The start of all – creating the Eden dimension; Job 38

The start of all – creating the Eden dimension; Job 38

situation: creating the eden cube within the mixed dimension of their Duality

textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used: there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.

note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red, glued to objectword,

Job 38
important context:
God is not a monster – and is not raging against Job, as adamite soul; but is telling our blind soul that creation is NOT “about this earth” and “what man sees around him, downhere”, where Job thought that he was in his right, becáuse he mirrored every his understanding to this earth,

start at line 4:
whereat? you-were in·to-found-of·me earth tell-you! if you-know understanding who? he-determined measurements-of·her that you-are-knowing who? he-stretched-out on·her measuring-tape on what? sockets-of·her they-were-sunk or who? he-directed stone-of corner-of·her
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof

  • ‘foundation’, H3245, often used together with “heavens”, this earth is not the foundation of the latter;
  • ‘stretched out’ H5186 natah (into corruption as natash?),
  • measuring-cord’ [axis] H6957 QAV, is important for Q as q-axis in glyphs (they need the Q for legal right), measuring-cord as vertical axis, see addition A] at end of page;
  • ‘foundations’, H134 ‘eden; once as “station of the ephah – but to be the station of the two olive trees”, Zach.; into H113, ‘adown, “ruler, lord”, often used before IEUE, “the foundation”; 2) the same term is used for the silver and brass sockets of the tabernacle, but we haven’t gathered that yet the tabernacle must be a complex structure -undoing their inversion (they now have the “silver” north, as Varuna)
  • ‘laid’, but in H3384 is always “teached (directed)” in prophets;
  • ‘corner’, something strange: “stone corner-of-her” isn ‘t exact the same as “corner-stone”; in H6434 the root is “to turn”; 1) in Zech.11 it is mentioned “unto the gate of the cornerS”, (multiple), which makes no sense in a citywall: exept when it is the main place of “turning around”, ruling the four cardinal points, as fóllowing the line “and the land shall be turned upside-down” (Geb theme, below); 2) if we consider that this place became inversed, into Geb (land upon tiles) then it makes perfect sense (below,), [glyph KHES? = corner and to spin; look for ‘turnarounds’]

“where / were you / (when) to found by Me / the land (south), / tell! / if you know / the insight; / who / (is) he (who) ordained / the measurements of her / that / you are understanding? / who / (is) he (who) stretched-out / on her / the measuring-cord (axis)? upon what / foundations of her / they were sunken-down? / (and) who / (is) he (who) directed / the stone-tile ofas / corner of her?”

vs 7
in·to-jubilate-of together stars-of morning and·they-are-craising-a-shout all-of sons-of Elohim
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

  • ‘stars’, H3556, almost exclusively used for “literal stars”
    if it were angels then another term would be used, as “messenger”; not even the line “a star will come from Jacob, and a sceptre from Israel” (Num.24) is valid as “Christ” (though often so used) but as the
    two main attributes of both houses; then the “stars” here must be “constructs”, eventhough it sounds less romantic; the entry gives examples as “sons of a tree, of oil, of a bow” and we know the SA-, “son-construct”; the problem is “morning-stars”: here BRQ, by Lucifer (Is.14) as shachar, as consistent difference, becáuse of the “dawn” as glyph T’UAT (Jacob will bring back it’s pendant, at the upper node);
  • ‘sons’, we consider these as the ape-humanoids (the apes in the spells), or proto-Anunna;
    the line telling similar as the sumerian tablets, where totl panic ruled, and the hero Ninurta was chosen to go destroy eden; or the KAR-4 tablet where “the Anunna-humanoids were crying of fear”;

context: though most romantic, it were not “angels who sang”; the line must continue line 6,
that “the jubilant cónstruct (of stars of the tile) as the Eden-dawn caused alarm by the sons of the gods”
inverted linear: when the morning / stars / sang / together / etc; you see…?
“infor to sing ofas / union / the stars (constructs) offor / the Eden-dawn, / and they are crying-out in distress / all of / the sons of / the gods,”

vs 8
and·he-is-shutting-in in·double-doors sea in·to-rush-forth-of·him from·womb he-is-coming-forth
Or [who] shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, [as if] it had issued out of the womb?
theme: their dualism-dimension is now being seperated, causing cries of alarm from the apes, and by placing this “double door” upon the dimension, a central-point as a womb is made

  • ‘and’, as continuation of previous line!
  • ‘shut up’, H5526 “covering, to cover”, in cherub-context (also as lucifer who is the tuat-star), context tells in other chapters “over the dimension, south” (compare Gen.1, “the Spirit was over the waters”, etc); and see next, [ark with 2 cherubs = 4 wings = 4 leafs of 2 doors in ezekiel temple]
  • ‘doors’, H1817 “doors”, why writing above “double-doorS”..?
    just “in the doors”, it cannot be “doubled”, ye, that is only in Ezekiel (21:23,24), two doors with each two leaves”; which Tyrus (place of Õn) has broken down, Ez.26; the “double key (of the door) is now of He” (Rev.) but disputed by the Vatican (see flag);
  • ‘brake forth’, H1518; to gush forth; to pharaoh (Horus) is said “thou young lion of the nations [..] thou gushed forth with thou rivers” [likely by?] (Horus as lion-whelp, as is Juda), then in context as “the waters from the deep, the south” (making horus the mixture, vulture-glyph-A, into AB-);
  • ‘womb’, from H7355 “mercy, be mercyful, soft/kind-hearted”, to “womb”,
    “the ring (of the cherub) in the earth” (Ez.) this “opening to the south”? so “the womb” (also of rev. woman) is the same as this place, same as double-door, same as cherub-ring;

“and he is covering / inby the (two-leaved) door / the dimension (south), / infor to gush forth of him / fromas the womb / it is (now) coming forth; “ +

in·to-place-of·me cloud clothing-of·him and·murkiness swaddling-band-of·him and·I-am-breaking on·him statute-of·me and·I-am-placing bar and·double-doors
When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it, And brake up for it my decreed [place], and set bars and doors

  • ‘cloud’, from H6049, “times”,
    colour as “seasons”, 4 x in prophets linked to “soothsayers”, as “observing times/seasons”, even as “soothsayers like the philistines” (post-deluge-giants), expanded in “ whom you are widening your mouth and stick out your tongue?”; aztec-sun-stone and Vishnu-Anubis “stick out their tongue”, (as well as that girl that cannot sing); tongue as glyph NES-, (see next part); and comparing Mic.5, this “cloud” must be “eden dew“, as where the end of the Watercourse is – “season” and “youth” is glyph TER- (large topic); 2) in Gen.9 the solarplane rainbow is represented as “the bow upon the tile (of emerald, see Henoch)”, and the analogy is “the bow shall be seen IN the cloud”, suggesting that the whole tile was in a cloud of dew [hence, at the edges of it, “a protecting hailstorm”… glyph SHENÁT “hailstorm / to encircle”, ] the word ‘cloud’ as H6051 can be used both ways,
  • ‘garment’, very likely “the linen with four colours and embroidery, as inner curtain of the tabernacle”,
  • ‘darkness’, root H6201 “drops”, really not far from “hailstorm” anymore now;
    as the protection fór the cloud; compare how Moses on the mountain “entered through the darkness the cloud”;
  • ‘brake up’ H7665,
    the word is always used in relation to “break the horn of Moab” etc; since this place in the verse is toward the north-dimension now (their masculine M-realm), perhaps that is why the notion of ‘destroying’ is included, see next verse; and see C],
  • ‘my decreed [place]’, from H2710 chaqaq, “decree, cut into”;
    the colour as “creating a certain pattern in making something”; compare “the depictions of cherubs upon the inner curtain of the tabernacle”, we gather as simply a…”something which creates the Forms” (for utter Lack of better term); yet not “violently as the iron engraving-by rotation by Pteh'”, compare “Judah’s sins are engraved with an iron pen”; compare the soft “I have engraved thee on the palms of my hand” (Is.49), and the “lawgiver” as nature of Judah’s birthstaff; the birthstaff being the Watercourse (as horizontal axis/bar here),
  • ‘double door’, for us important because of understanding the spell’s “double door”, below,
  • ‘bars’, as door-bars, vertical; of acaciawood when tabernacle;
    the horizontal bar mentioned with door must relate to switching of axis their real will try, see C],

“in to place ofby me / the cloud (of eden-dew) / as he the garment-realm, / and a darkness (of drops) / a he the enwrapment (around it); / and I am (aggressively) defining / onfor himhe / the covenant (-seat) of Me, / and I am placing / a (horizontal) bar / and a double-door, “


and·I-am-saying unto here you-shall-come and·not she-shall-proceed and·here he-is-being-set in·pomp-of billows-of·you
And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed?

  • proud’, from H1342, “lift oneself up, increase”, context “Temple river of Ezekiel, as “to triumph”; our word H1347 often the colour as “proudness rising”;
  • ‘she’, as feminine aspect, as the “rolling waves, coming now like through a fountain upward to this place, the context must be “that the M-realm and deep-south cannot intertwine with eachother no more (realm-wise)”; the “you” must be addressed to the M-realm, since now Eden is inbetween, because the “she” is the fountain from below (or it would be “she shall come / she shall not proceed”);
  • ‘transfixed’, as “to put, place, set, etc”, but the object is here the top of the fountain “being stopped”,
  • ‘waves’, but root H1556, “to roll”, related to Khemenu-mountain and cherub-wheel, see C]; if the word -gal is used here, the “she” must be the fountain; the “wave”or billow shows in Maori and Aztec lore, but may be very well the same as the VaV – the “I” of IEUE, to right, which may be the same as the glyph (eden-) -T, to right —– the “billow” is in the top of both sigils then, imagined as “a column of water flowing Up, then being bent at the top” (the transfixing); [we may have a solid case here — and compare NN-glyph and adamite soul -S]; of proud rising of / rolling waves of you,”


line 12
?·from·days-of·you you-minstructed morning you-made-known dawn you-made-known the·dawn place-of·him
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; [and] caused the dayspring to know his place;

  • ‘commanded’, as in Gen.2, “from that tree you shall not eat”, the tree representing the two dimensions of their Dualism,
  • ‘morning’, as Eden-dawn, see previous,
  • ‘dayspring’, matrix, see previous; though we know also the stanza-type-line, by “repeating the same theme, just in other words”, here, the colours of the theme are opposite: the repetition is in the 2nd half;
    note: inversed interlinear left out the repetition, altogether; the pun “you made known, you made known”, as “idothe – idoth”, we consider to be something as this; because it is obvious that their Dualism (‘morning’) is being dis-placed,

“fromfor the days of you / did yóu instruct / the Eden-dawn, / (and) did yóu made to know to / the matrix-morning (personified) / you made known / the matrix-morning / it’s positioning?”


line 13
to·to-hold-of in·wings-of the·earth and·they-are-being-shaken wicked-ones from·her she-is-turning-herself as·clay-of seal and·they-are-stationing-themselves like clothing and·he-is-being-withheld from·wicked-ones light-of·them and·arm-of being-exalted she-is-being-broken
That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? It is turned as clay [to] the seal; and they stand as a garment. And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be broken
  • “take hold of, to seize” (be seized), portion, possession, take, be overtaken,
  • ‘ends of ‘, “wing, covering”, but here “the wings IS the land, hovering IN the dual-dimension”, this gives us many options about the “winged disk-land” (Sekhet-Áaru fields),
  • ‘shaken out’, H5286 “roar”(young lion) 1 x; to H5287 “shake out, (shake off dust)”, H2015 “to turn (a cake)”, turn-around, change, be turned around (inverse), (=inside-out)
  • ‘the wicked’, we cannot locate any colour, the term is just general, but note what it says here: there WERE BEINGS already upon AN ALREADY EXISTING LAND, see Rahab-monster below at D]
  • ‘clay’, H2560 “boil, to ferment” to lay, mire, etc”, always matrix [as opposed to dust and ground], Tyre’s streets are clay (Tyre is city of Õn), as “illegal mixture”,
  • ‘seal’, most important theme, H2856 chatham, is glyph KHETE, from branch KHET- therefore north; Sng.4 “a fountain sealed”, which makes sense because just before the fountain of the deep was sealed, this seal “is upón the right-hand of IEUE” hand as executive-region, Hag.2, and belongs to the new-lampstand (Hag.2); however, at present this seal was in posession of Õn (Tyre), Ez. 28,
  • ‘they stand’, H3320, “to set oneself, to stand” (to position / oneself);
  • ‘garment’, H3830. realm-garment ór garment-body; “blue and purple is their clothing (tarsish-djed)”, Jer. 10., that is also the colours of the inside-roofcurtain of the tabernacle;
  • ‘turned’, H2015, not mere turning, but “change, overthrow, transform,
  • ‘withhold’, H4513, “to keep back, to restrain”, (be restrained), related to seal “covering the deep and restrained the floods thereof” Ez.31
  • ‘arm’, from H2232, “to sow or scatter seed”, (bear seed), see same theme in D] in ancient times, [as willpower -Ã,see ring+Ã+Ã]; also “pharaoh’s arms are broken”, “arms of lampstand cut-off” by glyph NEM-, Nu holding up the boat with two arms, etc; the idea is that “the hand is the willpower to sustain the land floating inside the dimension”, as Nu does, to right; the zigzag-lines is ‘dimension’, the “boat” as “any construct”; the glyphs tell “by willpower (hand-glyph)”,

context: the existing land (kept in place by matrix-willpower) is being turned inside-out, by means of the seal (chatham); an event which (after the Fall) théy will un-do by creating Geb, their land, upón the cube (because they rule that seal now),
“toby grasping / inof wings ofas / the land, / they are being shaken off / the wicked / from her, / (by means of) she (the land) turning inside-out / as (matrix-) clay ofby / the seal, / and they are stationing themselves / likeas / a realm-garment, / and it is being restrained / from wicked ones / (their) light of them, / and the arm ofas / having risen-up and exalted / (is now) being broken;

line 16
?·you-came unto seepings-of sea and·in·investigation-of abyss you-walked to·you gates-of death and·gates-of shadow-of-death you-are-seeing
Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth? Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of the shadow of death?

  • ‘entered’, H935, “come, go, bring, etc”, many possibilities,
  • ‘springs’, (seepings of); no root, and just 1 x,
  • ‘sea’, rather neutral, as opposed to “abyss” etc;
  • ‘depth (abyss)’, H1949 “disturbance, commotion”; as “the great deep, south, un-directed feminine”,
  • ‘walked’, H1980, “go, walk, come, continue (to), etc”,
  • ‘gates’, from context of ‘cleaving’ into ‘judging’, and from cleaving to “gate”? the word here as H8179 is related to “the gates of the outer court (around the tabernacle)”, say “the gate into cube-H”; as fractal in the Ezekiel temple also the outer gates; the north (outer) gate where was sitteng the image of jealousy (M-realm);
  • ‘shadow of death’, composite from ‘shadow’ (as “dusky”, similar to black horses going north in Zachariah), especially said of the Assyrian cedar (great pillar); and “death” as said of “the tree of good and evil” Gen. 2; as “you shall surely die” (the tree of good and evil does not mean “knowing bad ánd knowing heaven’, but being cut-of from heaven, and only understand the good-bad of dualism); “non-existence (death)” and inside that, “dualism (twilight dualism) as shádow of death”,

note: first line refuses to run, in spite of being a stanza in par with second line;
“you went / unto / the springs(?) offor / the dimension (sea, eden), / and in searching-out of / the great deep (south) / you walked? “they were uncovered,revealed / to you / the (outer) gates of / non-existence, / and the gates of / the twilight of dualism / you are seeing?”

vs 18
you-sconsidered unto widths-of earth tell-you! if you-know all-of·her
Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? declare if thou knowest it all.

  • ‘widths (breadth)’, 1 x rachab, no root; to H7337 rachab, “enlarge” but locative, as “add more place”,”open place”, term as “hell hath enlargeth itself” and “enlarged mouth (lionmouth)”; so not exactly ‘width itself’, as link (pun) to “the mythical seamonster monster Rahab” in Isaiah, see D] and the woman Rachab D] because not “wings” is used here, but specifically ‘rahab’; the pun must be here “did you understánd the previous..?”, because next follows a series of other themes; we must also assume that “Job wasn’t just been told” but “shown, too”, in the sense that this time, Job sáw what he was being told,

“have you understóod / untoabout / the widths of / the land? / you report! / if (now) / you know / all of her;”

—–end Job 38 (but still 10 lines remaining until the end)

– we tried, but the remaining 10 lines do not appear to contain clues we can use at this moment, therefore we better move to 39, for reason of timepressure;


A] the ‘monster’ Rahab and ancient peoples
Is. 51, first words for context,
as·days-of aforetime generations-of eons?·not you-she the·one-chewing one-audacious one-mwounding-of monster
Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. [Art] thou not it that hath cut Rahab, [and] wounded the dragon?

  1. the “you-she” is connected here; “she” is referring to “heavens Feminine”, as later the Watercourse is “she”; just like théir feminine as adressed as ‘she’, for example by Tyre (city of Õn);
  2. ‘ancient’, qedem, “ancient” and “east” (planted a tree eastward in eden),
  3. ‘rahab’, as “one-audacious”, R_B; or above as Rahab, H7293 rahab, linked to Egyptians in Isa.30; see context of Job, above,
  4. ‘wounded’, as H2490 chalal, “started to..”, as in an action, but always related to “sick, impure, profane, etc” as related to post-eden, and only by implication “wounded by (impurity)”; the term is used constantly as “starting impurity” or “the start óf impurity”, comp. “they started to build the babel tower”, “mankind started to multiply”, etc;
  5. ‘the dragon’, as THNIM, as “the feminine dimension south”; the both beasts (THNIM) as the dualistic feminine- and masculine “will be given as food to adamite”, per Henoch;
    so it is not God who wounded the dragon — but Rahab the former-land profaned the dragon!
    Context is that their version of this pollúted-corrupted feminine is “Levia-than” (lb-thnin), since Eden, as the náture of this polluted-feminine; probably “heart-beast, core-beast”, semitic root LB + thnin; but Akkadian labãbu “to rage” is also a good candidate, polluted-feminine as Isis, holding the throne of adamite.
  6. “[rise up, strong arm of IEUE ] as in the days of / the ancient (east) / generations (cycles) of / times long past,/(was it) not your-she / the one dividing (locative) / the rahab-land (south), (as) the one profaning of / the feminine (-beast)? “

    ancient peoples
    Occasionally the glyph PÃT shows up in spells, they are shown as “peoples and an egg-glyph”, either as “a class of peoples” or “the root óf these beings”; all we understood about those, is that it is related to “their root ascending up to be above the cube” (glyph PA-).
    root Rah – REKH-
    there is also a strange glyph REKH, “divine peoples”, of which we still do not know who these could be, because never any further information is given about them. Yet the term and colour is similar to “Reheb” above; and not only is the relation made between Egyptians and Reheb, also the stepdons REQ, REK, REH’ are valid (all gutteral). REKH- is the “to know, to understand” cluster, perhaps as “divine conscious beings”, or just “those who know”, the -KH indicating a mixture of K-axis and hebrew-H. The term “to know” is used when the context is “to can know some eden concept (in order to copy it)”, and these beings could be also pre-eden, as another term for the Watchers, or “eilohim”. In Job, above, “the sons of the gods shouted alarm” (and we considered those anunna-apes), and in line 13 is mentioned “the wicked”, but no further details of their nature are given — so we have only the options PÃT, REKH and the ape-humanoids (Neanderthals etc).

    We can only guess just how many beings were produced in the south, perhaps millions, or billions. And it is also possible that even an (unknown) number of universes was started there – it must be so polluted, that the river coming from the temple, described by Ezekiel, is “flowing INto that dimension south” and “making everything healthy again – exept the marshes..(for a nice analogy about “multiple universes” see C.S.Lewis, who decribes “the earth’s dictators, after death searching themselves a place, but they each built their own house – far from their other colleages, whom they don’t trust”…)

    B] the ÁUKHEMUT mother-land, south
    the glyph KH– as harsh gutteral of Rahab appears to link the “divine peoples”, REKH-, who likely became the “dead bodies” KHAT-, to be revived again, after Eden fell. For context we posted some CT spells, containing this theme of their previous land, as CT 172, CT 171, CT 170, 169 and 168;

    C] Rachab and the two spies: the playout for this very moment in Time — Jericho as “city of Õn”
    the term “rachab” related to (the dragon) “rahab”, both as “broad”, she appears as playout to un-do their new created land upón the cube-H, after eden fell,
    In Joshua 2 the event is described where two spies go see what is the promised land like, because it was still filled with half-giants. We learnt that many stories tell aspects which are for nów, so let’s look:

    • the “standing at the border of the promised land”, is óur situation right now;
    • (the name) Joshua always represents the manchild;
    • they camped in the place Shittim, that is “acacia trees” as Eden’s trees,
    • the “two spies” are obviously “the house Juda and Joseph”, as the 144,000 (ás the manchild),
    • they crossed the Jordan, as Watercourse,
    • and went to ‘Jericho’, representing “the moon” but as difficult concept in spells (in Õn), not this moon,
    • they was hidden by Rachab, same theme as the land south, here representing (the silver of) their land upón the cube,
    • she hid them “on the roof of her house, which was upon the citywall”, likely as the Workplace ÁS,
    • she hid them under “flax”, that is the above the cube, as broken eden-covering (see Rama in ramayana),
    • she let them escape through a window (on high), as north sba-stargate,
    • she lowered them with a red chord, related to ‘eden root’, in context of the staff-tá, (silver-chord?)
    • she and her family (as retrieved aspects) became part of Joshua’s encampment, a little later

    The name Rachab as “width” must per definition refer to “the existing land which was turned inside-out”, in Job, above; but now as “their new land Geb, upon the tile”, having constructed that by the same type Inversion as described in Job, above; and this time (since the fall) éden aspects were turned inside-out (as Geb), by thém (because they acquired the ‘seal’ KHETEM). It all sounds a bit Too Much – yet to us, it appears that, as all the spells mention, they were hell-bent on “trying to get atop of the cube, to re-create their original rule again – as inverted Geb-land, in order tó can rule their previous land south again; hence all the talk in the spells about RT’-legs, ascending, rising, etc. That Rachab “was a whore” is but the attribute of “stolen eden-aspects being abused by them”, she un-doing them, and it can explain why even the genealogy-line of He is included Rachab. end – go to D]

    continuing the analogy: the wheel-womb
    after the spies returned safely, the people crossed the Jordan river (Watercourse), but in the way that “the stream was being cut-off”, so that the people can cross; perhaps as anology that this world will get dark, soon; then, “12 stones have to be taken from the brook, to be set-up within the land at a place”; we gather the stones are “the places-T which the matrix has made abóve the cube (fróm the SBÁ-serpent as the Watercourse; see page) to be returned again”. The stones were placed in Gilgal (‘wheel’, read: main cherub wheel), very probably as “the first door” in Job above, as the “womb” made by the covering over the THNIM dimension south. and see next,

    the “rolling-away”
    Next, the males need to be purified, and the reason is “so that the blasphemy of Egypt is rolled-away”, the blasphemy as “to pluck off, pluck out (steal from)”; Egypt representing the Sekhet-field, “by to circle-away the stealer of the Sekhet-field”, (or other version..?), likely as the UTCHA-eye there, because of the pun. We still do not know whether they captured “a” cherub-wheel, and brought it upthere, as UTCHA-eye, or if they made a kind of copy of the wheel, being the Utcha – but the “rolling (away)” and “wheel” must be related. A similar word is used in the same theme in Jer.51:25, about the Khemenu-mountain (as city of Õn), which holds their tree of life (Tutankhámen vase), that “I will roll you away, and you become a burnt-mountain” (the word used for rolling as GLGL), the “rolling away” probably happens during the events in Revelation.

    [the analogy ends here – just for context: later on, Ephraim’s (house of israel) sins started in Gilgal (GLGL), (Hos.9), related to the same “rolling-away and wheel; and it is said that Ephraim’s sins are related to “root” and “Tyre (city of Õn)”; linking back again to the woman Rachab.]

    D] the two staffs – as now one vertical and one horizontal dimensional axis

    1. from Job 38 emerges “that the vertical axis was creáted – as the fountain by the womb”,
      which is a useful find but gives us problems, as well;
    2. yet there is a “horizontal bar” at the “double-door, in the top of the cube”, see Job, above,
    3. that the nature of this vertical axis is “expansion” (that is why it had to be controlled ‘as fountain’..?
    4. the vertical axis as “sceptre”,
      we knew that “the lampstand” is the Attribute of the house of Israel (Joseph); but it seems this is a staff with a different name as the “birthstaff”, and different character; this staff (as fountain) being stolen back by them, as f.e. “the staff of Moab”,

    staff MAQQEL

    • a] the line “how is the staff of Moab broken!”, Jer 48; we saw Moab is their rule upon the tile; this staff as H4731 maqqel (derivative of qev, q-axis? or their favourite MA- cluster?); and some strange story is with this staff, when we would use similar analogy of events, as we did by Abraham (see page): Jacob, when sheperding, “took him rods of green poplar, and chestnut and hazel, and placed them in the drinking-gutter of the cattle, so they would conceive – and they begat speckled and spotted cattle”. The analogy here is “the mimick-q-axis standing upright” by which the “Ba spirit-souls are made” (as well as this mixed physical body we wear); the represent of the Ba-souls’ type body being Apollo/Abaddon, soon being expulsed; [extending: from maqqel it is not far to glyph MESEQ and MESKHEN, “cradle of Osiris”, above the tile, evenso as their crooked-staff MES-t] or MATTEH
      2) the other character of this staff (of Moab) is H4294 matteh; with root “to stretch forth (and out), extend”; this staff is “of the Assyrian (after the manner of egypt)”, Is.10:15, assyria as post-eden-pro-deluge realm, Assyria being “the high cedar (great pillar)”; the staff with this name is also “of Judah”, Gen.38, it is the strange story of Tamar (‘palmtree’) playing hooker, and he gives her “this staff, the seal (khetem), and the bracelet (SA-?); all 3 representing matrix-deformations óf the birthsceptre (original q-axis as horizontal
      Watercourse); the second is as Moses’ staff during egypt – performing all the plagues with it (10 plagues… 10 flames lampstand); now is also clear whý “they can fire-drill upon the tile” (glyph TCHA) — because it is the 90% turned upright copy of the original q-axis; all the “upright standing, and horizontal serpents, in amtuat and book of gates is this theme”: 4) for importance the whole section, Ez.19, this staff as the Attribute of Joseph:

    mother-of·you as·the·vine in·blood-of·you on waters being-transplanted being-fruitful and·full-of-boughs she-becomes from·waters abundant-ones
    Thy mother [is] like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters: she was fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters.
    the “mother” as the “fountain from the feminine-south”, but “being made pure by the Watercourse-feminine” (eden waters); the bough and fruitful as the promise to Joseph in Gen.49; the lampstand with arms being build,
    “thy mother / (was) as the vine / infor the blood of you, / (on) the eden-waters / being transplanted / being fruitful, / and full of boughs / she becomes / from abundant-waters,”

    and·they-are-becoming to·her rods-of strength to scepters-of ones-ruling and·she-is-being-lofty stature-of·him on between entwined-boughs and·he-is-being-seen in·loftiness-of·him in·multitude-of branches-of·him
    And she had strong rods for the sceptres of them that bare rule, and her stature was exalted among the thick branches, and she appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches

    • ‘strong rods’, matteh (mult.),”strtch forth, extend, etc”,
      theme: pillar starting to grow out from lampstand, Up from inbetween the foilage (forest in Ramayana)
    • ‘rule’, H4910 mashal, eden-related (as M-SH-L, +M as multiple; comp. muslim, how awful.. but you see the link, now the theme will become that the staff has been exchanged to the wrong rule..?),
    • sceptres’, word used of birthstaff-Watercourse,
    • ‘branches’, root H1802, interestingly as “hang down, pendulous”; the theme can show the origin of all the USER jackall staffs, and TCHÃM-staffs, etc as “branches” inversed, same tree here as the proud high tree who dwarfed all the trees of eden (Ez.31), as great pillar (cedar, Assyrian);

    “and they (boughs) are becoming / to her / (matteh-) rods of / strength, / tofrom / (birth-) sceptres ofas / the ones ruling, / andbut she is being proud / height of him / between / interwoven (foilage) / and he is beeing seen / in proudness of him / in multitude of / his (matrix-) branches,”

    and·she-is-being-cplucked-up in·fury to·the·earth she-is-cflung and·wind-of the·east 12 he-cdries-up fruit-of·her they-sbreak-off and·they-dry-up rod-of strength-of·her ash fire she-devours·him
    But she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down to the ground, and the east wind dried up her fruit: her strong rods were broken and withered; the fire consumed them.

    • ‘east wind’, yes but in spiritual sense; usually the east is Heaven (as ‘the face of the east’, Henoch), and the same is true for the spells, as ÁAB, symbolized with their territorial spear; but see below,
    • “she the fire”, related to “not being connected to the Watercourse [as ‘fire’] anymore?, the MTE-main-rod is “the core sceptre inbetween the 4 cherubs as poles”, see next,
      so we must have an aspect here what becomes related to the Djed-pillar,
    • ‘to the land’; perhaps “to the nórth”, see next line, for reasons that:
      1) why would it first be thrown down to the land, then next line already busy with “transplanting”?
      2) “the east” can be a pun upon “them having captured the land east (of the two lands)”, and having build now their RT’-leg from there up to above the cube;
      3) because the ‘fire’ must be the same type fire as in last line, below,
      4) they stripped the branches – in next pages will return this “stripping-off of the bark of the tree”, as if they only were interested “in the core of the tree (as the rod)” (to be the new core of the Djed..?), and perhaps similar to Jacob cutting-in the barks of the shoots he used to get the animals pregnant, above;

    “she (lampstand) is being plucked up / in fury / to the land (north) / she is flung, / and (spirit-) breath of / the east / it dries up / fruit of her, / they break off / and they dry up / (mte-) rod of / strength of her, / (and) fire / she devours him,” +

    and·now being-transplanted in·the·wilderness in·land-of arid and·thirst
    And now she [is] planted in the wilderness, in a dry and thirsty ground

    • ‘planted’, as trans-planted, same word as previous: transplanted as their ‘tree of life’, upon the cube,
    • ‘wilderness’, but rather context of “a plain”
    • ‘land (ground)’, note how “land”: as Geb!
      why would the inversed-linear version suddenly go translate as the neutral term ‘ground’…?
    • ‘dry’, remember this is a prophecy – the “dry” refers to Horus’ “dry place”, upon the cube; the term Tziun as mountain is “dry place” too (but then from théir dimension); the terms land-dry-thirst belong together, as “north”,
    • ‘thirsty’, same pun as above: their realm is always “thirsty”, glyph ÁB, the same as torso ÁB;

    “and now / (is) being transplanted / on the plain (north) / in the land of / dryness /, and thirst,”

    and·she-is-going-forth fire from·rod-of poles-of·her fruit-of·her she-devours and·not he-becomes in·her rod-of strength scepter to·to-rule-of dirge she she-shall-become for·dirge
    And fire is gone out of a rod of her branches, [which] hath devoured her fruit, so that she hath no strong rod [to be] a sceptre to rule. This [is] a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation

    • ‘branches (poles)’, H905, entry: “especially parts of a body or tree, as branches, staves, etc”, often used for the tabernacle as “staves and door-locks”, but always used “in vertical sense”, and compare above Job line 9 the “horizontal bar (at the double-door, north); the staves
      1) holding the ark,
      2) holding the entrance-curtains
      3) the roof; and all of “acacia wood” eden-tree, perhaps as “strings of a lyre”..? see glyphs section “bent staves” next
      this axis went Up, north – to become the fire-drill axis TCHATCHA, as the “fire-stick which Perseus (Cain) stole, as the fire within the tube”,
      as them using eden’s constructs agáinst eden –
    • ‘bars of her’; we interpret that “her bars” is “the lyre from the lampstand, ” yet now pounded by fire directed by the matrix — causing another ‘sound’ (sistrum of Hathor?),

    “and she is going forth / matrix-fire / from (mte-) rod offor / bars of her / the fruit of her / she is devoured, /, an nót / he becomes / in her / the (mte) rod of strength / the (birth-) sceptre / to rule of / lament / she, / and she shall become / the lament;”

    —— end of 3