Category Archives: PT Texts

CT 205

  CT 205   main theme: the 7 torches providing   the creational-word for the matrix   longer chapter ; very readable , but not an easy theme introduction : ‘essences’ , ‘lights’ and ‘words’ : … please remember that “the 7 torches” link to “words (‘lights’) of eden-willpower” bringing forth the eden-lights wherewith (eden-) concepts are […]

CT 223

  CT 223   main theme: the energy-field (as ‘egg’) around spirits — fed by words … just when you thought that themes couldn’t get more bizarre … introduction : … we had the theme of ‘the egg’ (SUH’T) before , see previous posted spells ; to right , a depiction of this concept , […]

CT 258

  CT 258   main theme: the two eden-ram horns (Adam speaks)   the two horns (in the corrupted Daniel 8 chapter) : … Daniel 8 presents ‘the ram’ as “an eden-construct” , informing us about “on shorter and one longer horn” – and see left diagram (as two axis carrying both stones – in […]

CT 256

  CT 256   main theme: Adam sold out the eden-gate  (Adam speaks)   … still the Adam-series ; short spell but very readable ; source text : open a new window if you want to read the original glyphs as paralell text : click and goto page III-366 of the PDF , always reading […]

CT 255

  CT 255   main theme: Adam has ‘sold out’ the 7 eden-Torches  (Adam speaks) spell overview : … very readable yet a difficult theme : subject is still Adam in this series – to the hand (‘Damascus, eden-stone’) belonged a concept called ‘7 torches’, which are “goddesses related to the eden-word of willpower” ; […]

CT 133

  CT 133   main theme: Râ (our sun) : I exist by (dew of) the eden-tree   short chapter – introduction : … part of the previous posted series — Râ , outwardly ‘our sun’, exists by the (now-) matrix-gate and the Nile leading úp to that gate – though the latter is not […]

CT 146

  CT 146   main theme: the birthsceptre and the abuse of our female Originals ;   before you read : … this chapter contains graphic themes – just so you know ; yet this is a complete confirmation of the Amos chapters , in which the female Originals are constantly abused by the bull-spirits […]

CT 147

  CT 147   main theme : Horus ruling the (stolen-) eden gate ;   understanding what was said in this spell : … we are not here to present smooth smokescreens as a slick readable text containing mystical Nonsense (we leave that job to others) ; the truth is that many concepts inhere are […]

CT 148

  CT 148   introduction : Horus speaks (the two stones , the stargate, our Originals , and creating spirits) … to be fair – even after six years of trying to make Sense of the themes in the Spells we did not get a full grip upon the entity named ‘Horus’ , which was […]

CT 44

  CT 44   main theme : our Originals sacrificed ;     regions , correlations and terms : … please see page ; we’re still searching how to interpret certain terms and regions ; source text : open a new window if you want to read the original glyphs as parallel text : click […]

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CT 63

  CT 63   main theme : the stolen words of the eden-tree of life ;   regions , correlations and terms : … please see page ; we’re still searching how to interpret certain terms and regions ; source text : open a new window if you want to read the original glyphs as […]

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CT 60

  CT 60   main theme : the stolen words of the eden-tree of life ;   description : … the “reaping coverings” always indicate that ‘the eden-tree of life’ is the subject ; the coverings exist of ‘eden-words’ — read perhaps “atmospheric particles of light” and the spell indeed places those as “the atmosphere […]

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CT 50

  CT 50   main theme : the king ( Thoth) of Mystery-Babylon speaks ;   description : … the person who wrote this spell is ‘the spokesman of Egyptian Thoth’ (the leader of the fallen archangels – aka the king of Mystery-Babylon) , telling the new candidate what he has to expect , and […]

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CT 353

readable and comprehensible lines in bold not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black themes : set tile [=former eden cornerstone] for sekhem-power notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison CT 353   IV 401-400 g) this (pu). spirit [-consciousness]. to become equipped […]

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readable and comprehensible lines in bold not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black themes : given title : ‘hymn to the rising sun’ notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison scribe Ani : pictured from his papyrus , together with his wife […]

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CT 236 and 237

CT 236   readable and comprehensible lines in bold not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black themes : the sealed-up eden mouth (as gate of sound) , notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison   III 306 d,c) the [mutilated eden-] words […]

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CT 349

  readable and comprehensible lines in bold not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black themes : Tem-Rã [as eye] ; the prisoner , and speech of light notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison CT 349 IV 384 e) Tem [=Damascus]. he. […]

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CT 325

  readable and comprehensible lines in bold not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black themes : Tem-Rã , as the inverted eden-hand [executive region] north , being the Eye notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison CT 325   IV 157-156 b) […]

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CT 1158

  readable and comprehensible lines in bold not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black themes : the adamite-soul within notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison CT 1158   VII 504 g) existences to make [=as concept]. [by] divine all. speech. , […]

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CT 1082

  readable and comprehensible lines in bold not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black themes : the Remphan star notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison CT 1082   VII 354 b) thou. essences of the [eden-] mountain. [for] speech. , [being] […]

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CT 1029

CT 1029 [Sept 2020]   visual help : see report Introduction V for the other depictions   main theme : interpretation : their ‘island of the horizon’ is installed , supporting their dimensional gate ; they do have ‘speech’ but now need “the eden-word” to can create with eden-aspects – so they ‘reap the coverings […]

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CT 250

  CT 250 themes : the “double door is lifted up” ; we had the ‘who will close the double-door’, notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison CT 250   III 346 d) the divine double lion-mouth [=unknown]. [through?] the evil passive eden-cistern (bt’sh). […]

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CT 253

  CT 253 themes : main theme ‘the Damascus construct’ (TEM) north ; notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ; perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison CT 253   III 356 [damaged : my.. youth .. my .. existence become new..] e) the monthly festival (ábt’). [for] all. existence [=matrix]. […]

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CT 257

  CT 257   main theme : Adam speaks (shorter chapter) this spell – how we know it is about Adam ? : … we know that the Egyptians (as spirits) were infatuated with him , while the used terms and syntax support that it is indeed about him ; 2) for diagrams about ‘the […]

CT 153

CT 153 II 265 e] [by] the place of Õn. [as] place-T of adam-within. the speech of olden to make (sr+)., [through] the house of saturn. of [=by]. he. place-T to manifest.; d] the divine wick-H at place-T for the root [to engrave] (pteh’-god). [for] the word. to go repulse (khsf)., [in order for] existence […]

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CT 152

CT 152 II 261 b] he the root (pef). [for] me. the things by place-T of he-eden for the kh-house (khft+). [as?] my. place-T to bring (ánt).; a] [in order for] this (pn). (Hru-) light. me. to manifest (per).; [and] my. word. to make the k-axis (via ad.soul) (s-k).; (or ‘connect to. the workplace.’) II […]

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CT 151

CT 151 II 259 e] the doubled dome at (doubled-) place-T for eden-speech (rrt+). + [as] the one (tu). [for] the multitude [of proto-spirits, by place-T for vulture-rule] (ãshat+). of [=for]. to manifest (per)., d] [namely as] the pool at place-T as the blossom for existence by saturn-wick-H’ (h’ent+). to rise and shine through backbone., […]

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CT 140

CT 140 II 173 g] he (eden). within (the matrix)., [by means of] place-T to manifest (pert).; of [=for]. Geb (land on cube). my. existence. [through] the cord for throne-G to make to inverse (via ad.soul) (ssag+).; f] the (sh-) pools. [at] place-T of existence. alike-adam (miá)., of [=as]. the (words of the) áter pool. […]

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CT 141

CT 141 II 174 e] the M-realm. to complete (t’em-m)., through T’em [new-hand] (T’em). [for this N.]., d] [and so] the dimension [north]. of [=as]. the land (eden?). [of] the M-realm. [and] the sky of earth. [of] the M-realm., c] he. [for] the divine ones by place-T of the abzu (abt+). [as this N.]. to […]

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CT 138

CT 138 II 172 m] to become the word by the dimensional background of saturn (h’au+scroll). of [=by] (means of). + l] the adamite-soul. the branches of vulture-rule to flourish (akha+)., [in order] of [=for]. [this N.]. place-T of existence. to make (ár).; k] [namely as] place-T of the Sesha(t) flame. [for this N.].; ——– […]

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CT 139

CT 139 II 173 d] [by means of] the double cherub-wheel [to make the new-root] (sep+). to complete., [for this N.]. [as] existence (matrix). [through] he. existence (eden’s). to give. speech.; [as] he. the sweetness (ntchm, serp-hand). [of] speech., c] [yet] the divine word for to make the doubled-adamite-soul (?,sssu+). [by?] the workplace. [as?] existence. […]

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CT 132

CT 132 II 157 g] my. speech. [for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [as] the things of the an-face (north)., [in order] to dress [the solarplane] (h’bs). [by] the word (of speech of) the bordersky. [as] the word of adam-within., f] [namely as] the divine words. [by] the evil nostril of eden-speech (sherr+).. [as] existence. […]

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CT 121

CT 121 II145 c] place-T of the shining backbone [or ‘Ennead’] (pest’t). [by means of] the covering at place-T to open [eden-root] (upt+)., [in order for] the words of speech of the an-face (eden’s). [for] the things [of the house of speech] (per, matrix).. [as?] the speech. [for] me. [by] (to build) the blossom as […]

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CT 131

CT 131 II 152 c] place-T of all. [for] the divine ones (glyph)., [by means of] place-T-eden to die (shared-root) (mt-t). [in order for] the willpower. of [=as]. place-T of all (=for everything?)., [being] the doubled-divine-place-T for speech as the god (ntr-rt+). [by] willpower (eden’s). of [=for]. to snatch-away.; b] [as] the word \\ [of] […]

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CT 130

CT 130 II 150 o] the blossoms (of words) of the solarplane for the fish-soul (ánb+). of [=as]. he. the ãnkh-life., n] [by] the crown of ‘the king of the north’ [double-place-T of hail for the solarplane]. [of] white light [of Saturn] (h’etch)., m] [for?] place-T of the great pillar. [through?] the split-off watercourse as […]

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CT 129

CT 129 II 150 i] the adamite-soul’s. evil nostril [of eden-speech by sh-pool] (sherr). [as] the (Watercourse’s) doubled-place-T of the east., having become the detestable eden-existence by the bone-pole [at q-axis] (qsen)., h] [but now,] [through] the adamite-soul. [for] the sweetness (nthm). [namely by] the great pillar., [which is by?] the doubled-place-T for existence (ntt). […]

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CT 128

——— end CT 128 II 149 f] the divine dome of the word-inside (outer-court). [of] the word of adam-within., [through] the (double-) gate of the star for to make the solarplane (sb+). my. existence. (door) to open (un,matrix).; e] [and so] all. light (eden’s). [for] the divine light (rã). of [=for]. me, [through] thou. spirits-light […]

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CT 127

CT 127 II 148 d] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by means of] place-T. within (the matrix)., [whom] I am.; c] [as] the place of the word-inside [of the 8] (khmennu-mountain). [as] all. the cord for the solarplane of the new-north., [and so by] me. existence (eden’s). [of] ignorance (khm+neg.).; version II, d] existences to […]

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CT 126

CT 126 II b] [by] the divine axis place-T of eden-willpower to sacrifice (maãt,’justice’)., [in order for] the seven [of eden] (islands) to un-tie (sfkh+). the head (main-seven to un-tie)., of [=by]. + a] the divine axis place-T of eden-willpower to sacrifice (maãt,’justice’). [for] the cord (of the seven) to un-tie (sfkh+). [which] I am.; […]

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CT 125

CT 125 II 147 f] the divine things by the original adamite-throne (not ‘Isis’). [as] the mystery [words of the brick-kiln by? the sh-pool] (shttau+)., [for] existence (matrix). [by] the [an-] face (north)., [through] the word. (the door) to open [and become new] (un, matrix).; e] [and so] to divinely speech to transform (Kheper beetle)., […]

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CT 109

CT 109 II 123 c] [by] the covering of the double-place-T for speech. to open [eden-root] (upt+)., [and to] Hathor. place-T to give. [for] the speech., of [=by] (means of). + — Hathor. existence. [through] the covering of the double-place-T for speech. to open [eden-root] (upt+)., [and] of [=as]. place-T to give. [for] speech.; of […]

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CT 122

CT 122 II 146 b] [by] the divine axis (shu). the dimension [+khm]. [for] my. existence. [as] advanced-beautified-soul., + —- the divine axis (shu). of [=for]. my. word. [by] the 4 of the hand of he-eden (ft’+)., + —- [and through] the (double-) land at doubled-place-T of the speech of eden-Light at place-T for the […]

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CT 123

CT 123 II 146 e] Geb (land upon cube). [by means of] the covering at place-T to open [eden-root] (upt+)., [in order] of [=for]. the word of (eden-) speech to manifest (perru).; d] [through] these (ápu). four. gods., [as] existence (matrix). [by] the four of the word for the word-inside of the hand of he-eden […]

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CT 113

CT 113 II 131 c] the things by the torso. to make (ár)., [yet as] he. existence (eden’s). willpower. [of] speech. nót.; b] [but instead, by] the divine Set-dog tile. existence., [through] the gardens (h’sepu+). existence (eden’s). he. to guide.; a] [by means of] to divinely complete (T’em, new-hand). the willpower. [through] to become place-T […]

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CT 108

CT 108 II 121 d] the house at place-T of the t’ua-star (tuathouse). my. existence (matrix). (the door) to open [and become new] (un).; [in order for] the divine spirits-light [of the word for the kh-house] (áakhu+). [of] adam-within., [and so for] existences to make (via ad.soul). [by] the thigh (of sight) of the throne-G […]

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CT 112

CT 112 II 128 h] [by] he. the speech. [of] the by me owned adamite-soul., existence (matrix), [through] the torso. [to] me. to return., [and so] to give. speech. to complete. the word.; to recite.; (note) g] the island of the double-flame to make speech (via ad.soul) (nsrsr+). of [=as,by]. the divine he the torso. […]

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CT 104

CT 104 II 111 k] [by being] within (the matrix)., [as] he. place-T of existence (by which is). all [of] the word of the solarplane (bu)., of [=by]. he. the [an-] face (eden’s). place-T of he (khft). to stand-upright.; j] he the root (pf). [of] the by me owned adamite-soul., [using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [for] […]

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CT 100

CT 100 II 97 i] he. to force place-T (of hail) for the border (top cube) (tchrt). [for] the [an-] face., to become the design (sesh). [by] the divine horus-spirits of the West. [by] which is. the foremost (kh-house).; [as] existence (matrix). [by] the image [of place-T of the word for place-T-matrix] (tut+). [of] the […]

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CT 98

CT 98 II 94 c] [though] the adamite-soul. to come the eden-root of existence for the kh-house (khnp+)., [for] the speech. [by] the son-construct of he-eden for he the willpower (?, ãff+, ‘fly’).; [in order for] the word to come. [for] speech. + b] [of] the dimension (north)., [as] essence of the mouth for throne-G […]

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CT 103

CT 103 II 110 l] 50% lost; k] the divine spirit (-consciousness). [for?] existence. [by?] the image (áru). of [=by]. he. the [an-] face (eden’s)., [as] existence (matrix). [by] the split-off watercourse to ascend [for willpower of speech] (ãr+). [for] hail.; (note) j] (and so by the w-course) within (the matrix)., [for] he. place-T of […]

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CT 102

CT 102 II 109 d] the ‘enemies’ [eden-hail to make the solarplane] (sbá, unclear; see note). [for,as?] all [of]. the workplace (ás)., [for this N.]. [the workplace at] the doubled-place-T of existence. [for] the [an-] face (north).; (note) c] [yet] thou. speech. [by]. the ones as ‘enemies’ [eden-hail to make the solarplane] (sbá, see note). […]

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CT 101

CT 101 II 105 c] to make to return (via ad.soul) (s-h’em). the word., [as] existence. [of] spirits-light of the word for the kh-house., [being] the word of the borrowed-hebrew-H-house (Hau).; of [=by] (means of). + b] the land. [for] the speech. [through] place-T to found [of wick-H’ for watercourse-word] (uah’t). head (main place-T +)., […]

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CT 99

CT 99 II 96 f] [by] within (the matrix)., [as] he. place-T of existence (by which is). all [of]. the word for the solarplane (bu)., [being] the ãnkh-life. [as] he. the speech of the an-face (eden’s)., of [=by]. he the root (pf). [of] the by me owned adamite-soul., [using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [for] existence. of […]

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CT 97

CT 97 II 92 e] [using] the prisoner (śu, Cain). [in order for] me. to make to enter (via ad.soul) (s-ãq)., d] [by using] the prisoner (śu, Cain). [in order for] me. the most-beautified-soul-adam. to seize (sht’).; c] [and so] the divine Watercourse. eye. to be devoured (ãm+passive).; — Horus’. eye. hail (eden). to devour […]

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CT 90

CT 90 II 61 c] [for this N]. the word by the upside-down new-hand of the kh-house (hand of adam inside) (kht’u+)., [and so by?] H’eth’er. the shining backbone. + b] [of] my. speech of hail (ár).; [and so for] the gods (matrix). existence to make (via ad.soul). [of] existence of hail (án).; [as] the […]

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CT 78

CT 78 II 23 c] the goddess Tefnet (-T of existence by he for place-T). this (pu). my. divine copied place-T (sent,’sister’)., [as,for] this (pu). forever (land of place-T of the serpenthand; tch-t-ta).; b] to divinely complete. [as] existence. [by] the word to be constantly renewed (by hebrew-H).; a] [and so] eternal things (h’h’+). to […]

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CT 77

CT 77 II 18 g] [for] the gods (matrix). place-T to birth (mes-t)., [as] my. existence. [by?] the phallus h’eNNt (note). [for] this (pu). mutilated eden light (as word of speech by hebrew-H) (Hru+).; [by] the divine dome by place-T of the word-inside (nut+). the divine place-T as the doubled-son-construct. to make the m-realm (via […]

CT 76

CT 71 II 17 j] this (tn). thou. place-T of the watercourse (ua-t)., of [=by]. i] the divine dome of Nu (word-inside; inner-court). of [=for]. the divine word of the double-wick-H’ (hehu+)., of [=as]. the dark word (kku+). of [=by]. place-T of the watercourse. [for] my. existence. thou. to make (ár).; (note) h] the passive […]

CT 111

CT 111 II 126 c] place-T of the West. of [=by]. this. shrine of the bone-pole to bury (qeres+).; b] [in order for?] the double cherub-wheel. [for] he. the dimensional background [of Saturn] (h’a). [at?] the m-b-soul-adam-like hand (t’i)., [as?] Anubis [new-root] (ánp). [by] which is. the house of Saturn as the god., [as] existence […]

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CT 649

CT 649 VI 272-271 1) c] place-T-eden to sacrifice (‘justice’). [for] the design (sesh). [of?] speech. [by?] Khensu [moon]. [whom] I am.; place-T of the watercourse. [for] the hail of the beautified-soul. existence to open [and become new] (unn, marix).; [as?] this. he. my. doubled-horn [to open eden root] (up).; 2) b] the boat of […]

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CT 663

CT 663 VI 290 g] the cherub-poles (NN). [as] place-T of adam-within., [for] my words of ãnkh-life.; [as] the ãnkh-life. [by] he (the cherub poles). to mutilate [as q-axis by wick-H’] (h’seq)., f] [for] he. the desired eden-speech for the M-realm (merr). [as] the speech. [for this N.]., [in order for] the word to come. […]

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CT 664

CT 664 VI 290 m] [by] the divine dome [of the word for the word-inside (top of cube). [of?] the VaV sceptre (eden’s). [for] the double house of Saturn., [as] existence (matrix). [by] the divine great door [for the great pillar]. [for] divine speech of hail. [for this N.].; l] [by] he (VaV?). my. place-T […]

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CT 666

CT 666 VI 294 t] the things for to become a spirit. [by] he. existence (eden). to give. speech. [directly] nót.; s] [but instead, for] he. the Ba spirit-soul (that bird). [of this N.]. existence [eden’s]. to snatch-away., [and as] he. the sorcery. [for this N]. existence to bring (ánn, matrix).; r] [by means of] […]

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CT 668

CT 668 VI 297 h] existence. to connect to. adam-within., [for] this (pá). rule of doubled-solarplane (Beb, Abaddon). [for this N.]., [by means of] the doubled place-T for existence (ntt). g] existence to make (via ad.soul).; [through] the doubled-light of the star of the opened-word-inside. + [as] the speech. [for] the divine things of the […]

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CT 667

CT 667 VI 296 m] [for] he. the things for to become a spirit. [through] he. the sorcery., [by] he. existence (eden’s). to snatch-away.; l] [as] the existence (matrix). [by] he. the Ba spirit-soul. [of this N.]. existence to bring (ánn).; k] [by] the throat [as doubled-place-T for wick-H’] (h’ett+). [to?] the pool for throne-G […]

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CT 670

CT 670 VI 298 r] this (pá). existence to make (via ad.soul). of [=as]. adam-within., [in order for this N.]. to become new.; q] [by] to connect. the praised Ka-double for doubling (?,KaKa+). [for] place-T to complete (tmt)., to connect to. the two horns [as split axis?] (glyph). to grow (rut’)., p] to connect to. […]

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CT 669

CT 669 VI 297 o] the cemetary below (eden-sky). of [=for]. Neith., of [=by] (means of). the words for speech [er.]. n] to divinely make the word [via Cain-soul] (śu)., [as] the word for the word-inside to connect to hail (áthennu).; [by] which is. the land [as the portion through place-T of hail to split-off] […]

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CT 671

CT 671 VI 299 i] to make the split-off watercourse (via ad.soul) (s-ua). [for] hail., [to be] the root (p). [for] the word as the phoenix bird [fiery k- and q-axis] (bennu)., + h] [in order for] the son-construct of speech [by the opened word-inside] (nur+). of [=for]. to return [to matrix] (h’em).; g] [by […]

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CT 677

CT 677 VI 304 o] [by] to die [eden] (mt)., to become stability (men+scroll). [for] to complete., n] [through] the head [eden’s]. to snatch-away (neh’em).; m] [in order for] to die. he (matrix). having become the stability [of matrix] (men+scroll). nót.; l] [but instead, by] the doubled-divine place-T of wick-H’ for speech (reh’t+). he. to […]

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CT 674

CT 674 VI 303 r] to be upside-down head in fire [in the new-hand for to make the kh-house] (skht’+). [by] to wander-astray [eden] (shem)., [in order] to complete. q] the rule of the doubled-solarplane (Beb locust)., [but for] [this N.]. p] he. to be upside-down head in fire (note). nót.; o] [and] he. the […]

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CT 673

CT 673 VI 301 t] [by] he. the dimensional vesica at the new root (sept+). the [an-] face [eden’s]. to manifest (note). nót.; s] [but instead,] [through] he. the torso [outer court]. of [=for]. he.existence (matrix). [by] the hand of the serpent-hand (tch-t’). to make to connect to. r] thou (k-axis). word. below., [by] thou. […]

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CT 672

CT 672 VI 300 j] the lights by the knife. which are. [by] place-T of the foreign-land. to become for the Ba-spirit for the solarplane of darkness (?,bba+)., [as] this (pn). hail. [by] he. the things of the most-b-soul-adam speech by the root for the kh-house (kheperi, er.). of [=for]. this N.; of [=by] (means […]

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CT 680

CT 680 VI 306 h] to make solarplane existence (via ad.soul) (sbn,’health’). [by] the word [eden’s] to fire-drill. [for] ãnkh-life., [as] existence. [of] he. the speech., [by] to come the serpenthand of the opened word-inside (nutch+,’sweetmeat’). [for this N.].; g] [by means of] he. the shrine to bury [bury place-T of the adamite-soul for speech […]

Posted in CT

CT 675

CT 675 VI 303 x] [for] [this N.]. to go un-tie [eden] (the kh-house to make by he-eden) (sfkh+)., w] to go un-tie [eden] (the kh-house to make by he-eden) (sfkh+)., v] [and for] [this N.]. thou. to un-tie (the willpower-eden by wick-H’ for the word) (uh’ã+)., u] to divinely un-tie (the willpower-eden by wick-H’ […]

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CT 697

CT 697 VI 331 q] [for] the great pillar. the word. to make., [by means of] the light (eden). [for] the word of breath-air., [for N]. to make to breathe (via ad.soul) (ss+).; p] he. the dimensional egg [as place-T to make wick-H’ for the word] (via ad,soul) (suh’t). [of] adam-within (lit.?)., [as?] the noble […]

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CT 688

CT 688 VI 318 r] the essences of the adamite-soul of wick-H’ (‘dirt’, h’es+). [as] thou. essence of the new place-T of hail for throne-G [outer court] (gát+).; q] [by?] the sektt boat [double-place-T for to perish eden by to make the k-axis]., of [=for]. he. the stake of the solarplane to make the serpenthand […]

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CT 700

CT 700 VI 333 j] the phoenix bird [fiery Q+K-axis north] (bennuu). [as] place-T as the son-construct. existence (eden’s). to inverse (sa)., [in order for] he (eden). the speech (matrix). to make.; i] [through] the by me owned adamite-soul. [as] existence (matrix). [by] me. [as] the son-construct. [in order for] existence to become new.; [and] […]

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CT 698

CT 698 s] [by] (s)he. the mother. of [=for]. the ãnkh-life. [as] the divine light (matrix). [by] thou. eden-essences at place-T for willpower (‘fat’, ãt)., [and through] thou. essences at place-T for willpower (‘fat’, ãt). r] [for] me. existence. to become united [the both hands] (t’emt’).; my. existence. [by] the support (thes). q] [for?] the […]

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CT 709

CT 709 VI 341 e] to divinely complete (Tem). existence of hail.: d] [by] to become the ring as/of the hand to build by blueprint [at q-axis] (sqett’++). alike-adam (miá)., [at] the bordersky (tcher). [of] speech. [by] me. existence (matrix). to give. speech.; to become. + c] the sky of earth (north). [by] the word […]

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CT 702

CT 702 VI 334 h] the doubled light (glyph). to complete. ([for] me. to know. my. word of hail.; g] ([by] thou. to become equipped (ãper+). ([through] thou. things by place-T of the east (?,text)., ([for] the blossom for the hand as he-eden for Saturn (h’eft’+). ([by?] thou. khu spirit ([consciousness].; g] ([as?] thou. corn […]

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CT 703

CT 703 VI 335 l] [by] he. to become spirits., (namely) of [=by]. the by me owned adamite-soul. [for] to become equipped (ãper+).; k] [through] the cemetary below. of [=for]. the son-construct for the staff-tá the (triple) sh-pool to make (seshentá+) [Tao field].; of [=as]. the house of speech for the kh-house.; to recite.; (note) […]

Posted in CT

CT 704

CT 704 VI 336 j] the word of willpower to rise and be crowned. [as] all [of]. Horus.; [by] the divine judges (of fire-drill). of [=for]. the divine words. [of] great speech. [by] which is. the foremost (kh-house). of [=for]. to dwell in.; the things to become (by) place-T of he-eden doubled sh-pool (shefsheft+). [for] […]

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CT 705

CT 705 VI 337 g] my. sorceries. of [=for]. my. existence. [through] sekhem-power.; f] [by means of] my. torso [north-outer-court]. [for] my. existence. [as?] the tooth (saturn-wick for solarplane) (bh’?, text unsure)., e] [in order to] me. to come the one. speech [eden’s]. [for] the divine word of the saturn-wick of speech for the M-realm […]

Posted in CT

CT 707

CT 707 VI 338 v] [by being] within [eden]., [through] me. the ãnkh-life. [as] the divine light (matrix).; [and by] me. the divine he place-T. [as] the ultimate word-inside for existence. [by] the bowl for to make existence (sn+)., u] [in order for] the t’uat-house (likely). [of] divine words.; [through] the Torso for the an-face […]

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CT 708

CT 708 VI 339 i] [by] he. the ring. [at] place-T to give. speech., [and so] of [=for]. Horus. the essence to make to connect to [eden]., [in order for] he (the ring). to become the yoke [by Saturn] (neh’eb). alike-adam’s (miá).; (sic, as cherub-wheel did) h] [as] the divine word of (Saturn’s) eternity [matrix] […]

Posted in CT

CT 711

CT 711 VI 342 s] me. to slay (knife). the adamite-soul. [for] the M-realm. nót.; r] [but instead, by] me. the word (eden’s?). [for] the k-axis. [as] the fire-drill (tcha)., [by,as] this (tn). flame at place-T for to make the kh-house (via ad.soul) (s-khet+). within (eden cube)., [in order for?] me. to manifest (per).; q] […]

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CT 717

CT 717 VI 346 g] the adamite-soul. to give. of [=for]. the praised vulture-rule of hail., the willpower. of [=as]. vulture-rule., of [=for]. e] this (tn). N (candidate). to give. of [=as]. vulture-rule.; e] of [=by]. the field. [as] place-T of adam-within., [as] the flame of vulture-rule being the kiln at place-T (‘tta+, ‘angry flame’).; […]

Posted in CT

CT 710

CT 710 VI 341 m] Hathor. existence. divinely to follow. of [=as]. the divine word of spirits-light., to become (by) the blossom to sink down [to north] (as the word by the hand of he-eden for the wick-H’; h’eft’+).; l] [as] the star of the hand for the praised vulture-rule of hail (áat’+)., [and so […]

Posted in CT

CT 720

CT 720 VI 349 m] the divine serpent-deity (glyph). the land. to illumine (by light of Saturn). [by means of?] the workplace., [for this N]. [by] the double-place-T for existence. the divine willpower of speech. to know. [..1x lost..].; l] my. belly (south, inner court). [for] the innermost sacred place [in outer court]., of [=by] […]

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CT 716

CT 716 VI 345 o] the place of Õn. of [=for]. hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit). [by,as] the hand of the serpent-hand (tch-t’, ‘to say’).; n] [yet] the beautified-soul. [of] existence (matrix). [by] place-T for the kh-house. nót.; [but instead,] to make the M-realm (via ad.soul) (likely; s-m). [for] the beautified-soul., [for] existence. [by] place-T […]

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CT 718

CT 718 VI 346 m] the doubled light (likely). [by] the divine staff-tá. [of] the praised vulture-rule of hail (áa). [for] [this N’s]. existence. to manifest (per).; l] [by] this (pn). to mutilate [the q-axis, by the adamite-soul of the saturn-wick] (h’eseq). (namely) the original throne of adamite (á-st)., of [=by] (means of). the adamite-soul. […]

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CT 712

CT 712 VI 343 g] he. the Ka spirit-double [or ‘doubling’]. [of] existence (matrix). [by] to come the adamite-soul., [through] the prisoner (su, Cain). to connect to. the workplace.; f] the land. head (main-land). he. existence. [by] place-T to become new., alike-adam (miá).; e] [through] he. the desired place-T of eden-speech for the M-realm (merrt)., […]

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CT 714

CT 714 VI 344 h] (existence…..) by to make the k-axis (sk-). g] [and so by] me. to inverse (sa). the words. [as] speech for the an-face.; (the things as…..) the root of the sh-pool [eden’s]. [as] existence (matrix). [for] the divine egyptians (rth+).; f] [by] me. the speech. [through] the crocodile [‘matrix-masculine’] as the […]

Posted in CT

CT 753

CT 753 VI 383 g] existence by the root of hail. [as] my. aspects by place-T of totality (144,000). [of] the ultimate word-inside of stability. [for] me. to become new.; f] [as] all [of]. the belly (lampstand as inner court)., [through] the adamite soul. [by] me. to acquire.; e] [in order for] place-T (as the […]

Posted in CT

CT 752

CT 752 VI 381 p] all. the light (eden’s). [for] the divine light (matrix)., [as] existence. [for] the gods to follow., of [=by]. place-T of the West. the speech (eden’s). to enter (ãq). [for] existence (matrix). [by] the mouth (eden’s).; o] [by] it (speech). to become the width (usekh). of [=as]. 120 (likely). measures (?,kht)., […]

Posted in CT

CT 694

CT 694 VI 327 m] he. the Self (tches). [as] the god., of [=by] the staff-tá. to become equipped (ãper). [for] the spirits. alike adam (mm,weak).; [by means of] thou. to descend hebrew-H (cube). m] [in order for] the word. to connect to. existences to make (via ad.soul). [of] sight (maa).; k] to become the […]

CT 699

CT 699 VI 332 w] he (eden). to seize (eden-hand as sh-pool) (shet’). [through] place-T by the prisoner. the word (eden’s). to seize (sht’)., v] [this place-T as] the island of the horizon. [at] the border-sky (tcher). [of] speech (matrix)., [in order for] my. speech. [through] the thigh (bent-axis). existence (eden’s). to go repulse (khesef)., […]

CT 576

CT 576 VI 191 p] [for] the West. he. the willpower [eden’s]. [as] the speech. [for] the divine khu-spirit. [of] existence. [by] place-T to give.; o] [as] the lights for stability by the adamite-soul of Saturn (‘natron’, h’esmen+)., which are. [by] the lights by place-T of the adamite-soul for speech of saturn-wick-H’ (‘carnelian’)., which are. […]

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CT 676

CT 676 VI 304 g] the cemetary below. of [=as]. the sky of earth (eden’s). of [=for]. sekhem-power., f] [yet by] he (eden-sky). the sight (maa). nót.; [but instead, first by] he (sky). to command., e] [as] the dome of nut [-T for word-inside]. [for] thou. [an-] face (north)., [through] the boat of the fire-drill. […]

Posted in CT

CT 172

CT 172 CT 172 III 46 e] the foremost Ákhemut motherland (south). to become united (by two hands)., to recite.: d] the divine words of Saturn. of [=for]. the foremost Ákhemut land. the divine Ka spirit-double bull. [by] having become the serpent-hand by decree of law. c] he. divine existence to copy. [by] the willpower […]

CT 171

CT 171 CT 171 III 45 a] [for] the baboon (glyph). to be hail., [as] my. speech for the an-face (eden’s). [through] the word (eden’s). thou. grasped (by border-sky, netcher)., [in order] to divinely complete (tem). existence of hail (án).; [by?] the divine eden-core at place-T of eden-realm’s root (pennt+). [for?] the divine eden-core of […]

CT 170

CT 170 doubled house of Saturn speaking (within the lampstand and half above it), CT 170 III 41 b] the doubled-falcon (horus-spirit). [of] the foremost Ákhemut motherland. [as] the doubled-foremost., a] the two lands (south and north?). [of] the [an-] face (north). [through] the boat as place-T of the innermost sacred place. + the dimension. […]

CT 168

CT 168 CT 168 III 29 c] the cemetary below. [as] (the word-) inside. [for] the mouth (eden’s) (sic). [of] eden-speech., b] [through] the doubled-divine place-T for the chalice (diagrams). the double essence (glyph). to unite (by the eden-core to make to reap (via ad.soul) (sma).; [by means of] the [an-] face (eden’s; countenance). to […]

PT 390

PT 390 PT 390 686c] to make the solarplane for existence (via ad.soul, sben). [through] the serpent of the word of willpower for existence (nãu+)., [by] (the eden dome) to sleep (stcher+). [in order for] the serpent to make the word of hail (via ad.soul, s-áu+)., + 686b] [as] thou. light (matrix). [..4 lost..]., thou […]

PT 391

PT 391 PT 391 687d] [by] the staff-tá. the speech. [of] hebrew-cube-H (H)., [as] thóu. word. [of] willpower. [by] main place-T (tep-t)., [namely through] place-T of anóther (k-it, note). [as] the house. [of] place-T of adam-within.; [by] place-T cool-down [the q-axis] (qebh’-t). [as] thou. opened place-T of eden’s root (up-t+scroll). [for] the word of hail.; […]

PT 392

PT 392 PT 392 688] the torso [centre] (áb). to make the k-axis (via ad.soul) (s-k+)., [by] the land (south, eden). of [=for]. [N]. the (word-) inside. [as] the things of eden’s masculinity (tha+)., [for] the sky of earth (north). of [=as]. [for N]. the (word-) inside. the dimension [north].; to recite.; —-end PT 392

PT 393

PT 393 PT 393 689d] the gold (glyph?). [by] the word (eden’s). to connect to. the word of protection (sa-u, matrix)., [as?] the serpent (for?) the land (as?) the son-construct (sa-ta+). the land’s (south, eden). word. to connect to. the word. [of] protection (sa).; [and so] the serpent (for?) the land (as?) the son-construct (sa-ta+). […]

PT 394

PT 394 PT 394 PT 394 690] the ibis of existence as place-T for the kh-house [plummet] (tkhn+). of [=as] the double Ka spirit-double bull. [of] ãnkh-life., [as] existence (matrix). [through] the lion-mouth (R)., [by] the dimensional background of saturn (h’a). [for] the lion-mouth.; to recite.; —-end PT 394

PT 395

PT 395 PT 395 691b] the gold (glyph). [by] the word. to connect to. the word of protection (sa-u, matrix)., the serpent (for?) the land (as) the son-construct. [of] Osiris (as construct)., [in order for] the khu spirit. to connect to. the one. thou place-T of hail. [which is] the word. connecting to. protection (sa)., […]

PT 398

PT 398 PT 398 693d] [by] he. within., [to?] he. the mother (-T) [in lampstand]. existence (eden’s). to hurry to., [as] the word (eden’s). of [=for]. the double-willpower of the serpent-hand (tchãã). [of] existence of hail (án, matrix)., 693c] [and through] the word. of [=for]. the double-willpower of the serpent (tchãã). existence (matrix). [for N]. […]

PT 399

PT 399 PT 399 694] [by] the most-b-soul-adam’s hebrew-cube-H (Hi). the most-b-soul-adam’s adamite soul for hail (á-si). [for] the land’s (south, eden). speech. [as] thou. masculine things [by cherubs] (tha+, mult.). [for] the sky of earth (north). [as] the speech. [of] thóu. dimension [north].; to recite.; —-end PT 399

PT 405

PT 405 PT 405 705c] all [of]. the light (matrix). to birth (mes)., [by means of] to conceive [speech as the word of hail of the heir]. [for this N]. [by] (the eden dome) to sleep (stchr+)., 705b] [and so for this N]. the [an-] face (north). [of] the things of the season (ter+, matrix). […]

PT 401

PT 401 PT 401 697e] he. the branch at place-T of the kh-house (khet+). of [=as]. he. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t)., [for?] he. the pool [of speech for M-realm] (mer+). [for N]. [as?] the fire-drill boat [at q-axis]., 697d] [for N’s]. existence (matrix). [by] he. the covering to sacrifice [eden’s] (s-ma, áten/cherub)., [in order […]

PT 404

PT 404 PT 404 702d] thou. willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [for N]. to flourish (uatch)., 702c] [through] the flames of the word the doubled-kh-house for the solarplane (dualism?, bkhkhu+). [of] place-T of adam-within., [as?] thou. eye. [at?] the top of the papyrus-stem by the adamite soul for hail (ás+). [of?] the tongue (nes). of [=for]. […]

PT 403

PT 403 PT 403 701c] 701c] he. to grasp [eden willpower for kh-house] (khefã). [as] place-T of adam-within., [for] the things of sweetness (=benr+). [of] speech of hail (ár)., [through] he. the mast thigh (note). the head (the main-thigh). [for] the dimension of throne-G (agba+)., [as] the speech. + 701b] [by] he. the main place-T […]

PT 364

PT 364 PT 364 7621c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [as] existence (matrix). [by] the staff-tá. [of] sekhem-power., [through] the staff-tá. [of] the Ba spirit-soul., [as] the staff-tá. [of] readyness (sept’)., [as] the staff-tá. [of] worship (ua-sh).; 7621b] [by means of] the adamite soul. within (north)., [in order for] the light (matrix). [of] place-T […]

PT 386

PT 386 PT 386 679e] to make the solarplane of existence (via ad.soul) (sben). [by] the bull-e to sacrifice for speech and nature of hail (á-kher+)., [for?] the roots at place-T for the word of vulture-rule for existence (na-ut+). [of] adam-within., [and so] the serpent. the head (main-serpent). to sanctify.; 679d] [through] he. the testicles […]

PT 388

PT 388 PT 388 681e] [for] he. the solarplane (foot-B). the word of the solarplane (bu). to connect to. of [=by]. he. the mouth [eden]., [as] Horus’. existence. [by] the striking-club as the double-solarplane to connect to (thbb+). + 681d] the phallus [of saturn] (h’NN+). [as] the son [-construct]. [in order for] (the festival of) […]

PT 389

PT 389 PT 389 682f] the word. to connect to. the upside-down boat [of eden willpower] (penã)., [as]] the root at place-T for the word of vulture-rule for existence (na-ut+). [of] adam-within., [in order] to make the solarplane of existence (sben). [by] the serpent of the word of hail to make speech (via ad.soul) (s-r-áu+, […]

PT 387

PT 387 PT 387 680b] (the eden dome) to sleep (stcher+). [in order for] the word of hail of cube-H (Háu)., 680a] [by means of] the divine shining backbone (pestch+). [of] majesty (h’em). the bull to sacrifice for speech and nature (kher+)., [in order for] divine great speech. [by] the bull to sacrifice for speech […]

PT 402

PT 402 PT 402 698d] every. light (eden’s). [for] place-T to birth (mes-t, matrix)., [by means of] place-T of the most-b-soul-adam (it). [as] (the eden dome’s ) place-T to sleep [by bordersky] (setchr-t+)., [for] the light (matrix). which is (place-T of existence, nt). [by] the one. eye (eden’s?). [for this N]. + 698c] [as?] the […]

PT 427

PT 427 PT 427 777c] this (pn). great speech. [for] to build and unite (khnem)., [through] the workplace (ás). [for] existence (matrix). the word to come for hail.; [by] to connect to. the son [-construct]. to connect to. making the kh-house by the hand [as the plummet] (via ad.soul,s-t’ekh)., [in order] to connect to. existence […]

PT 437

PT 437 PT 437 808b] the jackal making the solarplane (via ad.soul) (s-b+). [for] thou. existence. [through] the word. to make hail.; of [=by]. + 808a] he. the head. [as] the nebs tree [zizyphus]. [for] thou. existence. the solarplaneshore to change course., [and through] the á-ma tree [in lampstand]. the word. to connect to. to […]

PT 435

PT 435 PT 435 787b] Forever. [by] place-T-e of ãnkh-life. alike-adam (miá). the light (matrix). [for] all [of]. the torso. [as] place-T of totality [144,000]. to make the solarplane of existence (‘health’, snb)., [by] the uas sceptre. [through] the djed pillar. the ãnkh-life. to give., 787a] Pepi (cartouche). [of?] the m-b-soul-adam-like speech for the M-realm […]

PT 434

PT 434 PT 434 785d] the dome as place-T of speech for the an-face. existence. to connect to. existence of speech (‘name’, rn). of [=by]. to connect to speech [of hail]. [for this N]. the speech. [by] the saturn-wick. to give. speech., [in order to not need to?] to connect to. nót. within (eden?)., 785c] […]

PT 452

PT 452 PT 452 843b] to complete. speech and nature (kher, matrix). [by] he place-T of speech of hail (ár-tf). [of] the evil place-T of the word of the mountain (eden’s)., [but] to complete háil. [for this N]. [by] place-T of speech of hail. [through] the evil place-T of the word of the mountain (eden’s). […]

PT 453

PT 453 PT 453 846b] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [for] existence (matrix). [of] thou speech of hail (ár-k)., [in order for] the Watercourse by the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face [eden’s]. [to be] nót.; [but instead, by] Horus’. eye. thou. existence to bring (ánn, matrix).; 846a] [as] thou. speech. [of] ãnkh-life., [for] […]

PT 454

PT 454 PT 454 847c] [the dome at place-T]. [of] all [of]. the dimensional background of Saturn (h’a). (the wheel) to revolve [solarplane] (t’eben+).; of [=by]. the staff-tá to revolve (t’bn-tá). [as] the staff-tá of great speech (ur-tá).; [for] N (candidate). Osiris (as construct).+ 847b] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [for] all [of]. existence […]

PT 455

PT 455 PT 455 851b] thou. the spirits. to purify., of [=by]. thou speech of hail (ár-k). [of] the opened word-inside., [through] thou. place-T of the opened word-inside. [for] existence. [as] place-T for to make hail (eye+hail).; 851a] [and so by] the land (south, eden’s). the speech of hail (ár). [through] he. place-T of speech […]

PT 450

PT 450 PT 450 836e] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] the Ka spirit-doubles. [of] speech and nature (kher, matrix)., [by means of] the word (eden’s). to wander-astray (shem, adam-related).; 836d] [for] the gods (matrix). to purify., [by] thou. to purify.; 836c] the (feminine vulture-rule) covering of the solarplane by the k-axis of praise (áakb+). […]

PT 443

PT 443 PT 443 823e] the eden star (to make k-axis) who is unaware of hail. he. not.; within.; the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix). [for this N]. [by] to connect to. to become the new root of hail.; 823d] the pillars of Õn as the seat of place-T of the root for speech [‘Nut’]. existence. […]

PT 448

PT 448 PT 448 830b] Horus’. eye. [for] he. the existence (matrix). [by] the hand (executive area). [as] the perch-region of Thoth., [and through] he. place-T of the speech of hail (ár-t). to complete (tem). the hail (á).; 830a] [namely for] he. the ãnkh-life. [using] the prisoner (su, Cain). [for] to join [the solarplane]. the […]

PT 439

PT 439 PT 439 814c] the divine royal south (nsut+). alike-adam (miá). [as] the two lands [south; matrix]. [for N]., [through] existence (edenś). to carry-Off.; 814b] [by means of] the land (south, eden’s). [for] the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [of] the sky of earth (north)., [as] existence (matrix). [by] (place-T) to fill [north]. [of] the […]

PT 438

PT 438 PT 438 811e] [by] to serve [eden] (á-makh). [for] the word of the solarplane (bu). [of] all [of]. existence (matrix)., [as] existence. to make to become new (via ad.soul) (s-un, unusual). [by] speech of hail (ár).; 811d] [and so] Horus’. West. [by] place-T of the foremost (kh-house)., [as] place-T of the slaughterhouse (nemm-t). […]

PT 444

PT 444 PT 444 824e] [for] N (candidate). the ãnkh-life. to connect to. ãnkh-life. [of] the nut dome [torus dome]., 824d] [as] he. the ãnkh-life. [through] he. the solarplane to make the serpent-hand (via ad.soul) (stchb). to connect to. to be given [by eden].; [by means of] the nut dome [torus dome].+ 824c] to connect […]

PT 446

PT 446 PT 446 825d] [by] the adamite soul. the word. to birth (mes). [of] adam-within., [for] great speech. [through] place-T the word to connect to (thu-t). 825c] all. the evil place-T of the word of the mountain [eden’s]. [of] willpower., of [=for]. the nut dome. the word of all. existene (matrix). to build and […]

PT 442

PT 442 PT 442 822c] Sekhet áaru (saturn fields). of [=as].+ 822a] the sky of earth. [being] place-T of adam-within (ámi-t). [as] place-T of beauty (nefer-t)., [through] the things (-T’s?) of the Watercourse. [for] speech of hail., [as] this (to connect to). word (eden’s). to guide. [in order] to make the doubled-place-T (via ad.soul) [+to […]

PT 441

PT 441 PT 441 818c] the eden stars (to make k-axis) who are unaware of hail (ákhm sk+). [for] Horus. (place-T) to fill [north]., [as] he the root of hail (áp-f). [for] the gods (matrix)., [by means of] existence (stars). [to] thou. to wander-astray (adam-related). [for] hail.; 818b] [and so] Horus’. West. [by] place-T of […]

PT 440

PT 440 PT 440 816d] the great pillar – the god. existence. [for N]. he. to make to bathe [in willpower-e of hail] (via ad.soul) (áã+)., [as] the great pillar – the god. [for] speech and nature (kher, matrix). [of N]. the head for the an-face. he. the word to command.; 816c] [by means of] […]

PT 518

PT 518 PT 518 1200c] the island of offerings (skht h’tp+). [being] the innermost sacred place., of [=as]. + 1200b] (the pools?) to bathe in [eden willpower of hail] (áã+). [for] the willpower (matrix). of [=for]. he. to drink [by to make great speech] (via ad.soul) (s-ur+)., 1200a] [and as] the fields. of [=for]. N. […]

PT 517

PT 517 PT 517 1192b] [by means of] the lights of the son [construct]. the completion of the solarplane., [as] existence (matrix). [for N]. [by] he. to make the new root of hail (via ad.soul) (sáp). [through] the Ka spirit-doubles. [as] existence (matrix). [for N]. [of] he. the word by decree of law.; 1192a] [namely […]

PT 516

PT 516 PT 516 1187c] the season. [by] the heads (adamite originals). [for] the word of the word-inside. [as] the word by the new root of hail (ápu). [for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the lights as mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). of [=as?]. the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face. [for] the gods (matrix).; […]

PT 515

PT 515 PT 515 1182d] [by] (the light) to build [from blueprint] (qet’+, the hand at q-axis). the word. [for] to be equipped (ãper)., [through] place-T of existence (‘which is’,nt). [by] the throne of adamite. he. to dwell (h’ems).;.; 1182c] [as?] the doubled átert shrine. [being] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [for] the speech of […]

PT 513

PT 513 PT 513 1174d] place-T of the great pillar. [by?] the ennead (9 gods). [as] place-T of the formost (kh-house). + 1174c] [of] the word (eden’s) for the ultimate word-inside (3xnu). [for] existence of hail (án).; [by means of] to make speech (via ad.soul, ser). [as] the light. [of?] place-T of the serpent [-hand] […]

PT 527

PT 527 PT 527 1249d] Forever. the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the land (south, eden’s). [for] the speech of hail. [for this. N]. [as] descended cube-H.; 1249c] [in order for] the sky of earth (north). the speech of hail. [for this N]. to manifest (per)., [through] the 4 cherub\\wheels (glyph)., to recite.; […]

PT 530

PT 530 PT 530 1253e] the sky of earth (north). [of] the word of adam-within. [for] the stars (glyphs). alike adam (mm, weak). [as N]. to dwell (h’ems).; 1253d] [by means of] the island as field of offerings (skht h’tp). [for] the speech of hail (ár). [of] he. the willpower (matrix). place-T-e to acquire (shp-t).; […]

PT 524

PT 524 PT 524 1243c] Forever. [N’s]. the head. [as] [this N’s]. the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [through] Horus’. eye. [for] thou. existence. the word to come for hail., 1243b] [as] the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix). [for this N]. [as] thou. existence. the word to come for hail.; [in order for] thou. existence to make […]

PT 523

PT 523 PT 523 1232c] [for] the spirits. the staff-tá. [in order for] the foremost (kh-house). [of this N]. [by] the staff-tá. to stand upright.; 1232b] [in order for] the words of ãnkh-life. [by means of] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [of] Horus. to stand upright., [for] the speech. alike-adam (miá).; 1232a] [and so for] […]

PT 426

PT 426 PT 426 776b] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [in order for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the Ka spirit-doubles. [fór] the gods (matrix).; of [=by] (means of). thou. sekhem-power. [for] existence (matrix). + 76a] [through] the place-T of honey (north). of [=by]. thou. to rise and be crowned (khã)., [in order […]

PT 425

PT 425 PT 425 div class=”sp-indent”>775c] [by] thou. to die. nót.; [but instead, by] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [in order] all [of]. existence to make (via ad.soul)., [by means of] the lights (of place-T) of the sh-pool for hail [eden’s] (‘posessions ásht+).; 775b] [and by] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [for] existence […]

PT 536

PT 536 PT 536 1297e] [..lost 4]. the word to bend [to k-axis] (ksu). of [=bý]. place-T of the dimensional background [of saturn] (h’at). the átert shrine. [namely by] place-T of the south [eden sh pool] (shemã-t). the átert shrine. [by] he. existence (eden’s). [as] place-T for the word to come., 1297d] [and so through] […]

PT 531

PT 531 PT 531 1254d] the alike-adam vulture-rule of the kh-house (khamm, lit.)., of [=by] (means of). Horus. having opened place-T of the eden root (upt+scroll). [in order] of [=for]. the ãnkh-life. [of] existence (matrix). [for this N]. [as] the word (matrix). [of] triple-hail (ááá).; 1254c] [by] he the root. [of] the (dimensional) side (ges). […]

PT 534

PT 534 PT 534 1279c] this (pu). he. the place-T of the serpent [hand] (tch-t). [for] to feed upon. + this (pu). word of the [sh] pool. [for] matrix-existence (na)., 1279b] [as] he. the house [of speech]. below., nót.; he. [to be] below. nót.; 1279a] [but by] the ennead (9 gods,tuat XI). the existence of […]

PT 537

PT 537 PT 537 1301c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [for] existence (matrix). [as?] the djed pillar (tch-t’)., of [=by]. place-T(-e) of the djed pillar (tch-t’-t). to transform (kheper glyph). [for] ãnkh-life. of [=as]. place-T of ãnkh-life.; 1301b] [by means of] the word (eden’s). to cool-down [q-axis] (likely glyph qbh’t). [by] thou. [sh] pool. […]

PT 538

PT 538 PT 538 1302c] place-T of the root to open [eden’s] (upt)., of [=for]. to complete. [through] the fingers [into lampstand] (tchbãu). + 1302b] place-T of the adamite throne. [as] the willpower (eden’s). of [=by]. thou. tail (st’+)., [as] Horus’. willpower. of [=for]. thou. head. + 1302a] [namely] the wanting throne-G (ga+). [of] hail., […]

PT 535

PT 535 PT 535 1290b] thou place-T. the word of place-T to desire [for speech of M-realm] (mertu)., [in order for] he. the speech to make (via ad.soul). [by] the workplace (ás). [of] the peace [of saturn] (h’etep)., [for] existence. [by] these [numbering]. things for the season (tert+). of [=for]. + 1290a] thou. speech. [of] […]

PT 553

PT 553 PT 553 1369d] the sekhem-sceptres (glyph). [of] place-T of the foremost (kh-house)., [by means of] forever. place-T of the djed pillar (tch-t’-t).+ 1369c] the word-e to bend [to k-axis] (ksu). [in order] of [=for]. the dimensional background [of saturn] (h’a). [through] the north (to fill). átert shrine. [for] thou. existence. the word to […]

PT 554

PT 554 PT 554 1372b] [by] the land (south, eden). the hail. head (main-hail). [for] thou. existence of speech (matrix)., [in order for] existence (matrix). [by] the (evil) word of the mountain (eden’s). nót.; [as] thou. existence. [by] the (evil) word of the mountain (eden’s). nót.; 1372a] [but instead, by] the t’ua star. [as] the […]

PT 550

PT 550 PT 550 1350b] [by] within (the lampstand)., existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] existence. to make existence for the solarplane (via ad.soul) (‘health, fortress’, sbn). [as] this (pu). word for the solarplane (bu)., of [=by] (means of). the place of battle [in lampstand] (ãhã+). of [=for]. to make existence for the solarplane (via […]

PT 549

PT 549 PT 549 1349b] thou. mouth. head (main-mouth). [by] thou. (female) shrine at place-T of the word of the root for speech (rput+, comp.). [for] existence., [as] the flesh of willpower of the word of hail of the heir (adamite originals). [for] thou. existence.; [by means of] the fire-drill boat (at q-axis). + 1349a] […]

PT 543

PT 543 PT 543 1337d] the (3) lights [wheels] (glyph). of [=as]. slaughtered meat (lights) of willpower-e of the sh-pool south (shã+). [for] me (ku)., of [=by] to ritually sacrifice [cherub] (s-ma). [in order for] thou. existence. [as] existence to bring hail (ánn, matrix).; [for] this. N (candidate). Osiris (as construct). + 1337c] [by] he […]

PT 542

PT 542 PT 542 1336b] he. existence. [by means of] the prisoner (su, Cain). [for] he. the willpower. [of] existence., [through] place-T of hail. [of] the word-inside for hail (ánu,õn). [for] thou. sight (maa).; [by] to hurry (to come the adamite soul). hail. [to?] the perch-region of Thoth. + 1336a] [as] place-T of hail. [for] […]

PT 541

PT 541 PT 541 1334c] [by means of] the prisoner (su, Cain). this (to connect to). hail. [through] the praised (áa, lampstand). place-T of hail (át). [in order for] existence (eden’s). speech to make of hail. + 1334b] [for?] his Self (tchs-f). [of] this. N (candidate)., [through] Osiris’ (construct). he the place-T of hail (‘father’,átf). […]

PT 556

PT 556 PT 556 1429e] Horus’. eye. below (sic)., [for] this. N. this. N’s [2x]. word of hail., [as] the island (glyph). [for] the word of hail., [and] to be snatched-away (by eden). nót.; 1429d] [causing that?] the island. [of] the word of hail. [as] the perch-region of Thoth. [would be?] nót.; [and] the pool. […]

PT 551

PT 551 PT 551 1351c] the god. [as] place-T made by the split-off Watercourse (via ad.soul) (s-ua-t)., [by means of] thou. to make the split-off Watercourse (s-ua). + 1351b] [as] the doubled dimensional backside [eden root] (peh’+II). [in order for] the hail. to return (h’em). [as] the dimensional fóreground [of saturn] (h’a)., [namely] the word […]

PT 576

PT 576 PT 576 1519] the physical garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (seth+). the word. [of] (sexual) sweetness (netchem). the head (main sweetness)., [in order for] he (word). to become the willpower. [of] speech of hail (ár). [for] this. N.; to become by the design (sesh+). [of] the hand [eden’s] (executive place). + […]

PT 575

PT 575 PT 575 1499] thou. word. [of] speech and nature (kher, matrix). of [=by] (means of). the words to come. [as] the essence to make existence of hail (via ad.soul) (s-án+). [through] thou. the things to bring (án,mult.). of [=by]. place-T of existence to bring (án-t). [of] hail.; 1498c] [from?] the sky of earth […]

PT 558

PT 558 PT 558 1391] place-T-e(halfstaff). [of] ãnkh-life. [as] thou. place-T of the branch [for the kh-house] (glyph). of [=for]. ãnkh-life.; [by] the support to rise up for the word (u-thes). [from?] staff-tá/T-e. [of?] the uas-sceptre. [to?] place-T-e of the uas-sceptre. [as?] place-T-e of ãnkh-life. [for?] place-T-e of ãnkh-life.; 1390d] [and so by means of] […]

PT 559

PT 559 PT 559 1393b] the realm-garments (menkh?). [by] the word. [of] the (?). [for] the [an-] face. [of] thou. existence., [by] he (eden). to give. [to] Osiris (as construct). [namely] the lights for turquoise (fqa+).; 1393a] [by means of] the mountain. place-T to slaughter and transfer [for solarplane] (khbt+). [for?] the rim [at new […]

PT 560

PT 560 PT 560 1395b] [by] the son (-constructs). [for] the completion of the solarplane (h’eb)., [as] existence. [by] he. \\(eden) willpower. the head (main-willpower). [of] the Ka spirit-double., [and as?] existence. [by] he. place-T of the branch [for kh-house]. of [=for]. the word of hail.; 1395a] Osiris (as construct). [by] thou. son (-construct). [for] […]

PT 562

PT 562 PT 562 1407b] the tile place-T of the adamite soul. to violently split-Off (t’for tch). [for] existence to make., [in order] to give. speech (eden). nót.; 1407a] [but instead,] Horus. thou. speech and nature (kher,matrix). [of] peace [of saturn] (h’etep)., [and so] of [=for]. this. N (candidate). existence (matrix). [by] the word to […]

PT 579

PT 579 PT 579 1542b] the word of hail to bend [to k-axis] (ksáu). [in order] of [=for]. he. existence (matrix). existence to make (via ad.soul). [at?] place-T the word to come.; [by] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). of praise (áa). existence to make. [by] place-T to give. alike adam (miá).; 1542a] [through] the […]

PT 580

PT 580 PT 580 1550b] [for] this. N (candidate). Osiris’ [as constructed]. he place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [of] existence., [as] Horus’. existence. [by] the eye., 1550a] the [sh] pool. [by] the boat of the bull to go dissect (?,nemt). [in order for] existence (matrix). [to have] the redness [eden aether] (t’esher). [for] the bull […]

PT 581

PT 581 PT 581 11557d] the place (-T) of vulture-rule as son-construct [lampstand] (‘place of Sais’). [for] existence (matrix). [being] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [as] place-T below (kher-t)., [fór] the workplace (ás). [of] willpower. + 11557c] [for] the words of breath-air. to become new for hail., of [=as]. existence. [of] thou speech of hail […]

PT 582

PT 582 PT 582 1567b] the spirits-light of place-T alike adam being the flower of existence by Saturn (h’enmmt+). [of] existence of hail (án). [for] N (candidate)., [by] the word to triple-protect (khkhkhkh-u). [for] Osiris’ [as construct]. he the place-T of hail (‘father’). [of] existence of hail. [for] N’s. sight (restored maa?).; 1567a] [by means […]

PT 592

PT 592 PT 592 1626] to connect to. the workplace (ás). [for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the Ka spirit-doubles. [for] all [of]. the gods (matrix).; of [=by] (means of). place-T-e of sekhem-power (half-staff; sekhmt). [for?] place-T of honey (bá). of [=as]. place-T-e to rise and be crowned (half-staff; khà-T)., + 1625] [of] the […]

PT 595

PT 595 PT 595 1640c] [by] Horus’. son [-construct]. existence (matrix). [through] the torso., [by] place-T to bring. [for] the speech. alike-adam (miá)., 1640b] [as] (place-T of) the adamite throne. [by] he. the mother (T) [in lampstand]. [for] existence. [through] the torso., [by] Horus. place-T to bring. [for] speech. alike-adam.; 1640a] [as] thou. belly (south). […]

PT 591

PT 591 PT 591 1614c] thou. lights of place-T of he for the kh-house (‘enemies’,khftu). [for] the speech. [of] thou. Ka spirit-double., [by] the word (eden’s). to connect to. existence (matrix)., 1614b] [through] the place of Õn. [as] place-T of adam-within. to direct (for speech to make,ser). place-T of the house of saturn., of [=for]. […]

PT 589

PT 589 PT 589 1609b] [by] he. the Ka spirit-double. of [=for]. place-T-e (half-staff) [speech] to transform.; [as] Horus. word. [for] thou. existence. [of] protection (by serpent-hand) (netch).; 1609a] [for] all. the gods (matrix). existence. [by their] Ka spirit-double. + [through] place-T the word to connect to (thu-t). [for] N (candidate). Osiris.; to recite.; —— […]

PT 588

PT 588 PT 588 1608b] [by] the adamite soul. the word to birth. [of] adam-within., [for] great speech. [through] place-T for the word to connect to (‘image’, thu-t). + 1608a] [in order for] great speech. place-T to unite and build. [and so] existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] existence of speech.; of [=by] (means of). […]

PT 602

PT 602 PT 602 1674d] [by] the m-b-soul-adam. the advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0)., [for] N’s (candidate). existence. [by] the cherub\\wheel (sep). this (to connect to). to give. speech.; 1674c] this (to connect to). speech and nature (kher,matrix). [through] the cherub\\wheel (sp). [by] N. to discover (gem)., [as] the opened word-inside. this (to connect to). […]

PT 593

PT 59 PT 593 1637b] [by] he place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). the protection (serpent+existence)., [as] the son [construct]. [of] Horus’. existence. [for] he. the existence of speech., of [=by] (means of). Horus. the word (eden’s). to connect to. existence. [of] protection (same).; 1637a] [by] to connect the boat (glyph?). [of] speech of the hand […]

PT 610

PT 610 PT 610 1723d] the jackal making the solarplane (via ad.soul) (s-b). [as] thou. existence. [by] the lion-mouth (R). to make hail.; of [=as]. thou. existence. to be given. [by means of] to make place-T-m (via the cain-artificial-soul) (‘s-t). + 1723c] [for] he. the head. [through] the nebs-tree (zizyphus). [of] thou. existence. [as?] the […]

PT 605

PT 610 PT 610 1682b] place-T to fill [the north] (mh’t). [of] he. the eye. of [=as]. place-T of the north SH-pool. [by] he (pool north). the eye. [for] Horus. existence. to fill (mh’)., 1682a] [in order for] Osiris [as construct]. [by] he the place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [for] existence (matrix)., [as] Horus’. word. […]

PT 606

PT 606 PT 606 1700] the staff-tá. [for] ãnkh-life. [of] thou. hail., [and for] N (candidate). [as] Osiris’ [as construct]. place-T of hail (‘father’, át). [for] the word. to connect to. the support to rise up (thes).; 1699d] [for] N. Osiris’. place-T of hail. [of] thou speech of hail (ár-k)., [through] the double ennead (18 […]

PT 632

PT 632 PT 632 1790b] thou. garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (via ad.soul) (seth+). [to get] the word. [for] great speech.; thou. garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (via ad.soul) (seth+). [to get] the word. [of] the East (as heaven).; thou. garment-body to make to connect to [eve] (via ad.soul) (seth+). [by […]

PT 609

PT 609 PT 609 1709b] hail. [through] the fire-drill boat [axis]. [as] the hail. [by] descended cube-H.; to make place-T [via the prisoner’s artificial soul] (‘s-t+). of [=as]. the boat (construct). [of] descended cube-H.; 1709a] [in order for] the light (eden’s). [as] the boat (glyph). of [=for]. thou. descended cube-H. [of] hail., [by means of] […]

PT 578

PT 578 PT 578 1538b] the workplace. [of] Geb. [for] the throne [of the tongue] (nest). [of] speech for the an-face., [namely] the workplace (ás). [for] the word as the flesh of the heir (ad. originals) for willpower of hail (matrix).; 1538a] [in order for] the m-b-soul-adam-like firstborn (via ad.soul) (sm’su). [through this] son-construct. [for] […]

PT 659

PT 659 PT 659 1837c] [by] he. the fingers [into lampstand] (tchebãu). below., place-T to copy (to make to connect to existence). [in order for?] all [of] the rekht-peoples. he. the existence (matrix). [as] he. the word of the plasma-construct (kha+u).; 1837b] [by means of] the garment-body by place-T to make to connect to [eve] […]

PT 640

PT 640 PT 640 1812c] he. the existence of speech (matrix). [by] the star to perish [eden’s] (sek+). nót.; [so that by] he. to die (m-t, matrix). nót.; 1812b] [but instead, for] this. N (candidate). Osiris [as construct]., [through] the dimensional background [of saturn] (h’a). [for] ãnkh-life, [as] existence (matrix). [of] thou. protection (sa). [by] […]

PT 638

PT 638 PT 638 1806b] the things of the Watercourse at place-T to open the root [eden’s] [up-tuatu, deity). [in order] existence to make [via ad.soul). [as] existence of speech [rn)., of [=by] [means of). + 1806a] the adamite soul. within., [for] thou. sight [maa). thou. to make. [as] Horus. thou. existence., [as] existence [matrix). […]

PT 648

PT 648 PT 648 1829d] existence to make [by eden] (via ad.soul). within (lampstand)., [as] the iron [+character] (báa). nót.; [but that can change by] the word. to connect to. existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] to bear up (fa)., 1829c] [and so by] thou speech of hail (ár-k). existence to make (via ad.soul). [of] […]

PT 650

PT 650 PT 650 1837c] [by] he. the fingers [into lampstand] (tchebãu). below., place-T to copy (to make to connect to existence). [in order for?] all [of] the rekht-peoples. he. the existence (matrix). [as] he. the word of the plasma-construct (kha+u).; 1837b] [by means of] the garment-body by place-T to make to connect to [eve] […]

PT 637

PT 637 PT 637 1804a] place-T of willpower of the root [south] (pã-t). [fór] all [of]. his Self (tches-f).[of] Horus. [as] place-T of the word by decree of law,, [in order] of [=for]. the spirits. the speech of hail (ár). [for] within., [just as] thou. khu-spirit. [of] hail.; 1804a] [for] Osiris [as construct]. the word […]

PT 683

PT 683 PT 683 2050b] the place of Õn (diagram). [as] place-T of adam-within (ámi-t)., [as] Horus’. eye. [of] ãnkh-life., [for] N’s (candidate). ãnkh-life., [for] N’s. ãnkh-life.; 2050a] the place of Õn. [as] place-T of adam-within (ámi-t)., [as] Horus’. eye. [of] health., [for] N’s. health., [for] N’s. health (utcha).; 2049] [as] the divine place-T of […]

PT 684

PT 684 PT 684 2062c] the sekht h’etep filed (+acquire?). which is. the sky of earth [north]. which is. place-T of beauty (nefer-t).; [by means of] the things of the Watercourse (not ‘ways’). [as] the speech. + 2062b] [of] the adamite soul. within. the gods (matrix)., [through] thou. place-T to guide. [namely] (-T of) the […]

PT 690

PT 690 PT 690 2119] the speech and nature (matrix,kher). [through] thou place-T. [for] the word to come hail., [by] thou. place-T of the serpent [hand] (tch-t). [as] place-T-e of the kh-house (kh-T). to become new.; [and so for] this. N (candidate). [as] descended cube-H.; 2118c] the god. of [=for]. thou. ãnkh-life. [as] thou. moon […]

PT 689

PT 689 Eve birthing the adamite soul inside their inversed bull’s skin, as Ka spirit-double PT 689 2091d] (s)he. the eye. [of] the [an-] face (eden’s). [for] Horus. [as] he the place-T (tf)., [in order for] the word to make to be re-inversed (s-sau). nót.; [but] of [=by] (means of). the adamite soul. + 2091c] […]

PT 685

PT 685 PT 685 2070b] place-T of the serpent [-hand] (tch-t; note). [of] existence (eden’s). within (sic)., [for] this. N (candidate)., [by] to offer place-T to the k-axis of saturn (h’enk+). + 2070a] [in order for] the spelt (bet’t). thou. to plough [to make the Ka-double] (sKa)., [and] the grain (glyph). thou. to plough (seKa). […]

PT 687

PT 687 PT 687 2077b] [by] the island of the horizon (-T). of [=for]. he. to manifest (per)., [namely] the light to rise and be crowned. [by] the word for to repulse [eden] (khesefu). of [=for]. praised (áa). gods (matrix). [being?] the eye (make -t). alike-adam (miá).; 2077a] [as] N’s (candidate). word for to repulse. […]

PT 686

PT 686 PT 686 2073c] he. the lights of the horus-spirit by he for the kh-house (‘enemies’, khftiu+). [for] the speech of hail (ár).; [by means of] the adamite soul. to violently split-Off [the lights] (note). [and] to bend to speech and nature. [of] hail.; 2073b] he. the speech of hail. [by] the adamite soul. […]

PT 688

PT 688 Eve birthing the adamite soul inside their inversed bull’s skin, as Ka spirit-double PT 688 2086c] the place of the Menu [shrine] (ámen-corner). of [=as?]. the divine image (place-T) of the double-eye. [fór] the foremost (kh-house)., [by means of] the phallus (glyph). of [=for]. + 2086b] the divine place-T of he (as?) the […]

PT 526

PT 526 PT 526 1247d] this (pn). N (candidate). existence. to connect to. willpower (eden’s,ã+stopline). to give., [for] the sky of earth [north]. [of] speech of hail (ár)., [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). to seize [eden] (sht’)., 1247c][for] N. [by means of] the legs [mountains] (rt’, diagram). Thoth. existence (eden’s). to invert (sa)., [in order for] […]

PT 528

PT 528 PT 528 1251d] place-T of great speech (ur-t, diagram). [as] the áter-t shrine. which is. the foremost [kh-house]. of [=for]. the divine word by the hand of the solarplane (bt’-u+). to dwell (h’ems).; 1251c] [as] place-T of the great pillar (=ur-t). [of] the Ennead (pantheon of 9). who are. the foremost [kh-house]. of […]

PT 529

PT 529 PT 529 1252f] the sky of earth [north]. [of] existence (matrix). (-T) to fill. [by] this (pu). Sba stargate [centre]., [for] he. existence to bring of hail (matrix, á-ánn).; 1252e] the sky of earth [north]. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] place-T-e of the east. [of] the Sba stargate. of [=by]. he. the […]

PT 525

PT 525 PT 525 1246d] the hail of the sh-pool [north]; [and] the hail of the sh-pool [north]. [as] the east. of [=by] he (pool). to manifest (per).; 1246c] [as] the light. [for] the word to repulse [eden] (khesef). [in order] of [=for]. existence to make (via ad.soul). to rejoice in [place-T for the matrix-aether […]

PT 676

PT 676 PT 676 2017c] the word-e to bow [to k-axis] (kesu). of [=by]. the dimensional background of Saturn (h’a)., [in order] to fill (-T). the átert-shrine (-T). [of] thou. existence. [by] the word to come for hail.; 2017b] place-T of the South (res-t). [as] the átert shrine (-T). [for] speech of hail., [by] thou. […]

PT 251

PT 251 PT 251 271b] the island of the horizon. of [=for]. N. existence (matrix). [of] willpower (matrix)., to be repulsed khesef). nót.; 271a] [but] existences to make (via ad.soul). [by] place-T of the dimensional foreground of saturn [=torso] (h’a-t). [for] N.; [by means of] existence (matrix?). to keep captive (sqr,note). the word. [for] to […]

PT 281

PT 281 PT 281 422d] the Nãui serpent [willpower]., the Nãui serpent (repeated). [by,as?] the m-b-soul-adam. [for] the boat of willpower of existence (matrix).; [by] the m-b-soul-adam. [for] boat of willpower of existence.; 422c] [as] the containment of the word-inside of hebrew-H (Hun+). [for] the light of existence of hail (õn-pillar). [as] the word. [of] […]

PT 280

PT 280 PT 280 421b] great speech. [as] m-b-soul-adam-like speech., [by means of] the word. to connect to. protection (sa)., [as] thou. dimensional background [of saturn] (h’a). [for] thou. [an-] face (north).; 421a] [by means of?] to come the staff tá to make to inverse (via ad.soul)., to come the staff tá to make to […]

PT 279

PT 279 PT 279 420b] the darkness of hail of kk by T-e [as staff area].; the darkness of hail of kk by T-e [as staff area].; 420a] [for]. N’s. hail. [as] the dimensional background of saturn (h’a). [for] Thoth’s perch-region. [namely] the pools of the word for speech of the M-realm (mer+)., [by?] (to […]

PT 278

PT 278 PT 278 419c] [for] N (candidate). [by] the staff-tá. thou. the M-realm (m). to give,; the serpent [eden] (glyph). [for] hail. [now as] he. the word. [of] the staff-tá. untied [the serpent] (fkh)., 419b] the staff-tá. [for] [to desire] most-b-soul-adam-like speech for the M-realm (meri).; [to desire] most-b-soul-adam-like speech for the M-realm (meri). […]

PT 277

PT 277 PT 277 418b] to make existence of the solarplane (via ad.soul) (seben). [by] the sacrificial bull [for speech and nature of hail] (kheri+)., 418a] [as] he. the testicles (glyph). [of] the word. below (kher)., [in órder for] existence. [as] the Ka spirit double bull.; to make existence of the solarplane (via ad.soul) (seben). […]

PT 276

PT 276 PT 276 417b] the (one) leg (rt’). [of] adam-within., [fór] he. the place-T of the Q-axis (as) the circle (qer-q-t). [of] adam-within., [in order for?] to make the make the k-axis for to perish (eden) (?,seksek). 417a] [for] thou speech of hail. [as] thou. eye (-T to make)., [for] thou speech of hail. […]

PT 275

PT 275 PT 275 416c] the place (-T) to seize [eden’s] (shet’). [of] adam-within., [for] the great speech. of [=for]. N (candidate). [by] [speech] to transform (kheper).; 416b] [namely through] the island. [of] speech. [for] within., [as] he. the garment place-T to make the hand (via ad.soul) (st’t+)., [and so] of [=for]. N (candidate). existence […]

PT 256

PT 256 PT 256 303d] thou. nuh’ cord. [as?] the boat of m-b-soul-adam’s hebrew-H [cube]., 303c] [for?] he. the shore alike-adam of the hand (, t’míá)., [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for that] cord to restrain (áth’,saturn). [of] he. the mother (T). [of?] the prisoner (Cain). [in order for] the boat (of hail) to ferry-over (khen+á+). […]

PT 255

PT 255 PT 255 300c] divine intuition [make hail backwards] (sáa). of [=for]. this. N (candidate). [as] sekhem-power., [by means of] the divine word of Saturn (h’u). existence (eden’s). to carry-off.; 300b] [as] this. N’s. existence. [by] the land (eden,south). [for] speech. [of] royalty (sãh’, orion). [through] he. to establish (uah’). + 300a] namely] he. […]

PT 262

PT 262 PT 262 336b] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix)., [as] the dimensional-place to make willpower of hail (via ad.soul) (‘to bathe in’s-áã+). [for] existences to make (via ad.soul). within., [by means of?] the hailstorms place-T of hail to encircle (shenát+). [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). existence (eden’s). to seize (sht’).; 336a] [for?] the four(th) […]

PT 282

PT 282 PT 282 423c] he. the speech of hail (ár). [by means of ] the eden realm (NN). [of] the word of speech to make hail. to worship [the sh-pool for the imprisoned word of the Watercourse] (sh-pool south).; [by?] the eden realm. [for?] thou. [as?] the bull (glyph). [to offer] the words for […]

PT 283

PT 283 PT 283 424b] to carry-off. of [=by] (means of). [first] to connect to. [in order] to carry-off. hail (eden’s). [for] the word of hail. [as] thóu hail (á-k).; [by means of] the Menu shrine [khesem] (diagram). existence to make (via ad.soul). [for] within (the matrix). [by] place-T to Net (?,sekht). [of] he. the […]

PT 285

PT 285 PT 285 426d] place-T-e of hail. [for] the torso. [through] the double-place-T of saturn-wick-H’ of totality (auah’tt. [in order for] the wórd of totality (au-u). [as] the dimension., of [=by]. the lionmouth., [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). [to get?] the ultimate word-inside (eden,nu x3). [for] the solarplane (b). [of] hail.; [by means of] hail-e […]

PT 274

PT 274 PT 274 414c] [for] eternity. the speech., [by] forever. this (pn). land (eden,south). of =[for]. the word. [of] ãnkh-life. of [=for]. this. N (candidate).; [by means of] the torso. the throne of adamite (-T). + 414b] to plough (khebs). of [=for]. the images [of-T]., [in order for] the word (eden). to make. sekhem-power. […]

CT 187

CT 187 CT 187 III 97 i] [by eden] within. those who are [horus-spirits]., existence (matrix). [as] the divine south [land,when theirs] (suten). I am.; h] the sky of earth (north). [of] speech. [by means of] place-T of the Watercourse (in north). my. existence. to make.; g] he (T of w.). the boat of the […]

CT 186

CT 186 CT 186 III 87 b] the place of the adamite soul’s word., [by means of?] the áten light-wheel. the coverings to unite (make to reap,s-ma). below.; (note) [as] the place of the adamite soul’s word. [of] beauty (nefer). [by] place-T which is (nt-t). the foremost. [as] the one. neH-t sycamore tree [eden’s]. below […]

CT 184

CT 184 CT 184 II 84,83 b] existences to make (via ad.soul). within. the divine “One”(north). [which] I am.; a] Thoth. to desire (mer). [for] alike-adam(miá). the land (south). [for] this. N (candidate). to unite (s-ma,by reaping).; e] the divine light (matrix). alike adam’s (miá)., [as] the sky of earth (matrix). [for] this. N. [by […]

CT 183

CT 183 CT 183 j] to make the (magically-dangerous) wheel the (new) root (via ad.soul) (sep; note). \\[for] the word for the word-inside to copy.; [in order] of [=for]. (m-b-soul-adam-like) to make. to make speech and nature (sekher). [for] existence (matrix)., [through] the opened word-inside. alike adam’s (mm,weak form).; i] [by] the aspects offered in […]

CT 302

CT 302 CT 302 IV 55 d] my. divine head. the [an-] face. to stand upright., [by means of] the throat [through tiles] (h’eti). [for] the divine corn-god [speech by the root of existence] (new root; neper). c] [for my. torso [upon tiles]. [as] speech. to arrive (seper, note).; [as] the speech. my. torso. to […]

CT 305

CT 305 CT 305 IV 59 s] to complete. [by] he (eden). existence. to give.; [by means of] the speech of the border [-sky] (tcherr). [as] speech. within (eden)., [in order for] he. existence. r] [by] aspects offered in h’etep. [as] the two lands’ place-T succeeded to acquire (not ‘field’). [for] he. existence (matrix). [as] […]

CT 310

CT 310 CT 310 IV 66 q] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] the ox to mix for the word (‘to defend’, usheb+). [repeat usheb]. [for?] the heads. [of] adam-within (matrix). [by?] the Nuh’cords (note). [of] the house of saturn. [which] I am.; p] [through] the Akeru serpents [Watchers]. he. the main place-T (tep-t). [as?] […]

Posted in CT

CT 311

CT 311 CT 311 IV 67 t] the divine cemetary below [top lampstand]. of [=for]. Khensu (moon). of [=as?]. words of speech. s] [of] this (pn). N (candidate)., [as] these. things for the torso in dimensional background of saturn (=cemetary; h’a-t+). of [=for]. ãnkh-life.; r] [by] the boat of Khensu [moon construct]. of [=for]. m-b-soul-adam-like […]

CT 309

CT 309 CT 309 IV 65 e] the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [by means of] the word of place-T to bring (án-t-u). [as] the one. Ábat [Apollo, Abaddon] (note). [for] existence of hail.; d] [by means of] the (pregnant) goddess of the double-place-T of the (southern) willpower to wander-astray (1 glyph, note). [to] […]

PT 468

PT 468 PT 468 905c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [as] existence (matrix). [for this N]. within (eden)., [in order for] thou. torso (centre). he. to make the peace of saturn (via ad.soul) (s-h’etep)., + 905b] [for] the broad hall (in torus). [of] adam-within.,[as] Horus’. speech and nature (kher, matrix). [by] the word. to […]

CT 441

CT 441 CT 441 V 300 f] the aspects for the word to rise and be crowned (khãu+). [for] me. [by] existence (eden’s). to acquire.; to become. e] [by means of] the things to wander-astray (adam related). [for] my. existence (matrix). [of] the word of hail.; d] [by] me. the sebekht gate. me. existence (eden’s). […]

Posted in CT

PT 317

PT 317 PT 317 510d] he. the torso (tiles). to acquire. [as] he place-T for the kh-house (khetf). [for] N (candidate). speech to desire (merr). [through] the (place-T of) adamite throne. [of] speech.; 510c] [in order for] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the phallus [cherub bearingpoles] (mãH+). [bý] the women. to carry-off. [for] hail.; […]

CT 443

CT 443 CT 443 V 310 i] the aspects of the word to rise and be crowned (khãu+). this. (pn). N (candidate). [through] existence (eden’s). to acquire.; h] lost ] g] he. the castle (glyph). to build (matrix, khem). within [eden]. [in order for] the dimension to purify., [through] this N. f] [by] his-Self. [of] […]

Posted in CT

CT 442

CT 442 CT 442 V 302 pp d] to divinely become perfect (áqer+). [through] the words to become perfect (áqeru+)., [by means of] the words to snatch away (neh’emu). c] Forever. the divine all [of]. the side (ges). [of] speech [eden’s]. [as] he. the willpower. of [=for]. to divinely transform. the word of the throne […]

Posted in CT

CT 440

CT 440 CT 440 V 296 f] my. existence. [by] the (sebekh-t) gate. to make to open (sensh,eden). the word of hail.; e] to embrace [the hail by the beating-place] (qená, q-axis). my. existence becoming new.; to become. + d] [by] m-b-soul-adam-like to build (khemi). the divine purified dimension. [which] I am.; c] [through] the […]

Posted in CT

CT 439

CT 439 CT 439 V 292 j] the adamite soul. within. Horus., [through] the passive eden rule over the tiles fór the word (usheb+). to make alike-adam (s-miá). [for] within., [and by] thou. the passive eden rule over the tiles fór the word (usheb). i] [for?] Horus. who is. [by] the one. eye (tile?). [of] […]

Posted in CT

CT 991, CT 969

CT 991 theme:Sebek – impregnating the goddesses to birth the canaanite soul CT 991 VII 203 i] the perch-rigion of Menu [ámen-corner]. of [=for]. the divine all [of]. existence. [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [which]. [which] I am (= the hail).; h] [as] the perch-region of the bull/ox (glyph). [of] this (-T+existence). willpower […]

CT 268

CT 268 CT 268 IV 6-5 a] the Sebek crocodile (deity). of [=by]. words (of speech) to transform.; f] existence. to connect to. within., [by] the become place-T of the kh-house (not ‘every kind of’). of [=for]. this (pn). N’s (candidate). ãnkh-life., e] [by] this. N’s. h’esep gardens. [as] all [of]. Sebek.; d] this. N’s. […]

PT 308

PT 308 PT 308 489d] the doubled- god [double perch-region]. [as] the torso (tiles). [for] the staff tá (above gate). [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the tile of place-T of the adamite soul [lower tile] (Set-dog). [for] the sight (maa). alike-adam (miá).; [in order for] N (candidate). this (to connect to). existence (eden’s). [for] […]

PT 599

PT 599 PT 599 1651f] the house of Saturn of place-T. [of] the double Ennead (18 gods). [for] the solarplane (b). the willpower. of [=by]. (means of). + 1651e] (-T of) the crown of great eden speech (urrt). [which is for] existences to make (via ad.soul). to carry-off (the crown).; [in order for] existences to […]

CT 438

draft posted: first revision: 29/7/17 CT 438 CT 438 V 291 n] [by] death (eden’s). [is] the branch (matrix). of [=for]. my. ãnkh-life.; m] [namely as] every. light (eden’s). [for] the divine light (matrix). of [=as]. the word. [of] thou. speech by the root of the kh-house (upper tile).; l] [through] death (eden’s)., the word. […]

CT 436

CT 436 CT 436 V 289 b] the serpent namely the evil adamite soul of the intestine (kha-s+,lit.). [for] thou. existence. [as] place-T of sight (maa-t)., [in order for] existence (matrix). to return (h’em).; a] [and as] thou. speech. [in order for] thou. divine mother [-T] (mut). to manifest (per).; V288 c] [2 x lost]. […]

CT 159

CT 159 CT 159 II 372 b] the sky of earth. [as?] (word) inside. the East. [by] the Sba stargates. of [=for]. to enter (ãq). [in order] place-T to manifest (per-t).; a] [by means of] this (pu). divine m-b-soul-adam-like star as the god (glyph). [through] this. divine son-construct of eden speech for the word of […]

Posted in CT

CT 93

CT 93 CT 93 II 66 h] the tuathouse. [by] the Sba stargates. to open [and become new] (matrix, un).; g] [and so for] the divine word of spirits-light. [of] the words of adam-within. existences to make (via ad.soul)., [by] me. existence (eden’s). to strip-down (kef). f] [for] the opened word-inside (restored). [of] the willpower […]

CT 154

CT 154 CT 154 II 289-288 d] the tuathouse. [by] the Ba-spirit-soul of craftmanship (chakra-tool, h’emba). c] [as] the sky of earth. [of] speech. [for] place-T to manifest (per-t).; b] [as] the place of Õn. [for] the divine all [of]. the [an-] face. to enter (ãq).; a] [by] the cemetary below (top lampstand). of [=for]. […]

Posted in CT

CT 87

CT 87 CT 87 II 54 g] N-Osiris (candidate). [of] existence (matrix)., [by] the divine light (matrix). [of] existence. to become place-T of the serpent by decree of law. alike-adam’s (miá).; [in order] existences to make (via ad.soul). [for] within., [by] my. sekhem-power.; f]my. double sandal (thebut,note). below (kher). [in order for] my. enemies’ place-T […]

Posted in CT

CT 86

CT 86 CT 86 II 53 e] Neh’ebKau. of [=by]. the words to become transformed. d] [lost]. Neh’ebKau. am I.; c] existence. to connect to. to become a spirit. [for] this N-Osiris (candidate)., [by] existence (eden’s; added from f). to snatch away.; b] [in order] existence. to connect to. the Ka spirit-doubles. [for] this. N-Osiris. […]

CT 156

CT 156 CT 156 II 325 d] this. divine light / light (e/m?). [by?] the house. of [=for]. to connect to. existence. to know.; c] this. darkness (glyph). [of] intuition (saá). to make a hidden mystery [metal-place-T to make the sh-pool] (s-sheta+). b] [as] this (pu). perch-region \\[of] Thoth (áat+). a] [by] this. aspect. which […]

Posted in CT

CT 157

CT 157 CT 157 II 348 d] the gods. to follow. the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [as] Horus’. divine branches. of [=for]. existence to become new (matrix,unn).; c] this. H’api. [and] this. Ámmstá (2 sons). [of] this. Horus., b] [as] the place of the root (p). [for] the Ba spirit-souls., [by] me. to know. [for] […]

Posted in CT

CT 158

CT 158 II 362 f] [by] death (eden’s). [is] the ànkh life. [for] the Ba spirit-soul. [of] existence of hail.; e] the divine branches. of [=by]. the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [as] Horus’. existence. the gods to follow. of [=for]. existence of hail.; d] [by] the house. [of] the aspect. [for] existence (matrix). [as] the […]

CT 161

CT 161 textnote: CT is written in staccato-style, different as BD; example of type glyphs, CT 161 II 388 s] the place of Sekhet Áaru (top thes-domes). [for] N (candidate). [as] the word of hail. r] within.; [by means of] the light (eden’s). [as] spirits-light to rise and shine (uben). [for] the word of the […]

Posted in CT

CT 160

  CT 160   main theme : the king ( Thoth) of Mystery-Babylon speaks ;     II 388 (introduction , 1 coffin) c) the divine light (‘probably Râ’). [for] (matrix-) existence. divine things to follow. , (in order) for. (matrix-) existence to become new (-un). ; b) [and so by] he (‘Râ’). [to be] […]


BD CII Rã. to become the word by decree of law (utchu+scroll). [in order for] the boat-construct to make to build by blueprint., [by] to descend (hebrew-H cube). this. place-T of the thigh (uãr-t; note). 9] [in order for?] me. the watercourse to make m-b-soul-adam-like speech for the an-face (s-h’er+). [through?] the qãh’ shoulder (from […]

Posted in BD


BD CVI [by] the T’ept-boat (wormhole from tile to root). of [=for]. to come the solarplane. to hurry. great speech. [to] thou. divine he place-T-m of hail [ámen corner, likely] (‘father’, átef). alike-adam (miá).; [as] thou. dimension. [by] place t-e of the thigh (leg+t). [of] the mixed aspects [of both tiles] (sh-btu). [for] existence (matrix). […]

Posted in BD


BD C click pic to enlarge original title: the book of making strong the khu BD C to double place-T for speech of the phoenix bird rubric: [for] eternity (h’eh’). place-T-e to sacrifice. [in order for] to become the realm-garment. [of] every. light of willpower of speech. which is. the mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). [by] […]


BD LXXX the doubled-light of saturn (h’etchh’etch+). [through] the place-T-m of the prisoner (=sut,Cain). to become. the dark word of doubled-k (kku+). [for] existence (eden’s). to destroy (=sek)., [in order for] speech and nature (kher). [of] existence (matrix). [for] to come hail as advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; to become (áu). [by means of] the […]


BD CXLI [names of place-T-e:] the place of hail of hebrew-H for existence [matrix] (Hená+). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.; the place of the double-axis \\ (by) place-T-e to sacrifice (maãt\\*). for. Osiris’. existence.; Horus. [by means of] place-T-e to bear up (fa-t). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence. the place of the word for the […]

Posted in BD


title: changing the nature of light (the so-called ‘coming forth by day’) click pic for full size map BD LXXI rubric; scribe Thenna: the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions [of spirits] (h’eh’u)., [by] to sacrifice [in general] (eden) (maã). [for] to become the garment. [ás] every. light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix).; [by means […]


title: (transformations) connecting the leg to the treshfloor and backbone click pic for full size map BD LXXIV [by] the cemetary below. of [=as]. their (ad.souls). thing of masculinity (thaat). [for] the shores of the solarplane (át’ebuu). [of] the [an-] face (north).; 4] [by] the double treshfloor. [of] me. the passive eden realm [to] me. […]


draft posted: first revision: 17/5/17 scribe: Nu given title: ‘chapters of transformations’ status: 90 %, first revision 17/5 notes: below; about Eve, or revelation-goddess first draft: from draft, many words remained the same; streamlined Renouf link: below situation: red and blue circle see also: bd172, and all bd of (transformation) title: (transformations) essence for the […]


title: (transformations) the golden phoenix and quadruple root BD LXXVII 10] my. head (main). doorkeeper. of [=for]. my. sekhem-power. [is] the throat [between red-blue circle] (h’eti). [to] the corn-god (neperá,tuatIII). [for] my. existence. [by] existence (eden’s). to give.; [in order for] my. torso (centre). to acquire., [and for] me. to become abundance (bãh’,saturn/solarplane). [by means […]


title: 144,000 aspects of the South to the treshfloor for the lionmouth click pic for full size map click pic for full size BD LXXII rubric, Ani: Ani. (the scribe) [of] Osiris’. word of hail.; the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions [of spirits] (h’eh’u). [by means of] to sacrifice [eden] (maã). to become […]

Posted in BD


title: transferring the quadruple-root to the north side (important chapter) click pic for full size map click pic for full size BD CLXIV rubric: every. serpent (of?) the mouth [the 4 of cross?]., [by means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). [to be] be adam-within. existence (eden’s). nót.; (serpents are not, anymore) he. the side (eden’s; ges). […]


title: complete chapter about the three northern Sba-stargates *used terms: 1] petr(á): upper layer in cube, bordering their iron tcherru-sky, 2] double axis\\thing to sacrifice: the split in the root, to the mid-sba gate, BD CXXV D rubric: the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions (of spirits). [by] to sacrifice [eden] (maã). [for] to […]

Posted in BD


title: (wormhole) the djed-pillar as oil-well sending up the liquid gold BD CLV rubric: the goal (*pic3). [for] existence (matrix). [for] millions [of spirits] (h’eh’u)., [by means of] to sacrifice (eden,maã). [for] to become the garment. [of] Osiris (as construct).; [by] to come the branch (former ãpp; khet). [of] the word of adam-within. [for] the […]


title: (wormhole) the treshfloor as pupils for eden’s gold BD CLVIII to dress. the land. [as] united [by copulation] (sma). [through] mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). [as] this (pn). divine word of spirits light. [for] existence (matrix). [by] the throat (between sep circles). to give.; [for] he. the [an-] face (matrix). [by] this (pn). mouth (eden’s). […]


title: (wormhole) the treshfloor being the two islands as the throat BD CLVII rubric: the treshfloor (sep) [for] existence (matrix). [as] the two islands (glyph). the thing to complete. [namely] the garment. of [=for]. the land. united (sma-ta)., [in order for] the mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). to become perfect (áqr). [as] this (pn). noble word […]


title: (wormhole) Isis’ knot as uterus sucking-out eden’s light BD CLVI rubric: [by] he. the treshingfloors. [for] the [an-] face (north)., to become new. existence (eden’s). nót.; thou willpower for (not ‘protection’,mãk). everything. [of] the divine egyptians.; [but by] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for] the sight (maa). [as] the tool (willpower/speech). [of] thou. nót.; 5] [but […]


title: place of the Root: the four animal-beings and their counterparts BD CLIV note: unusual – but these lines refuse to run; apparently we do not understand enough about it’s content; asap we will revise this entire chapter again; but we need more info about the “4 serpents” and four counter-serpents, because of the importance […]

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LXXXIX Osiris. he. the flesh for the solarplane to encircle (shenbet+)., [by] the original adamite soul. existence (eden’s). word to give speech. the stones the thing of the great pillar (glyph). of [=for]. to become to fill. the gold. [for] existence. [for] the Ba spirit-soul. the [an-] face., to recite.; Forever. the thing of the […]


BD CXXV A [source] see notes in other BD125 B, C to serve (ámakh). [with] all [of]. the true voice. [of] Ani (scribe).: 28] the place of the thing of the Uas-sceptre (see note). [for] all [of]. the gods (matrix). [of] existence. [as] the god. [of] the peace [of saturn] (h’etep).; 27] [by means […]


textnote: a] SHA, “new north” as “the region of the stacked thes-domes”, b] the graphic is from CT, “map of Sekhet-Áaru”, you see it is, apparently, devided in “horizontal layers”, which may fit very well the stacked thes-domes / ziggurat model; — note the stairway, the leg RT’, and the smaller fractal of Earth’s boat, […]


6] he. the doorkeeper of things. [namely of] the evil images of the mountain (when eden’s). these (tn). to erase (t’er).; Forever. the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [by] the light (eden’s) inside eternity [of saturn] (h’eh’+). [for] existence (matrix). [of] speech.; [by means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). to revise (sáp)., [for] divine peace [of saturn] […]

CT 768

VI 402 i] [through] the prisoner (su,Cain). the thing to praise (t’uat). [namely as] the thing of the original adamite soul. the word of birth. [by] Sirius (spet’t)., [for] the divine secondary thing (‘sister’). [for] existence of hail (matrix).; (dangerous!) h] the sky of earth. which is. [by] the East(ern). side (ges). [of] speech., [for] […]

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CT 162

II 405 b] the foreign land of thent. [as?] the dome the thing of the word of eden speech (rrut). a] [for] food [aspects]. [and] beer (h’eqt). [in order for] he (the). existence (matrix).; to become (áu). II 404 c] the flame of power. [by] the stairway [leg] (ret’). [of] speech. [for] he (the). boat […]

CT 355 V I

CT 355 I-7 V7 c] the word of the djed pillar (tchet’u). [for] speech. manifestation (pert). b] within., [for[ me. to dwell. [and] me. m-b-soul-adam-like to desire (meri). [as] word (for) the solarplane [house] (bu). [of] speech of hail (ár).; the chakra-tool (h’emba). a] [by] the foremost-adam in the soul-pool of diminished speech [‘to rejoice’] […]


rubric: 22] the divine light (matrix). [by] the things for spirits-light by shooting [seed] (eden’s) (sttu). of [=by]. the cemetary below. of [=fór]. he. the one. sight (maa).; [as] their (ad.souls). [an-] face (eden’s). [for] the [an-] face (white hole)., [and so] them (ad.souls). to bow for speech and nature (kher+bow)., [by] the words to […]


27] the true voice. (scribe?, to rise and shine (uben) of beauty (nefer).: [by] the divine he the fortress of the south (glyph). to divinely engrave (Pteh’). [for] existence (matrix).; [by means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). [as?] thou. weight [weight of split-off word] (ut’en). [for] the sons (matrix). [through] the mouth (*pic,white vesica). [of] existence […]


rubric: to become to be renewed constantly [by hebrew-H] (uHem). [in order] of [=for]. he. the existence (matrix). to die. nót.; 41] [by] the light (eden’s) inside eternity (saturn). [of] speech. [for] ãnkh-life. [for] he. the Ba spirit-soul. existence to become new (matrix) (unn).; [by means of] the eden realm. [for] he (the). existence (matrix). […]


link: see BD CXXVII A [by] the land (south). [of] adam-within. [for] to become the great [pillar]. [of] the divine judges (+s). [as] the phallus [inversed pillar] (met). [for] the sky of earth. [of] the thing of adam-within.; to become the great pillar. [of] the divine judges. [as] the phallus. [by] he. the enemies’. speech. […]


link: see BD CXXVII B (me). the doorkeeper. [of] all. evil images of the mountain (t’utu,when eden’s). [as the] wrong [evil/to become new] (un). [as] one (tu). to be discovered (gem). nót.; [to] existence (matrix). to come the root to kh-house (khep). [as] my. desire (mer). [for] me. to manifest (per)., [and] me. to be […]

CT 849

VII 54 n] the cemetary below. of [=for]. existence. [by] the original adamite soul. [for] existence (matrix). to become images (seshu).[as] the thing to bring (ánt).; [in order for] the house of the dimensional background [of Saturn (h’at+). to open [and become new] (un)., [by means of] l] the divine words to serve (ámakhu). alike-adam […]

CT 68

CT 290 I 290 i] [by] the khu-spirit. the word. to sacrifice (eden’s) (maã). to connect to. speech. to stand upright.; [by means of] the word. to connect to. the thes-support (*pic). [for] this (pn). N-Osiris (candidate). h] of [=for]. to manifest (per).; [through] the essence of the word of the mountain (when eden’s). [for] […]

CT 10 I 35

CT 10 d] the divine things of speech to make. [by] the prisoner (su,Cain)., [because] the one to hate. [namely] this. light (eden’s). of [=as]. the enemy (likely). to be judged (utchã+scroll).; [and through] them (ad.souls)., the eye (eden’s). [of] speech. + I 35 d] [as] he. the enemies’. speech. [fór] this. N-Osiris (candidate). [as] […]

CT 455 V 327

d] the light (eden’s). of [=for]. manifestation (pert).; [as] c] my. speech. [by] the eden realm. to make. the willpower (ã). of [=for]. my. protection.; b] [and by] my. enemies. of [=for]. my. sekhem-power.: [as] a] the light (eden’s). of [=for]. my. manifestation.; V327 m] my. jaw, part of body (ãrt). [for] me. to defecate […]

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CT 577 VI 193

o] to make this [word/root] (spu,unusual). word to come. (u+walk).n] [as] the divine cord to unite and build (khnum+). [for] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the sky óver eden [rã watercourse] (*pic,tcherru). below (kher). [as] this. scroll (metchut).; to become (áu). m] he (scroll). withín., [for] my. sekhem-power.; l] [and via] the prisoner (su,cain). [to] […]

CT 579 VI 194

q] the divine faces (unusual). to snatch away (neh’em,saturn). [by] to repulse [them] (khesef). p] [fór] this. N (candidate).; [and by means of] within. to repulse., [as] one. to come the foreign (tchertcher). speech of hail (ár).; [and by] to break (setch). o] the word (eden’s)., the dawn [hebrew-H to copulate with] (neHep). of [=as]. […]

CT 578 VI 194

Horus speaking to eden eye i] [as] the divine firstborn., the completion of the solarplane below. to make mysterious and hidden. of [=by] (means of). h] me. to make mysterious and hidden. existence. [as] the [an-] face (eden's). [in] the innermost sacred [place] (khennu)., of [=fór]. this (pn). mouth (*pic,white vesica). to become the image […]

CT 581 VI 196

VI 198 x] the divine son. [of] the word of the square,rudder [top cube] (h’ep)., of [=as]. the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [by] thou. to exalt hail (?). [and] the beautified-soul. [by] thou. to rise and be crowned (khã).; w] [by means of] the divine staff of rule for tillage but now of Saturn [adam’s] (h’en […]

CT 592 VI 199

i] the thing to fill [northern] (meh'tt). the sky of earth (present). [by] speech. [in order for] the land [south]. to unite [by copulation] (sma).; h] Horus. existence. [by] the throat [pillar] (khkh). [of] the speech of hail. [as] this (pu). cord of health (utcha). [to] this. workplace [for]. existence of hail. [for] reality (ntt).;[by […]

CT 583 VI 199

p] to stand upright. o] he (the). existence (matrix). [but] to die (mená). nót.;[by] the adamite soul. [is] the sight (maa). n] [of] beauty., [by] the one (tu). place. [of] the descended hebrew-H [cube] (Ha+walk). of [=by]. m] the divine SBA star. l] (to encircle,restored?). of [=for]. hebrew-H to descend [to north!]., [in order for] […]

CT 594 VI 213

compare the judging of gems by Ninurta-saturn in the sumerian tablets g] the foreign land of destiny (?,shait, chalice-region). which is. carnelian [the gems of ad.soul speech for the áten] (h’ersetu). f] [as?] the thing of m-b-soul-adam-like power (ãntchit)., [by?] the mouth. which is. the gems of the sky-scroll over eden (?,glyph). e] [for?] the […]

CT 593 VI 212

h] [for] the baboon (glyph). the word-inside existence to ferry-over (khennu). [and so by] he. existence (matrix). to create (qema)., [by means of] the the thing to destroy (h'aqt). [in order for] he (the). existence (matrix). to be constantly renewed (uHem,hebrew-H!). f] [because by] the thing of m-b-s-adam to destroy (h'aqit). he. existence. to make. […]

CT 590 VI 210

CT 590 see textnote and pic k] union (t’emt’). [by] the h’enu boat of Seker-osiris (*pic,chalice). [for] the things of craftmanship [chakra tool] (h’em)., j] [by] it. the wealth [of the the corner] (khut’). to acquire. [for] the anunna-face (white hole). [in order for] the divine finished aspects (cake).; i] [by] the prisoner. [from] he. […]

CT 596 VI 214

f] the divine son. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means of] the fowl to drag [ad.souls] (sthau). [for] the true voice., of [=by]. (means of) the prisoner (su,cain). [as] word-inside for the Ka-double of Saturn (h'ekennu).; e] [to?] the foreign land of Punt [thing]. [as?] the red amethyst (by) the foremost (adam) breathing out an […]

CT 592 VI 211

m] [by] (eden’s) aspects offered in H’etep (*pic,S-áaru). to manifest (per)., [as if] to offer (glyph). natron [‘salt for stability of existence’] (h’esmenu). [for] existence (matrix)., [by] the head-box [cube] (Hen). to bring (án). k] [to] me. [by] the adamite soul. [for] my. solarplane completion below.; j] Osiris. the divine father. [as] the word. [of] […]

CT 600 VI 216

f] thou. within [me]. [as] the adamite soul of helplessness (begst)., [in order for] thou. existence (eden's)., [to] me. existence to bring., e] [for] my. existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; d] [because through] the prisoner (su,Cain). the word to steal (ãuau). [of] willpower (Ã). of [=for]. c] he (the). divine father (tef). to […]

CT 622 VI 238

difficult but useful – see notes and pics q] [from] the adamite soul. the aspects (glyph). [by] the child (mesu). to snatch away (neh'em).;p] [and] to become new. [through] the prisoner (su,Cain). to connect to. the workplace (ás).;o] [because] this. N's. willpower. of [=by]. (means of) the aspects in sh-pool for the solarplane (shebu). [by] […]

CT 624 VI 241

f] [by] (double) justice (maãt). [to] me. the hidden root to come [inversed eden realm] (peh').;d] [and by] justice (maãt)., the light of yesterday [of ad.soul] (sef). of [=as]. sin (ásfet)., [but through] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for] mý. existence (matrix)., [is] the word. to say. nót.; (don't tell) n] [by] the prisoner (su,Cain). [is] the […]

CT 610 VI 224

u] this. setcht-flame (in torso). of [=for]. manifestation (pert).;t] the yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N's. existence., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). of [=as]. the characteristic (sep). to become (áu). he (the). [physical] backbone [of prisoner Cain] (bqsu). [for] this. N's. existence., [in […]

CT 607 VI 220

* until v: following reconstruction of Kees,1922 (but had faults) *x] the foreign land mountain of Manu (*pic,mountain when matrix). [for] Horus'. fingers (supports). below., [in order for] their (ad.souls). word. to make. nót.[because] their (ad.souls). existence. [is] the solarplane (b). nót.;w] the Manu mountain (*pic). [for] Horus'. leg (*pic). head. (main leg). [for] sight […]

CT 606 VI 219

e] the mysterious hidden words (shetau). [being] the word [eden's]. [as] the word-inside of adam-within (áminu,unusual)., [in order] of [=for]. d] the divine neBetch bull (osiris). the thing to repulse (kheseft). [namely]c] he (the). heir [eden's] (áu,deer)., [fór] the helpless (bagg). divine father (tef)., [by means of] existence (eden's). to guide into the walled fortress […]

CT 601 VI 216

CT 601  cedar-tree talking: m] [by] the divine m-b-soul-adam-like thing of great eden’s speech (urrti+div). [for] existence (matrix). [of] this. beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [in] name [of].: of [=for]. me. [is] the speech. [because of] them (ad.souls). [in] the Torso (áb). [of] existence (matrix)., [for] great speech. [by] the anunna-face (white hole).; l] [by] me. within. […]

CT 629 VI 250

v] the cemetary below. of [=as]. the soul-pool (sh). [of] the prince (áti,see note)., [for] the land as solarplane intestine (qabu). [by] he. existence (eden's). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [in order for] to build [by blueprint] (qet'). alike-adam (miá)., [through] existence (eden's). the word (eden's). to give. [to] speech (matrix).; to become. […]

CT 628 VI 247

m] the word (eden's). connected to. me. to give. speech. nót.; l] youth (matrix,nekhnekh). [as] the primeval child (matrix)., [by] existence (eden's). [for] existence (matrix)., [for] the fish soul (glyph). which is. [by] the one (tu). Uãrt thigh land (*pic,thigh). [tó] the [an-] face [white hole]., [as] it. to devise (ka). [for] the word (eden's). […]


my. speech. [by] thou. torso (centre). of [=for]. \\ which is (which is for) every. shameful thing (shept). to erase (t'er).,[for] existence. [of] peace [of saturn] (h'etep).; [through] he (eden). within., [for] my. ãnkh-life.;[and by] he. within. thou. ãnkh-life. [by means of] to make aspects offerings in H'etep. [to] thou., [in order for] existence (eden's). […]


the peace [of saturn]. of [=as]. the true voice. [of] Ani.:he. the [sh] pool. [of] justice (maãt). to make the image [through prisoner] (su-sesh)., [because of] the place of the garden for all of the east (abetch,see note). [for] all [of]. existence (matrix). [by] the double throne of the tongue [upon the inverse dome] (nes). […]


the 2nd (sennu). event (sep). to make. nót.;  (read: un-doing their construct)I. know. of. the Lies (geru). [but] I. say. [them] nót.;[in?] the true (dimension) middle. am I. [of] the peace [of saturn] (h'etep). [and] of [=for]. me. to halt. the thing of the Watercourse (eden's). [in order for] existence (eden's). [to] thou. to give.: […]


[by] them (ad.souls). the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [for] the true voice. of Ani [scribe].: the place of the uas sceptre (see note). [for] all [of]. existence (matrix). [as] the god. [of] peace [of saturn] (h’etep). [as] the design (sesh). [for] Osiris. [for] existence of hail. [for] the noble spirits.; existence (matrix). torso (centre). to […]


he (the). Áten-disk.\\ [of] adam-within. [for] the boat of building by blueprint (sqet'nu, amtuat's). [for] he (the). Khu spirit., [as] the boat (glyph). [of] willpower. [for] existence (matrix). [for] thou. [an-] face (north? since áten). to become protection. [of] hail.;[as] he (the). eye. of [=for]. the Tuat house [torus]. to make to illumine [w/light of […]


the true voice. [of] N-Osiris (candidate).:the dome of the word-inside [thes-dome!] (*pic,nut). [as] the mother,, [for] Nekhbet (vulture goddess,above H-cube). [as] one. to embrace. all [of]. the light (eden's). [for] Rã., [by] the staff of rule [river] (tá,adam rule). [of] beauty. [from?] the Manu mountain (*pic). which is. [in] the house of the horizon (*pic,cube)., […]


sorcery (h’eKa). of [=as]. ãnkh-life., [because of] this (his/root) [eden’s]. the crocodile [‘by saturn to birth’] (meseh’). [being!] the prisoner (su,cain). [for] the thing to carry-Off (that root)., [but] thou. nót.; (?) [by] withín., this (pn). sorcery. [of] speech. [as] he (the). [chakra] eye. [in!] the [physical] spine (beqsu). to dwell (h’ems)., [for] hail of […]

BD xxxe

rubric:the places. [of] the houses. [of] the mouth (sing.,eden's). of [=as]. the thing to revise (sápt).;[from?] the eye (eden's?). [as] speech. it. to come [as] imprisoned eden's word ['Way'] (ua). [and it] of [=by]. the prisoner (su,cain). to discover (gem)., [via] he. to give. [to] Horus. [in order] me. to make the son [through prisoner] […]


[by means of] the adamite soul. withín., to become a spirit. [of] the West.; [by] death (a.soul)., to complete. the land. the head (main-land).; to become (by) to found. the great pillar. [of] the thing of adam-within. [for] the speech. [of] the land. [in order for] it. to become united [by copulation] (sma)., [by] the […]


[bý] the double-treshingfloor. am I.; (*pic,white rings)to become healthy. [by] me. to value., [but yet] lacking. [the] to divinely complete (tem). willpower of Saturn (h'enã). [for] existence (matrix). to manifest (per).;[but by] the original adamite soul. withín., [by] me. [for] millions [of spirits] (h'eh'u). the speech. [of] the adamite throne. to make sacred., [in] name […]


[fór] the gods. the willpower like-adam (mmã, weak form). [as] one. he (horus). values (áp). Horus.;[by] thou speech of hail. to go stand upright. [in order for] me (rã). the thing to complete. [but as a thing of] existence (eden's). nót.; [bý] the gods (ad.originals). \\ [of] adam-within. [as] Rã. am I.;[by] within. me., existence […]


he. to become to rise and crowned (khã). of [=as]. 'third' ['not/the dimension/of three'] (khemt). [for] this. Ani Osiris.; of [=for]. to become stable. the speech. [by] eden realm (on existence). [for] existence (matrix). [of] willpower of speech.; to become (áu). [by] the thing of the SBA-stargate. [for] all [of] the god. [as] the Workplace. […]

BD XIII or cxxi

rubric: the bandage to wrap up for burial (qerás). [is] the light of Hru [“day”, but mutilated eden light]. of [=for]. the original adamite soul’s. [an-] face [eden eye]., [as] the true voice. [by] the divine perch of Menu of Youth [same region]. [in order for] existence (matrix). to birth. the word of true voice. […]

BD L a

the words of the great pillar. [for] the gods. [by] the phallus (*pic) [pillar inversed] (met). [for] me.; to become (áu). my. \\ thing of the root. am I.: [as] the divine images (ãshemu). [for] the gods. the flesh to birth. [for] existence. [as] the truths. [of] my. sight (maa).; [by] existence (eden’s). [as] root […]


the cemetary below. of [=as]. the willpower (matrix). to be constantly renewed [by hebrew-H] (uHem). [in order] of [=for]. to die (the cemetary!). nót.;[because by] the gods [ad.originals]. [of] the royal south (suten,simple). of [=for]. mé. to become to rise and be crowned (khã).; to become (áu). thou. mystery (sheta). [of] sight (maa)., of [=as] […]


the place of the Ka spirit-double. [in] the house of saturn. [for] open-work engraving (pteh’). [as] the prisonhouse [for the foremost-adam] in the KH-house., [for] the ape (qeft’nu). to become healthy. [by] my. health.; [by?] the place of the Ka spirit-double. [in] the house of saturn. [for] open-work engraving (pteh’). [as]. the prisonhouse [for the […]


16] my. goal,purpose (sep). to advocate (usheb). of [=by]. me. the thing to be understood [backwards] (matrix) (saart). [which] existence (eden’s). [does] nót.; 15] my. divine father. of. me., [after?] thou. youth of destitute (nemeh’+). [by] the body,belly (south,khat). of [=for]. existence (matrix). to manifest (per).; (?) [by means of] the divine he to illumine […]

BD ee

[by?] the divine dimension of the dome of Nu [top of cube]. [as] thou. father (átef). [of] existence (matrix)., [and] the dome of nut [torus dome]. [as] thou. mother., one. to value (áp).; forever. existence (matrix). [of] totality (144,000). [of] thou. torso (centre)., [by] the setcht-flame (in torso). existence (matrix). to revise (sáp). the Nák […]

BD dd

the hidden (ámen). truth. [about] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). [in?] the house of the tongue. [for] the image (sesh). [of] Osiris. [for] existence of hail.: every. light (eden’s). [as] the Sbait sun-star light. the head (main-light). [of] the [an-] face [white hole]. [for] the one. sight (maa). thou. give.; [as] all [of]. the […]

BD aa

Ani Osiris'. existence. [is by] the Ka spirit-double. [for] existence (matrix). [as] true voice. [of] the land [south]., of [=by]. Osiris. the phallus (met) (*pic). to acquire (shep). [as] the god. the tcha [fire-drill] boat. [for] Hru light [mutilated eden's]. [of] the sekkt evening boat [all óut of white hole]., [by] the adamite throne (ást). […]

BD bb

[by] thou. the foreground [dimension] (h'at). of [=by]. to connect to. to rise and be crowned (khã). [as] the ureaus\\of fat (aspects) to ascend (ãrãt,comp.)., to become sweetness (netchem). [by] thou. torso (*pic,centre). [as] thou. boat (uáa) (*pic,thes-dome). to rejoice [in] (reshá, = the boat of foremost-adam in the sh-pool of the mouth);[by he the] […]

BD cc

the word of true voice. [of] noble Qenna.:[by] the trafficker (garden east,see note) (shut\\). [is] Osiris. [for] thou. to make to worship (s-aush). the [an-] face [white hole]. [of] all the words. [for] the gods. [as] completed people (temu). [of] the two lands. [for] all [of]. existence (matrix).; [by] to make the Law [hebrew-H!] (seHep). […]

CT 601

VI 216 – cedar-tree talking: m] [by] the most-b-soul-adam who is the passive one of very great eden's speech (urrti+div). [is] existence (matrix). [for] this. beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [in] name (existence/speech) [of].: of [=by]. me. [is] the speech., [by] them (ad.souls). [in] the Torso [south] (áb). [of] existence (matrix)., [for] great speech. [for] the anunna-face […]

CT 606

VI 219 e] [by] the mysterious hidden words (shetau). the word [eden's]. [by] the word-inside of adam-within (áminu). of [by]. d] the divine Betch bull (osiris). this [eden word] (tn). to repulse (khesef).;c] he (the). heir (áu,deer). [of] helplessness (bagg). [by] the divine father (tef). [for] existence. to hurry into the walled fortress [holding adamite […]

CT 607

VI 220 — badly damaged; using restored parts; note adress before sections: see drawing on coffin, below; * following reconstruction of Kees,1922* x] the foreign land mountain of Manu. [for] Horus., [by] the fingers (supports). below., [as] their (ad.souls). image. nót. their (ad.souls). existence. [is] the solarplane (b). nót.; w] the Manu mountain. [is] Horus’. […]

CT 610

VI 224 u] this. setcht-flame [in the eye]. of [=for]. manifestation [in north] (pert).;t] [but] to yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N. [is by] existence (eden's)., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). [is] of [=by]. the treshfloor [south] (sep)., to become (áu). [bý] he […]

CT 620

VI 235 h] the Tuat house. [of] my. existence. to open [and become new] (un).; of [=by]. g] the divine light for spirits (áukhu). [as] the words. [of] adam-within., thém (ad.souls). to go opress (t'ar).;f] [by] my. word. the adamite soul. to make to ascend [to north] (s-ãr)., [by] the prisoner (su,Cain). [by] me. to […]

CT 618

VI 234 – difficult but many useful concepts j] \\ the light [eden's]. [to] darkness (glyph). [of] the word. of [=by]. his. head [eden's executive place,T']. to make to destroy the watercourse [eden's] (sua). [for] the [detour] divine watercourse [eden's]. [for] existence (matrix).;i] [by?] the prisoner (su,cain). [for] my. existence., [for] me. to become new […]

CT 617

VI 228 f] [by] divine great speech. to revolve (t'eben,solarplane B). the existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; thou. existence. I. give., of [=as]. e] (the god) H'u [word/of saturn]. [for] existence (matrix).; I am. existence (matrix). [by] decree of law.; d] H'u. [for] existence. I am. [for] existence. [by] decree of law.; c] [by […]

CT 615

VI 227 k] divine peace, H'etep. to make. j] [by] the gods' [ad.originals]. tears (remtu). to guard (saa). [for] existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; [by] the dome [of cube] to sleep to death (setcher). i] [and to] me. the tear (ment). to bring (án). h] [to] my. torso. to become sekhem-power (skhmkh) ['to rejoice'].;  […]

CT 614

VI 227 e] the pain (mer). [of] me. [being] the divine secondary (sen,'brother').: d] my. speech. to make. of [=for]. the divine star to perish (sek).;  c] [for] mé. [as] the divine most-beautified-soul-[adam]., [by] the place. [of] the willpower of saturn (h'enã). [for] existence (matrix).; b] [in] this. my. name [of].: "of [=as?]. the side […]

CT 611

VI 225   d] [by] the opened word-inside (nu).. this. N's. existence (mátrix). to open (un)., [by] Rã's. shining backbone [one of two caduceaus in pillar] (pest'). [for] existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; c] [by] to divinely climb upon the back of an animal [to become new]  [upon cube] (tun). [in order for] the […]

CT 612

VI 226 e] [from] the adamite soul. the images [to make] (áru). of [=as]. the thing to become to rise and be crowned (khãt).;d] [by] divine great speech. these (to connect to). [and] to [being] split-Off [agáin] (t'en). nót.;c] withín. me., to give. of [=by]. b] the heads [of adamite originals]., [as] the thing of […]

CT 625

CT 625 VII 242 – tricky j] the white cake [aspect +white light of Saturn] (h'etcht). [for] me. to acquire (shep). [in order for] me. to manifest (per).;h] [by] the divine horus-spirits' tamarisk trees (áseru). the coverings to unite [energyfields] (smau). [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] protection;h] [by using] darkness (kekku). the things of […]

CT 622

VI 238 — incredible one q] [from] the adamite soul. the aspects (glyph). the child (mesu). to snatch away [from the adamite soul] (neh’em).; p] to become new. [by] the prisoner (su,Cain). to connect to. the workplace (ás).; o] this. N. willpower. of [=by]. the aspects in sh-pool for the solarplane (shebu). [by] the divine […]

CT 623

VI 239 n] within. me. [is] the word of Saturn (h’u). [of] beauty.;m] the season (ter). head (main season). of [=by]. Sirius (sept’t). [for] my. word. [as] the boat. which is. made to be the foremost.;l] [as] the divine manifestation. [for] existence (matrix). [by] inundation (ákhet)., [by] existence’s (eden’s). light. to encircle (shen-related glyph?). k] […]

CT 629

VII 250 v] the cemetery below. of [=as]. the lake [sh?]. [for,by?] the prince (áti, staff-related), [in] the land of solarplane intestine (qabu). [for] he (the). existence (eden’s). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [and] to build [by blueprint] (qet’). alike-adam’s (miá). existence matrix)., [by] the word (eden’s). to give speech., to become. t] […]

CT 626

VI 243 — the god Shu speaking, representing pillar and anunna-face; f] the West. [for] all. am i (nuk).;j] [as] the divine word. [it's] doorkeeper. head (main doorkeeper). [for] the anunna-face (vesica north)., my. exalted [high place] (qa).; i] [for] the words to flood and fill (meh'u). of [=for]. the house., given. [by] them (ad.souls). […]

CT 631

VII 254 u] the word. [of] the root (P). [for] this (pn). N – osiris (candidate).; t] [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the divine word. [of] adam-within., [for] the gods. to pacify s-h’etep), saturn)., [by] the “One” (see note). of [=for]. PTEH\\. [for] all [of]. this. N-osiris.; [by] existence (eden’s). to know. t] [from] the Eyeless one […]

CT 627

VI 246 v] to command (met’u). the word of the hidden root (peh’u\\). [for] it. to go seek (ukha). this. N. [for] existence of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; u] [by] their (adamite souls). the mouth. head (main mouth). (the god) H’u [‘taste’, saturn/word]. [for] the gods. existence’s (eden’s). scrolls [sky south!] (metchu). to spread-out, to unroll […]

CT 628

VI 247 m] the word (eden’s). connected to. me. to give. speech. nót.; l] youth (matrix,nekhnekh). [as] a child (eden related). [of] existence (eden’s)., [for] existence (matrix). [of] the fish soul., which is. [by] the one (tu). Uãrt thigh land. [for] the anunna face (north)., it. to devise (ka). [for] the word (eden’s). to come.; k] […]

CT 630

VII 253 – tricky f] [4 lost] e] the cemetery below. of [=for]. the original adamite soul., [for] existence (eden’s). word of breath-air. to give. [for] speech.; d] forever (land+pupil). this. N (candidate). c] [by] he (the). existence (eden’s). [for] this. N’s. existence. [by] the word of breath-air.; b] this. N’s. existence. says.: thou (eden). […]

CT 148

— start halfway in — after many repeats from 149 — “deer glyph”is”heir” II219 c] the land. [by] the anunna-face (north vesica). to manifest (per)., to give. of [=for]. b] the gods. all [of]. the god Tem (other name of north vesica). [for] existence of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; this (tn). beautified-soul’s. body (khat). [of] […]


visual: the pillar of the ãnkh torus, and the vesica North renewing daily the dome of the torus; the concept being similar as an oil well, spreading stolen essence in umbrella-like fashion as the Dome of the torus; the standing deity is Shu, the pillar, holding up the dome; below him is the earth-god Geb [in […]

TUAT VIII – upper register

pic credit HOUR EIGHT In the upper register are five Circles of the Tuat, and a door, which may be thus described:– 1. This Circle, which is called SESHETA, is entered through a door with the name of TES-NEB-TERER….., and in it are seated:– door name: T’ERR NEB T’ES neb t’es, “[lost] to erase […]


FIRST HOUR MIDDLE REGISTER IN the scene that illustrates the FIRST DIVISION of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the FIRST HOUR of the night, we see that the centre of the middle section is divided lengthwise into two parts by a river which flows along it. In the upper part […]

AM TUAT TITLE, context and graphs

the words of the throne of the adamite soul to destroy [by Saturn,H’] (h’ástemiu). [for] the gods. to become the word to praise (uashiu). to know. [by] them (ad.souls). existence (eden’s). it. to become the word of the Mountain [God’s] (t’uu). [as so] to know (rekh). the light. [for] existence (matrix).; [and by] them (ad.souls). […]

CT 143

note: 177 and first half 176 not running well II177 j] the cemetary below. of [=by]. the gods of the solarplane dimension [abu] (from abzu). [as] his (candidate's). existence (matrix). [by] the gift. [of] speech.;  i] the cemetary below. of [=for]. his. existence (matrix). [of] N (candidate).,  [by] existence (eden's). [for] the gods of solarplane […]

CT 118

see also 117 II142 e] the sky of earth. existence. [as] the hidden,mysterious. house of the solarplane (bu). [of] existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., the east [and] west. existence for the beautified-soul.;  d] the adamite soul's. speech in the anunna-face (vesica north). [as?] the divine word from the áten (see note). existence. [as] a […]

CT 117

II139 b]  the adamite soul's. speech in the anunna-face (vesica north). [for] the gods. [by] existence (matrix). to guide., [by] the justice,truth. [in] he (the). Torso (Eye,south). [of] the things of the way [Watercourse,eden axis]. [for] the speech. [of] the anunna-face.;  (aspects of the Watercourse are burned in the torso, then sent up as speech […]

CT 115

II136a] great speech. [by] divine h'eneg (comp.; saturn's egg as proto-vesica south?). [of] ultimate willpower. [of] the word (eden's). [for] the word-inside. [of] adam-within., of [by]. + II135i] them (ad.souls). Nest (sh-pools)., of [=by] them (ad.souls). [for] existence (matrix). to manifest (per). [by] this. light (eden's).;  h] great speech. [is by] this. their (ad.souls). divine […]

CT 137

II172 j] to become the design. [for] me. [by] existence (eden's). [for] existence.; i] my. speech. [by] them (ad.souls). [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). to dress in the set-garment-body (h'ebset).;  [?]h] this. primeval gods (pautu). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;g] divine great speech. [by] the Eye (south). [for] me. [by] existence (eden's). [for] […]

CT 116

II137h] (the shoulder – axis).  to sacrifice (maã). [of] his. existence (eden's). [in] the Eye (south). [for] the anunna-face (vesica north)., [for] every. god's. existence (matrix). [of] peace (h'etep,saturn).;g] the words. [of] the vulture ['victory over the mother' – Eve] (nermut). [as] all [of]. the "one" [is same Eye here!] (see note). f] [for] this. […]

CT 114

II133 f] the beautified-soul. within. to strip (kef). [from] sekhem-power. nót.; e] the slaughterhouse (nemmt). [of] speech. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). to enter (ãq). nót.;  the double treshfloor (north+south vesica). [for sake of] the baboons (Hetht, hebrew-H, see note). d] [by] the image [to make] (áru). [by] the great [pillar]. of [=for]. the beautified-soul. […]

CT 107

I120j] (the shoulder,axis). word. [of] ultimate willpower (ãã). [for] existence of beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., it. to be repulsed 9khesef). nót.;i] the beautified-soul. h'at-lands [nets,furnaces for adamite soul]. [for] speech. to seize (netcher-r).; the h'at-lands. of [=for]. the divine word. to tie together. the divine sight of the Tuat (comp.glyph).  [for] the beautified-soul.;(next line context unsure),Anubis. […]

CT 106

similar theme as 103,105,etc II117 n] the gods of great speech. to destroy (khemm). within. sekhem-power. the willpower -. within. the Birth-sceptre [ames] (see note)., m] the divine five [5]. [of?] the divine father (tef). Geb [earthgod,south]. support [rising up] (uthes)., l] bearing up (fa). to invade hebrew-H. [and] to defacate (fgn). the branch. the […]

CT 758

related to 760 VI378m] [for] eternity [of saturn] (h'eh'). of [=by]. backwards (sa). [for] eternity (h'eh'). to revolve [the solarplane] (t'eben). l] the light of Meh'en [solarplane coil]. for the great pillar of great speech (text unsure)., [for] the boat's [torus?]. side (ges). [of] existence. to come the things of the Watercourse [eden axis] (uatu)., […]

CT 754

CT 754 VI 384 g] the divine boat. the ãnt boat (stream to hand-T’?). [and] the sektt boat., f] [for] thou. foremost (nostril, sher). [by] which is. the foremost (kh-house)., of [=as]. thou. (double\\) eye. [for] thou. existence. to give. speech.; e] thou. aspects of eden-willpower (at place-T). [for] thou. existence., [by] the staff-tá. to […]

CT 759

difficult but very, very useful!see notes — VI389 u] the shoulder [axis]. [for] ãnkh-life. nebrtcher god [boundary of master-holder]. [lost; 'existence'?]. I. to be repulsed (khesef). nót.;this (connect to). existence. [to] me. to force speech. nót.; t] my. reward. [is] my. event (sep/other?). of [=by,for]. this ( ãnkh-life. [for] my. peace (h'etep,saturn).; r] the truth […]

CT 760

remark – it is sad we can't yet get this important spell in a better context,though partly our attempt succeeded – see last part of text –  and please see notes, below, o] the shoulder [axis,Watercourse]. [for] eternity (h'eh',saturn). backwards (sa)., [for] eternity. of [=by]. these. SBA-stargates. [as] the thing to guard (saaat). the divine […]

CT 686

CT 686 VI 317 l] the divine word. of [=as]. doubled willpower (ãã). [by] the serpenthand. [of] thou existence of hail (árk).; k] [as] my. speech for the an-face. [for] to come the word by descended hebrew-H., of [=as]. j] the divine word by the Set-dog [new tile]. [of] thou hail (ák). [for] the hail […]

CT 684

VI314 k] the cemetary below. of. the aspects of totality [144,000!]. to acquire.; j] to give. of [=by]. thou. speech. the season (ter). thou. existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; the god. who is. the beautified-soul., the god. who is. this. N., h] to give. of [=for?]. the season. the image [to connect to] (thut). […]

CT 682

VI312 q] the season. [ of willpower. of the adamite soul. thing to yoke? (neh’t) ] this (word/root). light.; p] to yoke for eternity [by Saturn] (neh’eh’). [by] the deep place (BB, solarplane, root of apollo/Beb). to hurry. of [=by,for]. o] his,he (the). double-truth, two-truth (maãt+II) [!]. existence. the god of light of the Watercourse, […]

CT 681

VI308 j] [for] N (candidate). [by] the prisoner (su;Cain). existence (matrix). [is by] the hidden root of Saturn [buttocks] (peh’).; apep [repres.God]. i] [by] justice (maãt). cord the word to fetter (qasu). to grown saturn’s light (h’etch+rut’). [of] speech.; h] [for] this. N. [by] the prisoner. existence (matrix). to come as hidden root of saturn […]

CT 763

VI393 i] [by] he. to become noblemen (sãh’, Orion). existence. [by] the head’s. speech in anunna-face (see note). [as?] a thing of the prisoner (sut;Cain).; h] his. thrones [left side of vesica] (nesteg). [of] divine rule (h’eq, to ‘hekau’, sorcery). of [=by?]. within. thou. existence to become new (unn). the divine light. [by] decree of […]

CT 492

VI71 i] the land. head. the seed,offspring (mett). the adamite soul. his. existence. the most-b-s-adam to give. speech. [to] the West,áment. the Ka-double bull. existence., [ánd??] this [ultimate] (pupu, word/root). Ba-soul (solarplane type spirit). g] [by?] the prisoner [Cain] (su). [as?] (the foremost-adam) to shut in (in KH-house, khenr). [but] this (to conn ect). nót.; […]

CT 489

VI68 e] the divine egyptians. [by?] the prisoner [Cain, as it looks now] (su). to pass along ('avoid Watercourse'). d] the lips,rim [=vesica south] (sept). the Veil (h'ap). this (word/root). light. [as] thing to pass along ('avoid axis', suatu). his. existence (eden's)., to make. c] [for?] thou. [by] the things wandering-astray (adam-related, shemt). to sacrifice […]

CT 488

VI67 k] the divine light of willpower of speech (rã?). existence (eden’s?)., [via] the truth (maãt). below., he. to become. my. shadow (shut, energyfield). [for] the áakhu-spirit. existence. [as] my. B-soul (solarplanetype spirit).,  [by] existence (eden’s). things to pass along (lit.’to make new the way,axis’, suatu). [by?] opening [and become new] (un). i] the above […]

CT 857

VII60 his. head (hebrew-H,north). to tie together. nót.; j] to connect to. to take captive (seqer). he (the head). ãnkh-life. nót.; the adamite soul. speech. everything/master-holder (nebt). the evil image [of the mountain] (t’u,God’s). [of?] them (ad.souls). the Eye. willpower like [adam]. [for] this. N-Osiris (the candidate). to become protection [=hostage] (netch). [for] existence (matrix).; […]

CT 858

VII26 [by] them (ad.souls). thou. existence (eden’s). to approach.; [via] them (ad.souls). thou. existence (eden’s). to grasp,to seize.; f] his (Set’s). torso. outstretched thing (pecht). [by] Horus. two eyes. thou. existence (eden’s). to bring. [to] this. N-Osiris (the candidate).  ; d] This. N-Osiris. [of] adam-within. Horus. existence. to complete. [by] them (ad.souls). to connect to. […]

CT 859

VII62 thou. existence. them (ad.souls). to split-Off (t’en). Set (fallen adam construct). torso. to stretch out (petch). existence. to give. y] Set. torso. stretched-out thing (petcht). [by?] to bring. Horus. two eyes. thou. existence. to bring. this (root). [for] N-osiris (candidate).;  the land. speech for the beautified-soul.[as?] he (the). split-Off (t’en). [for] thou. existence. [as] […]

CT 1001

VII219 the gods’. mouth (north). the hidden,mysterious (shetau). existence. b] [for] the aspects (food-glyph). to flood (bãh’, abundance, solarplane+saturn). the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul.; a] the h’eb-festival of completion of the solarplane. the beautified soul. (blank). (blank) VII218 i] the sebeKHt-pylons. [for] the beautified-soul’s. existence. to open (un, to become new), […]

CT 1003

VII220 k] Nut (sky dimensions of earth). [by] the double Áter shrine [also a doubling-concept, south]. [as] the god (that shrine). who is. in front of,before. his. two lands [below ãnkh-torus]. [for?] the anunna-face. [in] the divine exalted high [place]. beautified-soul.; I am. j] the beautified-soul. to be mighty [by the jackal staff of speech] […]

CT 1004

n] the triple-divine word of speech (seperate div.). to beautify (tcheser). the existence for the beautified-soul. [by] the aspects offered (food-glyph). [at] the double-shrine [of copying] (sensensent+island; south vesica). his. existence. [as] something made (ári, m-b-soul/to make). m] the place of the battle,below. speech. he. the one to come. [by,to] the place of the word-inside […]

CT 1007

CT 1007 CT 1007 VII 223 h] the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [by] the cord as the axis to make the north-soulpool (s-shu-+). [for] to renew constantly [by hebrew-H!] (uHem). [by] the passive m-b-soul-adam-like cube-H (Hi).; g] the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [through] the word to bear up (fa-u). [by] the […]

CT 1012

VII229 g] the divine light (no rà glyph). existence. decree by law. to become (áu). f] to untie [sky and earth] (uh’ã). speech. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). husband [hebrew-H] (Hi). e] to perfect (áqer). [lost]. existence. this. day (Hru, hebrew-H). d] to untie [heaven and earth]. the prisoner (su). word of beauty (neferu). of […]

CT 1031

VII262 j] the double treshfloor (south+north vesica). [of] peace (h’etep,saturn). of [=by]. this (word/root). adamite soul. the word to come. i] forever. the adamite soul. the fire of the tongue. to become a new thing (unt). nót.; h] the setcht-flame (in eye, south). which is. [by] the gods of the word-within being encirceled (shennu; south, […]

BD 127 A

the doorkeepers. all. evil [images of the mountain] (t’u, God’s). wrong [‘not become new’] (un). [as?] one (tu). to become to discover,to find (gem). nót.;  (wont be found no more) existence. to go,come [root to kh] (khep). my. desire (mer). I. to manifest (per). I. to be praised (h’es,saturn). I. enter (ãq). word. them (ad.souls). […]

BD 126

BD 126 the house of the horizon. existence. the innermost sacred place (Eye,south). of [=by]. every. light. to enter,to disturb (tek). to invoke (nás). the word – those who praise,are praised (h'esi-u). the noble spirits. eden's realm. alike-adam (miá). thou. to desire [eden speech RR] (merr). speech. thou. to come (thing of) willpower (ãt). thou. […]

BD 127 B

the land. [of] adam-within. the great [pillar]. the divine judges. (to become) the phallus., the sky of earth. [of] adam-within. the great [pillar]. the divine judges. (to become) the phallus. his. enemies. speech. 22]  the true voice [from below]. mespteh’(scribe). to make by blueprints [from Orion] (qet’nu). to design (sesh). the dome. Osiris. true voice. […]

BD 77

the head,first. the doorkeeper (ár). of [=by]. 10] sekhem-power. the throat (h’eti, saturn, phallus; winged disk=het’t). the corn god [Osiris]  ( Neper). existence to give speech. the Torso (Eye, áb). to acquire (shep). to flood [abundance] (bãh’, saturn+solarplane). he. within. to become a spirit. he. within. to feed,devour. the phallus (pillar). of [=by]. 9] Hetep. […]

BD 15 B

his. Áten [disk]. \\ [of] adam-within (linked,ofcourse). the boat of making blueprints [from Orion] (s-qet’nu). he. the Khu-spirit. of [=by]. the boat of willpower of existence. thou. anunna-face (vesica north). to become the protection. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; his. Eye. of [=by]. the Tuathouse. to make to illumine [w/ saturn’s light] (s-h’etch). the gods. […]

BD 15 A

the true voice [from below]. [blank space for name].  Osiris. Nut [sky dimensions of earth]. the mother (mut+flail=rule). the one (tu). to embrace (qená). (it *may*  read, ” the mother, BY the one (mother) to embrace”, since qená is in the rape-cluster, “to beat”..) all,every. light. [for] the divine light of willpower of speech (rã-glyph […]

BD 78

the nebertcher cobra (boundary/of speech/ master-holder, chalice below solarplane). the adamite soul. [is] the master [all of] (neb). the divine “One” [real-moon] (uã). his, he (the). Eye. of [=by]. millions (h’eh’u, saturn, not:eternities). he. to make ãnkh-life (the imprisoned realmoon does).  ;  + ? millions (see above). 55] he. to seize (shet’). the gods. his. […]

BD 76

the adamite soul. within. to advance. the way (axis,Watercourse). existence. to make. the divine great [pillar]. the god. to become union (t’emt’). thou. within. existence. to become new (un). the white crown [rule around earth, Saturn] (h’etch, saturn light). to shepherd, to guard. [stop?] the white crown (see above). the son (sa). to make to […]

BD 67 I

the SH-pool-land (south vesica). [is] the island of foremost (?) products of Saturn (formost-glyph is unsure in text;  but context is that the SH-pool privide the products of saturn to work with). of [=by]. to rise and shine (uben). the shining backbone (pet’). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; 5] the great pillar]. Rã […]

BD 66

the god Nu [ the divine dimension of the word-inside]. [of] adam-within. his, he (the). boat (uáa). the front, forepart [of the body?] (h’at). of [=by]. Rã (rã glyph). the thing opened (upt). of [=by]. existence. to hover over,coming to rest (khen). the wing, flying up (paa). 4] the divine axis, Watercourse (eden’s axis). i,me. […]

BD 64

LXIV [rubric:] sorcery (h’ekau). of [=by]. his, he (the). speech of anunna-face (vesica north). language. [is?] myrrh (ant’iu, head-related). of [=by]. to milk [the word from ad.soul] (mesu, strange glyph). the mouth. the thing to open (up). his. existence. to make. the adamite soul. existence. Torso (áb, Eye south). the innermost sacred place (khennu). of […]

BD 189

real themes: to remove the faces from the adamite originals, south; and stealing word as Eve status: very revealing, but 2nd part is difficult the true voice [from below]. [of] the primeval child (this scribe). [of] the covenant (khetem). belonging to? (nes,tongue). the house of the tongue [real-moon] (nes).: Osiris. speech. [of] ãnkh-life. [by] existence […]

BD 65 II

[by] them (ad.souls). the peace (h’etep, saturn). of [=by]. the youth,child (nekhen). Septu (son of Sirius, morningstar). the double-thigh (mentu). [of] ãnkh-life. the flesh (h’a,saturn). [by] the slaughter (shãt, sh-pool). [of?] the gold [eden’s] (glyph; see gold BD99). of [=by]. the hand (t’et). of [=by]. the branch these [two] (‘sceptre’, but ápt+branch; see note).; the […]

BD 181

BD 181 [short rubric skipped, start text:] [by] his. existence (eden’s)., existence (matrix). to stand upright (ãhã). [for] the land. to return (khet). he. to fear. the word of fear (sent’tu). [as] the most-b-soul-adam willpower of speech (ãri). the great [pillar]. [by] sekhem sceptres. it,he. to be victorious (nerr). 23] the pautu primeval gods. the […]

BD 183

the true voice [from below]. Horus. Nut (sky dimensions of earth). the son. [of] divine beauty by existence becoming new (comp.glyph). [by] the divine Torso (eye,south). very great speech (URT', child-glyph, unclear whose). existence. the Torso (the eye). to make ãnkh-life. speech. the hidden,mysterious shetau, sh-pool). tephet-cave (cave of the head, south). speech. he. to […]

BD 186

justice (maãt). flies up. [by] the firedrill-boat (tcha uáa, unclear still). speech. something of great speech (? URT, see note). the neshemt-boat (capturing speech, unclear where). speech. to make. his (set; hebrew-H aspect). cooled-down Dew? (qebh'ita, comp.word, dew = eden's). existence. ferrying from innermost sacred place (khennu). of [=by]. justice (maãt). to make. existence. the […]

BD 99

real theme: mãkhent = the boat/ferrying fróm the sacred-innermost-place (eye south) the willpower-alike-adam";  using imprisoned Cain as 'adams willpower' [because Adam is too dangerous?]  ; the relation between cain and "his mother";  and that of 'gold' and 'making a body'; see for Cain also CT spell **   status: important themes thou. advanced beautified-soul. thou […]

BD 156

real theme: obscure [rubric:] his. treshing-floors (stripping ad.originals, see note). [for] the anunna-face (north). to become new., [for] existence (eden's). [to be] nót.;  thou. willpower like [adam] (mã). everything/masterholder (nebt). the egyptians (rethu). the prisoner. Sight. the gift of speech (ret't). thou. nót.; [=?] within. 5] to become sacrifice [in general] (maã). to become the […]

BD 155

[rubric:] event/matter/ (sep+treshfloor). existence. eternity *h’eh’, saturn). to be come sacrifice [in general] (maã). to become the shes-garment-body (from sh-pool). Osiris. the returning gods (khetu). word of adam-within. alike-adam miá). the season. existence. light. the cemetary below. \\ [of] adam-within (linked). to become perfect (áqer). 4] the noble spirit. of [=by]. his. existence. to become […]

BD 153 A

his. willpower. of [=by]. the divine woman-prisoner (sut\\div.). Horus. the limit (tcher). existence. 35] Rà (rã glyph). his. divine father (átef, adam staff). his. existence. existence. the Eye. this your (connect to). the Maqt-ladders (vertical axis in ankh-torus). [to?] the anunna-face (vesica north). [for] the true voice. [of] primeval child. (etc).; Osiris. to manifest (per). […]

BD 153 B

the multitude (ãshtu). angry, hot flame (serf). 20] these. to embrace (sekhen, sarcastic). to become (áu). within. their (ad,souls, that multitude). heads. the words / in the Workplace (ásuu, stripping originals). to become,was. within. this earth's moon (khensu, not: real-moon). to become,was. within. the kings of the South [nestu] (is Suten, place of Set's royal […]

BD 151

Nebseni (this scribe). the scribe/the design (sesh, the latter). [of] the people by saturn's willpower over the root (comp.word). all [of]. Horus. the phallus [pillar]. the beauties (nefertu). [from] the way (axis, Watercourse). thou. carried-off (those beauties from the way). [to] the place of Õn (ruling Eye, south). [of] adam-within.;  [by?] the great speech. [of] […]

BD 19

[rubric] the treshfloor (of ad.originals,vesica Sep,south). existence. two/double island (?as in 20, but no land gl). true Shes-garment-body (as in 20?). of [=by]. this (root). willpower (ã). the pillar. to become the protection (mãkt). [as,for?] the double treshfloor (see above)., [as being] the star (tua). of [=by]. thou. anunna-face (vesica north). to say.: (….so the […]

BD 20

the KArá shrine (ka-double, same as 4 torches south?). protection in hidden background of saturn (h'a tep). Osiris. existence. this. to value (áp). [by?] this. divine judges (tchanutcha). [in,of?] the phallus (pillar). every. goddess (netert). [and] every. god. who are. the divine judges. the phallus.  [stop?] 10] his. enemies (kheftiu). speech. the true voice [from […]

BD 22

existence (eden's). to extinguish (ãkhem). 8] in the place of the double fire (glyph). [as] the SH-pool-land. of [=by]. the Torso (áb, eye south). the desire (mer). [of] speech. [for] existence (matrix). [of] the advanced beautified-soul.; the terraces which held up the judgement seat of Osiris [in the solarplane] (khet). his. head,first. 7] which is. […]

BD 21

the darkness (gerh', saturn). covering by the solarplane (nebt', chalice). his. new season of Time (unnut, word inside become new). speech. the Torso (áb,Eye,south). the word. to guide. he. within. to command (met'u). the mouth. thou. give. thou. existence. the heads. thou. share,portion (t'enáu, t'en=split-off,tená=1/4 moon). thou. protection in the hidden background of Saturn (h'a […]

BD 63

Forever. his. existence. the word of most-b-soul-adam's willpower of speech (comp.word, rãiu, no Rã!). eternity (h'eh', saturn). existence. to become [by] flesh and bone of the Heir. [in?] the Workplace (of stripping ad.originals, ás). i,me. his.he. limit [of Watercourse] (tcher). ultimate existence (matrix,nn). to yoke forever [by saturn] (neh'eh'). existence (eden's). willpower of speech (rã, […]

BD 63 A

[63 exists of 63, 63A and 63E ] Every. light. within. thou. ãnkh-life (ãnki, unusual). to snatch away,rescue (neh'em,saturn). 5] [in] name [of].: to become to grow (rut'). [by] the passive one of great speech (adam,south)., [so that] the old prince of great speech. to make to strip naked (kefa). the divine Heir to become […]

BD 63 E

the adamite soul. within. existence. the manifestation (pert). this [your] (connect to). the way (axis, Watercourse). backwards 9sa). of [=by]. to travel (shas, soul/new sh-pool). of [=by]. to force his-self (tchesef). 4] to mutilate (h'esq,saturn). to come to beautified-soul the willpower like [adam] (mãá+walk, comp. glyph). the cat (miáu, skin-alike-Adam). the adamite soul. the prisonhouse […]

BD 91

[rubric] the true Shes garment-body. go+come. of [=by]. east[ern]. existence. all,every. [star] gate (glyph, pylon?). anunna-face (north vesica). cord of father? (tef+u/cord?). to restrain, imprison [foremost adam] (khená). nót.; [?] the cemetary below. of [=by]. to become equipped (ãper). [by,as] the noble spirit. of [=by]. he,his. to transform (kheper). he. to become. this (root). mouth. […]

BD 90

Shu (representing pillar+face). [by] the gods who are slaughtering [ in the workplace] (sáatiu-horussp., or gods who are béing slaughtered?). existence. to flee,escape (h'em). thou. speech. say.:to complete (tem). speech. the word to come. to complete. thou. speech. say.:the speech. i, me. [as] one to come (tu). 9] 'knot in the coil'. within. thou. abominations […]


BD CIX this. divine star of the Sba stargate (centre). [as] the god., [for] this. divine hail (text unsure). [for] speech and nature (matrix,kher)., [as] the tooth of the calf [-star] (beh’es, horus). [for] this. divine doubled-house \\[by] the house of the horizon (eden)., [for] Horus’. divine easterners (horus-spirits). [as] the Ba spirit-souls. [by] me. […]


BD CXXXVII B the divine his mother (mut-f). [of] the Án-pillar. [being] the place-T-m through the prisoner (su-t,Cain). [for] the divine eye (utcha)., [by means of] Horus’. double-treshingfloor (sep). [for] ãnkh-life. [as] the house of the T-e of m-b-soul-adam for great speech (*pic,urit+house). [as] the innermost sacred place for the kh-house (khennu). 5] of [=for]. […]

BD 144 the treshing floor (sep, off.:'the beginning'). existence. eternities / millions (h'eh'u). sacrifice in general. body-garment (shes). this. light. of [=by]. servants,slaves. to become,was (áu). he,his. existence. masterholder (nebt). eyes ('people'?). speech. [eyes of speech?] noble spirit. he (set-glyph). to become a spirit. that which is ('reality', ntt). boundary (tcher). the cemetary below. of [=by]. […]

BD 125 III

30] this. tuathouse. which is. the shoulder-east (glyph. branch of ÃRRIT (glyph). his. existence. beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). speech. anunna-face (vesica north) (or: 'above'). thou. invade,enter (ãq). to give [away?]. existence. nót.;  this. tuathouse. which is. the west-shoulder (lit.shoulder/of/west). branch of ÃRRIT (glyph). existence. beautified-soul. speech. anunna-face (or: above). thou. enter. to give [away?]. existence. nót.;  […]


BD CXXXVII A rubric: the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions (h’eh’u, not ‘eternities’)., [by] to sacrifice [in general] (maã). to become the realm-garment. within., [and so by] he. to come health (utcha). [for] all [of]. the solarplane (B). of [=as]. 55] Osiris (construct)., [and] existence. to follow (shems). [in order] of [=for]. he. […]


BD CXXXVIII to force the words of m-b-soul-adam for the solarplane (biu+). [as] the willpower. of [=by]. he. the T-m of the serpent (tch-t)., [in order for] he. to become protections (mãku). [as] my. divine father’s. word of hail.: Osiris (as construct). son. am I.; [for] me. to become protections (mãku). [as] the willpower alike […]

PT 432

PT 432 PT 432 782e] to connect to. adam-within., [by] the eden star (to make k-axis) who is unaware of hail (ákhm sk+). of [=for]. this. N. [as] the double-connection to existence (?, nthnth). [of,for] the hand (executive area)., 782d] to connect to. \\ willpower (eden’s). [for] the innermost sacred place. of [=as]. all of […]

PT 424

PT 424 PT 424 774b] [for] the divine Olden one (nkhkh). thou. to copy (Sn). speech and nature (kher, matrix)., [in order for] thou. existence. thou. to bring hail (á-án).; [as] thou. existence. [by] thou. (lights of iron) for existence by the adamite soul for the solarplane (bsen+). 774a] thou. existence. [as] thou. dimension of […]

PT 418

PT 418 PT 418 742c] Osiris (as construct). [by] he the place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [through] place-T of eden’s root to open (up-t)., of [=as]. Horus’. this (to connect to). place-T of the hand (t’-t). [for] the word. alike-adam (miá).; [and so for] N (candidate). place-T of hail (át). [as] place-T of eden’s root […]

PT 417

PT 417 PT 417 741e] the island of the horizon. [for] the speech. [as] the light (matrix). [of] existence (matrix)., [by] he. the willpower (eden’s). to connect to. the solarplane. to hurry to [by to come adamite soul].; [through] place-T of the throne of adamite. the eden realm. this (pu). to connect to. Horus., 741d] […]

PT 430

PT 430 PT 430 780b] [for] the nut dome (torus). existence. to connect to. existence of speech (‘name’, ren)., of [=by]. to connect to. the mother (-T) [in lampstand]. [as] the belly. of [=for]. to connect to. to become double-new (un-un)., + 780a][by means of] to connect to. the torso [centre] (áb+). [of] sekhem-power.; to […]

PT 429

PT 429 PT 429 779b] [by] he (eden). to die. nót.; [but instead, by] the uas sceptre. [of] ãnkh-life. which is (nt). [by] he place-T [in lampstand] (tef,’father’). connected to. the mother (-T) [lampstand]. [of] the belly. of [=for]. to connect to. sekhem-power [torso]., 779a] to connect to. existence (matrix). [of] the khu spirit. [for] […]

PT 428

PT 428 PT 428 778b]to connect. the word. to birth [matrix] (mes). [of] adam-within. [with] this (pn). great speech., [by] (the wheel of) place-T of great speech (ur-t). [as] place-T of union (khnnem-t).; [using] the prisoner (su, Cain). [for] to build and unite (khnem). + 778a] Osiris (as construct)., [by] to connect to. the son […]

PT 423

423 767b] the copper throne. [of] Horus. [for] existence (matrix). [in] its. name. of.: thou. within. the father (átef,staff). he (Horus). values (áp). – [as] Horu. his. speech. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;767a] the season. [of] the dimension. [of] existence. [in] this. thou. name. of.: – the rejuvinated. seasons. [by] Horus'. word. thou. values.;766d] Within. […]

pt 422

764b] Forever. the pupil (tchet=?). existence. – thou. be destroyed (h'etem). nót.;  – thou. perishes (sek). nót.; 764a] the land. roof/shadow/head. [in] thou. name. of.: the aged spirits and gods (nekhkh). – the land. roof/shadow/head. [in] thou. name. of.: ãnkh-life.; 763d] their (ad.souls). "hearts"(hát ábu). [are] the speech. [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). – this. […]

PT 421

751b] the sky of earth. which is (nt). [by?] the Uart-thigh (see note).  – the beautified-soul's. speech. [by] the anunna-face (vesica,north). – the lightgod of the spirits (ákhkhu). image (thut).;  751a] the áakhu spirit-light. thou. descend (áat'). – thou. sink down (h'eft'- to north!).  – N. 's father (átef, staff tá).; – to recite [this] […]

PT 420

750d] to establish (smen). [by] those. [in] the divine embalming-booth (seh'). alike-Adam (MM). the word. connect to. firmly establishing (smensmen,pun).; 750c] to establish (smen). the gods. alike-adam (MM). the word. to connect to. firmly establishing (smensmen).;  750b] to establish (smen). thou. purified. word. [of] beauty (nefer).; 750a] the light. existence. [by] the ord. connected to. […]

PT 419

749e] Osiris.'followers (shemsu). [are?,by?] 'the stars that never set'. alike Adam (MM).  749d] the field of offerings, Sekhet-H'etep (by Saturn). of [=by]. his[thou]. Áme/stability/hidden/west(ámen). making. + 749c] Sekhet-áaru, field of reeds (east solarplane). speech. [for] the beautified-soul. the sky of earth. Nemá-bull 749b] the iron (baát). his,thou. fat (ãt). of [=by]. N's. prisoner (su). to […]

BD 146

[twenty first northern pylon]   57] hidden, mysterious (ámen). designs,characters (skheru). posessed by (kher). the adamite soul. became (áu). the adamite soul. {in}. the smelting fire (báu). [of] existence (matrix). [by] invading hebrew-H (God's house). [by] H'emen?(proto-Horus/80/natron/stability of saturn). [by] speech. to make. to cut,carve (sá). [and] slaughter (t'em). [blank?]. – Osiris. existence. [for] the […]

BD 147

BD CXLVII the giza grand gallery, aka Rama’s bridge rubric: [place-T of] great speech. [for] to battle (ãhã). every. word of the solarplane (bu)., [in order for] (that word by) the [an-] face (eden’s). to be made. nót.; [but by eden] within. [for] Osiris (as construct). [as] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [of] the “One” […]

BD 14

bd 14 the speech. [in] thou. Torso (áb, south). of [=by]. which are. all (nebu). ashamed of (shept) [of eden's speech!]., to erase (t'er). [by] existence (matrix). [of] peace (h'etep, saturn).[into] he (adam). within. ãnkh-life.;  he. within. thou. ãnkh-life. [by] the aspects offered to Saturn. [of] the adamite soul. [for] thou. existence. [by] existence (eden's). […]

BD 13

[rubric:] the burial (qerás, ás=workingplace,qer=circle,south). [in,of?] the day (Hru, hebrew-H, north?). of [=by]. the adamite soul. [is!] the anunna-face. [by] the true voice [from below] (maã kheru).; the divine Áat-perch of youth. [for] existence. birthed (mes). [by] the true voice form below. [is] ãnkh-life., it. to become. Osiris'. existence. [in] name [of].: to make. the […]

BD 11

the willpower like [adam] (mã). it. [as] one (tu). to be snatched away (neh'em). [by] existence (eden's). nót.;  existence (eden's). to give. the speech. he. to become,was. the eternal \\ enemies (h'h'\\kheftiu, saturns eternity\\enemies of horus-spirits). speech. of [=by]. the commands (met'u). the thighs,legs (ret'u, south). of [=by]. wandering-off (shem, adam-related).; the god Tem ('to […]

BD 10

he. to become crowned (khã). of [=by]. the third (khemt, lit.'not/dimension/of 3', trinity). this [root] (pen). [as?] Áni. scribe. [of] Osiris., [by?] becoming stable (men). [by] the speech. [of] eden's realm (nen). [for] existence (matrix). [of] willpower of speech. to become. the house of the Tuat. [of] every. god.;  the Workplace (ás; stripping souls,south). [is] […]

BD 09

the true voice [from below]. [of] Áni. scribe. [of] Osiris.: the way (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden's). to make. every. noble spirit. [and] every. god.; the hail for the beautified-soul. [is] to become equipped (ãper)., I. become a spirit., I. become roayalty (sãh'). [as] Osiris., [and] the gods. [by] he. the father (átef, from the staff […]

BD 08

the gods. [of] willpower like [adam] (mã). of [=by]. the one (tu). he. values (áp). Horus. thou speech for the beautified-soul (árk, one word). to stand upright (ãhã). [as] completion (temt). [by?] existence (eden's). nót.; (eden is not) the gods. \\ [of] adam-within. Rã (glyph). i,me. within. existence (eden's). becoming new (unn). nót.; [?] [but] […]

BD 06

within. thou. to devise. protection (mãku). [for] the West (áment, all of earth). [by] this [root]. [of] the East(ern). existence.  sand (shã, crystal matter). to give. [it as?] something ferrying? (khent). speech. to change (ut'ebu). to make to flood (smeh'). the fields (sekhtu, of saturn).to plant (sert'). speech. all, every. light of the opened word […]

BD 05

BD V the praising apes’ (word of divine willpower of hail). torso [centre] (áb). am I.; 3] to swell (bes). [with] ãnkh-life. [for] the divine ram Ba-spirit-soul. [whom] I am.; [being] the place of the word for the word-inside for existence to become new (torso)., [in order] of [=for]. existence (matrix). to manifest (per).; me. […]

BD 04

Osiris'. anunna-face (vesica north). [for] the cultivated lands (ah'tu, saturn). [of] existence. to erase (t'er). existence (eden's). [for] the advanced beautified-soul.;  the twin-fighter gods (reh'u, Set and Horus, but "double god word for saturns mouth"). to open (op). the celestial ocean [dimension] (agba, solarplane). [by] the departing [from SH] (tesh)., [for] me. the primeval child […]

BD 02

BD II my words of ãnkh-life. [of] willpower alike adam mmã, weak form).; [by means of] the land (south,eden). the head (main-land). [by] he. the things to desire. [namely by] the eye. [of] speech., [through] the mutilated eden light (Hru,’day’). of [=for]. place-T to manifest., 4] [for] me. Ani-Osiris.; Osiris (as construct). [by] thou. workplace […]


BD CV Workplace (in top lampstand) speaking to eden, [by] he. the (enemy of the) horus-spirits place-T of he for the kh-house (‘enemies’). [as] the speech. [for[ Osiris (as construct). [for] to make true voice (via ad.soul)., [and through] me. the dimension to purify. [as] my. word of hail.; [and so] thou. [an-] face (eden’s). […]

BD 03

[ in several places dotted lines = missing ]  the place of Õn (hostile universe, ruling Eye south). [of] adam-within. [is,by] the great speech. [of] the house of the old prince (h'etser, house of saturn). of [=by]. his. manifestation (pert). of [=by]. pteh'( the god Ptah, root/saturn). ãnkh-life. of [=by]. them (ad.souls). joyous (h'ã, physical […]

BD 145 part 2

DRAFT part 2 of BD 145: pylons XIII – I and rubric pylon XIII as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher).[as] the thing becoming (áut). [in] the […]

BD 150

XV [the word inside / for the beautified-soul / is the word / of the evil mountain] (t’uuá+pot). [by] [aspect / of existence / being encircled] (shenn+cake). of [=by]. the adamite soul. adam-within. ãnkh-life. gods. who are. the beautiful (nefert). West (áment; ‘beautiful West’ is common title). REGION:? XIV the divine-he. something to carry-off (ást). […]

BD 149

Renouf link: below + vignette link BD CXLIX region XIV (E) the peace (of saturn,h’etep). of [=by] (means of). this. adamite soul’s. word to come (glyph).; [and] forever. it (the word). within. me., [and] to come be un-tied (sefekh,seven). nót.; Osiris (as construct). of [=for]. to manifest (per)., [through] the words of the mountain (eden’s). […]

PT 431

PT 431 PT 431 781b] [by] he (eden). to die. nót.; [but instead,] to connect to. the word of the innermost sacred place. [in order] of [=for]. this. N. to connect to. to make a spirit (via ad.soul).; 781a] place-T of honey [north]. of [=for]. to rise and be crowned., [by means of] the adamite […]

BD 145

DRAFT. [first part of 145, pylons XXI – XIV, rubric moved to end of part II, pylons XII – I ], [possible start of pylon 21],   pylon XXI The seven (7). gods. of. this. pylon (sebekht) (singular: not ‘these pylons’). who are. the divine judges (tchatchau). to become. the foreign land. [by?] the anunna-face […]

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PT 270

PT 270 PT 270 387c] he. the root. [at] the side (ges). [of] speech of hail [=north]. [of] this (pu). N (candidate). [as] he. the fire-drill boat [axis]., + 387b] [of] Thoth (t’eh’ut). [for] existence., [by] the wing-axis (tcheneh’). the head (main-wing). [by using] the prisoner (su,Cain). he. the hand (=to give?)., 387a] this. N. […]

PT 269

——— DRAFT ———-          382b] Forever. he (Adam). within. N. [as] to hunger. nót.; – he. within. N. to thirst. nót.;  382a] he (Adam). within. N. [by] wandering-astray (shem). [as] he. [as] root. [in] the land. + (next line) 381d] sweet date/palm wine (benrát). to make to receive? (seshept). father (át). white light (h'etch, […]

PT 264

——- DRAFT —— last few lines poor —- 350c] the pillar (djedu). of. his. existence. [by] stability-of-adam-within (djed=pun). – [to?] the house of the horizon. of. his. existence. [as] áakhu-spirit.; 350b] The image. of. this. N. [by] the Workplace. [for] existence. dies. nót.; 350a] Osiris’. existence. [to] the prisoner. his (osiris). existence. to give. nót.; – the below. […]

PT 263

——- DRAFT —- 341c] the Tuat. his. one. connected to. birth. – Sirius (sept't). his. secondary (senu).; 341b] the sky of earth. [by] existence. [of] the eastern. side. [of] speech. [by] this. N's. divine firedrill-boat (tcha aáu).; (see note) 341a] The house of the horizon (áakhet). [of] existence. it's. eastern. side. [of] speech. this. N.'s. firedrill-boat.; […]

PT 370

646d] The peace (h'etep-saturn). [of] the Ka-spirit-double. [for] existence. [in] thou. name.of.:- Thou. peace.  – [for] thou. within. his. Ka-double. [!] [for] existence., Horus'. existence. makes.;  647c] [by] the word. connected to. their (ad.souls). existence. [in] the mer-lake. ; 647b] His (adam's) belly (khat). [of] the word. inside. [is] the inside (2x). [of] the willpower of Saturn. [for] […]

PT 357

592c] thou. speech. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] Set's. existence. [in] the Eye. [is] the protection (netch). [of] Horus'. existence. [for] the beautified soul.; 592b] the westerner (horus-spirit). who is. in front of. existence. [in] this. thou. name. of.: – thou. speech (and nature, kher). [by] Horus'. Torso (eye, south). which is. before/in front of. + (next […]

PT 365

[adressed to adamite original ] 625d] within. thou. Mer-lake (fiery lake, south). – [for] all of. the house of the solarplane (buu). of [=by]. thou. legs (ret’). existence. [has] boundary. nót.; 625c] within. thou. wandering-astray (of adamite,shem).  – all of. the house of the solarplane (buu). of [=by]. thou. to be repulsed. nót.; 625b] the sacrificial bull […]

PT 230

234c] the chakra in the belly (south; beqsu,olive tree +su). [and] the anunna-face (vesica,north). Horus. existence. ties together (thes). + (next line) 234b] [for] Osiris'. existence. [by] the mouth (vesica, north). [of] adam-within.  — [for] the solarplane (ãb, see note). [as] the word. [for] existence. [by] the opened-word-inside. [as] the double-knot/chakra (thesu).  ; 234a] The scorpion (serqet/ãnkhet). [for] eden's realm […]

PT 227

227c] Thou. speech. [over] Eden's realm (NN). says: existence (eden's). carried away and destroyed (khebekh).; 227b] Thou. speech. [over] eden's realm (NN). says: — the scorpion (serqet/ãnkhet). [is] the sacred. god. [of] the treshfloor (vesica south,sep).; – [and] thou.                speech. [over] eden's realm (NN). says: the Hekent-serpent (the word/inside/the […]

PT 226

226b]  the divine light.[of] the word. connected to. Sight (maa). — [by] the upside-down (penã). h’efau-serpent (totality/of his/of Saturn)  + 226a] [is] the dimension. of [=by]. the shining backbone (pillar,pestch). [of] the majestic (h’em). defeated foe (kher).; 225c] to wriggle away (seben)., [then] to sleep to death (setcher). [of] the NÁU-serpent (Heir, see note)  — [for] thou. within. manifestation. — [and] thou. existence. of [=by]. willpower. [for] the beautified-soul’s (canaanite spirit). land.  ; 225b] the garden (h’esep!, vesica sep). of. manifesting. — the word [of] the tooth? (beh’, saturn+solarplane). — [?] Horus-calf (beh’en). encirceling (shen). + […]

PT 229

  229c] to wriggle away (seben). the defeated foe (kher; foe is Náu serpent). [by] the beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit). + (next line)  229b] [in] the place. [of] the word inside becoming new (unnu, one word). of [=by?]. ferried. [by] the shepherd? (saat). [of] the adamite soul. — [for?] the ka-doubles. [of] the solarplane place (bu). [through] the hidden background of Saturn. the prisoner. […]

PT 273

PT 273 PT 273 403b] [place-T of] the spirits-light masherRt. of [=by]. he. [place-T of] the boiling-pots [of things of another] (ktut). [in order] of [=for]. existence to make. [for] within (the matrix)., [and so by means of?] place-T (for) the kh-house of hail (á-kht). he. existence. [by] the flame of the doubled-adamite soul (to […]

PT 271

PT 271 PT 271 391d] the great pillar. the god., [at] the side (ges). [of] the speech of hail [north] (ár).; [as] place-T of great speech [torso]. [by] place-T of the adamite throne. [for] the [an-] face (north). [for] this. N. to dwell [in] (h’ems).; c] the god. [as] the [an-] face. to open and […]

Posted in PT

PT 272

PT 272 PT 272 392d] the wrong order [of place-T-m] (tekhtekh). [for] the gods (matrix). [of] the head. [and] this. N. nót.; [but] the gods. to follow. the head. [just as] this. N. [for] the word of hail. + 392c] [for] within., [by means of] the evil eden-speech of the sh-pool [lower] (sherr+). [for] this. […]

PT 243

248b] the essence (spittle). he. connects to. the majesty (h’em). [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; – within. ultimate-speech (Urr). to be young. thou. beautified-soul.  – [by] the great pillar (ãnkh-pillar). [of] ultimate-speech (Urr). to be young. thou. beautified-soul.; 248a] thou. speech. [is] the speech. [of] the lion mouth (r,lion). – [by] the Staff (tá, adam rule). [in] […]

PT 239

243b] the tongue (nes). [is] the Staff (tá, adam rule). [of] Sight (maa). nót.; – passive-very-great-speech (urrt’, Adam’s) . [is now] the white crown (h’etcht, Saturn’s light). [for] the tongue (nes). [for] existence (eden’s). to devour.; 243a] passive-very-great-speech (urrt’). [for] the adamite soul’s. existence (eden’s). to devour., – [by] the white crown (h’etcht). [of] manifestation; – to recite [this] spell;

PT 240

245b] the wriggling away (seben). [of] the Háu-serpent (hebrew-H, see note)., offering to. the beautified-soul. – the land. [by?] branch (khet). (tanef+flesh=?).; 245a] The Háu-serpent. [in] his. thephet-shrine (south, cave of the head). [of] adam-within. [by using?] the Staff (tá, adam’s rule). [of] the adamite soul. to drag (into the cave?). – the Háu-serpent. his. foilage (covering; naut, see note). [of] adam-within. […]

PT 235

239b] the beautified-soul. praises. the beautified-soul’s. staff (tá,adam’s rule). [as] the father (át). who is. the door of the great pillar. [as] the foot upon the SH-pool (retesh). [being] the Staff (tá). [of] speech. [for] the beautified-soul., – thou. existence. copulates with (nek). having become (áu). + (next line) 239a] the word of Saturn (h’u+taste). side. within. the word of Saturn. side. within. remote from? (kuaaa). – to recite [this] spell;

PT 241

246b] thou. Self (tches). starts the fire (rek). thou. mouth (vesica north). of. – manifestation. – [by] the opened word inside. [from] the most-beautified-soul’s (adam). existence (eden’s).+ 246a] [as] the tile’s (T’ebt, solarplane, see note). word. [of] willpower. [in] the high exalted place (north). – [by] the fortress’ (sh-pool). outpouring (áshet’). – to recite [this] […]

PT 234

238c] the secondary (sennu). adamite soul.[by] the double-face. of. H’ekent (serpent, see note). [for] existence. [by] the tomb-of-treading-out? (h’em + pyramid). + 238b] [as] his. bush (naut, see note). [of] adam-within., thou. tie together.(thes). abóve (as speech/for the anunna-face). [by] the fallen-down hebrew-H. + 238a] [via] the cord. [of] his. father’s (át, south). speech. [tó] […]

PT 372

[said to Adam, as bull] 653d] The bull (adam). [of] the SH-pool. of. the fiery speech of the tongue (nsrsr, see note). [in] thou. name. of.: – they (ad.souls). within. thou. [are in] the Torso (eye in south). [by] the staff. diminishing (sher). of. thou. speech of the tongue.; 653c] Their (ad.souls). speech. [is by!] the beautified-soul (canaanite […]

PT 369

644e] His. plebs (mankind, rekht). [by] the head. [in] the anunna-face. [of] Horus’. existence., [in] thou. name. of.: + (next line) 644d] thou. anunna-face (vesica,north). destroys (kherkher). existence (eden’s). [by] Horus’. existence. to give away. nót.; 644c] Thou. eyes (vesica). [for] thou. existence. [bý] his. existence (eden’s). established., – [for] thou. desired.-[thou].-son. [of] existence. [as] […]

PT 368

skip 639a,b] 638d] The adamite soul. [is] the child. [of] Adam-within., – [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [of] great speech. [as] the image (thut). + (next line) 638c] [of] passive-very-great-speech (Urrt, adam’s)., [for] everything (neb). to build (khnem). [in] their (ad.souls). name. of.: – the image of the evil mountain (t’ut, God’s mountain). [of] every. kind […]

PT 366

[contains a major concept, see notes] 633b] his. father/staff (átef?). protects. the son. Horus’. existence. [in] his. name. of.: – the word. connected to.his. protection., + (next line) 633a] [by] the boat of the divine word (eden’s). to erase. [and] to split-Off (t’en). Adam-within. [for] the Khu-spirit’s. existence., [in] it’s. name. of.: – he (adam). within. thou. existence. […]

PT 355

574d] Osiris. [by] alike-Adam’s (miá). word. [is] connected to. the support (of the ãnkh, thes). standing upright., + (see note) 574c] [so that] the áakhu-spirits. like-adam (MM). [by] he (adam). within. thou., become new (un).; 574b] Great speech. [from] the áat (region). of [=by]. thou. willpower. battles. of.  – the land (eden?). of [=by]. thou. willpower. thou. give. […]

PT 359

additional note: below; following the PT text is the diagram for you to compare the text with.  602c] the golden (nub). light. [of] existence. [by] the staff (tá, adam’s rule). [is] the boat of the pupil (tchet-aáu). (see note) [for] becoming new. of [=by]. + 602b] the emptyness (shu). [of] his (the prisoner’s). royal throne of the South […]

PT 565

1428e] Osiris’. willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [is] this. tongue (ns). birthed. [by] Nut. [for] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit). + 1428d] [for] N. his. existence. [of] knowledge. – [which] the first. his. mother (Eve?). [of] N. knows. nót.; (see note) 1428c] The gods. [on] this. day (Hru). [of] this. N.’s. birth. of. +  (next line) 1428b] […]

PT 568

1433c] the sky of earth’s. existence. [by] the staff [of] the East. his. root. side. [for] the prisoner (ús). they (ad.souls). give.; (root side of the staff, see next) 1433b] the sky of earth. existence. [by] his. root. side. [of] the staff. [of] adam-within. [as] the staff. [of] existence. [from?] the two sycamore-trees (neHt, hebrew-H, […]

PT 573

PT 573 PT 573 1484e] hail. [by] the willpower [eden] (ã). [of] adam-within., [for] this. N (candidate). to repulse (khsf). + 1484d] the land (south, eden). [to be] within., [by] the leg [eden mountain] (rt’). [of] adam-within. the word of hail. to give.; 1484c] the kite as place-T of hail of the border [-sky] (tcherát+). […]

PT 571

PT 571 PT 571 1471d] Forever. he. the ãnkh-life. 1471c] [for] this. N., [as] existence. thou. joined and intertwined [w/solarplane]. to give., [and through] the great pillar – the god. [for] this. N. existence. thou. willpower. to give.; 1471b] [by means of] the nut dome (lampstand). [for] the word of hail. below., [as] the most-b-soul-adam’s. […]

PT 572

PT 572 PT 572 1477d] Forever. place-T-e fór power [+whip] (nkhkh-T,halfstaff). [as] place-T-e for ãnkh-life (halfstaff). + [in order for] existences to make (via ad.soul)., [as] the place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [by] thou. to become new (matrix, un).; 1477c] [and by that place?] the bull to constantly ritually sacrifice [eden cherub] (s-ma, mult.). [for] […]

PT 570

preliminary note: in 1463d,c,b,a the “birth” (mes) is on end of previous line [but put here for readability]; or in 1458b], or like in 1449c] the last word is “of”, showing the column was too short — both types confirm the left-to-right way of reading. 1463e] Set’s. testicles (willpower,south). below. [are] torn off (sat’). nót.; […]

PT 574

PT 574 PT 574 1491c] Forever. he. existence become new (matrix, unn).; [..3 lost..]. existence to become new.; 1491b] the light. [for?] the light., [by?] T-e (halfstaff) of darkness (?). of [=by?]. T-e (halfstaff) of darkness (?)., the light. of [=for]. the light., + (note) 1491a] [as?] the hail bý hebrew-H-cube fór hail (mirror-glyph; áHá).; […]