CT 86

CT 86

CT 86 II 53

e] Neh’ebKau. of [=by]. the words to become transformed. d] [lost]. Neh’ebKau. am I.;
c] existence. to connect to. to become a spirit. [for] this N-Osiris (candidate)., [by] existence (eden’s; added from f). to snatch away.; b] [in order] existence. to connect to. the Ka spirit-doubles. [for] this. N-Osiris. [in order to g] yoke forever [eden] (neh’eb).; a] [by means of] the gods (matrix). this (to connect to). speech and nature (kher, matrix)., [as for] this. N-Osiris. [of] existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;

II 52

i] (line restored from g) [by] the aspects from the double fire-drill [on q+k axis] (tchatcha+). [for] the Ka spirit-double bull. [as] the Nãu serpent [willpower]. [who] I am.;
h] these [numbering] (áptu). seven. uraei (eden’s). to be devoured (ãm+passive). g] [to be?] the aspects from the double fire-drill [on q+k axis] (tchatcha+). [for] the Ka spirit-double bull. [as] the Nãu serpent [willpower]. [who] I am.;
f] [and so] existence. to connect to. the jackal-staffs (u-seru). [in order for] this. N-Osiris. existence (eden’s). to snatch away.; e] [and so] existence. to connect to. the Ka spirit-doubles. [for] this. N-Osiris. [in order to g] yoke forever [eden] (neh’eb). [by] this (to connect to). speech and nature (kher, matrix). [as] this. N-Osiris. [for] existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;
b] the uraei. existence (matrix). to birth. [for] the gods of great speech. [through?] the support to rise for the word (uthes). [as] this Nãu serpent. [for] the image (place-T the word to connect to, thut). [of] this (pn). N-Osiris., [namely as?] Neh’ebKau. of [=for]. speech to transform.;

—– end CT 86