discovery’ of the tomb of H’etepet – but why now?
‘discovery’ of the tomb of H’etepet – but why now?
livescience flickr
to left: mural in H’etepet tomb, as announced today |
to right: seated H’etepet, bas-relief as false door; Frankfurt, Liebighaus |
Or perhaps it’s this same one – coincidingly also ‘from the west field’ –
timing and goal Every ‘discovery’ in egypt today is more meticulously planned and scripted then the hoax of the first moonlanding; and while at first sight this discovery could be linked to some political issue, for example “to show how stable the present country Egypt is again”, we look at the presented name H’ETEPT and the ‘dancing baboons’ depicted in the tomb, they want your attention at – |
1] quotes from https://www.livescience.com/61648-ancient-egypt-tomb-royal-female.html
2] https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/publications/dating-the-tomb-of-hetepet-from-giza
– you know the root H’ETEP is “the peace (of Saturn)”; factually, the car launch and the H’etep theme are the same thing – just different wordings: the aspects offered in the field (foods glyph) are for the new root (‘Mars’); and compare above how “fasting” directly relates to the ‘foods glyph’.
It is ofcourse almost logical that “an institution like a church” is “calling for peace”, but the fact that the concept of ‘doubling’ is common in this institution (pic to right, and note theme), |
1] all shots taken from vaticannews.va
credit DM
Florida shooting Ash wednesday
– all our sincere condolences to the victims involved
yes we waited for the theme ‘peace’, and at first glance, this doesn’t appear to be related. However – we asked whether “we had to wait for 40 counter-days”, right now: and considered this timeframe, some signature stands out –
Secondary included themes can be ‘Florida’, as “flowery (Easter)”, Easter being
the timeframe when these 40 days will end; the name ‘Parkland’, the city, as “Garden”,
and the school’s names including ‘Stone-‘, as “tile,rock”, and ‘Douglas’, “dark river”,
perhaps Watercourse; while the name Nicolas is a typical epithet of the Horus-spirits
(see ‘Nicolaitans’ in Revelation 2).
Not solid enough…? – perhaps: let’s just wait and see what will come next.
You know we carefully weigh these things, because it is about ‘Legal Right’, and see screenshot;
the quote making us wonder which ‘treasures’ are intended – those of the eden-stargate..?
And why is ‘spiritual right’ so linked to these (their) fourty days..?
14/15.1 – loNe