Tag Archives: adamite

CT 694

CT 694 VI 327 m] he. the Self (tches). [as] the god., of [=by] the staff-tá. to become equipped (ãper). [for] the spirits. alike adam (mm,weak).; [by means of] thou. to descend hebrew-H (cube). m] [in order for] the word. to connect to. existences to make (via ad.soul). [of] sight (maa).; k] to become the […]

CT 699

CT 699 VI 332 w] he (eden). to seize (eden-hand as sh-pool) (shet’). [through] place-T by the prisoner. the word (eden’s). to seize (sht’)., v] [this place-T as] the island of the horizon. [at] the border-sky (tcher). [of] speech (matrix)., [in order for] my. speech. [through] the thigh (bent-axis). existence (eden’s). to go repulse (khesef)., […]

the harem of female-adamite-originals, birthing their fish-souls: Rg-Veda book II

5/1/18 first version RESTART the harem of female-adamite-originals, birthing their fish-souls: Rg-Veda book II the themes: – you have seen that the themes start to get… a bit beyónd understanding, by now; and though they were confirmed in the last posted pages, we searched links to the Vedics to expand context, looking for Agni (as […]

the harvest in the birth-valley will cause this physical body to break down: Is. 17

3/1/18 first version RESTART the harvest in the birth-valley will cause this physical body to break down: Is. 17 [the 144,000 encounter Adam – and he ceases to plant the branches] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this […]

Adam to die – being at present the powersource of their corrupted stargate: Ez. 28

Ez. 28 08.21.: Ez. 28 revisited — “how art thou fallen from heaven, o Adam !” upd. 08.21.18.: … in the past few months, posting chapters of scripture, we didn’t expect that Adam would appear to play such a crucial part. But again and again this concept appears to be true, when even Rg-Veda tells […]

the castle of Õn (as Babylon in book of Revelation) trading in adamite-souls: Ez. 27

29/12/17 first version RESTART the castle of Õn (as Babylon in book of Revelation) trading in adamite-souls: Ez. 27 [extensive description of their region North, matching the spells] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we live […]

second half Ezekiel 27

27/12/17 first version RESTART Ezekiel 27 – second half   themes:   textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for […]

their chalice-NEB being cut-off from the adamite-soil in the lampstand: Amos 9

25/12/17 first version RESTART their chalice-NEB being cut-off from the adamite-soil in the lampstand: Amos 9 [the bubble as ‘this earth’ descending to lampstand] themes: “the serpent’s offsprings will withdraw”, line 13, textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this […]

cross over you, My ‘powerful deity’, to the HQ of the dead-bodies: Amos 6

24/12/17 first version RESTART cross over you, My ‘powerful deity’, to the HQ of the dead-bodies: Amos 6 [‘but the background-peoples will try obstruct you in entering’] themes: expulsion of the dead bodies KHAT – we can’t even use the word ‘Israel’ in a title anymore — polluted as it got by esau textnote: we […]

the eden-females serving as harem for the dead-bodies KHAT: Micah 2

23/12/17 first version RESTART the eden-females serving as harem for the dead-bodies KHAT: Micah 2 [‘recently, the people of Me arose up to the one adversary…’] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — […]

PT 274

PT 274 PT 274 414c] [for] eternity. the speech., [by] forever. this (pn). land (eden,south). of =[for]. the word. [of] ãnkh-life. of [=for]. this. N (candidate).; [by means of] the torso. the throne of adamite (-T). + 414b] to plough (khebs). of [=for]. the images [of-T]., [in order for] the word (eden). to make. sekhem-power. […]

CT 754

CT 754 VI 384 g] the divine boat. the ãnt boat (stream to hand-T’?). [and] the sektt boat., f] [for] thou. foremost (nostril, sher). [by] which is. the foremost (kh-house)., of [=as]. thou. (double\\) eye. [for] thou. existence. to give. speech.; e] thou. aspects of eden-willpower (at place-T). [for] thou. existence., [by] the staff-tá. to […]

CT 686

CT 686 VI 317 l] the divine word. of [=as]. doubled willpower (ãã). [by] the serpenthand. [of] thou existence of hail (árk).; k] [as] my. speech for the an-face. [for] to come the word by descended hebrew-H., of [=as]. j] the divine word by the Set-dog [new tile]. [of] thou hail (ák). [for] the hail […]

BD 76

the adamite soul. within. to advance. the way (axis,Watercourse). existence. to make. the divine great [pillar]. the god. to become union (t’emt’). thou. within. existence. to become new (un). the white crown [rule around earth, Saturn] (h’etch, saturn light). to shepherd, to guard. [stop?] the white crown (see above). the son (sa). to make to […]

BD 189

real themes: to remove the faces from the adamite originals, south; and stealing word as Eve status: very revealing, but 2nd part is difficult the true voice [from below]. [of] the primeval child (this scribe). [of] the covenant (khetem). belonging to? (nes,tongue). the house of the tongue [real-moon] (nes).: Osiris. speech. [of] ãnkh-life. [by] existence […]

BD 19

[rubric] the treshfloor (of ad.originals,vesica Sep,south). existence. two/double island (?as in 20, but no land gl). true Shes-garment-body (as in 20?). of [=by]. this (root). willpower (ã). the pillar. to become the protection (mãkt). [as,for?] the double treshfloor (see above)., [as being] the star (tua). of [=by]. thou. anunna-face (vesica north). to say.: (….so the […]

BD 20

the KArá shrine (ka-double, same as 4 torches south?). protection in hidden background of saturn (h'a tep). Osiris. existence. this. to value (áp). [by?] this. divine judges (tchanutcha). [in,of?] the phallus (pillar). every. goddess (netert). [and] every. god. who are. the divine judges. the phallus.  [stop?] 10] his. enemies (kheftiu). speech. the true voice [from […]

BD 21

the darkness (gerh', saturn). covering by the solarplane (nebt', chalice). his. new season of Time (unnut, word inside become new). speech. the Torso (áb,Eye,south). the word. to guide. he. within. to command (met'u). the mouth. thou. give. thou. existence. the heads. thou. share,portion (t'enáu, t'en=split-off,tená=1/4 moon). thou. protection in the hidden background of Saturn (h'a […]

BD 63

Forever. his. existence. the word of most-b-soul-adam's willpower of speech (comp.word, rãiu, no Rã!). eternity (h'eh', saturn). existence. to become [by] flesh and bone of the Heir. [in?] the Workplace (of stripping ad.originals, ás). i,me. his.he. limit [of Watercourse] (tcher). ultimate existence (matrix,nn). to yoke forever [by saturn] (neh'eh'). existence (eden's). willpower of speech (rã, […]

BD 63 A

[63 exists of 63, 63A and 63E ] Every. light. within. thou. ãnkh-life (ãnki, unusual). to snatch away,rescue (neh'em,saturn). 5] [in] name [of].: to become to grow (rut'). [by] the passive one of great speech (adam,south)., [so that] the old prince of great speech. to make to strip naked (kefa). the divine Heir to become […]

BD 63 E

the adamite soul. within. existence. the manifestation (pert). this [your] (connect to). the way (axis, Watercourse). backwards 9sa). of [=by]. to travel (shas, soul/new sh-pool). of [=by]. to force his-self (tchesef). 4] to mutilate (h'esq,saturn). to come to beautified-soul the willpower like [adam] (mãá+walk, comp. glyph). the cat (miáu, skin-alike-Adam). the adamite soul. the prisonhouse […]