– trust that we try upload the rest of the Gates, this weekend;
and to quote from the famous movie, “we really are Too Old
for this sh*t..” – but they continue doing it – not we;
E-KUR, ‘white house of Enki’,
..it isn’t too difficult why the seat of rule is named ‘white house’;
it is analogue to the white hole (*pic) of azazel, Enki;
…it isn’t just that even ‘strategically it is a non-event’; it was but used to
get your attention upon the name MOAB: we suggest less obvious as
calling the bomb ESAU or EDOM or Vati-Can (look it up);
but the energy-vampiring is só obvious, that we cannot but list it here
under the rest of the Crimes:
yes, ofcourse it gets more difficult all the time —
[start quote]
the “district of Achin” relates to the Chamic languages, also known as Aceh–Chamic and Achinese–Chamic,”
[end quote]
which is ofcourse KAM, Canaan, as in their ancestor ÃQEN, Cain;
the province, as far we trace now, NANGARHAR,
toderived from ghar-zai (غرزی), meaning “son of mountain”. derived from ghar-zai (غرزی), meaning “son of mountain”.ghar-zai (غرزی), meaning “son of mountain” derived from ghar-zai (غرزی), meaning “son of mountain”. derived from ghar-zai (غرزی), meaning “son of mountain”.derived from ghar-zai (غرزی), meaning “son of mountain”.derived from ghar-zai (غرزی), meaning “son of mountain”.
— CHAM is a divided bloodline, in a good side, and an evil side
— see Spells and MENU’s yearly Mecca Ritual — the good side being held
hostage by the latter – this was the MOAB Ritual, to hold on to the hostage;