- we are amazed about the graphic lines of this ritual;
it completely confirms the conquering of the gem/stone, so far;
the plates are part of a ritual, covering all these aspects, and the first thing we
need to do, is to translate them exactly plate for plate — and but after that go
catalogize them; you know enough context, by now, to understand the terms
and locations: please remember the contexts so far, while reading;
pic credit, Johannes Doemichen, 1885
A] part I
- seven columns, short ones, screenshot shows where they start;
vignette observation:
the priest standing with the leg in front of the figure representing
the same concept as Anubis in *pic,
1] the hidden corner (ámen+). to give. [by] the head (eden’s). [to] the [an-] face (north)., [as] the completion of the solarplane below (kher-h’eb; glyph). [in order for] me. to descend hebrew-H.; 2] [as] thou. bones. [of] speech. [by] thou. mouth (now theirs). [of] thou. existence. [for] my. existence., [by] the great balance [thes-dome on mountain] (mãkha). 3][as?] thou. mouth. [for] the word of the dead body (khau?). below., [for] the blossom of existence by Saturn (h’en+). 4] [as] he. the speech. [by means of] the things to unite [by copulation] (smatu). [for] existence.; [using?] the prisoner (su,Cain). [as?] the word of saturn (h’u). 5] the prisoner. to cry [tear] (rem). speech. he. the mother. existence. the prisoner. the word of saturn (h’u). 6] thou. to desire (mer). thou. son. am I.;
[by] thou. mouth. [for] thou. existence. [as] metcher [conn cups] (mãtch, here). 7] [of] Horus’ elevated region (Horus+perch). am I.; thou. to embrace (skhn). of [=for]. my. existence. to come hail as advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; [by] the hidden corner-angle (ámen+). to give., [as] the head. [for] the [an-] face (north). [and so through] the below completion of the solarplane. [to] me. to descend hebrew-H.; to recite.;
A] additions written in vignette:
[when intended as running line, in centre:]
the mouth. to (go) open up [as root] (up). [for?] the four (4). pupils/rings (glyph). [by means of?] the foreleg (glyph, khepesh). to acquire (shep).; (by) adamite soul to make-M (s-m). 2] the hidden angle-corner (ámen+,see part II). to give. [of?] the head. [for] the [an-] face., [through] the below completion of the solarplane. [as] doubled-eye (?,glyph). 3] [by?] the four (4). rings/pupils (glyph). [for] within (inside their realm).”;
- the line in Ezekiel writes “..and one of the rings (of the cherub) was in the earth”;
four cherubs.. four rings? In tuat III, four ‘pupils’ are offered (upper reg.), two
male and two female pupils; - this place the should be the MENu cluster; and also for ‘to make-M’ see part II,
B] notes:
- the glyph UHEM, hebrew-H, shows a “hoof”, remember how the four
cherubs had “hoofs as blazing brass” – so this glyph is linked to that,
as “the hoof (for) M to constantly renew by hebrew-H”, and if they
stóle that attribute [as khepesh], the áttribute is renewed (daily), - line 5] tear and mother,
won’t run yet; ‘tear’ is essence, where ‘prisoner, mother and tear’
suggesting Eve being the mother,
B] part II sixteen columns, screenshot shows where they start; vignette observation:
he. the head (eden’s,*pic). to slay upon the block (glyph). to make stable. thou. existence. [in order for] my. existence. to bring (ánn).; [and] he. the head. to slay on the block. 2] [in ordr for to] thou. speech. to come willpower of speech (eden’s). [as] thou. existence. [to] me. existence to bring., [by means of] the hidden corner (ámen+). to give. the head. [for] the [an-] face. [as] the belów completion of the solarplane. this (pn). god., [but] to ascend (ãr). nót.;
[by eden] within., 3] [as] adam-within. the torso for the dimensional foreground [of saturn] (h’at-áb). [to] me. existence to bring., [cancelled]. [by] Horus’. eye. the khepesh-thigh (glyph). [for] thou. existence. [as?] the needle [sekhem-sceptre?] (glyph). the hidden corner (ámen+). to give., [as] the head. [for] the [an-] face. [by] the below completion of the solarplane., [as] Osiris. [by] the below completion of the solarplane. [for] existence of hail., to recite.;
4] this. god. the phallus [inverse pillar] (met). [for] the land’s (south,eden’s). speech. [by] the torso in the dimensional foreground. the khepesh-thigh (glyph). [as] the thing to give., to come the adamite soul (mirrored on both sides of) the kh-house (s-kh-s+walk). to make the ab (from abt’u; s-ab). [for] me., the below completion of the solarplane. 5] to make the ab (region). the willpower. of [=for].the torso in dimensional foreground. [through] my. below completion of the solarplane. [by means of] the khepesh-thigh (written). the thing to give.,
the slaughter (ámenh’). 6] this. god. speech. to ascend (ãr). nót.;
[by eden] within., to divinely complete. [through] the thing of the adamite soul. thou. existence., [by] existence. to force the throne of existence [matrix] (nega=?). [as] he. the head. he. the doubled-willpower. 7] below., [by] he (eden). the thing to give., [as] the things of the enemy for kh-house (kheftu). [for] thou. existence. [and so] my. existence to bring., [as] the things of the adamite soul. [of] thou. existence. [and] me. existence (eden’s). to cut-off (amm+). 8] [for] me. to make-M (sm). [through] the thing of he for the kh-house (kheft). [for] me. [as] the below completion of the solarplane. [for] existence of hail., to recite.;
10] he. the head. to slay upon the block (glyph). [in order for] stability for the son (smen). to bring., 11][by] he. to slay upon the block. [as] the innermost sacred [place] (khen-skin). [for] speech. [of] willpower. to bring., [as] my. below completion of the solarplane. [for] existence of hail., to recite.;
12] thou. the mouth. to come to open [eden] (sesh). [for] existence of hail.; [and] thou. speech. [bý] the original adamite soul. to make (eye-glyph). [as] thou. lips / rims (sept). [for] existence of hail.;
13] he. the ear [boundary-sky of M] (mestcher+). to become (word+hail). [by] the goddess of the heir [rev.woman] (glyph, likely). [for] the kite [son of border-sky] (tcheráu). [for] existence of hail., to recite.;
14] he. the torso. [for]\\the foreground. to force to become \\[by] to seize [eden] (shet’\\scroll)., [by means of] he. the khepesh-thigh (glyph). [on] the slaughtering-block. 15] [for] he. the [an-] face. to come \\[by] to descend hebrew-H. [for] slaughter (ámenh’).; 16] (Cain-S-glyph). (sacrificial) cow (glyph). below., [as] existence (eden’s). speech. [of] willpower. to give.; [being] the thing of the adamite soul to make-M (smt). [by] the below completion of the solarplane. [for] existence of hail., to recite.”;
A] notes:
all possible credits of used pictures: Johannes Doemichen, 1885