Tag Archives: mahabharata

PART VII: old Greece and parabolic mirrors, Genesis and Mahabharata

PART VII: old Greece and parabolic mirrors, Genesis and Mahabharata content of page: first half: A] symbology in ancient Greece second half: B] the same theme of the ‘sun birth’, the ‘smiling’ and ‘cherub’ of previous Mahabharata returns in Genesis A] the cauldron and mirrors in ancient Greece 1] Greece a) the cauldron of Apollo […]

chapter 22 part I: the monkey army building the bridge toward Eden

ramayana ch. 22: the monkey army building the bridge toward Eden pungudu com a) introduction to chapter 22 ( yes, again one )though finds like “Adam’s bridge”, (*pic,to right) are indeed interesting, it is not what the writer intended when addressing the Rama-Setu. Our minds like to ‘see’ understandable things, and couples the used terms […]