the image of adamite ruling the centre of the dual-realm, Micah 4 — when the 144,000 reach Babylon in outer-court —

mic 4
the image of adamite ruling the centre of the dual-realm,
Micah 4 — when the 144,000 reach Babylon in outer-court —

the main theme of the whole book of Micah seems to be “dimensional centre”; as well in that difficult first chapter, as the previous Anzu bird one; in this chapter 4 a similar concept is presented, being “the daughter of tsiun”;

and·he-becomes in·latter-of the·days he-shall-become mountain-of house-of ieue being-established in·summit-of the·mountains and·he-is-lifted-up he from·hills and·they-stream on·him peoples
But in the last days it shall come to pass, [that] the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it

  • – ‘last’, H319 acharith ‘end’ 61x;

the Interval context:
first few lines of this chapter must be about the ‘1000 years’ as Interval, when upon eden-earth will still be born many souls in this type body,
mountain context:
we think that the double-mountain-construct remains – but now ruled by eden, during the interval (see Anzu bird in Micah 1 chapter); but yes the question is how to view the ‘hills’ – just as multiple ?
“and it becomes (to pass) / inat the end of / the days (when the interval started) /, (that) the mountain – (being) the house of / IEUE / shall become / established / +
inas the summit of / the double mountain /, and – he – is lifted up / from the hills /, and – the people – flow – onunto it /;

and·they-go nations many-ones and·they-say go-you ! and·we-shall-ascend to mountain-of ieue Yahweh and·to house-of Elohim-of Jacob and·he-shall-direct·us from·ways-of·hm and·we-shall-go in·paths-of·him that from·tziun she-shall-go-forth law and·word-of ieue from·Jerusalem
And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem
jerusalem context:
not referring to the present (historical) one on this earth, since this chapter is situated already in the eden-land context; this couldn’t be the “new jerusalem” from Rev. 21, but “the camp of God’s people” in preceding chapter 20,
“and – the many – nations – walk up (during the interval, at eden-earth) /, and they say: / go-you ! / andfor we shall ascend / to / the mountain of / IEUE /, +
and to / the house of / the deity of /Jacob (believing adamite-souls on eden-earth) /. and he shall direct us / fromby his ways / and we shall walk – fromin his paths /, thatbecause / from tsiun / she – the law – shall go forth /, and the word (in the right direction) of / IEUE / from Jerusalem (the city in eden-earth) /;

and·he-judges between peoples many-ones and·he-corrects for·nations staunch-ones still afar and·they-pound swords-of·them to·mattocks and·spears-of·them to·pruners not they-shall-lift nation to nation sword and·not they-shall-learn further war
And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more
afar context:
the ‘nations’ can’t be the horus-spirits, because those are imprisoned; it does not make much Sense that those “will be living far away”, we consider it related to a timeframe (being the interval),
“and he judges / between / the many – peoples /, and he corrects – foras – the staunch – nations (at eden-earth) /, (this being) still / afar off (in Time) /, and they (shall) beat / their swords / tointo plowshares / and their spears / to pruners /; (for) a nation – nót – shall lift – the sword – to – a(nother) nation /, and – they shall – nót – learn – further – (how to) war /;

and·they-sit aish man under vine-of·him and·under fig-tree-of·him u·ain and·there-is-no one-causing-to-tremble that mouth-of ieue-of hosts he-spoke that all-of the·peoples they-shall-go man in·name-of Elohim-of·him and·we we-shall-go in·name-of ieue Elohim-of·us for·eon and·further
But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make [them] afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken [it]. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever

  • – ‘afraid’, H2729 charad ‘afraid, tremble, disturb’ 39x;

u-ain eye context:
there is no further reference in the line in order to justify ‘eye’, and “they will sit under their tree by the fearful eye (wheel)” would be a bit Overdone;
man context:
we think used deliberately here – instead of merely “one-sitting”; the type-man as still this type physical body souls will be born into – line came out a bit crippled; we left the nice (forever and further),
line, said by Watercourse,
“andbut(every) (type-) man (-kind) – (will) sit – under / his (own) eden-vine / and under / his fig tree /, andfor there-is-no / disturber /, thatfor / the mouth of / IEUE / (has) spoken /; thatbecause / all / the people / (being) (the type-) man (-kind) – shall walk / in the name of / his deity /, and we / shall walk / in the name of / IEUE / our deity /, forever / and further /;

in·the·day the·he averment-of ieue I-shall-gather the·one-limping and·the·one-being-expelled I-shall-convene and·whom I-brought-evil and·I-place the·one-limping to·remnant and·the·one-being-beyond to·nation staunch and·he-reigns ieue over·them in·mountain-of tziun from·now and·unto eon
In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever

  • – ‘halteth’, H6760 tsala ‘lame, limp’ 4x, said of Jacob;
  • – ‘driven out’, H5080 nadach ‘seduced, banish, driven out, cast out’ 51x;
  • – ‘cast far off’, H1972 hala ‘outcast’ 1x; hale-ah ‘beyond, etc’ 16x; hi ‘woe’ 1x; no further;

chapter turn, sheep and goats context:
chapter now turning to hów the interval (as decribed previously) will come about;

  • 1) the “cause to bring evil” is often used for the time of tribulation,
  • 2) usually a repeat (limping and expelled) is to strengthen the theme, but there appears to be made a difference between “remnant” and “nations” – we used the listed (seduce) and added (caused to),
  • 3) the problematic part here is the “reign over them forever” – but because the dubious term (mlk) is used, as often when about the interval, we think the interpretation is defendable,

“in – that – day (=during the tribulation) /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /, I shall gather / the one limping /, and the one (causing to) expelledseduce / I shall convene /, andas (to) whom / I (caused to) bring evil (rã) (being the tribulation) /; and I place / the one limping (like Jacob) / to the remnant (144,000) /, andbut the one being beyond (woeful deity?) / to – the staunch – nation (of horus-spirits) /, and he – IEUE – reigns (mlk) / over them / inby the mountain of / tsiun / from now / and unto / for ever /;

and·you Tower-of-Drove hump-of daughter-of tziun unto·you she-shall-arrive and·she-comes the·rule the·former kingdom-of to·daughter-of Jerusalem
And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem

  • – ‘tower’, H4026 migdal ‘tower’ 49x but especially after the name of an egyptian egyptian garrison’; as glyph MÃKTÁR, into MÃKHT ‘(pillar of) the great balance’ (of Anubis);
  • – ‘flock’, H5739 eder ‘flock, herd’ 39x, negative [stormgod];
  • – ‘stronghold’,H6076 ophel ‘tumor, boil (by extension hill or fortress)’ 9x; nostril+deity (aph+el), since the great balance caused the nostril to be into their north;

tower context:
it is definitely Negative, this tower (see glyph to right);

as “their centre inbetween the deep-south and behemoth-realm north”; this “ruling the centre” also depicted in the lifted-up woman depicted in the vignette from ‘opening of the mouth’ pages (see diagrams). The daughter of tsiun is then the same typication of “centre rule”, but then as eden’s rule — over the feminine-dual realm south, and the (now cleaned) m-realm, north.
  • 2) the daughter must be the same as “the womanstretching out her handpalms in travail” (jeremiah page), and we can’t help seeing in this description here an un-doing of ‘the balance’; which, in turn, must be the Revelation woman, considered the same positioning of similar attributes;
MÃKTÁR context:
to right; erroneously written mãktáL but glyphs don’t know the -L; as “the tower by the eden-mouth for the VaV-sceptre for the M-realm”, where the eden-mouth is eden’s gate at the inner-court; imagined as their tower-fortress standing upón the eden-gate (‘..which they hated, because it spoke flawlessly’ see page. The tower becoming “the pillar of the great balance” as the stepdown MÃKHT, to right; Though their (tower-) construct will be un-done, a shadow of it will be possibly remaining still (during the interval), since the tower is mentioned in Zech. 14, “the land will turn inside-out [..] from the (place of) the tower (mgdl) of Hananeel..”; as H2606 Chanan-el; (there is more to discover comparing Hananeel and MÃKHT; as the ‘to bend graciously to an inferior, chanan, and the bend shown in the boomerang-type-glyph in Mãkht, but for later);

daughter as centre context:

the idea in pic to right; as “the image of adamite in the centre of the dual-realm south, and the m-realm north”; similar idea as “the (eden-) standard” which all the matrix princes will fear and hate (jeremiah page); the character of “ruling in the centre of south and north” is again described in line 13 below. In glyphs, the -S as ‘adamite-soul’ is the “door-bolt” glyph, very likely describing the crucial position of the adamite image between the feminine realm south and the masculine north; and compare their MENU shrine (see diagrams) as having nów that position – but then for to inverse – where the sigil of MENU is virtually the same as the bolt-glyph for adamite-soul. (in Job, IEUE closed the northern gate with a ‘bolt’, see page);

“andyet you / tower (mgdl) of the flock /, (being) the tumor (-hill) of / the daughter (nature) of / tsiun /, unto you / she (the daughter) shall arrive /, and – she – the rule – comes / +
toas – the first – kingdom (mlk) of – the daughter of – Jerusalem (eden-earth) /;

now to·what ? you-are-shouting shout ?·king ain there-is-no in·you or one-counseling-of·you he-perished that he-holds-fast·you travail as·the·woman-giving-birth
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? [is there] no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail

  • – ‘why’, H518 im ‘if, not, or, when, whether, surely, while, neither, saving, verily’,
  • – ‘cry out’, H7321 rua ‘to shout, to alarm’ 45x; either part of -ra (evil) or breath -rua(ch);
  • – ‘aloud’, H7452 rea ‘shout, noise’ (dubious) 3x;
  • – ‘perished’, H6 abad ‘ruined, perished, destroyed’ 184x; properly “to wander-away (lose oneself)”, by implication ‘peris, etc’; solarplane-B; compare Abaddon (glyph ABBAIT);
  • – ‘woman in travail’, H3205 yalad ‘to generate, father’ 497x, different term as in next line 10;

ain eye context:
this time we chose the eye (as dimensional centre); in Micah 1 page was the (most) possible line that the sheltered lion will start “when the eye crosses-over”, here similar theme, rather as a vague king or counsellor;
line, said to the tower,
“now / tofor what / you (the tower) are sounding the – loud – alarm ? /, orsaving – the eye (wheel) – (being) the king / inby you / (is) your – wandered-off – counsellor ? /, thatfor / anguish (eden-life as deity) – holds you fast / as the woman bringing forth /;

travail-you ! and·rush-forth-you ! daughter-of tziun as·the·woman-giving-birth that now you-shall-go-forth from·town and·you-tabernacle in·the·field and·you-come unto Babylon there you-shall-be-rescued there he-shall-redeem·you ieue from·clutch-of ones-being-enemies-of·you
Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go [even] to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies

  • -H2342 chuwl “properly: to twist” 60x ‘be in pain, bring forth, dance, create’;

town and field context:
we saw in December posted page that the 144,000 (representing the rule in the centre) will cross-over the Sekhet fields; and though unusual, ‘the city-town’ must be “this earth”; until they will enter Babylon (see jeremiah page);
“travailwrithe-you ! and break-forth ! / (you) daughter (nature) of / tsiun /, as a woman giving birth /; thatfor / now / you shall go forth / fróm the citytown (this earth) /, and you tabernacle / in the (Sekhet-) field / and you arrive / unto / Babylon (torso in outer-court) /, and there / you shall be rescued /, (for) there / IEUE – shall redeem you / from the hand (-palm) of / your enemies /;

and·now they-are-gathered on·you nations many-ones the·ones-saying she-shall-be-polluted and·she-shall-perceive in·Zion eyes-of·us and·they not they-know designs-of ieue and·not they-understand counsel-of·him that he-convenes·them as·the·sheaf toward·threshing-site
Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor

    ‘defiled’, H2610 chaneph ‘polluted’ 11x; choneph ‘hypocrisy’ (?) 1x; chen ‘favour’ 69x; as ‘graciousness’; eden-life related (-ch) as in Chue, Eve, but unclear, 2523 chan-ah ‘to incline’ (by implication to decline) 143x; bend, curve (K-axis?), to encamp (?); not said of the road to the gate in Ezekiel; most uses as ‘to encamp’ but different term as ‘to tabernacle’;

polluted and designs context:
many spells tell how the adamite-soul on earth “is to listen to them horus-spirits”, so that the soul will declare théir ‘thinking’ (through the Self) – and therefore the souls (as potential 144) will cherish false ideas – not knowing about all regions next to this earth, and therefore not gain the right to cross-over – this may be the colour of the term “polluted” in the line; but it is a bit unclear how next line relates to the first part – perhaps that, since the adamite souls are so securely imprisoned, it should be unthinkable (to them spirits) that the daughter would rise – as their downfall…?
“andyet (right-) now / the – many – nations (of horus-spirits) – are gathered – onagainst you (daughter) /,
(being) the ones saying: / she (daughter) will be polluted (un-gracious?) /, andfor she shall perceive / inas tsiun / (through) óur eyes /; andbut they – know – nót / the designs of / IEUE /, and – they understand – nót / his counsel /, thatbecause / he collects them (spirits) / as the sheaf / toward the (eden-) threshing floor /;

arise-you ! and·thresh-you ! daughter-of tziun that horn-of·you I-shall-place iron and·hoofs-of·you I-shall-place copper and·you-pulverize peoples many-ones and·I-devote to·ieue gain-of·them and·estate-of·them to·lord-of all-of the·earth
Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth

  • – ‘iron’, H1270 barzel ‘iron’ 76x; tricky root; iron is always related to the fallen ones; Akk. parzillu ‘iron’; root -par is extensive root -pars and -parsh contains “pierce with a spindle, boat pole, cosmic ordinance, incise, separate, pierce’; whole idea as “forming a Nail”; Sanskr. ayas ‘iron’ RV (RA); a+ya “iron as nót the state of being” ? in glyphs as BAÁ “iron (copper) as hail for the solarplane”;
  • – ‘horn’, difficult because emanating into Qir, fiery-furnaces in torso;
  • 2)Sanskr. bakura ‘horn, battle trumpet’ RV, baka ‘heron (phoenix)’ MH; baka ‘name of a râkSasa (demon, as eden-construct)’ MH; as ‘name of a people’ MH; other term as kûTa ‘(literal) horn’ RV; kûTa ‘summit, peak, multitude’ RA MH; kûTa ‘trap for catching deer (sic), kûTa ‘hidden weapon (as swordstick, dagger in a casing)’ RA; kûTa ‘enemy of vishnu (anubis)’ RA; (the -ku was ‘evil’); kûTa-sâlmali ‘a fabulous cotton plant with sharp thorns (with which the wicked are tortured in the world of yama – Adam)’ MH, the -^s was eden, and ^sãlmani as ‘one of 7 dvîpa’s or divisions of the continent; said from the dvîpa tree in the sea of clarified butter’ MH – so the ‘murky dimension below Õn’; (root ^sl as ^slya ‘spear, javelin, dart, arrow, shaft’ RV, as “axis”; and ^salya ‘anything tormenting or causing pain (a stab, sting, etc)’ RA, MH – same as glyph SETCHEB ? the painful stake ? – then ^salya ‘king of madra’ MH (-ma is eden); ^salyaparvan ‘name of the ninth book of Mahabharata, describing how at the death of karNa (matrix rudder) king ^salya took over command over the kuru (ancient peoples) but after a battle using maces, ^sanya was killed’ MH; karNa as “ear, or ship rudder’ RV RA; then (the many) ^sRNga ‘horn, top, summit, elephant tusk’ RV RA (as AB?); next, ‘horn of the moon’ RA; ^sRNga-vat ‘name of a mythical mountain forming the boundary of earth’ MH; ^sRNga ‘name of shiva (Osiris) as fond of horn-blowing’ MH; and ^sRNgavera ‘name of a serpent-demon’ MH; likely from -vara ‘a boon, a grant’ RV; as “a grant by the (corrupted-) eden-horn ?”; hiraNyasRNga ‘golden horned’ RV;
  • 3)in glyphs as TEB or more often ÃB (both solarplane-related), as the 4 horns in Daniel holding up the torus;
  • – ‘hooves’, H6541 pars-ah ‘hooves’ 21x; peres ‘vulture (?)’ 2x; prac ‘upharsin (divided)’ 3x; paras ‘divide (hoofs)’ 14x; is this glyph UP – where pesh is PESH ? (into Pharez ‘breach’), pere ‘wild donkey’ 10x (not cloven, donkey was the region where this body is made by them); par ‘bull’ 133x (not used for cherubs); Akk s’upru ‘hoof, nail, claw’; sappartu ‘tip of an animal horn’, sappu ‘bronze, arrow head, vessel’;
  • 2) Sanskr. ^sapha ‘hoof’ RV (eden -^s); ^sapha ‘an eigth – because of the divided hoofs of a cow’ RV; then the strange term as ^saphâruj ‘destroying hoofs or destroying with the hoofs (said of demons)’ RV, -ruj ‘to destroy’; turning into pâNi ‘hoof’ RV (likely theirs since pâda is ‘foot’); root ^sap ‘to curse’ RV ?, we started a RgVeda page to see what that chapter will say about destroying hoofs;
  • 3) in glyphs UHEM “to constantly renew (by hebrew-house-H)”; rather frequently used in spells; see textglyph to right; showing also “the willpower by the heir for to be renewed”, and “(to be) place-T of the most-b-soul-adam to be renewed”;

hooves context:

in a December posted page we had this theme – the cherubs also have them (though described asl ‘calves’ feet’); we still consider this to be about “grounding”, in the sense like “where the hooves will stand, there the land will blossom” – as if the eden-nature of the person will convey that nature tó the land under him or her; compare the idea in pic to right; and also the line “a fire will go before them (the 144), and eden following after them”, as if the land is transitioned. The essence of the dual-realm was “dual essence”, as in the ram lampstand (it’s two horns, per Daniel) and per eden-vine (-gephen), the “brass” as mixture resembling that dual essence. Then the most curious line we spotted, Ez.32 “and nót / she – the foot (leg?) of – the adm-human – shall muddle them – further /, andas the hoofs of / the beast / nót / she shall muddle (of waters) them / “, the “muddling” is about the mixed-dimension (of Geb), and since Adam is corrupted, it can mean that hé conveys (by his feet) their mixed-dimension (as “clay of Tyre). [compare the listed glyph “magical left foot of the deceased”, solarplane-related BES],

line, also said by Watercourse,
“arise-you (on high) / and thresh-you ! / (you) daughter of / tsiun (centre-rule) /, thatfor / I will place – your horn (contact to the m-realm) – (being) iron /, and – I shall place – your hoofs (contact to the dual south) – (to be) brass (dual) /, and you pulverise / the many – peoples (from the horus-nations) /,
and I (Watercourse) devote / their (unjust-) gain – to IEUE /, and their riches (by eden-life) / to the lord of / all of / the (eden-) earth /.

06.19 submitted – first version – loNe

all credits:see yt page