(with)in 1 year of declaring the report, this world will be in war, Jer.51 — ‘it must not be that you want to stay on this earth’ —

(with)in 1 year of declaring the report, this world will be in war,
Jer.51 — ‘it must nót be that you want to stay on this earth’ —


thus he-says ieue behold·me ! rousing on Babylon and·to ones-dwelling-of Leb~Kamai wind one-ruining
Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind

  • – ‘raise up’, H8752 ur ‘awake’ 80x; this being the region Abraham came from, as play-out;
  • – ‘babylon’, from Babel and stargate, Akk. -bâb;
  • – ‘leb’, used as both ‘(personal) heart’ and “the real place of the adamite throne”, yet in glyphs solemly as ÁB, their torso in outer-court;
  • – ‘kamai’, H6965 qum ‘rise (on high)’ 627x, neutral term,
  • – ‘destroying’,H7843 shach-ath ‘destroy (by reason of corruption)’ 147x; usual ‘destroy’ is -shdd; shach-ath ‘pit, dungeon’ 23x; sach-ah ‘to swim’ 3x; glyph NEB ‘to swim’ and ‘chalice (pit?)’, sach-ah ‘bow down’ 172x,

two Babylons context:
we have the “Mystery Babylon”, as HQ, being the torso (in outer-court), yet ruling the babylon as this present earth, this mixed-dimension (matrix); only from the line can show which one is addressed – these first lines as “this earth”; [similar problem with terms as ‘heart’, above];
babylon and heart context:
it is not “Babylon ánd (another type inhabitants”, but ‘of ‘; so “inhabitants of earth, living within Babylon’s matrix (of this earth)”; note the “risen high” and compare (diagrams),
“thus / he – IEUE – says /, behold-me (just watch me) ! / waking up – a destroying (the corruption) – spirit-breath / +
onupon – Babylon (this earth’s matrix) – andas to – the inhabitants of – the heart risen (on high) (this earth) /;

and·I-send to·Babylon alien-ones and·they-winnow·her and·they-shall-make-void land-of·her that they-become on·her from·round-about in·day-of evil
And will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about
foreigners and evil context:
we chose “foreigners” to not colour things with the term “aliens”, though in the people’s present mindset it would be called like that; the “day of evil” being “that day of IEUE”;
“andfor I send / to / Babylon / foreigners (from their realm) / and they winnow her (this earth) /, and – her land – they shall make void (to empty out) /, thatfor / they become / onupon her / from all around / in the day of / evil (rã) /;

must-not-be he-shall-bend the·one-bending bow-of·him and·must-not-be he-shall-mount-himself-up in·cuirass-of·him and·must-not-be you-are-sparing to choice-young-men-of·her doom-you ! all-of host-of·her
Against [him that] bendeth let the archer bend his bow, and against [him that] lifteth himself up in his brigandine: and spare ye not her young men; destroy ye utterly all her host

  • -‘brigandine’, H5630 siryon ‘coat of mail’ 2x; from shiryon but here also seren ‘(philistine) lord, bronze (axles or plates)’ 22x; ‘giants-type beings’, and ‘copper’ (KHENT”U boat);

modern warfare context:
harsh line – modern warfare from humans against these spirits will be utter useless: so forget all the type movies as “Independence Day”, they are a hoax; people will not have the slightest defense to these entities. [truth is, first we got confused by the same “bending the bow” in later lines, but the difference is that there “the masterful-men bend it”, context is Torso there];
(it) must nót be / (that) the one (human) bending – his bow – shall bend (it) /, (and) (it) must nót be / he ascends / in his coat of mail (troops equipment) /, andfor (it) must nót be / (that) you (spirit-breath, through foreigners) are sparing / her – choice young men /; exterminate-you ! / all of / her host /;

and·they-fall ones-wounded in·land-of Chaldeans and·ones-being-stabbed in·streets-of·her that not widowed Israel and·Judah from·Elohim-of·him from·ieue-of-of hosts that land-of·them she-is-full guilt from·holy-one-of ishral
Thus the slain shall fall in the land of the Chaldeans, and [they that are] thrust through in her streets For Israel [hath] not [been] forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the LORD of hosts; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel

  • -H817 asham ‘guilt (-offering)’ 46x; no-name (shem), here “no name of IEUE in the earth”,

“and – the slain – fall / in the land of / the Chaldeans (likely this earth’s Cabal) /, andas the ones being stabbed / in her streets /; thatfor / the (houses) Ishral – and Judah (on earth) – (are) nót – widowed / from he the deity / IEUE of / hosts /, (yet) thatverily / she – their land (earth) – is full (of) – guilt (no-name) / fromto the holy one of / Ishral (all eden souls) /;

flee-you ! from·midst-of Babylon and·escape-you ! man soul-of·him must-not-be you-are-being-stilled in·depravity-of·her that era-of vengeance she for·ieue requital he paying to·her
Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this [is] the time of the LORD’S vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence

  • – ‘cut off (being stilled)’, H1826 damam ‘cease, be silent, make to be silent’ 30x; -dam ‘blood’, but our blood (dam) as ‘mixture’; see furtheron in chapter;
  • – ‘vengeance’, H5360 neqam-ah ‘vengeance’ 27x; naq-ah ‘unpunished, be or make clean’ 44x; root -neq, -naq ‘pure’;

silenced context:
later on in this chapter will tell how ‘our blood’ is “a mixture”, working agáinst us; we are not sure whether this is a reference to their sorcery working “through the blood” (too), since the soul (in the heart) is surrounded by the blood ? see next line 7 with ‘wine’,
flee you context:
the modern evangelical idea of “millions being raptured, in one moment” will *not* happen – the verb here is active, not a passive waiting untill the bus arrives; where that idea is mis-applied to the 144,000,
(therefore,) flee-you (potential 144,000) ! fromout of the midst of / Babylon (this matrix earth) /, and escape-you ! adamite-soul – (mortal-) man (-kind) /; (it) must not be / you are being silenced (by having false blood) / inby her iniquity (of Õn) /, thatfor / (it) (is) the timeframe of / she – the vengeance (for non-pureness) / for IEUE /, (being) the recompence (against papyrus) / (as) he / the payback (to be eden-peace) / to her /;

cup-of gold Babylon in·hand-of ieue one-making-drunk all-of the·earth from·wine-of·her they-drank nations on·so they-are-raving nations suddenly she-falls Babylon and·she-is-being-broken howl-you ! over·her take-you ! balm for·pain-of·her perhaps she-shall-be-healed
Babylon [hath been] a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken:
the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed

  • – ‘wine’, H3196 yayin ‘wine’ 141x; in general Negative (since altered state); root -ain ‘eye’, as glyph ÁRP ‘wine’ but by their new-root -P, where is now the cherub-wheel;
  • – ‘mad’, H1984 halal ‘to praise, boast, mad’ 165x, hala ‘outcast’, hal-ah ‘yonder’ 16x;
  • – ‘balm’, H6875 tsori ‘balm’ 6x, into Tyre and ‘ship (construct);

drunk context:
similar picture as in Revelations; but there the woman “is drunk by the blood óf the saints”, read: feeding upon their eden aspects (through the blood..?); while in this line, the ‘wine’ being taken-up in the blood, immediately, or the blood may be even equalled with that wine;
matrix context:
the “golden cup” is “this earth”; in Revelation she “holds up” this cup, as good analogy for this earth in (diagrams page); while she herself is the torso (HQ in outer-court); that she is named there “mystery” we think refers to the unawareness of us adamite-souls about all the constructs east of earth; compare also continuation in next line – because Babylon as the torso (as HQ) certainly not “would be tried to heal”;

  • 2) since the new-root is mentioned (where the ‘wine’ comes from), then previous
    term “hand” may be also “their new-hand where Adam is in”;

“Babylon (this earth matrix) – (is) the golden – cup – in (by) the hand of – IEUE /, one making drunk (sorcery) / all of / the land (this earth) – fromby her wine (essence by new-root) /; (and)the nations (on earth) – drank /, on-so (therefore) / the nations – are mad (yonder-deity) /; (but) suddenly – she – Bablyon (HQ in torso) – falls (as Watchers) / and she is being destroyed (by Watercourse) /, howl-you (doubled-image) ! over her /, (and) take-you ! / balm (tyre) / for her pain /, perhaps / she shall be healed /;

we-healed Babylon and·not she-was-healed forsake-you·her ! and·we-shall-go man to·land-of·him that he-touches to the·heavens judgment-of·her and·he-is-lifted unto skies
he-brought-forth ieue righteousnesses-of·us come-you ! and·we-shall-relate in·Zion deed-of ieue Elohim-of·us

We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up [even] to the skies The LORD hath brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us declare in Zion the work of the LORD our God

  • – ‘skies’, H7834 shachaq ‘skies,clouds’ 31x; shachaq ‘laugh, play, jest’ 36x but not with Abraham, yet related to Isaac; shachaq ‘pulverize’ 4x; shach ‘swim’ 3x; H7843 shach-ath ‘destroy (by reason of corruption)’ 147x; usual ‘destroy’ is -shdd; shach-ath ‘pit, dungeon’ 23x; sach-ah ‘to swim’ 3x;
  • – ‘declare’, H5608 saphar ‘to count’ 161x, with colours ‘to tell, recount, scribal work, declare’; term not merely “to declare” nor “to speak”, but some numbering must be included; as well as the relation to ‘scroll’ (scripture),

touching and sky context:
though “the eden land” is always “she”, this time the “he” refers to IEUE; the term used for ‘to touch’ is root -nag, serpent – then we can only interpret that her (eden land’s) judgment is that she touches their double sky; we added (inversed), per spells; this is more then just our expression “(object) touches to high heaven”, also because this theme returns later on in the chapter;
report context:
Jeremiah is writing this whole chapter down on one scroll, to be tied to the stone (lines 60); we can only consider that it *is* the report, triggering the change,
line, likely all of line to be said by us,
“we (would have) healed / Babylon (this earth) / andbut nót / she was healable /, forsake-you-her ! /, and we – (mortal-) men (144,000) – shall walk / to his (IEUE’s) land /, +
thatbecause – it touches (makes contact w/ serpent) – to – the doubled sky (north) /, (being) her judgment /; andfor it is lifted (and inversed) / unto – the (pulverising) (double-) sky /; (yet) he – IEUE – brought forth – our righteousness /, come-you ! / and we shall list down (as the Report?) / infor tsiun / the work of / IEUE / our deity /;

purify-you ! the·arrows fill-you ! the·cuirasses he-roused ieue spirit-of kings-of Medes that on Babylon plan-of·him to·to-ruin-of·her that vengeance-of ieue she vengeance-of temple-of·him
Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device [is] against Babylon, to destroy it; because it [is] the vengeance of the LORD, the vengeance of his temple

  • – ‘arrows’, H2671 chets ‘arrows’ 44x; eden-life chaiy +ts (term); (where che-t was ‘sin’, no-life), but also said that Gog has them (Ez.39), 3 arrows of Rã as SHESER; chats-ah ‘divide’ 15x; chatsiy ‘half’ 125x;
  • – ‘gather (fill)’, H4390 male ‘to fill (replenish)’ 253x;
  • – ‘shields’, H7982 shel-et ‘shield’ 7x (different as -magen, the hexagram); shelet/shalat ‘authority’ (several), unclear root, going to Sheol and Shaul; yet +m as shal-om; eden-peace countering sheol ?; problem is the “fill you” – shields are not filled; (for quiver -ashpah and -teli); also “David took the (shields) of gold that were on the servants of Hadaezer”, Hadad-Adad stormgod; or is this a strange other term for the -magen shield ?
  • – ‘medes’, H4074 mad-ay 16x; Sanskrit meda ‘fat (equals medas)’ RA; meda ‘a particular mixed caste’ MH; meda ‘name of a serpent-demon’ MH (sic); medana ‘the act of fattening’ RV; medas ‘fat, marrow (proper seat in abdomen)’ RV (plexus?); medha ‘(animal) sacrifice’ MH; then corrupting into medhâ ‘personified intelligence, wisdom (especially as wife of dharma)’ RV, MH; (remember that all Vedics were written by Ba-spirit souls), we must have “feminine intuition” here, SAÁ; the one guiding Rã’s boat, as “eden-hail to inverse” – if this SAÁ is sent, it is the same we saw in other page
  • – ‘temple’, H1964 hekal ‘temple’, 80x; no other -hak root; then h+kal (whole) ?

plan context:
this can hardly be different as “their own (stolen-) sight will be treacherous to them” (page); the “arrows” always as “words”, but we lack more information about ‘shields’;
“choose-you (kings of Medes) ! / the arrows (for to divide) /, fill-you ! / the (golden) shields (?) / he – IEUE – awakened / the spirit-breath of / the kings of / the Medes (intuition SAÁ) / on / Babylon (in outer-court) /, (being) his plan / tofor to ruin her /, thatbecause / (it) (is) she – the vengeance (for non-pureness) of – IEUE /, (being) the vengeance / (for) his temple /;

to walls-of Babylon lift-up-you ! banner make-steadfast-you ! the·guard set-up-you ! ones-observing prepare-you ! the·ones-ambushing that moreover he-planned ieue moreover he-does which he-spoke to ones-dwelling-of Babylon
Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon

  • – ‘watch (guard)’, H4929 mishmar ‘prison’ 22x; from shamar ‘keep, guard’, (next line), name -shem + m-realm;
  • – ‘ambush’, H693 arab ‘ambush’ 41x; into -arab ‘dimensional darkness’,

line context:
the strange here are the used terms for (Media’s) “guards” here; they contain the -shm, perhaps linked to their attribute as “stolen sight”; the banner is not a neutral term, then we must conclude théy have, at present, the standard as ‘the image of the adamite soul’;
“lift-up-you (Media) ! – the banner (ad-soul image) – to – the walls (dimens.-veils; cham) of – Babylon (outer-court) /, make-steadfast-you ! / the guard (name for m-realm) / set-up-you ! / the watchmen (by the name) / (and) prepare-you ! the ones ambushing (for dimensional darkness) /, thatbecause / (as) also / he – IEUE – planned /, also / he does / which / he spoke (in the right direction) / to / the inhabitants (Ba-souls) of / Babylon (HQ in outer-court) /, +

one-tabernacling-of on waters many-ones many-of treasures he-comes end-of·you cubit-of gain-of·you he-swore ieue-of hosts in·soul-of·him that if I-fill·you adm human as·the·grub-of-the-beetle and·they-respond on·you whooping
O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, [and] the measure of thy covetousness The LORD of hosts hath sworn by himself, [saying],
Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillers; and they shall lift up a shout against thee

  • – ‘measure’, H520 amm-ah ‘cubit’ 248x, but only in this verse made as ‘measure’; umm-ah ‘nations’ (few),
  • – ‘covetousness’, H1215 betsa ‘unjust gain’ 22x; bots ‘mire’ 1x (mixed dimensions);
    bets-ah ‘egg’ 6x; SUH’T; or NEGA;
  • – ‘surely (if)’, H518 im ‘if, not, when, surely, while, doubtless, neither, saving, verily’,
    version with “instead” as colour has but 1 nr – H8478 tachath;
  • – ‘caterpillers’, H3218 yeleq ‘locust (caterpillar)’ 9x (we fought that in Nahum; page);
    yel+q ? yala ‘devour’ 1x; (we had -ya and -yaah ‘shovel (for altar) and to sweep-away
    (sheol, abzu), +el deity +q ?
  • – ‘shout’, H1959 hedad ‘shouting (while threading)’7x, into Hadad stormgod, this deity related to divination (sight); SHESMU as ‘winepress god’,
many waters context:
exact line as in Revelation, so we have Mystery Babylon here;
adamite-soul and -adam context:
IEUE cannot swear by his adamite-soul; these are different categories; the theme must be “exchange” here – that in order for IEUE to can keep the córe (being the adamite-soul) of the -adm-type man(kind), he will need to agree that them spirits can use all the qualities óf the -adm type man (as Adam); read – how he works for them now, (co-) creating locusts, and the constructs in next lines 12-15; [leaving us the question if those lines are about Thoth or veiled to Adam…?]; we considered (instead) close enough to H518 ‘save’, to get the exhange theme out;
treading context:
the closest idea we can get is SHESMU, the personal butcher for Osiris; see next line 14 “every -adm human is being burnt”;
cubit context:
as glyph MEH’-Ã, to right; “(the cubit) by eden-willpower / to fill (the north)”; and compare line “I fill you with the -adm male (willpower)”; glyph emending in MEH’IT, “place-T of the most-beautified-soul-adam / (for) to fill (the north)”, this place-T being the eden-tile (hebrew -abn, the tried stone, cornerstone,….it is really not far the link from ‘stone’ to ‘cubit’; and compare all the measurements in Ezekiel’s temple;

egg context:
as it is not from cubit to egg, “circling the square” (comp. pyramid geometry); the square is a typical eden-form, but the circle (vortex) is of the serpent – we can imagine the cube (tile with adam) being “encircled”, by a sorcery vortex; the ‘circling clouds’ causing Disorientation, perhaps hence spelled Adam there. in textglyph is “place-T / to hide / (by) the egg” (before hymn Darius 23), and SUH’T as ‘testicle’, lower position, is about “the place of eden-willpower”, since they regard this bodypart the seat of their power — below. “the egg / at place-T / to make the saturn-wick-H’ / for the word (via ad.soul)”,
“(being) the one tabernacling / (on) many – waters (dimensions) /, (having) many / treasures (from eden-gate) /, the end of you – comes / (being) the cubit of / your unjust gain (by dimensional egg) /; infór the (created-) adamite-soul / IEUE of – hosts – swore (by Watercourse) -, that / ifinstead / I fill you / (with) the adm-male / asfor the locust (-spirit) /, and they answer (Õn): / onin you / (by?) the shouting (while treading grapes, as re-creating) /;

15-19: exact repeat of Jer.10 lines 12-13-14-15-16
perhaps used here as legal reason, since this chapter is as a summary;

(Adam/Thoth) the one making / the land / inby his power /, (being) the one founding / the habitance / inby his wisdom /, andfor inby his understanding / he stretched-out / the doubled sky (north) /;

“toby – he to give his – voice -, the waters (mixed-dimensions) – rumble / in the double sky (north) /, andfor he is causing to ascend / the princes (adamite-originals) / from the border of / the land (eden’s) /, (being) / the (eden-) lightnings (brq) / for the rain (copied eden-dew?) / he makes /, andfor he is bringing forth / the spirit-breath / from his treasuries (stolen from eden-gate) /;

(for) every – adam-human – is (being) burned (in their furnaces) /, frombut (bý) the(that) knowledge – every one refining (spirits) – is put to Shame – fromas (being) the molten image /, thatbecause – falsehood / (is) his drink-offering / andfor nót / (it) (is) spirit-breath / in them (in the images) /: they – (are) the futility (Abel) /, (being) the deed of / the mockery (doubling?); (and) in the timeframe of / the visitation (to judge) onupon them / they shall perish /;

“the portion of – Jacob (present adamite-souls on this earth) – (is) nót – as these (matrix-bodies) /; thatbecause / he (IEUE) / (is) the – one forming – all /, + and the birthsceptre of – the powerful deity (all souls in eden) / (is) his inheritance: / IEUE of / hosts / his name /;


shatterer you to·me implements-of war and·I-shatter in·you nations and·I-ruin in·you kingdoms and·I-shatter in·you horse and·one-riding-of·him and·I-shatter in·you chariot and·one-riding-of·him and·I-shatter in·you man and·woman and·I-shatter in·you old-man and·youth and·I-shatter in·you choice-young-man and·virgin
Thou [art] my battle axe [and] weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider; and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider With thee also will I break in pieces man and woman; and with thee will I break in pieces old and young;
and with thee will I break in pieces the young man and the maid

  • – ‘break’, H4661 mappats, 1x; said from naphats ‘to break, to shatter’; mappats ‘shattering’ 1x; said to be from the 6 scribes who walked to the eden-gate, Ez.9; these carried a weapon by which they smote all adamite-souls who did nót have the mark (of eden !) upon their forehead; implying a relation between the birthsceptre, and the type shattering it causes to who does nót own it; mappal-ah ‘ruin’ 3x; mephits ‘club’ 1x; H’ETCH ?

birthsceptre and objects context:
the birthsceptre belongs to all souls in eden, having complete adamite-originals again; juxtaposed here to their false (mixed) creations, energetic and physical,
“you (birthsceptre) – (are) – to me – the shattererclub / (being) the – battle – implements /, andfor I shatter / inby you / the nations (of horus-spirits) / and – inby you – I ruin / kingdoms (matrix) /; and – inby you – I shatter – the horse (chakra-field) / and the one riding it (spirits-physicality) /, and I shatter / inby you / the chariot (construct) / and the one riding it (ruling that construct?) /; and I shatter / inby you / the (type-) man (-kind) / and (its) (type-) woman /, and I shatter / inby you / the old man / and the youth /, and I shatter / inby you / the choice young man / and the maiden /;

and·I-shatter in·you one-being-shepherd and·drove-of·him and·I-shatter in·you farmer and·team-of·him and·I-shatter in·you viceroys and·prefects and·I-repay to·Babylon and·to·all-of ones-dwelling-of Chaldea all-of evil-of·them which they-did in·Zion to·eyes-of·you averment-of ieue
I will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his flock; and with thee will I break in pieces the husbandman and his yoke of oxen; and with thee will I break in pieces captains and rulers And I will render unto Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that they have done in Zion in your sight, saith the LORD

  • -H5310 naphats ‘shatter, break’, 22x; into -Noph (Thebes) and Naph-tali; (Naphtali is a hind being set free, giving good sayings, Gn.49), he represents a matrix aspect which he will bring back;

objects context:
perhaps they have meanings, such as “ploughing-over eden”, glyph H’EB, but we leave it;
“and I shatter / inby you / the shepherd / and his cattle /, and I shatter / iby you / the plowman / and his team /, and I shatter / inby you / the viceroys / and prefects /, and I repay / to Babylon (outer-court) / and to all / inhabitants of / Chaldea (adamite-throne) / all of / their evil (rã) /, which / they did / in tsiun /, toin (front of) your eyes /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /;

behold·me ! to·you mountain-of the·one-ruining averment-of ieue the·one-ruining all-of the·earth and·I-stretch-out hand-of·me on·you and·I-roll·you from the·crags and·I-give·you to·mountain-of burnt-waste and·not they-shall-take from·you stone for·corner and·stone for·foundations that desolations-of eon you-shall-become averment-of ieue
Behold, I [am] against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the LORD

  • – ‘burnt’, H8316 sereph-ah ‘burning, blaze’ 13x; into H8314 saraph ‘fiery (serpent)’ 7x (different as the cherubim, H3742 kerub; upon the ark, etc); the root -sar and -ser as “matrix-) prince”;
  • – ‘roll’, H1556 galal ‘roll (up)’ 18x; 1535 -galgal ‘wheels’ (as the throne, Dan.7); H1534 -galgal ‘(cherub-) wheels’ 11x (Ezek.9, 10); interlinear has -glgl, glgl-th-i-k; definitely the verb (to roll) was not intended here ! Besides, “to roll a mountain” ? (neither it can be Gilgal, for that is on this earth, eventhough theme-related), and=i, thou=k, wheel=glgl, +th; it is difficult to reconstruct; yet the verb here is already “to stretch out + wheel”, as in next part “to give you + burnt”; possibility as “and I stretch out / my hand / to my wheel / on – the double-tile of – you, etc”,
ruining-mountain context:
as further on in the chapter, “this mountain “sits right upon eden”, we better know this concept as “the pyramid with the all seeing eye in top” — the raised cherub-wheel as the ‘eye’ in top of that mountain; pic to right – amtuat V; the “oval” as the “island” – the original adamite-throne, now having been split in Two;

(showed by the two serpents who move to opposite ways), as the eden vine (hebrew -gephen) but now seperated, since théy rule now, instead of eden being in the centre (of both essences of the Tao realm). The ruining-mountain (as Khemenu) sitting atop of the adamite-throne (the oval), to right: KHEMENU, weirdly written SESENNUU, “the divine words as the word-inside to make existence by the adamite-soul”, the “to make existence (via ad.soul)” + “by the adamite-soul”, the woman-head on top of the mountain as the core of the torso (Babylon HQ);

glgl-wheel and tile context:
they made to ascend the cherub-wheel, and inversed it, (likely causing a “shadow”, the strange glyph SHUT – as projection shadow ?); to right you see interlinear uses glgl-th, different as -gll “to roll”; where in Ezekiel “they shouted in my ears: wheel ! (-glgl)”. Something is going on here, which is however difficult to reconstruct from text;

we war very much with these themes, as you know; we dó see that the mountain is in place; that the oval is the adamite-throne, etc; but it’s tough to get a secure line-up of them constructs, still;
line, said by IEUE to khemenu mountain,
“behold-me (just watch me) ! /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /, toas you / the ruining – (Khemenu) mountain /, (being) the one ruining / all of / the land (eden) /, andfor I stretch out (to north) / my hand (real-adamite-throne) / onagainst you /, andas my cherub-wheel / fromfor(your) doubled-Horus-tile (ST dog) /, [review] and i put you / to (be) a mountain of / serpent-fire-burning /; andfor nót / theyyou shall take / fromfor you / the eden-tile (tried-cornerstone, abn) / foras the corner /, andas the eden-tile (abn) / for the foundations /, thatfor / desolations (by no-name) of / forever / you shall become /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /;

lift-up-you ! banner in·the·earth blow-you ! trumpet in·the·nations hallow-you ! on·her nations summon-you ! on·her kingdoms-of Ararat Minni and·Ashkenaz give-supervision-you ! on·her marshall bring-up-you ! horse as·grub-of-the-beetle bristling hallow-you ! on·her nations kings-of Medes viceroys-of·her and all-of prefects-of·her and every-of land-of rule-of·him
Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers appoint a captain against her; Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion.

  • – H2951 tiphsar ‘marshall’ 2x; foreign; Akk. ‘tupsharuttu ‘scribal arts’; root ‘tup- (dup); then ‘tapâlu ‘to insult, denigrate, slander’; ‘tuppu ‘tablet’; ‘tupshâru ‘scribe’; tappû ‘companion, to repeat, textile’;
  • – ‘captain’, H4346 pech-ah ‘governor (captain)’ 28x; loanword; Akk. (bêl) pihâti ‘a governor’; further root unsure; satrap – Sanskr. kSatrapa ‘governor, earth ruler’ (word found on coins and inscriptions), from kSapavat ‘governor, earth protector’, RV; (dropping the -k); the -kSa being a region, likely eden’s; see further line in this chapter under ‘blood’; hebrew pach-ath ‘cave’ 10x; pach ‘snare’ 27x (also in eden-gate);
  • – ‘captain’, H5461 sagan ‘officials’ 17x; foreign; Akk. shakkanakku ‘governer, general’; shakîru ‘a plant’, shakullu ‘type of tree, willow’; shikkatu ‘flask, vessel’ (Sum. sagan !); shikkû ‘mongoose’ (in amtuat the mongoose catched the eden-snake);
  • shikrû ‘bent staff, shepherd staff’; suk-cluster ‘jewelry, to bow, spear (axis)’;

  • – ‘ararat’, H780 ararat; perhaps from -ara ‘to curse’ and/or -rata ‘to wring-out’; it was the first mountain the ark ran upon when this solarplane started, perhaps a mirror-word (-ar and -ra, evil, rã); or ara ‘land’ 21X +ra (evil); Arar, a river flowing through Prthia and Assyria (Th.of Sev.), which is indeed the region of the mountain; this region close to 9500bc cities;
  • – ‘minni’, H4508 minni 1x; perhaps of the Mannaeans, a people lived in N-W Iran (close to Ararat), having a non-semitic and non-indo-european language, as Urartu (changed into ‘urantia’?); this region in N_W Iran having the same 9500bc cities; root -man/men is too large to can pinpoint;
  • – ‘ashkenaz’, H813 ashkenaz, 3x; his brother was Riphath, from root -reph, (half-) giants; said as “to sprinkle / fire”, where the to sprinkle is usually ‘blood’;
    perhaps founder of the Gauls (coming into France), Galatians ?; H810 eshek ‘testicles (by implication)’ 1x, as fire+you ? very unusual, +az matrix-power (and -n inserted ?); Eshkol 6x, an Amorite, which are the dead-bodies KHAT (see Amos pages (Amos 9, Amos 6, Amos 4, Amos 5) having their mistresses; emending into -ash ‘man (-kind)”,
  • – ‘rough’, H5569 samar ‘bristly’ 1x; samar ‘bristle, hair standing up’ 2x; (to shomron, Samaria, as their north-mountain?); semitic root -smr “sceptre, nail, peg, spear”,
  • – ‘locust’, Sanskr. ‘salabha MH related to yama (or yami) as adam and eve RV, MH; the -‘sa is eden-cluster; ‘sala ‘serpent-demon’ MH; ‘salabha ‘name of a deva- gandharva’ MH (fallen bull cherub); also ‘sarabha ‘locust’ as ‘monkey in Rama’s army’ RA; then ‘sarabha ‘son of sisu-pâla’ MH (of srepent-guard of youth, being vâsuki, the cord for churning the ocean – as the cord of words; so “(eden-) youth by the cord of words”); hebr. -sam ‘fragrent’ 16x, also quality of gandharva; Akk. simmu ‘skin sore, carbuncle’ – good option for the used word !,

attacked object context:
as strange it sounds, it appears that eden is (meant) to be attacked –

  • 1) the strange “invoke-you” (qdsh) and “obey” (shem) are eden terms, which can hardly be said to the mountain (in previous line);
  • 2) considered previous line, the mountain needs to sink belów the eden-region, as néxt line tells “that the eden-land will rise (over babylon)”,
  • 3) line 30 tells how the masterful-men fail to maintain the présent position (of eden land), because their constructs (to keep the status quo) fail;
  • 4) is the “lifting up the standard” the way to get them spirits tó the present eden-land below, as if they are forced to fly into their own prison place ?

line, said by IEUE to us,
“lift-up-you ! / the standard (of eden-image) / in the land (present place of eden?) /, blow-you ! / the trumpet / ininto the nations (of horus-spirits) /, (to be) consecrated-by-you ! / onupon her / the nations (of horus-spirits) /, (be) obeyed-you ! / onupon her / the kingdoms of / Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz (pre-deluge giants) /, (to be) appointed-by-you ! / onupon her / a marshall (copying human?) /; (to be) ascended-by-you ! – the horse (chakra-field) / as – the sceptre of (?) – the locust /; (to be) consecrated-by-you ! onupon her / the nations (of horus-spirits) /, (being) the kings of / the Medes (saá, intuition) /, her governors (ruling snare in the cave?) / and / all of / her prefects (bent axis?) / and / every / land of / his rule /, +

and·she-shall-quake the·earth and·she-shall-travail that she-arises on Babylon designs-of ieue to·to-place-of land-of Babylon to·desolation m·ain from·there-is-no one-dwelling
And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant
line context:
is for us also the first time we see “the eden land itself rises” (caused bý their invasion..?), though we did gather that the region above Babylon will be eden’s,
“and she – the (eden-) land – shall quake / and she shall travail / thatfor / she arises (on high) / onóver / Babylon /, (being) the designs of / IEUE / tofor to place of / the land of / Babylon / to desolation /, fromby the – inhabited – eye /;

they-forbear masterful-men-of Babylon to·to-fight-of they-sit in·the·fastnesses she-is-being-benumbed mastery-of·them they-became to·women they-ravaged tabernacles-of·her they-are-broken bars-of·her one-being-runner to·to-meet-of one-being-runner he-is-running and·one-telling to·to-meet-of one-telling to·to-tell-of to·king-of Babylon that she-is-seized city-of·him from·outmost-parts and·the·passages they-are-grasped and and·marsh-reeds they-burned in·the·fire and·mortals-of the·war they-are-flustered
The mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight, they have remained in [their] holds: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwellingplaces; her bars are broken One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon that his city is taken at [one] end And that the passages are stopped, and the reeds they have burned with fire, and the men of war are affrighted

  • – ‘tabernacles’ H4908 mishkan ‘tabernacle’ 139x; as the tabernacle in exodus, etc; too close to MESKHEN ‘birthcradle of Osiris’ to can ignore;
  • – ‘bars’, H1280 beriach ‘bars’ 41x; there was one ‘bar’ made at the gate in the north (when eden was founded, Job 38, page); the famous “bar of Damascus” (also sing.); Nahum 3 had the line “the woman-people (adamite-originals), as your enemies which you imprison in your midst, will set the bars and gates on fire” (page); barach ‘to flee’ 65x; (glyph -S, adamite-soul, as ‘bolt’; as KHESEM shrine); root -bara ‘to create’ ? -bar ‘son’, – bar ‘grain’ -bariy ‘fat’;
  • 2) option: “the four fortresses” SA; ‘north- south- east- and west- fortress’, book of Dead spell (?); where SA is also ‘son’ (as -bar); “the (pole-) fortress for the word to inverse” (four of them), akin to the 30 inversed poles, below, as the inverted section of the q-axis; per term related to Neith’s region ? and inversed as THES ?
  • – ‘post’, H7323 ruts ‘to run’ 103x (ts-term); verb; inversal of tyre ? unclear;
  • – ‘passages’, H4569 ma’abar ‘fords, passages’ 11x; from -abar ‘pass over to other dimension’, here +m-realm but line is too short;

line, probably said by Jeremiah,
“the masterful men (sorcery) of – Babylon – stopped – toas to fight /, they sit down / in the strongholds /; she – the mastery (sorcery) of them – is being numbed /, (and) they became / toas women /, her tabernacle (mskh) – (is) ravaged / (and) her bars – are broken /; the runner / tofor to meet / the runner – (who is) running / andas the one telling (serpent-concept) / +
tofor to meet / the one telling (serpent) – tofor to tell / to the king of / Babylon (Thoth) /, +
that – fromas the suburbs – of his city – have been seized /; and the passages (to other dimension) / are grasped / and – andas the marsh reeds (30) / (being) burned / in the fire /, and the (type-) men of / war / are terrified /;

that thus he-says ieue hosts Elohim-of ishral daughter-of Babylon as·threshing-site time-of he-treads·her yet soon and·she-comes time-of the·harvest to·her
For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of Babylon [is] like a threshingfloor, [it is] time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come

  • – ‘threshfloor’, H1637 goren ‘threshingfloor’; as eden’s, dissolving Tao mixed essence, we had this one in a previous chapter;

“thatbecause / thus / he – IEUE of – hosts – (being) the deity of – the powerful deity (all souls in eden) – says /, the daughter of / Babylon / (is) as the threshing site /, still – a moment – (and) (it) (is) time / he (site) treads her / andfor she – the time of – the harvest – comes – to her /;

he-devoured·us he-discomfited·us Nebuchadrezzar king-of Babylon he-put·us vessel-of emptiness he-swallowed-down·us as·the·monster he-filled paunch-of·him from·luxuries-of·me he-expelled·us violence-of·me and·flesh-of·me on Babylon she-is-saying one-dwelling-of tziun and·blood-of·me to ones-dwelling-of Chaldea she-is-saying Jerusalem
Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon hath devoured me, he hath crushed me, he hath made me an empty vessel, he hath swallowed me up like a dragon, he hath filled his belly with my delicates, he hath cast me out. The violence done to me and to my flesh [be] upon Babylon, shall the inhabitant of Zion say; and my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea, shall Jerusalem say

  • – ’empty’, H7385 riyq ‘useless’ 12x; no further root; inversal of qer-cluster ?
  • – ‘delicates’, H5730 eden ‘joy, luxuries’ 8x;
  • – ‘cast out’, H1740 duach ‘to rinse (as to clean)’ 4x; dach-ah ‘push down, drive away, outcasts’ 11x;
  • – ‘flesh’, H7607 sheer ‘flesh, (blood relative, body)’ 16x, -ser cluster (princes), not eden-flesh (bkr);
  • ‘blood’, H1818 dam ‘blood’ 360x; dam-ah ‘to be like, to devise’ 18x (to be líke Adam?); as glyph T’EMIÁ “red realm-garment” as alike-adam ?; as the root-difference between Edom / Adam ? glyph SENEF ‘blood’, “essence by he-eden to make existence (by ad.soul)”; dam-ah ‘ruined’ 15x; (into dam-aseq); domi ‘(temporary) rest’ 4x; dim-ah ‘tears’ 23x;
  • 2) Akk. dâmu ‘blood, beer, to kill, die’; dumâmu ‘wild animal’ (Sum. URIN ‘blood’; perhaps our term is a coincidence, but glyphs USHES ‘urine’ could well be “eden blood”; into T’ESHER “blood, redness”); Sanskr. asRj ‘blood’ RV (impossible cluster), from -a+sRj (not–); sRj ‘to emit, pour forth, flow, discharge, cause to flow, etc’ RV (not-flowing); sRj ‘creating, begetting’ MH; root sR similar; kSataja ‘blood’, RA; kSata ‘hurt, wound, sore, broken, torn’ MH; kSatra ‘(supernatural-) dominion, power'(esp. of Varuna)’ RV (varuna=stolen eden youth); kSaita ‘chief of a race, prince’ RV; kSad ‘to cut, divide, kill’ RV; no -akS root, but first added -d is ‘to cut off’; from akSi ‘eye’ ?, it seems both terms as root are eden’s;

(/us) context:
by these words two versions are used; but line said by Jeremiah, who means “all of us”; Chaldea as “region of imprisoned adamite-throne”, being the to-be place of earth (as Jerusalem); note the blood/adamite-throne, and body/Canaan relation;
line, said by Jeremiah,
“Nebuchadnesser (Thoth) – king of – Babylon (torso) – devoured me (/us) – (and) damaged me (/us) /, he put me (/us) / (to be) (but) a vessel (this body) of / uselessness /; asby the (leviathan-) monster – he swallowed me (/us) down /, (and) filled / his belly / fromwith my luxuries (of eden) /, he (has) cast out me (/us) / the violence (by Cham-Canaan) to me / andas my matrix-type body / (be) onupon / Babylon (torso) /, she – the inhabitant of – tsiun – (is) saying /, and – she – Jerusalem – (is) saying: / my (mixed-) blood / (be) totowards / the inhabitants of / Chaldea (impr.throne) /;

therefore thus he-says ieue behold·me ! contending contention-of·you and·I-avenge vengeance-of·you and·I-drain sea-of·her and·I-dry-up fountain-of·her and·she-becomes Babylon to·mounds habitation-of jackals desolation and·hissing ain from·there-is-no one-dwelling
Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will plead thy cause, and take vengeance for thee; and I will dry up her sea, and make her springs dry And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwellingplace for dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing, without an inhabitant

  • – ‘plead’, H7378 rib (rub) ‘to contend’ 67x; raba ‘to mate, to breed’ 3x; raba ‘square’ 12x; reba ‘fourth part, four sides’ (also of cherubs) 8x; roba ‘forth’ 2x;
    rab-ah ‘multiply’ (also Gen.) 230x;
  • – ‘vengeance’, H5358 naqam ‘vengeance’ 35x; neqe ‘pure’ 1x; naq-ah ‘to be or to make clean’ 44x; nagiy ‘innocent, guiltless, free’ 43x; (naqab ‘to blaspheme’, as women who walk in one),
  • – ‘springs’, H4726 maqor ‘fountain, to flow’ 18x; from qiyr ‘side, wall’ 74x and Qiyr ‘furnaces H’AT’; and -m-suffix m-realm; difficult term because negative when ruled by m-realm but positive (soon) when by eden;
  • – ‘mounds’, H1530 gal ‘a heap, a wave’ 34x; often “heap of stones”, related to cherub-wheel -galgal; as the Khenemu mountainsitting upon the eden land; aka the SHÃ mountain of ‘sand’, lights of eden-willpower, tuat V; the pyramid with eye (cherub-wheel) in top;

u-ain eye context:
we saw in other pages how “the returned wheel will cáuse their prison-land”, so ‘eye’ is acceptable; also because there áre ones living: the beasts; see previous posted chapter of what promises are for the wheel (hence ‘inhabited’);
multiply context:
should belong to “vengeance” in second part of this line; if to Eve and Adam this was said, it surely meant “to have an extensive family of (innocent) adamite-originals”, perhaps this is meant,
double-heap context:
not “hill” is used but “heap”, which is not similar to “ruins”; the -gal has an important notion, therefore the -im suffix must be ‘double’ (not just multiple), since they placed their mountain
upon eden;
“therefore / thus / he – IEUE – says /, behold-me (just watch me) ! / contending / your contention (to multiply adamite-originals?) /, and I avenge / your vengeance (for innocence) /, andfor I drain / her sea (matrix-dimension north) / and I dry up / her fountain (at the side of m-realm now) /; and she – Babylon – becomes / toas the doubled-sand-heap – (of) desolation – and hissing (being despised) /, (being) the habitation of / the undirected-feminine beasts / from – the (eden-) inhabited – eye (cherub-wheel) /;

together as·the·sheltered-lions they-are-roaring they-shake as·whelps-of lions in·to-be-warm-of·them I-shall-set-out feasts-of·them and·I-make-drunk·them so-that they-shall-be-joyous and·they-sleep sleep-of eon and·not they-shall-awake averment-of ieue I-shall-bring-down·them as·butting-lambs to·to-slaughter-of as·rams with he-goats
They shall roar together like lions: they shall yell as lions’whelps In their heat I will make their feasts, and I will make them drunken, that they may rejoice, and sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the LORD I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, like rams with he goats

  • – ‘roar’, H7580 shaag ‘roar’ 20x
  • – ‘yell’, H5286 naar ‘growl’ 1x; naar ‘to shake off (rule)’ (overthrow) 11x;
  • – ‘with (the goats)’, H5973 im (or Aramaic) ‘with, unto, from between, from among, toward, etc’,

sheltered-lions context:
however we turn it, this term must be eden’s – mainly based upon Ez.19, where this sheltered-lion is first representing Adam (who gets captured by them spirits), the second sheltered-lion in that chapter being Christ; as well as Is.5, “their roaring (shaag) as sheltered-lions and they take hold of the prey”;though we agree that it appears to be a bit inserted, we added (because);
timeframe and rams context:
we assumed that áll of them spirits would be held low, until after the interval, when they are given another try again – the last; but here it seems that a category of them is excluded, and will “sleep”. The whelps being the rams, as dual nature; question is which type spirits – ram is SER “to make speech (via ad.soul)”, and since speech is required to rule their prison-mistresses (who are the word), we gather these rams are the dead-bodies KHAT (‘upon their ivory beds’, see Amos pages), where the ‘battering rams’ can be an allusion to their raping; perhaps here “to be devoured by the angry nature of the behemoth realm.
“as the sheltered lions (144,000) – they are roaring – together /, (and) they shake-off (the rule of) – as the whelps (spirits) of / the lions (matrix) /; (because) into their (whelps’) heat (cham) / I shall place / their (drinking-) feasts / and I make them drunk /, so that / they shall be joyous / and they sleep / the – forever – sleep (dream-vision) /, and nót / they shall wake up /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /; I shall bring them down / as butting-lambs (battering rams) / tofor to be slaughtered /, as the rams (mixed nature) – withunto – the he-goats (behemoth nature) /;

how ! she-is-seized Sheshach and·she-is-being-grasped praise-of all-of the·earth how ! she-becomes to·desolation Babylon in·the·nations he-comes-up on Babylon the·sea in·clamor-of billows-of·him she-is-covered they-become cities-of·her to·desolation land arid and·gorge land not he-shall-dwell in·them any-of aish man and·not he-shall-pass in·them son-of adm human
How is Sheshach taken! and how is the praise of the whole earth surprised! how is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations! The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth [any] son of man pass thereby

  • – ‘seshak’, H8347 sheshak 2x; glyph SHESH (double sh-pool north), as “the (birds) nest”; by ‘to seize’ SHET’ (seize eden-hand’s sh-pool’); shesh ‘linen’ 40x [garment-body], shesh ‘6’, matrix-number; +k ‘you’;

sheshak context:
though we immediately assume it is the SHESH-pool north, question is why ‘Nineveh’ isn’t used; being the “fish-pool tank” for them fish-souls (see Nahum page and page);
man and adm-man context:
the line is about the Interval, when apart from all adamite-originals, still souls will be born at the (new place of) earth having our type physical body (the man-kind);
“how ! / she – Sheshak (sh-pool north) – is seized /, andas the praise – of all – the land (matrix) – being taken ! /; how ! / she – Babylon – becomes – to desolation (no-name) / infor the nations (of horus-spirits) ! /; he – the sea (matrix-dimension) – ascends – upon – Babylon /, she is covered – in the roar (mult.) – of his waves /; her cities – become – to (be) desolation /, (being) the withered – land – and – the land – (being) the darkened plain /, any of / man (-kind) – nót – shall dwell – in them /, and he – the son of – the adam-type-man – nót – shall pass over (into other dimension) – ininto them /;

and·I-visit on Bel in·Babylon and·I-bring-forth thing-swallowed-up-of·him from·mouth-of·him and·not they-shall-stream to·him further nations even wall-of Babylon she-falls
And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall

  • – ‘yea’, H1571 gam, very miscellaneous; we chose ‘indeed’
  • – ‘swallowed’, H1105 bela ‘devour’ 1x and here ‘that what he has swallowed’; bala ‘swallowed’ 49x; root -bal “no,none” (many); -bal ‘wear down (saints)’ 1x; bal-ah ‘become old, wear out’ 17x; most likely “solarplane+deity”, where hebrew letter -B is “house”,

Bel context:
greek Kronos (Saturn) swallowed a stone wrapped in linen, until he spat it out again; we are not sure whether this refers to the last line of this chapter (stone in scroll), or to here; we saw in other pages “the house of the deity” -beth and -el, likely shortened to -Bel; Bel and Baal are prominent in scripture, we consider it to be “the house of Saturn” glyph H’ET; represented by Hathor as it’s rule, H’ET-H’ER (Horus’ house). The -B comes in play when H’EB, “completion of the solarplane”, and it’s inversa; BEH’, title of Horus’ dry place (as Karnak), which is factually a house; emending in SEB, “the (star-) gate for to make this solarplane (via ad.soul)”; as it looks now, these three are concepts like “concentric circles”, belonging to eachother, but describing different regions within the same area; see “9 houses of saturn” BD spell; Whát he “swallowed”, must be the eden-tile (since that is the theme at the end of this chapter), in glyphs as SBAIT, “(the light by) place-T of the most-beautified-soul-adam / to make solarplane”, (“I will give you opening of the mouth”, Ez.29.21); Akk. bêlu ‘lord,master,etc’; bêltu ‘lady, mistress’; belû ‘extinguish’; balâlu ‘to process (skin or wool), to mix, alloy, to cover completely’ (Hathor wig?); biltû ‘rent, tax, tribute’ (glyph H’QR?); abullu ‘mouth, gate, middle’ (sic);
“and I vist / onupon / Bel (Hathor?) / in Babylon (torso) /, and I bring forth / the thing swallowed-up by him / from his mouth (SBA-gate?) /, (?) and nót / the nations (of horus-spirits) – shall flow – to him – anymore /, evenindeed / she – the wall (dimensional-Veil; cham) of – Babylon (torso HQ) falls (as the Watchers) /;

come-forth-you ! from·midst-of·her people-of·me and·escape-you ! man soul-of·him from·heat-of anger-of ieue and·lest he-is-being-tender heart-of·you and·you-are-fearing in·the·report the·one-being-heard in·the·land and·he-comes in·the·year the·report and·after·him in·the·year the·report and·violence in·the·land and·one-ruling on one-ruling
My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come [one] year, and after that in [another] year [shall come] a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler

  • – ‘lest’, H6435 pen ‘or, otherwise, lest, or else, perhaps’,
  • – ‘faint’ H7401 rakak ‘tender (to heart), softer (then oil); also negative’;
  • – ‘fear’, H3372 yare ‘fear’, as in ‘man fearing angels’, angels saying ‘do not fear’; with colour of “healthy respect for”;

fearing report context:
because of the importance of the line, we tried several versions – question is, why not write clearly like “but – if – stubborn – your heart – nót – you hearken”; but perhaps because of the (half-) hidden intrinsic meaning of this chapter (or better – the mány exhortations – once one knows how to recognize them);
timing of report context:
the best we could do — and we can only interpret as “from the moment when the report is spread – in (within?) 1 year, this world will be at war”; and very probable the same “year” as “the year of a hireling”, Is.21 (page);

…we can’t know whether this means “after 365 days”, even the “hireling” seems to tell so: because we do not know exactly whén this “year started” – past december ? this May 14th ? from the moment this will be posted ? This time however, it will nót be “countries as staged enemies”, per all his MSM Rituals, (quite rightly termed “but rúmors of war”, in Revelation), but real, this time — note the term ‘violence’ includes Canaan-Cham; perhaps this time their overlords will make their human rulers réally Insane, and start things — we can but guess.
the report – as these pages ?…let’s not get in a Cramp, but carefully examine –

  • 1) this report “goes over the earth”, akin to the gospel – yet not in the same context;
  • 2) what is this report..? If we consider that “the vision was sealed” (see Habakuk page etc), combined with the many exhortions we saw until now, such as “close the gate !”, and the “go Up !” as in this chapter, we can assume that the report is “understanding the exhortations – and spreading them”: like via internet. This “report” is said “to be heared from IEUE”, but also “who will believe our report ?”, Is.53; indicating that “it is something, which comes by understanding” – that is, by reading correctly; Is. 28:9 has the cryptic line “to whom he (IEUE) shall make to (can) understand the report ?”, immediately linking the understanding to the “snared vision”, but moreover, implying that adamite souls must understand it – and spread it (over the earth !). The word itself, H8052 shem-uah is linked to “the name”, in this case of IEUE; we cannot find yet another intrinsic meaning linked to this term;
  • 3) the favourite evangelic one-liner “but no-one knows when is the time: only IEUE” is true, yet all the context shows that “this time will be ALSO shown to who serve him”, per this very ‘report’ theme, by which the “sons need to return tó imprisoned eden”, compare just line 50 and 51 in this chapter (until we’ve time to make an Index). Therefore exists also the line, “IEUE will do nothing without notifying his servants”, countering the half-magical idea of “no one knows the time”;
  • 4) the end of this chapter portrays the scribe-priest, “throwing the eden-tile wrapped in the scroll into the Euphrates (dimensional-border)”; and since all of old-israel was the literal playout for thése times, we cannot help to think that this report of now, as understood above, is the real meaning of that act — namely the sign of Babylon perishing;

yes we believe we have some major theme here – we are checking every single used word, it’s colour and context, relating it to Rg-Veda and spells; and again and again the same themes return in these (scripture-) pages: (of which we, again, beforehand never know what the outcome will be !); therefore, we are confident enough to remain with the “report being this exhortation”, and are confident enough to place the timeframe “between now and 1 year”: remembering the (chapter last December) “if you understand what I say – then I back you up”.
“go-out-you ! / people of me – fromout of her (earth’s) midst, and escape-you ! / adamite-soul – the (type) mortal man /, from the heat (burning) of / the anger (nostril) of / IEUE (by cherub-wheel in their hands) /; andfor unless – your heart – (is) softened (tender to understand) /, + you (will) (be) fearing (=recognizing) / in the report (tiding) / (being) the one heared / in the land (this earth) /, andfor – inas the year – the report (tiding) – comes /, +
and áfter he – [inas the year of – the report] – andas the violence (cham) / in the land / andof ruler / onagainst / ruler /;

therefore behold ! days ones-coming and·I-visit on carvings-of Babylon and·all-of land-of·her she-shall-be-ashamed and·all-of ones-wounded-of·her they-shall-fall in·midst-of·her and·they-are-jubilant over Babylon heavens and·earth and·all which in·them that from·north he-shall-come to·her the·ones-devastating averment-of ieue
Therefore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her. Then the heaven and the earth, and all that [is] therein, shall sing for Babylon: for the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the LORD

  • – ‘confounded (ashamed)’; used H954 bosh, but impossible – they are never ‘ashamed’; we say a scribal error, and put the rather Negative ‘confounded’ (to panic); (see next lines)
  • – ‘sing’, H7442 ranan ‘joy, shout of joy’ 54x; also used by the stars (spirits) who sang”, Job 38 (page); still with root ra- ‘evil’, as not quite being an eden-term (for joy), but still as Mixture;

sky and north context:
their doubled-sky and land (Geb) are still ‘mixtures’, of eden and their realm (just like Geb is “mire”, as mixture, and will melt; and just as our reality is that mixture), so we interpret that the ‘eden-contents of both are joyful – to be rescued’; likely that is why the term ‘joy’ is noted as the rather negative ra-nan; conclusion must be, that the 144,00 go tó the (their) north; (as in another chapter the 144 will cross through the Sekht-fields, north),
“therefore /, behold ! / the days – (are) coming / and I visit (to judge) / upon / the graven images (Pteh’) of / Babylon /, and all – her land – shall be confounded / and all of / her slain / shall fall / in her midst /; and – the doubled-sky – and the earth – are jubilant – over – (the falling-) Babylon / andfor all (of) / which / (is) in them /, thatbecause / from the north / shall come to her / the devastating ones (144,000) /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /;

ones-delivered from·sword go-you ! must-not-be you-are-staying remember-you ! from·afar ieue and·Jerusalem she-shall-come-up on heart-of·you
Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind
walk context:
again an exhortation, here “to go walk”, intended with a goal, see next line, but also by the next term “must not be you stay”; the root -halak as “to walk (to march, lead, forward, out, up)”; different as -bo “to go”;

  • – note also the “who go walk áre delivered”; not in the sense of “after death to be in heaven (eden)”, but quite literally in the position of the 144.000,

line, said by IEUE to us,
“walk-you ! / the ones delivered – from the sword /, (it) must nót be / (that) you are staying (in this earth) /, remember-you ! / IEUE – from (being) far-away (we on this earth) /, and – she – Jerusalem (eden place of earth) – will come up / onin / your heart /; +

we-are-ashamed that we-heard reproach she-covers confounding faces-of·us that they-entered alien-ones on sanctuaries-of house-of ieue therefore behold ! days ones-coming averment-of ieue and·I-visit on carvings-of·her and·in·all-of land-of·her he-shall-groan one-wounded
We are confounded, because we have heard reproach: shame hath covered our faces: for strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the LORD’S house Wherefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan

  • – ‘ashamed’, H954 bosh ‘ashamed’; used in eden as “(and they were not) ashamed”, we gather the term here as inversal of Watercourse;

line, first half to be said by us,
“we (=we) are ashamed / thatbecause / we heared (by the report) / the reproach (=of nót going Out) /, she – the dishonour – covers – our face /, thatbecause / the alien ones – entered – onupon – the sanctuaries of / the house of / IEUE (inner-court) /; therefore / behold ! /, the days / (are) coming /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /, and I (will) visit (to judge) / onupon / her (Babylon’s) graven images (by Pteh’) /, and in all of / her land / the slain – shall groan /;

that she-is-ascending Babylon the·heavens וand·that she-is-fortressing height-of strength-of·her from·with·me they-shall-come ones-devastating to·her averment-of ieue
sound-of outcry from·Babylon and·breaking great from·land-of Chaldea

Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, [yet] from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD A sound of a cry [cometh] from Babylon, and great destruction from the land of the Chaldeans
ascend context:
Babylon, as (HQ of the) torso, Babylon is inbetween eden and their doubled sky north (Õn); the torso ÁB powering their doubled sky; height here as -rum, same root as in Jeremiah; see next lines; and -az as matrix-power; the (with) in the “from-with-me” is supportive – we thought to skip it then;
line, said by IEUE,
“thatbecause – she – Babylon – (was) (causing to) ascend – the double sky (north) /, and thatbecause – she (caused to) fortify – the height (new-adamite-throne) of / her matrix-strength /, from me / the devastators (=we) – shall come / to her /, (being) the declaration of / IEUE /; the sound of / outcry / from Babylon / andfor – the great – destruction – fromas the land of – Chaldea (torso) /;

that devastating ieue Babylon and·he-destroys from·her voice loud and·they-clamor billows-of·them as·waters many-ones he-is-given tumult-of voice-of·them that he-comes on·her on Babylon one-devastating and·they-are-seized masterful-men-of·her she-is-cracked bows-of·them that El-of requitals ieue to-repay he-shall-mrepay and·I-make-drunk chiefs-of·her and·wise-men-of·her viceroys-of·her and·prefects-of·her and·masterful-men-of·her and·they-sleep sleep-of eon and·not they-shall-awake averment-of the·king ieue-of hosts name-of·him
Because the LORD hath spoiled Babylon, and destroyed out of her the great voice; when her waves do roar like great waters, a noise of their voice is uttered: Because the spoiler is come upon her, [even] upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the LORD God of recompences shall surely requite And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise [men], her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the King, whose name [is] the LORD of hosts

  • – ‘recompense’, H1578 gemul-ah ‘deed, reward – here recompense’ 3x; gemul ‘recompense’ 17x;

voice context:
term “Babylon” as two components – “stargate” and “speech for the many (spirits)”, from ‘Babel’; or perhaps “as the new speech to unite the many type spirits”..? as glyph UR “great speech”; see castle dream homepage;
bows context:
we like to opt for “bow-dome”, PETCH, because the term appears Singular; but here perhaps better related to the masterful-men; perhaps as “sceptres of power, relating tó the bow-dome”; as the bent-staves in Book of Gates (see long note in posted page), here said to relate to their Sorcery;
drunk context:
as in the dream-vision (page); we aren’t sure they will “sleep forever”, but at least during the Interval; certainly then at some point be ‘destroyed’ – not just kept asleep ‘forever’;
king and princes context:
the term “king” is usually Negative, hence we think the “whose name” is inserted; (‘king’ being their weird deformation of ‘angel, messenger’); the captains and rulers surely as the different classes of spirits;
“thatfor / IEUE – (is) devastating / Babylon /, and he destroys / fromas her – loud – voice /; and – the waves – roar – as – many – waters (mixed-dimensions) – (being) the multitude (spirits) – given – their voice: /; thatbecause– the one devastating – comes – onto her – on – Babylon /, and – her masterful (sorcery) men – are seized /, she – their bows – isare broken /, thatbecause / IEUE – the deity of – recompenses (against papyrus) / to repay – he shall repay /; and I make drunk / her princes / and her advisors /, her captains / and her rulers / and her masterful (sorcery) men /; and the sleep / the sleep of / a long timeframe / and nót / they shall wake /, (being) the declaration of / the (real) king / (whose) name (is) – IEUE of – hosts /;

thus he-says ieue hosts walls-of Babylon the·broad to-be-denuded she-shall-be-denuded and·gates-of·her the·lofty-ones in·the·fire they-shall-be-ravaged and·they-shall-labor peoples in·quota-of nought and·folkstems in·quota-of fire and·they-faint
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary

  • – ‘broad’ H7342 rachab; context as “dimensionally wide, spacious”; since Rachab was living upon the wall, this ‘spacious’ likely not refers to Babylon itself;

faint and bloodline context:
usually “people” (am) is positive; we had one exception where “the company of Thoth” is called ‘people’; and where in the war on Õn is written “their horsemen (ugly spirits) defend”, here it is ‘men’, making us to think that Watchers (or even fallen archangels as he) is defending;
used is (lam), said as Esau VS Jakob etc; their artificial souls;
curiously also in last line of this chapter – but we do nót consider it the same meaning as here;
“thus / he – IEUE of – hosts – says /, tofor to be stripped-down – she shall be stripped-down – the dimensionally-wide – walls (Cham) of -Babylon /, and her – lofty – (star-) gates / shall be set – inon fire / andfor the peoples (the Watchers defending Babylon) / shall work / inas according to – uselessness /, and the other bloodline people / inas to get enough of – the fire – and they faint /; (?)

the·word which he-instructed Jeremiah the·prophet Seraiah son-of Neriah son-of Maaseiah in·to-go-of·him with Zedekiah king-of Judah Babylon in·year-of the·fourth to·to-reign-of·him and·Seraiah chief-of resting-place
The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And [this] Seraiah [was] a quiet prince

  • – ‘seraiah’,H8304 serayah 20x; (sara/sar cluster, prince – negative); Seraiah, a scribe-priest (2Sam.); the -sar ‘prince’ cluster; sara ‘deformed (physical)’ 3x; 8297 Saray, wife of abraham; here +ah (thing of); her playout was to be Eve; but given another name – from Akk ‘queen’ to 8283 Sar-ah (new name); then ‘Sarayah’ incorporates the change from saray+sarah ? (since he was a scribe ?)
  • – ‘neriah’ H5374 neriy-yah 10x; ner ‘lamps’ 48x; naar ‘growl’ 1x; naar ‘shake off (rule)’ 11x; naar ‘young man’ 240x; naar-ah ‘girl,damsel’ 62x; niyr ‘freshly till’ 2x +4x; ner lamps’, yah either as ‘lord’ or ‘sweep-away (sheol)’;
  • – ‘maaseiah’, H4271 machsey-ah 2x; machseh ‘refuge,shelter’ 20x; from -chas-ah ‘refuge’ 37x;
  • – ‘quiet’,H4496 menuch-ah ‘resting (place)’ 22x; nach-ah ‘to station, to lead’ 38x, but into -nchash serpent; yet same as Noach, here + m-realm we had the term in Is.28 (page), where the restingplace was “to read scripture the right way, in order to know what is going on and what to do”, so this is Linked;

Jeremiah name context:
Jeremiah has as root -rama “beguile, deceive”, -rum and -rama “height, high place”, all denoting their new-adamite-throne, in scripture (the city) Raamah, in glyph ÁST, Isis; and Jeremiah’s whole life represented that attribute – he was constantly imprisoned in “the outer court of the king’s palace”, literal outer-court; the prefix must show that his attribute was to un-do their new throne;
names context:
we know that there is always a reason for the names, and the ‘son of’; but we can only make our best guess of whát the names intend to convey.Here they all must be “positive” (so for example ‘lord of the deformed’ is not an option);

  • – Seraiah’s attribute could be like below: the colour of his job is something like that;
  • – Neriah, as who is Seraiah’s protector – the ‘young man’ being Seraiah,
  • – Maaseiah should protect Neriah, but unclear – perhaps as eden ?
  • – resting-place: we tried to incorporate the colour of the term; which is his attribute,

“the word (in the right order) / which / Jeremiah – the prophet – instructed / Seraiah (sweep-away the matrix-prince?) /, the son of / Neriah (lord of the young men?) /, the son of / Maaseiah (the refuge from m-realm?) /, inwhen he goes / with / Zedekiah / king of / Judah / Babylon / in the – fourth – year / toof his rule /; and Seraiah / (was) the chief (-prince) of / the resting-place (to be stationed for m-realm by reading the scroll?) /;

and·he-is-writing Jeremiah all-of the·evil which she-shall-come to Babylon to scroll one all-of the·words the·these the·ones-being-written to Babylon and·he-is-saying Jeremiah to Seraiah as·to-come-of·you Babylon and·you-see and·you-read all-of the·words the·these
So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon, [even] all these words that are written against Babylon And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, When thou comest to Babylon, and shalt see, and shalt read all these words
“and – Jeremiah – is writing / all / the evil (rã) / which / shall come / tounto / Babylon / toin / one / scroll (sphr) /, (being) all / these – words (in the right direction) / written / to / Babylon /; and / Jeremiah / is saying / to / Seraiah: / aswhen you comeenter / Babylon /, and you see / andas you read / all / these – words (in the right direction) /; +

and·you-say ieue you you-spoke to the·place the·this to·to-cut-off-of·him to·so-as-not to-become-of in·him one-dwelling l·m·adm to·from·human and·unto beast
that desolations-of eon she-shall-become

Then shalt thou say, O LORD, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever
line context:
the -adm is a red flag; and can never go together with “beast”;
“and you say: / IEUE /, you spoke (in the right direction) / to / this – place /,tofor to cut it off /, to so-as-not / to become – in him / toas – the dwelling – fromfor the adm-human /, andbut unto / the Beast /; thatbecause / she shall become – desolations – for ever /;”

and·he-becomes as to-finish-of·you to·to-read-of the·scroll the·this you-shall-tie on·him stone and·you-fling·him to midst-of Euphrates and·you-say as·thus she-shall-drown Babylon and·not she-shall-rise from·faces-of the·evil which I bringing on·her and·they-faint unto hither words-of Jeremiah
And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, [that] thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. Thus far [are] the words of Jeremiah

  • – ‘weary’, H3286 yaeph ‘faint, become weary’ 10x; as eden-term not to be used fór Babylon, besides it contradicts the total annihilation; we think this term was chosen because the “content of the legal words dóes not stop – just this chapter does”;

ritual context:
observing what the meaning must be,

  • 1)Thoth (king of Babylon) is the typical “scribe”, where Saraiah is one, too; Saraiah, by his name attributes, is eden’s legal represent to can perform this; because he started to read the nón-polluted scroll (polluted by the sephar+d);)
  • 2)Saraiah will go to Thoth’s HQ, Babylon (Torso, in outer-court), and read (announce) the coming things upon the torso;
  • 3) then wrap the eden-tile (the “tried-stone, as cornerstone, glyph -IT) in the scroll; the scroll representing “eden’s sky”, since théir bordersky is copying (and mutilating) the scroll-sky; their copied bordersky (TCHER) as glyph METCHA; which is the same as Ezekiel had to look at – the crawling beetles upon their bordersky;
  • 4) he throws it in the dimensional border, between eden and them – as Euphrates, so both the tile and the sky are lost fór Babylon;

“and it becomes (to pass) / aswhen you finish / toof to read / this – scroll (sphr) /, you shall tie / onto it / a stone (eden-tile) /, and you fling it / in the midst of / the Euphrates (dimensional border) /, and you say: / as thus / she – Babylon – shall drown /, and nót / she shall rise (on high) / +
from facing / the evil (rã) / which / I / (am) (causing) to bring / onupon her /; [and – the words (in right order) – of Jeremiah – (fade-out) – here].

03.05. – 05.05. 2018 loNe
and now we wait for confirmation….