. within (the lampstand). the nut dome [top cube]. thou. mother (-T) [in lampstand]. to grasp [by bordersky] (ntchr). [for] this. N’s (candidate). ãnkh-life.;
1299c] thou. to perish [by eden] (sek). nót.;
thou. of [=by]. place-T to (be) completed. nót.;
[but instead,] thou. speech. to stand upright., +
1299b] [and so] thou. the word to command. [as] he. the praised (h’es). thóu place-T. to say: (the hand-T’ of the serpent-hand). [of] hail.;
[for] the speech of hail (ár). [through?] the stake [stchb]. [for] thou. existence. [as] he. the saturn-wick-H’ of hail (áh’)., +
1299a] [for] the divine light. [of] existence., [and now as?] thou. mouth. [for] thou. to give. speech.;
1298b] [in order for] the jackal [to make the solarplane?]. of [=for]. thou. [an-] face. to complete., of [=by]. place-t to complete. thou. the flesh of Áf., +
1298a] [for] Osiris (as construct)., [by] the khen-t’u throne [on boat]. [of] the [an-] face (north). thou. to dwell.;
to stand upright. this. N (candidate). [by] descended hebrew-H cube.;
to recite.;
—— end PT 537