Tag Archives: cain

CT 768

VI 402 i] [through] the prisoner (su,Cain). the thing to praise (t’uat). [namely as] the thing of the original adamite soul. the word of birth. [by] Sirius (spet’t)., [for] the divine secondary thing (‘sister’). [for] existence of hail (matrix).; (dangerous!) h] the sky of earth. which is. [by] the East(ern). side (ges). [of] speech., [for] […]

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CT 590 VI 210

CT 590 see textnote and pic k] union (t’emt’). [by] the h’enu boat of Seker-osiris (*pic,chalice). [for] the things of craftmanship [chakra tool] (h’em)., j] [by] it. the wealth [of the the corner] (khut’). to acquire. [for] the anunna-face (white hole). [in order for] the divine finished aspects (cake).; i] [by] the prisoner. [from] he. […]

CT 600 VI 216

f] thou. within [me]. [as] the adamite soul of helplessness (begst)., [in order for] thou. existence (eden's)., [to] me. existence to bring., e] [for] my. existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; d] [because through] the prisoner (su,Cain). the word to steal (ãuau). [of] willpower (Ã). of [=for]. c] he (the). divine father (tef). to […]

CT 601 VI 216

CT 601  cedar-tree talking: m] [by] the divine m-b-soul-adam-like thing of great eden’s speech (urrti+div). [for] existence (matrix). [of] this. beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [in] name [of].: of [=for]. me. [is] the speech. [because of] them (ad.souls). [in] the Torso (áb). [of] existence (matrix)., [for] great speech. [by] the anunna-face (white hole).; l] [by] me. within. […]

CT 629 VI 250

v] the cemetary below. of [=as]. the soul-pool (sh). [of] the prince (áti,see note)., [for] the land as solarplane intestine (qabu). [by] he. existence (eden's). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [in order for] to build [by blueprint] (qet'). alike-adam (miá)., [through] existence (eden's). the word (eden's). to give. [to] speech (matrix).; to become. […]


[by means of] the adamite soul. withín., to become a spirit. [of] the West.; [by] death (a.soul)., to complete. the land. the head (main-land).; to become (by) to found. the great pillar. [of] the thing of adam-within. [for] the speech. [of] the land. [in order for] it. to become united [by copulation] (sma)., [by] the […]

Giza pyramid reveals our Black Hole Matrix written in stone

Giza pyramid reveals our Black Hole Matrix written in stone after 4000 years, all hieroglyphic texts confirm the dimensional Gate insertion: UPD. April 2018: this original article was from one year ago; in the mean time, we have re-constructed many aspects, which we did not understand, backthen. However – the question and the importance of […]

CT 629

VII 250 v] the cemetery below. of [=as]. the lake [sh?]. [for,by?] the prince (áti, staff-related), [in] the land of solarplane intestine (qabu). [for] he (the). existence (eden’s). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [and] to build [by blueprint] (qet’). alike-adam’s (miá). existence matrix)., [by] the word (eden’s). to give speech., to become. t] […]


FIRST HOUR MIDDLE REGISTER IN the scene that illustrates the FIRST DIVISION of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the FIRST HOUR of the night, we see that the centre of the middle section is divided lengthwise into two parts by a river which flows along it. In the upper part […]

CT 137

II172 j] to become the design. [for] me. [by] existence (eden's). [for] existence.; i] my. speech. [by] them (ad.souls). [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). to dress in the set-garment-body (h'ebset).;  [?]h] this. primeval gods (pautu). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;g] divine great speech. [by] the Eye (south). [for] me. [by] existence (eden's). [for] […]

CT 114

II133 f] the beautified-soul. within. to strip (kef). [from] sekhem-power. nót.; e] the slaughterhouse (nemmt). [of] speech. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). to enter (ãq). nót.;  the double treshfloor (north+south vesica). [for sake of] the baboons (Hetht, hebrew-H, see note). d] [by] the image [to make] (áru). [by] the great [pillar]. of [=for]. the beautified-soul. […]

CT 684

VI314 k] the cemetary below. of. the aspects of totality [144,000!]. to acquire.; j] to give. of [=by]. thou. speech. the season (ter). thou. existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; the god. who is. the beautified-soul., the god. who is. this. N., h] to give. of [=for?]. the season. the image [to connect to] (thut). […]

CT 682

VI312 q] the season. [ of willpower. of the adamite soul. thing to yoke? (neh’t) ] this (word/root). light.; p] to yoke for eternity [by Saturn] (neh’eh’). [by] the deep place (BB, solarplane, root of apollo/Beb). to hurry. of [=by,for]. o] his,he (the). double-truth, two-truth (maãt+II) [!]. existence. the god of light of the Watercourse, […]

CT 681

VI308 j] [for] N (candidate). [by] the prisoner (su;Cain). existence (matrix). [is by] the hidden root of Saturn [buttocks] (peh’).; apep [repres.God]. i] [by] justice (maãt). cord the word to fetter (qasu). to grown saturn’s light (h’etch+rut’). [of] speech.; h] [for] this. N. [by] the prisoner. existence (matrix). to come as hidden root of saturn […]

CT 763

VI393 i] [by] he. to become noblemen (sãh’, Orion). existence. [by] the head’s. speech in anunna-face (see note). [as?] a thing of the prisoner (sut;Cain).; h] his. thrones [left side of vesica] (nesteg). [of] divine rule (h’eq, to ‘hekau’, sorcery). of [=by?]. within. thou. existence to become new (unn). the divine light. [by] decree of […]

CT 492

VI71 i] the land. head. the seed,offspring (mett). the adamite soul. his. existence. the most-b-s-adam to give. speech. [to] the West,áment. the Ka-double bull. existence., [ánd??] this [ultimate] (pupu, word/root). Ba-soul (solarplane type spirit). g] [by?] the prisoner [Cain] (su). [as?] (the foremost-adam) to shut in (in KH-house, khenr). [but] this (to conn ect). nót.; […]

CT 489

VI68 e] the divine egyptians. [by?] the prisoner [Cain, as it looks now] (su). to pass along ('avoid Watercourse'). d] the lips,rim [=vesica south] (sept). the Veil (h'ap). this (word/root). light. [as] thing to pass along ('avoid axis', suatu). his. existence (eden's)., to make. c] [for?] thou. [by] the things wandering-astray (adam-related, shemt). to sacrifice […]

CT 859

VII62 thou. existence. them (ad.souls). to split-Off (t’en). Set (fallen adam construct). torso. to stretch out (petch). existence. to give. y] Set. torso. stretched-out thing (petcht). [by?] to bring. Horus. two eyes. thou. existence. to bring. this (root). [for] N-osiris (candidate).;  the land. speech for the beautified-soul.[as?] he (the). split-Off (t’en). [for] thou. existence. [as] […]

CT 1004

n] the triple-divine word of speech (seperate div.). to beautify (tcheser). the existence for the beautified-soul. [by] the aspects offered (food-glyph). [at] the double-shrine [of copying] (sensensent+island; south vesica). his. existence. [as] something made (ári, m-b-soul/to make). m] the place of the battle,below. speech. he. the one to come. [by,to] the place of the word-inside […]

BD 99

real theme: mãkhent = the boat/ferrying fróm the sacred-innermost-place (eye south) the willpower-alike-adam";  using imprisoned Cain as 'adams willpower' [because Adam is too dangerous?]  ; the relation between cain and "his mother";  and that of 'gold' and 'making a body'; see for Cain also CT spell **   status: important themes thou. advanced beautified-soul. thou […]