25/11: ritual – attacking the Vintage

25/11: ritual – attacking the Vintage log

attacking the Vintage


  1. “Egypt” is a keyword used, but so is “Sinai” (see screenshots and link),
  2. “al Rawdah sufi (mosque)”, as “the Garden”, rawdah, singular; “sufi” from arabic Suf-, “a garment of wool, worn by early ascetic adherents” as most common explanation; “egypt” as the Sekhet-áaru field,
  3. the town “Bir al-Abed”, “bir” as “the well, cistern” (as hebrew ‘beer-‘, the well Hagar sat next to), the flag of the town showing a “well”;

    (but also the same word as the much used abir, root ‘br-, strong” (as in Abraham), “abed” as “to work, to serve, servant, worker”, “the cistern, the servant (worker)”,

  4. perhaps related: “mosque”, as “temple”, from “place+he worships”, “horeb” and “sinai” as “the double mountain”


..where Horeb is “their mountain, north”,
in Ex.17, Moses “is to smite the rock at Horeb, so that the people can drink”, the rock as “the tile of “the raven” (Hor-us) (habakuk page), and note “the Watercourse opening”;
Ex.33, “and the children of israel stripped themselves from their ornaments at Horeb”, very much as “un-doing of this physical saturn body”, and in Deut.1:6 as He saying ‘you have dwellt now long enough in Horeb’. Moses first encounters the name ‘Horeb’, when he is “leading the flock” (original adamites) in the region towards Horeb; he then sees the famos “burning thorn-bush” (word: Sene, s-ne).

…so that leaves us ‘Sinai’.
Problem is a little, that we have little to go by, but “the wilderness of Zin”, the used word as “thorn or barb”, (Job 5, Prov.22), which is the same word as the name of the thorn-bush, above.

The glyph SEPT’ is the “thorn”, as sharp-pointed upright-standing triangle, ruling the region inside the top of the cube. That ‘Sinai’ is not used anymore, but instead the eden-mountain Tziun, must show that “Sinai” must represent “the present condition of the eden-mountain”, as transitive (that the mt.Hermon name of the Watchers is also “sion”, very close to sin-ai, can support the transitive)

concluding –

  1. attacked concept: the present situation of the eden-mountain (sinai)
  2. specified in: “the Garden”, as “walled fortress holding adamite originals”, (al-rawdah) (‘the vintage’, Zech. 11 page) “the garden, as the cistern of the new-lampstand” (called ‘the servant’), (bir al-abed) and the garden, as “the place He is worshipping” (you are 1 x allowed to guess who is the ‘He’) (mosque)
  3. “the garment of wool” as “the white garmen-body, they steal from the originals, (sufi)
  4. the last one, ‘Egypt’, as the present rule of both mountains by the Sekhet-field, above the double mountain.

….the nonsense of “lighting up buildings after another concocted ritual” links it automatically to their previous ones; it is rather irrelevant “who (cough) did it”: because canaan himself is Outside of existing ‘religions’, anyway.
It may even be that no one will ‘claim this’ — because of the devious theme, magically véry dangerous.

25/11 loNe

1] https://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/25/africa/egypt-sinai-mosque-massacre/index.html
2] smaller screenshot: bbc
3] eiffel: egyptianstreets com