BD 99

real theme: mãkhent = the boat/ferrying fróm the sacred-innermost-place (eye south) the willpower-alike-adam";

 using imprisoned Cain as 'adams willpower' [because Adam is too dangerous?]  ; the relation between cain and "his mother";  and that of 'gold' and 'making a body'; see for Cain also CT spell **  
status: important themes
thou. advanced beautified-soul. thou willpower like [adam] (mãk). 32] ãnkh-life. of [=by]. to become the Ka-spirit-double for existence by Saturn (henk, 'offering'). [by?] Ãqan [Cain!]. existence. to make to wake up, to make to watch over (seres). his. head. Sight. the chief (khent). of [=by]. a cleaned thing? (t'urt, spelling?). to fly up. to sail north (khet'). of [=by]. aspects of Dew (from eden). 31] his. existence. [word] Eye. his. willpower like [adam] (mã). those who are nót (horus-spirits; unusual). existence. to give. his. willpower like [adam].  (cain gives that / is extracted from?) to become new (un). which is. to know. the place of founding (ger). below., to guide. the places. to become divine rule [of sorcery] (h'eq, to h'eka). 30] the ást garment-body (derivation of ãsht, multitude). [is] his speech for the beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit; árf, comp.). his. boat. [by,to?] the dome. existence. \\ the east (linked). that [his/root] (pef). side (ges). [of] speech. thou. firedrill-boat (tcha uáa). thou. to say. nót.;   (never mention it),
thou. advanced beautified-soul. thou. willpower like [adam]. ãnkh-life. of [=by]. to become the Ka-spirit-double for existence by Saturn (h'enk, 'offering'). [by?] Ãqan [cain]. 29] to make to wake up, make to watch over (seres). Maah'af [his protection in the hidden background of Saturn of Sight] (maah'af, 'a deity'). [as?] the thigh in Ursa Major (mast). [by] the willpower of Saturn (h'enã). this (m-b-s-adam/word/of root). shoulder (qãh – an axis). this (root). sorcery (h'ekau, saturn). thou speech for the beautified-soul (árk). \\ ascended (ãrt; linked, or: "as the Jaw", see next). to hasten to. the jaw (ãrtu, 'egyptians thought that the jaw existed of two parts'- dictionary). existence. existence to make to know? (serekh-n, impossible glyph). 28] to become (áu). the jaw (ãrtu, see above). thou. existence to make to know.   existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; 
to become equipped (ãper). [by] the Staff (of adam rule, tá). to become equipped. the beautified-soul. [for?] existence (inversed here?).; 
I, me. to be full (meh'). being filled with the most-beautified-soul-adam (meh'i; pun). willpower like [adam] (mã). [for] existence as beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
27] I [am]. advanced beautified-soul. thou. willpower like [adam]. ãnkh-life. of [=by]. to become the Ka-spirit-double of existence by Saturn (h'enk). [by?] Ãqan [cain]. to make to wake up, make to watch over (seres). Maah'af (see above). the boat of the mast standing upright (the pillar standing upright). he. food for the vultures [aspects] (tchefau). to fly up. to sail North (khet'). of [=by]. the food [aspects] (khefa; nót sh: = cain's aspects?). [for] thou. existence. 26]  ;
they (ad.souls). to make. their. the gods. existence. them, their. food [aspects] (khefa, see above). below. them,they (ad.souls). word to come. their. head-cloths [physical aspects] (ãfent, der. of Áf, adam). their. existence. the adamite soul. to give. speech. the divine mother (Mut; who?). their. existence. to discover (gem). their. prison-houses (khentu). these. gods. the pool of becoming a god? áter(u) pool?  (neter+pool). the place of the root of youth (comp.glyph). to become young by saturn's existence (h'unt). 25] to become lights,voids? (shutu, no det.). h'+tcha+s+egg=?. their (ad.souls). existence. to make. their. existence. to discover. the two lands. to become the sekhem-sceptre. Anibus (ánpu). the place of the horus-spirit's solarplane to grow (comp.glyph; 'growing solarplane'!). Menu (allah, etc). speech (and nature, kher). thou speech for the beautified-soul (árk). [by] to wander-astray (shem, adam-related). their (ad.souls). existence. [for?] thou. to make. properties of anóther (ketekhu). IÃh'Ã ['jah the great'; lit.: willpower/pillar/God's house/broad/by the most-b-soul-adam, so with hebrew-H; it must be a mutilation of God's Name IEUE – glyphs dont know the E, but a silent one). willpower. Horus. 24] existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; 
their (ad.souls). sufferings (gau). this (root). to guide. his speech fror the beautified-soul (árf). willpower like [adam] (mã). [for] existence of the beautified-soul.;
great speech. to become rule (h'eq). the chief (khent). existence for the beautified-soul.;
the adamite soul's. speech for anunna-face (vesica north). to stand upright, app,place (ãhã). his speech for the beautified-soul (árf). willpower like [adam]. [for] existence of the beautified-soul.;
the evil mountain (t'u, God's). existence. willpower (Ã). they (ad.souls). sons making stable (smenu). them (ad.souls). to cut (khes; relation?). speech. them, their (ad.souls). bulls (glyph). existence. 23] to sleep to death (setcheru; mult., the bulls). their. existence. thou. existence. to make. the possessions from anóther (ketekhu). [by?] the double-treshfloor (stripping ad.originals); vesica north+south).  small, little (netchest, from netch 'protection'= hostage). adam-within. their. rather great speech (urt). the double gate of rather great speech (composite glyph; unclear, therefore using 'rather' for URT, which isnt the same UR, 'great speech', nor 'very great speech of adam', URR'T; inserted note: possibly "feminine great speech", see below, UR+t). their (ad.souls). existence. thou. existence. to make. the properties of anóther. they. thou. the word dimension. 22] thou speech for the beautified-soul (árk). [stop?]
the truths (maãtu). their. backbones (pest'u). face/anunna-face. existence. to go/come the Thigh [in fields of Saturn] (khent'). the ást-garment-body. them. thou. to make. [by] 'a kind of seed' (setchitu; from flame in Eye south setcht). the dimension. I, my. existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
the opened word-inside (nu). anunna-face/face. existence. to manifest (per). to hasten. alike-adam (miá). the season. 21] thou. existence. to manifest. the one (tu).\\ to hasten (linked). alike-adam (miá). backwards (sa). of [=by]. thou. existence. advanced beautified-soul.;
season. \\ chief (khent, linked). every. light. his,it. darkness (gerh'). of [=by]. ãnkh-life. to fly up. to become complete (tem =an-face). his. existence. to fear (sent'). this (root). the thing hastening (ást). \\ to become complete (linked). eden's realm (nen). 20] his. existence. to fear (sent'). existence. this (root). sweet groth? (rut'+benr). his speech for the beautified-soul.;
the adamite soul. two lips/rim/edge/ (sepu). the season. first/head. existence (first existence?). the light. divine \\ gold (nubt; since a \\ it is Eden's gold? see note). the willpower of saturn (h'enã). Horus. existence. the foremost [adam] (nose-glyph). existence. the place of divine wisdom (sáa, but no wisdom-det.). of [=by]. to manifest (per). this (root). adamite soul. blossom of solarplane by imprisoned-word (uab). \\ the adamite soul ('by'? – linked). his speech for the beautified-soul (árk).;
19] the dome/domes (text unsure). divine guidance. of [=by]. the prisoner (su). thou. existence. to give. to promote (then). \\ the adamite soul (linked cause impossible). his speech for the beautified-soul.;
decree by law. H'emen (proto-Horus). willpower. [of] adam-within. [by!] this (m-b-s-adam/word/root). Nãu-serpents (word/of willpower/over existence; Heir-related). [as] his speech for the beautified-soul.;
 the adamite soul. cords of earth's moon? (áh'u; áh'= this moon). [lost]. 18] the opened thing (upt). to become the stability (ment). the adamite soul. anunna-face/face. ást-garment-body. face/anunna-face. [for] the speech of the beautified-soul.;
the prisoner. [to become] objects of bronze (sment, bronze = chakra). he-the-calf ('he'= set = adamite, but calf, beh', is saturn+solarplane; Horus the beh'est-calf is the illegal son of Eve). the phallus (pillar). the double-treshingfloor (south+north vesica). existence. to praise (h'a,flesh+saturn). to make. Beb [apollyon, abaddon] (proto-osiris). existence. this (m-b-s-adam/word/of root). the phallus of saturn's existence (h'enn; pillar?). his speech for the beautified-soul.;
Thou. existence. to bring. 17] the adamite soul. fieldmeasure-fieldmeasure / branch-branch (2 x khet; mistake?). to become something new (unt). breath-air (nefu). this. sky of earth. covering of tesher-blood (aspects of original adamite). the wing (t'eneh'u; to: ape). of [=by]. the adamite soul. to become (áu). the ást-garment-body. of [=by]. his speech for the beautified-soul. to become. within. to approach (netek). the house of the solarplane (bu). speech. \\ adamite soul (linked). he. to guide (scroll). the prisoner. forepart, front [of body] (hát, see other BD's). speech. words to give speech (ret'u, comp.,rel to 'legs'). 16] the mother (mut,?). [of?] willpower like [adam] (mã). his. offering (ãb, geom.tree of life,vesica south). [stop?]
Qebh'senf, Tuamutf, H'api (three sons of horus — why not 4th?)
his-self (tchesef). Set (fallen-adam-construct). existence. the adamite soul. the grain (glyph; adamite). willpower of saturn (h'enã). the gods. beauty (nefer). willpower of saturn. existence. thou. existence. to bring (án). willpower like [adam]. the adamite soul. thou. existence. his speech for the beautified-soul. 15] to bring. thou. advanced beautified-soul.;    
the word. thou. willpower like [adam]. ãnkh-life. of [=by]. to become the ka-spirit-double for existence by Saturn (h'enk). the physical flesh (h'a, saturn). existence. to wake up, watch over (res). them,their (ad.souls). protection in the hidden background of saturn (h'a-tep). Sight (maa).\\ the adamite soul (linked). he. to [be] shepherd. to become wide. of [=by]. thou. to become the ka-double of existence by saturn (h'enk). the divine \\ strider? ( nemt-bull-cluster, context unsure still). existence. the adamite soul (poss. senemt?). [by?] this (root). stake of torture? (set'eb, solarplane, no det.). \\ the adamite soul (linked; 'for'?). 14] [for?] thou. speech. to brin (án).\\ [by?] the adamite soul (linked). to shepherd. which is. to battle.\\[by?] the chief (khent; linked). [for] existence of the beautified-soul.;
this. t'ept-boat [head]. thou. existence. he,it. to become the doorkeeper (ár). willpower like [adam] (mã). [for] existence of beautified-soul.;
thou (must be 'my'?). advanced beautified-soul. the word of thou willpower like [adam] (mãku). ãnkh-life. of [=by]. to become the ka-double of existence by Saturn (h'enk). Ãqan [cain]. 13] existence. to wake up, to watch over (ser here).his. protection in hidden background of Saturn (há-tep). [of] Sight (maa). he. to make true voice (s-maã-kheru). the Eye. Horus. [for] existence of the beautified-soul.\\ the adamite soul (linked). to guide. speech of the beautified-soul.; 
[skipped-small repeats] 
[by] (the deity) Khenem (to unite,to build). to become the union (t'emt', Tuat). his. existence. to bring. the ást-garment-body. [by?] Ãqan [cain]. to make to wake up, make to watch over (seres). my. advanced beautified-soul. [by,having] thou. willpower like [adam].;
8] [by] Ãqan [cain]. to make. to make to wake up,watch over (seres). he (the). protection in the hidden background of Saturn (h'a-tep). [of] Sight. to yoke for eternity [by] (neh'eh', saturn).;
Forever. the land. of [=by]. the adamite soul. to be destroyed. nót.;
[and] the adamite soul. to ruin [it]. nót.;
this. his. Eye. existence. the voices [from below] (kheru). 7] to become decree by law. this. existence. [by] his. existence (eden's). to make. to command (met'u). decree by law. this. existence. [by] his. existence. to make. his. hand (t'et; 'doing', as "by his own hand"?). to support and rise (uthes). his. head. existence. to support and rise. the ást-garment-body. thou. to make. thou. firedrill-boat (tcha-uáa, still unclear concept). [to,from,to be?] the dome. 6] existence.\\ east (linked, see note). side (ges). the way (axis, Watercourse). that [his/root] (pef). speech. thou. to say. nót.; (don't mention never)
 the true voice [from below] (maã-kheru; made from Eve, the word in the Eye!, the word/from below/by sacrifice). it. to rise and shine (uben). the beauty (nefer). to rule with adam-within (comp.glyph; khen-ámi). i,my. thou. advanced beautified-soul. thou. willpower like [adam]. ãnkh-life.; 
[repeats – skipped ] 
5] Ãqen [cain]. existence. to make to wake up (seres). his,he (the). protection in hidden background of Saturn (h'a-tep). [of] Sight. [by?] to sleep to death (setcher). the father (tef, context is cain). to make to wake up. me,my. rather great speech (URT, or 'female great speech'??, see next). his. mother (Mut; female speech of his mother = his is cain, 'his mother' is Eve! ). existence. the word to desire? (mer = to desire; merru, RR is usually "eden's speech")., [by] his, he (the). father (tef). 4] existence. [of] my. advanced beautified-soul.; 
2] Set. willpower like [adam]. the adamite soul. the pupil (thet, side of north vesica). words of beautified-soul in saturns hidden background (h'aáu). [in,by,as?] the dome. existence.\\ east (linked). that [his/root] (pef). side (ges). of [=by]. the defeated foe/overthrow (kher). [in?] Horus. Eye (south). to select [choice meat] (sethep). existence. the testicles of he below (= willpower). 2] existence.;
Set. to bring (án). his, he (the). Eye. existence. Horus. existence. to bring. the opened word-inside. existence. to bring. [by] the divine Mãkhent-boat (see title). [for] hail of the beautified-soul.; 
the true voice [from below]. he. to rise and shine (uben, solarplane). the beauty. [of] to rule by adam-within (khen-ámi, comp.). [for] existence of the beautified-soul., to recite.:
the Mãkhent-boat. [is] the bringer (ánt). [of] existence (matrix). [by] the mouth (north vesica, speaking creation).;