‘where is the king of you?’ – stargate of Õn in the north: Hosea 13

20/12/17 first version


‘where is the king of you?’ – stargate of Õn in the north: Hosea 13
[ story of Balaam: the deities announced their own upcoming defeat ]

themes: Numbers 22 in ANNEX
we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,
note #: getting complex

Hosea 13

as·to-speak-of Ephraim panic he-lifted-up he in·Israel and·he-is-being-guilty in·the·Baal and·he-is-dying
When Ephraim spake trembling, he exalted himself in Israel; but when he offended in Baal, he died

  • ‘trembling (panic)’ H7578 rêtheth, 1x; no root; 7468 reuth “fellow (woman)”, 6x (said from raah); H7468 reuth “vexation, striving” 7x but only Eccl.; 7374 retet “panic” (about Damascus, 1x); no root tracable but Balaam context and Damascus should give at least ‘chaos’,

required context: Balaam attempting to curse the peoples-Israel, see A]
we said in previous page that the figure of Ephraim was comparable to “the fleshy christian”, and placed the context of it in today’s era – because of the theme in the chapter,
but this type believer has existed much longer already, ofcourse.
Please read the chapter in context of that event; attached below,
note: we don’t think “Balaam lifted himself up”, then it would write ‘he-lifted-up-him’ or akin,
“‘undoing the Ka-double’ (Ephraim) / asby to speak (in the right order) of / chaos, / he lifted up / (namely) he / inas ‘the powerful deity’ (the peoples Israel), /
and he is being guilty / (namely) inas (the) baal (stargate), / and heit is dying,”+

and·now they-are-adding to·to-sin-of and·they-are-makingdo for·themselves molten-image from·silver-of·them as·understanding-of·them grief-fetishes deed-of artificers all-of·him to·them they ones-saying ones-sacrificing-of human calves they-are-kissing
And now they sin more and more, and have made them molten images of their silver, [and] idols according to their own understanding, all of it the work of the craftsmen: they say of them, Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves

  • ‘idols’, H6091 atsab (-tz term), many “sorrow”, in H6089 etseb “with pain you will birth”, so this pain is related to molten images of human;
  • ‘calves’ H5695 egel, as calf during exodus, either H’EP- (Apis bull) or BEH’ (horus calf); term used both positive and negative; 5694 ‘earrings’ (2x) into ‘circular’ (6x); 5699 agalah ‘wagons’, several, not the same as the negative ‘chariot’; unclear;

note: we don’t think this is Ephraim, being that hard addressed here: considered the Balaam event, it makes more sense that the spirits are the subjects here, frantically working; the “adding” is a related tem for ‘Joseph’, see annex; the adding can be very well the theme of “the iniquity is not full yet”;
note: line needs reviewing, last two parts unclear,
“and now / they (spirits) are adding / toby to sin (by Self), / and they are makingdo / for themselves / the molten image / from (eden-) silver of them, / [revieuw] as understanding of them / (being) the idols (as beings) / the work of / engravers / all of him / toas them; / they / (are) the ones saying: / the ones causing to sacrifice of / the adam-male / (being) the calves / they are embracing; “

therefore they-shall-become as·cloud-of morning and·as·the·night-mist one-being-early one-going-away as·trash he-is-being-tempest-tossed from·threshing-site and·as·the·smoke from·crevice
Therefore they shall be as the morning cloud, and as the early dew that passeth away, as the chaff [that] is driven with the whirlwind out of the floor, and as the smoke out of the chimney

  • ‘floor’ H1637 goren; Joseph buried Israel (=Jacob) at the tresh-floor in Atad; Atad, H329, ‘thorn’ as glyph SEPT’ (Sirius);

glyph pic: the smoke H’ET (in the throat H’ET’T’) forming the an-face north, as the smoke by the flame of the VaV-sceptre for the saturn-wick

  • ‘chimney’ H699 but “windows of heaven” at Noah; as other description for the stargate, but likely theirs – because the root ‘arab- is always negative (‘night’, ‘lie in wait’ etc);

note: the same terms as chaff are used for the end of the Khemenu-mountain,
“therefore / they (matrix-constructs) shall become / as the cloud of / eden-dawn / and as the dew / one being – going-away – early, / as the chaff / it is being blown away / from the treshing-floor (sep), / and as the (spiritual) smoke / from the window (star-) gate. “

and·I ieue Elohim-of·you from·land-of Egypt and·Elohim except·me not you-shall-know and·one-saving ain there-is-no unless·I
Yet I [am] the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for [there is] no saviour beside me

  • ‘except me’, red flag; H2108 zuwlah (zulah) ‘thing of zul’ (zuwl + suffix -ah); ‘beside, save, else’ 7x; some corruptions; but no roots and not the same term used in Deuteronomy; zua ‘tremble, to collect’ 3x; 2107 zul ‘lavish, despise’ 2x; very negative cluster this z-,matrix-power, the only solid is Zilpah (the handmaid, as Hurrian name), or Zul/Dhul-, as quranic Osiris, either way: the whole term seems impossible to go connect to ‘Me’; see next word; entry: “properly ‘I being removed'”;
  • ‘beside’, H1115 biltiy, 30 x, valid; (should be word used previously – were it true)
    [Balaam chapter line: the ‘since the land of Egypt’] ,

context note after lot of trying and switching, we concluded that the “zul” has been inserted illegally, in order to camouflage the (corrupted) eye theme; also Biblehub doesn’t add any translation neither of the term, but leaves it empty;
note: colour of ‘from’ is ‘since’; and we left open the corrupted place with (—-),
note about eye: again here a context “that souls will have to find something fór IEUE”,
“andFor I (am) / IEUE / Deity of you / fromsince the land of / Egypt, / and the deity / — / nót / you shall know / (being) the one – eye – to be saved, / except by Me; “

I I-knew·you in·the·wilderness in·land-of droughts as·pasture-of·them and·they-are-being-satisfied they-are-satisfied and·he-is-being-exalted heart-of·them they-forgot·me
I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought. According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me

  • ‘drought’ H8514 tal’ubah (thlabuth) 1x, seems contrived; nature of the word can either be ta+leb+ah (leb=heart; not from lahab ‘flame’ as suggested), or tal+b; (bo,’to go’) perhaps 8438 tolau, 43x, “yarn, worm, scarlet”, fem. towleoah; ta’alah, ‘curse’ (1x), 8585 taalah ‘trench’ (Elia at karmel), (as bitalat, 2x) ‘conduit of upper pool’; we suggest osmosis
  • ‘pasture’,

context note:
we just go crazy and insert ‘conduits’ (bitalat-taluba), because of Tut’s vase, this region (as ‘wilderness’) must be “inbetween the north-gate of inner-court and north-gate of outer-court”; likely being the region where these bodies are constructed,
“andfor I / I knew you (adamite soul) / in the wilderness-dimension, / in the land of / conduits (matrix) / as the pasture of them; / and they (the ephraim-type-man) are being physically satisfied / and they are satisfied, / and he – the heart of them – is being exalted, / on so / they forgot me,”

and·I-shall-become to·them like black-lion as·leopard on way I-shall-lie-in-wait I-shall-encounter·them as·bear bereaved and·I-shall-tear enclosure-of heart-of·them and·I-shall-devour·them there as·parent-lion animal-of the·field she-shall-rend·them
Therefore I will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I observe [them] I will meet them as a bear [that is] bereaved [of her whelps], and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them

  • ‘lion’ H7826, shachal,no root; 7827 schecheleth 1x, some kyphi ingredient; no root; entry: ‘note the changed l- and ch-‘; H7971 shalach ‘to send’ (700x); we only found Akk. śegû ‘treasury’ (stargate), (or changing further, saklu ‘imbecile, deaf, blocked’) but the term ‘lion’ here not even matching used syllables;
  • ‘caul’ H5458 cêgowr, “gold, enclosure” 2x; 6462 sagar 91x “and closed up the flesh there”, plexus-related? 5474 sugar ‘cage’ 1x; (to sukkoth, into ‘booths’) (kethem 3800 = gold, stepdown of khetem);
  • ‘wild beast’, H2416 chay (196x), first as “living”, coloured by ‘living animal, living soul, etc’,
    [ Balaam chapter line: the ‘observe and lie in wait’, and the ‘parent-lion and heart’]

note: line is clear enough that we ALL suffer from this flesh mixture, because in all of us needs to be torn-down the haughty heart, in which the adamite soul is imprisoned,
“andbut I shall become / to them (ephraim-type-man) / like / —-, / as the leopard / on / the way / I shall observe and lie in wait; / I shall meet them / as the – bereaved – bear, / and I shall tear (open) / the girdle of / their heart; / and I shall devour them / there / as the parent-lion (of the heart stargate), / (in order for) the life of / the field / heit shall be cleaved-open bý them;”


he-ruins·you Israel that in·me in·help-of·you
O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me [is] thine help

  • ‘but (that)’, H3588 kiy, “that, because, for, if, surely, except, yea, doubtless”,

note: the “thyself” is nowhere found, and corrupts the context,

“Israel, – he (the ephraim-type-man) ruins you (by corruption); / that doubtless / your help – (is) in by Me: ” +

where? king-of·you aphua indeed and·he-shall-save·you in·all-of cities-of·you and·ones-judging-of·you whom you-said give-you! to·me king and·chiefs I-am-giving to·you king b·aph·i in·anger-of·me and·I-am-taking in·rage-of·me
I will be thy king: where [is any other] that may save thee in all thy cities? and thy judges of whom thou saidst, Give me a king and princes? I gave thee a king in mine anger, and took [him] away in my wrath

  • ‘moreover’, H637 ‘aph, unclear insertion, but same as ‘nostril’, see ‘fuming’, next word,
  • ‘fuming’, aph; we left both terms in blue,

glyph pic:
considered the ‘falling-down’ (everything of hebrew-H is always ‘falling-down’, that is, to North – while all of them is always ‘ascending’, yes to North), this nostril may be in the upright-ponytail region; (glyph turning into KHER-, very often used), in line 12 is the term tsar(ar) “narrow, blocked-up, compressed” (into Tyre, as Õn), and see SHER-; the tsarar important because it is elated to the seal khetem see A]

  • 1) the seal khetem likely being “the ring to máke the ponytail”
  • 2) the fortress-glyph as upright-standing sh-pool..?
  • 3) SHER stepdown into SER-, ‘ram’, SAR, ‘prince’ (see this line) etc; “to make speech” cluster;
  • 4) so we need to search ‘the eye’ and now ‘the nostril’ – but perhaps they are the same: as if the nature of the eye is as ‘nostril’. So important is that device, that it may well be similar to nostril; in glyphs, “the eye” is ÁR, “(the eye) of speech / for hail” — into ÁSÁR Osiris,
  • ‘rage’, H5678 ebrah, several (eber + ah-suffix); 5676 ‘eber ‘beyond, other side’ (many); into ‘hebrew’; read, ‘dimensional side’ as glyph GES-,
    [Balaam chapter line: ‘king, being raised up’]

note: the Lie added “I will be thy king” is even contextually impossible — since ‘king’ is a matrix-theme,

context note: this line seems to us as a Hint “to go search”, the clue given in line 12; the “I will be king” is contextually impossible – since the ‘king’ (melek) is the rule of North stargate; “where is the king, even the nostril (glyph SHER)” sounds like ‘giving a clue’, to us,
note: we added (who was supposed to) and (IEUE) for context; the line referring back to the event when the peoples said “we want a king – just as the other countries around us have one”,
“where / (is) the king of you (stargate in top of cube), / even (the nostril), / and he should have saved you / in all of / the cities of you, / andas the ones judging of you / (of) whom / you said: / (IEUE,) give you! / to me / the king / and sar-princes?; / (and) I am giving / to you / a king / in fuming [nostrils] of me, / and I am taking (back) / in rage of Me (dimensional side);”

being-bundled-up depravity-of Ephraim being-secluded sin-of·him
The iniquity of Ephraim [is] bound up; his sin [is] hid

  • ‘hid’, H6845 tsaphan, ‘to hide, to store up treasure’, (tz- term) H6828 tsaphon “north”, “My secret place” Ez.7:22 [do]; the to-hide also by Moses as child (to birth MES glyph) and with Rachab and spies = castle of Õn; greek typhon? which glyph? 6688 tsuph ‘honeycomb’ (BAÁ); ‘to overflow’; into Tyre cluster,
  • ‘bound up’ H6887 tsarar, (-tz), into Tyre
  • ‘sin’; chatah, long cluster; if we would find a rootmeaning it may be from chay, ‘life’, eventhough the ‘life’ is said as general, it is linked here to ‘being ruled by Õn’,

[Balaam chapter: the narrowing road, tzar-]
“the depravity (as Self-life) of / ‘undoing the ka-double’ / (is) the being bundled-up and narrowed (by Tyre) / his sin (of biological life) / is being hidden (in the North),”

cramps-of one-giving-birth they-shall-come to·him he son not wise that time not he-shall-stand in·breaking-forth-of sons
The sorrows of a travailing woman shall come upon him: he [is] an unwise son; for he should not stay long in [the place of] the breaking forth of children

  • ‘sorrows’ H2256 chebel, sorrows 10x, chords 16x, line 7x; notable Rachab who let down a chord from the castle of Õn (so we again have the same region, inbetween the eden-tile and Õn here); 2244 chaba ‘hidden’; 2259 chobel ‘steerers’; 2260 chibbel ‘a mast’; 2255 chabal ‘destroy’; 2254 chabal ‘to wind tightly’, 2248 chabula, ‘crime’; the colour of these suggest the glyph wick-H’?

note: we can only imagine a concept that “cords (navelstring?) shall be lowered from Õn downwards”, since the “cord” in the Rachab story is the same word; in glyphs the navelstring is often cut by Nepthys (NEBTH’T), but only now it makes sense that it is the “scarlet cord”,
note: we don’t understand the concept intended here, or what the cords “do to him”,
“the cords / (as) the one being brought forth (lowered from Õn), / they shall be brought (?) / toby him, / (being) he / the son / not / wise, / thatbecause / that time / nót / he (efraim) shall stand (with) / the breaking forth of / the sons (the 144,000),”

from·hand-of unseen I-shall-ransom·them from·death I-shall-redeem·them where? plagues-of·you death where? sting-of·you unseen regret he-shall-be-concealed from·eyes-of·me
I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes

  • ‘grave’, as sheol, closest to Saul as ‘get what you ask for’ (saal ‘to enquire’ ), as example of physical-energetic blueprint for the spirits (they wanted ‘a head’);
  • ‘ransom’, padah; no root; only piyd, ‘disaster’ 3x; perhaps new-root -P?
  • ‘ransom’, H1350 ga’al; if previous acceptable, then this can be wheel-related,

note: the ‘where’ also as ‘I will be’ (2 out of 3 instances), entry: “H165 ehiy, ‘I will’ (2x) apparently an orthographical variation of H364 ‘ayeh, (2x)”; the glitch is so obvious because of ditching one created hole with another — just to create a non-root “I will”; We consider it a version of H335 (ah’ee), “where?” (30x), by accident the same split-up cluster they made to hide the ‘eye’ (there-is-no) deception from! And interlinear distinguishes the terms by using the aei (where? from 335);

  • ‘repentance’ H5164 nocham (1x); to nacham (57x) ‘to comfort, to repent’; we saw that the “to repent”,

note: perhaps there is a 2nd meaning in last part of the line (the eyes), but we fail to spot that right now,
(but) from the hand of / the unseen (sheol) / I shall redeem them (the ephraim-type); / from death / I shall ransom them; / where? / (are) the plagues of you (mutilated eden-speech), / (being) death?; / where? / (is) the destruction, / (being) sheol?; / it shall be the hidden – repentance (to go act) / from the eyes of Me, ” +

that he between brothers he-is-being-fruitful he-shall-come east-wind wind-of ieue Yahweh from·wilderness coming-up and·he-shall-be-ashamed fountain-of·him and·he-shall-drain spring-of·him he he-shall-rob treasure-of every-of article-of coveted
Though he be fruitful among [his] brethren, an east wind shall come, the wind of the LORD shall come up from the wilderness, and his spring shall become dry, and his fountain shall be dried up: he shall spoil the treasure of all pleasant vessels

  • ‘fruitful’ para (1x) no root; 6501 pere ‘donkey’ (10x) (root of his name here);
    6499 par “bull”, 6509 parah ‘fruitful’ (many), so which one now?
  • ‘become dry’ H945 bosch, ‘ashamed’,
  • ‘fountain’ H4726 maqor; used for ‘blood flow’ in Lev.; 4744 miqra ‘assembly (of peoples)’;….

note: ‘the precious instrument’ as similar line used for the wheel-eye;
“thatbecause / he / in midst of / the brothers (sons) / is being the fruitful (bull), / (and) he shall come / (namely) the east-breath (of Heaven), / (being) the spirit-breath of / IEUE / fromfor the – ascending – wilderness, / and he shall be ashamed / (namely) he the fountain (of matrix-physicality), / and it shall dry up / the spring of him (as fountain of undirected-feminine), / he / he shall plunder / the treasure (of stargate) of / all of / – the precious – instrument,”

she-shall-be-guilty Samaria that she-rebels in·Elohim-of·her in·the·sword they-shall-fall unweaned-children-of·them they-shall-be-dashed-to-pieces and·pregnant-women-of·him they-shall-be-rent
Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

  • ‘desolate (guilty)’ H816 ‘ashem; unclear for what then; H818 ‘ashem, same (is this the pharisaic title as ‘hashem’, disguised as “the name”?); we can assume that the wrongdoing is against eden’s feminine, ish- (as opposed to adm, male), or as the attribute of feminine, ‘fire’ (ash);
  • ‘rebelled’, 4787 marah; well we’re getting the hang of it grin: ma- as the same egyptian MA-; ra- as ‘evil’, an the added -h as “something of (evil, here);

note: we have the idea that they, themselves, will do to eachother what is described in last line – compare how “the giants fought eachother, before the noah deluge started (8000BC)”; it is unthinkable that IEUE would do such a dirty job – He is smart enough to let them infight against themselves,
note: since ‘Samaria’ is a construct, (note as the core of rule, as a ‘she’; note how in next line it is ‘he’), her dieties must be meaning the same — compare in spells “the great pillar the god” etc,
“she – the rule of the north-mountain – shall be guilty (against feminine fire), / thatbecause / she rebels / inby the deity-constructs of her, / (but) they shall fall – inby the setfit axe (great pillar); / the infants of them / shall be dashed in pieces / and the pregnant women of him / they shall be ripped up (by themselves).”


story of Balaam – the matrix foretelling it’s own Demise

story in Numbers 22; where the leader of Moab (ruling the eden-tile now) becomes afraid of the power of the arriving Israel peoples (transpond to today, with all his Rituals!) and hires someone to go curse the peoples.

It’s again about names: king Balaq (‘waste’), the son-construct of Zippor (‘great speech’ glyph UR), fears Israel (the 144,000) because of what they did to the Amorites (dead-bodies KHAT); and Balaq sends a message to Balaam (‘not of the people’ or ‘the swallowed-up people’), who is the son of Beor (‘to burn’) of Pethor (Akk.’dagger’?); Balaam typically representing the fleshy-type-believer, as Ephraim; but here almost as exponent. We do not get yet the deeper meaning of whý exactly this type had to feature; but we suspect a Legal war between IEUE and ‘the deities’ about this present body (represented by Balaam), related to the stargates. Please note how Balaam has no clue who is speaking to him:

Balaam tells the Moabite princes, “you wait to what IEUE will tell me tonight about this”; but during the night, “the deities” visit him —- not IEUE —, and “the deities” tell Balaam “nót you shall curse the peoples (Israel)”. Balaam tells the princes next morning, that “IEUE (sic) has said that he (Balaam) cannot go with them”.

The same happens the second day: Balaam tells the princes “I will hear what IEUE says to me”, then at night come “the deities” and communicate with him; this time they tell Baalam “you go with them, and i will tell you what to say”. Baalam mounts his donkey next morning (‘donkey’ being in the name Ephraim) – but then an angel of IEUE is standing there blocking the road; and “the deities” get angry that the angel stands there blocking — the poor donkey sees the angel, and tries to escape; but the road there is too narrow (tser! narrow-place, Tyre); and Balaam hits the donkey – until the donkey starts to speak (lion-mouth -R as the gate in top of cube). The angel reprimands Balaam, telling him that if the ass hadn’t been so smart, he (the angel) would have slain Balaam; adding “you will only speak what IEUE tells you to”. Baalam apologizes to the angel, and rides back to the Moabite king, telling the latter “I am to say only that what “the deities” tells [he still don’t get it]; and Balaam and the princes arrive at Arnon (766 oren ‘fir-tree’, as Ephraim). Then continue to Kirjathhuzod (‘without, outside’, read: outside of the inner-court) to the ‘high place’ Baal (likely the north-stargate of the inner-court) and they prepare to go sacrifice.

1] three attempts: Num 23
Balaam asks to be erected seven altars (Watercourse number), sacrificing seven rams and seven bulls (the 7 plus their 7 copied ÁAT regions); telling the king Balaq “now stand back, when IEUE will come to tell me something”.
Indeed “the deity” meets him, and Balaam is telling him how he is ready with the sacrificing. But IEUE tells him, ‘you will only tell what I say to you”. Baalam then states to Balaq, “how should I curse, what “the deity” didn’t curse – and how should I abhor, what IEUE doesn’t abhor? Because I can see right now, that he (IEUE) is between His peoples – and not by the other nations”.

Balaq exclaims “wtf have you done? you just blessed them!”, Baalam responding “well I can only say what IEUE told me to”. But Balaq wants another attempt – and they relocate to ‘the field of Zophim (6822 tsaphah, ‘watchman’)” at the summit of the Pishgah (6449 ‘cleft’ but likely to psach “to cross over to’; read: this must be inbetween both gates – inbetween the north-gate of inner court, and north-gate of outer-court )”, and again they build seven altars for sacrificing, each a ram and a bull (14 áat regions). Balaam telling Balaq again “now stand back” — and IEUE tells Baalam to only speak what He said.
Baalam tells the king “listen up, Balaq, thou son of Zippor (‘great speech’, UR)”: ‘the deity’ is not a mortal man and(that) he is lying; and the son of the adam-human and(that) he is regretting; is he saying and not doing, and speaking and not carrying it out?” “IEUE is not seeing Self-life in Jacob, nor own-works in Israel, (nor) the shouting for to have a king
(corrupted! because important);
‘the deity’ (is) the one who bring them forth from Egypt, as the horns (peaks) of the wild-ox (Joseph) to him”; “because there is no enchantment in Jacob, and no divination in Israel; and it shall be said to Jacob and Israel ‘what did the deity!'”; “Behold! a people like the parent-lion (in stargate) shall arise (and stand up), and as a lion he is lifting himself up; and not he shall lie down until he devoured the prey (double-leaf of stardoor) and until he drank the blood of the slain (matrix-constructs)”.

Balaq is again angry – but Baalam saying “didn’t I tell that I can only speak what IEUE ordered..?”
– note how this is all what ‘the deity’ spoke – the matrix-deity has just blessed the peoples Israel.

 H- pics: we saw that, per definition, vowel-interchanging yields the same meaning (within the cluster), therefore satham must be the same as shatham; Esau just “inserted a h-consonant, in order to create the non-rooted H8365 shatham”. That also chatham is related, is because of the -c (s); just as the KH- and SH- interchange we have in glyphs (besides, the chatham is a soft-kh, as opposed to the harsh gutteral -K of the matrix).

The word satham is used in Daniel 8, “the Sight shall be sealed-up for many days to come” (see page), which is the same context as “the sight (vision) will be snared till the end”, of Habakuk (page);

text pic: beneath shthm it clearly writes “obstructed”, which is quite different as “opened” in H-nr.

credit: scripture4all

Balaq then tells Baalam “I will take you to another place – perhaps “the deity” will be pleased that I did”, and a third time they move, now to the peak of Peor (‘gaping mouth’, lion-mouth, stargate in top of cube) overlooking Jeshimon (yasham, ‘the desert’, likely Geb, on top of cube); Baalam ordering again seven altars and 2×7 rams and bulls.
[Num.24] When now Baalam saw that IEUE would bless Israel, he faced the wilderness (mdbar, inbetween gates), where he is seeing the encampment of Israel, and the spirit of “the deity” comes upon him,
[line 3] “this is the declaration of Baalam ( ) the son of Beor ( ), / and(as) the declaration of / the masterful-man (gbr) (who) sealed-up of / the Eye;”
[4] “the declaration of / the one hearing / the sayings of / “the deity” / which(that) / the sight (vision machzh) of / ‘the almighty’ (inner-court stargate)’ / he is seeing (chzh) / falling (nphl) / the eyes / dis-covered and un-covered: “
[5] “how good are your tents Jacob, (being) the tabernacles of Israel,” (mishkan=meskhen)
[6] “as stream-beds (valleys) / they are stretched-out, as (sekhet-) gardens (gannah) / on(along) / the stream, / as aloë (tent-) trees / IEUE / he planted; / as cedars / on / eden-waters;”
[7] “he is flowing / the eden-waters / from(in) his buckets / and the offspring (seed) of him / in abundant – eden-waters; / and he shall be high (exalted) / he the king (mlk) / from ‘the dead-bodies’ (agag=gog=egregore), / and she shall lift-up (her-) self / the kingdom of him;”
[8] “the deity’ / the one bringing forth him / from Egypt / (namely) as peaks (horns) of / wild-ox (Joseph) / to him, / he shall devour / the peoples (of background of Saturn) / the enemies of him (tzr,tyre) / and the bones (etzm,adam) of them / he shall pick clean, / and the arrows of him / he shall strike (mchtz);”
[9] “he bows, / he lies down / as the lion / and as parent-lion (in the stargate); / who / shall make him to arise?; / ones blessing of you / being blessed, / ones cursing of you / being cursed;”
– and Balaq got furious…

context –
All the lines above were spoken ‘by the deity’;

  • it is the declaration of the masterful-man (gibbowr,negative; giants)
  • he declares “the (eden-) eye fell down – that is, to the North, to théir gate,
  • it was not IEUE who ‘planted cedars on eden-waters’,
  • neither IEUE caused ‘the water flowing in the buckets’, that is a matrix-concept (see page about their reservoir),
  • the ‘king’ here is “the stargate in top of the cube” – as north-gate in outer-court, (king as ‘melek’, angel as ‘malak’; compare the line in above Hosea chapter)
  • the ‘she’ is the core of the matrix, lifting itself up as the place of Õn,
  • the deities themsélves will be forced to hand legal right to Joseph (the wild-ox returns in Deut.33, but it is not disclosed here what is the cause of that right),
  • Joseph will cause that the deity’s own Sekhet-peoples will be devoured by the 144,00 (see below),
  • the line about the “who shall make him arise” is exact the same as Gen.49, about Judah (see page),

Balaam wants to go back home, he now blessed the peoples Israel three times; but ofcourse Balaq is angry, to which Baalam responds, “oh really – well, I will tell you what will these people will do to your people in the end-times”:
[15] “…. this is the declaration of Baalam ( ) the son of Beor ( ), / and the declaration of / the masterful-man (gbr) (who) sealed-up of / the Eye; “
[16] “the declaration of / the one hearing / the sayings of / “the deity”/ and the one knowing of / the knowledge of / the ‘the most high’ (Upper, as stargate to M-realm) / the sight (vision,mchzh) of / ‘ ‘the almighty’ (eden-stargate)/ he is seeing (chzh) / falling (nphl) / the eyes / dis-covered and un-covered: “
[17] “I am seeing him (raah) / andyet not / now; / I am observing (as a hunter) him / andyet not / near (in time), / he treads forth (for dominion) / the kokeb star / from Jacob; / and he arises (and stands up) / the birth-sceptre (Watercourse) / from Israel, / and he strikes (mchtz) / the corners (dimensional sides) of / present rule of eden-tile / and he destroys (by digging,qrqr) / all of / the son (-constructs) of / devastation (sheth);”
[18] “and he becomes / ‘redness’ (edom; matrix-blood) / the possession (of Israel), / and he becomes / hairy (‘ape-body’, seir), / the possession (of Israel) / (as) the ones being the enemies of him; / and Israel / doingmaking / valiant (army);”
[19] “and he shall rule / from Jacob, / and he destroys (abad) / the remains / from the city (Õn):”

that’s what it says –
now we need to get more clear the used concepts, to make a more fluent line,

words specified –

  • Beor: as H1001 bira, ‘palace’ 1x, H1002 birah ‘castle, citadel’ 16x;
  • open (eyes): as 8365 chatham ‘open’, 2x (both here), no root, entry: ‘dubious’; the whole internet (in ‘books’) yields but 1 result with the word “shatham”; yet even Google asks “did you mean chatham”, well, let that be H2856 “the seal”; see textpics above,
    7869 shith ‘to put,place,set’ (many)
    7898 shayith ‘thorns’ 7x,
    7845 satam ‘grudge’ 7x
    7851 shittim, eden-acacia,
    6540 satham ‘block up, stop’ 15x
  • vision: as H4236 machazeh 4x; from chazeh, rather ‘sight’ as ‘vision’, “seen (chzh) a vain vision” Ez.37;
  • almighty’: as H7706 shadday; 48x; never used next to IEUE; only thrice in prophets; said from 7703 shadad ‘destroyer, to ruin’ 57x, always about matrix constructs being destroyed,
    7699 shad ‘breasts’ 24x
    7700 shed ‘demons’ (entry: ‘probably’) 2x
    7701 shod ‘violence, ruin’ 25x
    7704 sadeh ‘field’ 300x, general term;
    5465 sad ‘stocks (for securing feet of prisoner)’ 2x,
    2297 chad ‘one’ 1x;
    2298 chad ‘one’ 14x aram.
    2299 chad ‘sharp’ 4x “to cut off hair as covering” — by implication ‘inner-courth north-gate’
  • buckets: as H1805 deli 2x;
    H1800 dal ‘poor’ 47x;
    H1802 dalah ‘draw water’ 7x (but not in the rant against Õn)
  • wild-ox: 7214 reem 9x, entry: from Ass. rêmu ‘ox’; we find Ass. râmu ‘to love’, rimmu ‘murmuring, roaring’; rîmu ‘womb, afterbirth, compassion, membrane’; rîmu ‘wild bull’, rîmtu ‘wild cow’; rîmûtu ‘aid, gift, present’; râmu ‘impose, set in place, etc’; Is.37:4, Deut33, about Joseph – “His glory [is like] the firstling of his bullock, and his horns [are like] the horns of unicorns: (wild-ox) with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they [are] the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they [are] the thousands of Manasseh.” (here,term used for ‘horns’ as qrni )
  • most high: as H5945 elyown, 53x; same case as shadday; favourite term used by Esau, in prophets only 3 x,as “upper” (highest), Ez.9 as “from the direction of the upper gate”, gate in top of cube to M-realm; we consider it El+iy+own, where own is “Õn” (see nrs; potiphar priest of Õn), IEUE is never directly related to the term, but three times via ‘el’; question is, what we do with Malchizedeq, king of Salem (story in Abraham); name as “the righteous-king”, who was “the ríghteous priest of the deity the El-iy-own” , by implication as the stargate north of outer-court ; as the ‘king stargate’: melek
    …moloch… ghanesha..
  • star: as H3556 kokab; unusual line here; we found Ass. kukkab; kukkubu ‘a vessel’, kukku ‘offering, a cake’ (a cake will fall on Aven), (when skipping -k but keeping root k-k or k-b) kubsû, ‘turban, cover of a pot’, kubbû, ‘strong, powerful’, kubbulu ‘(to be) crippled’; kikkusu ‘reed-fence’ (isis sucking horus); kigallu ‘platform, pedestal’ (pteh’ tile?, yes – Sum. Ki.Gal.); kibtû, ‘wheat’ (what Melchizedek brought); kibirru, ‘firewood tinder, taper, kindling’ (fire-stick); kakkultu, ‘eye-ball’, kakku ‘stick, weapon, metal mirror, bronze’ (chiun, kiyun star); kabasû ‘track, footprint, to step upon’ (text!), kabâbu “to burn, shield” (=magen),
  • sheth: as H8351 ‘buttocks’ 1x (PEH’?),
    8353 sheth ‘6’ 2x,
    8354 shath-ah to drink (many) as physical,
    8356 shathah ‘pillars, foundation’ 2x,
    8359 shethiy, weaving-pole related 9x,
    7847 satah, ‘gone astray’ 6x,
    7751 shuwt ‘roaming’15x
    7752 showt ‘whip’ 11x
    7613 seeth ‘swelling (up)’ 14x (glyph BES?)
    7612 sheth ‘devastation’ from saah

——- end Hosea 13

20/12/17 loNe first version