23/3: London Westminster ritual

[ see update V below! ]

23/3: London Westminster ritual

[with our deepest sympathy for the relatives of the poor victims]


for the first time, a defensive Ritual – instead of an attacking one!
– main theme: WESTMINSTER
…from West + monastery, Greek root of ‘single, alone, solitary’;
read:  “the One of the West”; the realm of Áment;
see glyph, above: UÃ is the white circle surrounding the white hole,
as the place of Õn;

…from ABU, “father of”, IZZ, “strength, honour, glory, self-esteem” AL-, “the” DYN,”faith, religion”

– patsy perpetrator: ABU IZZALDEEN

[ * see updates, below! ]

“the heart of the democratic West has been attacked”, and numerous other
oneliners in every MSM; who ‘knew’ since minute one that this was another
‘terrorist attack’.
The link to their previous drive-throughs is obvious; making it the same theme
as the Revelation-goddess – but this time in defense mode, and that hasn’t
happened anytime before!  so that is positive [and réal] news;

…the “river” is obviously the Watercourse;
where ‘ the father of strength of the faith’  [you may guess Who that is] enters théir “One”,
[but ‘fails’ – and this is approved by millions of souls becáuse of believing this Ritual];

detail: London Underground sigil is used, with the text “we are not afraid”;
[which is something we here question very much],
the sigil derives from greek THET ( a bar in a circle) to phoenician TET,
(a cross in a circle); which is the glyph “place, locality”, used for ÕN;
and from the Tower, in the glyph, the link to Big Ben is easy (benben),

Note in the glyphs above the line at the bottom of the picture,
“the things for existence to become new / [by] to make / the evil “One” (eden eye)
[into] the divine “One” (white hole)


– the abovementioned name was in dozens of newssites;
just now, the official name became Khalid Masuud,
and instead he ‘ died later from injuries’,
this one was now “shot at the scene”;

…however, in spite of those Tricks,
the original Ritual will not change, nor lose any validity.
“eternal / luck”, the name of the nów ‘presented’ perpetrator,
is but a poor attempt to pacify the anger of Heaven towards them.


…the period of “creating Fake news fór your Fake news” has officially started:
Blunders that saw C4 and Wikipedia name the wrong man

  • – create and set up your ritual
  • – wait with official release of the perpetrator name
  • – go ‘leak’ the name you inténded to be Ritually part of your event, to some other media stooge of yours,
  • – then splatter the ‘real name’ of the perpetrator over your msm
  • – this way you suggést you ‘fight Fake news’, yet supporting your own Ritual with doubled effect

Media mogul Elliot Carver in James Bond’s Tomorrow Never Dies,
writing his events for tomorrow’s papers:

[credit: ign.com]

* update IV:

– ‘fortress’ is a very common expression for Õn;
and ‘guardians’, SAAA, or ‘doorkeepers’,
is a typical expression for the Watchers;

do understand this is a communicating war:
we are waiting for a headline “the empire strikes back”
(see above picture of media mogul),

* update V:

‘supportive ritual – not intended to kill anyone’
[link to dailymail.co.uk]

— loNe.