narrating the invasion of Eden – Isaiah 22

11/12/17 first version


narrating the invasion of Eden – Isaiah 22
[setu-bridge theme of Ramayana]
themes: invasion of eden
the coming into being of the city of Õn
making the valley – as the Setu bridge in Ramayana / Gizah grand gallery
occupying the stargate
stealing the multi-coloured Veil
Pteh’ tile
Enki hewing out the reservoir

we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,
note #: we are trying to see which themes are at which possible location

Isaiah 22

load-of ravine-of vision what? to·you indeed that you-go-up all-of·you to·the·housetops
The burden of the valley of vision. What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up to the housetops?

  • ‘ravine (valley)’, H1516 ga’he; and 1343 geeh, “proud”; most instances are Negative; to complicate things, the positive term for ‘valley’ is H6010 emeq (Achor, Jezreel valley, etc);
  • ‘aileth’, H645; insertion, unclear; “then, now”,
  • ‘housetops’, H1406 gag; definitely root of Magog 4031, and -g like the valley -g;

note: theme of chapter must be about “their setu-bridge”, the invasion per Ramayana, the valley appears to be this bridge (giza Gallery), and created “to steal Sight”; the
“the burden of / the valley of / vision (of Sight): / what (is) / to you / now / that / you ascend / all of you / to the housetops (in top cube)? “

tumults full city clamoring town joyous ones-wounded-of·you not ones-wounded-of sword and·not ones-being-dead-of battle
Thou that art full of stirs, a tumultuous city, a joyous city: thy slain [men are] not slain with the sword, nor dead in battle

  • ‘stirs (tumults)’, but from H7722 sho “destruction, desolation” (the god SHU glyph?), colour as ‘storm of destruction ‘ stormgod Adar, and the many stormgods in the different pantheons,
  • ‘full’, usual but H4395 here,
  • ‘city (town)’, different term, from H7136 “to encounter, to meet, befall”; keeping in mind that Õn was not there but started to manifested here, atop of cube
  • ‘joyous’, but from H5937 alaz, contraction of -el and -az, “power” Bo’az theme),
  • ‘dead’, H2491, colour ‘to profane, pierce’; the difference between chale and chalazah escapes us

“the storms of destruction / causing to fill / the city (of Õn) / (as) the roaring / jubilant (of -az power) / city (coming into being): / the ones slain ofby you, / (are) nót / the ones wounded by profanity ofby / the (set’fit) axe, / and nót / the ones being killed by profanity ofby / the battle,” +

all-of captains-of·you they-wandered together from·bow they-are-bound all-of ones-being-found-of·you they-are-bound together from·afar they-ran-away
All thy rulers are fled together, they are bound by the archers: all that are found in thee are bound together, [which] have fled from far

  • ‘rulers’, H7101 qatsin, apparently used only in ‘house of Israel’ sense; one time ‘rulers of Sodom’ (Is.1) but as metaphor; (-tz tem); root H7096? “scrape off, cut off”, colour has to be eden’s,
  • ‘fled’, H5074 nadad, flee, wander, fugitive, fly; likely not the “to wander-astray” colour,
  • ‘bound’, but strange term H632 ‘asar (Osiris as ÁSÁR?), used many times for Joseph in prison, and the difficult Gen.49 line (about Judah) “he will bind his he-ass to the vine (main one, Ez.15 page), to give it a colour we used the below,
  • ‘found’, H4672 matsa’, (-tz word), “no help was found for Adam”, colour as ‘to be discovered ‘

note: “far away ran off” does not sound well, but the problem is the colour: it is not exactly “to escape”, nor “to flee from”, nor “deliberate running away”,
“allbut ofas / the (eden-) captains offor you / they wandered-away / together / from the eden-bow-dome / they are being bound (by Osiris), / all ofas / the ones being un-covered ofby you / they are bound (by Osiris), / (being) together / from far away / they ran off,”

on·so I-said squint-away-you! from·me I-am-being-bitter in·the·lamentation
must-not-be you-are-rushing to·to-comfort-of·me over devastation-of daughter-of people-of·me

Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly, labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people

  • ‘comfort’, H5162 nacham; indeed “to comfort” but most often when used with IEUE, “to repent”;

    difference is that IEUE is not asking someone to go cómfort, but “is not repénting the situation” (in order to go act); previous word “to hasten, to urge”; and see line further on;

note: we added (yes) for context,
“therefore / I said: / regard you! / from Me: / (yes,) I am being bitter / inas the lamentation, (but) must nót be / you are rushingurging / to repent ofby Me / over / the devastation of / the daughter (as concept) of / My peoples.”

that day-of discomfiture and·trampling and·perplexity to·my-Lord ieue-of hosts in·ravine-of vision scooping-of sidewall and·imploring to the·mountain
For [it is] a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord GOD of hosts in the valley of vision breaking down the walls, and of crying to the mountains

  • ‘breaking down’ quwr; but next quwr is H6980, “(spider) web”, “their webs not become garments” (Is.59), we may have the “mat in front of the Rã boat” here (tuat II); or previous “to dig, break down”; considered context, rather the “sidewall” (the coloured curtain of tabernacle), the glyph QER- can be very well related to this area,
  • ‘sidewall’ H7023 qiyr, but immediately related to Kir (moab city) meaning “fiery furnace”, as H’AT’; the wall must be related to stargate, because of listed “the side(walls) of the fire-altar (eden ‘s)”; whether the stargate is the north one as outer- or from inner court, is difficult to establish now,

note:  not as coming day – but narrating the invasion upón Eden; the Watercourse speaking,
“thatbecause / the day of / commotion / and treading down / and confusion / tofor mylord / IEUE of / hosts, / inby the valley of / vision (Sight) / the digging-through of / the sidewall (of fire-altar in stargate), / and the calling out for help / toby / the (eden-) mountain: “


you tube

and·Elam he-lifts-up quiver in·chariot human horsemen and·Kir he-makes-naked shield
And Elam bare the quiver with chariots of men [and] horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield

  • ‘elam’, said to be from H5956 alam, ‘hidden’; we take it glyph ÁMEN,
  • ‘quiver’, ashap; strange story – at first glance it’s possible, but the term is negative (and therefore not the same as “Israel will be My quiver”; Jer.5 describes ‘the 200 million spirits who will come down, and their quiver is as an open sepulchre”; combined with H825 ashshap “sorcery”, and metaphorically for Is.49, we say “wormhole”, as glyph T’EPT-boat, to right, the boat as the construct being placed somewhere,
  • ‘horsemen’; by changing vowels we have H6566 paras “spread out, extend” (many), H6569 peresh as “dung” (stretch-out is a favourite term in glyphs, as dimensional extending willpower); and H6539 parac, Persia (often mentioned in these themes); the ‘men’ is unclear but must be juxtaposed with adm, hence we take it as “dung-men” (spirits etc),
  • ‘uncovers’ H6168, but a content,
  • ‘kir’, city in Moab, meaning “boiling pot, furnace, etc”, see note elsewhere,
  • ‘shield’, magen; for extensive note Nahum 2 (page); but Ez. mentions “and they burn the weapons, and the shield, and the spear… for 7 years it will burn”,

note: the “chariot – adam-man – horsemen” lack any interlinking, and we don’t know what is meant here; the problem is the lack of any connecting word, forcing to place adm before chariot; thé goal of the spells was “to obtain a body” [advanced-beautified-soul, etc], so the context should fit; the ‘merkaba-construct’ comes into mind, as matrix-concept for “blueprints”; the “chariot” always being Negative (does this suggest they put Adam inside one..? ),
note: we are trying to understand the concept of “the shield” (matrix): for right now, we know very well as to why the “embassy question in that country” was used as Ritual: since the occult Hexagram represents this shield — aberrated literally as ‘magen david’;
“and hiddenness (Ámen) / he raises up / the worm-hole / in (order for) the adam-man chariot-construct / (of?) the dung-men (horsemen), / and the fiery-furnace (kir) / he empties (the contents of) / the shield (matrix) (mgn),”

and·he-is-becoming choice-of vales-of·you they-are-full chariot and·the·horsemen to-set they-are-set the·gate·ward
And it shall come to pass, [that] thy choicest valleys shall be full of chariots, and the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate

  • 1) chariot as singular,
  • 2) becóming the choicest of valleys – word now changed in H1610 ’emeq; we are very, very careful to not mix-in the themes anything from ‘science-fiction movies’, since they immediately work upon the Mind, and blur the meanings behind the terms – but do we have to understand this “becoming” as “making new the valley” as literal habitable valley? or a transformed valley? being the Gallery / setu-bridge itself..? Do those who wrote ‘Interstellar (2014)’, pictured right, know?

glyph pics:


  • a) AH’T, “cultivated fields of Saturn”; but note it deriving from AHT’, with hebrew-H; a term in spells is “the cow Hathor as AHAT, hebew-H, being a mirror-glyph (a-h-a), “the cow / (by) the island / (as) place-T / (by) to descend-hebrew-H / (for) vulture-rule”, showing how indeed they occupied this region; the glyph AH’A, “form of Menu” (the mirrored-inversion deity, see diagrams), as sigil “the foreign land upon an áat-perch” (so in this region are the 7 eden áat’s..?)
  • b) into a huge cluster ÁH’ (by step-down) “pasture, tillage, bird-net, oxen cattle, cows, foreign-land cattle (sic!), stable, workshop, ‘the red bull’ (pt706, sic), into ÁH’T\\ “throat”, to right (and compare the Interstellar pic); the magically-dangerous-\\ showing it is an illegal concept; We have a lot again to study – in particular “the divine moon ÁÃH’, as the inversion;

note: we are still in the past — when becoming their valley;
“and it is becoming / the choicest of / (eden-) valleys offor you, / they are being filled / (by?) the chariot, / and the dung-men (spirits) / (now) to set / themselves / (towards) the stargate,”

and·he-shall-expose portiere-of Judah and·you-shall-look in·the·day the·he to armor-of house-of the·wildwood
And he discovered the covering of Judah, and thou didst look in that day to the armour of the house of the forest

  • ‘discovered’, H1540 galah, same term as previous page “(the double-wheel) by to discover to uncover”; we did Ez. 10 again, and it shows the ‘previous wheel (of the cherubs) was likely a doubled-wheel (galgal), but now the cherubs have 4 wheels (a different term)”,
  • ‘covering’, H4539 macak, especially as “veil; hanging curtain of the tabernacle”; strange how the term is completely absent in prophets (but here); vowel-change yields
  • 1) H4537 macak “mixing, mingling” (5x),
  • 2) H4540 messukah, in “lucifer walking between the stones”, see B] in notes here,
  • A] the repenting, compare line 4 above, in Is.51:3

thatbecause / he repents (comforts)/ (namely) IEUE / Tziun, / he comforts / all of / the dried-out places of her / and he shall put, place, set / the wilderness ofas her / as eden / and the darkened plain as she / as garden of / IEUE, / joy / and gladness / it shall be found / in her, / thanksgiving / and sound of / (strength) (singing),”

  • B] Ezekiel 28, oh morningstar how art thou fallen;
    (we’ll do it next, but) ‘lucifer’, representing the crystal castle (Tyre) says,”I am the deity; in the seat of the deities I sit, in the heart of the mixed-dimensions”; the deities being adamite-originals, and ‘the heart’ is the stargate; then is mentioned this Veil, as your covering macak [of 9 precious stones, as ennead?]; for us important because in Zech.11 (page) “the eden-gems were covered”,
  • ‘judah’, there is no clear etymology, and the related verbs do not give any substance (yada,’to praise’, or other), perhaps we have a structure similar as ‘David’ here, as [‘the hand’ (yad) of the word ‘u’]; akin to the intro-line in several prophets “…became the word in the hand of (name)”, as this concept: but then “to become the word in the hand”, the hand as executive region (‘the word as -U’ we took from the glyphs doing similar),
  • ‘armour’, H5402 nesheq, “burn for 7 years the weapons and shield (magen!)..”; H5401 ‘to kiss’ (strange…Judas kiss?), 5267 nesaq, “(to go) up”, we will need see what is this about;

note: again the theme of the inversed Tut shrines, they use it is “weapon – by inversing it”,
“and it will be discovered and -uncovered / the embroidered eden-Veil offor / ‘to become the word in the hand’ (Judah), / and you will look / infor the day / the he (the veil) / to / (be) the armour of / the house of / the (matrix-) forest,”


and rents-of city-of David you-see that they-are-numerous and·you-shall-bring-together waters-of the·reservoir the·nether
Ye have seen also the breaches of the city of David, that they are many: and ye gathered together the waters of the lower pool

  • ‘breaches’, H1233 bêqiya, seems invented (pharez was important as ‘breach’); from baqa’, “cleave”, “fountains of the deep” in Noah etc; changing vowels: H1236 biqa, “the plain”, (bqr was eden-morning); 1237 biqah (20x) “main-valley or valleys”, as in valley of aven, of megiddo, of bones; “rivers in high places, fountains in the valleys and in wilderness (darkened-plain) a pool”, suggesting we have a triple-region here,
  • ‘pool’ H1295, bêrekah (the water going out below the altar is unclean); from barak, “to bless” (into brq, ‘lightning’ etc); listed are,
    • 1] upper pool at highway near fuller’s field
    • 2] Nineveh is the day-pool (matrix; just above? the stargate – Shu-pool),
    • 3] check list, eden seems to have 2 pools,
    • 4] pools, and 12 + 12 birthed attributes playout – david,

pic: also referring to line 11, below; Enki and the “hewing-out of the collecting-reservoir” (guy with the knife); the deer (or unicorn) below his feet is the heir-glyph ÁU, “adamite-originals”, and in scripture found as the attribute of Joseph (Gen.49); the waterstreams from his shoulders are tricky to categorize, still,

situational note: almost impossible — we seem to have now two eden-pools, this lower pool apparently beneath the eden-tile; but next line will come a third one, as their reservoir,
“and / the fissures of / the city of / rule of the eden-tile / you see / that / they are multiple, / and you will gather together / the eden-waters of / the lower – eden-pool,”

and houses-of Jerusalem you-number and·you-shall-break-down the·houses to·to-defend-of the·wall
And ye have numbered the houses of Jerusalem, and the houses have ye broken down to fortify the wall

  • ‘numbered’, H5608 caphar “scribe, to number, etc”, but in many prophets as ‘scribe’,
  • ‘vintage’, H1219, the word must be incorporated, the ‘to fence’, prison of adamite-originals, perhaps compare the story of Asenath and Joseph – Asenath being the princess in top of the tower,
  • ‘jerusalem’, several options, but we need to give it a name (yara+shal’m),

note: theme here is that they seem “to build a tower (or cistern) using ‘building-blocks’; it is a crime “to build any altar with hewn-stones”, and also “to join houses together” (said over Jerusalem); we think this theme is similar as Isaiah 5, “the song of the vineyard”, which isn’t ‘my lover’ but ‘my uncle’,
and is about the Matrix building their vampiring vineyeard — the stones theme returns also in “the tower of Hananeel and the wine-press of the king” (building their tower from ‘stones’, ‘houses’,; if we relate it to glyphs it may be MÃKTÁR (migdol), becoming the pillar for the great balance, but it is sadly a most obscure theme,

note: the vintage in “the cedars of Lebanon” page, where the spirits will howl that it ‘comes down’,

“and / the houses of / ‘the rain of peace’ / you inscribe (engrave), / and you will throw down / the houses / tofor – the wall – to fence (the vintage), “

and·confluence you-makedo between the·two-walls for·waters-of the·reservoir the·ancient and·not you-clook to one-makingdo-of·her and·one-forming-of·her from·afar not you-see
Ye made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof, neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago

  • ‘ditch (confluence)’, H4724 miqvah (q-axis) (1x) unclear; to 4723 miqveh gathering”, (reservoir)
  • ‘old’, H3465 yashan, but not substantial; into “to sleep (deeply)”; likely “olden” as pre-eden

note: second half of line can mean anything –
it certainly does not tell “..but they didn’t look to IEUE for that” — no, ofcourse they didn’t, but without sensing any workable concept, we can’t make sense of what is intended here;
glyph: triple-region SHEST – the (triple) pool, the oval, and S-T, place-T of adamite soul, match; also SESHT, “to make the sh-pool” (reservoir..?),
suggestion – there is a line somewhere “that the water coming out of the lower side of the altar is unclean”; combined with the line “rivers in high places.. fountains in valley.. pool in wilderness”, it could suggest that ‘the lower pool is about pre-eden aspects’, as “mixture”, but the mixture cleaned-up by the upper-pool (running it’s waters down across the lower),
“and the reservoir (below) / you makedo / between / the two walls / foras the eden-waters ofby / the (eden-) pool / the olden, / you look / tofor / one (to) makingdo ofas hershe, / andyet the one having been formed as the shape of her / from far away / you see – not,”

and·he-shall-call my-Lord ieue-of hosts in·the·day the·he for·lamentation and·for·wailing and·for·baldness and·for·to-gird-of sackcloth
And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth:

  • ‘baldness’, H7144 corchach, the ‘bald’ is upper node [eden bow-dome of glory], compare the balded egyptian deity as Khensu but with side-lock, Is.15:12 “and Moab will howl and go in baldness”, compare the glyph ‘shaving’ related to Q-axis KHAAQ,
  • ‘lamentation’, from bekyi, “weep over the vine”,
  • ‘wailing’, “the wailing of Beth-ezel” (the-house-nextto, neighbouring-house) as saturn house H’ET,

“and he will call / mylord / IEUE of / hosts / inas – he – the day / for lamentation (over the vine), / and for wailing (because of Saturn house, next door) / and for baldness (for lost upper-node) / and for to gird ofby / sackcloth (this body),”

and·behold! elation and·rejoicing to-kill herd and·to-slay flock to-eat flesh and·to-drink wine to-eat and·to-drink that tomorrow we-shall-die
And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die

  • ‘joy’ H8342 sasown, eden ‘s, but see note,
  • ‘oxen’, the root bqr is too close to “eden-morning” bqr to ignore; morning and dawn are always feminine nature, and juxtaposed here with the flock,
  • ‘slay’, used by Abraham and Isaac, etc,
  • ‘sheep (flock)’, H6629 tson (-tz), used by the vintage coming down,
  • ‘wine’, H3196 yayin; must be from ayin, eye/sight; conform spells, however they use ‘beer’, H’EQT,
  • ‘because’, word kiy – that, because, etc,

note: the same line is constantly used by the dead-bodies KHAT feasting upon the originals; that eden-coloured words are used, is because of the latter,
“and look!, / joy / and gladness / (by) to kill / the cow-herd (female-originals), and to slay / the flock (male-originals); / to eat / the adamite flesh / and to drink / wine (as Sight), / to eat / and to drink / thatbecause / tomorrow / we shall die,”

and·he-is-revealed in·ears-of·me ieue-of hosts if he-is-being-made-propitiatory-shelter the·depravity the·this to·you still you-shall-die he-says my-Lord ieue-of hosts
And it was revealed in mine ears by the LORD of hosts, Surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till ye die, saith the Lord GOD of hosts

  • ‘surely’, H518 ‘im; if, not, when, whether, neither, while, saving, etc (we used unless for saving),
  • ‘ears’, H241 ‘ozen; ears, audience; we are sure that something is intended we fail to see here – spells mention regularly the concept of ‘ear’, but we haven’t found out what it mean yet; either way the ‘was revealed to mine ears’ is out of place here; ‘ozen to -az,”power”,
  • ’till (still)’ H5705 owd (Aram.), till, until, ever, for, to, but, at, even, within,

note: we think this one-to-one must be the colour of this line and next one;
we’re not pleeased with the additions but don’t know how else to bring out the colour,

“and it is revealed / in the ears of Me (the Watercourse) / (by) IEUE of /hosts, / ifunless / it is being made (namely) the atonement shelter, / (or) this – the iniquity (of mixture) (will be) / tofor you / stilluntil / you will die, / he says / mylord IEUE of / hosts,”

thus he-says my-Lord ieue-of hosts go-you! enter-you! to the·one-making-provisions the·this on Shebna who over the·household
Thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, Go, get thee unto this treasurer, [even] unto Shebna, which [is] over the house, [and say]

  • ‘treasurer’, H5532 cakan, “profitable, to acquaint”, vague, no root; H5533 cakan,”endanger” (impover) (1x), sagan?, ruler; perhaps a combination as “endangered (ruler)”, unclear term, too small cluster,
  • ‘shebna’, H7644, no root (but must be Watercourse-related, for sheb-); name of a scribe; 5658 shibanah,”seven”, shaab, “to draw water” etc,

“thus / he says / mylord / IEUE of hosts (to Me), / go you! / enter you! / unto / the endangered (ruler) / onas – this / the caretaker (of Watercourse) / over / the household: ” +

me what? to·you here and·whom? to·you here
that you-hewed-out for·you here tomb one-hewing-of height tomb-of·him one-delineating-of in·the·crag tabernacle for·him

What hast thou here? and whom hast thou here, that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulchre here, [as] he that heweth him out a sepulchre on high, [and] that graveth an habitation for himself in a rock?

  • ‘hewn’, Is.5:2 “planted it with choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress therein”, so the hewn reservoir is in the middle of the two pools? and is, as tower, a winepress (SHESMU)..? or at distance – ‘tower of hananeel and the winepress of the king’?
  • ‘tabernacle’ H4908 mishken, we take it as glyphs MESKHEN, cradle of Osiris, just above cube,

note: the causal reasoning is not clear – but the VoV-sceptre should be North (as staff-tá), so unlikely this is the tomb fór the VaV – but made by the VaV, which under their rule now is the fire-drill TCHA-, ‘hewing’ the tomb (?),

“what / (is it) toby you / here?, / and whom / (being?) toas you / here?, / that / you caused to be hewn out / forby you / here / the tomb, / one being hewed ofby / high above, / (being) the tomb ofbyfor himhe / the VaV-sceptre (lawgiver) / infor the Pteh’- tile / as he – the tabernacle,”

17 18
behold! ieue one-hurling-of·you hurling master and·one-muffling-of·you to-muffle to-twirl he-shall-twirl·you twirling as·the·bowling-ball to land wide-of sides there you-shall-die and·there chariots-of glory-of·you dishonor-of house-of lords-of·you
Behold, the LORD will carry thee away with a mighty captivity, and will surely cover thee He will surely violently turn and toss thee [like] a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory [shall be] the shame of thy lord’s house

  • ‘cover’, same theme as SAAIU SET, bandages over mouth/lip’, see page;
  • ‘turn + toss’, 2 x same word H6801 tsanaph (-tz word); “roll up, wind up” (2x) no root; H6797 tsaniph, “turban,diadem” (Joshua); (tsana, ‘humble’);
  • ‘ball’, H1754 duwr, “ball” (1x); also “encircle” and ‘the bones beneath the cooking-pot’; 1753 (aramaic) “to dwell, dwellers” (7x Dan.); 1755 dowr “generations” (50x); the bow-dome we derive from Joshua, as important theme, following after the ‘mouth’ theme;
  • H413 ‘al; unto, with, against, at, into, in, before, to, up, upon, toward,
  • ‘hands’: H3027 yad; multiple in green, as “sides”; singular in kjv but skipped; the “wide” is rachab (word of pre-eden land, south), hence we take it ‘serpent-hand(s)’, north; that also “there are the chariots” must support it is indeed north; and also “sides” is usually ‘faces-of’, not ‘hands’;

note: tricky line, best we could do,
“look!, IEUE / (being) the one casting you down (horizontally), / the casting forth / (to) the masterful man (matrix) / the one covering your mouth / to cover; “to roll up / he shall roll you up / (being) the rolling-up / asof the diadem of rule (eden bow-dome); / toin / the land / (being) the – wide – (serpent-) hands (atop cube) / there / you shall die, / and there / the chariot-constructs ofas / the glory ofby you / (being) the shame ofas / the house of / your masters,”

and·I-thrust·you from·station-of·you and·from·standing-of·you he-shall-pull-down·you and·he-becomes in·the·day the·he and·I-call to·servant-of·me to·Eliakim son-of Hilkiah
And I will drive thee from thy station, and from thy state shall he pull thee down And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah

  • ‘station’ H4673 matstsab (double tz), “place where priests stood in Jordan (Watercourse), 12 stones”, (countering the 12 goddesses the serpent H’ERR births); 6474 mutstsab, “siegework”, H4676 matstsabah, “pillar (obelisk)”, “break images of bethshemesh” = obelisk of RÃ, glyph TEKH- but also obelisk (capstone) BENBEN, the double-ts must be “double-place-T”, then the obelisk must represent “the lifting-up from place-T to matrix-place-T (as capstone)”, “kh-house by place-T” TEKH; but often “double pillar” or even TEKHEN IV,

glyph pic: the obelisk must represent “the region between eden-tile and top of cube”, the obelisk ‘raising the place-T from the eden-tile to it’s tip-point” (which is then Rã); the ‘108’
“the 108 / cubits / (for) existences to make (via ad.soul) / (at) the high-place \\ (by) the word (eden’s) / (for) great speech / (through) the doubled-obelisk \\ (for) the word of existence by the plummet”,

  • 1) the plummet as TEKH-, place-T ruling the dimensions, now brought-up,
  • 2) we know there is something with ‘108’ in hinduism and 108 beads of the rosary,
  • 3) the obelisk often related to ‘great speech’, must be linked to teKA, the four flames’, but still unclear;
  • 4) the capstone should be Õn, being Rã, Is.19 “the obelisk at the border of Egypt (azt zoan?)”; the ladder, by Jacob; he then set-up a pillar and called the place Bethel (deity-house) but previously the name was Luz (almond-tree = lampstand); Gen.31, where the pillar is inbetween Jacob and Laban (=the cedars of lebanon), so the pyramid MER- is on top of the obelisk, which goes from eden-tile up to outer gate north (to Õn)?
  • 5) the station must be then the inner court (one -ts, only),
  • ‘state (standing)’, H4612 maamad, “office, attendance” (vague); 4613 momad “foothold (treshold?)”, 4461 memad “measurement”;

“and I push you / from the station (in inner court) of you / and from the foothold / I shall pull you down, / and it becomes / in – that – day / andthat I call / toas the servant of Me / ‘the deity to rise-up’ (new-lampstand), / (being) the son-construct of / ‘the inheritance to become (the word)’, “

and·I-clothe·him tunic-of·you and·sash-of·you I-shall-fasten·him and·rule-of·you I-shall-give in·hand-of·him and·he-becomes to·father to·one-dwelling-of Jerusalem and·to·house-of Judah
And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah

  • ‘robe’, used for Joseph’s coloured dress, the priest’s dress and adam and eve’s;
  • ‘girdle’, word is abn+t, abn is ‘eden-tile’; in the descent of Inanna she wears no belt but the ‘pala dress’, garment of ladyship; however, in Babylonian Ishtar does wear a belt ‘as 7 stones’, the major attributes; we think that those are the 7 of the Watercourse ‘at the high place’, since the girdle is related to Feminine and plexus; but the theme of ‘girdle’ is a bit unclear. perhaps as seal-ring chetem (glyph KHETEM)..? Jer.32 is a story about ‘purchasing land’, likely it is about this girdle – the chapter repeats so often the same words, there has to be a clue in it,

“and I clothe him / (with) the (coloured-) tunic (for the eden-body) of you, / and the girdle (stone-tile) of you / I shall fasten him, / and the rule (as realm) of you / I shall place / in the hand of him, / and he becomes toas the father / tofor the one dwelling(place) of / Jerusalem, / and toas the house of / ‘to become the word of the hand’ (Judah),”

and·I-give key-of house-of David on shoulder-blade-of·him and·he-opens u·ain and·there-is-no one-locking and·he-locks u·ain and·there-is-no one-opening
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open

  • ‘shoulder’, as in “bearing the head” (since ‘neck’ is often negative – compare 7 dragon necks); “pitcher upon the shoulder”, as Rebekkah and the person going the direction of the upper room, the pitcher as NU-,”word-inside” probably,

note: we have again the “and there is no”, u-ain, here; we left the term, above, compare Rev. 3:7; it writes the same line – but:

  • 1) why did it not write here, to avoid any misunderstanding “and nót / one shall open”…?
  • 2) the eye was used before like this – in greek, G3762 oudeis, “none, no one, etc”, and G2400 idou, “behold, look”, are very close (though ‘eye’ is different); but if you look at next verse, 8,

“i have perceived (oida) / acts / of you, / look! / I have granted / in view / of you / door having been opened, / and / not yet one (eye) / is able / to lock / her……”; why all the references to “see (eye)“? Was not the ‘closing of the mutilated star-door’ thé theme? That here is used “opened the door” but relates to “finding the stardoor”, because of next line about ‘the synagogue’ (read: false translations). And this latter should be true, because the term “key” yields the same context, namely in the rant against lawyers (=legal) who threw away the key of knowledge, sic; and this key is related to “the relation between the heavens (north) and the land (south)” saying “it will be bound what you bind, and un-bound what you unbind”, Mt.16:19; which seems a similar theme as the ‘opening and closing’ (between M-realm and Eden)…?
note: in Ezekiel 10 (we redid it) is said “that the cherubs place the (wheel) high-up, with their wings”, though we tried, at the moment we fail to make a contextual line when using ‘eye’, yet notion must be included,
“and I place / the key of (opening of) / the house of / David (upper node) / upon / the (carrying-) shoulders of him (new-lampstand), / and he opens / and there is no (the eye) / one closing (up), and he closes (up) / and there is no (the eye) / one opening,”

and·I-pitch·him peg in·place one-being-sure and·he-becomes to·throne-of glory to·house-of father-of·him
And I will fasten him [as] a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house

  • ‘peg’, H3489 yathed; no root; we found Akk. tudittu,”toggle pin”,
    perhaps into ‘tuhhudu, “very plentiful, livestock, propety, posessions”, but it’s a small link; main character seems to be “the tabernacle pins being made of brass”, which is matrix-mixture, and since the altar, outside (Ezekiel temple) is still of brass, there must be existing mixtures, still (as the souls who will be born in this type body, during the interval); the only other lead is Judg.4, where Sisera is hammered a peg through his temples, yet all of the involved seem to be Cain-related; one named ‘gazelle’, and the scene is in a ‘tent’ (tabernacle) but we don’t see the theme – next verse here, 24, describes it will be a peg ‘to hang things upon’, from Ez.15 (page), where it is a (tricky) root zmr, H2168 zamar, “to prune”,
    2173 zimrah ‘best products’ (see Akk. tuhhudu, above);
    2172 zimrah ‘melody, sound’; z- cluster is unusual small,
    almost as if z- is the antipode of the ‘power’, -az;
    H2153 Zilpah, one of the 2 mothers of 4 sons of Jacob who represented the mixed-aspects of the matrix realm; Zerubbabel (lampstand), most words with z- negative, but only zara “to sow” is positive;

note: we suspect this ‘peg’ is about “the pre-eden illegal mixture of aspects”, as the very reason whý Eden was created – in order to re-conquer that stolen aspect (used by them to make the mixture); the term ‘father’ as AB is too close to “leopard, Abaddon, Ba-soul, etc” (glyph AB) to ignore; the only problem now is a proper description – “the root for pre-eden physical dualism” (and see last line), also because of the “physical father” AB,
“and I pitch he / the root of physical dualism / in the place / one being sure, / and he becomes / toas the throne of / honour / tofor the house of / he the physical-dualism father,”

and·they-hang on·him all glory-of house-of father-of·him the·offsprings and·the·ones-ejected all-of vessels-of the·small from·vessels-of the·goblets and·unto all-of vessels-of the·crocks
And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father’s house, the offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons

  • ‘offspring’, H6631 tse-tsa, double-tz, from go forth,
  • ‘ones ejected’, H6849 tsêpiah, “less important ofspring” (1x), no root; vowel change:
    6848 tsepha’, “asp, viper, adder” 5x, valid (with -tz..? as ureaus..?); 6687 tsuph, “flow, overflow” (negative),
    6855 tsipp(or)ah, Moses’ wife; we know the -R is inserted now but the theme is “flint-knife” now, so the flint-knife (as ‘Self’?) and adder are related; H6851 tsaph-tsapha, “willow tree”, as THER-T glyph, it seems per Ezekiel that this willow-tree ‘connects the eden-vine to the cedars, north’ (as the branches between the bud and the sour grape, which will be cut-off – posted page); “speech / to connect to (place-T of hebrew-H)”, Ez. names it “an extension low of stature (upon the vine)”, this willow,

glyph pic: a possible candidate for this ‘peg’ as MAÃUI, “bronze (sic) fastening”; the sickle -M showing it was being ‘reaped back from eden’ (since this branch is not an eden aspect – compare last verse); the “temples of the head” MAÃ shows the flesh-glyph but also ‘a horn’ (and even 2 horns); and we wonder inhowfar this can be related to the common depiction of ‘a devil, with horns’, where the horns perhaps guide the light of the star above their heads to the eyes,

  • ‘cups (goblets)’, ordinary; to H3615 kalah, “to complete, finish”, to 3618 kallah, “daughter in law”, 3616 kaleh, ‘to yearn for’ (1x), for us showing it is their mixed aspect; we tried to find a term,

note: very much like Ez.15, “the peg being made for vessels to hang onto” (from false branch),
note: the term “skin-bottles” and “other type” all addressing the physical bodies still born during the interval,
“and they hang / on him / the honour of / the house of / he the physical-dualism father, / the offsprings (of eden’s double-place-T) / (being) the ones as extention (but low of stature) / (as) all of / the – smaller – vessels, / from the vessels ofas / the (other type) bowls, / and unto / all of / the skin-bottle – vessels,”

in·the·day the·he averment-of ieue-of hosts she-shall-be-removed the·peg the·one-being-pitched in·place one-being-sure and·she-is-hacked-down and·she-falls and·he-is-cut-off the·load which on·her that ieue he-spoke
In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that [was] upon it shall be cut off: for the LORD hath spoken [it].

  • ‘staff-tá: the term ‘hacked-down’ (later on) gives “the horn of Moab cut-off”, Jer.48, but also “the hammer of the whole land cut-asunder”, as fire-drill TCHA-, nature of staff-tá,
  • ‘for (that)’, (kiy-), also listed “because”, context: this ‘branch’ can only be about the “pre-eden type physicalness”, as matter/substance; likely the same reason why the eden-lampstand was a ‘ram’ (dualism) and why even the new-lampstand will be a temporary construct; yet after the interval, this root will be done away with;

“in – that – day, / declaration of / IEUE of / hosts, / she shall be removed, / (namely) the root of physical dualism / (as) the one being pitched / in the place / one being sure, / and it is hacked down / (because of) the burden / which (is) / onby her, / thatfor / IEUE / spoke.”

——- end Isaiah 22

11/12/17 loNe – crystal castle – 36 days –