the light of their doubled sky by the cherub-wheel darkens, Jer.4 — the voices from far besieging the christian

the light of their doubled sky by the cherub-wheel darkens,
Jer.4 — the voices from far besieging the christian —

if you-are-returning Israel averment-of ieue to·me you-are-returning and·if you-are-taking-away abominations-of·you from·faces-of·me and·not you-are-wandering
and·you-swear life ieue in·truth in·judgment and·in·righteousness and·they-shall-bless-themselves in·him nations and·in·him they-shall-boast

If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the LORD, return unto me: and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove And thou shalt swear, The LORD liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory

  • – ‘abominations’, H8251 shiqquts (ts-term) ‘abominations’ 28x; at first sight as “images of deities”; shigguy ‘a drink’ 2x (-qq); shaq-ah, same, 61x; drink glyph SUR; shaq ‘legs (of statue)’ 1x; shaqa ‘sink down’ 6x; shahaq ‘rushing, thirsty’ 6x (-qq); shoqeth ‘through’ 2x; sheqets ‘destestable things (about animals to eat)’ 11x; shaqat ‘sink down, rest’ 41x; saq ‘sackcloth’ 41x (this body);
  • – ‘swear’, H7650 shaba ‘to swear’ 187x; ‘seven’ and ‘Watercourse’ related; we saw that a soul usually cannot swear to himself, but to a deity; here, it is as “swearing loyalty to the Watercourse”,
  • – ‘glory’, H1984 halal ‘praise, boast, etc’ 165x, bit negative cluster;

physical-images context:
there are many type ‘sins’ and ‘abominations’, but we need to know whích one here; we saw the many rants against (the house of) Ishral, because he has to start, in order for Judah to can be addressed (as this chapter); Ishral protects eden-feminine, likely that is why is mentioned the swearing loyalty here. If Ishral has to start out, she is prone to be deceived by all kinds of images to go follow (presented to him by the deceitful matrix-feminine), these must be the abominations;
nations context:
Difficult; the setting here is “this earth”, so nations is not “of the horus-spirits”; but the term “nations” is always a bit Negative (as opposed to ‘people’, often as ‘adamites’), also shown by the somewhat negative term ‘to boast’; it’s unclear why this tricky line follows upon so important vow…?
“if /, powerful deity (Ishral) /, you are returning (to Watercourse) / to me /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /, you are returning (W-course) / andfor – if / you are removing / your abominations (physical-images?) / from my sight /, and (as consequence) – you will – nót (be) wandering-around (aimlessly) /; andbut you swear (loyalty to W-course) / (being) the (eden-) life – (of) IEUE /, inas truth /, inas judgement / and inas righteousness /, and (as result) – the nations (on this earth) – shall bless themselves / inby he (the loyalty of you?) /, and – they shall boast – inby he (loyality of you?) /;

that thus he-says ieue to·man-of Judah and·to·Jerusalem till-you ! for·you tillage and·must-not-be you-are-sowing to thorns be-circumcised-you ! to·ieue and·take-away-you! foreskins-of heart-of·you man-of Judah and·ones-dwelling-of Jerusalem lest she-shall-go-forth as·the·fire fury-of·me and·she-consumes u·ain and·there-is-no one-quenching from·faces-of evil-of actions-of·you tell-you ! in·Judah and·in·Jerusalem announce-you ! and·say-you ! and·blow-you ! trumpet in·the·land call-you ! do-fully-you ! and·say-you ! be-gathered-you(p) ! and·we-shall-come to cities-of the·fortress
For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench [it], because of the evil of your doings Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry, gather together, and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the defenced cities = for now

  • -H5215 niyr ’tillageble ground’ 4x; ner ‘lamps’ 48x; nur ‘fire, fiery’ 17x; noar ‘youth’ 4x, naar ‘lad, young man’ 240x; into Nergal (Succoth);
  • -H6975 qots ‘thorns’ 12x (ts-term); quts ‘dread, loathing’ 9x; quts ‘awake’ 23x, qets ‘the end’ 67x; qats-ah ‘scrape off, cut off’ 7x; qats-eh ‘border, edge’ 87x;
  • – ‘circumcise’, H4135 mul ‘circumcise’ 35x; all of maul-mul-mel cluster ‘circumcised’; likely el+m-realm (deity+m-realm); qetsiah ‘cassia (tree)’ 1x;
  • 2) sanskrit: no RV or RA entry; Akk. none found;


as QET’T, to right; “the tree / at place-T / for to build the new-hand at the q-axis”, their upside-down region where Adam is; see it is close to hebrew -qots; combined with “border,edge”

  • – ‘foreskin’, H6190 orl-ah ‘foreskin’ 16x; we saw how IEUE never uses the term ‘phallus’, since it is a typical fallen-angels construct; maximum he names it “the outgrowth” arel ‘unskilled, uncircumcised’ 35x; ar-ah ‘to empty’ 16x; as empty+deity (el); the “phallus” being thé signature of their masculine-type rule behemoth (realm north), juxtaposed here by the previous line of Ishral being loyal to the Watercourse;

u-ain eye context:
combined here with -kabah “to extinguish, to quench”,
fortress context:
as (mbtsar), including -tsar ‘ship(-construct)’ and -tsiyr ‘Tyre, Õn) +m-realm; probably here as ‘cities’, not double-city’ (-im being used);
“thatbecause / thus / he – IEUE – says / to the (mortal-) men of / (the house of) Judah / and to Jerusalem (this earth): / till-you ! / for you / the tillageble-ground (of male youth?) /,
it must not be / (that) you are sowing / toamong the thorns (by Adam in new-hand) /; be-circumcised-you (undo rule by m-realm) ! / to IEUE /, and remove-you ! / the foreskins (masculine-rule of m-realm) of / your heart (sic) /, (you) (mortal-) men of / Judah / andas the ones dwelling in Jerusalem (this earth) /, lest – she – as the fire – of my fury (about canaan-cham) – shall go forth /, and she consumes / andas the extinguishing – eye (wheel) / fromby the presence of / your – evil – actions /; tell-you ! / in Judah / and Jerusalem (this earth) /, (and) announce-you ! / and say-you ! / +
and blow-you ! / the trumpet / in the land (earth) /, call-you ! / do-fully-you ! / and say-you !: / be-gathered-you ! / andfor we shall come (enter) / tointo – the cities of / the fortress (of Õn for m-realm) /;

lift-up-you ! banner tziun·ward make-you-strong ! must-not-be you-are-staying that evil I bringing from·north and·breaking great
Set up the standard toward Zion: retire, stay not: for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction

  • – ‘standard’, H5252 nes ‘standard, banner’, seems an eden-term; nas-ah ‘to test’ 36x; nasa ‘journey, start journey’ 146x; (into -nasa ‘to lift’ and ‘to beguile’), nus ‘to flee’ 147x; and see same term in line 20;

standard context:

related to the eden-vine (root of Jesse), who will be “as standard of the people”, the “fallen princes of Õn will fear that standard”, Is.31; compared to last line of this chapter, we think it is “a perpetual radiating image of the adamite soul”, (for utter lack of better expression), functioning somewhat like the ornament atop of the hood of a car. At present however, that image is on this earth (the soul imprisoned in this body), hence the to ‘go out and carry it back’; and the re-placed standard will have Christ’s image – since He is “the root of jesse”. Compare to right

  • – the ST-standard (place-T of the adamite-soul), juxtaposed with théir standard, which is upside-down, as jackal staff; term also used as the banner being Sekht-Áaru, Is.33, Ez.27;

“lift-up-you (and advance) ! / the (eden-) banner / toward tsiun (eden-mountain, east of this earth) /, seek-refuge-you ! / (for) it must not be / you are staying (in this matrix reality) /, thatbecause / I / cause to bring – evil (Rã) – from the (dimensional-) north / andas a great / destruction /;

he-comes-up lion from·thicket-of·him and·one-ruining-of nations he-decamps he-goes-forth from·place-of·him to·to-place-of land-of·you to·desolation cities-of·you they-shall-crumble m·ain from·there-is-no one-dwelling
The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; [and] thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant

  • – ‘thicket’,H5441 sebok ‘thicket’ 1x; sabak ‘tangled, interweave’ 2x (wick-H’?), sebak, same, 4x – the ram’s horns caught in the thicket (by Abraham), ram is Rã, then the entangled wick-H ‘; in a next line ‘thicket’ will be ‘island’;

m-ain eye context:
they stole the cherub-wheel as “the precious instrument”, and where previously “the fury of IEUE was by the eye”, here the destruction is by the lion, using the wheel,
“he – the lion (matrix-rule) – ascends – from his thicket (wick-H’) / andas one ruining / the nations (on present earth) /, he decamps / (and) he goes forth / from his place / tofor to place / your land (this earth) / to the desolation /, (and) your cities / shall crumble / fromby – the one (=lion) inhabiting – the eye (cherub-wheel) /;

on this gird-you ! sackcloths wail-you ! and·howl-you ! that not he-turns-away heat-of anger-of ieue from·us
For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl: for the fierce anger of the LORD is not turned back from us

  • – ‘fierce’, H2740 charon ‘burning, fierce’ 41x; -n suffix; chor ‘nobles’ 1x, chere ‘dung’ 1x; char-ah ‘burnt’ 37x; charit ‘bag,purse’ 2x (Medusa bag?, containing “the head of her, with burning eyes (wheel)”?, see root pages),

nostril context:
now it suddenly says that IEUE is angry – while just ago it was the líon’s doing: but because the lion is inhabiting the wheel, as “the nostril of IEUE”, which is now used for hárming the peoples on earth, hence this misuse goes with the term ‘nobles (from matrix), dung, etc’ and their type fury;
“onfor-this / gird you (with) / sackcloths (literal ones, this time) /, and wail-you ! /, thatbecause / nót / he – the burning (imprisoned) – anger (of nostril) of – IEUE – turns / from us /;

and·he-becomes in·the·day the·he averment-of ieue he-shall-perish heart-of the·king and·heart-of the·chiefs and·they-are-desolated the·priests and·the·prophets they-shall-be-amazed
And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the LORD, [that] the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall be astonished, and the prophets shall wonder
“and it becomes (to pass) / in – that – day /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /, (that) the heart of – the king (rulers on earth) – and the hearts of – the chiefs – will perish /, and – the priests – are desolated (from the name) /, and the prophets / will be shocked /;

and·I-am-saying alas ! my-Lord ieue surely to-lure you-lured to·the·people the·this and·to·Jerusalem to·to-say-of peace he-shall-become to·you and·she-touches sword unto e·nphsh the·soul
Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul

  • – ‘deceived’, H5377 nasha ‘beguile, deceive’ 17x;
  • – ‘reacheth’, H5060 naga ‘to touch’ 150x, serpent-term -nag; used by eden tree; colour as “to make contact with the serpent”; it does *not* say that the adamite soul was clean, before that (because she isn’t: she is polluted already, by being in contact with this body, Hag.2), but relates to the sword here,

deceive context:
we suspect that the questionmark fell Out of this line, or similar, because the declaring line like this, is dangerous – so we put one (in red);
“and I (Jeremiah) am saying /, alas ! /, myLord / IEUE /, surely / to deceive – you deceived / these – people (present adamite-souls on earth) / and Jerusalem (this earth) /, toby to say: / ‘(eden-) peace) / it shall become / to you ‘ /, andyet she – the sword – touches (serpent-concept) – unto – the adamite-soul ? /;

in·the·era the·she he-shall-be-said to·the·people the·this and·to·Jerusalem wind-of glazing-of ridges in·the·wilderness way-of daughter-of people-of·me not to·to-winnow-of and·not to·to-cpurify-of ruch wind full from·these he-shall-come for·me now even I I-shall-speak judgments with·them
At that time shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem, A dry wind of the high places in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people, not to fan, nor to cleanse
[Even] a full wind from those [places] shall come unto me: now also will I give sentence against them

  • – ‘dry’, H7603 tsach (ts-term) ‘dazzling, glowing’ 4x (unclear); tsich-eh ‘parched’ 1x; no further root; but the -ts suggests some mixture;
  • – ‘high place’, H8205 shephi ‘bare height’ 10x, 8193 saph-ah ‘lips, rim, edge, language’, as glyph SEPT (their new-root, where cherub-wheel is), into SEPT’T Sirius; suffix -im as ‘double’,
  • – ‘to winnow’ H2218 zar-ah 39x, zara ‘sow’ 56x,
  • – ‘to cleanse’, H1305 barar ‘to select, choice, chosen, pure’ 18x; bar ‘son’, several; bar ‘pure’ 7x; bar ‘grain’ 14x; bar ‘field’ 8x – sounds like firstfruits-barley;

line context – it just refuses to run,
perhaps we’re tired, or fail to see something obvious; we leave it until better, in red;
“in she that – timeframe (of the end) – it will be said / to – these – peoples (ad.-souls) / and to Jerusalem (this earth): /, the – scorching (mixed?) – spirit-breath of – the double-rim (matrix double-root) / into the wilderness / the way of / the daughter (attribute) of / my people /, nót / tofor to winnow (eden-power) /, and nót / tofor to purify (select grain son) /; fromby these – the full – spirit-breath / he shall come / for me / now / even – I / shall speak (the right direction) / judgments / with them /; [review]

behold ! as·the·clouds he-shall-ascend and·as·the·sweeping-whirlwind chariots-of·him they-are-fleet from·vultures horses-of·him woe ! to·us that we-are-devastated
Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots [shall be] as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled

  • – ‘swifter’, H7043 qalal ‘to curse’ 82x (el+el), double deity); qelel-ah ‘curse’ 33x; qal ‘swift’ 13x, qal-ah ‘to roast (grain or people)’ 4x; qal-ah ‘dishonour’ 6x; Jer.29 connects the “curse to be by false prophecies, and punishment is roasting (of people) in the fire, by the king of Babylon (Thoth)”; qaliy ‘roasted grain (corn)’ 6x; qala ‘to sling, carve (circular motion)’, qela ‘sling-stones, curtains (of tabernacle)’ 22x;
  • 2) interlinear does not write -qll but -ql;

clouds and horses context:
we had in the dream-vision (page) the “horus-spirits being drunk, because their sorcery (cloud) was failing”; the same dark cloud Moses had to go through before he reached the light of IEUE (at Sinai);

  • – if ‘horsemén’ is the ugly-physicality of spirits, then ‘horses’ can be the bubble (or ‘energyfields, as covering’) they are in; in Revelation these are quote hostile,

“behold ! /, asby the clouds (Õn’s sorcery) / he (the lion) shall ascend /, andfor as the whirlwind (of undirected-feminine) / (are) his chariots (-constructs) /; (and) his horses – are swift – fromas eagles /, woe ! / to us / thatbecause / we are (being) destroyed /;

launder-you ! from·evil heart-of·you Jerusalem so-that you-shall-be-saved until when ? she-shall-lodge in·within-of·you devisings-of lawlessness-of·you
O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee?

  • -‘vain’, H205 aven, as “plain of Aven”, north (of Damascus, new-hand) into uwn-Õn,

line context:
not addressed to people but to “this earth”, though probably ment both ways;
“Jerusalem (this earth) – wash-you ! – your heart (torso, outer-court) – from evil (Rã) /, so that / you shall be saved /, until – when / (will) she – the thoughts of – iniquity (sorcery of Õn) – grumble – in your inside ? /; +

that voice telling from·Dan and·announcing lawlessness from·mountain-of Ephraim remind-you ! to·the·nations behold ! announce-you ! over Jerusalem ones-besieging ones-coming from·land-of the·far-off and·they-shall-give on cities-of Judah voice-of·them
For a voice declareth from Dan, and publisheth affliction from mount Ephraim Make ye mention to the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem, [that] watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah

  • – ‘dan’, H1835 dan; difficult root, likely -d; dea ‘knowledge’ 5x; de-ah, same, 6x; din ‘judge’ 24x, duwn, same; deyo ‘ink’ 1x; day ‘able, often, sufficient’ 40x; da-ah ‘kite’ 1x glyph TCHERÁ, (falcon is different); dath ‘law’ 21x; the whole cluster could be TCH, ‘serpent-hand’ (the king’s hand, Amos), but probably glyph MET’U “eden-word to command (by new hand)”, it fits somewhat the “serpent-telling” and the “listening”; and the -d (of Dan, DaviD) being glyph -T’
  • – ‘declareth’,H5046 nagad, we had the ‘told’ previously, root -nag;
  • – ‘publisheth’, H8084 shama ‘to hear, heed, hearken’,

Dan and Ephraim context:

the spells constantly tell that “the spirits present thoughts to the (adamite-) human, and the sóul (of that human) either agrees or disagrees with those presented thoughts; here, the war is in particular about “the christian, in general” (Ephraim), who tries very much to embed belief ínto this matrix. Previous line was “the thoughts of iniquity within you” – here is said they come from the place MET’U, as serpent-thoughts, fór the believer; rightly IEUE télls that “the ones besieging adamite souls are far off”, but worse — they target especially Judah:

“thatbecause / a voice / telling (the serpent-concept) / from Dan (eden-word to command by matrix) / +
andas the hearing / iniquity (sorcery of Õn) / fromfor the mountain (=rule) of / Ephraim (fleshy believer) /; remind-you ! to the nations (on this earth) /, behold ! / (and) hearken-you !: / the ones besieging – over – Jerusalem (this earth) – (are) coming / from – the far-off – land /, and they shall set – their voice – onto – the cities of / Judah /;

as·ones-guarding-of field they-become on·her from·round-about that me she-rebelled averment-of ieue way-of·you and·actions-of·you to-do these to·you this evil-of·you that bitter he-touches unto heart-of·you
As keepers of a field, are they against her round about; because she hath been rebellious against me, saith the LORD Thy way and thy doings have procured these [things] unto thee; this [is] thy wickedness, because it is bitter, because it reacheth unto thine heart.

  • – ‘rebelled’, mar-ah; see other page for term (Is.63),

locusts context:
we saw how the locusts guard the field (of adamite-originals in it), (page), that the same expression is used here shows who are the “ones from far off”; ofcourse there are many types spirits involved in harassing adamite souls, but since Judah is about ‘rule’, these are the ones guarded by higher ranks;

sword and heart context:
a similar concept in glyphs is the flintknife T’ES, into TCHES “Self”, which indeed goes down from the crown of the head onto the heart, almost like a “highway for their thoughts to the soul (in the heart)”;
“as the ones guarding – the field (locusts) /, they become / onagainst her (Judah cities) / fromas round about /, thatbecause / she (the house) rebelled (cling to matrix-rule) – (to) me /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /; your (own) way / and actions / do – this – to you /, (being) this – your evil (Rã) /, thatsurely / (it) (is) bitter (cling to matrix-rule) / thatbecause / it touches (serpent-way) / unto / your heart /;

bowels-of·me bowels-of·me I-am-travailing sidewalls-of heart-of·me clamoring to·me heart-of·me not I-shall-be-silent that sound-of trumpet I-hear soul-of·me shouting-of war
My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war

  • – ‘pained’, H2342 chuwl ‘writhe, bring forth’, 2344 chol ‘sand’ 23x; (mountain of) sand SHÃ, as “lights of eden-willpower for the sh-pool (north)”, the sand-mountain in tuat V;
  • – ‘very (sidewalls), H7023 qir ‘wall, side’, but not negative as -cham; as “wall of the sanctuary, which Elam and Qir breached” (inner-court); Qir becoming the fiery furnaces H’AT;
  • – ‘noise’,H1993 ham-ah ‘uproar, disturbed, etc’ 34x, Ham (town) ‘Zuzim (giants) in Ham’; negative cluster, Hamon-valley (above eden-gate), where is their Torso (heart ÁB),
  • – ‘peace’, H2790 charash ‘be silent, to engrave (or to plow)’ 74x; unclear why -plow comes to -silent; spells use many times “plough hebrew-house-H by solarplane”, (apart from engraver Pteh’, see Jer.17 “diamond point engraving”), but considered the regions we added -plow,

now Jeremiah speaking – context:

  • 1) the switch is not always clear – but the lines 19-26 must be said by Jeremiah; in this line 19 is “my adamite soul”, in line 20 “my tents”; line 22 must write “they (peoples) do not understand me (Jeremiah)”; in next lines 23-25 he is describing what hé sees, in the future (which the people do not understand); in line 26 “anger of him (IEUE)”, or it ‘d write “my anger”; IEUE speaks again in line 27;
  • 2) interlinear has the two options “K I-hear” and “Q you-heared”, the confusion deriving from the switchin into now Jeremiah speaking, (in last posted page we said that prophets indeed múst have seen what they tell…),

line, said by Jeremiah,
“my inward-parts (for m-realm) /, my inward-parts (for m-realm) /, I am writhing (about shã) / the sidewalls (of inner-court) / (being) my heart (torso) /, my heart (torso) – (is) disturbing (hamon-valley in outer-court) – toin me /; nót / I shall be silent (for eden to be ploughed upon) /, thatbecause / I – my adamite-soul – hear – the sound of – the trumpet – (being) the alarm of / war /;

breaking on breaking he-is-heralded that she-is-devastated all-of the·land suddenly they-are-devastated tents-of·me moment sheets-of·me until when ? I-shall-see banner I-shall-hear sound-of trumpet
Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, [and] my curtains in a moment How long shall I see the standard, [and] hear the sound of the trumpet?

  • – ‘standard’, H5252 nes ‘standard, banner’, seems an eden-term; nas-ah ‘to test’ 36x; nasa ‘journey, start journey’ 146x; (into -nasa ‘to lift’ and ‘to beguile’), nus ‘to flee’ 147x;

line context:
note how he saw the end – which is any day now – yet presented in hís time, when he saw his own tent destroyed; we find that somehow touching; last line: because of the severity of this vision to him…?
“it is named – destruction – onupon – destruction /, thatverily / all of – she – the land (this earth) – is – suddenly – devastated /, in one moment – my curtains / (and) my tents – are devastated /; until – when / I shall see / the standard (of the eden-image) / (and) shall hear / the sound of / the trumpet ? /;

that foolish people-of·me me not they-know sons silly-ones they and·not ones-understanding they wise-ones they to·to-do-evil-of and·to·to-do-good-of not they-know
For my people [is] foolish, they have not known me; they [are] sottish children, and they have none understanding: they [are] wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge

  • – ‘foolish’, H191 evil 25x; probably -el (deity) with inserted -v; or av-ah ‘lusting for’ ?
  • – ‘sottish’, H5530 sakal ‘foolish’ 7x; sak+el; sok ‘tabernacle’, “tabernacle as deity” ? into Sukkoth (see glyph), cukk-ah ‘(festival of) booths’; we think that one (they) became a doubling;

line, said by Jeremiah,
“thatfor / my people / (are) foolish (by lusting deity?) /, they discern – me – nót /; they (are) – silly (tabernacle as deity?) – sons / and nót – they – (are) the ones understanding /, they / (are) wise ones / tofor to do evil / andbut to to do good of / nót / they know /;

I-saw the·earth and·behold ! chaos and·vacancy and·to the·heavens u·ain and·there-is-no light-of·them I-saw the·mountains and·behold ! ones-quaking and·all-of the·hills they-staggered I-saw and·behold ! ain there-is-no e·adm the·human and·every-of flyer-of the·heavens I they-wandered
I beheld the earth, and, lo, [it was] without form, and void; and the heavens, and they [had] no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly I beheld, and, lo, [there was] no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled

  • – ‘trembled’, H7493 raash ‘quake, shake, etc’ 30x; of evil, -ra,
  • – ‘moved lightly’, H7043 qalal ‘to curse’, we had that before, see line 13; qal ‘swift’ 13x, qal-ah ‘to roast (grain or people)’ 4x; qal-ah ‘dishonour’ 6x; Jer.29 connects the “curse to be by false prophecies, and punishment is roasting (of people) in the fire, by the king of Babylon (Thoth)”; qaliy ‘roasted grain (corn)’ 6x; qala ‘to sling, carve (circular motion)’, qela ‘sling-stones, curtains (of tabernacle)’ 22x it seems interlinear uses -qlql, the only of that is 7052 qeloqel ‘miserable’ 1x;
  • – ‘birds’, H5775 oph ‘birds’ 71x; into -aph ‘nostril’;
  • – ‘fled’, H5074 nadad ‘to flee, depart, thrust away, wander about, chase away,’, root properly “to wave to and fro”;

u-ain eye context:
see next; we left the words in blue;
location context:

  • 1) a very crafty miscomposed translation: playing upon our reading Ease; terms as -adm and ‘eye’ are always a red flag; here also the “moved lightly”, c’mon – in an event of this proportion ? Jermiah now switches to describe the region east of earth –
  • 2) though often stanza’s of ‘repetition’ are used, in this line is “opposition”, implying that each line is a causal-type reasoning;
  • line 1] the land where previously he saw the devastation upon “this earth” (his tent, etc), now is switched to the region east of earth – the “chaos and voidness”: same term used when starting Eden in Gen.1, so this land is “darkened eden land – darkened bý their Tao dual-realm;

the double-sky and eye:
the suffex -im is used; as either -multiple or ‘doubled’; here, the dark eden-land is below, their doubled sky (glyph PET) above it; the translation says “their light”, assuming ‘multiple mountains’; this line refers back to the start of this chapter;

  • line 2] double mountain: following previous line, we can have the double mountain, as their north-mountain and tsiun combined (Zorro upon 2 horses idea),

hill context:
in Is.31 “mountain of tsiun and hill of her”, this hill as “the adamite throne”, or as a region of the land-eden (as “Jerusalem my sacred hill”); if we view their built new-adamite-throne (ÁST, Isis) in the north as ‘doubled ‘, then it can make sense this “doubled hill is flung away”;
line 4] eye and adam

this line as conclusion of the previous two –
birds flying context:
outwardly, “there is no man and birds fly away” makes sense, but the theme needs to return to the “nostril” in line 6; we consider the importance of these lines so great, that we don’t doubt that the scribes changed 1 vowel, from -aph (nostril) into -oph (bird);
line, said by Jeremiah,
“I saw / the land (to be eden’s, in front of eden-gate) / and behold ! /, (being) chaos / and voidness /, and toat / the doubled-sky – the light – andby the eye (cherub-wheel) /; I saw / the double-mountain / and behold ! /, (being) the one quaking /, and all of / the doubled-hill / (was being) slung-away /; I saw / and behold ! /, the eye (cherub-wheel) / (of?) the adm-human /, andas everyall of / the birdnostril of / the doubled sky (north) / fled away (escaped) /;

I-saw and·behold ! the·crop-land the·wilderness and·all-of cities-of·him they-are-broken-down from·faces-of ieue from·faces-of heat-of anger-of·him
I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place [was] a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, [and] by his fierce anger

  • – ‘fruitful place (crop-land)’,-krml; mt.Carmel, as their pastures ÁH’T; or the “place at T’EMIÄ-land”, “hand / alike-adam”, to right, (the circle with cross also as ‘city’); Tao-realm’s undirected-feminine,

wilderness context:
no interjection, so the destroyed cropland itself can bé ‘the wilderness’; we thought that the wilderness was “somehwere north of the city of Õn”,
burning nostril context:
this time, the wheel descends (to eden), destroying thém;
“I saw /, and behold ! /, the crop-land (matrix-undirected-feminine) / (being?) the wilderness (to rule m-realm in the right direction) /, andas all of / his (matrix) broken-down – cities /, fromthrough the presence of / IEUE / (and) from facing / the burning (imprisoned) of / his anger (nostril) /;

that thus he-says ieue desolation she-shall-become all-of the·earth and·finish not I-shall-make on this she-shall-mourn the·earth and·they-are-somber the·heavens from·above on that I-spoke I-planned and·not I-regret and·not I-shall-turn-back from·her
For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken [it], I have purposed [it], and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it

  • – ‘above’, H4605 maal ‘above, upward,top, etc’ 140x; m-realm + deity -el;
  • – ‘mourn’, H6937 qadar ‘mourn, to darken, dark’ 17x; into Qedar; we do not know yet what can be the root, but suggest “corrupted eden-sacredness” qadesh,
  • – ‘repent’, H2161 zamam ‘purposed, intended, etc’; -za eden-power; active not passive;

heaven above context:
we are glad that now undoubtfully it shows their sky glyph PET north of eden; we are still in that region, so this line cannot be about this earth;
land context:
it couldn’t be Geb (bordersky) because that is about “to melt and dissolve”, see line 26; but should be a section as the prison-region for them spirits (and Canaan), during the Interval,
as “the land they knew nót”;
line, said by IEUE,
“thatbecause / thus / he – IEUE – says /, all of – the land (matrix) – she shall become – desolation /, andyet – nót – I shall make (it) – a complete destruction /; on-this / the land (matrix) – she shall mourn (lost whiteness) /, andfor – the doubled-sky (north) – fromas (being) above – is darkened (corrupted eden-sacredness) /, on-that (for because) / I spoke (in right direction) / (that) I intended (it) (eden-power) /; andfor / nót / I will change mind /, and nót / from her (the intent) I shall turn back (to Watercourse) /;

from·sound-of horseman and·one-raising-of bow running-away-of every-of the·city they-enter in·the·thickets and·in·the·caverns they-ascend every-of the·city one-being-forsaken u·ain and·there-is-no one-dwelling in·them man
The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen; they shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city [shall be] forsaken, and not a man dwell therein

  • – ‘thickets’, H5645 ab ‘cloud’, but see (posted) Is.60 that these are islands;
  • – ‘rocks’, H3710 keph ‘rock’ 2x, unclear; kaph ‘hollow of the hand, sole of foot’ 193x; either as TCHERÁT (place-T of bordersky) or (sandal) THEBT; into THEPH’ET ? there are many type gates – we need to study more;

horseman context:
always Negative – as them spirit’s ugly physicalty; that here the term is Singular (related to dome and being the leader), we interpret as Anubis – the ape with dog face (mixed face); see diagrams for his head replacing at the bordersky; to right, ÁNP H’ER M PET TA T’UAT, “the tuathouse (underworld) / as the land (Geb) / and the sky north / by / the dome / of Anubis (new-root)”;
clouds and mortal-man context:

see Is.60 for the clouds being islands; this is the maximum we can make of last line, considered the previous eye+adm, here is eye+aish; and since the whole verse is about ‘leaving’, we assume that they will take théir “human image” with them;

“fromby the voice of / the horseman (Anubis) / andas the one raising / the bow (the matrix-dome) /, every of – the city – (is) fleeing away /; they enter / in the clouds (=islands) / and inby the thpht-stargate / every of – the forsaken – city – ascends /, and – the (mortal type-) man (-kind) – inhabiting – the eye – inwith them /;

and·you and·you one-being-devastated what ? you-are-doing that you-are-putting-on double-dipped-scarlet that you-are-ornamenting ornament-of gold that you-are-tearing in·the·pigment eyes-of·you to·the·futility you-are-making-lovely-yourself they-reject in·you ones-doting soul-of·you they-are-seeking
And [when] thou [art] spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; [thy] lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life
adamite soul context:
we had in previous posted “the harlot Õn, who will try sing, after the interval”, here the same theme – but none of the spirits is interested, cause they want the adamite-soul who gives them beauty and power; and see last line;
tearing and shua:
we don’t know why -qara ‘to rent, to tear’ is used; the -shua is the same name as Judah’s wife, wondering what is true of the name ‘ye-shua’;
“and you (Õn) /, being the one devastated /, what – (will) you do ? /, that / (even) you are dressing you / (in) scarlet /, (or) that / you are adorning you / (with) ornament of / gold /, (or) that / you are renting you / your eyes – inby the pigment /, in vain (shua) / you are making yourself pretty /, the (lusting) lovers – they despise – in you /, (for) they are seeking – the adamite-soul ofby you /;

that sound as·woman-travailing I-hear distress as·one-giving-birth-firstborn sound-of daughter-of tziun she-is-puffing-to-herself she-is-spreading palms-of·her
alack ! please ! to·me that she-is-faint soul-of·me to·ones-killing

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, [and] the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, [that] bewaileth herself, [that] spreadeth her hands, [saying], Woe [is] me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers

  • – ‘bewaileth’, H3306 yaphach ‘to mourn, gasping’ 1x; yapheach, same, 1x; yaph-ah ‘beautiful’ 7x; yaph-eh, same, 43x; yapha ‘shine forth’ 8x; yiyph-ah ‘brightness’ 2 x; to us, the ‘puffing’ seems made up to fit the ‘voice’,
  • – ‘spreadeth’, H6566 paras ‘to spread’ 67x, seems to counter the negative -pharez ‘breach’ [the breach in to the inner-court],
  • – ‘murderers’, H2026 harag ‘to kill, to murder’ 167x, whole cluster; “valley of slaughter” two times in Jer., as armageddon [region at the house of the horizon, likely, as in the centre and above the double mountain] (-har ‘mountain’);

spreading palms context:
the only other example (apart from the crucifixion) is Daniel 12, where the man above the river (Watercourse) lifts up his both (hands); though glyphs have T’, new-hand and TCH, serpent-hand, we must assume that this is rather symbolic for “moving the adamite throne to north (up)”, yet as the same concept;
the girl as adamite-throne:
we suspect she represents the (place of) the original adamite throne (as the hand, ‘executive region’), being a perpetual (feminine) image; as “the place where the adamite-originals are born”;
(as similar kind of idea as the standard, previously); but until now, the dragon snatches them newborn aways; mutilates and burns them, and imprisons their core as our soul in this alien body he made – until Rev. 12]; presenting the best qualities to théir sons (the birthright), now being ‘the firstborn’, getting the best qualities from ús (sic), while we get the dregs; compare last line below;

  • 2) the spells are full with “the pregnant goddess of the heir (for us too)” ÁU UR; as their acquired (firstborn-) right, glyph AMS or MAS, ‘birthsceptre’; envisioned here perhaps as two overlaying pictures – but the one at an angle – this way their overlay (at a different angle) can yet steal essence fróm the female image. (we think this is the meaning of glyph ‘the ass’ – at an angle – as per previous posted); and compare with (notes in) Is.60, where Rg-Veda and Ramayana have the -varâ cluster, “beautiful girl” (in eden-context), ‘mother’, ‘having fine hips’, throne’, ‘demon’, etc;

firstborn concept:
the child, representing the 144,000, is brought “up” to the throne, in Revelation; and the woman ‘flees to the desert’, we consider -mdbr, “wilderness to rule m-realm”, which is north, as well; and it seems that the “relocating” from the adamite-throne to the north place will be 3,5 years (1260 in revelation, 1290 in daniel);
“thatbecause – I hear – a sound – as a woman travailing /, (being) the distress (narrow place) / as one giving birth to a firstborn (birthsceptre) /, (it) (is) the sound of – she – the daughter of – tsiun – to shine forth (in beauty) /, (and) she is spreading / her handpalms: / woe ! / please ! / to me /, thatbecause / she – my adamite-soul – is faint / toby the murderers (spirits) /.

a truckload of notes required…..
yet it’s not our fault – we simply cannot trust not 1 word

most of it is good now, and has the right colour; yet some things we wonder: if “man” (ish) inhabited the wheel, instead of the eden-type man -adm, until now, then why the -adm man was called -ish, in Genesis..? We’ll need to do more chapters to encounter the same themes

either way –
the only thing that matters is that the right words (of the text) have been said, and therefore they *will* happen

28.05 – 30.05 loNe