*much strength for all relatives of the victims*
not a planned ritual by canaan this time – but one by Thoth, himself;
we don’t say something like that lightly, but (also personal) context renders this one
the same caliber as the Grenfell torch ritual – and we are angry about it.
Last post was the Watercourse, and is present topic, very much so —
suther-land: from old Norse, “south-land”, south;
springs: as “well, source of a stream, to blossom”
baptist: ult. Greek “dip, drop, plunge, bathe”
all terms are denoting the Watercourse (desiring to be Unblocked and run
to the North again), combined with the character ‘church’
devin: old-english “black” or “stag” (kam- or h’eter-; fallen archangel = ‘horse’, per Henoch)
kelley: from Gaelic “strife, contend”, or “grove” (tamarisk)
patrick: noble (-man); (sheps- )
all the terms above mean the same thing, just in their different aspects;
yes we understand that “an unstable person can go get his gun and start shooting”,
but factually, that type of “reasoning (things away) to make it understandable” is by no means
a better or more realistic interpretation of how we sense this event is intended: yes he wás Sick,
already – hence used by the entity to pick out exactly this area.
This all has to stop —