Tag Archives: ãnkh-life

CT 629

VII 250 v] the cemetery below. of [=as]. the lake [sh?]. [for,by?] the prince (áti, staff-related), [in] the land of solarplane intestine (qabu). [for] he (the). existence (eden’s). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [and] to build [by blueprint] (qet’). alike-adam’s (miá). existence matrix)., [by] the word (eden’s). to give speech., to become. t] […]

CT 143

note: 177 and first half 176 not running well II177 j] the cemetary below. of [=by]. the gods of the solarplane dimension [abu] (from abzu). [as] his (candidate's). existence (matrix). [by] the gift. [of] speech.;  i] the cemetary below. of [=for]. his. existence (matrix). [of] N (candidate).,  [by] existence (eden's). [for] the gods of solarplane […]

CT 759

difficult but very, very useful!see notes — VI389 u] the shoulder [axis]. [for] ãnkh-life. nebrtcher god [boundary of master-holder]. [lost; 'existence'?]. I. to be repulsed (khesef). nót.;this (connect to). existence. [to] me. to force speech. nót.; t] my. reward. [is] my. event (sep/other?). of [=by,for]. this (conn.to). ãnkh-life. [for] my. peace (h'etep,saturn).; r] the truth […]

CT 760

remark – it is sad we can't yet get this important spell in a better context,though partly our attempt succeeded – see last part of text –  and please see notes, below, o] the shoulder [axis,Watercourse]. [for] eternity (h'eh',saturn). backwards (sa)., [for] eternity. of [=by]. these. SBA-stargates. [as] the thing to guard (saaat). the divine […]

CT 684

VI314 k] the cemetary below. of. the aspects of totality [144,000!]. to acquire.; j] to give. of [=by]. thou. speech. the season (ter). thou. existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; the god. who is. the beautified-soul., the god. who is. this. N., h] to give. of [=for?]. the season. the image [to connect to] (thut). […]

CT 857

VII60 his. head (hebrew-H,north). to tie together. nót.; j] to connect to. to take captive (seqer). he (the head). ãnkh-life. nót.; the adamite soul. speech. everything/master-holder (nebt). the evil image [of the mountain] (t’u,God’s). [of?] them (ad.souls). the Eye. willpower like [adam]. [for] this. N-Osiris (the candidate). to become protection [=hostage] (netch). [for] existence (matrix).; […]

BD 127 A

the doorkeepers. all. evil [images of the mountain] (t’u, God’s). wrong [‘not become new’] (un). [as?] one (tu). to become to discover,to find (gem). nót.;  (wont be found no more) existence. to go,come [root to kh] (khep). my. desire (mer). I. to manifest (per). I. to be praised (h’es,saturn). I. enter (ãq). word. them (ad.souls). […]

BD 126

BD 126 the house of the horizon. existence. the innermost sacred place (Eye,south). of [=by]. every. light. to enter,to disturb (tek). to invoke (nás). the word – those who praise,are praised (h'esi-u). the noble spirits. eden's realm. alike-adam (miá). thou. to desire [eden speech RR] (merr). speech. thou. to come (thing of) willpower (ãt). thou. […]

BD 78

the nebertcher cobra (boundary/of speech/ master-holder, chalice below solarplane). the adamite soul. [is] the master [all of] (neb). the divine “One” [real-moon] (uã). his, he (the). Eye. of [=by]. millions (h’eh’u, saturn, not:eternities). he. to make ãnkh-life (the imprisoned realmoon does).  ;  + ? millions (see above). 55] he. to seize (shet’). the gods. his. […]

BD 189

real themes: to remove the faces from the adamite originals, south; and stealing word as Eve status: very revealing, but 2nd part is difficult the true voice [from below]. [of] the primeval child (this scribe). [of] the covenant (khetem). belonging to? (nes,tongue). the house of the tongue [real-moon] (nes).: Osiris. speech. [of] ãnkh-life. [by] existence […]

BD 181

BD 181 [short rubric skipped, start text:] [by] his. existence (eden’s)., existence (matrix). to stand upright (ãhã). [for] the land. to return (khet). he. to fear. the word of fear (sent’tu). [as] the most-b-soul-adam willpower of speech (ãri). the great [pillar]. [by] sekhem sceptres. it,he. to be victorious (nerr). 23] the pautu primeval gods. the […]

BD 99

real theme: mãkhent = the boat/ferrying fróm the sacred-innermost-place (eye south) the willpower-alike-adam";  using imprisoned Cain as 'adams willpower' [because Adam is too dangerous?]  ; the relation between cain and "his mother";  and that of 'gold' and 'making a body'; see for Cain also CT spell **   status: important themes thou. advanced beautified-soul. thou […]

BD 155

[rubric:] event/matter/ (sep+treshfloor). existence. eternity *h’eh’, saturn). to be come sacrifice [in general] (maã). to become the shes-garment-body (from sh-pool). Osiris. the returning gods (khetu). word of adam-within. alike-adam miá). the season. existence. light. the cemetary below. \\ [of] adam-within (linked). to become perfect (áqer). 4] the noble spirit. of [=by]. his. existence. to become […]

BD 153 A

his. willpower. of [=by]. the divine woman-prisoner (sut\\div.). Horus. the limit (tcher). existence. 35] Rà (rã glyph). his. divine father (átef, adam staff). his. existence. existence. the Eye. this your (connect to). the Maqt-ladders (vertical axis in ankh-torus). [to?] the anunna-face (vesica north). [for] the true voice. [of] primeval child. (etc).; Osiris. to manifest (per). […]

pt 422

764b] Forever. the pupil (tchet=?). existence. – thou. be destroyed (h'etem). nót.;  – thou. perishes (sek). nót.; 764a] the land. roof/shadow/head. [in] thou. name. of.: the aged spirits and gods (nekhkh). – the land. roof/shadow/head. [in] thou. name. of.: ãnkh-life.; 763d] their (ad.souls). "hearts"(hát ábu). [are] the speech. [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). – this. […]