Tag Archives: pylons

CT 1001

VII219 the gods’. mouth (north). the hidden,mysterious (shetau). existence. b] [for] the aspects (food-glyph). to flood (bãh’, abundance, solarplane+saturn). the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul.; a] the h’eb-festival of completion of the solarplane. the beautified soul. (blank). (blank) VII218 i] the sebeKHt-pylons. [for] the beautified-soul’s. existence. to open (un, to become new), […]

BD 181

BD 181 [short rubric skipped, start text:] [by] his. existence (eden’s)., existence (matrix). to stand upright (ãhã). [for] the land. to return (khet). he. to fear. the word of fear (sent’tu). [as] the most-b-soul-adam willpower of speech (ãri). the great [pillar]. [by] sekhem sceptres. it,he. to be victorious (nerr). 23] the pautu primeval gods. the […]

BD 146

[twenty first northern pylon]   57] hidden, mysterious (ámen). designs,characters (skheru). posessed by (kher). the adamite soul. became (áu). the adamite soul. {in}. the smelting fire (báu). [of] existence (matrix). [by] invading hebrew-H (God's house). [by] H'emen?(proto-Horus/80/natron/stability of saturn). [by] speech. to make. to cut,carve (sá). [and] slaughter (t'em). [blank?]. – Osiris. existence. [for] the […]

BD 145 part 2

DRAFT part 2 of BD 145: pylons XIII – I and rubric pylon XIII as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher).[as] the thing becoming (áut). [in] the […]