BD 149

Renouf link: below + vignette link

region XIV (E)

the peace (of saturn,h’etep). of [=by] (means of). this. adamite soul’s. word to come (glyph).; [and] forever. it (the word). within. me., [and] to come be un-tied (sefekh,seven). nót.;
Osiris (as construct). of [=for]. to manifest (per)., [through] the words of the mountain (eden’s). [for] speech. 11] [and therefore] of [=as]. me. to be destroyed (by) the adamite throne (h’ástem,saturn). nót.;
These. aspects-offerings (in H’etep fields). [for] existence (matrix). [as] the word [for] the Eye (utcha)., [by means of] the place of the battle, below [top lampstand] (kher-ãhã). \\[of] adam-within., [fór] the god. to become (by) the image [place-T-e as the word for place-T-m] (tut+scroll). [as] my. torso (above line; áb). [in order] to become the great pillar.;
[by] my. word. to support and rise (thes). [for] these. aspects for the son-pupil (tchefau). of [=as]. my. peace (of saturn, h’etep).;
9] the corn god (Neper,Osiris). [by] me. to feed upon (unem). the pool-land dimension of the opened word inside [in top cube] (nui+). of [=for]. my. peace (h’etep)., [as] the dimension. of [=for]. sekhem-power. [namely as] this. pool-land of the blossoming place T-m of existence by Saturn (north,H’ent+)., [by means of] existence (eden’s). to make to open (sensh). [through] these. cords of place-T to desire (mertu+). [and so] existence (matrix). to open [and become new] (un).;

the pool-land dimension of the opened word inside (nui+). the head (main pool-dimension, top cube). [by] the divine judges [ruling axis] (tchatcha+). 7] [as] the place of battle, below (kher-ãhã). [for] the gods (matrix)., [by means of] the dark word \\[by] the plasma-pole (kha\\u+). place-T-e to silence (seger). which is. [for] he. the timedimension (unut). of [=as]. he. the sight (maa). [of] speech.;
6] [through] the pool-land dimension of the opened word inside (nui+). the head (main-T of pool-dimension; tep-t). [as] he. [by] the divine judges’. speech. [as] the place of the battle, below (kher-ãhã)., which is. this [m-b-soul-adam word to connect to] (thui). land of place-T-e of the thigh (*pic, uãr-t). [for] speech. it. to stand upright (ãhã)., [as] the dimension. [of] willpower of saturn (h’enã). [by] he. to come hail as advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;
5] [by means of] the divine hidden inundation of the dimension of saturn (h’ap, nile god). [for] the mouth. [as] the speech. [by] the essence of abu (note). \\[fór] the place T-m of the qerr-circle [on top of cube] (\\qert). [in order] of [=for]. to make the most-beautified-soul-adam-like within [via adamite soul] (s-ámii). [of] existence., [through] this. serpent of totality [transferring all attributes to saturn] (h’efau). [as] the word of hail (áu). [for] the noble spirits. [of] existence (matrix)., [as] the aspects of the voice [from below]. [for] speech. to manifest place-T-m (per-t).;

[and so for] the gods. [of] existence (matrix). 4] [through] the aspect-offerings in H’etep (saturn field). place-T-e to be given. [as] the word to feed upon.; [by means of] the mouth. [of] existence (eden’s). [via] the prisoner (su,Cain). [by] place-T-m to guide. the grain (no det.). of [=by]. the plasma-pole (khau+). [for] saturn’s hidden inundation of dimension (H’ãp). 3] [as] one to come (tu). [in order for] place-T-e be given. [at] the place of the word to be given (glyph).;
[and] the [an-] face (north). [through] saturn’s hidden inundation of dimension. the place-T-e to repulse (khesef-t). [at] the place of the battle below (kher-ãhã). which is. this (thn, to connect to). Áat (region). for the hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
2] the place of the battle, below (kher-ãhã). [as] the Áat. [of] the lights of place-T-e of hail as the beating-place (qen-át+, axis-q + T-of hail). [being] the fourteenth. Áat.;
owner: eden
probable location: top area of lampstand [no pic] remarks: tricky text, notes below,

region XIII (M)

forever. existence. [through] thou. place-T-m [of the serpent] (tche-t). [of] existence (matrix). [because?] thou. son. i am.; the blossoms to flourish (uatch+). of [=as]. my. sekhem-power. 13] [through] saturn’s hidden inundation of the dimension. [in order for] existence. as one to come (glyph). [and] thou. to give. the peace (of saturn, h’etep).;
[by] he. the words to manifest (peru). of [=for]. the gods. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] to copy the doubled-place-T alike-adam’s (miátt). to be given. [by] the blossoms (eden’s) \\[for] to flourish (uatchu).; [and so by] he. existence (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). to become to grow (rut’). [by means of] the blossoms of the word having succeeded to acquire (sah’,comp.word). [for] he. existence (matrix)., [and] existence. to transform (kheper). [through] saturn’s hidden inundation of the dimension., [and so by] he. existence (eden’s). [for] existence. to come hail as the advanced beautified-soul.;

[and] to become the great [pillar]. this. god. [of] existence (matrix)., [for] thou. existence. [as] the eye. alike Adam [utcha] (miá).; 11] [by means of] the land-pool of the opened word inside [top cube] (nui). of [=for]. me. [as] the dimension to drink (surá+). [fór] the dimension. of [=as]. my. sekhem-power. [to] thou. to give. [as] thou. speech and nature (matrix). [of] existence. [for] to come hail as the advanced beautified-soul.;
10] [and as] the dimension. which is. [by] the Áat. \\ [of] adam-within. [!]. [as] this. god. [namely] thou. [an-] face (north). [of] protection of hail.;
[and so for] the noble spirits. the speech. [of] the original adamite soul. [in order] to drive back [the Watercourse] (seh’er+)., [and] of [=by]. the adamite soul. [as] the dimension. 9] the dimension to drink. [and] the gods. be feared (sent’). [in order] of [=for]. \\the adamite soul. [by] place-T to guard (saat). [as] he. which is. the dimension. which is. [by] the Áat. \\ [of] adam-within. [as] this. god. alike adam (miá).; (?)
8] the pool-land of the opened word inside [top cube] (nui). of [=for]. me. dimension to drink (surá). [as] the dimension. of [=for]. my. sekhem-power. [in order for] Osiris (as construct). of [=for]. to manifest.;
the words of the mountain for speech (eden’s). of [=as]. the dimensions of place-T of m-b-soul-adam (glyph). of [=fór]. existence (matrix). alike adam (miá)., [in order] to flourish m-b-soul-adam-like prospering (akhi). [of] the land-pool dimension of áteru. [in order for] the place-T to become filled (meh’-t+scroll). to make existences. within.;
to approach (teken). to complete (tem). [by] the words of place-T to desire (mertu). [for] existence (matrix)., to make existences. [by] the torso (centre). [as?] existence. [of] peace (of saturn, h’etep). nót.; (?)
[but] existences to make [via ad.soul]. [which] the dimension (of solarplane) is thirsting for (ábet)., [and therefore] to make existences. to be quenched the thirst (ãkhem). nót.;
[by means of] the word of the Watercourse (eden’s). of [=by]. the original adamite soul. [fór] the dimension. [of] the noble spirits. [as] the god. [of] Sight (maa).; [and via] the adamite soul. the things of might (shefsheftu). [of] existence (matrix). [in] the high exalted [place] (qa, Khemenu)., [and] existence (matrix). the adamite soul. to fear (sent’). [as] existence. [of] great speech., [being] existence. [by] them (ad.souls). within. place-T which is. of [=for]. existences to make [via ad.soul]. [for] the dimension to thirsts for (ábet). existence. [as] the flame of the image (bes). which is. [by] the flame of place-T of the house of the horizon (?,ákhk-t+).; [and] of [=by]. the adamite soul. [as] the dimension. [of] the word of hail.; [by means of] the original adamite soul. within.; 2] [for] the words of m-b-soul-adamlike sekhem-power. [which was] lacking. [by] the noble spirits. who are. [now by] this. Áat region. [of] hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
the dimension. which is. [by] the land as place-T-e of the thigh (uãr-t). [of] he. the mouth (eden’s)., to be destroyed by the hand [for completion of the solarplane] (matrix, h’ebt+x). [for] the lights of the (emerald) uatch sceptre. [by] the thirteenth. (T-) filled. Áat.;
owner: matrix
probable location: opposing side of top lampstand, above the line [no pic] remark: below

region XII (M)

to become the great [pillar]. [as] the god., [and it’s] words to follow (shemsu). [for] the gods (matrix). [of] speech.;
[as] my. word. [by means of] this (to connect to). m-b-soul-adam-like to desire (meri). [for] to come place-T for to become new (matrix, unt). [as] the áat. [of] the words of adam-within.;
[and so for] the gods. this. willpower of saturn. [as] my. ãnkh life., [and by means of] this. willpower of saturn. [ through] me. existence to become new (matrix, unn). [at] the place of coming place-T for to become new (unt+). [as] the Áat. [of] the words of adam-within., [for] the gods. existences to make (via ad.soul). [for] existence of hail.;
[namely as] the god. [being] the realm-garment (by) the doubled place-T of the adamite soul (st+). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; [and so] my. name. to make to be destroyed (s-sek?). [by] existence (eden’s). nót.;
[repeat line].; [but by] to connect to. \\adam-within. [as?] the ‘never setting stars’ (áukhemu-seku, exoteric: pole-stars). of [=for]. 5] my. word of hail (áu)., [as] place-T \\of adam-within. [for] the noble spirits. \\[of] adam-within., [in order for] the divine olden great speech. of [=as]. my. word of hail (áu)., [by means of] the place to come place-T for to become new (unt). which is. this (m-b-s-adam word to connect to). Áat. [of] hail for the beautified-soul.;
4] to make existences (via ad.soul). [through] the names [eden’s; word for the word-inside] (rennu). [in order] to destroy the adamite throne (hástem). [and so to have] the original adamite soul’s. speech for the an-face. [through] the four ureai [at top of cube]. [for] the word of hail. [by] the adamite soul. within. the noble spirits. [of] existence. [and this] to be (de-)united (sma). nót.;
[but instead], [for] the gods (matrix). to make existence (=sn). existence. the Watercourse to ascend (ãr). nót.; (?)
[but now as] the flame of place-T-m devouring the brought aspects of the Watercourse (setch-t+). of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. flame of the eternal house of God (HeH+). to become. Restau. [as] the doubled-place-T of the kh-house (khentt). [for] the place to come place-T for to become new (unt). which is. this (to connect to). Áat. [of] hail for the beautified-soul.; the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
Áment (the West). of [=by] (means of). the foreign land’s place-T of the hand of the serpent [by the workplace?] (ástcht’t, very comp. word). [for] the lights of the (emerald) sceptre (uatch).[being] the twelfth. (place-T) filled. Áat.;
owner: matrix
probable location: the Meskhent-region, thes-domes in diagram [no pic] remark: below

region XI (E)

Sirius (sept’t). existence (matrix). [for] me. to renew continuously (uHem, hebrew-H). my. word of the voice. [for] the gods (matrix). to connect. to listen to (setchem). [as] the speech. [for] the son to make stable (by adamite soul; smen)., [and] of [=for]. existence. [by] the word to command (met’u). existences to make. within. the divine “One” (construct north). [which] I am.;
[and so for] the gods (matrix). the willpower like adam (mmã,weak)., [by means of] the sky of earth. [for] speech. [through] the ladder [by cut-off Q-axis] [Ramayana] (maqt). the word to tie together (thes). [for] the foreign land. [of] the sons., 11] [and] the dimension to cool down (qebh’, saturn+solarplane). [in order for] the great double door of the pillar. [of] existence (eden’s). to make to open (sensh). [and so] to become things of truth. [by] the double door of the pillar. existence (matrix). to open [and become new] (un).;

to become. [by?] the divine perishing stars (seku). [as] aspect fór the solarplane-shore (át’eb). [for] speech. [by] to descend hebrew-H. 10] [for] the divine peace of saturn. \\[for] the field (sekht). to become provisions for the son-pupil (tchefau). of [=for]. existence. to feed upon., [as] the god. of [=for]. existence. to rise and be crownned (khã). [because in?] the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face. me. to dwell (h’ems). [and by] the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face. me. to stand upright (ãhã).;
[by means of] the soulpool-land SH (lower tile). which is. [bý] this (m-b-s-adam/word/to connect to). land as place-T-e of the thigh (Uãr-t, region)., [by] the [an-] face (north). to hover-over. [in order for] the adamite soul. existence (eden’s). to give., [and so] the son to make stable (smen). of [=for]. existence (matrix). to cackle (ngg, read: to mimick eden language).; 8] [and to] the falcon (horus,bak). of [=for]. existence. the wing to fly up [as axis of Matter] (pa). [from] the land (eden’s). of [=as?]. the mighty jackal staff of speech (user).; [and so] the sky of earth. of [=for]. to become a spirit., [because to] the helpless [solarplane] (bega). to come the branch (khet; former ãpp). of [=for]. my. Torso (áb)., 7] [through] the place-T to support and rise (thest). [for] Horus. who is. this (most-b-s-adam/word/to connect to). Eye. of [=as]. my. mighty jackal power (user). [by] me. to rise and be crowned (khã).;
forever. existence (matrix). [by] existence (eden’s). [as] my. legs (ret’u). 6] [for] the divine \\place-T by the prisoner (Cain,su-t\\+). of [=for]. to manifest (per).; [as?] the flint-knife (t’es). of [=by]. divine sorcery (h’ekau; saturn). [which] I am.;

[by] me. to halt. [in order to]. thou. to give. this. place of Át’u [the word of the hand of hail]. [as] hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; [for] the spirits. [as] the speech. [by] he. the mystery [of place-T] (sh-t-ta). [of] the adamite soul. [as] he. within., [for] the words of m-b-s-adam existence to become new (matrix, unniu).;
[and so for] the gods (matrix). the [an-] face (north). to open [and become new] (un). [through] he. slaughtered pieces of meat [lights as sand] (shãtu). of [=as]. it. within.; [by means of] the words to die. [of] the place-T-e of the adamite soul. [for] Sight (maa). [for] the character of iron [solarplane] (báa). of [=as]. he. within. the gods., [by] the place-T of the adamite soul. [for] Sight (maa)., [and by] the adamite soul. within. place-T which is. to become the chakra-tool (h’embaa). [in order for] existence (matrix). to be feared (sent’)., [being] of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. speech.;
3] to come the word of the most-b-soul-adam. to enter (ãq). [for] place-T-m to manifest., lacked [by]. the noble spirits. of [=for]. sekhem-power., [as] the belly (khat,south). [by] place-T to veil (h’apt). the cemetary below (vesica south). [of] the place-T of adam-within. [for] this (to connect to). place (-T). [for] hail of the beautified-soul.;
the noble primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
the lights of the (emerald) uatch sceptre (uatchu). [by] the eleventh. (-T) filled. Áat.;
owner: eden
probable location: (crossing) the double door as both tiles, Ramayana bridge [pic 8] remark: tricky, see below,

region X (E)

Forever. existence. [by] me. [for] the noble spirits. existence. this. to give., [by means of] me. the word (eden’s). this. to snatch away (neh’em)., [in order for] these. gods. this. speech and nature (matrix, kher). [of] existence (matrix). [for] to come hail as advanced beautified-soul.;
[by] the divine he Neh’ebkau (‘to yoke forever with Ka-doubles’). [for] Nut (torus dome). [as] the Ka spirit-double bull.; 7] [through] the Nãu-serpent (eden willpower). [of] place-T of the watercourse. [for] existence (matrix). [as] one (tu). to become sacred (tcheser). [as] my. head in the dimensional background of saturn (h’a tep). [for] Nebh’et (chalice). [namely by] my. head. Isis (ruling throne of adamite soul). [through] offerings [weights/of split-off/word] (ut’entu). existence (eden’s). [as] one (tu). to mutilate (h’esq,saturn). [in order for] the lights to make speech connect to existence as the god (senther)., [of] existence (matrix). [as] one (tu). selected [pieces of meat] (sethep). [by] the myrrh (ãnt). [of] existence (eden’s). [as] one (tu). to seize (shet)., [in order] to become \\the god (neter). [as] the falcon (horus-bird,bák). [which] I am.;

my. [place-T] shadow [wheel?] (khaibt?). of [=as]. one (tu). sekhem-power., [for] existence (eden’s). [to be?] nót.;
5] [by] me. to become spirits. [by] the one (tu). place-T to carry-off. [for] existence (eden’s). [to be?] nót.;
this. speech for the an-face. [by] me. to halt. [for] speech. this (to connect to). the belly [south] (khat). [in order for] the [an-] face (eden’s). this. willpower. of [=for]. to give.;
[in order for] the divine existences to make (via ad.soul). [as] the Áat. [of] the words of adam-within.; [by means of] the land (eden). [own] speech. their (ad.souls). place-T to guard (saat)., lacking. their (ad.souls). doubled-eye [double-tile]. [for] things of Sight.; [and so] the [an-] face (eden’s). [of] things of foulness (mixed word). 3] [fór] the words of the mimicked-cube north [of saturn] (h’enemnemu). to become to flourish (uatch). [of] most-b-s-adam-like adam-within.;
[for] the [place-T] shadow [wheel?] (khaibt). of [=as]. place-T-m of sekhem-power (sekhemt). [for] the noble spirits., [by] the doubled-place-T to carry-off. [through] the divine (word of) the shoulder (qãh’u). [by] which is. this. place. [of] hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
the realm-garment by m-b-soul-adam to beat (qeni+). [in,by] the land place-T-e of the thigh (uãr-t). [of] the mouth (eden’s)., [for] the [an-] face (north). [of] ‘reality’. [as] (-T) the filled. thenth. Áat.;
owner: matrix
probable location: the torus as ‘wheel’, pic 4], perhaps even Milky Way wheel,
remark: below; the qãh-shoulder as red line in pic,

region IX (M)

the adamite soul’s. aspect-offerings (in H’etep field). of [=for]. my. sekhem-power. [through] the adamite soul. within.;
9] [as] the words of breath-air (nefu). [by] me. to make to breathe (ssen). [and through] the doors [of the pillar, lit. through] (glyph). [for] existence (matrix). [as] one (tu). to become new (un).;
[as] the place \\[of] Ákes (ad.soul+K-axis of hail). of [=for]. me. to enter (ãq). [for] to manifest (per)., [and] thou. the words to follow (shemsu). [in order] of [=for]. existence to become new (matrix, unn).;
8] [as] speech. [for] thou. speech and nature (kher). [of] existence (matrix). [for] to come hail as advanced beautified-soul.; [by means of] the divine he the egg (suh’t). \\[of] adam-within. [for] to become \\the noble (sheps). this. god. [namely] thou. anunna-face. [for] protection of hail (netch+).;
to become the great [pillar]. [for] the images [to make] (áru)., 7] [by means of] the mutilated eden light (Hru). the [an-] face (eden’s). to open (up). [in order for] the adamite soul. within. to approach (teken). [for] to complete (tem). the words for place-T to desire (mertu). [for] existence. [and by] the adamite soul. within., existence to become new (unn).;
[namely by] the speech. [of] place-T of the adamite soul. he. existence (matrix). to make., [as] the divine he the egg (suh’t).\\[of] adam-within.; [and by] the speech. [of] place-T of the adamite soul. he. existence. to make. [as] the mouth. [by] the words of the nostril (fent’u+). [for] the speech. [in order] the place-T of the the adamite throne to destroy (h’ástem-t).;

[and so] the adamite soul. [for] the words of the air-breath (nefu). [as] words of hail (áu). [through] the flame to make of place T-m devouring the aspects brought by the split-off Watercoursea (setcht). of [=by]. the adamite soul. to open (un). (?,=dangerous).; to become. the noble spirits’. speech., [by] he. place-T to terrorize (h’erit). [in order for] the gods (matrix). [of] existence (matrix). he. to fear. [and so] to be given.
[as?] the divine he the egg (suh’t).\\ [of] adam-within. [for] to become\\noble. [as] this. god.;
[by means of] the [an-] face (eden’s). to open up (up). [in order for] the adamite soul’s. speech. [as] words of m-b-soul-adam to enter (ãqiuu). [for] place-T-m to manifest (pert).; [and so] lacking [for]. the adamite soul. existence. [by] the speech. to know (rekh). [fór] the speech. [of] the noble spirits.; [and] the adamite soul. existence (matrix). to fear (sent’)., [because of] the gods. speech. [by] place-T of mystery (sheta-t). [as] this (m-b-soul-adam/word/to connect to). the place \\of Ákes (on K-axis). [for] hail of the beautified-soul.;
the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
[by] he. place-T to carry-off. [for sight,glyph]. [to?] the place \\[of] Ákes. [for] the lights by place-T by the beating-place (qenát+, q-axis). [as] the ninth. Áat.;

owner: matrix
probable location: the egg as Utcha-eye region on K-axis, pic 11],
remark: as the copied upper lampstand area, but placed on K-axis;

region VIII (M)

[place-T of] the Northland (meh’tt+landglyph). [for] the house of the horizon (áakhet). [of] existence. [for] the word to guide. am I.;
8] [by] me. within., existences to make (via ad.souls). [through] the words of place-T to desire (mertu). [of] the destroyed adamite throne (h’ástem). [of] existence (eden’s). [as] the doubled-place-T as the continuous slaughterhouse (uHemtt, hebrew-H, instead of nemmt!). [for] the speech., [and so by] me. the one. place-T to carry-off. [in order for?] existence (eden’s). [to be?] nót.;
the divine every kind [of]. [for] all [of]. existence Matrix). [by] me. [as] the mighty things (shefsheftu). to give. speech. [as] the word of hail., [in order for] the divine things to build. [and] to make wealth (via ad.soul) (s-khut’)., [and through] the opened word-inside. to divinely complete. existence (matrix)., [by means of] the land (eden’s, south). [as] the posessions below (khertu). [and so by] me. existence to bring (matrix,ánn).;
to become. [by] the adamite soul. to be founded (ger). nót.;
[but through] place-T of the thigh-land [eden’s] (uãr-t+). [for] the dome of speech for the an-face. 5] [as] this. son of speech by the opened word-inside (nuru, ‘vulture’). [which] I am.;
[in order for] the adamite soul. within. to approach (teken). [and so] to complete (tem). the words of place-T desired (mertu). [for] existence (matrix). \\[by] the adamite soul. to guard., [as] he. who is. [for] he. the existence (matrix). [of] speech. [as] the divine peace (of saturn).;
4] [by means of] to descend hebrew-H. [to become] the high exalted [place] (khemenu; qa). [of] the adamite soul. within., [as] the god. [of] the word of hail. [through] the adamite soul. [as] the things of hebrew-H for the torus-region (HemHemtu). [of] existence (matrix)., [by] to become the high exalted [place]. [of] existence (matrix). [and] the adamite soul. to fear (sent’). existence (matrix). [as] great speech., 3] [of] existence (matrix).; [as] the adamite soul. [in] the dimension. [of] adam-within (switched). of [=as]. the one (tu). sekhem-power.;
having lacked. the dimension. [as] the one. [of] the opened word-inside., [now] to become place-T of the great pillar. [as] the place-T for great speech. [for] this (m-b-soul-adam/word/to connect to). peace (of saturn, h’etep). [by] descended hebrew-H (cube). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;

the peace (of saturn,h’etep). [by] to descend hebrew-H. [to] the high-place (glyph). [as] the weaving-pole (glyph), [for] the lights of (the emerald) uatch sceptre (uatchu). [as] this eight. Áat.;
owner: matrix
probable location: the high place as Khemenu-mountain, pic 5], as Meru in Ramayana
remark: below

region VII (M)

the Lynx god Maft’t [the claw to the centre-post of lampstand]. [for] existence of hail.;
[for] thou. the head (eden’s). to mutilate (h’esq). [as] my. protection (khu). [in order for] the intestine to tie together [solarplane] (glyphs).[through?] the serpent for the adamite soul as saturn the serpent (?,tcheh’es, note). [for] existence (matrix). [namely] he. the Ka spirit-double. [for] to overthrow (kher). [for?] the cavern [wheel?] (baabaa+circle). of [=as?]. thou.\\two \\lips [vesica] (septu). [in order for] the land (eden’s). of [=for]. thou. [as] the essences of place-T-e to wander-astray (shemmt).;
[the cube dome] to sleep to death (setcher=sky). [by means of?] me. within., [and so for] thou. the seed of place-T [likely as Soma] (mtut). [for] the impotent [solarplane] (betesh). thou. [by?] the bones (qesu,q-axis). to break (set’). \\[of] he. the doubled-eye. of [=for]. the sight [of the solarplane] (geba).;
[through] he. the mouth (eden’s). of [=for]. to sting (peseh’). [as?] the place of á-ss (doubled-adamite soul for hail). \\[of] adam-within. [and so as?] the Rerek-serpent (eden-speech+k-axis). [as] thou. head in the hidden background of Saturn (h’a tep). to make existences (via ad.soul). [for] to become spirits.;
4] [and] of [=by]. the destroyed throne of adamite (h’ástem). [for] the noble spirits., of [=by]. he. the ãnkh-life. [as] he. the backbone (pest’). [for] existence. [of] totality [144,000] (au)., of [=as]. the seven. shoulders. [of] the prisoner’s tongue (nes-su). [for] he. existence (matrix). [of] speech.; [namely by] the serpent Rerek., [as] he. within. the serpent stealing totality for saturn (h’efau).; [in order] to become. the flame to make place-T devouring the aspects the Watercourse brings (setcht). of [=by]. he. the flame of the eternal house of God (HeH).;
to become. the Sight. [of] speech. far from the watercourse] (h’er+axis)., [through] this. place of á-ss. [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
[by] the rerek serpent. [as] weaving-pole (glyph). [from?] the mountain. [for] the lights of the (emerald) uatch sceptre (uatchu). [in] the seventh. Áat.

owner: matrix
probable location: Rerek flame, pic 2],
remark: tricky; it appears Maft’ slams the four flames of centre-pole,
perhaps to let them turn to the k-axis [instead of the q], where RRK is
related to “rotating lights”, forming the tongue of fire NES,

region VI (M)

this (to connect to). place-T of adam-within. [fór] aspects-offerings (to H’etep). of [=as]. my. ãnkh-life (vampiring). [by] me. inversed (sa).; of [=by] (means of). the horus-spirits the m-b-soul-adam to fire-drill. [in order?] one to come (tu). [namely] existence (eden’s). nót.;
me. within. the serpent Sepa (Osiris as chakra-construct, kept together by sorcery). [as] the sekhem-power., [for] existence (eden’s). [to be?] nót.;
these (to connect to). portions (pequ, q-axis+root-+circle). [for?] the eye. [as] speech. [for] existence. to come hail as advanced beautified soul.; [by means of] this (to connect to). \\adam-within. [as] the divine olden great speech. [for] existence (matrix)., [through] the workplace (ás). [to become] the image of place-T the word for place-T-m (tut). [and so by] me. the words to repulse. of [=for]. this. headcloth [wide+eden willpower] (ãfent). to strip naked (kefa). [in order for] this (to connect to) [an-] face (north). to open [and become new] (un, matrix).;
[by] this (to connect to). adam-within. [for] the gods. [as] Sight (maa). [of] speech., [and so for] existence. to come hail as the advanced beautified soul., [by means of] this (m-b-soul-adam/word/to connect to). Saturn’s house of the ámm tree (ámm-h’et). connected to. the anunna-face (north). [of] protection of hail (netch).;
[by] he. existence. [of] speech. [as] the serpent Sepa (see above). \\[of] adam-within. [as] the god.; [in order for] the words to die (eden’s). [being] the speech. [of] calamity (eden’s; qesent = q-axis)., [and for] the spirits. speech. to become place-T of mystery (shetat). [for] the gods. [of] speech., [by] to become the sacred place-T. [as] this (m-b-soul-adam/word/to connect to). house of saturn’s ámm-tree (see above). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
the lights of the (emerald) uatch sceptre (uatchu). [by] the sixth. Áat.;
owner: matrix
probable location: the ámm-tree, pic 1], also ámm-h’et (house of saturn)
remark: the ‘headcloth’ must be related to ‘four’ (ft’t) of the lampstand pole; see below,

region V (E)

the land of adam-within. [as] the place-T of the serpent (tch-t). of [=for]. existence (matrix)., [by means of] he. to overthrow (kher). [namely] this. light (eden’s). of [=for]. my. place-T of he for the kh-house (kheft). [as] he. the mouth., [through] he. \\[by] place-T to be devoured (nesebt,solarplane+tongue). [in order for] all. to die. [for] all [of]. the god. [of] speech of hail.;

Thoth. to follow (shems). of [=by]. me. the willpower (eden’s). [of] place-T below (kher-t). [as?] Horus. eye. [of] existence (eden’s). to revolve (t’eben,solarplane).; to become. the place-T for all (nebt). [as] the light for the completion of the solarplane (h’eb festival)., which is. [by?] the 1/4th moon(month) [half?]. [for] to become the equilibrium \\[for] the (place-T) of the phallus (met\\+) (inversed pillar). [of] existence (matrix)., [in order] to complete the solarplane. [by] the month. to make. [which] I am.;

5] [by] me. to become spirits. of [=as]. my. ãnkh-life.;
[to be] divine spirits. [for] every. noble spirit. [as] Osiris. existence of hail.;
this. to become (by) the doubled-hand (executive place) by decree of law (uchut’t’u+). to become place-T of beauty (nefer-t). [for] the West., 4] [as] the speech. [through] me. to come the root P to the kh-house (khep+walk). [for] this (to connect to). speech for the an-face.; [by means of] me. place-T-e to halt. [for] the speech (matrix). [as] these (to connect to). things of the Watercourse (eden’s). [in order for] existence (matrix). to open [and become new] (un). [for] the noble spirits. who are. [by] this (m-b-soul-adam/word/to connect to). Áat. [for] hail of the beautified-soul.;
The helpless allies of Apep (neniu; word/m-b-s of eden’s realm; four cherubs?). shadow(s) (perhaps ‘wheel’). of [=for]. existences to make. [of] ãnkh-life (vampiring).;
[and so] existences to make. [by] the doubled lower half of the body [cube] (khept’u+ii) of [=as]. the seven. shoulders., of [=by] (means of?). the original adamite soul. [of] adam-within. [for] the noble spirits’. word of hail (áu). [namely as] the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face. to stop. the lacking. [of] the noble spirits. who are. [by] this (m-b-soul-adam/word/to connect to). Áat.;
the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
the lights of the (emerald) uatch sceptre (uatchu). [by] the fifth. Áat.;

owner: eden
probable location: the cherub wheel, pic 3] remark: see for similar wheel-problem áat X; extensive notes below,

region IV (M)

the land. head (main-land) (eden). [for] thou. speech. this. to become the things of the doubled-hand by decree by law. [by] the cord (to?) place-T of the Ánt-ravine (*pic). of [=for]. thou. word of hail.;
[and] existence. to connect to. the sky of earth. 10] [by] me. to revolve (t’eben, solarplane). the darkness (mãsherRu). of [=for]. existence (eden’s)., [by] he. the peace (of Saturn, h’etep).;
[namely as](glyph). [for] existence. [by means of] the Akeriu serpents (the Watchers!). 9] [through] me. the m-b-s word of watercourse to rob (ãuai). [in order for] existence (matrix). to come hail as advanced beautified-soul.; [and] to be mighty [as the doubled moment in time \\[for] place-T of eden’s backside] (peh’t\\+). [for] to support and rise the word (uthes). [by which] I am.;

willpower. of [=for]. \\thou. to be mighty [by doubled-moment etc]. [because] [for] thou. the speech (eden’s). [to] me. to wander-astray (eden).; [as] my. word for thou willpower by. he. the tile of the mountain (eden’s). [of] speech., [and so] \\[by] he. to be mighty [by doubled-moment etc].;
8] he. the belly (khat, south). [as] the [an-] face (eden’s). to wander-astray (eden related, shem).;
[in order for] this. noble spirit. this. realm-garment (áshest,likely). [for] within., [and so] to become a spirit., [by means of] me. the doubled-eye. existence. to give. [for] speech.; divine sorcery. I am.;

[by] me. to become healthy. [as] my. health. [for] thou. head. to dress in (h’ebs).; 6] [namely] eden’s masculine (thai,cherub). [which] I am.; thou. existence. [by] me. to unite (t’emt’). I am.;
thou. speech. [by] place-T of the Watercourse. [for] existence. [of] Sight (maa).; [by means of the boat (as constructs) to make place-T by blueprint (seqetnu). [through] sacrifice [in general; but eden] (maã). [for] thou. [by] to imprison [through tcherru-sky] (tcherá). [in order?] of [=for]. me. to stand upright (ãhã).;
[and this by] the cemetary below (top lampstand). of [=as]. the the words to die. [for] the noble spirits., [by] to mutilate (h’esq). of [=for]. he. [for] the ãnkh-life (vampire)., [in order for] he. to come to be anointed (sán). of [=by]. the seven. shoulders. 4]
[as] the prisoner’s tongue (nes-su). of [=for]. he. the existence. [of] speech.;
[as] the serpent of the doubled-knife shooting seed (sti/knives/serpent). [for] he. the speech for the an-face., [through] the serpent bringing totality to Saturn (H’efau).;
to become (áu). [by] his. width. of. thirty [and] twohundred. landmeasures (khet)., [and] his. length. of. threehundred. landmeasures (khet). [by] the prisoner’s tongue (nes-su). [as] he. the speech for the an-face.; 3] [by means of] the sky of earth. to hover-over (khennu, word for word-inside). the cemetary below (in top lampstand). \\[of] adam-within. [for] to become the great [pillar]. [in] the high exalted [place] (qa)., [through] this. tile of the mountain of evil. [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
[and] to become place-T of mystery (shetat). [as] the Áat. the head (main-áat). [of] the speech for the an-face. [for] hail of the beautified soul.; the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
[by]\\the word (eden’s). to become the great [pillar]. [through] the double-praised doubled-mountain (glyph). [as] the lights of the (emerald) uatch sceptre (uatchu). [by] the fourth. Áat.;

owner: matrix
probable location: pic 3] Seshat-flame, pic 10],
remark: difficult text, see note,

region III (E)

[from] Apep (double root of eden). of [=for]. Rã (glyph). to make to snatch away (s-neh’em). [from] the mouth. [of] existence (eden’s). the eternal fire of God’s house (HeH, in centre of tiles)., [in order] of [=for]. 5] the completed mankind (matrix; tem). the two lands (south,seperate). to connect to. to make ãnkh-life.;
[as] the divine word of spirits-light. [by] place T-e to open [the root] (up-t). [fór] the place-T-m of adam-within (ámi-t). [namely as] place-T-m of the red crown [eden aether] (t’esher-t). [of] great speech. [which] I am.;
Forever. existence. [as] Osiris (construct). [for] existence of hail.; [by means of] this. existence (eden’s). this (to connect to). to make. things for the doubled-hand by decree of law. [by] this. Áat.; [in order for] the dimension to make to purify (s-uãb). [1 lost?]. [and] this (to connect to). place-T of the Watercourse (eden’s). to become sacred (tcheser). [as] the land (eden) \\[for] existence’s root (\\pen, comp.word). of [=by]. this (to connect to). the [an-] face (north). [for] the noble spirits. who are. [by] this. Áat. [for] hail of the beautified-soul.;
the flame of the image (bes). which is. [by?] the flame of (place-T of) the áakhu-spirit. of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. flame of the tongue (nes+fire).; to become. [for] the noble spirits. [by] the below. adamite soul’s. word of hail. [as] the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face.; 2] [for] the boats to make to build [by blueprint] (sqt’nuu). [until now] lacked [by]. the noble spirits. who are. [by] this. Áat. [of] hail for the beautified-soul.;
the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
the noble spirits’. áat. [for] the lights of the (emerald) sceptre (uatchu). [by] the third. Áat.;

owner: eden
probable location: flame of the Watercourse inbetween the tiles, pic 7] remark: below

region II (E)

the divine easterners (horus-spirits). [namely] the Ba-spirit-souls (solarplane type spirits). [at] the side (ges,south). [of] speech (eden’s). the place-T of the adamite soul. to reap (asekh). \\[for] the speech of hail.;
14] [for] the totality (au). of [=as]. nine. shoulders [ennead]. [of] existence (matrix). [for] the noble spirits. [of] existence of hail.;
[fróm?] the six. shouders [3+3 on both sides]. of. he. the bearing-pole [centre-lampstand] (mautu).,
[from these?] to become (áu). thrée. shoulders [L/R]. of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. blossoms (of the word) to birth the intestine [as solarplane] (‘ears of corn’,khamesu).;

13] to become. the seven. shoulders. of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. grain\\[for] spelt [body] (glyph).;

to become. [by the óther] three. shoulders [L/R]. of. he. the bearing-pole [centre lampstand] (mautu).,
to become. two. shoulders. of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. blossoms to birth the intestine [as solarplane] (‘ears of corn’,khamesu).;

[the three and two together?] to become. five. shoulders. 12] of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. grain. [for] existence (matrix). [for] the high exalted [place] (*pic, khemenu mountain).; to become. Rã (glyph). who is. [by] this. Sekhet-Áaru (fields).;
[for] me. to know. my. word of hail. [as] he. within. Rã (glyph). [for] eden speech to manifest (perr).; [by] the divine place-T of the east. [for] all [of]. existence., [namely] this. Sba stargate. [of] speech. [for] Shu. to make the supports rising up (sethesu). [to] the [an-] face (north). 10] [in order for?] m-b-soul-adam-like to wander astray (shemi, adam-related). [for] existences to make (matrix). [as] the one (tu). [of] adam-within.;
[and so](glyph). [ás] the place-T of eden speech (for) to manifest (perrt). [as] lights of turquoise (mãfket). which is. [by?] these [two] (ápten). sycamore-trees [place-T-e of cube-H] (neHtu).; (*diagram)
[for] me. to know. my. word of hail., [namely as] Rã. [for] existence. [through] the boat-construct (*thes-dome, uáa)., [in order?] of [=for]. he. the existence (eden’s). [of] the passive one of very great speech (an eden star). [to be] nót.;

existence to ferry-over (matrix). I am.;
the boat-construct as place-T the Wormhole (t’ept). of [=for]. skins to make alike-adam (smiáu). [it’s] doorkeeper. am I.;
[by means of] the boat as place-T to ferry-over(khent). of [=for]. the words of breath-air (nefu). of [=as]. it. within. Rã (glyph). [in order for] the boat to build by blueprint. 7] [namely] the solarplane. [for] the sons.;
[and through] the mouth (eden’s). [for] the dimension of [place-T of] the opened word inside (nut). of [=bý]. he. the land (eden’s) \\[for] place-T to be filled (meh’-t\\land). [as?] the sons’-place as the Kha-lotus (?) (kharu).; [by means of] the soulpool-land (lower tile). of [=as]. he. the land \\[by] the south (eden’s). \\[by] which is. the sky of earth. \\[by] the East. of [=as]. he (sky?). within. Rã (glyph).;
[and by] to come the word (eden’s). [for] eden speech to manifest (perr). [in] the Sekhet-Áaru (fields). [of] existence (matrix). [as?] the torso (áb). [for] the speech for the an-face. [through?] the Sba-stargate.;
[for] me. to know. my. word of hail., [namely by] the divine doubled house \\ [of] the house of the horizon. [as] Horus’. side (ges, north). [of] speech.; [by means of] place-T of the adamite soul. to reap (asekh). [as] all. within. the “One” (top lampstand). [for] existence (matrix). [for] the totality (au). of [=as]. nine. shoulders. [of] existence. [for] the noble spirits. [as] existence of hail.;
[from?] the four. shoulders. of. the bearing-pole [centre-four?].,
4] to become. [from them four?] three. shoulders. of [as]. the adamite soul’s. blossoms to birth the intestine [solarplane] (‘ears of corn’,khamesu)., (KV9 pic)
to become. [in total?] the seven. shoulders. of [=as]. the adamite soul. grain \\[for] spelt.,

[and] to become. [from?] the three. shoulders [L/R]. of. he. the bearing-pole [centre lampstand].,
to become. two. shoulders. of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. blossoms to birth the intestine (‘ears of corn’,khamesu).,
to become. [in total?] five. shoulders. of [=as]. the adamite soul’s. grain. [for] existence. [in?] the high exalted [place]. (qa, north).; [who are] to become. the character of iron [solarplane energies] (báa). of [=by] (means of?). the adamite soul. [in] the walled fortresses (glyph). [of] the Sekhet-áaru (fields). [for] hail for the beautified-soul.;
Sekhet-áaru. [existing] of [=by]. the posessions below (khertu). [for] great speech. [which] I am.;
the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.;
the doubled house \\ [of] the house of the horizon. [of] Horus., [as] Rã. [by means of] the adamite soul. within. the god. [for] the lights of the (emerald) sceptre (uatchu). [by] the second. Áat.;

owner: eden, but connected to
probable location: two neHt trees for Rã, pic 9],
both Neht-trees as electrodes forming Rã as ‘hotspot’ inbetween them;
remark: we tried over and over again the usual ‘cubits’ (as Remen shoulder-glyph),
but the text refused to make sense, eventhough it seemed ‘logical’ to connect the term “cubits” to “the height of corn-stalks” etc —
until we tried “shoulder” (same arm-glyph), and we feel this is the right context,
combined with the theme of two “sycamore trees”; we do not understand (yet)
the combinations he describes, but it is clear that some “intertwining” is going on

region I (M)

to build (glyph). the divine Menu áat (corner-fortress). [for] the gods. of [=as]. thou. rule (heq,to sorcery heka).;
[as] the balance (beqsu, prisoner Cain+olive tree beq). [in order] to make stability (smen). [by] the double treshfloor (sep). to become filled (meh’+). [for] he. Neh’ebkau (to yoke forever with Ka-spirit-doubles). 5] [as] my. head. [of] existence. to make stability. [in order for] to divinely complete (Tem). the crown of place-T of great eden speech [top lampstand] (urrt). [for] he. to make stable. my. bones (qesu). [and] of [=by]. he. to make by blueprint. the torso. [for] all [of]. [transition-glyph,áh’i]. [and so by] me. existence. to bring (ánn, matrix).;

[by] me. the things for place-T-m of willpower (?,ãttu). [in order for] he. to make stable. my. bones. [by means of] he. to tie together (thes). this. \\adam-within. [as] the divine olden great speech. [for] existence (matrix).;
[through] the Workplace (ás,south). the image of place-T for place-T-m (tut). [in order for] me. the words to repulse (khesefu). of [=for]. this. head-cloth [willpower of eden’s head] (ãfentu). to strip (kefau). [for] the blossoms of speech of the adamite soul [top lampstand]. the head (main-blossoms). [by means of] the aspects of the adamite soul to encircle (shens+cake)., [in order] of [=for]. the adamite soul. [to be] within. the one (tu). [for] the ãnkh-life. [of] the West (áment). which is. [by] this. Áat.;
the true voice of the primeval child. [etc]. to recite.:
the lights for the (emerald) sceptre (uatchu). [by] the first. Áat.;

owner: matrix
probable location: the menu amen corner, pic 6],
remark: below; the ‘cake form’ (dotted) encompasses the blossoms of lampstand,

——— end BD CXLIX