- previous part was about how to understand the contexts of the words
which this language uses, and is important for the actual bridge, below:
oftentimes words have several meanings, and related aspects,
and if a person one has in mind “an army of monkeys, building a literal
bridge to India”, then the words seem to confirm this option.
For that reason, we left the translation of the site we use, in purple,
and directly below the chapterline (bolded) our find (some words were not detectable
for us, so we left these in the original version),
57. from here and there; (they) brought; Palmyra trees; pomegranate shrubs; coconut and Vibhitaka; Karira; Bakula; and neem trees.
from here and there; (they) fetched (for the); the centre-lampstand post (trees); the white-garment-realm (of many variety – trees); eden’s feminine (trees); the place-T (trees); the solarplane tile (trees); the lower SH-tile (trees); the Abtu-region (trees);
- it appears as if we are just ‘complicating things’ here;
but they did not just ‘collect any tree’, but regions and aspects of eden;
and we wonder they can be the same as the version of the “seven sons”:
where ‘white realm-garment’ is Varuna; the ‘coconut tree’ is Bhaga;
the ‘centre pole’ is Mitra; the solarplane-tile is Aryaman; the ‘place-T’
tree as Martanda; etc.;
note how they take back which they consider are their aspects;
A) ‘brought’, samAja
- samA, ‘year’ (RV)
- samAja, ‘association, collection, company, meeting, etc’ (MH)
- samAhve, ‘to call together, convoke’ (RA)
- samAvahya, ‘challenge, conflict’ (MH)
- samAhR, ‘to perform, offer (a sacrifice)’ (RA) (+bring, collect,etc)
- samAhan, ‘strike down, kill’ (MH)
B] the eden trees,
a) pomegranite:
compare the berries offered by sem-priest (op. of mouth pages), and the pomegranates upon the priest garment of the tabernacle; below cluster seems to be about ‘milk’, which is in the spells always related to “garment-body” (as MAAHESA, from H’esat, Eve); as opposed to redness (glyph) TESHER, which is aether; added is a word which may be ‘shrub’ but also ‘fortress, consisting out of different type troops’,
- dAdima (MH),
- dad, ‘giving’, rootword,
- dadhi, ‘coagulated milk, thick sour milk’ (RV) (many words)
- dadimA, ‘to put on (clothes) (RV)
character: (white) garment-realm (not skincolour-related)
b) coconut, as nArikela, MH
from ‘nara’, beings related to the gandharva MH) (eden’s masculine)
- nAradA, ‘supposed to be a messenger between deities and men’ (MH)
- nArI, ‘woman, wife’ (RV)
- nArmara, ‘name of a demon’ (RV) (ma- is eden’s)
- divyanAri, ‘divine female’ (RA)
derivation from nara-, likely “masculine”, - nara, ‘class of spirits related to the gandharva’ (MH)
- naragrAha, ‘murdered crocodile’ (RA) (=crocodile cáptured nara)
- naraka, ‘hell, place of torment’ (MH)
- narasImha, ‘man-lion’, a great warrior’ (MH,RA)
- naravAhana, ‘drawn by man’, name of kubera (MH)
vAhana, draw, carry, convey; Kubera is either M-realm or ÕN;
read: place of Õn to draw to nara = Restau?) - naravyAghra, ‘plural name of mythological people’, (RA),
vyAghra, ‘tiger’ (RV), unclear; - nartana, ‘dancer’ (MH), dancing=’to create’, as glyph ‘singing’,
compare Shiva/Osiris as typical dancer, glyph AB, - kiMnara,‘mythical being with horse-head and man-body, or inverse’,
(RA), or kiMnarI, ‘female kiMnara’ (RA);
compare Isis with phallus, etc;
into vAnara, ‘monkey’, used in text here; pu-nar, to restore, renew;
character: feminine in eden’s form, but from non-directed feminine
c) vibhitaki,
- vibh = Cain = to divide, distribute, open etc
- tak, ‘to rush along’ (RV) (context, as a kite takes a mouse)
- yamAntaka, ‘yamA as the destroyer’ (RA,MH) (yamA = adam)
- yautaka, ‘private property’ (MH)
- Sataka, ‘the hundreth’ (RA)
- samvartaka, ‘demon’, (MH)
- samvartaka, ‘the end or dissolution of the universe’ (RA)
samvar is the ‘secrecy, to conceal, dam, mound’ cluster,
samvarta, ‘rolling-up, destruction’ (RA,MH) - kRtakarya, ‘one who has attained his object’ (RA) several,
context must read ‘place-T’ as taka-; where Vibhi- is “to divide”,
character: to open place-T-e for them,
d) bakula tree,
- bak, ‘kind of heron or crane’ (MH) (glyph BÁK, Horus-falcon?)
- baka, ‘name of a RSi’ (MH) (RSi, seven fallen archangels)
- bakura, ‘(prob.) a horn, trumpet’ (RV)
- lambakarNa, ‘having pendulous ears, long ears’ (RA,MH)
reminding of the easter-island people, lamb-cluster is “pendant,
to hang down”, also of breasts, as in spells, but is unclear, - lambakarNa, ‘a hawk, falcon'(sources)
- stabaka, cluster of blossoms’ (RA,MH) = the Bhaga, son of 7?
Bakula, a kind of tree, Mimusops Elengi (said to put forth blossoms when sprinkled with nectar from the mouth of lovely women) (MH), note the nectar and mouth; evergreen tree, characteristic: deep-red wood for sculpting
character: the BÁK-olive tree of Horus,
growing out of upper tile
e) karira
- kara, ‘make, cause, produce, etc ‘, root;
- kara, ‘the hand’ (RV) (as executive place)
- karada, ‘subject to tax’ (RA)
- kara, ‘ray of light (of sun or moon)’ (RA)
- kara, karin; ‘elephants trunk’ (MH)
- karkari, ‘kind of lute’ (RV)
- puSkarin, ‘abounding in lotusses’ (RA) (seshen glyph)
- puSkarin, ‘lotus pool, any pool’ (RV) (sh-pool)
- puSkarin, ‘thrive’ (MH)
- putrusamkarin, mixing or confusing children (mixed marriages) MH
character:lower tile SH (or also upper, B )
f) the Nimb or Neemb tree
- nimA, ‘to measure, adjust’ (RV)
- nimagna, ‘submerged, plunged, penetrated or fixed into’ (MH)
- nimagna, ‘entered into the other world’ (MH)
- nimanta, ‘to invite, summon, call to’ (MH)
- nimesa, ‘shutting the eye, twinkling, winking’ (MH)
- nimeSena, ‘in barely a moment’ (MH) (frequency)
- nemta, ‘twinkling, shutting the eye (also considered as a measure
of time, a moment)’ (RV RA) (sic! ) - nimita, ‘fixed, raised, erected’ (RV) (of sight/realm)
- nim-nagA, “going downwards, descending”, a river’ (MH) (to Abtu)
- nimnita, ‘deep, depressed, sunk’ (MH)
- janiman, ‘generation, origin’ (RV)
- janiman, ‘creature, being’ (RV)
- janiman, ‘genus, kind, race’ (RV) (sounds all Atlantean…)
- udanimat, ‘abounding in waves or water’ (RV)
character: region of Abtu, where was their Root as Sargada,
g) palmyra tree,
tricky, because they also bróught one; see cluster above,
but a possibility is that this tree is tala-, while previous was tAla-;
compare the combined terms as,
- nabhas-tala, “sky-surface”, firmament’ (MH)
nabhas: ‘mist,cloud, vaporous, misty, hazy’ (RV),
nabhas, ‘[bursting forth], cloud; mist, fragrance (of Soma)’ (RV)
nabhas atmosphere, sky; dual nr’ (MH) (both tiles)
character: the ‘stem’ of the lampstand, as the river flowing down
from the mountain in main diagram (*pic)
58. the monkeys having huge bodies; and mighty strength; uprooted; elephant-sized; rocks; and mountains; and transported; by mechanical contrivances.
the great Ka-spirit-doubles; of great Sorcery; detached; the place of Õn; (from) the upper stone-tile; (at) the Khemenu-mountain; (the richness) to transport; (by) boat (as construct);
note: since we don’t know yet what they are about to say,
the words as of-, by-, etc, may require change,
a) ‘monkeys having huge bodies’, not quite;
- used term as mahA-kAy, great+kAya, kAya as ‘body cluster’,
- kAya, ‘relating to the god ka-‘ (RV) (sic, KA spirit-double),
- brahmakAyika, ‘particular class of deities’ (MH)
- mAha-kAya, ‘large-bodied, of great stature, tall, bulk’ (MH)
- mAhakAya, ‘name of shiva’ (MH)
- mAhakAya Sirodhara, ‘having a large body and strong neck’ (RA)
- nikAya, ‘an assemblage, a group, class, association (especially of
persons who perform the same duties)’ (MH) - nikAya, ‘habitation, dwelling, hiding-place’ (RA)
- pUrvArdhikAya, ‘the front or upper part of the body’ (MH)
- SAlankAyana, ‘name of a rSHi’ (MH) (fallen archangel)
SAla, ‘the sal-tree, Vatica Robusta (a valuable timber tree)’ (MH),
familyname of genus Dipterocarpus, from Greek Di=two and from
Pteron=wing and Karpos=fruit, referring to two-winged fruit:
read, “top Q and K axis as KA-double”,
used term: “the great Ka-spirit-doubles”,
b) ‘and mighty strength’, mAha-balAH,
- balA, ‘a certain charm’ (RA) (sorcery, H’EKA?)
- balA, ‘daughter of Daksa’ (RA), (of Saturn = sorcery),
- balAdhika, ‘superior in strength and power’ (MH)
- balAdhika, ‘as above, but commander or general of army’ (RA)
- balAka, ‘name of a hunter’ (RA)
used term: “great sorcery”
c) ‘uprooted’
- samutpATa, ‘an omen (boding some calamity)’ (MH)
- samutpaT, ‘to uproot, detach, sever’ (RA)
used term: “to detach”
d) ‘elephant-sized’, hastimAtrAn,
- hasta, ‘elephant trunk’ (RA),
- hastihasta, ‘elephant trunk’ (MH),
- has, ‘laughing, mocking’, rootword (MH)
- hasta, ‘to fall into the hand of the enemy’ (RV)
- hastinApura, ‘elephant city’,
pur,’going in front’, rootword (foreground?)
pur, ‘fortress, city, castle, etc’ (RV) (place of Õn?)
pur is the city/fortress cluster;
“the fortress / in the navel (nA) / of the trunk Ketu” (?)
used term: “place of Õn”,
e) ‘rocks’, pASaNA,
- pASaNA, ‘stone, rock’, (MH)
- pASya, ‘a rampart of stones’ (RV)
- ayopASTi, ‘having iron claws’ (RV)
- apASThavat, ‘having barbs’ (RV) (ÃNT, claw, BEH’ tooth?)
root pas: - pastya, ‘stall, stable’ (RV)
- pastyAvat, ‘belonging to the Soma press’ (RV)
- pastyAvat, ‘forming a fixed habitation’ (RV)
- apas, ‘work especially sacred action’ (RV)
- apas, ‘name of the hands and fingers (when employed in kindling
the sacred fire and in performing the sacrifices)’ (RV) - apas, ‘of the active or running waters’ (RV)
- apasphur, ‘bounding or bursting forth, (or figuratively) splashing out
(said of the soma)’ (RV) - tapasvat, ‘burning, hot’ (RV) (that is why need to cool-down, QEBH’)
- tripastya, ‘having three dwellings’ (RV) ( see Shemt-section, below);
used term: their original upper-B tile
f) ‘mountains’
- parvata, ‘mountain cluster’ (RV etc)
- parvata, ‘name of a rSHi’ (RV (one of seven fallen archangels)
- parvatAVRdh, ‘delighting in mountains (but in the pressing-stones,
said of soma)’ (RV)
used term: either Khemenu or Manu mountain,
g) and transported parivahanti
- pari, ’round about, around’ a root
- pari, ‘fully, abundant, rich’ (RV)
- pari, ‘away from, outside of’ (RV)
- parivah, ‘to carry about, to drag about’ (RV, MH)
- parivaAha, ‘to carry off excess of water’ (MH)
used term: richness to transport
h) a mechanical device:
in context it may be the “boat” of the spells, as “construct”;
which can be close enough to ‘mechanical’; a related root is
yAna, “van, wagon, vessel, ship, vehicle of any kind”,
- yantra, ‘any instrument for holding or restraining or fastening,
a prop, support, barrier’ (RV) - yantra, ‘a fetter, band, tie, thong, rein, trace’ (MH)
- yantra, ‘any instrument or apparatus, mechanical contrivance,
engine, machine, implement, appliance (as a bolt or lock on
a door, oars or sails in a boat’ (MH)
used term: boat, as construct
59. the water; raised up; due to sudden; throwing; of mountains; (in to the sea) soured upward towards; the sky; from there; again; gushed back.
(from?) the Abtu (or Ánt) dimension; was extricated; a mighty 1000-fold shared aspect; the hurled-adam-aspect; of the eden-mountain; (eden) delivered-up; to the Sekhet-Áaru fields; and diffused; repeatingly; (gushing back) covering the abode;
a) ‘the water’, jalam
ja- was the fish/atlantis cluster,
- jala, ‘water, any fluid’ (MH)
- jalacArin, ‘fish’ (RV, MH, RA)
term used: “ánt-ravine, or Abtu dimension”
b) ‘raised up’ uddhRitam
- uddhR, ‘to bring out, draw out, pull out, extricate’ (RV,RA,MH)
- uddhR, ‘to raise, lift up, rescue, remove’ (MH)
- uddhRs, ‘rejoice’ (RV)
used term: extricated
c) ‘due to sudden’, sahasA
saha seems the ‘together cluster’,
- saha, ‘mighty’ (RV)
- sahaja, ‘hereditary, etc’ (MH)
- sahas, ‘mighty, power’ (RV)
- sahasevin, ‘having intercourse with’ (MH)
- sahasra, ‘a thousand’ (RV)
used term: “a mighty 1000-fold shared aspect” (vishnu snake)
d) throwing, prakShipyamAnaiH
- prakSAL– cluster, to purify, cleans;
- prakSip, ‘to cast, hurl’ (MH)
- prakSi, ‘spoil, destroy’
+ yamA, Adam;?
used term: unsure, the hurled-adam-aspect?
e) ‘mountains’,
very unused term, acala,
related to ‘door-bolt, seven, and maruts’,
used term: eden mountain
f) ‘soured upwards towards’, samutsasarpa,
combined term; we can see the samuts-,
- samutsikta, ‘overflowing with, proud of’ (RA,MH)
- samutsava, ‘great festival’ (RA)
- samutsah, ‘be capable, have energy’ (RA, MH)
- samutsad, ‘to destroy utterly’ (RA,MH)
- samutsRj, ‘to give up, deliver, send forth’ (RA, MH)
used term: (eden) delivered up
g) ‘the sky’, AkAsha,
- AkA, ‘desire to obtain’ (RV)v
- AkASa, ‘free or open space’, (MH)
- AkASaga, ‘going through the atmosphere’ (RA)
- brahiSpakArA, ‘outer wall or rampart’ (MH)
- jyAkAra, ‘a bow-string’ (RV)
- mAhakAyA, ‘large bodied, great of stature’ (RA,MH)
- mAhakAyAsirodhAya, ‘large body and strong neck’ (RA)
- prAKAradharaNI, ‘a platform upon a wall’ (RA)
- patAKA, ‘flag, banner’ (MH) akashic-realm
term used: Sekhet-Áaru fields
h) ‘from there’, tataH
- tata, ‘father’ (RV)
- tata, ‘extend, expand, diffuse, spread, etc’ (RV)
term used: diffused
i) again, punaH,
puna- seems the ‘repeat, return cluster’,
we leave it as ‘repeatingly’,
j) gushed back, avAsarpat,
perhaps from a-vasA root,
- vasA, ‘abode, habitation’ (RV)
also covering and perfuming; - AvasA, ‘residence, dwelling’ (RA, MH)
term used: (gushed back,) covering the abode (context)