the doubled-light of saturn (h’etchh’etch+). [through] the place-T-m of the prisoner (=sut,Cain). to become. the dark word of doubled-k (kku+). [for] existence (eden’s). to destroy (=sek)., [in order for] speech and nature (kher). [of] existence (matrix). [for] to come hail as advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;

to become (áu). [by means of] the darkness (kk,matrix). to go seize (sht’;eden). the doubled-word-inside the woman [rev-woman] (=h’emnunu). [which] I am [!]; [in order for] to double-transfer (khbkhb). the word of hail. [by] the original adamite soul’s speech for the an-face (eden’s). this (tn). to listen to. [namely to] the speech. [of] mé. [having] most-b-soul-adam-like willpower of speech. [being now of] existence (eden’s). nót.;

the divine doubled-word-inside the woman (h’emnunu). am I.;
[as] this (tn). speech of hail. [by] the word. [of] thém (ad.souls). [for] sight (maa).;
[by] them (ad.souls). [for] the helpless [of solarplane] (bag). [by means of] their (ad.souls). [an-] face (eden’s). to become daily sacrificed [word for the word-inside] (ámennuu+). [to have] the coverings of mourning (áakebiu+). [for] existence. to make to stand upright.;
11] the dark words \\(by) kk (1 glyph). [as] the words of adam-within. existence (matrix). to praise (t’ua).; [and so by] the divine m-b-soul-adam-like images (ãkhemiu; matrix). existence (eden’s). to make to fall down (skher)., [and through] the dark word \\(by) kk. [for] existence (matrix). the light to acquire (shep+).;
[by means of] the double treshfloor (*pic,eden dome). to illumine [with light of saturn]. [using] place-T-m of the prisoner (sut,Cain). [as] the dark words \\(by) kk. [in order for] the light to make to acquire (s-shep+). [for] the speech. [of] existence (matrix). [in order] to come \\the hail as advanced beautified-soul.;

9] the divine doubled-word-inside the woman. am I.;
[by means of] he. the lights to change course (to axis-K?). of [=as]. lapis lazuli (khesbet’). of [=for]. within. my. field (sekht)., to become. [by] the original adamite soul’s. lights of the moon [month] (*pic,ábt’). [by] the lights of the dome of crystalline [saturn] (theh’enu). [of] turquoise (mãfktu)., [as] my. belly (south). 8] of [=by]. to become truths [=sacrifice/place T-e]. [of] the word of hail., [as] the crown being place-T-e of great eden speech (urrt+). [for] existence (matrix). [by] place-T-e to carry-off.; (see note X )

[the light of] the h’eb-festival of completion of the solarplane. which is. [by?] the fifteenth (glyph). [of?] the halfmonth (?,glyph). to come \\(for) hail as advanced beautified-soul. nót.;
[but by?] the divine real-moon (áãh’). [of?] the house of saturn. [in order] of [=for]. Thoth. existence (matrix). to equip (ãper).; 7] to become (áu). [by] he. the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [for] the olden one of hail. [as] the [an-] face (north)., [through] the domes of speech for the an-face. [as] the house [of speech] (per).; [in order for] the divine dome of place-T-e of the adamite soul (Set). [of] existence (eden’s). to judge (utchã).;

to become (áu). the light as the h’eb-festival of completion of the solarplane. which is. [by?] the fifteenth (glyph). [of?] the halfmonth (glyph). to come \\(for) hail as advanced beautified-soul. nót.;
6] [but by?] the original adamite soul. [being] without., of [=by] (means of). the eye. [of] existence (eden’s). to seize (sht’,eden). [for] the word of hail. [as] mý. words of user-power (jackal staff). [and so] of [=by]. the dark words \\(by)kk. [to] me. existence to bring (matrix; ánn).; (note)

to become. the original adamite soul. [to be] within.; 6] [and so, through] the prisoner (su,Cain). existence (eden’s). to discover., [as] my. place T-e. of [=for]. divine provisions (tooth+saturn/word). [for] existence (matrix). [by] the place-T-e to carry-off.;
to become. [by] he. the m-b-soul-adam to record (?,skhai). I am.;
[for] existence (matrix). [of] peace [of saturn] (h’etep). [as] the place of the cauldron (*pic,abt’u). [fór] the ánt-ravine (*pic)., of [=by] (means of). the willpower of saturn. \\(for) which is (=which is for). to overthrow [eden] (kher). [for?] me. [and] he. the overthrown place-T-e (khert). to be supported (thes). nót.;

my. mouth. \\(for) the head (main-mouth, T-m). [as] great speech. [of] sorcery., of [=by] (means of). my. belly (khat).\\[of] adam-within. 3] [as] the doubled-ureaus \\(by) place-T-e for Saturn’s mouth (r-h’t\\+)., having become the united place-T-e (by copulation] (smat+).; [by means of] the light of darkness \\(for) the word of kk. of [=for]. the light of place-T-e to make to acquire (s-shept+). [fór] he. the place-T-m of the [dimensional] foreground of saturn (h’at). [as] the doorkeeper. [of] the place-T-e of the white coherent light of saturn., [in order for] the divine dimension of the dome of the word-inside [in top of cube] (Nu+). [for] existence (matrix). [as] the garment of place-T-e for intuition (saát+). to become the completed tied-up light to ascend (ãrq+). [which] I am.; (note)

the true voice. [of] Ani (scribe). [etc]. to recite.;
[through] the darkened word \\(by) kk. the light to acquire. [by] the tool [ place-T-e of willpower of speech] (rãt). [as] the god., [in order] of [=for]. the images (of the word) to transform. [for] the eye (utcha).”;

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