PT 275

PT 275

PT 275
416c] the place (-T) to seize [eden’s] (shet’). [of] adam-within.,
[for] the great speech. of [=for]. N (candidate). [by] [speech] to transform (kheper).;
416b] [namely through] the island. [of] speech. [for] within., [as] he. the garment place-T to make the hand (via ad.soul) (st’t+)., [and so] of [=for]. N (candidate). existence (matrix). to found (uah’).;
416a] [and] the island of the horizon (-T). [as] the lionmouth of the border-sky [of cube-H] (tcherR). [of] speech. N’s. existence to bring (matrix, ánn).,
[by means of] the double portal [to orbit] (khens). [for] N. to open [and become new] (matrix,un).;
415c] [in order for] existence of willpower of hail (áãn). [as] existence. [by] thou. the adamite soul for the solarplane (bes)., [as] the existence (matrix). [by means of] he. the dimensional backside [eden root] (peh’). speech. he. to birth. of [=for]. +
415b] N’s. speech., [namely as] the speech of hebrew-H (Her). this (to connect to). the triple-place-T in three houses of Saturn (glyph). [of] Horus.,
415a] [in order for] the horus-falcons (báku). this (to connect to). speech and nature (kher,matrix). [of] N’s. existence. [as] advanced-beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;
to recite.;
—-end PT 275