CT 131

CT 131 II 152

c] place-T of all. [for] the divine ones (glyph).,
[by means of] place-T-eden to die (shared-root) (mt-t). [in order for] the willpower. of [=as]. place-T of all (=for everything?).,
[being] the doubled-divine-place-T for speech as the god (ntr-rt+). [by] willpower (eden’s). of [=for]. to snatch-away.;

b] [as] the word \\ [of] willpower. [for] the [an-] face. [for?] all. my. divine ones. the T’miá-land (land alike-adam by new-hand).,
[and by?] place-T of all. [for] the divine ones. [as?] place-T for the desired speech for the M-realm (mert).,
[as?] my. divine mother (-T). [for?] my. divine he place-T (of hail) (‘father’).;

a] [and so for] my. divine ones. the word for the word-inside for existence to copy (snnnuu).,
[on order for] the divine ones (the word) to birth (or ‘divine children’).,
my. divine ones. [by] place-T of the abzu (ab-t)., [as] my. existence. [by] the cord at place-T-eden to un-tie (sfkht+).;

II 151
f] [and so] place-T to give. [for] speech.,

[in order for] the hereditary gods [by place-T] (rpàt+). (to live in?) Geb (land on cube)., [as] existence. [by] the new-hand of the s-hand (tch-t’).,
to become (áu). +
e] [by] place-T of the west. [for] all [of]. Osiris (as construct).,
[through] the double shoulder (rmen). [for] the [an-] face (north).,
[and by?] place-T of great speech. [at?] Isis (new adamite-throne, as new-hand).,
[by] which is. to become place-T of the word-inside to elevate [in rank] (thn-nuu+).,
[as?] willpower. of [=by?]. the divine Set-dog (tile). existence. (to become) the image (áru). [by?] willpower. of [=for]. to snatch-away.;
d] b, a, repeat;

c] [for] the hereditary gods (rpã). Geb (to live in?)., [as] existence. [by] to become the serpent-hand of the word by decree of law.,
to become (áu). +
b] Sekhet Áaru (fields north). [by?] all [of]. the olden. great pillar.[of?] Horus.;

a] [and so,by] the cemetary below (eden gate). of [=for]. he. the by me owned adamite-soul.,
[by] which are. the divine ones. [by] place-T of the abzu (ab-t). [as] place-T to give. speech.,
[namely as?] the divine ones. [by] place-T of the abzu (ab-t). [for] the [an-] face (north).,
[by?] to become the serpent-hand for the word by decree of law. [as?] place-T of the khetem seal-ring.;

———- end CT 131

A] notes:

  • – line c] Horus,
    the above pictured column with Horus on top,
    is said to be the regular heading of royal decrees;
    as “Horus the Great and Mighty, Lord of the Fields of Rushes”.

  • The old-figure glyph can be literal SEMSU as well, “firstborn”,
    “Sekhet Áaru. [as] all. [of] the firstborn. [by] the great pillar. [of] Horus.”,
    you see however that it is not easy to distill one meaning from this line,
    since when it is a royal-decree line, it must make sense in that context as well –
    “Sekhet Áaru. [for] all [of]. the first-borns (egyptians). [by] the great pillar. [of] Horus”,
    yet the dots implying multiple are lacking. The olden one can also be NEKH-,
    in the ‘power’ cluster;
    “Sekhet Áaru. [as] all [of] the power of olden. [by] the great pillar. [of] Horus.”, etc.


the column with Horus goes into nr. 90 in the drawing to left above [and repeated here, right]; a curious figure which however does not provide many clues. The sigil in it’s centre is said to be UBA, to right, [but so close to H’EM that it is often confused with it, see pic], but perhaps “outer court” can provide a clue, or “the mouth (eden gate) \\ by the tool of the solarplane for the word”, or whatever this tool-like glyph may be.

Also UBAIT “to become place-T of m-b-soul-adam for the Ba-spirit
of the solarplane for the word”, close to ABBAIT, Appolyon (locust); the cluster turning into UBEN “(light) to rise”. The context suggests that this is about “creating a region above eden”, as the [later] “outer-court” (see diagrams), and that inside this region is created a dimensional angle, compare the drawing with the two poles sideways, but also the Horus column, where above the cross are horizontal sections, while below vertical sections are depicted.

Perhaps the horizontal fork in the drawing is related to “the double shoulder”
in line E? It is very difficult for us to find a workable projection of how the dimensional
angles could look like; and though we know that, at least, an axis exists
under a slant [which we call k-axis], the presented “90 degree theme”
creates many problems.

In tuat X, to right, the serpent on 4 legs we thought to have stand upon the
four cherub-poles (as extension), and indeed the heads turn sideways;
yet it refuses to supply a workable concept for us.
We know that our left is their ‘east’ and rightside is their ‘west’; but unless
some revelation we will be stuck with this 90 (or less) problem.


a Sumerian term, but with the same meaning;
Enki and the Abzu stardoor basrelief being the same as Azazel locked
into the cauldron (Henoch), where Azazel is Apollo,
which in turn in glyphs is Abbait.
In textglyph to right as the divine ones, and the AB (the needle),
presumably the AB is very old, as pre-eden.
Perhaps they needed the stepup in glyphs to get from BA to AB;
as BA+U (u-ba), then drop the suffix for AB.
The text says that the place-T of the Abzu comes by un-tying T-eden,
and combined with previous notions of ‘to rise’, this spell must be about
the start of the inbetween-region termed ‘Abzu’ (or ‘outer-court’);

Revelation tells “the outer court will be given to the heathens a while”;
the word used refers to the horus-spirits and alike,
to whom will remain a certain section of that outer court, as their prison,
during the Interval of the ‘1000 years’;


B] notes:
  • many concepts together, and the causal reasoning is unclear;
    until now we keep it that the new-hand is for everything related to ‘speech’,
    while the serpent-hand is responsible for everything related to ‘their word’;
  • – “place_ to give for speech” is the same as “place-T of the abzu”
    which is Isis, which is the new-hand, which is “the doubled place-T of speech as the god”,
    which is the T’emiá land,
  • – but for Geb the word still needs to be inversed:
    linking Geb to the serpenthand (line E),
    which is also the place of the seal-ring (diagrams) per last line?