Tag Archives: cube


he (the). Áten-disk.\\ [of] adam-within. [for] the boat of building by blueprint (sqet'nu, amtuat's). [for] he (the). Khu spirit., [as] the boat (glyph). [of] willpower. [for] existence (matrix). [for] thou. [an-] face (north? since áten). to become protection. [of] hail.;[as] he (the). eye. of [=for]. the Tuat house [torus]. to make to illumine [w/light of […]


the true voice. [of] N-Osiris (candidate).:the dome of the word-inside [thes-dome!] (*pic,nut). [as] the mother,, [for] Nekhbet (vulture goddess,above H-cube). [as] one. to embrace. all [of]. the light (eden's). [for] Rã., [by] the staff of rule [river] (tá,adam rule). [of] beauty. [from?] the Manu mountain (*pic). which is. [in] the house of the horizon (*pic,cube)., […]

CT 610

VI 224 u] this. setcht-flame [in the eye]. of [=for]. manifestation [in north] (pert).;t] [but] to yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N. [is by] existence (eden's)., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). [is] of [=by]. the treshfloor [south] (sep)., to become (áu). [bý] he […]

CT 623

VI 239 n] within. me. [is] the word of Saturn (h’u). [of] beauty.;m] the season (ter). head (main season). of [=by]. Sirius (sept’t). [for] my. word. [as] the boat. which is. made to be the foremost.;l] [as] the divine manifestation. [for] existence (matrix). [by] inundation (ákhet)., [by] existence’s (eden’s). light. to encircle (shen-related glyph?). k] […]

CT 631

VII 254 u] the word. [of] the root (P). [for] this (pn). N – osiris (candidate).; t] [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the divine word. [of] adam-within., [for] the gods. to pacify s-h’etep), saturn)., [by] the “One” (see note). of [=for]. PTEH\\. [for] all [of]. this. N-osiris.; [by] existence (eden’s). to know. t] [from] the Eyeless one […]

CT 143

note: 177 and first half 176 not running well II177 j] the cemetary below. of [=by]. the gods of the solarplane dimension [abu] (from abzu). [as] his (candidate's). existence (matrix). [by] the gift. [of] speech.;  i] the cemetary below. of [=for]. his. existence (matrix). [of] N (candidate).,  [by] existence (eden's). [for] the gods of solarplane […]