9/26 #ritual: N-PH-L anthem protests

9/26 #ritual: N-PH-L anthem protests

Same contrived buildup –
now suddenly sports get infected with ‘political statements’, as well; and it’s a smart move –
because it is obviously having much larger impact on the people’s everyday life and emotions
as the ‘staged political themes’ in previous elitist Hollywood events did;
– the contextual red flag is of course that a number of total narcissistic millionaires suddenly
discovered that they feel the need to protest against other people being less fortunate;
and to make sure it will become a national thing, a leader names the participants sob’s;

as “giants”, ultimately form Aramaic root N-PH-L,
where grammar usually turns the ph into -f;

– we dont consider the anthem to play any part in this, but just as excuse:
the only thing what matters is that the people [already 350 million in US only] focus upon the
term NFL, itself. Side note: not only do the tall muscular players represént the very theme, as
a deep archetype; but another aspect has been added, namely
“200 NFL players protest during national anthem”, USAToday [and many others];
the ‘200’ is the typical number of the number of captains of the Watchers, whose sons were
the Nephilim, or Anunna in sumer and in spells; but the Link has been presented, already.

Please note,
elsewhere we wrote how the Mecca hajj (‘sorcery’) includes an act where the people need to
pick up stones from the ZamZamin field, thereby ritually helping the giants (ZamZamin were
part of the Rephaim); and you see here that eventhough the outward conditions are different,
the energy generated by hundreds of millions goes to…………..the same N-PH-Lm.