Tag Archives: backbone


the peace [of saturn]. of [=as]. the true voice. [of] Ani.:he. the [sh] pool. [of] justice (maãt). to make the image [through prisoner] (su-sesh)., [because of] the place of the garden for all of the east (abetch,see note). [for] all [of]. existence (matrix). [by] the double throne of the tongue [upon the inverse dome] (nes). […]

CT 610

VI 224 u] this. setcht-flame [in the eye]. of [=for]. manifestation [in north] (pert).;t] [but] to yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N. [is by] existence (eden's)., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). [is] of [=by]. the treshfloor [south] (sep)., to become (áu). [bý] he […]