Narrating the history of the double axis, the moon, and adamite-originals: Zech. 11

22/11/17 first version


Narrating the history of the double axis,
the moon, and adamite-originals: Zech. 11

themes: Adam locked-up in the hand
abuse of Eve
the adamite-originals as slaughtered flock within the solarplane’s prison
the adamite-soul at birth belongs to thém
the protection for the fearful adamite-soul as this body
the restoration of the both axis
the moon, silver, eden-masculine and the second house
we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,

zecheriah 11

open-you! Lebanon double-doors-of·you and·she-shall-devour fire in·cedars-of·you howl-you! fir-tree that he-falls cedar which noble-ones they-are-devastated howl-you! oaks-of Bashan that he-comes-down wildwood-of the·defended-one the·one-defended
Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. Howl, fir tree; for the cedar is fallen; because the mighty are spoiled: howl, O ye oaks of Bashan; for the forest of the vintage is come down

  • ‘lebanon’, as “white”, comp. Laban; the white related to the (masculine) garment-realm, see “moon”, below, and “Lebanon” as literal north, upon the cube,
  • ‘double door’, here is said “of you”, as the lyre having been inverted by them, because north? see Job 38 page for the “two double-doors”, one south, one north,
  • ‘the fire’ as “she”, as “the core of eden”,
  • ‘cedars’, “the cedar of the Assyrian”; the multiple perhaps as description of their “tree of life, and branches”; the ‘forest’ in Rg-veda and Mahabharata may be either this, or the “stolen fenced-forest”, next; “cedar” always as negative – yet at the end “a good (non-violent) cedar will be made”, below,
  • ‘oaks (fir tree, sing.)’, difficult theme, these “trees” (compare seu-bridge in Ramayana); first, the term H1265 seems to be “Cypress tree”; but the characteristics of this tree are unclear to us; but it is “a tree of Eden”, Ez.31.; it is not the same as pine-tree (Is.60), see above; it is related to “thorn” (and valley), as the Sirius SEPT’ thorn?; and paired with “the myrtle”,
  1. a very interesting story appears when we read the book of Esther: she was “hadassa”, myrtle, and the story is about the king-male (as upper node rule) who has 7 ministers (stars), and queen Vasthi as the T’uat-morningstar; yes all words show op in the sanskrit dictionary; where at the end, Hadassa becomes that main star at the upper node (compare “and a star will rise from Jacob”, then the “sceptre out israel” is this tree, as masculine?), and compare Zech.1,
  2. the myrtle is also what the muslims stone at mecca, “the myrtle” being the name of 1 of 3 pillars them believers are stoning: “he will not find” “the way” (to?) “the myrtle” is the lineup of the pillars, and so them muslims are aiding the giants in this ritual, since they took the stones from the Zamzamin field (=giant tribe); the “he” probably being “the manchild”, that is, we;
  3. Is. 37 is wrong translated: cypress trees will not be cut off (when eden trees): not God is cutting off fir-trees but the enemy, and it seems that “the fir-tree (cypress) is being used (by the enemy) to let his cedar grow so high”, so, as mixture; that would explain why in this verse the fir tree isn’t damaged; perhaps the nature of the myrtle tree is “eden masculine generative power”,
  4. because the tree is also related to Ephraim, as positive (‘fruitful’), Ephraim was representing the “(sexual) potency”, which may explain the relation with this cypress-tree mentioned with the Cedar: it caused to grow the cedar (great pillar) in the first place..? but why is this cypress tree “howling” then..? (H3213, as negative)
  • ‘fallen’, as nphl, used for “the giants” as sons of the fallen ones, in Genesis,
  • ‘oaks’, as root “ram”, as the 3d roof-curtain over the tabernacle; ram in spells is SER “the ram / (by) to make speech (via ad.soul)”, the first ram-goddess in tuat II ascending, as typical Dual-construct, likely realm-wise; comp. ÁSER, tamatrisk-tree (upon cube), here as “speech” related to the masculine M-realm (because the theme seems to be phallic),
  • ‘bashan’, other name for the mt.Hermon (region), where the Watchers came down on earth; from context we consider Bashan to represent the M-realm, Mic.7:4 “let thou people feed in Bashan, as in days of old”, resonating Henoch who says “the thnim-beasts (M-realm and deep south) will be given for food”; making “the mt,Carmel” (in that same verse) “the deep-south feminine realm” (where the “mountain” just represents “rule”); see B]
  • ‘vintage’; as “forest, wood”, root H1219, “to fence, fence, etc”, but colour “to cut-off” (be cut off?); no further context but related to the gathering of grapes (as gathering of firstfruits?); the term is e-btzur – e-btzir, (range H1219 H1208): Mic.7 connects “the grapes of the vintage to firstfruits” (the 144,000);H1206, “mire”, Tyre’s (crystal castle) streets are gold-mire, glyph NUB, “gold”; related H1220 as “gold” but also in context of being cut-off (not dig).; H1221 Bezer, a Reubenite city “in the wilderness, on the plain” (descriptions for Õn); into Mic.2,,
    “I will put thee Jacob and Israel together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midsts of their fold; they shall make great noise by reason of (the multitude of) men”, (to be checked), the “flock” is “the adamite originals”, see furtheron in this 11th chapter; Bozrah = cut-off gold,
  • fk Canaan to Hell: no single important line he did right – he fkn changed them áll: see A] or it gets too long here; what we need do — first go do all of scripture TOO? cause all is Corrupted….??
  • line as “forest / the defended one / the one defended” (see green text), into the for us possible readable “the defended / forest / (namely) the defended fenced one”,

context: the “vintage” is another term for the prison holding the adamite-originals, as glyph SNB “walled fortress for solarplane”,THIS is what they will lose; next verses address them as “the flock for slaughter”,
“open you! white garment-realm (in the north) / the double door of you, / and she shall devour / (namely) the fire (eden’s) / your cedars (of great pillar), howl you! cypress tree, that / he falls (nphl) / the cedar, / (by) which / the noble ones / they are devastated, / howl you! dualistic-constructs (oaks) of / the M-realm (bashan), / that (because) / he descends / (namely) the (stolen) fenced – (eden-) forest ofas / the fenced one,”


sound-of howling-of the·ones-shepherding that she-is-devastated nobility-of·them sound-of roaring-of sheltered-lions that he-is-devastated pomp-of the·Jordan
voice of the howling of the shepherds; for their glory is spoiled: a voice of the roaring of young lions; for the pride of Jordan is spoiled

  • ‘shepherds’, H7462, “to pasture, to tend, to feed (feed-upon); but “shepherd” is “an office, an attribute”, (just as “redeemer” is one); and théir office is “to feed-off” instead of “to feed the flock”, instead of using terms as “to guard (the flock)”, as H2876 or H5341, etc., but the term “shepherd” chosen to indicate it is “beings they shepherd by evil”,
  • ‘glory (nobility)’, colour is as glyph SÃH’, Orion, as “royalties” (with seal-ring glyph),
  • ‘young lion’, can be used both ways: both the cherubs have a “lion” as well as the 4 matrix-beasts in Daniel (as the opposites of the cherubs); “the lion” as “rule by mouth”, and the “young” is meant as the descendants – “young lions” can be “the manchild”, mic.5:8 (especially masculine-david aspect); but also as pharaoh (Ez.32);

context – the gods as shepherds howl because their ‘royalties’ they stole from the adamite-originals are leaving, and the spirits howl because their stolen physicality will be removed, line:
“sound of / howling of / the ones feeding-upon, / that (because) / she is destroyed / (namely) the royalties of them / sound of / roaring of / young lion (spirits) / that (because) / she is destroyed / (namely) the proudness (as aberration) of / the Watercourse,”

– we consider that the above lines are the promise of this chapter, since this theme returns again at the end;
and that now is returned to the órigin of the above promise, implicated by next word “thus”, as “explaining the reason why”,

thus he-says ieue Yahweh Elohim-of·me shepherd-you! flock-of the·killing which ones-acquirering-of·them they-shall-kill·them and·not they-shall-be-guilty and·ones-selling-of·them he-shall-say being-blessed ieue Yahweh and·I-shall-be-rich and·ones-shepherding-of·them not he-is-sparing on·them
Thus saith the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed [be] the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not

  • ‘my god (elohim-of-me)’; very-very Tricky: the term “elohim” as “the deity (or multiple)”, but the “elohim-of-me” is a red flag: here was no prophet speaking, so not the próphet can mention this; “the gods of me” must therefore refer back to “the adamite-originals” as “the gods of IEUE”; Zecheriah (this same book) uses “elohim-of-them”, “house-of David as-elohim”, etc; so the elohim-of-me cannot refer to “them as gods”, neither to the lions, but the gods are the adamite originals
  • ‘feed (shepherd-you!)’, as action, [you feed upon!], feed upon ‘the flock destined for slaughter’; it is not always the start of a line, it can appear as command or exhortation also in the midst of a line;
  • ‘possessors’, H7069 but colour “to acquire”, to buy,; the term “to sell” is but juxtapositioned with “to buy”, but “acquiring and then merchandising” has another colour: read, “steal from eden – then meddle with it”,
  • ‘blessed’, “being-blessed” but H1288 “to bless, kneel, invoke” (be invoked), “being blessed oneself”, this time we changed the archaic into “thanks to” — because them monsters “do not bless their enemy”; note how it is an office, because the office is the “he is saying”,

context: the adamite originals will now stárt be Stripped and “merchandised with”, and the slaughterers of them shall nót be guilty, because this all was to be the result of the Fall in eden,
“thus / he says / IEUE: / the gods of Me / you go feed-upon! / (being) the flock offor / slaughter / which / the ones acquiring of them / they shall kill them, / and nót / they shall be guilty (the scavengers); / and as the ones merchandising of them, / he shall say / thanks to / IEUE / (and) i shall be rich, / and the ones feeding-off upon them / nót / he is gentle / on them (on the flock),”


  • ‘deliver (causing to be found)’, as “creating the situation that….”; please realize that these changes are so Huge [because of Legal law, the same we do here! ], that for every change in any situation, after the Fall, He will need to cooperate becáuse of this Legal Right which the opposing gods claimed because of Adam’s fall. We tend to forget that huge aspect, but read on,

that not I-shall-spare longer on ones-dwelling-of the·land averment-of ieue Yahweh and·behold! I causing-to-be-found adm the·human aish man in·hand-of associate-of·him and·in·hand-of king-of·him and·they-pound-to-pieces the·land and·not I-shall-rescue from·hand-of·them
For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour’s hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver [them]

  • ‘the men’, but singular, and ADM; not mankind, peoples, nations or other terms;
  • ‘every one (man)’; used word AISH: ‘nff said; it is inténded to show “Adam, the male” ; we left the used words in blue, above;
  • ‘his neighbour (associate of him)’; H7453 but root “to feed, to pasture (to fed-upon)”, as previous; used terms “another, the other, other” and but cóloured by “friend, fellow, neighbour” or negative, “they said to oneanother lets build the Babel tower”, so strictly it is just “other”,
  • ‘pound to pieces’; exact the pestle-glyph, “to pound” (fire-drill), likely “upon the Lyre”, glyph pic,to right – taken from CT 169, just posted; you see that there are often several coffins, which, more or less, tell exact the same sentences – but their colour can vary. Here the firedrill glyph, the boat, the me-person, and in two occasions the double-reed, as most-beautified-soul-Adam. In the version we posted, we used the left column, as “my / boat-construct of the fire-drill”, in order to not complicate (even móre) the text and concepts in it — but the other two versions definitely read “the most-b-soul-adam / (in,as) the boat-construct of the fire-drill”. The double-reed is in both occasions separate from the glyph “boat of the firedrill”, because the boat-glyph is an end-glyph and thereby separates the two. In Budge’s dictionary you will see the double-reed being attáched to the glyph, then reading “most-beautified-soul-adam-like….”; but now a number of times already we saw the line-up as in this picture; and since this line-up keeps reoccurring, we take it to be meant thus.We go through this length, because of this verse, where for the first time, a very clear hint is given that indeed this glyph is TRUE: compare the axis “shooting fire” being the core of the inverted lampstand (Joseph’s attribute), see Job 38 page, and that “they somehow use him (Adam) to…what? Copy speech from? Making him to tell things? To say things, which are literally “backfiring”..? Or supply him the “mutilated words”, their now “word inside”, which, when said by him, is backfiring?….we go from the one enigma to the other…….

note: we think we are close with whose hand (executive region) is who – but the line needs reviewing;
“that / not / I shall pity / longer / the ones inhabiting of / the land (earth?), / declaration of / IEUE, / and look! / I / (am) causing to be found / the Adam (human) / male / in the (serpent-) hand ofas / the other of he (eden-hand-region), / and inas the hand of / the king asof he (other serpent-hand), / and they pound to pieces / the land, / and nót / I shall rescue / from hand of them (to un-do serpent-hands),”

  • ‘I will feed’; the adamite originals are still His ‘, even being fed-upon: the glyph UHEM, “constantly be renewed by hebrew-H”, frequently used in spells, to right – shows that the objects óf their feeding-off are constantly renewed: in lower position it writes “renewing the race”, but you see a sitting deer, as “adamite-original”, “the willpower (eden) / the (imprisoned) Heir / to constantly renew”;
  • ‘even (therefore)’, H3651, “thus, because, upright-erect-honest, so-thus, therefore, however, etc”,
  • ‘poor of (humble ones’; but even root is negative, H6031, “to afflict, to defile, to force” in context: tó humble, used word as “being afflicted (by force)”,
  • took (am taking)’, H3947, “to take, seize, grasp, take to – out of – from – etc”; attempt in line below,
  • ‘sticks’; very important as maqqel, H4731, to right; here as vertical q-axis of speech; glyph pic – in bottom position you see MAQAR, “staff”, added a hebrew form; the glyphs don’t use the semitic -L but often replace that with an -R; and you also see MAQER+tree (which is even more close). The root being MAQ-, they turn it into MAQ-T, above, frequently used in spells; but now either the axis has been inversed, or is “doubled, then inversed”, or perhaps even “split in two, causing some 2-way street”, reading “the tree / of speech / (as) q-axis / to reap”, MAQER+; the sickle MA- crucial to them (and compare verse here);

and·I-am-grazing flock-of the·killing therefore humble-ones-of the·flock and·I-am-taking for·me two-of sticks to·one I-call pleasantness and·to·one I-call pledgers and·I-am-grazing the·flock
And I will feed the flock of slaughter, [even] you, O poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock

  • ‘beauty (pleasantness)’, root H5276, but unclear, term “no’an-na’em”, when it says “and I named it…” is for us a red flag to be attent: knowing how they live by stealing names.
  1. the name in 1Chr.4 “na’am” is redirected to above na’em; the root NM is very extensive (in derivations) but we feel that this name most be both positive and negative, the same time. NM appears to mean overall “beauty, pleasantness, etc”, appearing all over in the semitic spectrum; however, there is also a (rather sparse used) root n’m II as “to sing, song, sound, music” (which reminds us about the Lyre); and we found a word in Akkadian as “na’u”, “pestle” (sic, is the fire-drill); nãmaru, “mirror”, nimlû, “throat”, which may show this doubleness. Another one is Naamah, the sister of Tubalcain (Gen.4), also redirecting to na-am; and Tubalcain were the metal workers, as glyph MESENT, blacksmiths of Horus, North.
  2. Naomi, being linked back to na-am also, but as crucial story: she as the wife of Elimeleck, “the deity-king”, and had two sons, “Sick” and “destruction”; they were under famine and left the land of “bethlehemjuda” to Moab” (Moab is their occupied upper-node, see page), and their two sons are likely “the both eden-hands (as executive regions). Naomi would be then the “MAQQEL axis”; they were all Ephratites, read: “fruitful”; the word fruitful used in Genesis to the man and the woman “be fruitful”, as well as for Joseph (also the axis, see Job 3 8 page); as the same name of the Euphrates-river (also 1 of 4 eden rivers), the Euphrates always resembling the border between earth’s realm, and Sekhet-Áaru (see 200 million spirits in Rev.).Then the theme is, “the now maqqel-axis is starving”.
    They move to Moab; and find two women for the boys — Oprah (‘neck’) was for her one son; and the other (the Sick) had Ruth as woman. The name Ruth is tricky: as “the beautiful other (one)”,with colour “to pasture, to feed, shepherd”; “the other shepherd”, perhaps. The men die, and she and Naomi return. Then she meets Boaz, who was member of the same “deity-king” family (Elimeleck); yet for an important event as this, the name Boaz lacks any entry; at first glance, the “-az”, “strength, power, fierce”, is suspicious, because it’s doublet -azaz is “goat, ba-soul, fury, angry” etc; for reason it must have a -B as prefix, perhaps a colour like “ruling over (-az)”.
  3. though said she is “a Moabitess”, contextually she wasn’t, ofcourse (and see Ruth 3:2 “of our kindred”); Boaz restores her (her attribute) being the new maqqel-axis, the attribute now having changed from Naomi to Ruth; and they get a baby named Obed, “the servant (worker)”. Obed begets Jesse, and Jesse begets David; and we saw that the “new-lampstand is called the Worker”, showing the entire context as “the deity-king, as upper node” (Elimeleck) with “2 sick eden-hands (executive places)” (2 sons) die to the “former maqqel-axis” (Naomi) who meets her “beautiful other (shepherd-axis)” (Ruth) who is installed by “strength+?” (Boaz), and these two get a son “the servant-Worker (new lampstand)” (Obed) who will generate “(eden-) existence” (Jesse) through the new “rule of the eden-tile” (David). Beautiful playout.

second axis, horizontal, as Watercourse,

  • ‘bands (pledgers)’, H2254 chabal, “to twist, to bind”, “to writh (in pain or sorrow)”, to pledge – but as “to bind (oneself) to”, “to be ruined, to destroy, etc”; leaving the context a the horizontal axis, i.e. the Watercourse. Related words as “chebel”, “pain, pangs, measuring-line, cord, etc”; but this H2254 has in 29 instances the colour of ‘mixture’, making this staff the candidate for the horizontal axis; and the “to bind” should the be “to bind tó the Watercourse”, as their split-off watercourse (which the monster refuses to give up, see Ezekiel Gog page).see further C]
    1. 1) Jacob, where Abraham represented “the re-start of Eden, through play-out”, where much what he did was related to the destruction the matrix-constructs had caused (planting the tamarisk-tree, the 7 lambs at the well, the ram stuck in the thornbush, the light which went through the separated animals, etc), the play-out of Jacob must be about “making all the attributes which the matrix had constructed and doubled, by their division of the Watercourse”.
    • That Jacob cuts shoots, and “mixes them with other trees, in order to get speckled cattle” must refer to the mixture which the split-off Watercourse caused, together with “expanding the number of attributes”,
    • Jacob has his brother Esau “representing the Ba-soul and their doubled-construct, above the cube”;
    • when Jacob crosses the Jordan (Watercourse, and “crossing”), with his staff, to meet Esau, he says the enigmatic line “…I have become two bands (or houses, or staffs)”, showing the doubling of houses (and see end of this chapter 11);
    • the Watercourse as “birthsceptre” was with Esau [and several spells mention that the birthsceptre AMS is theirs], but he gets it back by “playing upon physicality (hunger)”, and trickery. The trickery seems very un-noble, but remember it is all play-out, and théy stole the birthsceptre, first (compare the laughing of Sarah, etc, see page),
    • he begets in a strange way 12 sons, of whom 4 carry the attributes of the doubled-house north; analogue to the serpent H’ERR in book of gates, who “births 12 copied constructs, for the north”,
    • from the 12 sons onward starts the fractal into 144,000 Attributes, until this very moment, glyph pic, see D] below,

    context: the “flock for slaughter” must be “all adamite originals”, kept in the SNBT fortress; we do not think these are “adamite souls on earth”, since the adamite-soul will be addressed, separately, in next lines; that He is “feeding the originals” (since they still are originals, eventhough stripped) should be a valid assumption; but “in order to stóp this, potentially forever situation, the axis needs to be cut-Off,

“and I am feeding (energizing) / the flock offor / slaughter, / however because of (?) / the afflicted ones ofas/ the flock, / (and) i am taking / foras memy / two of / axis (maqqel), / to one / I name / “pleasantness of voice” (q-axis), / (and) to one / I name / “to bind to” (?); / and I am feeding (energizing) / the flock,”

and·I-am-suppressing three-of the·ones-shepherding in·month one and·she-is-being-impatient soul-of·me in·them and·moreover nphsh soul-of·them she-nauseates in·me
Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred me

  • ‘three’; can this be related to the problematic theme of “the triple of SHESEMT”, sacred to Horus, or a related glyph as MESERT with it’s three bendings or “feeders”..? (for both, see CT ákhemut land),
  • ‘to cut-off (surpressing)’, only H3582 “to cover, cover over”, hide, take hide, be hidden or covered, veil, conceal
  • ‘month’, but factually the month derives from “moon”, 2 x moon (Deut., Is.60); it could not make much sense to place “month” here (because no further timeframes are given), and see next,
  • ‘one’, “one, first” perhaps even in context as “the One” in the spells (likely related to moon), so the term could even read “the One moon” UÃ, stepdown of Watercourse UA;glyph pic, to upper right;this place UÃ must be “right upon the eden-tile”, UÃT, “lion”, compare the lion sitting upon Tutankhámen’s alabaster vase, UÃT, “goat”, is “gazelle”, as the gazelle-head upon the tile (see vignette in opening of mouth) below that, “the ONE”, title of Neith, and “title of Osiris” as “the divine moon of Saturn / for / to rise / (as) the word / (by) the “One”; continued at E], we switched the words “one” and “moon” for continuity,
  • ‘lothed (impatient)’; H7114, “to reap, to harvest”, “shortened (in power)”, in all prophets always used juxtaposing the “to sow”; harvest-cobra RENNUT is harvesting “names” (of adamite souls); note the “she is being reaped” – always a (feminine-) core aspect (as fire, watercourse, etc),
  • ‘soul’, look at context: “My human soul (nephesh)”…? – impossible! (in blue, above) a quick glance out of 475 x nephesh shows that “adamite soul” is really a different being as “elohim”, (Amos 6:8 and Jer.51:14 are currupt translated); the adamite-soul as the core of a human being; it ‘s an own-name; so it cant be used not even symbolically; He addresses here “the human soul I made”, and we let that stand:
  • (moreover) absent in kjv; (in them) in kjv glued to “lothed”,
  • ‘abhorred (nauseates)’; H973, 2 instances, no root = red flag; entry writes, “nauseous, and as cognate rejecting”; possibilities we found as: Arab b-kh-l, “stingy, grudging” (no other bkhl,bchl); hebr. bhl, “to be terrified” or “to hasten”, “to say or speak (angrily)”. compare terrify”; the question is “who is them”, but context is “the matrix”,
    because of the “concealing”, previously; then also the second “them” must be “matrix”;

context: an enigmatic line, “veiling the three feeding the moon”, and even more “that the adamite soul can be reaped, becáuse these are now veiled”, note how “the adamite soul is legally theirs, at birth” (sic!),
“and I am concealing / the three (triple, third) of / the ones feeding / into the one-moon, / and she is being harvested (reaped) / the adamite soul of Me / (inbythem), / (and moreover) / the adamite soul ofby them / she fears (speaks ngry) / ofto Me,”

and·I-am-saying not I-shall-graze·you the·one-dying she-shall-die and·the·one-being-suppressed she-shall-be-suppressed and·the·ones-remaining they-shall-eat ashe woman flesh-of associate-of·her
Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another.

  • ‘you’, context as “matrix”, because adamite soul is still “she” and “the one”,
  • ‘to cut-off (surpressing)’, only H3582 “to cover, cover over”, hide, take hide, be hidden or covered, veil, conceal previously about adam – now eve
  • ‘woman’; kjv turned it into “everyone”, as ultimate Stretch; but above in blue,
  • ‘remaining ones’,

context: the adamite soul, just being born in a hostile environment, has no protection at all – then this physical body is a kind of protection, housing, or the soul would live in Terror, all the time….. This body is then a strange type “protection against that horror”, since this flesh is so Blind – (that is why soon, when their dimension will open on earth, that protection is gone, that is, the blindness); the bizarre is that the mixed aspects (of eden and matrix) as this body was allowed by Him for this reason;

2) covering and flesh,this body is termed as “covering” only; but the “adamite flesh” belongs to “the woman”, Eve; compare the “..and He closed that place with flesh”; note how “the woman is devoured” (consumed sexually), spells are full of references to the eden-women being penetrated by the phallusses they made from Cain’s blueprint for themselves; the “ones remaining” is tricky; it is a new line, “and”; though the term seems to come out of nowhere, it must be juxtaposed with the “poor covering” of previous line, and they are the ones who áre consuming her; to right “those who are”, “those who exist”, as the type gods like Horus (who is the son of the adamite soul); making by devouring her “another adamite-flesh for each of them,
“and I am saying, / nót / I shall feed / you (the matrix) / the one dying (the adamite soul) / she shall die (anyway), / and (but) as the one being covered (veiled) / she shall be covered (veiled by a physical body), / and the remainers (horus-spirits) / they shall (sexually) devour / the woman / for the adamite flesh / as another (flesh) by her,”


and·I-am-taking stick-of·me pleasantness and·I-am-hacking-to-pieces him to·to-cannul-of covenant-of·me which I-cut with all-of the·peoples
And I took my staff, [even] Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people

  • “all the people”, perhaps in future tense;

“and I am taking, seizing / (maqqel) axis of Me / ‘pleasantness of voice’ (q-axis), / and I am / hewing it down / him / (in order) to annul of / the covenant of Me / which / I cut (made) / with / all of / the (adamite-) peoples,”


and·she-is-being-cannulled in·the·day the·he and·they-are-knowing so humble-ones-of the·flock the·ones-observing me that word-of ieue he
And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it [was] the word of the LORD

  • ‘the poor’, but same term so belonging to the flock as “afflicted”,
  • ‘waited upon (observing)’, H8104, “to guard, to watch over”, (being guarded),”keep, preserve, observe”, in many prophets returns the term, as by “the flaming sword in the eden”, so the colour is “to guard”,
  1. ‘he’ and Me’; we switched both with previous term;
  2. the term “to be” may be added, here as (are),
  3. we switched the “and” as start of second half of line, to be “and in that same day”

context: very tricky line; the “annulled in the same day” cannot stand on itself – likely not to previous line, but inbetween “annulled” and “the gods see” — the anulling cáuses the gods to understand”; that “they” are the gods may show from next verse, [first version:] “and she is being anulled / (and) in the same (=he-the) day / +
they (the matrix gods) are understanding / that / the afflicted ones ofas / the flock / (are) my / ones containing / thatthis / word of / he / IEUE “

and·I-am-saying to·them אִ ם am if good in·eyes-of·you grant-you! hire-of·me and·if not forbear-you! and·they-are-weighing hire-of·me thirty silver
And I said unto them, If ye think good, give [me] my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty [pieces] of silver

  • ‘if’, [whether, like, if, when,…]
  • “if good in eyes of you” – is one of those phrases which appear Oh So Logical: but knowing the crucial importance of “eyes”, it MUST mean something else; the theme here is “the matrix standing upright”, through the Great balance, MÃKHAT,
  • ‘good’, H2896, “better” (72x),
  • ‘give’, (rare and defective root; used in Chaldee) as “to give” or exhortion, “come on, lets go, etc”
  • ‘hire’, in sense of “the matrix loaning eden-ideas or constructs”, that is “with permission – but temporary”; also said of the horus-wings TEBEH’ above the lampstand (mirroring the lampstand to above), as idea taken fróm the arms of the lampstand; hence the “to hire” — but yes payday will come; “temporal use” is perhaps the colour, and see ‘silver’, below,
  • ‘forbear’, H2308, “primary idea as slacking from labour” (entry), cease or leave from something, colour may be “just quit”, paraphrased,
  • ‘weighed’, H8254, “primary idea in that of suspending a balance, or cross) suspend as “hang something to above”, Is.40, “who weighed the mountains in a scales”, importance as MÃKHT, “great balance”, Anubis’ balance;
  • ‘silver’; also difficult theme,
  1. the first link is the “Judas throwing the 30 pieces into the temple” – as “the end of the hire”; and that he was throwing it “in the temple” means “into the original cube-hebrew-H” – as opposed to their copied one. For some reason, they obtained the right to make a copy (as house of saturn), see verse further on; and the “substance” of that house was “the realm-garment” as silver (compare vedic Varuna etc, as upper-half of the 8, paired with Mitra as lower-half, into “the eye of Mitra-Varuna”, see Habakuk page),
  2. in glyphs as H’ETCH, “white light of Saturn”, but as “stolen”, see B],
  3. though there is a lot of ‘silver’ in scripture, the one link is only in “the sockets of the wooden poles of the tabernacle” making silver the…original realm-garment, that is eden’s – since there are also a few brass-sockets (mixture); and since the KHENT’-throne is ‘copper’, as the hooves of the cherub, we must assume that “the mixture (as copper) was pre-eden, but the silver is eden’s” (Haggai: ‘the silver is Mine’. Then we have “a form of white realm-garment which they stole befóre eden” (as ‘ivory’, glyph AB; in scripture “chalk”), yet on tóp of that, they also stole the “white silver”, now.
  4. the ‘eyes’ is immediately related to ‘silver’, in this verse, and we can assume “silver as the nature of the White Crown” ,
  5. the “30” is tricky. We have ’30 MÃB judges’, 30 bearing-poles in a PT-text, and they all seem to originate from the course of the binary’s real-moon – but we can’t know whý it was devised like that,
  6. so “not théy were paying silver – but got PAID silver”; the silver being “eden masculine”, see next verse,

context: “use temporarily My silver” is virtually the only possibility in such important chapter; and, by implication, “use my silver for yóur eye(s) – then silver also is the eden-eye (but as house)?” — for us it’s still a constant problem what is the nature of the term ‘eye’ in the spells,
“and I am saying / to them (matrix gods), / ifwhen / better / inas eyes of you, / c’mon you! / temporarily use Mine, / and if / nót / you just quit!, / and they are weighing (suspending a balance) / (for) the temporary use of My / thirty- / silvers (realm-garment),”

and·he-is-saying ieue to·me fling-you·him! to the·one-being-minter nobleness-of the·preciousness which I-am-precious from·on·them and·I-am-taking thirty the·silver and·I-am-flinging him house-of ieue to the·one-being-minter
And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them.
And I took the thirty [pieces] of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD

  • ‘masculine’, the name Zecheriah as “eden-masculine”, see pteh’ pages,
  • ‘him’, it is eden-masculine which is the silver, technically, the potter is KHENUM the ram-god, or QET (to potter by the q-axis), but for context as Pteh’,
  • ‘goodly (nobleness)’; no root; we find Ugaritic adar “mighty, glorious”, in Akk. also “to annoy”, and name of the 12th hebr. month; Adar as foreign sun-god or fire-god (persian), and Zoroastrism uses “white ash” in ceremonies (vishnu/anubis does the same). Adar is Ninib as Ninurta, who carries the mace (glyph HETCH) so the circle is round.
  • ‘price (precious)’; the yqr from wqr, “noble, precious”, only by implication “price”; qqr also “heavy” and “inscribe”, it cannot be coincidence that PTEH’ the engraver wanted something related to ‘inscribe’; as the silver,
  • ‘the house’: same word “throwing, casting”, the house itsélf is being thrown to Pteh’, note: the “from on them” we insterted a ‘to be’ (is legal), from=as, on=if and them=theirs; “give it to him só he can make his saturn-light , resembling the preciousness” is the context, The “throwing theme” here copied in Judas’ throwing the silverpieces — that tells you the type relation between both realms,

“and He is saying / IEUE / to me, the eden-masculine, / cast you it! / to / the one being the fashioner (Pteh’) / (for) the bright Saturn-light, ofby / the preciousness / which / I am precious, / from on them (to be) as of them , /
and I am taking / thirty- / silver (-realm-garment) / and I am casting / he / the abode of / IEUE / to / the one being the fashioner (Pteh’),”

and·I-am-hacking-to-pieces stick-of·me the·second the·pledgers to·to-cannul-of the·brotherhood between Judah and·between Israel
Then I cut asunder mine other staff, [even] Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

  • ‘stick’, as maqqel, see MAQT-ladder in Job 38 page, but here related to Watercourse,

context: where the first staff was about “the covenant with the people” (related to silver and house),
in order that the matrix acquires the building-material for their realm,
here must be meant “keeping their link to eden ánd to their inversed realm”, because the correct order
is now broken (Israel as lampstand, Judah as upper node),
“and I am hewing-down / the second – axis of Me, / ‘to twist and bind’ / for to anull of / the brotherhood / between / Judah / and between / Ishrael,”

and·he-is-saying ieue to·me further take-you! for·you implement-of one-shepherding foolish
And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd

  • ‘foolish’, but colour as “perverse”, rather then dumb,
  • ‘shepherd’; as at the start of the chapter, the colour of “feeding-off”,
  • ‘instrument’, though tempting to give the colour “weapon” (also in entry), the combination of “feeding-off” and “instrument” is clear enough,
  • ‘receive’ (take unto thee): the context is that eden-masculine will be mutilated bý this matrix-instrument [the behemoth lampstand]; so we used “received” (entry 61x), and put (this time) for context;

“and He is saying / IEUE / to me (eden-masculine): / again / receive you! / for you (masculine) / (this time) the instrument of / perverse – feeding-off,”

that behold! I raising-up one-shepherding in·the·land the·ones-being-suppressed not he-shall-visit the·youth not he-shall-seek and·the·one-being-broken not he-shall-heal the·one-standing-up not he-shall-sustain and·flesh-of the·plump-one he-shall-eat and·hoofs-of·them he-shall-mbreak-off
For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, [which] shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces

  • raising up’, as the great pillar; it was sáid to the bear (in Daniel) “stand up!”, and we had a spell in what this ‘ordering to stand upright” is confirmed (not sure it got posted yet), the “stand upright” as their crucial theme, glyph ÃHÃ,
  • ‘those that be cut off (ones being supressed)’; but as to cover, veil, same as previous here;
  • ‘visit’, H1245 “seek, seek for, strive after, to enquire”,
  • ‘youth’, H5287, “shake off, shake out as dust, leaves)” be shaken-off, how come ever “youth” here..??
  • ‘shall seek’, seek,
  • ‘feed (shall sustain)’; H3557, “to bear, endure, sustain, hold up, contain, sustain”, by implication ‘nourish’,
  • ‘fat (plump one)’; H1277, lit. “fat”, but the colour is wrong after adamite flesh, the spells use the term ÃT,”fat”, as “exquisite quality to use”,
  • “claws (hoofs)’; from root H3536; a most peculiar theme; to right, UHEM with hoof-glyph; “(the hoof for) to be constantly renewed by hebrew-H”, paraphrased; very often used in spells, and since Habakuk-page making complete Sense now; 1) so deep is this archetype, that mankind devised high-heels to awake that memory; the “their hoofs” is “of adamite-originals”, and if related to the Watercourse, the “hoof” may be the “being grounded” as “place of having contact with the environment” (not to siphon-up gaia-energy) but the complete óther way: “making the place where one walks, new again”, as infúsion; somehow “conveying to the surroundment the (feminine-) eden power to it”, compare Jeremiah, “flames go out before them (the manchild company walking) and they leave eden after them”;

note: triplet here,

  1. the seeking and visiting about adamite souls on earth,
  2. from (because), the theme changes to the pillar as subject,
  3. the reason is given what is cáusing that the adamite souls on earth are in this situation, until now,

“that / look!, / I / am causing to stand upright (the great pillar) / (as) one feeding-off / inof the land, / the ones being veiled (covered) / nót / he shall visit, the outcasted / nót / he shall seek, / and the one being broken to pieces / nót / he shall make healthy; / (because) the one standing upright (great pillar) / nót / he shall support /, and (but instead,) the adamite flesh of (adamite originals) of / excellent quality (to can use) / he shall devour, / and the hoofs of them / he shall break off,”

the iron monster in Dan. 7
represents the behemoth;
and the ‘goat’ in Dan.6 representing
the dual behemoth and leviathan,
their double-construct as pictured


woe! one-shepherding-of the·forbidden-idol one-forsaking-of the·flock sword on arm-of·him and·on eye-of right-of·him arm-of·him to-dry-up she-shall-dry-up and·eye-of right-of·him to-dim she-shall-dim
Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword [shall be] upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened

  • ‘forbidden idol’, we saw that in relation to “the now Hostile plain, just above the cube”,
  • ‘leaveth’; the context is not “adamite souls upon this earth” but the originals this time, juxtaposed with previous verse (will not visit the covered ones, etc): root-meaning H5800 as ‘to loosen’, as the un-tying in glyph UH’Ã, “to un-tie the fowl”, read, dissect,
  • ‘sword’, always used as name of the axe; even in verses where is said “My sword”, it means consistently “that their SET’FIT axe, standing upright, will come down upon them; to right, upper, “the main axe / by place-T of the most-b-soul-adam / (by) he / to make the hand (via ad.soul)”, last position it writes ‘ropes’ but says “the words / (by) he (eden) / (for) to make the hand”; and ‘group of gods’ as “the most-beautiful-Adam-like-souls / (by) he / to make the hand”; this group of gods being the adamite-originals; we saw in Job 38 “that Adam finds himself in the hand” (the other one as the serpents ruling hand), and the Vintage (the garden) should be in the same region. Likely “the axe” represents the náture of the pillar,
  • ‘arm’, as “willpower”; if it tells here arm we can use only the great pillar ÃÃ, to right; tuat XI the “double-headed serpent” always represents “a doubling of any aspect”, here as the two arms behind the word NEF-, as ‘arm with stopline’ and ‘arm’; “eden-willpower / for willpower (matrix)”; and lower position shows the great-pillar as well, “the great pillar / the god, / (for) existence (matrix) / (by) the word \\ (of) willpower / (for) willpower (matrix)”, the magically-dangerous \\ showing it is the Watercourse’s word,
  • ‘utterly darkened’, we here have no problem with the phrase; “blind” (Gen.27:1) or “loose courage” (Is.61:3), but note it is a “she”, as the core of the spiritual power,
  • ‘right eye’: sadly the word ‘eye’ is Neutral, but just ago it was said “…for your eyes”; our question is, when previously “the hebrew-H house was given (to the one eye)”, then there are in total “three eyes”..? Matthew 5, “right eye, and right eye, then remove it – in context of adultery (un-directed feminine / Jezebel),
  1. 1Ki 19 “and she sat at his right”, l-imin-u
  2. 1Chr 6:39 “Asaph stood at his right hand”, ol_imin-u, on_right-hand-of-him,
  3. 1Ki 6:8.the flank of the house the right” (the rightside of the house), al_kthp e-bith e-imnith (the right)
  4. lev 7:32 “..right shoulder”, chuq e-emin (shoulder the-right),
  5. Ps118:15 “in tents-of righteous ones right-hand-of IEUE, tzdigim amin IEUE, (not ‘the right hand’ there!), conclusion: when “when something is ‘at the rightside’ of anything élse”, then right-hand-of, but in all other cases just the-right or his-right or right; so in text here “eye-of right-of-him” ( the right eye). behemoth = iron beast of Daniel 7: two eyes in one horn, continued in A]
  • ‘horn’, qrn, same meaning as “trumpet” (sic, so at least we got that, in Rev. pages),
  • ‘three horns’, but added “eastern” as qdm; this chapter has been obscured, as well; no root given because switched to Aramaic roots; though “first” is given, the equal important “the East” in nót; foremost, go forward, ancient, previous; commons in the entire semitic spectrum of all mid-east. On two séperate places is this qdm, placed such that one meaning (of the 2) múst be “east”, but kjv convieniently skipped it. see A]
  • ‘man’, not exacly “mankind” but more “the image, as blueprint, of our physical mankind”, of this body. The ‘eyes’ have no colour, but when “eyes of this physical humankind”, then the eyes is the Self TCHES, and the eyes are “in” (or as?,of?) this horn. Two eyes, in 1 horn – that’s what it says. continued in A] below,

“woe! the one feeding-off by / the now hostile upper-node / the one un-tying of / the flock (adamite-originals), / (by) the (set’fit-) axe / onas arm (great-pillar) of him, / and onby / his – rightside – (Utcha-) eye; / the arm of him / to dry up / she shall be dry; / and his – rightside – eye offor / to dim, / she shall be blind (she shall dim),”

————— end Zecheriah 11

loNe submitted 26/17, first version