BD 144

the treshing floor (sep, off.:'the beginning'). existence. eternities / millions (h'eh'u). sacrifice in general. body-garment (shes). this. light. of [=by]. servants,slaves. to become,was (áu). he,his. existence. masterholder (nebt). eyes ('people'?). speech. [eyes of speech?] noble spirit. he (set-glyph). to become a spirit. that which is ('reality', ntt). boundary (tcher). the cemetary below. of [=by]. the land. of [=by]. the sky of earth. of [=by]. the noble spirit. who is. this. wandering-astray (shemt, adam-related). to make wide (s-usekh). the masterholder. 'everybody'(people+eye, or people in eye?). Sight (maa). the gift. existence. nót.;
this your. untie/tie up [earth?] (glyph). thou. speech. to make. the sky of earth.of [=by]. those who stand in app./supports/periods of time (ãhãu). anunna-face. great speech. the one (tu). 28]  [to] shepherd. the day (Hru). of [=by]. going around,revolve (pekhar). the four (4). time, season [becoming new] (unt). to become, was (áu). this. leaders, to lead. the word. Eye. to penetrate,wandering (khet). of [=by]. to repeat/or: 2 treshfloors?. the "One". to hasten (sán+land!). speech. anunna-face. ). to recite.;
 the flame (setcht). anunna-face. natron,unguent (senther). oil of finest quality (h'att). silvery eye-paint,stibium (mest'emt, mest'=thigh in S.A). unguent (utchu, command by law). unguents (of greenness,uatchu). the olive tree (beq, from bak, Horus). to be young and green. the bloosoms succeeded to acquire? (comp.word). the four (4). white light [of saturn] (h'etcht). the cow (h'emt, also 'woman'). existence. milk (related to eye,ártu). of [=by]. to fill, be fuilled (meh'). to hasten (sán+land). existence. land of soul-pool (SH, vesica south). eight (8). wide, broad. 26] offerings (ãteptu)., eight. beer measures (shepent). [and?] beer measures (h'eqt)., eight. h'ebennutt (little ball?). eight. khenefu cakes., eighteen. cake offerings (shens)., eight. cakes (persen, their/house)., sixteen. light-offerings (h'etch+mer).  – [are?] the great eggs? [in the pillar?] (ãat+egg,or female deity?). the "heart"(h'at áb). existence. to strip (fekh). nót.;
four. physical blood (senef,4 type people?). existence. offering (áãb, to approach). red/gore/blood (tesher,of SH). the Ka-double bull. existence. the rump (tcherru, divine rump of osiris). Torso (áb). bull's foreleg (glyph). of [=by]. the masterholder (chalice below solarplane). within. the "One". existence. offerings (ut'en, weight[of consciousness]? )the designs (seshu). of [=by]. which is. eden's realm (nn). of [=by]. the masterholder (chalice below solarplane). ÃRRIU (mult.). existence. mouth. speech. to recite.; 
the designs. of [=by]. which. eden's realm (nn). of [=by]. every,all {of}. the tuathouse. speech. he,his. to arrive (seper). to give/set/. their, them (ad.souls). phallus (glyph). of [=by]. this. noble spirit. existence. aged image (tut). anunna-face/face. thou. speech. to make. the tuathouse. stargates, pylons (sebekhu). anunna-face. this. he,his. drive back (shenã). existence. nót.; to repulse. existence (matrix). nót.;
these [two?] (épen). gods. willpower like adam (mmã). of [=by]. he,his. sekhem-power. to give/set/. this. noble spirit. to make ãnkh-life (by the ad.soul, sãnkh). their (ad.souls). phallus (glyph). of [=by]. incense (snether,speech/connecting to/ad.soul). the sons. pleasant offerings (ãabt,tree of life). they,them (ad.souls). existence. offering (ut'en -consciousness weight?). Rã. existence. the boat (uáa). existence. 2nd (sennu). divine judges (tchatchau). [unreadable}. of [=by]. the design (sesh). blueprints (seshu,pun). of [=by]. which is. this. guides. anunna-face.,
– to recite [this] spell.; 
[text 144; skipped line 21-13; many small repeats; below, a couple picked out]
 20 ] the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.: the house of the horison (ákhet). of [by]. 'peace'[lit.: speech/of hebrew-H] (Her)…………..
18] the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.: existence. to make to ascend (s-ãr, from ãrit). Rã (rã glyph).  gods of the designed images (qet). to make ãnkh-life (by the ad.soul, s-ãnkh). tempest (neshen, SH). to repulse (khesef). [by] the iron. chakra-tool (h'emba)……………
17]  the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
apep's (representing God). mighty hidden divine-root (peh'tu). to erase (t'er). [by] Rã. existence. justice (maãt). to make to ascend (s-ãr). [by?] the company/multitude (ãshtu). [in] the Eye. [[or:to make? ]]……
[ note – it must bé 'eye', writing ár instead of árt]
15] the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
the gods of them (of ad.souls). [in] the ÃRRTU. [are] doorkeepers (áru). prisoner (su). ignorance (khem). existence. nót.; the divine covering of the solarplane (bent'). the prisoner. to come to the hidden root  (peh'+walk). existence. nót.;
[hence adamite soul within the adamite soul-alike-adam] 
13] the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
to arrange,direct,decree (ser). the sky of earth. [bý] the house of the horizon (ákhet, north vesica)., the lions-mouth' knife (composite glyph). [of] Horus. alike-Adam's (miá).  ……….
9]    the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
the ÃRRTU. [tó?] the anunna-face (vesica north). to repulse. nót.;  ………………
the primeval child (the scribe). sealed-up (khetem). tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
6] the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
the true voice [from below]. of. the sky of earth. [by] his. firedrill boat (tcha aáu). the darkness (gerh'). of [=by]. Thoth's. existence. [of] willpower (Ã). below. the fire. [of] Horus'. Eye. below…….. 
5] the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
the revolving circumference of the solarplane (t'eben). hails the beautified-soul?. [by] festival of completion of the solarplane (h'eb). which is. the half-month. the soul alike-adam to declare (smiá). the month (ábt', also: Net). to make……
4]  the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
to guide. them (ad.souls). of [=by]. they (ad.souls. within. the "One" (likely Christ). [but by] me. [with] osiris. as protector in the background (há tep)., the court noblemen (shenitu). of [=by]. the house of the horizon (álkhet). the face/anunna-face. the gods. to guide,guiding. Restau (osiris'homeland). of [=by]. men of foreign speech / strangers / or: those who devise plans (kaiu)
4]  the primeval child (the scribe). to seal up (khetem). the tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [of] Osiris.:
to become (áu). all [of]. Rã. Osiris. existence. the two lands. posessions,property,nature (khert). the adamite soul alik-Adam to declare (smiá). their (ad.souls). ÃRRTU. [are?] the shepherds. [of] osiris. [for] the face/anunnaface. the word for things made (áriu). these (áptu). ÃRRTU. hailing the beautified-soul 
[the 7 in short],
the adamite soul. within. the adamite soul alike-Adam to declare (smiá). existence (eden's?0. [in] name [of].: playing the Fool (khemiu). [for,in?] the anunna-face (vesica north). to repulse. the adamite soul., [by] shepherding. existence. [in] name [of]. the voice [from below] (kheru). [in] the great [pillar] (ãã). [of,is?] the seventh. ÃRRIT. [as?] the doorkeeper (ár). [of] existence (matrix). [in] name [of].: "their (ad.souls). flint-knife (t'es, 7-poly of the 'heart'). [is] of [=by]. the seventh. ÃRRIT."; 
the adamite soul. within. the adamite soul alike-Adam to declare (smiá). existence. [in] name [of].: the land of the soulpool-SH (south). [is] the doorkeeper (ár). [tó?] the anunna-face. (north vesica). [by?] the flint-knife (t'es, 7-poly). of [=for]. the adamite soul., to shepherd. existence. [in] name [of].: "the face?. to bring". [by?] the sixth. ÃRRIT. [as?] the doorkeeper. [of] existence. [in] name [of].: " the voice [from below] (kheru). [of] rebellion (keHa). [as?] the food (aspects fór the ka of beautified-soul,áken). [in] the sixth. ÃRRIT."  
the adamite soul. within. the adamite soul alike-Adam to declare (smiá). existence. [in] name [of].: the light of the Rebellion (keHaat+light). 'making the anunna-face of the solarplane' (s\\t'ebh'er, composite word). to shepherd. existence (matrix). [in] name [of].: " the solarplane has the aspects of the SH-soulpool"( shabu). [is] the fifth. ÃRRIT.  [as] the doorkeeper (ár). [of] existence. [in] name [of].: "the Fentu-serpents (who ate the dead in áment). of [=by]. ãnkh-life (vampiring 'life'). [is] the fifth. ÃRRIT". 
 the adamite soul. within. the adamite soul alike-Adam to declare. existence. [in] name [of].: "the raging crocodile (at'u). to repulse. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). by the adamite soul making the high place (vesica north, s\\neteqa, comp.word). to shepherd. existence. [in] name [of].: the Torso (áb). to watch over (res). [is] the fourth. ÃRRIT. [as] the doorkeeper (ár). [of] existence (matrix). [in] name [of].: "the voice [from below] (kheru). [for] the many? (ãsh, multitude). [by] the anunna-face (north). to repulse."[is] the fourth. ÃRRIT.
the adamite soul. within. the adamite soul alike-Adam to declare. existence. [in] name [of].: "the word of the pillar [for] the adamite soul"(s\\uããu, comp.word). to shepherd. existence. [in] name [of].:"the anunna-face (vesica north). to wkeep watch over (res). [is] the third. ÃRRIT"., [as] the doorkeeper (ár). [of] existence. [in] name [of].: his Thigh (Adam's). which is. filth (h'ua,saturn+imprisoned Gods word). to be devoured"., [is] the third. ÃRRIT.
the adamite soul. within. the adamite soul alike-Adam to declare. existence. [in] name [of].: the physical body made by  the Jackal for the adamite soul (s\\sebes, comp.word). to shepherd. existence. [in] name [of].: face/anunna-face. to make by the blueprints of Orion (seqet'nu). [is] the second. ÃRRIT. [as] the doorkeeper. [of] existence. [in] name [of].: the divine hidden root.  stretching out as new dimension (t'un). [is] the second. ÃRRIT.
the adamite soul. within. the adamite soul alike-Adam to declare. existence. [in] name [of].: "the voice from below (kheru). is the word of God's house to the adamite soul (s\\Hu, composite word). [as] the shepherd. [for] existence (matrix). [in] name [of].: "male and female to hearken and obey the private parts "(smetu,soul/phallus/deaf)., [as] the first,head. ÃRRIT. [as] the doorkeeper (ár). [of] existence. [in] name [of].: "the image,form (áru). [of] the many (ãsh, multitude!). [by] the anunna-face (vesica). to be turned head-downwards immersed in fire"(skhet')., 
[in] the head,first. ÃRRIT.