CT 10 I 35

CT 10

d] the divine things of speech to make. [by] the prisoner (su,Cain)., [because] the one to hate. [namely] this. light (eden’s). of [=as]. the enemy (likely). to be judged (utchã+scroll).; [and through] them (ad.souls)., the eye (eden’s). [of] speech. +

I 35

d] [as] he. the enemies’. speech. [fór] this. N-Osiris (candidate). [as] the word of true voice.; c] [and] this. his. existence (eden’s). the thing to say. b] [tó] he (matrix). this. to say.: the [an-] face. [by] the prisoner (su). to change the course. [of] the god. [by] existence (eden’s). nót.;
[but] a] the divine things of the Watercourse (eden’s). to open up [the root] (up). [for] existence of hail (matrix) (án)., [for] the things of beauty (nefertu). [bý] the thing of the Watercourse., [by means of] thou. existence (eden’s). be opened-up [the root] (up+scroll). [by?] Seshat. [for] existence of hail., [and through] the Sba-stargate. thou. existence (eden’s). to become judged (utchã)., [in order for] this. N-Osiris (candidate). to descend hebrew-H.”;

————– end CT 10

A]  notes:
…we still search for the relation eye-stargate
(ãrrit, Sba, Sbeck, see bd 147)

– there is very little information about this deity, being the inside-dual of Thoth; apart from the four spells, there is one in BD and one in PT, but those do not provide context;

– measure-stick and plumbline:
…immediately reminds us to Ez.40, where the angel uses the measuring-rod to show all the dimensions of the temple; hence ‘her’ aspect must be related to ‘placing off-balance the throne of adamite’; showing in the

– petaled crown beneath inverse horns:
…many suggestions have been put forth; but per context, the horns are the inversion of UP, “to open up the root”, therefore the 7-petal must be the stars of the adamite throne – presented as one star but in seven aspects;

– name and clusters:
…the term in the SESH cluster most often used in spells, are both the SESH as ‘design,image’, (also ‘scribe’ etc, what she is); and SESH, ‘the great door to open’, (where UN, ‘to open’, is used for anything of the matrix, and UP,’to open’, usually for the Watercourse), this term SESH should pertain to eden’s eye: considered the step-downs,


– plus M, SESHEM, often used as ‘to guide’, as a ‘walking-knife-glyph’,
– and SESHET’, pictured, frequently used but with the context of “the tiara of the hand to open”,
that is ‘from the mountain,when eden’s’,T’; you see “a crown with plumes”, but it reads “\\the
axis / the tiara of the mountain to open”, since the feather starts with the magically-dangerous;
….and beneath that “garlands on their heads”, which reads “their (ad.souls) / head / of speech /
the crown to open”, (eventhough the heads are multiple – but that is because of the plural ‘they’,
an often returning syntax problem)
bóth depict the theme of eden’s eye;

– the inversal SHES, used in every third spell as thé desired garment-body,
– SHESAT, “cunningness, knowledge” (as in ct 290), as Seshat,
– and a curious term SESHTT, pictured, looking like a rack in which hang down three hides;
you see the ‘island glyph’, the oval, as suffix; and they definately depict ‘three’ – as in the
previous glyph SHESeru, “three arrows of Rã”, tuat VIII;
– with added M, SHESMU, the executioner of Osiris,

source: alamy

…all of above terms must relate the the eye being lifted-up, as direct copy of eden’s eye, beneath it;
we assume that from the triple-aspect of eden’s eye [see Henoch], they have copied all three, but
kept two for their Dual-realm, below, and cut-out the centre one, and moved that up towards Ursa Major,
to acquire the inversal of the root [ mentioning the áukhemu-seku in ct 290],
SESHAT-related attributes in the text:

Names of eden’s eye:
– eternal flame of H (Heh), several spells,
– ám-HeH, serpent, several
– serpent, ct709
– essence of mountain, ct68 and others,

Names of the copied eye,as being held up in above picture:
– SESHT, likely
– throne of adamite, ÁST (Isis), many
– USÃÃS, a proto-Isis, “to the pillar the word to come”
– KHESEM rotating shrine of Ámen/Menu,
– vine of kh-house, T’EKH, ct –
– vine field of reeds, ÁARRt,

Names of this double shrine:
– double-flame of the island, ct 848
– doubled átert-shrine
– divine-doubled house of saturn (?), ct 68,
[will be updated]