[quote BBC:]
“The crash follows recent deadly car-ramming attacks in London, Berlin and the French city of Nice.”
read: Canaan intended it to be linked to his same previous Rituals;
the name of the perpetrator makes little sense,
except Rojos as “red”; which in context can only be “Esau / edom”.
in some last-ditch-effort to “try go help their masters”:
since the Ritual was on “times-square”:
see previous rituals, below.
..cause its no coincidence this is about ‘time’ again
[times square]:
one of us having a problem with ‘time,’ personally,
added to the previous vertigo and flames,
in just being able to even walk to
from one place in a room to a door
with a time sequence,
time, as some bridge, to do a basic thing
as stand up and walk around,
but the bridge kept flashing,
a flaming strange dizzy feeling
and then complete blanks
with ‘time’ in those blanks
note how the number “22” is pushed [BBC]
and “22” [daily mail];
see recently added postsnote how the number “22” is pushed [BBC]
and “22” [daily mail];
see recently added posts
quote from:
Wait for this weekend please — we will upload lots.
google doodle on cnet.com
– we would have Discarded it ( working to present the next series to You ),
but today’s attack of vertigo and nausea, even on two of us,
made us wonder where the origin of that could be —
…the first red flag is the theme:
it is always dangerous “to make people go think” – instead of feeding them the
usual nonsense-topics; it may be very well that this was the reason the type
energy was of a different kind — and then, ofcourse, the theme itself:
ANTI is “against, opposed to” etc,
KYTHERA derives from an island near Greece; the origin of the name is Minoan;
and though Egypt had a name for it, KA-TI-RA, it is useless to try derive any
glyphs from that name (since it is obviously a foreign import);
the only Valid theme pertaining to this island is Aphrodite: who was born upon
a wave in front of this island, according to the oldest Greek myths.
APHRODITE being the same as ASTARTE-Astoreth; you will recognize the
egyptian version as QET’SHU (*pic above) being identical to the deipctions of
Ishtar, in theattribute of “standing upon the head” as their forms of “being the
copy of the revelation woman”, that area (see KV9 tomb in recent posted spells);
….and their main attribute is either the ‘belt’: both Aphrodite and Isis having one,
the latter the so-called ‘Isis knot’, as the vulva receiving seed from eden’s eye
(*pic below); or it’s inversal as the ‘inverse phallus’, MET, represented in the
hated “ashera poles”, which depict exact the same theme – but inversed –
“the opposing-Astarte / (disagrees) / with the timeframe”;
since the Kythera object was about “calculating time” — see posted last dream.
Our response: the timeframe Stands.
*** many sources, but a very good one in
Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan”, John Day, page 62 ff.
bbc frontpage, 13/5 |
drawing |
…these very days, the nature of “the pupils of Horus” gets more clear:
we will post asap “the red and blue eyes of Horus”,
and show you all the pictures from the tombs to support our view of it —
today, 13 May, we had the “canonizing of two children related to the Fatima event”;
[literal quotes:]
“[There] appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun.” So the seer of Patmos tells us in the Book of Revelation (12:1)…”
“…Mary came to remind us that God’s light dwells within us and protects us, for, as we heard in the first reading, “the child [of the woman] was snatched away and taken to God” (Rev 12:5).
In Lucia’s account, the three chosen children found themselves surrounded by God’s light as it radiated from Our Lady…”
–the lady being of course Isis-ÁST.
“In her Memoirs (III, 6), Sister Lucia quotes Jacinta who had just been granted a vision: “Do you not see all those streets, all those paths and fields full of people crying out for food, yet have nothing to eat?”
— read: those in Seket-Áaru,
“Thus may we rediscover the young and beautiful face of the Church…”
— face: is the face we search:
depicted in foremost-Adam-glyph, exactly the ‘face’ we search;
“…Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta…”
male + female;
“noble, free man” and “blue/purple, read blue consciouness”;
relating to both Eyes [pupils] of horus’ Eye;
[and why not “all THREE children”?
why canonize TWO — and leave out the third?]
…..we found that somewhere this February, suddenly media started to write that “the two shepherd-children were beautified by pope John back in 2002”;
but you know how we feel about those types of lies;
“…In a video message to the people of Portugal, the Pope said he was going to present himself to Mary “and I need to feel you close, physically and spiritually, so that we are one heart and one mind…”
“…At a candle-lit vigil he called for harmony between all people at the Chapel of the Apparitions and spoke of wars “tearing our world apart.”
..you will understand why [last quote] we included in the screenshot of BBC-news,
the “world-wide hacking disaster”:
since you know very well that these both are related;
all quotes, literally, from:
news.va/en/news/pope-fatima-homily-for-canonization-mass [link unreachable]