the gods. [of] willpower like [adam] (mã). of [=by]. the one (tu). he. values (áp). Horus. thou speech for the beautified-soul (árk, one word). to stand upright (ãhã). [as] completion (temt). [by?] existence (eden's). nót.; (eden is not)
the gods. \\ [of] adam-within. Rã (glyph). i,me. within. existence (eden's). becoming new (unn). nót.; [?]
[but] within. existence becoming new (matrix)..he. becomes complete. [in] his. day (Hru,hebrew-H, north?). [as,by?] Osiris. existence. to know (rekh). áment/the West. [of] adam-within. [by] eden's realm (nen). [for] this [root of most-beautified-soul,adam] (pui). Osiris.;
i am. [as] the gods. [by] the divine father (átef, form of Adam's staff, tá). [which?] Rã. opened up (upt). of [=by]. ornaments (khakeru). to become a spirit. [by?] Horus'. Eye (south). [by] seizing (shet'). the god. [in] Horus'. Eye., [ and by] the excellence (áqer). [of] Thoth. the head (of adam). to seal up (khetem). [in] the place of the stolen word inside for existence to become new (unnu, one word). [for] the word of existence becoming new.;
Osiris Áni (this scribe). existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). recites.:
the light (glyph). of [=by]. áment/the West. [is?] to become the ba-soul-spirit by? the chakra-tool (h'embaa). [for] existence. by] the mouth (north vesica, speaking creation).