12/4: the knowledgeable ones of the mountain

12/4: the knowledgeable ones of the mountain

12/4 Updates II & III below


– it is a thin line sometimes, between a ritual or an event caused by
other motives; yet again the names are striking [pun] so we decided
to mention it with the others —


..from ancient german Throtmanni, “throat, maw” and “mountain”;


from Prussia, from Bruzia, earlier North-east germany; of which’
peoples Tacitus wrote “..the mother-goddess cult wears the emblem
of a Boar upon them, for protection”,
— the root is said to be “those who understand”, “knowledgable”,
[compare the origin of the Teutonic knights from that area]

location: HÖCHSTEN, Spa-hotel
— “highest”and “[fountain] to sprinkle”, Spa;

“the knowledgable Ba spirit-souls of the solarplane [boar],
at the Dew of the Mountain of the maw-throat,

..where Spa, sprinkle is ‘edens dew’, and mouth, or throat = pillar



update: II & III:

…just showing you the devised Ritual linking, and the rather pathetic
attempt to deflect from the reason:

[quotes bbc]
“A letter found near the scene cites the Berlin Christmas market attack and military operations in Syria.It is not yet clear if the letter is genuine [..] German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung said the letter, beginning with the phrase “in the name of Allah”, mentioned Germany’s use of Tornado jets in the coalition forces fighting so-called Islamic State (IS) […] But it is possible the perpetrators are deliberately trying to mislead the investigation, Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported [….] The German news agency DPA also reported there is a second letter circulating online, claiming an anti-fascist group had carried out the attack […] The second letter, posted on an anti-fascism online portal, claimed the attack was motivated by the club’s alleged tolerance for racists and right-wing fans. The club has clamped down on such fans in the past “

Daily Mail,
“Police said last night they are hunting a car with foreign registered plates, which was seen near the crime scene shortly before the explosions occurred”

[end quotes]

– that the event in berlin is mentioned and published, automatically makes this Ritual part of the previous ones; the ‘antifascists [but using using enhanced devices and foreign registered plates, right..] posting online some letter’ is ofcourse a pathetic deflection attempt.

II — coptic church bombing in Egypt, two days ago:
…was done for but 1 reason only: as the classic method of “the houseowner, after having staged a robbery, now bruises himself in order to deflect any suspicion upon himself being the perpetrator”:
– when you know that the pope was to visit that church, you will understand.