PT 605

PT 610

PT 610
1682b] place-T to fill [the north] (mh’t). [of] he. the eye. of [=as]. place-T of the north SH-pool.
[by] he (pool north). the eye. [for] Horus. existence. to fill (mh’).,
1682a] [in order for] Osiris [as construct]. [by] he the place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [for] existence (matrix)., [as] Horus’. word. to connect to. place-T of the hand [eden’s] (t’-t). [of] the word/speech. alike-adam (miá).;
[and so for] N (candidate). [as] the place-T of hail (á-t). [for] existence (matrix). the word. to connect to. [hail]. [through] the hand (eden’s).+
1681b] [of] Osiris [as construct]. [for] existence Matrix)., [as] Horus. existence. [bý] the hand (eden’s).,
[namely as] the lights of Sight by the uatch-sceptre through the imprisoned word of the Watercourse (ua-uatch+). thou. existence. to bring.;
1681a] [and as] the lights of Sight by the uatch-sceptre through the imprisoned word of the Watercourse (ua-uatch+). thou. existence to bring (ánn, matrix)., [as] existence (matrix). [of] the advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).,
[for] N (candidate). [through] place-T of hail (á-t).;
to recite.;
—— end PT 605