description of imploding matrix-stargate — possibly as Rã our sun: Nah. 3

8/12/17 first version


description of imploding matrix-stargate — possibly as Rã our sun: Nah. 3
[the locusts making female-adamite-originals to birth anew Rã daily]

we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,

Nahum 3

woe! city-of bloods all-of·her dissimulation schism full not he-is-removing prey
Woe to the bloody city! it [is] all full of lies [and] robbery; the prey departeth not

  • ‘blood’, H1818 dam; related to a-dam but polluted; note how the word is multiple, “bloods”, and glyphs know 4 (type) bloods (sic), our blood as ‘mixed essence’, as glyph SENEF, “essence by he to make existence (via ad.soul)”
  • ‘lies’, H3585 kachash; from 3584 entry:’to fail, used of the body’; but word is “to lie, deceive”, Zech.13 “neither shall (the false prophets) have a rough garment to deceive”, linking this body to ‘deception’, but it’s hard to find a proper term,
  • ‘robbery’; all pereq and paraq clusters as “break off, tear off, snatch away”,
  • ‘prey’ H2964 tereph, entry: “a green leaf, newly plucked”; the “leaf” is immediately related to “prey”, or better, the prey IS the leaf: and we think “stardoor-leaf”; in Gen.8:11,”the dove (Jonah) had plucked-off (this word) an olive-leaf (door-leaf) because the waters had sunk”, so ‘waters’ (dimension) is related tó this (door-) leaf (of stargate) because the windows were opened; Mal.3, “bring you all the tithes (144,000 attributes) into the storehouse (at stargate), that there may be meatprey in My house, and prove Me, so that I would not open the windows of heaven”! The word is “prey”, not ‘meat’ — an obvious Corruption. Yes! and Ez.17:9, whole verse: about the great pillar (the tree), “it shall wither BY the (door-) leaves of her branch (glyph KHET, the terebinth), and it wont need a large army to cause it”(true – just to find it…);

2) for utter importance: Judah and the prey,
whelp-of lion Judah from·prey son-of·me you-go-up he-bows he-reclines as·lion and·as·parent-lion who? he-shall-make-rise·him
Judah [is] a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

  • ‘whelp’, H1482, “so called from it’s sojourning -H1483”, and see Nahum2:11 1 (corrupted!) same theme [do next];
  • ‘stooped down’, H3766, “every knee shall bow down”, “Bel boweth down, Nebo (Thoth) stoopeth,” Is.46:1; Jer.51:44, “and I will punish Bel in babylon (gate region), and I will bring forth out of his mouth (lionmouth=gate) that which he has swallowed”; the same type Bel as Baal-p’eor (‘open mouth’), so stargate region is of this Bel, H1168, 80 entries;
  • ‘couched (reclines)’, H7257 rabats, (-ts word); entry: “so called as quadrupeds which lie on their beasts with their feet gathered beneath them”, “to recline, to lay down” (deer-glyph ÁU as heir?);
  • ‘old lion’, H3833 labiy’, either old-lion or lioness (Ez.19); again Nahum 2, “where is the dwellingplace of the lions?”; changing vowels: H3820, leb, “heart”, 500+ entries; “and the beast was given a heart”, see Ámos page, Jonah note;”the heart, as the torso ÁB”; line:
A] “the sojourn of / lion / Judah / fromfór the (door-) leaf: / son of me, / you go ascend, / e (Bel) bows down, / (and) he lays down (judah in mid-gate) / foras the lion / for in the (lion-) heart: / (but) who / (is) he (who) shall cause to ascend he?

Bel as “baal-peor”, the open mouth deity; and compare the crouching lion (in stargate) of Tut’s vase, to right; the line is in Par with the “and the prince will sit in the east-gate” (and other strange lines in Ezekiel);
so we have now“who will close the (captured) stardoor…? , from Malachi 1,
and here“who will shall cause to ascend he (judah)..? from Genesis 49,
(causing however a next problem for us, ‘the east gate’);

note: impossible line already, the filled+broken; the only context we have is the spells using the term T’ENÁ, “portion”, and they do mention the part being broken off; we had to switch psition of both words; note: is she hersélf “the image (as statue) of false human”, as the high-priest represents to un-do?
“woe! the city of/ false bloods, / all ofas hershe / the body-by-deceit, / (being) the filled split-off: / nót / he lets to be removed / the prey (doorleaf),”

sound-of whip and·sound-of quaking wheel and·horse galloping and·chariot dancing:
The noise of a whip, and the noise of the rattling of the wheels, and of the pransing horses, and of the jumping chariots

  • ‘whip’, but from H7751 shuwt, “go to and fro”; but colour “to go through (as a sergeant inspects his platoon, or an owner walking through his property)”; álso said of “the seven eyes of IEUE who go through the whole earth”, Zach.4:10; then the whip must be ‘action by sight’; in Mahabharata, the servant-lampstand “was smilingly flailing himself”; here ‘whip’ as “reaching every part of the body”; the whip NEKHT, attribute of Osiris, related to “sound (of their stargate)”, see intermezzo,
  • ‘wheel’, used H212 as in “cherub wheel” (so not the negative -gal here); Ez.3 “and i heared the sound of the wheels, as a great rushing”;

pic: they do seem to hold the wheel at it’s new place, because of the cords (‘rushing cherub wheel’..?)

  • ‘galloping’, no root, 1x; we found West Semitic root dhr, “to be visible, to appear; to disclose, to instruct”; dhr “to roll”, “cover”, period of time, (dream, vision,brightness,splendour; from Ug.); entry also has “to go in a circle”, and since the theme is so prominent in spells, we go for that – in the sense that the ‘prancing of a horse’ is “to go round”, anyway; note how the term is singular; we don’t know what is this “horse” (in Rg-Veda as aśvin) but perhaps “the gazelle-head at upper node”, as the Anubis’ head (diagram page);
  • ‘jumping’ H7540, no root; in glyphs are several “jumping, skipping, leaping” as cluster at TEFNUT; and similarleaping was in a CT spell, but we don’t understand context yet;

note: there must be some casual reasoning here, but but we don’t understand yet enough to make a solid line,

“the sound of / the scourge as matrix-stargate / and the sound of / rushing / cherub wheel; / andfor the – rotating (?) – horse (construct) / andas the – skipping – chariot-construct,”

A] INTERMEZZO – concept: the secret Tunnel as musical ‘throat’ to the stargate
We need concepts, or we have no idea what we are translating. We are at the door now, but it seems we need a kind of region ‘in front of the door’, perhaps envisioned as a tunnel (or something similar like the Setu bridge). Above picture is the secret tunnel discovered beneath the templecomplex in Teotihuacan; and the first question is whý they bothered to go through all that trouble. But it gets interesting, when reading what the experience was from the journalist of the Smithsonian, when descending into the cave with it’s discoverer, Gómez: he describes how pieces of pyrite were deliberately embedded in the walls, and in the half-dark tunnel it was as if one stood beneath a galaxy of stars.

Fifty feet in, they stopped at a small inlet, carved into the wall (the article doesn’t relate more, but mentions ‘mercury’); but also in the top of the Grand Gallery in Giza are the strange niches, which can hardly be coincidence. But Gómez’ greatest surprise was the discovery of the treasurehouse at the énd of the tunnel – turning into a cross-shaped chamber, piled with jewelry and several statues; boxes of beetle-wings, and perhaps most intriguingly: a pair of finely carved black stone statues, each facing the wall opposite the éntryway of the chamber.


– so they knew, and have seen something: the end is the treasurechamber, right beneath the temple of the sun (Rã). At Giza, the goal of the tunnel is not the pyramid itself, but the resonance chamber (as king’s chamber), and for us is of particular interest the sinewaves “going to stand upright”, as glyph ÃHÃ — since this is all about the stargate as Voice. The same type strange niches are depicted at the entrance of the chamber; but we do not yet know how to interpret them;
but we may have a chance they are glyph KHETEM (same as hebrew chetem), “to seal up”. What could fit better “to seal-up a long cave” as a ring glyph, as if choking a throat – happening to be KHEKH\\..?


In Amos 5 we saw “..and they covered the needy tile-stones”, the KHETEM showing the stones, as the rectangle behind the ring glyph; and the same ring returns in TCHEBÃ, to right, the throwstick-like glyph as “finger” (the eden-tile is the ‘hand’, this finger then going a bit up, then bending — the bent-part must be this tunnel, as the Gallery ); top one, ‘seal’, as “great speech / (by) the finger (eden’s) / (for) willpower (eden’s) / (of) the solarplane / (by) the serpent-hand”; and lower one “the (choking) ring / (fór) the finger /…etc”. The ‘bend’ in this finger, is similar to the Mexican tunnel, where, towards the end (the treasurehouse) the tunnel was making a stoopdown of ten meters, before the entrance to the treasury; and similar is depicted in the Gallery. That this is an eden finger, should prove their counterpart, namely “claw”, ÃNT, where the -Ã as éndglyph is ‘matrix-willpower’; and if the TCHEBÃ-finger also means ‘10,000’, we may have an indication about “the deadline” – since 8000bc, the deluge; in previous pages there was already seemingly “a hint to an endpoint of a certain timeframe”. It is not the place here – but we have a large clue to follow, now.

same theme in scripture:
At note by 1) Judah, above, we also had 2) “treasurehouse”, as “the stargate without ornaments” in Malachi 1 (see page), with the Akkadian wordcluster of treasury and throne. 3) David is unpleased with Nabal (‘fool’, Orion) and he marries Abigail, who represents the stolen aspects (treasury) returned; he also marries a woman from 3) the valley of Jezreel “valley of sowing seed” (the tunnel), related to the Khoiak festival of Osiris; This Jezreel-valley is most important (see Hosea) and is there related to “hearing”; that is the theme of the stargate, as voice; (and very possible this is the “valley which will be visible when the mt. of olives is split in half”; suggesting that their (upside-down!)

bow-dome PETCH is the mt. of olives, itself — as a “blockage of [or in] the tunnel); 4) the stargate is “the corrected one, speaking flawless” (see Amos 5 page); and 5) “the needy eden tile-stones, the cover over”, Amos 5: 12 (same page) used word H5844, not chetem (khetem); 6) the evil queen Jezebel (representing the voice of evil-feminine, of this Leviathan matrix) will be devoured by Jezreel (the valley-tunnel), 2 Kings 9, and in Rev.2 she is depicted as false prophet (a prophet is a voice); 7) the entire store of Elisha and his servant Gehazi is about this theme – Gehazi as “valley+to behold”, and Elisha as “the rich+deity”, read treasurehouse; in the story of Naaman, this Naaman represents “the sick eden-stargate”, because his name means “pleasant” yet he suffered leprosy,

(see leprosy connected to ‘bandages over the mouth’, SAAIU SET, Ámos page); he had to bathe himself in the Jordan (=Watercourse) seven times (compare the Grand gallery of 7 segments), and he got healed. (the story then continues with Gehazi asking presents illegally, then hid the silver and garments in Elisha’s tower (2 x sic), being reputed by Elisha, who says “ it the tíme for treasures now?”.

connecting options:
If this tunnel, valley, is about “sound”, coming from the Lyre; then the sound can be arriving at…..”the room with gem-stones” as the treasury (depicted as the 12 gemstones of the breastplate of the priest), presumably “to have other aspects or colours added, then entering the M-realm”.The NES glyph, “tongue”, frequent in spells (to right) is that strange curved glyph — similar to the sine-wave projected in the diagram, above!, and even as glyph “part of an inclined plane” suits the angle of the temple tunnel and Gallery. The concept of “tongue” is theirs – as if “sticking it inside the tunnel-valley”, like a little boy does in the horn of an icecream;
compare the Aztec sunstone to right; In the secret tunnel were also found a series of flint/obsedian knives, which are also depicted at this sunstone, next to the head; we ‘ve to see how to get from NES- to T’ES-, now; for us it’s important, because the stepdown NESER is next, as “the island for to make speech” (and we wonder they are the ceiling-stones upon the king’s chamber..?); and the glyph NESUT, “king of upper egypt” (=south), holding a whip: now it makes sense why “the sound of the whip” is mentioned in this Nahum 3: it is about “mutilated sóund”….



tut gazelle

horseman mounting-up and·blaze-of sword and·flashing-of spear and·many-of wounded and·mass-of corpse and·there-is-no end to·the·body they-are-nstumbling and·they-stumble in·body-of·them
The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and [there is] a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcasses; and [there is] none end of [their] corpses; they stumble upon their corpses

  • ‘horseman’ H6571, parash (entry:impure), singular; ‘horseman’ in Rev. is a construct, prsh,”to scatter, seperate”, Ugar.’to collapse’, we found Akk. parâsu,”to untie, loosen, scatter”, “break off, cut off, to pierce with a spindle” (sic, KHES?); parśu, “cosmic ordinance, rites”; the gazelle-head on upper node?
  • ‘bright (blaze)’, H3851, lahab (prob. leb, ‘heart’ +); always “flame”, appears eden-colour,
  • ‘spear’, but the term was the inverted axis as firedrill TCHA-,
  • ‘slain’; obviously adamites, but colour is dificult to catch, because the fiery furnaces theme; but it must be like “personal aspects, of each admite soul, they seperated fróm the soul (now on earth)”,
  • ‘carcasses’, singular; Ez.43:7 “nor the carcasses of their kings in the high places” – also “Abraham who drove away the vultures (NEKHBET) from the carcass (was the cherub – see Abraham page and page)’ — so the mutilated cherubis “the carcass” here…? but all entries negative (2 corruptions); carcass as opposed to “bones” (valley of dry bones coming to life); why singular..?
  • ‘end’, H7079 qatseh (-ts); locative,
    in glyph pic, to right, the MENU (‘allah’) perch — it is not mere ‘mirroring’ but “inversed-mirroring”, see the sigil in front of the bird-deity where it writes ‘P.185’;
  • ‘bodies’, H1472 gêviah, but 5 x used for “the cherub bodies”, and here is * singular*,..oh wait – it is the sameas the angel in Daniel 10..? “his body (1472) was as beryl (cherub) and his face as the appearance of lightning (baraq, as above) and his eyes (sic) as lamps (7 doves, torches, together) and polished brass (as cherubs),voice as multitude (= originals, inside stargate?)”;Daniel sat at the Hiddekel (as ‘Tigris’, symbolically) river when this occurred; one of 4 eden-rivers (1 of 4 cherubs);

note: last line – we don’t know,
“the gazelle-head as upper-node / ascending / andas the (half-eden-) flame offor / the axe (great pillar), / andas (eden-) lightning ofby / the inverted axis; / and the multitude of / the slain (aspects of originals) / and asfor the heavy (awe) of / the carcass, / and there is no / end / to the cherub-body, / they (the slain) are stumbling / and they fall / in the (cherub-) body offor them,”

from·many-of prostitutions-of prostitute good-of grace possessor-of enchantments the·one-selling nations in·prostitutions-of·her and·families in·enchantments-of·her:
Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts.

  • ‘whoredoms’, but word related to “marshes”, zanah (sic,-z); suckling of horus, to right;
  • ‘grace’; not a link-word, we can only read the line “that the eden-good is their favourite”
  • ‘mistress (possssor), H1172 ba’alah, from ba’al (man,lord), but related to this place as stargate, just here as “their rule over it”; perhaps as Jezebel,”leviathan voice” (sistrum, Hathor?),
  • ‘families’, H4940, but here as ‘kindreds’ (‘two of every kindred’ of animals in the ark); better here as ‘the types of human flesh, as opposed to the spirits of the background”,

note: running line; the intent must be to
“fromas the multitude (the slain) offor / the whoredoms of / the marshes, / (being) the Good offor / to favour / evil-feminine of / sorceries, / the one selling to / the peoples (of dimensional background) / inby the whoredoms of her, / andas the Dna-type body-constructs / inof the sorceries of her,”


behold·me! to·you averment-of ieue-of hosts and·I-roll-of skirts-of·you over faces-of·you and·I-show nations nakedness-of·you and·kingdoms dishonor-of·you:
Behold, I [am] against thee, saith the LORD of hosts; and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame

  • ‘discover (roll-of)’, H1540 galah; the gal- is used (wheel), in the Ámos 5 verse of Gilgal, (in order) that / the doubled-wheel (of matrix) / toby being dis-covered / it shall be ún-covered, in that line we forgot to add the colour of ‘rolling-away’ (that from the Khemenu-mountain),

  • ‘skirts’, H7757 shuwl; mentioned is “the blue, purple and scarlet linen, and bells” upon the lower side of the priest’s garment (upon the train of the robe); and again it appears “as if the matrix placed the image of human as standing *in* the gate, ás their tree-of-life (?)”; where the train of the robe (see pic) is the gate itself? just as inside-out curtains?
  • ‘upon (over)’, H5921 ol; upon,in,over,by,for,beyond,both,through,against,forth,off,off from
  • ‘nakedness’, H4626 ma’ar (mah’ar), 1 x; H3992 ‘fretting, pricking (of thorn)”?; unclear; it cannot be “nakedness” because that would not fit the 1 kings 36:7; yet H5488 mâ’ôr, Hab.2:14, seems to show it is ‘nakedness’,

note: there are no ‘spectators’ addressed in these lines – just the “causing to be seen hér spirits and kingdoms”,
“l look! / to you, / declaration of / IEUE of / hosts; / and I un-cover (by rolling-away) of / the lower veils of you / overfrom / the countenance (an-face) of you, / and I cause to be seen / the peoples (of dimensional background) /(being) the nakedness of you, / and the kingdoms / of your shame,”

and·I-fling on·you abominations and·I-disgrace·you and·I-place·you as·spectacle
And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock

  • ‘fling’, Is.22:18 “…and fling you like a ball into a large country”

note: it’d sound logical “to fling upon you”, but that would mean IEUE is holding abominations – we consider these are “the mixtures, as abominations”, which will then be flung off her, so that her ugly face will show to the peoples on earth – see next;
“and I fling / onfrom you / the abominations (mixed images) / and I cause to wither you / and I place you / as gazingstock,”


and·he-becomes all-of ones-seeing-of·you he-shall-flit from·you and·he-says she-is-mdevastated Nineveh who he-shall-condole to·her from·where? I-shall-mseek ones-mcomforting to·you
And it shall come to pass, [that] all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste: who will bemoan her? whence shall I seek comforters for thee?

  • ‘robbed’ H7703; this is the stargate (in their rule as Nineveh), and not the gate itself will be destroyed; our question is, if Nineveh is fish-pool, then it is (the deity) SHU-glyph, north-SH-pool?
  • ‘bemoan’, H5110; colour added from root;

note: suddenly there is a “he” and “she” next to the ‘you’, which is a Red Flag: the context shows “he” is still “of her” (eventhough as mixed aspect); the Sight of them, as MAA- (to right), “sight of speech”, one of the most prominent themes in spells,
as reaped from the lampstand, the sickle-glyph; “the an-face of Sight” (not: ‘mirror’); and below as “divine Sight”,
Eye clusters: they divided 1 cluster into 2 separate ones: this as H369, the the corrupted eye-cluster, while the entries in the H370 remained the genuine “where, whence”; here, the Sight múst be related to “eye”, but this time the genuine H370 seems to apply;
“and he becomes / (namely) all of / the ones seeing by you (‘Sight’), / (that) hé shall flee / from you, / and he (Sight) says: / shé is robbed / (namely) the fish-pool (as Nineveh their stargate rule); / who / (is) he (who) shall moan (because moving-out) / tofor hér?, / (and) from where / I shall seek / ones comforting (for lost work) / tofor yóu?”

– IEUE resuming –


you-are-better from·No the·one-dwelling in·the·waterways waters round-about to·her whose rampart sea waters wall-of·her
Art thou better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers, [that had] the waters round about it, whose rampart [was] the sea, [and] her wall [was] from the sea?

  • ‘No’, glyph to right; seems to be the owner of the UAS sceptre, “sceptre / (by,as?) the adamite-soul / (for?) the imprisoned word of the Watercourse”; we are still struggling with the theme;
  • ‘Amun’, belonging to Karnak temple (of Horus) at the eastern side of Thebes, while No as the western (matrix) side; the theme here appears to be “the transponding of both sides, into the sekhet-fields ruling both sides”,
  • ‘rivers’, as H2975; nile-coloured; multiple can only be as ‘the monster within his rivers’, Ez.29,
  • ‘rampart’, H2426; trench, wall, army;

note: line refuses to run; see vignette for the canals;

note: after many attempts to make the context with above and following line, we skipped the questionmark –
deciding it has been placed erroneously (who knows..) here, because ultimately, it makes no sense here,
“you are merry / from the west-side (of matrix-existence) / (now being) the east-side (of hiddenness), / (as) the one dwelling / in the sekht-áaru canals / (having) the eden-waters / round about, / toas hershe / whose / open-place within the walls / (as?) the dimension, / the eden-waters / (being) the wall of her,”

Cush staunchness-of·her and·Egypt u·ain and·there-is-no end Put and·Libyans they-became in·help-of·you
Ethiopia and Egypt [were] her strength, and [it was] infinite; Put and Lubim were thy helpers

  • ‘strength’, H6109 ‘otsmah (-ts word), said to be “strength” and “abundance”, yet the entry writes “multitude, Nahum 3:9” (which happens to be this verse..); 6108 is unclear, too; the H6105 gets interesting: ‘atsam, “multitude” but also “sealed”, but sealed in relation to ‘eye’ (Is.33:15, 29:10 et), so per definition óur word is also either of both – “multiplied, multitude, sealed-up” but as distorted eden-aspect,
  • ‘infinite (end)’, perhaps as character of the eye (comp. Ezekiel),
  • ‘put’, no root nor context; ‘of foreign origin’, but presumably as their bow-Dome PETCH
    corruption – the eye: in green as “and there-is-no” u-ain (see line), convieniently skipped by kjv;
  • ‘libyans’, plural; not “thighs of Lybia” but ‘persons’: the TEMEH’U, as the gods’ favourite “fair-skinned” type sons, read ‘whiteskinned’, hence names of the Anakim as “alabaster” etc; from TEH’EN-cluster, “crystalline energies” (as stepdown in upper position in pic),

note: tricky line, refusing to run; we had to switch positions of “torso+increase”;
that “the Torso expánded into the fields” is possible;
“the (eden-strength) increase of her / (namely) the Torso / andinto the Sekht-fields, / andby the – infinite – eye / (being?) the matrix bow-dome; / andfor the fairskinned-sons / they became / inby help of you,”


moreover she for·the·deportation she-goes in·the·captivity moreover unweaned-children-of·her they-are-being-dashed-to-pieces in·head-of all-of streets and·over ones-being-glorious-of·her they-handle lot and·all-of great-ones·of-her they-are-chained in·the·manacles
Yet [was] she carried away, she went into captivity: her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets: and they cast lots for her honourable men, and all her great men were bound in chains

  • ‘carried-away and captivity’: as 2 different words, gowlah and shêbiy,
  • ‘dashed in pieces’ H7376; it is what the matrix has done to the new-born adamite souls;the retribution is in Hos.13:6, to Samaria (north mountain),
  • ‘streets’, H2351, see note Amos 5,
  • ‘bound’; 1x, no root; same cluster: 7570 rathach 3x, “to boil” sic; 7571 1 x same; 7577 rethuqah “silversmith casting chains”; colour is “to boil”+ “un-tie the body”, furnaces; for relevance that these fiery furnaces (for adamite originals) are intended here, see Ez.24:3-6; the pot, and bones, and cooking – by the evil city;
  • ‘against’ (3d line), H5921/2, against, for, unto, concerning, etc
  • ‘chains’, H2131 “burning darts or arrows”;

context: the spells do not mention…”technical details” about their furnaces, but indeed there appears to be some type of “waiting list” (to can get a constructed mixed body): in either ÃSH, ‘multitude’ (of proto-spirits), or in glyphs FET ‘worm’ (related to cankerworm, below?); glyph: TÁ, also “emanation, part, portion”,
the Rhind papyrus can read “every kind of / emanation”; alternatively the PEQ cluster, “foods(aspects), white linen (garment-body)”, etc., from PESHEN “to split-off”,
“because / she / (béing) forby the deportation (of eden-aspects), / she goes / into captivity (of the Watercourse): / moreover, / the children of her / are being broken to pieces / inat the summit of / all of / the ‘outthere’, / andas against / the ones being noble of her: / they cast / the lot /, and all of / the great ones (adamite-originals) ofby her / they are boiled (smelted) / inby the fiery darts (sparks),”

moreover you you-shall-be-drunk you-shall-become being-obscured moreover you you-shall-seek stronghold from·one-being-enemy
Thou also shalt be drunken: thou shalt be hid, thou also shalt seek strength because of the enemy

  • ‘drunk’; the colour seems to be “this blood is the intoxication (to the adamite soul)”; Deut.32 “I will make My arrows drunk with blood, from all the slain” (but is corruption inthere); our present blood is some mixture – that may be as ‘intoxication’ for ús, but what is drunk for them? glyph TEKH- is ‘drunk’, but from victory, owning place-T for ‘the dimensional foreground’, as major theme in the spells – the ‘hiddenness’ may refer to that, next word, and 2nd line,
  • ‘strength (stronghold)’, to H5810; from ma-owz (from staff-ma and power -az) to azaz, doubled-power (as in goat azazel); same theme again as with Bo’az; next word proves the place-T (plummet of balance), because of ‘the other’,

“therefore, / you / you shall be drunk, / you shall become / being hidden (in dimensional background), / moreover / you shall seek (back) / the stronghold as place-T / from one being the enemy,”


all-of fortresses-of·you fig-trees with firstfruits if they-are-being-swayed-to-and-fro and·they-fall on mouth-of one-eating
All thy strong holds [shall be like] fig trees with the firstripe figs: if they be shaken, they shall even fall into the mouth of the eater

  • ‘strongholds’, as H1413 mbtsar (-tz), yet H1219 vintage; batsar; the difference must be as ÁAT’s (7 original eden ones, and 7 copied ones by them) see diagram,
  • ‘fig trees’, H8384; there are glyphs but they make no sense yet; but related to ‘stripping-off’, suggesting eden also had a fig tree (perhaps as aspects fór the solarplane realm?), comp. mysterious line Joel 1: 7,

glyph pic: tê’en is close to glyph T-UN, to right; “the tree / to become new / place-T”; the context shows as “to climb upon the back of an animal”, as ‘higher up’, as ‘above the cube’,

  • ‘figs’, it doesn’t say that — “firstfruits” is exclusively eden’s, in every entry, H5973, om; note the difference with -am after ‘firstfruits’; with,unto,by,as long,from among or between

“all of / the ÁAT-regions of you / (being?) the fig trees / with / the firstfruits, ifsurely / thou are being swayed from left to right / and they fall / onin / the mouth / one eating,”


ene behold! people-of·you women in·within-of·you to·ones-being-enemies-of·you to-be-open they-are-opened gates-of land-of·you she-devours fire bars-of·you
Behold, thy people in the midst of thee [are] women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars

  • ‘women’, as the imprisoned adamite-original-gorgiouses;
  • ‘bars’, H1280, “bar of Damascus” (staff-tá); several times used for ‘bars of tabernacle’; but we still need to see what is with vertical and horizontal;

glyph: section of CT 268, IV2; (read upward), “he / the torso / (for) the word of bordersky (M-realm) / (of) speech /, (by) the females succeeded-to-acquire / (at) place-T / the word for the M-realm to make (via ad.soul)”, that is, by scr*ng them; for us this is a clue that indeed they must be a kind of…”magnet for the Watercourse to keep flowing to the north — since they are imprisoned there”;

“look!, / the people offor you / (being) the eden-women / in the midst of you / toas ones being enemies of you, / being freed (the females), / they are opened / the gates of / land of you / the eden-fire – she devours / the (horizontal-) bars of you,”


waters-of siege bail-you! for·you repair-you! fortresses-of·you come-you! in·the·mud and·tramp-you! in·the·clay repair-you! brickwork
Draw thee waters for the siege, fortify thy strong holds: go into clay, and tread the morter, make strong the brickkiln

  • ‘siege’, H4692 matsowr, (-ts word), likely from stem mat-, staff, now glued -z; Tyre built her a stronghold at that place, Zech.9; (from ‘to compress’, by staff-tá), question is what is to put here, “tower, stronghold” or an active “siege”..? for context we think the latter, since the rest of the line needs a subject,
  • ‘draw water (bail)’, H7579 sha’ab (watercourse-related), “to draw water (from a well)”,

colour: plunge in something, draw up; comp. Gideon’s army, the many who used their hands to drink, and were sent home (Gideon is about conquering the gate – we are still uncomfortable about the ‘300’ in Dan.8 page),

  • ‘clay’, H2916 tiyt; “mire, clay” but as “murky dimension”; word is close to T-T, Isis’ knot, hovering above the gate (as the lower half of priest garment..?),
  • ‘brickwork’, H4404, Jer.43:9 “and bury the two stones in the clay-floor in the brickkiln which (is) in the portal (gate) of house of Pharaoh, at Tefnet ” [checked], (Horus) house, in Tefnet (lampstand – and as tree)”;
    (see again Joel 1:7); so the TTA-glyph is *in* the gate…?

glyph: we didn’t know what name to give it, and used “metal-T” in spells, until now; yet now the “horn-type” glyph (in front of vulture) is this ‘brickkiln’, being “the fireplace in théir side of the stargate” ?; we will need review what is then with glyphs as SHETA and TCHER-, bordersky; and above that 2) a glyph “altar slab”, which has the gate-sigil to it, as the enlarged-T-shape; is the altar slab the slabs atop the king’s chamber…? or at the entrance of it? And the T-shape is related to the cross-shape of the treasury-room (just one side blocked?)
“the eden-waters offor / the illegal stronghold (Õn) / draw water you! (from Watercourse) for you; / repair you! / the ÁAT-regions of you; / come you! / in the murky realm, / and trample you! / in the clay as the mixed-land of Geb; / repair you! / the brick-kiln (fire-oven in the gate)!,”

there she-shall-devour·you fire she-shall-cut-off·you sword she-shall-devour·you as·the·grub-of-the-beetle make-yourself-heavy! as·the·grub-of-the-beetle make-yourself-heavy! as·the·locust
There shall the fire devour thee; the sword shall cut thee off, it shall eat thee up like the cankerworm: make thyself many as the cankerworm, make thyself many as the locusts

  • ‘cankerworm’, H3218 yekeq, (related to Aztec butterflies and -goddess?), said as ‘locust-larve’, said to be related to ‘to lick up’ (from the fruit and shade trees), and again the link to Gideon and the 300 of him who “licked-up the water, when drinking”; apparently also yeleq; we tried to find some root but didn’t succeed, perhaps a flipped root;

note: here must be something legal going on – the eden fire is not ‘the cankerworm’, ofcourse; but as “acting the same destructive, as théir concept of Stripping down everything from the root”; perhaps that is why the line is repeated,
“there (in the stargate) / she shall devour you / the eden-fire: / she shall cut off from you / the axe (great pillar); / she shall devour you / aslike the cankerworm: / make yourself heavy (of awe)! / as the cankerworm, / make yourself heavy (of awe)! “

you-increase ones-being-traders-of·you from·stars-of the·heavens grub-of-the-beetle he-strips and·he-is-flying-away
Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven: the cankerworm spoileth, and flieth away.

  • ‘merchants’, linked to Dedan, uncertain derivation; (Djed-pillar TCHET” related?); no root, changing yields H7400 rakiyl, “tales, slanderer”, but we can’t find a colour,
  • ‘spoileth (strips)’, we gather ‘pupation’, the transformation into the flying moth,
  • ‘fly away’, H5774 uwph (üf), (glyph ÃFF..?); colour: “covering”, verb as ‘to fly’,

note: we have no clue, but think B], see next line, belonging to this line, this line may be “the creation óf locusts by the stars (adamite females), and next line (17) how they take females to rebirth Rã (?)
A] “you increase / the ones being traders (in aspects) of you (djed) / fromforas the stars of / the mixed realms; / the cankerworm / he pupates / and it is flying away,”
B] “you increase / being the ones trading (in aspects) offor you / fromby the stars offor / the mixed realms; / the cankerworm / he pupates / and it is flying away,”


men-with-insignias-of·you as·the·locust and·marshals-of·you as·arching-caterpillar-of arching-caterpillars the·ones-camping in·the·stone-dikes in·day-of coldness sun she-rises and·they-flit-away and·not he-is-known place-of·him where·them?
Thy crowned [are] as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, [but] when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they [are].

  • ‘thy crowned (men with insignias of you)’, H4502 minnêzar; clearly concocted but from what? -azar +?, many options possible, but it seems ‘strength’, -az (as eden-power) is involved here;

entry: “princes”; in Rev. there is mentioned “something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces”, but that is all info; said as root ‘nazar’ (to seperate, etc), + miy-, “all those who”…? in full “the insignias (or crowns) (by) all those who (are set apart)”, read, by the adamite-originals? since (the angel) Miy-chael represents the latter? Isn’t the vague “insignias” kind of same with “something like a crown”?

  • ‘captains’, H2951 tiphcar, foreign; but in Jer.51 the captain is linked to caterpillars; one source claims “a professional scribe”; word as “prince of height”in mysticism;
  • ‘hedges (stone-dikes)’, H1448; “fence, wall, place fortified with a wall”, sounds like SEBT, “the walled (open) fortress where ad.originals are kept”; dream of year ago, as “a few footballfields squared, surrounded by an only 10 yards high dyke, and 2 strange rotating water-sleuces at each end; though the dyke was low, no people inside could escape out of it”; bizarre but the locusts could be stationed on that dyke,
  • ‘cold’, H7135 qarah, ‘cold’;nonsense; by changing comes up H7123 qera (was qerah, into qer),
    “to call or read out loud”; H7125 qirah “to meet, encounter”, H7136 qarah “to meet, encounter, to befall”
    (so this was the one); sounds like Vampirism, “waiting next to the souls, until encountering RÔ,
  • ‘rises’, used for Rã, but here “she”,
  • where they are’; eye theme — see “where, from where” in previous line; besides the line is maimed also in context when ‘where are they’ as “ai-m?” would be placed at the end of a sentence (questionmark is always in front of a line, and here should be at a previous word, and certainly not as suffix ),
    observation of locust and eye: the SANH’EM, to right, is difficult to translate – we think it is a step-down of another concept; the H’EM, the bowl-like glyph, is ‘woman, queen, etc”, but as imprisoned adamite;
    we consider the entire H’EM-cluster to be ‘adamite-original-female related’ (while H’ENU-t as theirs); the bowl-glyph, in context, may represent “a piece of the auric field (of that eve)”, for lack of expression,
    considered the nature of their doings with them (see line 14). Seen this way, the glyph could read “the locust/ by/ the (aura of) the adam-woman/ (as) the son”, and we think we are not afar off with this colour –
    because of the line by John in Revelation “.. and upon their heads something like golden crowns”; the ‘crown’ typically as “an aspect which rules one”, in this case, the certain eve by which he was ‘created’.
  •  1) it can explain that this rant is in this chapter – considered the grieviousness,
  •  2) the ‘insignias’ (crowns) related to the above, seem to show they are of higher rank as other spirits,
  •  3) the word ‘flee’ (dissapear) is the same word as “Sight” (MAA) did, above; the term “she” does likely not indicate Rã (that is a he, besides the line would be ‘rises/the sun); making us think that “the locusts sit upon that dyke, pick a gorgious, and he and she dissapear”. How the term ‘and not he is known (the eye)” is relating to this snatching-away, is unclear, but there IS the glyph S-NEH’EM, “to make to snatch-away”, perhaps as offshoot fróm SANH’EM.
  •  4) this line must be following 16 and ending in line 18 – it is almost as if line 16 tells: you increase BY trading aspects WITH the stars (= female originals), (then this line) SO you have insignias, THEREFORE having right to go pick néw girls, who each day ANEW go birth Rã, because by birthing Rã each day (by them), the eden-eye can nót be seen (found), doesn’t appear”

well yes… it appears rather bizarre, the above.
Yet the Maharabhata tells exact this same, of birthing the sun (see pages): we took the girl to be Eve, but in this context she can be any original; we saw that “the 7 feminine torches are freed” (also Nahum); we also know that “(our sun) Rã was installed (not there, originally)”; so the colour of the problem must be here “the continuity of Rã, until now” — because he *will go black* . The glyph “to renew continuously (by eden)” is U-HEM (hebrew-H), but strikingly close to H’EM (saturn-H’); and considered all context, we must state the option (for legal reasons), that,
“every single day, stars (female originals) are taken, in order to go birth Rã anew”.

No matter how apparently Insane to our modern thinking – it is a serious option….but question is ofcourse now, how to embed it in what we know, so far;
note: the “she” must be “the star” from previous line 16, as “the merchandise”; also see the difference “shé rises — and théy disappear”,
note: so the stargate is at the same place as Rã
“the men with insignias (crowns of the adamite-originals) ofby you / as the locusts / and princes of height of you, / as the (supreme) arching caterpillar of / the (ordinary) arching caterpillars, / (being) the ones camping / inon the earthen-walls (of the walled fortress) / infor the (every-) day of / to encounter / Rã: / she rises, / and they dissapear; / and nót / it is known / the place of himhe / the eye,”


they-slumber ones-being-shepherds-of·you king-of Assyria they-are-tabernacling nobles-of·you they-are-diffused people-of·you on the·mountains u·ain and·there-is-no one-gathering-together
Thy shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwell [in the dust]: thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth [them]

  • ‘assur’, we only found aśru, “place, land, ground, underworld, country”
  • ‘king’, here “assyria” is but the title: the locusts, as Abaddon (glyph ÁB, the mixture) are,
  • again the eye theme, here as “there is no”, we left the word and showed the ‘eye’, u-ain,

note: unclear how the eye “gathers together”,
“they slumber / thethese ones being the shepherds offor you, / (being) the king of / the underworld (as Abaddon); / they are dwelling / the nobles of you / (as mere) people of you / upon / the mountains / and (there is) no eye / one gathering together,”

there-is-no dimming to·breaking-of·you being-ill smiting-of·you all-of ones-hearing-of report-of·you they-clasp hand over·you
that on whom? not she-passed evil-of·you continually

[There is] no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?
eye cover-up:

  • ‘healing (dimming)’; H3545 kehah (1x) “healing”,
    from H3544 keheh “somewhat dark”(same meaning: 7 x)
    from H3543 kahah “his eye get’s dim/dark” (same meaning: 4x, and one is of ‘the false shepherd’)
    Now – how we get from “somewhat dark” to the very positive “healing”..? The first word is the “eye”, as ain,
  • ‘bruise’, shb, watercourse-related, “fracturing, breaking, crashing”, in the line Zep.1 “…in that day, a great cry from the fish-gate (=nineveh), and a great crashing from the hills”; note how
  • ‘clap (clasp)’, H2628 taqa,”thrust, smite, strike, to drive-in (a nail), to blow (violently)”,
    though the mind would want to connect “hand” to “clapping”, Is.22:23 as “..and I will fasten he (the VaV) as a nail in a
    sure place”, and at the same moment is the “blowing of the trumpet” (many instances),
  • ‘hands’, not really: singular here, and “handpalm, sole (of the foot)”, H3709 kaph; question is what can be ment here, because “when the VaV (nail) is placed back, the trumpet will blow”, as most important theme; the matrix-handpalm TCHERT is an option, but the concept ‘handpalm’ is too unclear, except for we know what showed the crucifixion — the serpenthand is some ‘covering by hand’?
  • ‘over’, H5921/22, many options, depending upon what is intended; against?, from off?
  • ‘that’, H3588 because,

“the eye / darkens / unto crashing ofas yóu / (being) the stargate having no ornaments; / the smiting of you (by plagues) / all of / the ones hearing of / (report) of you / they strike / the handpalm / off from (?) you, / thatbecause / who / (is) not (whom) / she passed (along) / the evil of you / always?”

——- end Nahum 3
loNe 12/6-8/17 first version –