CT 169

CT 169

CT 169 III 35 +

a] the dimension with the word to be filled. am I.,
d] [by] me. existence (matrix). (the door) to open [and to become new] (un).,
c] [by] the double Ákhemut motherland. having become united (t’emt’, both hands).;

b] the three (?) for the staff-tá, at place-T of the adamite soul’s soul-pool (shsmttá+,?). [of] Horus., of [=by]. me. [for] the gods [+to birth?] (matrix).;
a] [as] the divine place-T for great speech. [for] the dimension (at place-T) to be filled. [of?] my. [an-] face (north).;

III 34

b] the sh-pool north (Shu). I am.;
[as] the sh-pool north. of [=to]. me. the word (eden’s). of [=to]. wander-astray (shem, adam-related).,
a] [and as] the essence of tears (at place-T) of speech (remt+). [by] he. to make the plasma-construct (via ad.soul) (skha+scroll, lotus-kh). +

III 33

b] [for] the (divine) [an-] face (north). [through] the essence of the imprisoned word of the Watercourse of Saturn (‘foulness’, h’ua+).
[as] he. the divine he place-T (lampstand). [for] my. Sight (maa). [to be] nót. within.;(within eden?)
a] [but as] the blossoms (as the words) for the Ba-spirit of the solarplane. [for] the fish-soul of existence of hail (án+).,
[by means of] the double rim (at place-T) to make the new root (matrix; vesica – sept+). of [=for]. to manifest (per).;

III 32

c] [by] the double cherub-wheel (to make the new root). [for?] the evil eden-speech by the soul-pool (eden’s) (sherr+). [as] the opened-word inside (matrix).,
b] [in order] the two foremost Ákhemut motherlands. [by] me. to unite (t’emt’, both hands).,
a] [and] the two lands (north and south). [by] me. to come (by) place-T to dissect (nemt+, lampstand).,

III 31

c] [for] the sky of earth (north). [of] speech. [by] me. [through] the boat-construct of the fire-drill.;
b] [and] Hathor (all of Saturn house). of [=as]. my. double sandal doubled leather-bag (thebt+). +
a] [for?] the words. [of] the root (eden’s). [as]. the four. (types of?) Sights (maa).;
of [=by] (means of). my. legs (two mountains, rt’). +

III 30

b] the (solarplane) intestine to tie together. [through] place-T of the East. [for] existence. [as] place-T of the West. existences to make (via ad.soul).;
[and so] existence to bring (matrix). [in order to be] the doubled-divine double Ákhemut motherland.,
a] [as] the two Ákhemut motherlands. having become united (t’emt’, both hands)., [for] existence (matrix). [by] the mouth (eden’s).;

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