Category Archives: rituals

30-31.10.2018 : sistersite het-Report
** 500 years after the Reformation

Allright — there we go : The truth is , last month we assumed the understanding [of the Report] was good enough , and we could support it even more by just continue doing the Rg-Veda . Another 10 chapters were virtually ready in the third week of September – yet something was Off […]

site log

h’etep crossing-over ritual   22 juni an example — what is Sorcery ? .. their whole realm works to keep our reality to be some vague Haze , so that your and our soul will not see nor understand a host of concepts : we see all the time how God uses many examples to […]

26.2#UPD: PeaceGames

26.2#UPD: PeaceGames Defensive Ritual – we saw the hyped and created so-called “North-Korean threat” the past two years, but now that it is morphed into the Peace Theme, since we are still at the H’ETEP. We haven’t watched the opening- nor closing ceremony, and depend on pictures and quotes from sources, but already the “unification […]

6-7.2.18: spaceX and the attempt of the fish-souls to escape

6-7.2.18: spaceX and the attempt of the fish-souls to escape news com au ….okay. Look please – yes we saw that 90% of the peoples’ responses everywhere was positive about this event; mainly because they liked the type entrepreneurship, the returning boosters, the freshness, etc. We however don’t have that luxury (to be fooled), because […]

discovery’ of the tomb of H’etepet – but why now?

2.4.18 tomb H’etepet ‘discovery’ of the tomb of H’etepet – but why now? livescience flickr to left: mural in H’etepet tomb, as announced today to right: seated H’etepet, bas-relief as false door; Frankfurt, Liebighaus “The tomb of a woman named Hetpet, who became a senior official in the royal palace, has been discovered in a […]

H’ETEP ritual page

H’ETEP ritual – previous see newest rituals, page Ritual 20.04: our parallel world of Insanity we get now three parties, working for his same goal: ‘russia’ as their one Dualistic-used-side, ‘Trump’ (c.q. the west) as their other. and this “proven” by his created disinfo agency termed ‘wikileaks’. You tell us — we are So ashamed […]

25/11: ritual – attacking the Vintage

25/11: ritual – attacking the Vintage log attacking the Vintage   “Egypt” is a keyword used, but so is “Sinai” (see screenshots and link), “al Rawdah sufi (mosque)”, as “the Garden”, rawdah, singular; “sufi” from arabic Suf-, “a garment of wool, worn by early ascetic adherents” as most common explanation; “egypt” as the Sekhet-áaru field, […]

Zechariah 7 – destroying the sumerian tree of life

d) Zechariah 7 – destroying the sumerian “tree of life” as sanctuary of the KA-double and BA-spirit / two hands theme [also in the book of Daniel] textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — […]

PART VII: old Greece and parabolic mirrors, Genesis and Mahabharata

PART VII: old Greece and parabolic mirrors, Genesis and Mahabharata content of page: first half: A] symbology in ancient Greece second half: B] the same theme of the ‘sun birth’, the ‘smiling’ and ‘cherub’ of previous Mahabharata returns in Genesis A] the cauldron and mirrors in ancient Greece 1] Greece a) the cauldron of Apollo […]

Part V: the Vedas, Greece, Sumer and meso-america

the Vedas, Greece, Sumer and meso-america PART V overview and attempt – BD 17 is almost ready; it is very extensive, with difficult themes, but appears to deal with the pic(to right) as the cherub ring having been altered, now projecting RÃ, as this sun, at the point of convergence of the blue lines. We […]

10/24: Welcome To the Pleasuredome

10/24: Welcome To the Pleasuredome all credits: presenting you a visual of symbolism – from 1984……showing how much we ve to catch-up…… The start is obviously the egyptian offspring ruling this world; the music band playing the deluded adamite souls, becoming Trapped inside this matrix — as ‘pleasuredome’; note how the context does depict […]

part IV – treasure (clues) of Tutãnkhámen

treasure (clues) of Tutãnkhámen PART IV The core of the serpent-hand, as executive region within the upper node, has to be ‘a complete inversion of shrines’, like the famous wooden Russian dolls nested into oneanother, but now being nested the other way around. There are many correlations between the themes of Tutankhamen’s shrines, and the […]

Part II – the Oscars, Ptah’ and the shrine at the root

the Oscars, Ptah’ and the shrine at the root PART II Above, Pteh’ to the left; and right in front of him is the short line – “(by) he/every kind of (thing)/below,/(through) the foreign land’s double-place-T to become new by the root/thou/existence/to give;” where “the foreign land’s place-T to become new” is “the land of […]

2/10: Vegas ritual

2/10: Vegas ritual note: our sincerest feelings and condolences to the families and everyone involved it was a morning of iron, as an immovable sphere around, – until around 11.00UTC, when the news of this awful ritual started to trickle down; at this point in time, we don’t want to expand too much, just showing […]

9/29: MSM-admitted high frequency sound weapons

9/29: MSM-admitted high frequency sound weapons under the fabricated header “Cuba targeting US-diplomats with sonic weapons”; you can read for yourself in the links how several types of sonic weapons have been devised and actually used in many specific events. The point is ofcourse that Canaan “admitting the fringe implies admitting the whole”. Ofcourse, the […]

9/26 #ritual: N-PH-L anthem protests

9/26 #ritual: N-PH-L anthem protests Same contrived buildup – now suddenly sports get infected with ‘political statements’, as well; and it’s a smart move – because it is obviously having much larger impact on the people’s everyday life and emotions as the ‘staged political themes’ in previous elitist Hollywood events did; – the contextual red […]

# ritual – ‘ the mummy of all mysteries – solved’

# ritual – ‘the mummy of all mysteries – solved’ – we do not particularly care about the constant stream of Canaan’s disinformation, masked as “science” which ‘resolved again another mystery’, because you and we know why he does that — but the blatant and continuous baseless Drivel sometimes makes us angry – yes. The […]

9/11: the since 1995 so-called “Toronto blessing” Ritual ending today

9/11: the since 1995 so-called “Toronto blessing” Ritual ending today Conference – while the Irma story was going on this past weekend, another event was the three-day long evangelical conference in this country, as the represent of the “Toronto type revival”, having it’s origins back to 1995. This time speakers were a mr.Storm and mr.Clarke […]

9/9 [to 9/11,sic]: three hurricanes – three names

9/9 [to 9/11,sic]: three hurricanes – three names See Update below, 13/9 For the record – yes ofcourse hurricanes are a natural event, and happened for thousands of years every summer again – [and off the record: we have little doubt that scalar weapons, as described by Tom Bearden, can influence these things]; …the point […]

13/8 ritual

13/8: Ritual after friday’s posted PT’s about ‘double solarplane’ BEB, we tried the binary through the cube, and its number of planets swirling Up to the new solarplane, bearing in mind Velikovsky’s discoveries …above just the initial version – we work on it to expand – and perhaps it’s all ‘coincidence’, below: but it happened […]

6/4: ritual #22 London attack – helping out MENU

6/6 london attack #UPD.: Canaan’s message for YOU pic source: youtube youssef zaghba khuram butt rachid redouane …we do etymology for years already, even before starting hieroglyphs, so you can trust us in these things — the presented names are youssef: “to add, increase, do again”, from root Joseph, zaghba:    either: saghab, ‘hunger and being […]

ritual #21: defensive attack – Manchester UK, Ariadne aka Revelation woman

ritual #21: defensive attack – Manchester UK, Ariadne aka Revelation woman screenshot BBC # update: Patsy presented presented patsy name: Salman Abedi Abedi – from semitic ‘EBED, “servant, worker”, but more in the context of “religious devotee”, “servants of a deity”, Salman – as in biblical Solomon, from root SHALEM, literally “wholeness, completeness”, where it’s […]

5/13: ritual #18 – the two eyes of Horus canonized-sanctified

Update ritual #20: on ‘times’ square [quote BBC:] “The crash follows recent deadly car-ramming attacks in London, Berlin and the French city of Nice.” read: Canaan intended it to be linked to his same previous Rituals; the name of the perpetrator makes little sense, except Rojos as “red”; which in context can only be […]

Ritual #15, Defending the Field of Reeds

21/4 ritual #15, ‘defending the Field of Reeds’ location: CHAMPS ELYSEES …literally ‘Elysian Fields’, a Greek term for Sekhet-Áaru, extended into ‘triumph’, because of the monument marking the avenue, said PERPETRATOR: Abu Yousef al-Baljik, as ” the Father’s / Joseph / the / outsider”, where ‘father’ is God, ‘Joseph’ one of both Houses (other […]

12/4: the knowledgeable ones of the mountain

12/4: the knowledgeable ones of the mountain 12/4 Updates II & III below – it is a thin line sometimes, between a ritual or an event caused by other motives; yet again the names are striking [pun] so we decided to mention it with the others — DORTMUND: ..from ancient german Throtmanni, “throat, maw” […]

7/4: Stockholm watercourse Ritual [ plus Syria]; 4/4: Ritual: st.Petersburg metro attack — protecting the thes-dome

7/4: Stockholm watercourse Ritual [ plus Syria] [#9] Ritual: the island of imprisoned Adamite in the Watercourse [also see 4/8 update below] first of all: our sincere feelings for the relatives, of BOTH crimes which Canaan perpetrated again: in Stockholm, as well as in Syria …after his drive-through-Rituals in Nice, Berlin, ‘Israel’, and lately […]

23/3: London Westminster ritual

[ see update V below! ] 23/3: London Westminster ritual [with our deepest sympathy for the relatives of the poor victims] for the first time, a defensive Ritual – instead of an attacking one! – main theme: WESTMINSTER …from West + monastery, Greek root of ‘single, alone, solitary’; read:  “the One of the West”; the […]

Giza pyramid reveals our Black Hole Matrix written in stone

Giza pyramid reveals our Black Hole Matrix written in stone after 4000 years, all hieroglyphic texts confirm the dimensional Gate insertion: UPD. April 2018: this original article was from one year ago; in the mean time, we have re-constructed many aspects, which we did not understand, backthen. However – the question and the importance of […]

2/27: the staged gaffe of the Oscars

2/27: the staged gaffe of the Oscars – telling you this reality of Sorcery New York Times ran a $2,5 million TV add celebrating the term ‘Truth’; starting with “the Truth is hard. The Truth is alternative facts are lies. The truth is hard to know. The truth is hard to find.” ..the Oscars took […]

Nasa’s Deflection to the Solarplane

Nasa’s Deflection to the Solarplane [no, we did not mention Superbowl, and the starry Tuat entering earth, as the same stars were around the podium; it just wasn’t important enough], however- this one is – and it is an extension of the previous Rituals, but then understood as ‘the location‘. Yes we worked hard, and yes […]

2/3: revelation woman Ritual #7:

2/3: revelation woman Ritual #7: getty images ..occult Rituals are always, always Linked to eachother, and previous ones; compare the beyonce, previous: here, the down-pointed triangle is THE archetype for “woman”; gold = eden’s gold, physical aspects, purple = canaanite aspects