Tag Archives: ritual

25/11: ritual – attacking the Vintage

25/11: ritual – attacking the Vintage log attacking the Vintage   “Egypt” is a keyword used, but so is “Sinai” (see screenshots and link), “al Rawdah sufi (mosque)”, as “the Garden”, rawdah, singular; “sufi” from arabic Suf-, “a garment of wool, worn by early ascetic adherents” as most common explanation; “egypt” as the Sekhet-áaru field, […]

9/9 [to 9/11,sic]: three hurricanes – three names

9/9 [to 9/11,sic]: three hurricanes – three names See Update below, 13/9 For the record – yes ofcourse hurricanes are a natural event, and happened for thousands of years every summer again – [and off the record: we have little doubt that scalar weapons, as described by Tom Bearden, can influence these things]; …the point […]

introduction to ezekiel 10 – part IV

— belonging to introduction to ezekiel 10, part IV — after 3500 years, you are the first to read: ——– OPENING OF THE MOUTH Ritual ——– INTRODUCTION we are amazed about the graphic lines of this ritual; it completely confirms the conquering of the gem/stone, so far; the plates are part of a ritual, covering […]

5/13: ritual #18 – the two eyes of Horus canonized-sanctified

Update ritual #20: on ‘times’ square independent.co.uk [quote BBC:] “The crash follows recent deadly car-ramming attacks in London, Berlin and the French city of Nice.” read: Canaan intended it to be linked to his same previous Rituals; the name of the perpetrator makes little sense, except Rojos as “red”; which in context can only be […]

12/4: the knowledgeable ones of the mountain

12/4: the knowledgeable ones of the mountain 12/4 Updates II & III below nachrichten.at – it is a thin line sometimes, between a ritual or an event caused by other motives; yet again the names are striking [pun] so we decided to mention it with the others — DORTMUND: ..from ancient german Throtmanni, “throat, maw” […]

7/4: Stockholm watercourse Ritual [ plus Syria]; 4/4: Ritual: st.Petersburg metro attack — protecting the thes-dome

7/4: Stockholm watercourse Ritual [ plus Syria] [#9] Ritual: the island of imprisoned Adamite in the Watercourse [also see 4/8 update below] independent.co first of all: our sincere feelings for the relatives, of BOTH crimes which Canaan perpetrated again: in Stockholm, as well as in Syria …after his drive-through-Rituals in Nice, Berlin, ‘Israel’, and lately […]

2/27: the staged gaffe of the Oscars

2/27: the staged gaffe of the Oscars – telling you this reality of Sorcery New York Times ran a $2,5 million TV add celebrating the term ‘Truth’; starting with “the Truth is hard. The Truth is alternative facts are lies. The truth is hard to know. The truth is hard to find.” ..the Oscars took […]