Orion, Wormwood, and the stargate — the legal right and the great Promise: Amos 5

2/12/17 first version


Orion, Wormwood, and the stargate — the legal right and the great Promise: Amos 5

we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,

Amos 5

hear-you(p)! the·word the·this which I lifting over·you dirge house-of Israel she-falls not she-shall-again to-rise-of virgin-of Israel
she-is-abandoned on ground-of·her there-is-no one-craising-up-of·her

Hear ye this word which I take up against you, [even] a lamentation, O house of Israel. The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; [there is] none to raise her up

  • ‘fallen’, nphl, nephilim
  • ‘again’, H3254 “again, even more, the more, to add”,
    context: for some reason, this virgin Israel, likely representing the previous eden lampstand, she as the construct carrying the Watercourse flame (Judah); but because of the eden fall, the construct is abandoned – she representing that construct – and in Jer.31 is the line “I will build thee again, virgin of Israel”, but now as the merged “daughter of Tziun”, merging of both houses.
  • ‘forsaken’, H5203 “leave, be left, let go, be loosened ” [un-tie?]
  • ‘ground’; “…and God formed male from the ground”; that must be ‘of the tile’; several verse are about
    “dust of the tabernaclefloor poured in the vessel with holy water”, for ‘dust’ the same word being used,

“hear-you! / the Word / theas this / which / I / raise up / the lamentation – over you, / house of / Israel, /
she falls / (and) nót / she shall again/ ascend ofas / virgin of / Israel, /
she is un-tied / onfrom / the (adamite) ground of her / there is no / one raising up of her,”

that thus he-says my-lord IEUE the·city the·one-going-forth thousand she-shall-have-remain hundred and·the·one-going-forth hundred she-shall-have-remain ten for·house-of Israel
For thus saith the Lord GOD; The city that went out [by] a thousand shall leave an hundred, and that which went forth [by] an hundred shall leave ten, to the house of Israel
note: difficult line because no context is given, whatsoever;

the “going forth” is a typical glyph though, PER, glued to ‘the city’ here;
the point may be that “Õn is being scaled-down, becáuse of the house of Israel standing up”, see rest of chapter;
yet she will not be destroyed (just will be a desolate region), compare other prophets; the context can never be “that from the 1000 but 10 are left for the house”; and see next line,
“that / thus / he says / mylord / IEUE, / the city (crystal castle of Õn) / the one going forth / thousand(fold?) / she shall have remain / a hundred /
and the one going forth / hundred(fold?) / she shall have remain / ten, / forby the house of / Israel,”

that thus he-says ieue Yahweh to·house-of Israel seek-after-you(p)·me! and·live-you! and·must-not-be you-are-seeking-after Beth-El and·the·Gilgal not you-shall-come and·Beer~Sheba not you-shall-pass that the·Gilgal to-be-deported he-shall-be-deported and·Beth-El he-shall-become to·lawlessness
For thus saith the LORD unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live: But seek not Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, and pass not to Beersheba: for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, and Bethel shall come to nought.

  • ‘seek’, H1875, but in the sense of comprehend, seek to understand, “to learn diligently”, not merely seek; colour as “..who search the so-called depths of Satan” in book of Revelation, see next words in line; (well…we only started out the glyphs tó can find the Watercourse…)
  • ‘beer sheva’; well of the Watercourse, the 7 ewes, see Abraham page (root VI),
  • ‘pass’, H5674, but colour “to cross”, as cross a boundary (nibiru),
  • ‘gilgal’, doubled -gil, we take “doubled-wheel”, perhaps the Utcha Eye, note the ‘the gilgal’, if it were ‘the city Gilgal (city in N-israel, related to Ephraim (see page), then why “the…..”? related to the “and I will roll-off (gl) the rock form the Khemenu-mountain (see Áten, next),
  • ‘captivity’, H1540, “to make naked, disclose, reveal, discover, uncover, etc”
  • ‘come to nought (lawlesness)’; H205 aven; see how “come to nought” does not cover this word: the “plain of Aven” is always linked to “Damascus”, and for latter see end of this chapter,
  • note: see how it’s Vital to not go switch the town’s names (or other, for that matter!) – just ‘to get a comprehensible sentence’, since every of these names represents a concept – just as personal names do –
    note #: we cannot make anything else of last line; and context suggests strongly “that there is a certain timefame involved”,
    “that / thus / he says / IEUE / to the house of / Israel: / seek you to understánd from Me! / and live you!, / andit must nót be / you are seeking to understand after / the house of the deity (saturn house) / and the doubled-wheel; / (because that way) nót / you shall come / andto the well of the Watercourse, / (and that way) nót / you shall cross (the dimensional border) / (in order) that / the doubled-wheel (of matrix) / toby being dis-covered / it shall be ún-covered, / and (resulting in) the deity house / he shall become / toas the iniquity (matrix rule atop of cube),”

    inquire-you! ieue and·live-you! lest he-shall-prosper as·the·fire house-of Joseph and·she-devours and·there-is-no one-quenching for·Beth-El
    Seek the LORD, and ye shall live; lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and devour [it], and [there be] none to quench [it] in Bethel

    • ‘lest’, crucial word, wrong-listed in strong’s,
    • ‘break out (prosper)’, H6743, “to prosper, flourish”, colour absolutely eden’s – “and the word which I send, it shall accomplish…. – and prosper”; the colour of the term here is that the matrix will prosper but using Eden for that; kjv’s “break out” is based upon 1 corrupted example of 44 ‘prosper’;
    • ‘to quench’, H3518, as “the fire of IEUE”, on tabernacle-altar etc,

    note: “she”, always used for “the core-nature of a realm”, be it Eden’s or matrix,
    note: the same colouring of aspects is used here, as well – like in the spells, the colour shows who does what;
    note:again it appears “that a certain end-date has been set”, because of the “there will be no one” and the future-tense:
    the use of ‘shall’ is different as when it would write “the flame is at this moment devouring….etc”,
    (so) search to understánd! / IEUE, / and live you!, / lest / hé (matrix) shall prosper / ás the fire / (of) the house of / Joseph, / and she (now matrix-flame) devours / and there is no / (eden-) one quenching / for the house of the deity (matrix),”


    the·ones-turning to·wormwood judgment and·righteousness to·the·earth they-cause-to-rest
    Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth

    • not ‘Ye’, “the ones” is “them” here; this is about the matrix,
    • ‘turn’, H2015, “turn” 55x, then few “overturn” etc, colour: to change, transform;
      entry: ‘like a cake’; we say either “turn upside-down” or “turn inside-out”: both are valid but we consider that, because of the sequence (with next verse) here is first “upside-down” and next line 8 the “inside out”,
      1] ‘wormwood’
      H3939 la’anah; likely from ‘ îlâhin, ‘gods’, as non-scriptural term; root lnh but also ound as lnhn; we found Akk. lãnu,”form, shape”, lã,”without, not”; but probably some composite term; it is a type food, Jer.9, “feed this people wormwood (and let them drink gall)”, and “..you have turned the FRUITS of righteousness into wormwood”, Amos 6 (about “the dead bodies” glyph KHAT-, who feast upon the contents of their stolen tree); so “food” and “gods” are related here. The tree itself is their tree-of-life, as Tut’s alabaster vase; but the “crown of that tree” is ‘the whole thing’.
      ‘divine One’ and ‘evil One’
      …long time now we have fought with a concept as UÃ, “the One”; but now the concept is more clear (see further on), we can untie another cluster of glyphs — we saw the line in Zech11 page, about the “and to hire My eye was 30 silvers”, mentioning of “the one moon”; as “all of the light of the eden-tile” (compare streetlight picture, below);to right, are several UÃ, often the magically-dangerous-\\, and also a doubled-UÃ. “the willpower (eden ‘s) / as the harpoon of the matrix-word” could be an option to read UÃ, “the willpower (eden’s) / to pierce (by the harpoon) by the matrix-word” another; the meaning a bit depending upon which endglyph is added after the term.




    "the evil \\ One (as eden-willpower / to pierce for the word)
    " (with swallow-glyph) is eden’s Moon;
    while "the divine / One (as eden-willpower / to pierce for the word)"
    is their copied moon (Wormwood).
    "the evil / word /
    (by) the ‘One’ / (for) the ‘One’ "
    (the word by eden-Moon
    for the wormwood),
    "the most-b-soul-adam-like /
    doubled-‘One’ ",
    "the most-b-soul-adam / (as)
    the harpoon / (for) the ‘One’"
    "the divine / ‘One’ / (by) the evil / ‘One’
    (wormwood by the eden-Moon)
    "the staff-tá (new VaV) / (by) the evil / ‘One’"
    (staff-tá as former VaV of the eden-Moon)
    "he / the 2nd / without / the evil / ‘One’/ (as) the divine ‘One’" (written ‘one only without his second’) etc.
    difference between the "stem of a tree" and "the whole crown" of it
    Eden Moon
    whole crown
    whole crown, named ‘righteous’
    divine ‘One’ UÃ
    evil ‘One’ UÃ
    staff-tá (reed+VaV)as tree of life
    VaV (part of IEUE)

    as flame, named ‘judgement’
    difference between the "stem of a tree" and "the whole crown" of it
    Eden Moon
    whole crown
    whole crown, named ‘righteous’
    divine ‘One’ UÃ
    evil ‘One’ UÃ
    staff-tá (reed+VaV)
    as tree of life
    VaV (part of IEUE)
    as flame, named ‘judgement’

    2] ‘righteous’, H6662 tsaddiyk (eden-tz and q);
    as character-term, but Is.3 mentions “say! righteous one, that ‘the good as the fruit of their works they will eat” (corruptly translated in kjv, “the righteous” is not the same as ‘them’ ), but related to “fruit”; the incredible chapter 1 of Habakuk – where the Watercourse speaks, saying “how long will still need to look at all the violence, IEUE who are My holy one since olden times; nót We shall die;” (man, we really can’t do them all at once..); then the line, “..the wicked one encompassing-around the righteous one, therefore corrupted-judgment is going forth” (line 4); the only glyph fitting here is SHEN-, “to encircle”, implying that “the righteous one” must be…. what is a word…. for utter lack, picture to left, as “the whole light of the tile”, “for the land, south” (the lamp-pole would be then the carrying cherubs).


    She continues, “…you are watching the ones being treacherous, (and) are silent how the wicked one is swallowing-up the righteous-one for he..” (line 13);

    and also “…You are pure of eyes”, it is related to this theme (or wouldn’t be here);

    then She even mentions a term “drag-net”, as SEKH-, “hunting net”. Previously (on other page) we had the “whole light, surrounded by hail”, or “hailstorm”, “as protection”, of which Isaiah tells that “the hail will destroy their secret places” (the Sekhet fields); shown in glyph to right,

    • SHENÁT, “the hail (storm) to encircle”, but a host of other related:
    • SHENNU, “the trees to encircle”, or vintage, or forest
    • SHENT’, “acacia tree” (eden tree; all wood used at the tabernacle was acacia),
    • SHENN, “the coverings to encircle”, (into cluster N-SHEN),
    • SHENN ÁTEN, “the áten-disk the-disk-of-gold to encircle” (now it makes also sense why spells write “that the Áten-disk is rising”: that is, after having copied the Moon;
    • SHENU,”the evil oval to encircle” (the oval as tuat V lower register), “great speech the oval to encircle” — as the ‘swallowing-up’ the Watercourse described, above;

    we will need another page for the links to other clusters….


    3]’judgement’, to H8199, hundreds, to H8199 shaphat (shafat); no root;
    There is no direct link to this concept; we could (and did) go to glyphs as SHEP (close to shaphat, and undoubtedly
    the next stepdown from SHEN-, since they first encircle, then go open ); but the core of the judgment must be the VaV,
    mimicked by them in glyph UTCHÃ,
    glyph pic: to right, “(the VaV) / (for) the word (eden) / (of) the hand (eden) / (for) the M-realm / to judge”, this “judging”, UTCHÃ, being then the “placing the VaV higher Up – and Out of the Eden-Moon“; the box with the T-form upon it can depict this “placing higher up”; the VaV now becoming the firedrill TCHA-, into “the doubled \\ utcha-t eye”;
    Above that, UTCHÃ ÃHT, “the cultivated fields of Saturn / becoming to judge (eden)”, because of scroll-glyph; it is not for here — we need to work that out, still,
    “the ones turning-upside-down / the VaV-flame / tofor the matrix-One, / and the Eden-Moon / tofor the land (south) / they cause to pause,”

    ——— end part 1

    the·one-causing-to-smile devastation over strong-one and·devastation on fortress he-is-coming
    That strengtheneth the spoiled against the strong, so that the spoiled shall come against the fortress

    • ‘strengthened’, H1082 blg, “to smile, to shine”4 x, no root;
      entry: “to shine forth as the dawn”, “to laugh, shine; colour of bright countenance” [an-face] so we looked; blg perhaps from blq; only blg in Arab. balag, “to deflower, break (of dawn)”, Syr. blq, “to manifest, lust (for)”, Arab. “to open door (wholly) or shut it (abruptly)” (to open wide), “obsidian”, (obsidian must be same az the Aztecs used to make mirrors from – cherub wheel theme – but we didn’t get to post that, yet) and mablq “chisel”;

    then, finally, we found a ‘balaq’, H1110, in Nahum 10:2, “make void, make empty”; the chapter 2 is about the entry (entrance) tó their fortress, upon the eden-tile; pictured as Nineveh (see below); altogether, we must choose the “[an-] face” from the spells (also because of ‘the-one-….’); the concept of “face” a bit like “showing the nature, the character of the realm”, not just mere “light” but the nature of it; Akk. belû, ‘to extinguish’, bêlu, ‘owner, master, lord’;
    glyph pic: the “mutilated eden light” HRU, which is ‘poured out on the land south’, line 8; and below that the an-Face, H’ER, as direct derivation, “the face / of speech / of Saturn”; see how here is also the double-slash and double-deity, showing how the concept is mimicked; glyph into Horus H’ERU
    • ‘strong one’, as -az, that difficult theme of goat-azaz but also as Bo’az, who is “the separation of their dualism”, (and “the king with fierce countenance”, also in Daniel);
      after Daniel, see page, we must take it that -az, or at least -Z, is eden’s (as -tz of tziun), but that the doubling is matrix, as the same concept they practice. We may have here a similar problem as “welded glyphs”, illegal combinations as SA-, son (adamite-soul+vulture-rule), KH- house (hebrew-H+K-axis), etc., because though the singular -az is positive “in that day will be a strong city” (Jer.26:1), and the doubling (-azaz) negative (Is.43:17, 42:5, 30:2, Dan.11:12 etc),
    in Daniel appears “the king with fierce countenance” (this face!) with -AZ. Where above we had the case of “the matrix-flame prospering bý eden-aspects”, we suggest the same is going on here;
    that this king has a countenance (as nature of realm) we must assume ‘that humanity will see the crystalline realm’. That the word -az appears but few times could show it’s importance; and that it is connected to the -t in -TZ could make relate to place-T, the focal point of (either) realm, as the plummet of the great balance.
    • ‘against (over)’ H5921, upon, in, on, over, by, for, both, beyond, through, against, beside, forth, off, from off; important because linked to -az;
    • ‘spoiled’, destruction, robbery, spoil, desolation — 2 x same word used in line; the vintage is stólen;
    • ‘fortress’ H4013, mabtzar ”
      from H1219 ‘Vintage’, see page, as a fenced place belonging to the adamite-originals (who may be named here ‘trees’, perhaps as the line “the trees of eden”); in that chapter the spirits and lions will howl when the Vintage will be taken awáy from them — but here is still the act of robbing it. We must conclude that the Vintage is in spells, “the fortress” is MENU, the ámen-corner in diagrams (above lampstand), Again here the -TZ, and since the Vintage will descénd, we may have a case for the place-T theme here,

    note: -AZ not as adjective but “strong one”, and considered the incredible importance of the plummet (place-T) in the spells, we have little option as below; remember how the Vintage is atop of the split-off Watercourse, north,
    “the one Countenance of the matrix-dawn / (is) the robbery / of / eden-place-T of power, / and the robbery / it is entering / through / the Vintage,”

    they-hate in·the·gate one-correcting and·one-speaking flawless they-are-abhorring
    They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly

    • ‘hate’, H8130 sane’, extensive but no root; since the overall meaning of the clusters are related, H8132 shana, “to alter, change” (3x), which can explain the ‘to hate’; H8133 shena “to violate, to change, to alter”, so that must be the reason,
    • ‘gate’, H8179, neutral; but the ‘hate’ must have an object, hence the gate; “northward, at the gate of the altar, was the image of jealousy (Cain):, Ez.; so the ‘stargate SBA’ cannot be too heavy here,
    • ‘one correcting (rebuketh)’, H3198; entry:”to be in the front, forepart; hence figuratively to be in the sunshine, to be clear, manifest, to appear” (which reminds immediately of H’ÃT); “show, argue, correct” as main meanings – likely “as the music to correct the M-realm”,

    note: sending ‘dancing light’ from the Lyre through the stargate,
    “they hate (them wanting to alter) / inas the stargate / the corrected one (eden’s), / andas the one speaking the right order (gate when eden’s) / flawless, / they are abhorring (that),”

    therefore because to-trample-of·you on one-poor-of and·load-of cereal you-are-taking from·him houses-of trimmed-stone you-build and·not you-shall-dwell in·them vineyards-of coveted you-plant and·not you-shall-drink
    Forasmuch therefore as your treading [is] upon the poor, and ye take from him burdens of wheat: ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have planted pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink wine of them

    • ‘poor’, H1800, ‘something hanging (and) swinging, hence the leaf of a door”, entry; curtain;
      the idea in this line is “the Valve of the stargate”, to let essence in or send essence out ,
      as “a doorleaf swinging both ways”; entry: “once used for the door for the lips, the mouth”, sic, from·woman-lying-down-of bosom-of·you keep-you! portals-of mouth-of·you, and compare to right, the stargate at the height of her breasts, implying this ‘doorleaf’ must be there, as the place in Job 38, where “a door and bolt were placed, when creating Eden” (previous verse 10 telling this is a “corrected gate”),
    • ‘burdens’, H4864 mas-eth, “burden,sign”, unclear; the word is also ‘flame’ (related to benjamin and pillar of smoke), ‘flames as lifing-up (hands)’; another one in Jer.6:1 “benjamin, blow the trumpet in Tekoa (‘to blow’) and place on the house-of-the-vineyard and ascend the flame, because evil is gazing from the north”; added: the region of the AscendingFlame, see line 12,
    • ‘wheat’, tricky: H1304 shows many ‘corn’, and entry is sure; but corn is NEPER glyph, and nót the same as wheat in symbology; root H1305 barar is negative, ‘purge, to purify’ in the prophets – so ‘corn’ must be the colour; NEPER as “the essence / offor speech / for the root / of existence (matrix)”, as ‘the gifts, previously’,
    • ‘hewn’, is always negative, see ‘hewn cistern’ or Is.9:10,
    • ‘coveted (pleasant)’, H but showing negative; the assyrian males projected on the bordersky, and H2530 show “that the fruits of the tree of good and evil looked pleasant”; all instances negative, 1 x corruption,
      the “vineyards of matrix-pleasantness” is “the SekhetÁaru fields, see vignette BD 101,

    note: addressing the house of Israel again
    “therefore, / because / you cáuse to be trampled / upon / the one weakened-doorleaf (of stargate), / and the ascend ofas / aspects (corn) / you are causing to seize / forby him; / the houses of / trimmed stone / you cause to be build, / andyet not / yóu shall dwell / in them, / vineyards of / matrix-pleasantness / you cause to be planted, / andyet nót / yóu shall drink / wine of them,”

    ———————-end 4

    that I-know many-ones transgressions-of·you and·staunch-ones sins-of·you ones-distressing-of righteous-one ones-taking-of propitiatory-shelter and·needy-ones in·the·gate they-turn-aside
    For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate [from their right].

    • ‘for (that)’, H3588, we chose ‘because’, ‘transgressions’, H6588 pesha, we suggested the PESHEN, to cleave, as before; the colour of the term “to cut oneself off from another”, to separate; and because the lampstand was so defect, the matrix could steal a lot of aspects –
    • ‘mighty’, toH6105 atzum; used for eden but is a stolen aspect (-tz), mightier as superlative; but the colour must be “.. that the mixed-aspects of the matrix are now eden-pówered”,
    • ‘sins’, H2403, difficult to see the colour, but we suggest “a mixture, mixing, being mixed”, whether in thoughts or as this physical body; the “speckled, mottled” as AB- mixture (the leopard in Revelation and mottled snakes in every amtuat hour);
    • ‘afflict’, H6887 ts-arar; entry:”to press, compress” (dimensionally), “straightened, be pressed”, also as “oppress” (several times); another -TZ here so eden-aspect: next word is the sceptre VaV, here said the “VaV as the staff-tá is now pressing-upon the Dome”,
    • ‘bribe (propitiatory shelter)’,
      H3724 kopher “village”, pitch; cypress”; the pitch is used once by Noah’s ark; the 1 x villages is an obvious corruption; several “bribe, ransom” remaining the only valid ones, to H3772 kaphar, “atonement” (71x) as “to cover”; the covering here in spiritual sense, read “in place of (the subject)”, likely the dome over the tile (compare cherub wings over ark), the “Emerald Dome” described by Ezekiel and also by Henoch — will be restored again (pic)
    • ‘poor (needy ones)’, H34 ‘ebyown; the tricky ab-cluster; but ‘abn’ is always the eden-tile. We suspect these “stone-tiles” are “like stepping-stones, from the eden-tile to the stargate”, and glyphs made “the stairway” from it, to right; we think these stepping-stones (forming a construct) to be the top-part of the glyph TCHEBÃ, ‘finger’, into THEBT, “sandal” (because 2x sandals are with H34),but theme continued in Malachi 1, below,
    – ‘[from their right] (they turn aside)’, kjv skipped; we found it to be H5844; ‘atah; “cover, cover over”, 1 x ‘turn aside’; “to wrap up, roll up”; most likely related cluster: root H6256 ‘eth, “time, season” (large cluster); to H5703,’ed,”forever,ever”(large); H5710 ‘adah, “to adorn, see next Malachi 1 page — about “the only gift I want is someone close the double door” but used word H5844 “to cover”: Lev, 13 “.. he shall put a covering upon his lip”, we are now at the stargate “speaking to the M-realm”; and compare previous line “they hate it’s speech”, and compare glyph below: as SAAIU SET,
    “fetters of Set; bandages placed over the mouth”, but this is the eden-tile ST; “the place-T of the adamite soul / the words of m-b-soul-adam to guard”, the SA- being “the son construct (guarding the eden-tile)”. In a very obscure passage in Ez.24:17-24 (because corrupted) returns the theme (about this sanctuary) “put thy sandals on, and cover nót thou lips”; ultimately related to ‘opening of the mouth’, line 27; see Malachi page,

    In Micah 3, a marvellous Rant against false teachers and prophets, who distort the truths to the houses Israel and Judah, “devouring My people” (the chapter is corrupted – but we’ll get there), this time “the false prophets will muffle their upper lip”, “..because there will be no answer from the deities (of them)”, vs 7; line,
    “thatbecause / I know / the many / separations (of eden aspects) caused ofby you, / and the eden-powered ones / (as) the mixtures ofby you; / the ones ofby pressing / the Whole Light / (and) the ones ofby seizing / the dome of Emerald Light, / and the (needy) eden tile-stones / inas the eden-stargate, / they cover.”

    therefore the·one-being-intelligent in·the·time the·she he-shall-be-still that time evil she
    Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it [is] an evil time

    • ‘silence’; H1826, but in (the few) prophets it is in negative sense; Jer.49 “young men shall be cut off”, Jer.48 “thou shall be cut down, madmen (of Moab)”, read, bé silenced,
    • ‘evil’, H7489, likely no coincidence as “ra” (root ‘raa) (442x), as RÃ, in Henoch described as “the son of the serpent, called taâbet”, and compare the Aztec sun-serpent; the ‘she’ always denotes “the core-nature of a realm”, like the Watercourse is a ‘she’ (and as the sparkling amber-coloured being, ascending; in Ezekiel); question is why the “he shall be” (can hardly be ‘it’); perhaps the “Isis with phallus” theme..? to show that “the evil she” is factually a “he (nature)”..? But what is the difference between “the she” and “she”..?
      – the balancepoint of the stanza must be after “the she”;

    context: this is most certainly nót an exhortation “for the prudent to keep silence”, but the opposite; previously was described the horrible situation going on, line 12; next following the “that is why enquire you!”, line 14, then this line 13 is a conclusion: “therefore,…”; we tried many versions, as first ‘she’ being the Watercourse, etc; but then considered it the cause and result, as “by to understand the náture of she, it will cause the moment she will be silenced” ; the word ‘season’ and ‘time’ both being H6256, but “season” is a typical term in glyphs for “season of rule”, while “time” is here “in that moment”, we feel the entire message OF this chapter is that promise: by understánding…. (cause that is all we can do…),
    “therefore, / the one (who is) being insightful / inof the séason / (being) the ‘she’, / heit shall cause to be silenced / that / time / the evil / ‘she’ (core of matrix),”

    line 14
    inquire-you! good and·must-not-be evil so-that you-shall-live and·he-shall-become so eue Yahweh Elohim-of hosts with·you as·which you-say
    Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken

    ‘as (so)’; skipped in kjv, to right is the term,
    we located it as H3651 ken (kãn); main colour “upright, honest”, the entry noting “rechtlich”, German for “rightfully”, which is crucial in this matter: legal right; só important is this term, that Gen. 1:7 writes “….and God devided the waters…and it was so”; akin to the term “So Be It”, “… and it was rightfully so”,

    1) now we also understand esau’s tampering with Is.16, (we missed that, in the page; eventhough we wondered already the many brackets), ‘We have heard of the pride of Moab; [he is] very proud: [even] of his haughtiness, and his pride, and his wrath: [but] his lies [shall] not [be] so’, theirs; from: pride-of·him and·pomp-of·him and·rage-of·him not so pretenses-of·him;
    context “not RIGHTFUL, the pretenses of him”.
    the word is nót just any “therefore, thus, thus so, correct” etc, but it is a term based upon a true theme; “rightfully, a man shall leave his father..”; then “we are upright men…” (said by the brothers to Joseph) but should be “sons of uprightness”; Jer.38:4 (corrupted! because it shóuld write),
    “… the princes said, let this man be put to death, because RIGHTFULNESS weakens the hands of the men”;
    Gen.42,”(and Joseph) gave them provisions for the way, and UPRIGHTNESS did he unto them”, etc. The above is no nitpicking, because the line is important;
    root of this word is H3559 is “stability”, what we saw in Daniel 8, in future tense:
    “the house of IEUE shall be established atop of the mountains (double-mountain)”, Micha 4;
    suggesting strongly a context of a future-tense promise through a present genuine declaration! The “which you say” we would use as “just as you declare”,
    but please read the context of the line: it is the “declaring of understanding of what was said befóre (in chapter)”!
    Thát is the real reason “things will change”: because “the adamite-soul has said so” —
    [it will not change because ‘the soul said it’, but because IEUE will add the legal weight to that:
    (that’s what it says in this line) – but because the adamite-soul is so deceived in all he is declaring (talking), the spells constantly mention how that is their goal, it is killing for them, when the adamite-soul will declare truths. That only can be the intent of this line.

“(so,) search to understánd you! / the Good, / and (because it) must not be / the evil, / sobut that / you shall líve, / and heit shall become / rightful / (because) IEUE / Deity of / hosts / (is) with you / asin which / you say,”

hate-you evil and·love-you! good and·put-you! in·the·gate judgment perhaps he-shall-be-gracious ieue Yahweh Elohim-of hosts remnant-of Joseph
Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph

  • ‘establish (put you)’; H3322 yatzag (-tz); “to set, to place”, context of “Jacob who set upright the (mixed) axis”, Gen.30:38; when the philistines (giants) set the ark
    in front of Dagon (their Án-fish soul; vatican)”, 1 Sam.5:2; colour: as previous stolen eden-aspect (the ark, etc),
  • ‘establish (put-you)’, H3322 yatsag (-tz); colour ‘to make to stand’; Gen.30, Jacob placing the rods in the troughs, more ‘make to stand’ as the mere ‘to place’; other entries have this colour, as well;
  • ‘perhaps (may be)’; diffused in kjv; H194, entry: “if not, unless, whether not, etc”;colour: “causing to result in”, in entry Gen12:16, 1Ki 18:5; “that is the reason causing”, Ex.32:30, Zep.2:3; not sure which of the two,
to right: so the stargate is the cloud (where the column hits the cloud), as the lionmouth -R the fire-column the VaV-sceptre, and the campment-setup itself “the setup at that gate (when eden’s)”, just here projected upon ground, below (?)
  • ‘gracious’, from root H2583 chanah, “to camp, dwell, encamp, pitched”, but colour “to pitch”, which suitsthe aspect of VaV as ‘pierce’;”and I will encamp about My house”, Zech.9; and Is.29 about “woe to Ariel”, Ariel being the “Lion-deity” as lion-mouth, glyph R-lion, in vs.4 “you shall not speak but only whisper”,and the same “I encamp around you” — but who encamps who here..?
  • ‘Joseph’, since not’Israel’ here, we must assume the meaning of the name is intended,

note: the exhortation “make to stand!” — that must be “by understanding what is going on at that gate”,
see Malachi page,
“hate you (the altering)! the evil / and love you! the Good / and make to stand you! / in the stargate / the flame-sceptre VaV, / causing to result in / he shall encamp / IEUE / Deity of / hosts / the remnant offor / to increase (Joseph),”

–end 6


lkn therefore thus he-says ieue Elohim-of hosts my-Lord in·all-of squares wailing and·in·all-of streets they-shall-say woe! woe!
and·they-call farmer to mourning and·wailing for ones-knowing-of plaint

Therefore the LORD, the God of hosts, the Lord, saith thus; Wailing [shall be] in all streets; and they shall say in all the highways, Alas! alas! and they shall call the husbandman to mourning, and such as are skilful of lamentation to wailing

  • ‘streets’ but from H7339 rachab; previous land south as ‘dragon’ theme; the theme is “wide” as ‘dimensional width’, (and to ‘south’, since Rachab), we think “the cauldron ABT’U” (see diagram),
  • ‘wailing’, H5595, Micha 1:5 “wailing (micepd) like the dragons (thanniyn), and mourning (ebel) as the daughters of the owl (bath)”; dragons as in Levia-than; problem is a bit which term to use (since multiple), but think the Sekht-fields, or tree-of-life, the ‘owl’ was of Bashan, M-realm, so also ‘constructs’ but perhaps as ‘devices’; where in spells is used ‘son-constructs’ here perhaps as ‘daughters’,
  • ‘highways’, but from H2351 “outside, without”, difficult colour; ‘other side’..? outthere? the term is used negative as “Tyre (crystal castle) built herself a stronghold, with gold as the mire of the streets (outthere)”,



  • ‘husbandman (farmer)’, ‘ikkar H406; unclear; for the same cluster we went to H5916 akar, “to disturb or trouble water; to stir, to make trouble”, rather cognate with ‘ploughing’;
    Jer51:13 “..I will break the husbandman and his yoke of oxen – and with thee (= in you) I will break in pieces captains and rulers” (corrupted — because the place is Sekhet-áaru here); also vs 19 is corrupted, not ‘tribe’ but must be “birthright”: “the portion (territory, position) of / Jacob / that / one forming(creating) of / the all / he / and birthright of / allotment of him / IEUE / name of him”; point is that “the horus-spirits are bý the stolen birthright”; in CT is a few times H’EN-TÁ-TiU, staff-tá (the VaV when north) as “horus-spirits ploughing with staff-tá for the blossom of Saturn”; this theme must supersed the other ploughing- and reaping glyphs,
  • ‘mourning’, H60 ‘ebel; Hos.10:5 “the people of Bethaven will mourn”, aven is ‘the empty plain’, “and IEUE shall touch that land, and it shall melt”, Amos 9:5, suggesting Geb, land upon cube;

glyph pic: above, Sekhet Áaru fields, from Ani papyrus, H’ENT\\TiU, but rare in spells, “the horus-spirit \\ (by) the blossom (eden-word) for existence by Saturn”, /li>

  • ‘lamentation’; related to ramah, Jer.31,.a voice was heared in Ramah, as lamentation “, as “high place”; glyph QA-, to QAR\\ (to important QER), “to force \\ the mouth in the high place”, lion-mouth,

“therefore, / thus / he says / IEUE / Deity of / hosts, mylord: / and in all of / the wide places (of the cauldron) / (is) the wailing (for matrix-feminine-constructs), / and in all of / the ‘outthere’ / they shall say / woe! / woe!, / and they cry out tofor / the the staff-tá / toin / mourning (for the son-devices), / and the wailing (for matrix-feminine-constructs) / forby / the ones (who) know of / the lamentation (the high-place as lion-mouth),”


and·in·all-of vineyards wailing that I-shall-pass in·within-of·you he-says ieue woe! the·ones-yearning-for day-of ieue to·what? this to·you day-of ieue he darkness and·not light
And in all vineyards [shall be] wailing: for I will pass through thee, saith the LORD. 17 Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end [is] it for you? the day of the LORD [is] darkness, and not light

  • ‘for (that)’, H3588, that, because, for, if, surely
  • ‘pass through (pass)’, H5674 ‘through’; nót the same as the crucial “shall cross over to yóu” in Malachi 1, but here ‘through the Sekht-fields’,
  • ‘thee’ — but this is not directed to the field but to Israel: Me being within you; perhaps this is the “half hour silence” in Revelation..?
  • ‘darkness’, as “darkness was upon waters of deep (south)”, comp. tao in diagram,

note: the “not to desire that day” must be “because not all who believe automatically escape that day”…? For us that is a bit tricky – yes to desire the event of the change, ofcourse – yet not thát aspect,
“and in all of / the vineyards (in Sekht-fields) / the wailing (as constructs) / thatbecause / I shall pass through / inby (being) within of you , / he says / IEUE, / (but) woe! / the ones yearning for / the day of / IEUE, / what / (will) this (be) / to you?, / the day of / IEUE / (is) he / the darkness (of M-realm), / and nót / the light,”



as·which he-is-fleeing man from·faces-of the·lion and·he-comes-on·him the·bear and·he-enters the·house and·he-supports hand-of·him on the·sidewall and·he-bites·him the·serpent
As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him

  • ‘met (comes on)’ H6293; “to strike upon, to rush upon, to reach”,
  • ‘serpent-animal’; we don’t want to “overdo it” but there must be more here as “just a bear example”: the word used is nachasch, same as the one talking at their tree of good and evil (their dualism);

pic: emaze.com

the “wall” may depict the dimensional Veils (around a human), which can be suddenly removed by any entity showing himself to the adamite soul…yes that indeed will be Horror – it is right that this line has been inserted here…. (compare, in page about 30 silvers, how “this flesh body was agreed upon, by IEUE – for Saturn to make it – as protéction for the adamite soul: this flesh is so blind, that the soul is not even aware of that realm…),
“which (will be) as / he fleeing / mankind (as man) / from the face of / the lion (matrix-nature) / and but he rushes upon him / the bear (solarplane-dimension), / and he enters / the house / and he supports / the hand / on / the sidewall / and he bites him / the serpent-animal (beings?),”



?·not darkness day-of ieue and·not light and·gloom and·not brightness to·him
[Shall] not the day of the LORD [be] darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?

  • ‘very dark (gloom)’, H651 aphel, but 1x; if we change the vowels we come by H648 aphiyl, “slow growth, not ripe” (?), Ex.9:32; bit deliberate corruption;
  • ‘brightness’ H5051, used for both realms, but once for the Emerald Dome (Ezekiel),

note: line is juxtaposing ‘darkness’ with ‘fullgrown light and brightness’, we added —
“(is it) not / covering darkness (of M-realm) / the day of / IEUE — / and nót / light (eden) / and fullgrown (?), / and nót / toas himhe – the brightness (eden)?,”


21 conclusion of chapter

I-hate I-reject celebrations-of·you and·not I-shall-smell in·days-of-restraint-of·you
I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

  • ‘solemn assemblies’, from H5113 atsar; “primary idea of enclosing, surrounding”, (-tz word), the “hold back, detain, restrain”; the word used several times each time Jeremiah is in prison, but with meaning as “the ascension (jeremiah) is restrained”; our word H6116 ‘atsarah, the colour as “the restraint from work”, very much like Shiloh, “.. you will have a solemn assembly at the eight day”, when all is completed – read, the change,

note: there’s something with the “I hate-I despise”, but we fail to see,
I hate (alteration) / I despise / your feasts / and nót / I shall breathe (give breath-air) / in days you are being gathered together,” +


that if you-are-cbringing-up to·me ascent-offerings and·presents-of·you not I-shall-accept and·peace-offering-of fatlings-of·you not I-shall-clook
Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept [them]: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts

  • ‘though (if)’, H518; conditional clause; kjv skipped the start of line ‘that’, but context is still
    “the time of imprisoning crystalline, and at thát time there will be no response”;
    the “peace-offering” fits this context, being the offering for the situation of this mixed-dimension;

“that, / when (at that time) / you are sending up / to me / burnt offerings / and tributes of you, / nót / I shall accept; / and the peace offering (!) of / the fatlings of you / nót / I shall pay attention to,”


take-away-you! from·on·me clamor-of songs-of·you and·melody-of zithers-of·you not I-shall-hear
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols
note: corrupted chapter

  • ‘take away’, H5493, “turn aside, go away, take or put away, remove”,
  • ‘from’, H5921, upon, in, over, by, for, both, beyond, through, against, beside, forth, off, from off, so the “from” isn’t even listed,
  • ‘noise’, H1995, as ‘tumult’ – yet there’s a Trick here: multitude (62x), and noise (4x) only by extension; the problem is Amos 8, where indeed the “songs are stopped, and dead bodies piled”, TWO verses, making us to wonder why is said (because twice) ‘pay attention!’; suggesting that chapter 8 is the result of this chapter 5, yet not exactly meaning the same,
  • ‘songs’, H7891 “sing, singers, song, songs; perhaps by corruption “wall” (similar word),
  • ‘melody’, H2167 zamar, but entry “to pluck, to prune, especially the vine”, followed by 30 instances in psalms, but no prophets (red flag); we had this ZMR before, no prophets, and thankfully used to the other word ‘zither’ (also questionable); from root z-m-r we found “strength”, “protection”, (but probably from dmr); zimrã, “choice products”; apparently Aram. zemãr
    would be ‘music, from plucking strings’ (all fine – but we need the prophets, we feel it’s a trick), “to ascribe might to the deity”; from dictionary, Akk, zamar “quickly”, zamãru ‘to play, a song’, zamû,’outer corner, foremost, corner pillar’; When changing vowels we find: zemer, H2169, “deer or antelope”, Deut.14:5, as edible animal; H2158 zamir ‘song’ (6x), H2159 zamiyr, “(evil) branch”; from ‘to prune’ H2168 3 x, Is. and Lev.; H2156 zêmourah, seems like a currupted eden-vine (4 occ.), next word ZamZamin (giants-canaan); we concluse it’s “mixed aspects” this cluster (gazelle, zamzamin, evil branch),
  • ‘viols’, H5035 nebel; “skin bottle” (used as wine bottle, etc), only by extension ‘psalteries (musical instrument)’ (12x); in prophets both bottles and viols [2 curruptions]; but context is “this physical body” (sackcloth); as Jes.30,Jer.48; as glyphs SHET’, context still about “trapped adamites”; when changing vowels, then H5037 Nabal, “fool” (sic!), as we just had by David and the Karmel,

context note: though we agree the official line sounds ‘logical’, the different words used appear concocted — we consider the whole stanza (tell problem — tell what happens — exhortation how bad it will be — now say “do it” —so the sceptre will return (next verse) —- but you gave only small gifts (verse after that) —- etc.
— preliminary line: we can only know after doing Amos 6:
(therefore, grow up now, and) cáuse you to be taken away! / fromunto me / the múltitude byas / your songs, / and mixed-aspects of / foolishnesses of you / nót / I shall hearken,” +


and·he-shall-roll as·the·waters judgment and·righteousness as·watercourse perennia
But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream
corrupted line

  • ‘run down’, H1556, galal; the term is exclusively used for “rolling down the rock from the Khenemu-mountain” (the double-wheel galgal); very Negative, but therefore impossible to relate it to eden-waters; use only as “to roll (up,down)”,
  • ‘mighty’, H386, ‘eythan; “might, strength”, only here placed in river context; no colour we could figure, not even find similar but then came H860 ‘athoun, “ass, donkey” (sic!),
    entry now saying “probably the same as H386”

  • 1) H861 ‘atuwn (aramaic), “furnace” (sic-sic!); the furnace of Daniel and 3 friends; read: the furnace of Thoth (nebukadnezzar); H686 ‘ethnan, “hire”, colour: the recompense for the using the 30 silvers (12x); the PETCH-dome having been “hired”..?
  • a) Áten?
    the term “eythan” is similar to Áten… – it is also ‘a furnace’ (Daniel) even as construct of Thoth… the “roll-down” is consistently related to ‘from the Khemenu-mountain” (a doubled-wheel)… – the donkey used by Balaam ‘spoke’ (was opened the mouth); we found in dict. Akkad. atânu, “female donkey”, but sadly no cluster to it;
Genesis 49:
about Joseph, “but the archers have shot many arrows at him ” (vs 23), ‘arrows’ always being the word of the matrix (compare tuat XI, s-un and sesher-glyphs), then,
“But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty [God] of Jacob; (from thence [is] the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)
and·she-is-being-located in·perennial bow-of·him and·they-are-being-supple arms-of hands-of·him from·hands-of one-sturdy-of Jacob from·there one-shepherding stone-of ishral
“and she (matrix-‘she’?) is being located (!) / inas the mighty (áten) / bow (-dome) ofas himhe, / and they are being the flexible (pazuzu) / (fore)arms ofas (d.wp) / hands of him, / frómas the hands / one strong ofas (eden) / the (eden) crafted supplant / from there / one shepherding / the stone of / Ishrael”

No we don’t get it.
the “she”, yes; but how this, following the “grievous arrows”…?
The grievious arrows FROM the ‘she’ who is located IN the petch-dome?

  • ‘abode (she is being located)’, H3427 yashab; yes we can see “to dwell, abode” etc, but would never have seen the “SHE is béing located”….
  • ‘bow’, as Dome, both ways: emerald Dome and PETCH-dome; “your bow pertch- will fall out your left, the arrows out your right hand (to Gog); “break the bow petch- of Israel in the valley of Jezreel

1) the bow-PETCH is IN the valley of Jezreel; 2) “great shall be the day of Jezreel”, Hos.1:11, where the children of Israel and Juda will be gathered — that looks like “the cleaving of the mountain of Olives: “and a pathway as valley will appear, eastwards”, mt. of Olives representing the PETCH-bow, which “will be broken (in two halves)”, and see Quarnain, below;

this valley Jezreel can very well be the Setu-bridge of Ramayana (see page), as the gallery in the pyramid; Jezreel as “to sow seed as the deity”, and see KAh’erKA below,

  • ‘strength (supple)’, “supple as flexible, without breaking, flexible — different as just strong”, no root; H6338 “a throne of ivory overlaid with supple gold” (ivory is dead-bodies-theme);, Ass. PaZaZu, from Aram. p^zôza, “made out of fine gold” — again the gold. We found Ass. pâśu, “axe,adze” (glyphs), paśâśu, “to dissapear”, paśIśu,”sorcerer, magic, spell, incantation”
  • ‘mighty (sturdy)’, ‘abiyr’, into ‘eber (hebrew), [opposite of ‘arab, ‘spiritual darkness’],

a) female monster Lamasthu likely the watercourse, understand inverse ofcourse: that she was kidnapped children while the were being breastfeeded, is already
the completed situation, when they installed their breast MENTCH-; she is pictured as bird, part lion, long talons, donkey-face, and often sits or stands upon a donkey (see pic), the donkey then being the eden Dome — and ‘opened’ here, because she holds two bows (meaning the dome is doubled now, by them); and she bore seven names or attributes (as the theme of the seven cows, or seven stars – we’re still pursuing); in dictionary are Akk. lamaśtu,”demon”, and in same cluster “a tree; to change status, to turn around”.

pic: to right, is seen a striking resemblance to the set-up of registers in amtuat and tombs; the foods are visible, even the bead for the dead-body (centre); for us is important that at both sides of the couch are the deities (one here the fish-soul god dagon), the scene just like the deities standing around their tree of life: so the latter must be IN or right beneath the stargate;

pic#2: from book of Gates; the ass (the male on the floor) held by ropes;the positioning is similar to the opened-dome in the Lamasthu relief; we still study what is the deal here,

b) demon Pazazu aka quranic Zul Qarnain – building their PETCH dome,
little information, except the Akkadian terms, below; he likely holds-up the plaquette of Lamasthu, previously, so the head still visible is of Pazazu — at the back of the plate he is shown having the same wings and feet, the lower half of the body as a bull — indicating he is either the Behemoth lampstand, or the concept KA-spirit as “doubling”: that he is “pointing up- and downwards”, and is shown as “bull”, shows both are possible. Then the demon Zul Quarnain, the horned canaanite deity, in quran sura 18; dictionary Akk. qarnu, “axle (sic), horn”, “horn, finger” (tchbã); the -z probably -d,êlu, single, sole”, (glyph UÃ); he was ordered by allah (glyph MENU) to “inbetween two mountains build a wall of iron bricks and molten lead”, and “in order to seperate the humans from the evil ones”, etc; the “between 2 mountains” obviously as bow-shape. note: we can’t translate proper because we don’t get the concepts yet of “valley of stargate”,
“and he shall cause to be rolled-down / asby the eden-waters / the flame-sceptre VaV, / and the Whole Light / asfor the river valley / (being) the mighty (disk),”


?·sacrifices and·present you-brought-close to·me in·the·wilderness forty year house-of Israel
Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?

  • ‘offered (present)’, H5066 nagash, “come or draw near”, but negative because alike nagash (serpent), “to approach, come near”, overtly Negative (Ez.9:6), and most interesting Amos 6, “ye that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near”: it not only supports a set timeframe, but also here is a juxtaposition — the same with the problematic line of ‘sing’, here above;
  • ‘forty’, we are searching some clue in this bizarre sentence (as it is now); ’40’ can be either 2000 years (40 jubilees); the 40 days of Jonah; but we suppose the former, see last verse,

note: we know it’s a stretch, the line like this; but it’s rather unclear – it should be connected to next line 26 “and”;
“(But are) the sacrifices / andas the gift / you (negatively) caused to bring close / to me / inas the 2000 year wilderness, / house of / Israel? ”

But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves

  • ‘borne’, H5375 “lift, bear up, carry, take, etc”, the THES-support, see diagrams, as stepdown of TCHES,
  • ‘sakkuth’ to H5519 ‘multitude’ (unusable), entry: “thicket of trees” (sumer tree), linking to Is.10, “and the thornbush (Õn’s tree of life) will be devoured in 1 day”; line 18 being very peculiar, Akk. sukku, “chair, throne, seat, dwelling”,

glyph pic: the goddess of succoth is the ‘house of Saturn’ H’ET, as sumerian Ninhurság; but here that house still has to be máde, by the QER-circle (as QAR\\, before): the place of Succoth is here “place-T for the k-axis to connect to”; and above that “mould from which the model of Osiris was made”, hence the endglyph must then be “the pot”, “the pot(s) / (of) place-T of the saturn-wick / (for) speech / (by) the q-axis”, see next glyph-pic, likely related to “the 4” NEMES-jars and “four of the hand of he”, still tricky themes for us,

  • ‘chiun’, H3594 kiyun, no colour, to H3559 kuwn, “to be established, fixed”, and looking at the entrances, it seems a non-eden term. It is difficult to match this one with glyphs, because this theme has many aspects;

1) this kiyun must be the same as ‘Rephan (remphan)’ in Acts 17:43, ad we found it to link with Rp’ in the ancient semitic cluster into “Repha-im”, half-giants, the same principle as the KA-double, below;
glyph pic: Above,by Succoth, we had the “mould”, and in this one shows again “pot or vessel, used at the Khoiak festival”, where seeds were sown in the gound, but in different forms every year (compare Jezreel, previously). The analogy s “having a pot (dome) of eden-dew, and creating whatever image one would like”. The glyph is difficult to grasp, because the symbolism must be heavy here – like ‘David’ is DwD, the two hands (D) protecting flanking the VaV (compare paleo-hebrew ideogram for IEUE), similar may be going on by this KA H’ER KA. Below, the KA; it stands upon the áat-perch, the perch probably being Succoth, as ‘that what you raised’. (deleted half of entry)

– Kiyun and KAIU, Adamite-originals being doubled, The glyph KA, as just the bowl-K and vulture-A is “to devise, scheme, plot, to think out, etc”, the next step-up as (above) KA-double, “image, double, genius, vital strength, etc”; but the only possibility for the KA-double to exist, must be because of KAUI, to left.

Several glyphs show ‘the kneeling guy, holding the flag’, as “dangerous concept”, as well as the many ‘magically-dangerous-\\’, reaon being “the most-beatified-soul-adam, the double-reed.
We don’t remember any of these having been used in spells, so far;

“the most-beautified-souls \\ (for) the word to devise”

“the men and women \\ (by) the most-b-soul-adam’s word / to devise”

“the ones / (by) the word / to devise”

“the men and women / (by) the divine place-T \\ (for) the word to devise” whereby in this process (of copying) the Ka-double is created as “personified most-beautified-soul”, as their counter-Adam-being, integrating in it all the qualities of the adamite-originals.

…the colours may be a bit Off still, above, but the theme is clear –
and the Kiyu-n must relate to this series of glyphs, considered the importance of context.
We don’t know ‘how they could copy the star’, perhaps by mirroring; it is possible that this copied star is now “the Tuat star as the god” (morning-star); and that another term for it is SB- (or SBA-),’star’, “the star / to make the solarplane (via ad.soul); and a host of other star-glyphs..
note: yes, difficult territory – and there is little scriptural backup, except the “a star will rise for Jacob”; this must also include all the cónstructs they doubled, “via adamite soul”, the prefix -S in many glyphs;
“andbecause you caused to be lifted up / place-T for the k-axis to connect to / (being) the king of you, / andfor / the concept of Ka doubling / the images by you, / (being) the star ofas / the gods for yóu, / (by) which / you are being made yoursélves,”


and·I-cdeport·you(p) from·beyond to·Damascus he-says ieue Yahweh alei Elohim-of hosts name-of·him
Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name [is] The God of hosts.

  • ‘beyond’, compare glyph GES- ‘dimensional side’ (above, or within the lampstand), linked to next word,

glyph pic: ‘Damascus’ must be a composite term,
but whatever it is, contextually it has to represent the above themes. That Stephanus mentioned ‘beyond Babylon’ was likely because the house Israel was ‘deported beyond the (then) known world, so that isn’t any contradiction; we found Akk. ẗêmmu, “thought, instruction, planning, reason, understanding,etc”, as the colour of KA-; and both glyphs to right as root T’AM- and T’A(k)MA-, with on top the same Ka- ‘to devise’; we consider some metathesis very likely, the lower glyph (‘vegetable’) reading,
“the flowers (eden-words) / as / vulture-rule / (of) willpower / (by) the half-staff (eden’s VaV for the Lyre)” and above that the “divine willpower / by / to devise / staff-tá (now their VaV)”.

context: we feel sorry for all adamite souls who find themselves in circumstances they don’t understand; likewise the souls 430 year in oppression during the exodus, or this house; it shows that the line in the NT, “I tell you that you won’t get out of jail until every penny is repaid” is absolutely true – said of ús, also as whole. Where the 430 years of exodus likely were ‘4300 year’, this ’40’ may be “the past 2000 year”, since the house of Israel became mixed as the West – and because the exhortations are about “the lampstand”, specifically. It should not be coincidence that christianity started 2000 year ago – in the West…

“and (therefore) / I deport / you / (in exile) frominto the other dimensional side / toof the rule of staff-tá / he says / IEUE / Deity of / hosts / (being) the name of he.”

——- end Amos 5