the monkey army building the bridge toward Eden
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a) introduction to chapter 22 ( yes, again one )though finds like “Adam’s bridge”, (*pic,to right)
are indeed interesting, it is not what the writer
intended when addressing the Rama-Setu. Our minds
like to ‘see’ understandable things, and couples
the used terms immediately to some visable event –
but we saw how aspects of the other world are but
projected into symbols downhere.
- b) technics of Sanskrit -a living language
we realize very well that it’s a new world for us – but we learn very fast.
First, that the structure of Sanskrit resembles the hieroglyphs; in the way
how (parts) of words are used in other clusters with additional meanings.
Our English is more like a ‘dead language’: we can use a word as ‘bridge’
which is unrelated to other words nor has wider context.
But suppose your car brand was called ‘Lori’, the term used for valuable
‘manau’ and the act of stealing ‘malor’, then you start seeing a pattern. - c) the labyrinth, the context and pollution
exactly like the glyphs, most of the Vedic deities represent a ‘construct’,
but after identifying them, also their names are interlinked with wider
aspects (see above); and problematic are the dozens of split-off gods,
who then represent another aspect of the same theme. The material
becomes to be só extensive, as layer upon layer, that the main line gets
Blurred constantly.The three main books, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Rigveda, appear the
most ‘trustable’ to us – because the words used in those, are congruent
with the context: as opposed to the later Purana’s, who mixed things up,
leading into the jungle of Hinduism, where nobody understands anymore
which deity represents what again.
The reason for this pollution is a Metaphysical one (why history happened
as it did): when (original) christianity started in Europe, the goal of the
Pantheon was to make the West ‘unconscious’, by creating the so-called
modern man type thinking, which is a consciousness non-connected with
the ideas of the olden times. This causes a (spiritual) Legal barrier, and is
exact why the pantheon will Sit within this gap.
From every of his religious sides he attacked the West – starting by Plato,
then with his church descending from the Roman emperors, and all the time
directing it from his powerhouse HQ in the East.
Around 250AD, during the indian Gupta-dynasty, he started to cover-up the
possible knowledge of the Veda’s: nine wizards were the advisors of that
dynasty, and the ‘heliocentric view’ became common – a view oppósing
the older veda’s! – until finally the concept entered Europe in the days of
Copernicus; and many ideas and concepts went the similar way. - d) textnotes
..we needed to tell the above, because yes we intend to find back in the Veda’s
the same concepts as we saw in Egypt, and no we do not consider that being
prejudicial. But any confirmátion could only be derived from the use of their own
words (like with glyphs), so in the added dictionary sections, we try to use only
those terms which are used in the three books themselves, as (RA) (MH) and (RV),
so that yóu also can follow the thoughtline – and that we don’t but make things up.
We apologize for the un-readability of the original text –
but you know we are not here to present some flowery discourse,
but go dissect every term in order to find whát is it they address.
- b) technics of Sanskrit -a living language
[draft – 24/6]
1. then; Rama; spoke; (these) harsh; words; to the ocean; “O, Ocean! I will make you dry up; now; along with your nethermost subterranean region.”
2. O, ocean! a vast; sand; will appear; (when) your water gets consumed by my arrows; you get dried up; and the creations inhabiting you get destroyed; by me.
- so he addresses these words to eden’s realm;
it is the theme of Edfu, where Horus describes the receding of the waters (as eden’s dimension), and the first dry land is called (glyph) Ta-tHNN; while befóre that event, the book of Genesis tells in the same terminology the “separation of the waters” (being the M-realm and Leviathan). These are not mere versions of the same event – because where Genesis séparated both realms, Edfu mixes them up again.
Where the spells and Ramayana describe the victory of Õn, soon agáin will be a ‘dry place’, this time as the dimensional mount Tziun, also meaning ‘dry place’ (as restored eden, see Ezekiel pages),
- so he addresses these words to eden’s realm;
3. O, ocean! by a gush of arrows; released by my bow; our monkeys; can proceed; to the other shore; with even their feet.
4. O, Sea the abode of demons! you are not able to recognize; my valor; nor prowess; by your discernment; you will indeed get; repentance; at my hands.
5. the exceedingly powerful Rama; fixing; an arrow; resembling the Rod of Brahma (creator); and charged; with a missile presided over by Brahma; to his excellent bow; stretched it.
- rod of Brahma – also Meru-Danda, the spine of the world-axis; that is, as the pole inbetween the caduceaus, or the G-axis inbetween the K and Q axis (*pic);
that this rod is mentioned here in the text, connects it immediately to the ‘bridge’,
- rod of Brahma – also Meru-Danda, the spine of the world-axis; that is, as the pole inbetween the caduceaus, or the G-axis inbetween the K and Q axis (*pic);
6. (while) that; bow; was being stretched; by Rama; both the heaven and earth; suddenly; seemed to be split asunder; mountains also; were shaken.
7. then; darkness; enveloped; the world; the quarters; did not shine; lakes; and rivers; soon; were agitated.
8, 9. moon; sun; along with stars; moved; obliquely; (and though); the sky; was lit; by the sun’s rays; it was enveloped; by darkness; and shined; with a blaze of hundreds of meteors; (while) thunders; reverberated; with an unparallel sound; in sky.
10. series of celestial winds; blew; in their colossal forms; drawing out; clouds; again and again; then; tore up; the trees.
11. (the wind) shattering; the mountain peaks; broke off; the points of the rocks; winds of great velocity; struck together; in the sky; emitted; flashes of radiance; proceeding from lightning; with a great sound; and then; they (became); great thunders.
12, 13. the living beings; which were; visible; cried out; along with the thunders; the visible; beings too; gave off; terrific noise; (the beings) were overpowered; and also very much anguished; they did not move; due to fear.
- the context cannot be about Eden, since they still need to invade her –
therefore it must be “at their own side”, read, the solarplane and above;
the ‘living beings’ as their own neanderthal-humanoids, and the entire
theme sounds like a huge type Vortex downwards is being caused: because
of the link to creating the world-axis (torus axis);
note how the description is alike the section in Rev. 6 where ‘the sun becomes black’,relating to this specific area as the first being restored,
- the context cannot be about Eden, since they still need to invade her –
14, 15. thereafter; the great ocean; with its waves and water; along with creatures; including snakes; and demons; became; soon; possessed with terrific velocity; due to speed; and swelling of waters; it crossed beyond; the other; shore; for a Yojana (eight miles)
- the vortex of the tornado starts descending into eden’s realm;
perhaps only as the start of their later much larger vortex (*pic above);
this concept could then be the strange ‘needle’, presented in the ritual
of opening the mouth (see plate X in pages),
- the vortex of the tornado starts descending into eden’s realm;
16. Rama; born in Raghu dynasty; and the annihilator of enemies; did not retreat; (before) that; ocean; and crossed its limits.
17. then; Sagara the god of ocean; himself; raised; from the middle; of the ocean; as the sun;
(raising) from the huge mountain of Meru; at dawn.
18. the ocean; along with snakes; of flaming jaws; appeared; with a hue of glossy emerald; adorned with gold.
a) Sagara:
- sagara; ‘provided with moisture’, atmosphere (RV)
- sagara; ‘containing poison’ (RA) likely as sa-having + gara
- gar-bhathi, ‘breeding place, nest’ (RV), sounds as (glyph) SESH nest
- gar-bhdhata, ‘containing in the womb’ (MH)
- gar-bhastha, situated in the womb, (MH)
- gar-bhin, pregnant,impregnated,filled with (RV) pregnant woman (MH)
- gar-dabhi; a she-ass (MH)
- gar-jita, crying, roaring, thundering (MH)
- gar-ta, high seat, throne (RV)
- gar-uda, (RV,MH), likely the phoenix (glyph) BENNU,
b) the snakes with ‘flaming jaws’
remind of the ape Hanuman, whose name integrates
‘jaw’ (glyph) ÃR as hanu, ‘jaw’; the theme is
similar to the poster of the shark-movie ‘jaws’,
even the very glyph ÃR is “to rise up”;
the sanskrit Man- cluster is generally
‘to devour’, and where you see the ÃRT, to right,
the t is place-T-e (remember in part I the
mayan monkey holding the cup with the T upon
it); – we could not find the related texts yet,
but he is often depicted as “setting ablaze Lanka
with his fiery tail”: this tail representing
the tornado-vortex [and may well be the glyph
SET’, ‘tail’],
19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24. the valiant; ocean; the lord of rivers; wearing a wreath of pearls; with his eyes resembling lotus- leaves; bearing; a beautiful; garland; made of all kinds of flowers; on his head; with ornaments of refined; gold; adorned; with excellent jewels; made of pearls; from his domain; decorated; with different kinds; of gems and metals; resembling the Himavat Mountain; he wore; on his broad; chest; a locket; sheding a white luster; resembling a Kaustubha gem (adorning the bosom of Lord Vishnu.); and hanging in the middle of a single string of pearls; with a multitude of waves, whirled around him; encircled by the clouds and winds; escorted; by rivers; mainly Ganga and Sindhu; equal in form; to deities; and endowed with diverse forms; approached; Rama; with joined palms; who stood with arrows in hand; addressing as “Rama!’ first; spoke; (the following) words:
- kaustubha;
-‘name of a celebrated jewel (obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the breast’ (MH,RA);
the world-axis in the text being the pillar (*pic right);
and our interpretation of the term as likely from ku, ‘bad’ and stub-, ‘to utter a joyful sound, hum, make a succession of exclamations, shout (especially applied to chanted interjections)’ (RV);
suggesting that this is the aspect related to “the mouth of eden” (sheb-dome), because of the “thundering (voice)” cluster, before, they now own – and is at the place of the Sba-stargate, - interpretation of Sagara:
in context, he must represent the construct as Anubis (*pic),
but then as their combined undirected-masculine and -feminine
(as counterpart of the woman), his head becoming the phoenix;
yet in his belly is still the mixture with the split-off Root, hence
the ‘poisonous breath-air’ (glyph) NEFU; the kaustuba may be
the place where the Watercourse enters the sheb-eden-dome.
The “ass” is related to ithyphallic (glyph) ÃÃU, but that thme is for
later, - per text, Sagara ‘lives in the middle of the ocean’ (eden’s),
- he is the father of Dasharata (Orion) and Rama (Saturn), as well
as Bhaghirata; the latter made their captured Watercourse flow down
into the cauldron ABTU (*pic), because Sagara’s sons excavate
(the earth) so a cavity will appear, which will be the ‘ocean’ when the
river Ganges will fill that cavity, - he raised (glyph ÃR!) fróm the Meru-mountain, in top of cube,
read: as Anubis, with his head onto above the cube, - he is the ‘lord of rivers’ – presumingly the “7 rivers they just cut-off”
(see part I, Vala); - the ‘Kaustubha-gem’, as one of 14 gems, which can correspond
to the 14 regions (glyph) ÁAT in the thes-domes above cube-H;
the term appears to relate a similar construct called Purusha
(and yes we found a translated hymn about him, in RV! ), - the ‘multitude of waves’ must be Anubis’ necklace; related to
the ‘encircled by clouds and winds’ as (glyph) SHEN and
hailstorm Shenát, encirceling eden-sheb-stone (see bd141);
- kaustubha;
25. O, beloved; Rama! earth; wind; ether; water; and light; remain fixed; in their own nature; taking refuge; in an eternal; path
26. hence; I; am fathomless; and my; nature; is this; being impossible of being swum across; It becomes; unnatural; If I am shallow; I am telling; you; this.
27. O, prince! neither from desire; nor ambition; nor fear; nor from affection; I am able to solidify; my waters inhabited by alligators.
28. O, Rama! I; will make it possible; in that manner by which; you can go; in every way; I will arrange; a place; for the monkeys; to cross me; and bear with it; as far as; the army; crosses me; the crocodiles; will not be aggressive.
- so the strange situation develops, that their Anubis-construct is shown,
but not realized yet – because he is still within the to-be-cauldron,
telling Rama that he is guarded by alligators (eden’s masculine power);
and verse 26 should read that the technical aspects
of their creation cause that he is too solidly grounded [to his place] that he
cannot swim-across to the M-realm (and if he could, he would get ‘shallow’,
since he represents the core of their obtained mixed-realm),
- so the strange situation develops, that their Anubis-construct is shown,
29. then; Rama; spoke; to that ocean; (as follows); Listen; to me; this; great arrow; should not be in vain; in which; direction; should it be descended?
30. hearing; Rama’s; words; (the) large splendid; mighty ocean; seeing; that; powerful arrow; spoke; the following words; to Rama:
31. there is; a certain; place; which is northward; to me; it is well known; as Drumatulya; as; you; are well known; in the world.
32. numerous; robbers; of fearful aspect and deeds; having the sinful Abhiras as their chief, drink; my; waters; there.
33. I am not able to bear; that; touch; of those; wicked people; the evil doers; O, Rama! let excellent arrow; be released; on them; there; with out vain.
- Abhiras, similar is used in RV as abhirastra,’conquering dominions’;
perhaps from -abhi,’fearless’ (RV) and -ras,’tasting, delighting’ [in] (MH),
that context would make sense since ‘those drink his waters’;- the term Drumatulya appears to can be also Drumakulya; druma- as the
term for ‘tree’ in general (MH etc) [but likely derived from related clusters
as dhruma, ‘ fixed, firm, immovable, unchangeable, constant, lasting,
permanent, eternal’ (RV), in either case related to an eden tree; the -D
should be related to ‘light’ ]; - kulya as ’eminent family or race’ and ‘house’ (read: eden), but more
likely a composite word as the Ku-, ‘evil’ plus the term ‘region’; - tulya as similar, the cluster seems to be about ‘to balance, equal’, with
several (MH and RV); from root ‘tul’, ‘to lift up, to raise’ (RA), and
‘to counterbalance’ (RA), with -lya as “the region to raise”, glyph ÃR;
it reminds immediately to the Great Balance MÃKHAT, and we suspect
that also in Sanskrit the T-vowel can represent place-T;
- the term Drumatulya appears to can be also Drumakulya; druma- as the
- the line ‘who drink my waters’, read: the undirected feminine of them
now as dírected-feminine, under eden’s rule; compare the line in the book
of Henoch, that “leviathan and behemoth will be given (again) as food”,
- Abhiras, similar is used in RV as abhirastra,’conquering dominions’;
34. hearing; those words; of that Ocean; the high soled; (Rama) released; that arrow; which was excellent; and splendid; towards the place as directed by the ocean.
35. the place, where; the arrow; whose splendor was akin to that of a thunder and a thunder–bolt; was descended; by Rama; that place; is indeed famous; as desert of Maru; on earth.
- Maru: lit. desert, sandy waste (MH), read, as dry-place, see note at 3];
- mar-akata, ’emerald’ (RA)
- mar-ana, ‘the act of dying’ (MH)
- mar-anadharma, ‘the law of death’ (RA)
- mar-iya, ‘to be cleansed or prepared (said of soma-) (RV) glyph UÃB,
- mar-man, mortal spot, ‘vulnerable point, any open or exposed or weak or
sensitive part of the body (RV), - mar-man, ‘anything which requires to be kept concealed, secret quality,
hidden meaning, any secret or mystery (MH), which relates to both the
glyph SHETA as ÁMEN (the fortress as hidden-corner, see Op. of mouth), - mar-sána,’touching (especially a woman)’ (MH), phallus-theme?
- mar-tyadharman, ‘having the character or properties of a mortal, any human
being’ (MH), cluster of similar; likely indicating ‘blueprint of a human’,
compare Henoch’s “mankind”, see below;
- Maru: lit. desert, sandy waste (MH), read, as dry-place, see note at 3];
- b) so close is the mimick, just like in glyphs, of MER- and MAR-, and the context
shows that they adress eden’s sheb-dome here, containing already the emerald
glow [which will be in full at Rev. 4, see *pic diagram above]; but now it is their
mimick-emerald named (glyph) UATCH which will take over; - c) related to Mar- in multiple (but containing the meanings as above!) are the
Marut “the flashing or shining ones”, as sons of Rudra (eden, see part I), living
in the middle-sphere (MH), read: not the cauldron south, nor the field of reeds
north [compare the picture, right, where the hindu religion names everything
south as Patala],
d) Vra-na and TEKH, many ‘boils, ulster’ etc. contain the SH-pool glyph, as well as ‘urine’, USESH, which is nothing else as the unadulterated ‘word the Watercourse brings’; the lower tile in the diagram must be the SH then (where the upper, with forests, is the B from ‘solarplane’; together forming the (hebrew) sheb-dome). Then the spells turn the character Inverse, and SH becomes KH – with numerous stepdowns, but noticable KHEN, “to hover over”, indicating immediately what they do; as it’s stepdown KHENEM, “to inhale the fragrance”, to KHET, ‘staff’ (former eden-double root ÃPP), and inversed as TEKH and T’EKH (*pic, similar meanings, we cannot post all…).
38. from that place; a terrific; splitting sound; was born; water; was dried up; in those cavities; by hurling of that arrow.
39, 40. that desert of Meru; became famous; in the three; worlds; Rama; the son of Dasaratha; wise man; and a valiant man like a celestial; made that cavity dried up; and gave; a boon; to the desert of Maru.
41, 42. due to granting of a boon; to that desert Maru; by Rama; the place became most fit for cattle; having tasty fruits and roots; with a lot of clarified butter; lot of milk; sweet smelling; having various kinds of herbs; thus; it became; an auspicious; and suitable; move; consisting of; these; merits.
43. then; while that; cavity; was burning; ocean; the lord of rivers; spoke; these; words; to Rama; who knew all scientific treaties.
- scientific: we can but find the root of used word,
- sarva, ‘omni-, all sorts, various,etc’ (MH)
- sarva-bhaksa, ‘eating or devouring everything, omnivorous’ (RA, MH)
- sarva-bhutantuka,’destroying all beings’ (MH)
- sarva-ga, ‘all-pervading, omnipresent’ (MH)
- sarva-jnãtva, ‘omniscience’, (RA,MH)
but the whole cluster escapes us at the moment; perhaps similar to (glyph) REKH, ‘to know’ (knowledge), but in all spells used as “to know fróm eden”, to know her secrets,
44. O, excellent man! this one; named Nala; a glorious person; is the son; of Visvakarma; who was given a boon; by his father; and equal to; Visvakarma.
45. let this monkey; a greatly energetic one; build; a bridge; in me; I; can hold; it; He; is the same; as;his father.
- Nala: ‘a species of reed’ (MH), read: a soul-spirit,
in older spells the (glyph) NEBÁ is used, later turning into
[sekhet] ÁARU, [field] of reeds, the Elysian fields above
the cube-H; Nala is the son of Kubera (MH), who appears to
be the Behemoth-realm itself, represented as wealthy regent; - Vishwakarman; rather obscure, “all-maker”, likely as a type
consciousness, since he presides over all manual labours as well as the sixty-four mechanical arts (64 is matrix-type consciousnesses, which return in themselves), so probably themindset of the Watchers, who made the ape-sons like Nala [ as ‘reeds’, (glyph) Nebá ];
46. thus; speaking; the god of Ocean; disappeared; then; Nala; the more distinguished among monkeys; stood up; and spoke; words; (these) to Rama; of great power.
47. the great ocean; told; a truth; I; will construct; a bridge; (across) the large; ocean; taking recourse to; the ability; of my father.
48. this; Sagara; the formidable; mass of water; in fear punishment; wished to see a bridge constructed; (and) gave; a passage; to Rama.
49. on the mountain of Mandara; the following boon; was given; to my mother; by Visvakarma; “O like lady! a son; equal; to me; will be born; to you.
words and quotes used from the great link