Tag Archives: micah

the image of adamite ruling the centre of the dual-realm, Micah 4 — when the 144,000 reach Babylon in outer-court —

mic 4 the image of adamite ruling the centre of the dual-realm, Micah 4 — when the 144,000 reach Babylon in outer-court — #note, the main theme of the whole book of Micah seems to be “dimensional centre”; as well in that difficult first chapter, as the previous Anzu bird one; in this chapter 4 […]

Christ gathering his 144,000 brothers for the war, Micah 5 — the sorceries cut-off from the new hand —

mic 5 Christ gathering his 144,000 brothers for the war, Micah 5 — the sorceries cut-off from the new hand — 1 now you-shall-slash-yourself daughter-of raiding-party siege-work he-places on·us in·the·club they-shall-smite on the·cheek one-judging-of Israel Now gather thyself in troops, O daughter of troops: he hath laid siege against us: they shall smite the judge […]

the constructs by the north mountain, Micah 1

mic 1 the constructs by the north mountain, Micah 1 theme: likely about the ‘eye’, as eden’s dimensional centre, having gone Up to their doubled-root; this off-centre being the main cause of the present situation of adamite-souls on earth; tricky chapter, 1 word-of ieue which he-became to Micah the·Morashite in·days-of Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah kings-of Judah […]

go out my people and contend their doubled-mountain construct, Mic.6 – addressing the wandered-astray axis

go out my people and contend their doubled-mountain construct, Mic.6 — addressing the wandered-astray axis — Mic.6 1 hear-you ! please ! which ieue saying rise-you ! contend-you ! with the·mountains and·they-shall-hear the·hills voice-of·you Hear ye now what the LORD saith; Arise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice – […]

the eden-females serving as harem for the dead-bodies KHAT: Micah 2

23/12/17 first version RESTART the eden-females serving as harem for the dead-bodies KHAT: Micah 2 [‘recently, the people of Me arose up to the one adversary…’] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — […]

‘where is the king of you?’ – stargate of Õn in the north: Hosea 13

20/12/17 first version RESTART ‘where is the king of you?’ – stargate of Õn in the north: Hosea 13 [ story of Balaam: the deities announced their own upcoming defeat ] themes: Numbers 22 in ANNEX textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” […]