2/2: Revelation woman — ritual #6

2/2: Revelation woman — ritual #6

from: newsco.live

2/3: new series released:
photo above, “nefertt statue” pose
.. the quasi-religious setting of the picture was a sure indicator, and that,
combined with the history of deep symbolism of this artist,
makes it even irrelevant whether the pregnancy itsélf is real or not —
in the January log, you can read the context of the Revelation woman,
and how the Spells are related to that theme:
note the ‘crown [of flowers]’ in the pic above; the ‘veiled [with the sun]’,
the only thing missing is the moon — but the above two are strong enough
to make the connection Valid;
also the “twin” theme is important: since the spells claim the birthgoddess
for thém.