Babylon *has* fallen, as we speak: by declaring, Is.21 — the watchman confirming the vision —

Babylon *has* fallen, as we speak: by declaring, Is.21
— the watchman confirming the vision —
is 21

load-of wilderness-of sea as·sweeping-whirlwinds in·the·Negev to·to-pass-on-of from·wilderness one-coming from·land being-feared
The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; [so] it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land

  • – ‘whirlwind’, related to 5488 suph ‘reeds, red sea’ 28x; as the nature of the realm of undirected-feminine (the deep-south); that the people crossed her, must imply that “eden is in the centre”,
  • – ‘pass through’, H2498 chalaph ‘change, alter, slide by’, secondary ‘pass through’,
  • – ‘negeb’, H5045 negeb 11x; “The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and anguish, from whence [come] the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent, they will carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses, and their treasures upon the bunches of camels, to a people…”; Ez.; root -neg, -nag, ‘serpent’; as the deep-south, undirected-feminine realm;
  • – ‘terrible’, H3372 yare ‘fear’ 331x, of man for the deity,

line context:
we saw in Job (page) that “the both beasts realms mingled again, after eden fell”; and interpreted the “gate south” to cause a kind of ‘fountain’ (diagrams) – the same situation must now come into place again, yet now even untill further North, until she reaches the place for to rule the masculine realm north; this un-mixing must be feared by them,
“the burden of / the wilderness (place of right order for m-realm, north) of / the sea (dimension north) /; asby the whirlwind (essence) / infrom the south (undirected-feminine realm) / +
tofor to pass through (and for to replace) / fromas – the coming – wilderness (place of right order) /, (this) being feared – fromby the land (north, matrix) /;

vision harsh he-is-told to·me the·one-being-treacherous being-treacherous and·the·one-devastating devastating go-up-you ! Elam besiege-you ! Media all-of sighing-of·her I-cause-to-cease
A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease

  • – 7180 qash-eh ‘stubborn, harsh, etc’,
  • -H5046 nagad ‘tell’, 370x; serpent-colour -nag; said to eve as “who told you”, implying serpent,
  • – H4074 ‘maday’, media, foreign origin; Sanskrit -med,’being wise, injuring’, rootword; meda ‘fat’, RA (house of fat, as glyph ÃT ?); meda ‘particular mixed caste’, MH; ‘name of a serpent demon’ MH; meha ‘juice of meat,etc’ RV (comp.’fat’); medas ‘fat, marrow (proper seat said to be the abdomen)’, RV [plexus?]; medhâ ‘metal power, intelligence’ RV; medhya ‘pure, clean, wise’ RV, MH; [medhyãtithi ‘author of part of RV’]; glyph ÃT, often used, as “the (eden-) essence at place-T for willpower”, H4055 mad ‘armor, garment’ 11x, moda ‘friend’ 1x (companion);
  • – sighing’, H585 anach-ah ‘sighing’ 11x; anachnu ‘we, ourselves’ 119x, = hive-mind [note from Is.35 page],

who is who context:
it took us many hours to see the continuancy of the lines; the one speaking this chapter is the Watercourse,

  • 1) the “being treacherous” can never refer to the Watercourse, but is always as the concept that the matrix will destroy itsélf – in this case by the whirlwind rising up to the north, against Õn;
  • 2) because of that very concept, the term “told” with serpent-colour is used, (it therefore does nót write “IEUE told” or similar), this term returning later on, when the watchman says “I told you (of)”; then we consider that next lines 3 and 4 describe “these very days”, compare (note in) line 10;
  • 3) usually the subject follows the exhortation, as “Elam, you go ascend !”, yet both regions make no sense here to mention – starting out with the whirlwind. Therefore “the whirlwind, rising up (along the axis), must cause Elam to ascend, and Elam, on its turn, crushing the house of fat”; making Media the ‘victim’ here, according to the “matrix destroying itself concept”,

“the harsh – vision – it is told (serpent-concept) – to me (=Watercourse) /, being treacherous – (to) the one being treacherous (Õn) /, and – devastating – (to) the one (who is) devastating (Õn) /; (by whirlwind) ascend-you ! / Elam (inverted axis section) /, (and) (be) besieged-you ! / Media (house of fat) /, all of / her sighing (matrix hive-mind) / I (IEUE) cause to cease (for eden-rest) /;

on·so they-are-full waists-of·me sore-travail throes they-hold·me as·throes-of woman-giving-birth I-am-wretched from·to-hear-of I-am-flustered from·to-see-of
Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth: I was bowed down at the hearing [of it]; I was dismayed at the seeing [of it]

  • – ‘pain’, H2479 chalachal-ah ‘anguish’ 4x; doubled-term; chal-ah ‘beseech’ 76x; chaliy ‘jewel, ornament’ 2x; choli ‘disease’ 24x; chel ‘army, rampart’ 27x, chayil ‘wealth,army’ 221x;
  • – ‘dismayed’, H926 bah-al ‘disturbed, etc’ 27x; behal-ah ‘terror’ 4x, into beh-moth, behal ‘alarmed’ 11x; biah ‘entrance (where image of jealousy sits)’, 1x, as entrance to the m-realm (behemoth), -bo ‘come in, go in’, many;

hear context:
the problem was the juxtaposition, since ‘name’ is an eden-term, we had to add (too) to show cause and result,
line, said by Watercourse,
“on-so (therefore) / my (=Watercourse) loins (cherub tilt?) – are full (of) – anguish (beseech wealth?) /, pangs / hold me / as pangs of / the (Revelation-) woman giving birth /; I am (too) twisted of shape (by perverse Aven-plain) / fromfor to can hear (name) /, I am (too) disturbed (by entrance to m-realm) / fromfor to can see /;

she-strays heart-of·me shuddering she-frightens·me gloaming-of attachment-of·me he-places to·me to·the·trembling
My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted me: the night of my pleasure hath he turned into fear unto me

  • – ‘fearfulness’, H6427 pallats-uth ‘horror’ 4x (ts-term); palats ‘tremble’ 1x; 6381 pala ‘miracles’ 71x; palat ‘deliver’ 25x, -t becomes -ts,
  • – ‘affrighted’, H1204 baath ‘terrify, fear’; bath ‘daughter’, many, beth, ‘house’ many;
  • – ‘pleasure’, H3827 chesheq ‘long for, desire’ 4x as ‘to cling to’;
  • – ‘fear’, H2731 charad-ah ‘trembling’ 9x; chere ‘dung’ 1x, chor ‘nobles’ 13x, chuwr ‘hole, cave’, chowr ‘cave’ 8x,Lot, choriy ‘fierce (anger)’ 6x, either as THEPH’T or QERRT cave, likely the former,

regions context:
the “heart” in first line we can’t quite catch; the “twilight” kept giving problems – our first version was that the whirlwind says these two lines, because of the “desiring the twilight” – but 5399 -nesheph is close enough to nephesh, adamite-soul, and the “being in the centre” is appropriate, considered next line,
“she – my heart (now as torso?) – wanders-off /, she – the horror (of not being delivered?) – terrifies me (lost daughter house?) /, my desiring – my twilight (to be in centre of their Tao-realm?) /, +
it (is) re-placed / towith the trembling (by angry cave, now in the centre?) – to me /;

to-arrange the·table to-watch the·watch to-eat to-drink rise-you ! the·chiefs anoint-you ! shield
Prepare the table, watch in the watchtower, eat, drink: arise, ye princes, [and] anoint the shield

  • – ‘table’, H7979 shulchan, also altar-table; sheluchah ‘tendrils (of eden-vine)’ 1x, Shiloah ‘well, pool (for cure)’; shalach ‘send’, many (send out?), shelach ‘weapon’ 8x; without the -ch into Sheol and Shaul, so Sheol [the abzu] must be by schulchan, the table;
  • – ‘watch’, H6823 tsaph-ah ‘overlay (ark with gold), etc)’; but term identical with 6822 tsaph-ah ‘watchman, look-out’; here in context related to the table,
  • – ‘shield’ magen 63x; “and Kir (furnaces in torso) uncovered the shield”, Is.22; magan ‘deliver’ 3x; related to Mig-dal (tower), pillar of great balance MÃKHT,
  • 1) likely from ma+ 1588 gen ‘garden’ 42x (also as “(eden-) garden)”, as “the shield as the garden for the m-realm”; or 1516 gay ‘valley’ 60x, +n +m-realm; the -n as ‘distorted concept’; same region as ‘Meg-iddo’ which was the Hamon-vally (-gay);
  • 2) because the root -mag is so absent that it must be 1)

etemetaphysical com

continuity of line context:
there is no exhortation as “prepare-you !” here, we must interpret this, almost inserted, line as “the Watercourse preparing the table fór the princes – as She (had to do) untill now – though split-off watercourse – while knówing what will happen”; we added the (while still); and it is also She who still tells the princes “to go rise and anoint”;
shield context:
the magen shield (hexagram per flower of life) as their inverted Dome, as an inverted parabole separating the eden-gate from adamite-throne; likely as the glyph ÁH’T, “pasture, cultivated fields (of wick-H’)” etc; the ‘anointing’ done with the oil of the split-off watercourse, probably that is the renewal for the effectiveness of their shield,
(while still) arranging / the table (throne of eden-gate) /, overlaying / the overlay (on it) / (for) to eat / (and) to drink /; rise-you (on high) ! / (you) (matrix-) princes /, anoint-you ! (with oil) / the magen shield (inverted dome) /;

that thus he-says to·me my-Lord go-you ! install-you ! the·one-watching which he-is-seeing he-shall-tell
For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth
line context:
them princes (dead-bodies KHAT) have their last meals now, before the War; because (‘thus’) to the Watercourse is asked “to find an adamite soul”; implying here that the “telling” is important (same word used as by vision, previously), rephrased, this is not so much related to “telling that he sees horsemen, etc” (in next line), but instead, this “telling” is a “trigger; triggering by declaring” – see next lines,
“thatbecause / thus / he – myLord – says / to me (=Watercourse) /, go-you ! / (and) install-you ! / the one watching /, (for) he shall téll (the serpent-concept) – (by) which – he is seeing /;

and·he-sees chariot pair-of horsemen rider-of donkey rider-of camel and·he-attends attention much-of attention
And he saw a chariot [with] a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, [and] a chariot of camels; and he hearkened diligently with much heed

  • – ‘chariot’, H7393 rekeb, ‘chariot’, also few ‘charioteers’; H6776 tsemed ‘a team, pair, couple, (yoked)’ 15x, ‘paired’ ?
  • – ‘horsemen’,H6571 parash ‘horsemen’ 57x; as “the ugly physical construct of them spirits”;
  • – ‘camel’,H1581 gamal ‘camel’ 54x; gam+el, gemul ‘benefit, reward’ 19x; gome ‘papyrus’ 4x;
    Akk. don’t match; but gamlu ‘shepherd’s crook, bent stick, ritual tool’, glyph HEQ, or
    the MEST, staff of Osiris ?, gamâlu ‘to carry out a task’; gamîru ‘powerful, great,
    obstinate, (crook of) the arm, wrestler’, gimillu ‘debt, repay, loan, favour’;
    camels are related to ‘bringing back the gold they stole’, relating to Ammon; yet unclear, yet the Akk. “bent stick” returns in the book of gates, below;
  • 2) the hebrew G as gimel (foot+water) “gather, to walk”, glyph as “foot” (solarplane glyph -B);
  • 4) Sanskrit:
    karabha,MH; -kara, ‘to do (verb), do-er (the hand), elephant’s trunk, ray of light as sunbeam, moonbeam’ RA MH RV; pattra ‘any vehicle, car, chariot, camel, etc’ MH; uSTra, MH; but perhaps ‘buffalo’ in RV; rest of long entry, attached at end of page
double-yoke context:
the text does not use “two (horsemen)” but a term “a yoke (of oxen), a team, a pair”; the only ‘paired’ we know is the house of the horizon, as the glyph inbetween both lions, to right. These look indeed like the both humps of a camel – yet per text the “camel” is a separate aspect of this double yoke;

kar-shrine and eden-place context:
we struggle for comprehensible terms, but these themes are so foreign for us souls; we had the “tomb of the donkey” in Jer.22 page, likely as “the place of the image of the adm-human (but now perverted)”; and the KAR-shrine, where (adamite-) images are “doubled” (glyph KA) –
see vignettes and long note at end of page,
paying attention context:
three times is used the same word, as another way of saying “read – this – line – 100 times !”, because a crucial Clue must be inside it –

“and he sees / a chariot (construct) / (being) the double-yoke (island horizon) of / the horsemen (physicality of spirits) /, (this) (being) a chariot (-construct) of / the donkey (now perverted eden-place of the image of adam-physicality?) /, (and) the chariot (-construct) of / a camel (KAR-shrine for images to double?)/, and he listens / attentively / (with) much / attention /;

and·he-is-calling lion on watch my-Lord I standing continually by-day and·on charge-of·me I being-stationed all-of the·nights
And he cried, A lion: My lord, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime,
and I am set in my ward whole nights

  • – ‘calling’, H7121 qara ‘to name, proclaim’ 734x, “and the darkness was called night”, hardly in context of crying out;
  • – ‘stand’, H5975 amad ‘take one’s stand, stand’ 525x, omed ‘place, station’ 4x;
  • – H319 yomam ‘daily, by or in the day’, daytime, 3117 yom ‘day’;
  • – H4931 mishmereth ‘to guard, to keep, ordinance’ 79x; mishmar ‘in prison, in custody’ often passive; from shamar ‘to keep, to guard’, 46x, as active verb; +m as m-realm,

line context:
the “naming the lion” we interpret as “describing the matrix constructs”,
“and he is naming / the lion (matrix-rule) / onduring / the watch /, myLord / I / (am) taking my stand / all the time / by-day (daily) /, and onfor – to guard (the m-realm) / I / (am) being stationed / all of / the nights /;

and·behold ! this coming chariot-of aish man pair-of horsemen and·he-is-responding and·he-is-saying she-fell she-fell Babylon and·all-of carvings-of Elohim-of·her he-broke to·the·earth
And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, [with] a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground

  • – ‘cometh’, H935 bo ‘come, come in, go go out’ (many); also many “bring”, in the sense of “cause to come (or go)” – which ‘term is what we need;
  • – ‘answered’, H6030 an-ah ‘answer, reply’ (many); negative because of Õn-root, likely because it is “human who has the role of answering”,
  • – ‘graven images’,H6456 pasil ‘engraved images’, pas+el, copied images by engraving, PTEH’, root -pas ‘variegated, speckled’ 5x, as mixed-aspects, glyph -AB ‘leopard (beast)’,

man chariot context:

  • 1) the line uses “to come” but where ? Final word is “to land”, and where the tomb of the donkey was thrown to earth (Jer.22, page), this should also be “this earth”;
  • 2) in Is 22 is the line,
    and·Elam he-lifts-up quiveraxis in·chariot adm human horsemen, at the eden fall, Elam / he lifts up / the quiver (part of axis) / (of?) the adm-human /inas the chariot / (of?) the horsemen; we are not quite sure because an interjection seems to be missing; yet here we have “the (mortal) man chariot”, nót the adm-image place; we can only read the line like “the house of the horizon itself is the chariot to make (mortal) man”, or better, “to make the type physical mixture as them spirits are”, (of which óur physicality is but a low-grade model of that)

time period context:
during those “nights and days” (a certain period of time; as “a few years”..?), while he “names the lion” (describes constructs), we interpret that “the Watercourse is in pain” — that is, these very days; analogue to the Revelation-woman (who is however a comparison to the Watercourse, not herself) who is in pain until the 144,000 rise; note how the past-particle is used, “fell”, and this as “declaration”, since it is about “adamite soul telling that to Õn (as well)”, that was perhaps the goal,
“and behold ! / (it) (is) (being) caused to come – this / chariot (-construct) of / (mortal) man (-kind) /, (being) the double-yoke (island horizon) of / the horsemen (physicality of spirits) /, and he (watchman) is answering (towards Õn) /, andfor he is saying: / she – Babylon (as HQ of the torso) – fell (as the nephilim) /, she fell /, andfor all of / the engraved images of / her deities / he (IEUE) shattered / to the land (this earth) /; +

threshed-people-of·me and·son-of threshing-site-of·me which I-heard from·with ieue-of hosts Elohim-of Israel I-told to·you
O my threshing, and the corn of my floor: that which I have heard of the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, have I declared unto you

  • – ‘threshing’, H4098 medushsh-ah 1x; interesting how interlinear connects ‘people’ to it; from 1758 -dush ‘thresh’ used in relation to people; +m as m-realm; likely hopping-over into Greek as ‘medusa’, misapplied to being eden’s threshfloor, dayish ‘thresh (grapes’ 1x; dish-on ‘ibex’ 1x (-n as abberation, gazelle-glyph ?), dasha ‘sprout (forth)’ 3x (Genesis); deshe ‘(tender) grass’ (also Genesis);
  • – ‘son’; never as ‘corn’,
  • – ‘floor’, H1637 goren ‘threshing floor’ 37x, gir ‘chalk’ 1x; ger ‘alien’ 97x, gur ‘sojourn’ 98x, the latter said of Judah to go to (strange) gate; gor ‘lion cub’ 2x;

heared context:
the watchman had been called, and was being installed (previous lines), this, and the understanding ultimately was from IEUE, ofcourse – since the soul is Blind.
treshingfloor context:
at first sight strange that eden needs one – but how else to disintegrate the essence of their Tao realm ? – because simply “adding” the essence of the Watercourse will not help – that is throwing good money to bad money. The eden treshingfloor will be the cherub-eye (again), yet “will not destroy the horsemen”, see a previous posted; which is entirely different as the matrix’ stripping and burning adamite originals in their furnaces, workplace ÁS and winepress SHESMU; it appeared indeed that they stolen that concept but enhanced it to the gruesome – somehow the nature of the Nazis comes to mind…

  • 2) it appears that the eden-treshfloor is for “the essence of the undirected-feminine”, since that is the (polluted-) essence they create their dragons and ‘sinners’ by (see the inversed land Rahab, Job page); this “light essence” seemingly related to “white” (chalk) and “alien”, per this line, but also to a “red” per line 1 (the whirlwind): then perhaps the dual-eden-vine -gephen, which is the strange G-cluster, as the “fountain from the south”, is a red-white dual ? until she is dissected – and the essence of the Watercourse is added..?
  • 3) the “threshed peoples” as adamite-originals, we added (from),

told you context:
obviously not as “see I told you so”, but referring back to the “vision being told”, here as conclusion and finishing óf the events;

“(being from) my threshed peoples / andby the son (-matrix-construct) of / my threshingfloor (eden’s, for Tao-realm) /, which / I told (serpent-aspect) / to you (souls) /, I (have) heared / from-withby / IEUE of / hosts /, (being) the deity of / the powerful deity (israel) /.

—— end part 1, being about Babylon

20.05 – 23.05 loNe

…our respect to all the prophets in OT –
it is Impossible they could have written all down, without “having seen what they write”; meaning these were far from simple cattle-shepherds (as the wrong idea we usually have); their very choice of words is the very treasure by which wé now can try reconstruct; yes we know – ofcourse IEUE knew that, see line 10, yet this all feels like a Closure of long-time war, returning to the beginning
– we tried, Miss; just not that we missed something…


B] part II of chapter 21

first version – difficult section:
though these verses appear ‘unrelated’ to the previous, at first sight,
they must be continuing the same topic – but now in other regions;

load-of Dumah to·me one-calling from·Seir one-guarding what ? from·night one-guarding what ? from·night
The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

  • – ‘dumah’,H1746 dum-ah, 4x; dum-ah ‘silence’ 2x; dam ‘blood’ 360x, dim-ah ‘tears’ (into Dam-mseq damascus), tears as glyph REMT, blood as SENF, “essence by he-eden to make existence”, correlated ÁSFT, same -S and -F, as “evil place-T of he-eden”..? Akk. dâmu ‘blood, red, beer, brown, sweet, gut, sinew, string, to die’; term obviously related to -adm (adam), but we consider as mutilation here,
  • – ‘calleth’, H7121 qara ‘to name, declare’ (used in previous line too),
  • – ‘seir’, H8165 seir 39x, Canaan-related, Ez.35 suggests Seir is SHESMU, the winepress-god (into that strange triple-land SHESMTT), because he slaughters the (adamite-) sons; Is.63 winepress and Edom; in the ‘guarding one’ is also ‘wine’ (shemer) + winepress ? saiyr ‘hairy, goat’ 57x; into -sar ‘princes’ etc;
  • – ‘watchman’, H8104 shamar ‘to keep, preserve’, by implication to watch (over); into ‘name’ (shem); shemer ‘wine’ 5x, shamiyr ‘adamant, thorn’,
  • – ‘what’, H4100 mah ‘what, how, why, whereby, how long, wherein, how oft, to what end’,

chapter context:
surprisingly little backup is given about both the ‘Seir’ and the ‘Dumah’; but considered previous line: since Babylon is declared having fallen, now the eden-dawn needs to factually happen – and he (the watchman) is asking for that ?
line context:

  • – unsure line; the both names are our best guess; but we fail to get the colour of the repeating “night” and it’s prefix; [though we added the (still), if that were meant, it perhaps would had added -oud ‘further’];
  • – the term used is so definitely “to give a name to, to name”, we have no other option as to let it refer to “the guardian”; note,

“the burden of / Dumah (workplace ÁS?) /, the one (being) named – toby me / fromas – the one guarding – seir (their winepress?): / +
“one guarding: – what (is) / fromwith the night ?, whathow long / fromfor the night (still) ? /,

he-says one-guarding he-arrived morning and·moreover night if you-are-petitioning petition-you ! turn-back-you ! come-hither-you !
The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night: if ye will enquire, enquire ye: return, come

  • – ‘enquire’, H1158 baah ‘to swell or boil up, gush over’ 5x, (how come ‘to acquire’ ?); biah ‘entrance (where image of jealousy sits)’, 1x, as entrance to the m-realm (behemoth), -bo ‘come in, go in’, many;
  • – ‘come’,H857 ath-ah ‘to come’ 21x; oth ‘sign, mark’ 79x (on cain, of covenant, of moon and stars)

line context:
after having declared Babylon fallen, the “sign needs to appear” – as the manifestation of the eden-dawn and night; line telling that the matrix-gate is the key,
“he – the one guarding – says: / he – the eden dawn – (has) arrived /, and moreoveralso /, the eden-night /, ifsurely / you (entrance to m-realm) (should) (be) gushing-over /, gush-over-you (for to come in and enter) ! /, return-you (the eden-dawn- and night, to watercourse) ! /, come-you (the sign, of the dawn starting) ! /;

load in·Arabia in·the·wildwood in·Arabia you-are-lodging caravans-of Dedanites to·to-meet-of thirsty-one bring-hither-you ! waters ones-dwelling-of land-of Tema in·bread-of·him they-forestall one-being-wanderer
The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled

  • – ‘forest’, H3293 yaar ‘wildwood, forest’ 58x; tricky – this forest appears to be related to carmel, “undirected-feminine” (carmel as crop-land); but right now it is somewhere north, and will “come down”, as also the ‘vintage’ (btzir) will come down. In Mic.7 “their people are tabernacling in the wildwood”, which can only be these; and line 1 there relates it to ‘fruits’, then this forest as “the bough (with fruits) of the tree, which is upon their inserted stem” ?
  • – ‘caravan’, 736 orech-ah ‘caravan’ 2x; orach, arach ‘ways, paths’ 59x, aruch-ah ‘ration’ 6x, no match in Akk., we have but the caravan of the Midianites who bought Joseph,
  • – ‘dedanim’, H1720 dedani ‘1x; Djed ?, dad ‘bosom,breasts’ 4x [double gate], dad-ah ‘procession’ 2x; Horus to roof of temple ? dud ‘basket’ 7x, close to David, dod ‘uncle, (beloved)’ 61x; Akk. dadmû ‘villages, habitated world’, likely related to mythical Thutha d ana tribe;
  • – ‘(empty) (to meet)’, H7125 qir-ah really ‘to meet, against (opposition), meet against’, as 100x; from qara ‘encounter’, into -qir ‘fiery furnace’;
  • – H6771 tsame ‘thirst’ 9x (ts-term); -tsum ‘to fast’ 21x; Akk. ‘samû; and ‘samadû ‘to yoke, yoke, plow team’ (house horizon?); ‘samû ‘to thirst’; and ‘simdû ‘item of clothing’ [=covering]; ‘sumurrû ‘to plot’;
  • – ‘brought’, from same H857 ath-ah ‘to come’ 21x, previous line; oth ‘sign, mark’ 79x; from 21x only 2x ‘bring’ [one here] but very dubious; likely made-up to fit ‘them’,
  • – ‘tema’, H8485 tema; Teman and Dedan are in the same region, Ez.25; as double-Djed ? bingo: taam ‘twins’, 5x; also ‘integity, blameless’; tam/tum; also Tammuz ‘Osiris’; while Tam-ar won back the attributes of Judah – sealring (sic), and staff (axis); Akk. temennu ‘foundation’ (same as Djed meaning), ‘têmu ‘understanding, instruction’,
  • – ‘bread’,H3899 lechem ‘bread’ (many); so awkward here that we suspect a similar root — the “bread” always as Negative, because baked-construct (fiery furnace), yes even the quote “I am the bread”; lacham ‘fight, devour’ 177x,
  • – ‘prevented’, H6923 qadam ‘to confront, come before, meet, expose (oneself),
line context:
it is rather impossible that now the Watercourse addresses the Dedanites in 1st person “you”, therefore the “you” is either the guardman or the eden-dawn;
rations context:
rather often in spells used the T’ENÁ-T, to right, “portion, part, lot, share”; as “place-T of hail / to split-off violently (for existence by the new-hand)”;

“the burden / inupon / Arabia (darkened plain north) /, you (eden-day and night) are lodging – in the forest (crown of fruit-tree) – in Arabia (darkened plain north) /, (being) the (allotted-) rations of / the ones at present ruling adamite-throne (Dedanites) /; (but now?) tofor to meet-against (the eden-opponent) / (being) the thirsty one (for covering): / come-you (the sign as dawn starting) ! / the (eden-) waters /, inby he the war – the inhabitants of / the land of / Tema (Djed?) / they expose (them) / being the one fleeing /; +

that from·faces-of swords they-wandered from·faces-of sword being-let-go and·from·faces-of bow being-bent and·from·faces-of heaviness-of war
For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war
line context:
we need to let this one open, until we find similar theme,
“thatbecause / from facing / the swords / they fled /, fromby facing / the sword (set’fit-axe?) / being abandoned /, and fromby facing / the bow (dimensional matrix-dome)/ being bent / and from facing / the dimensional heavyness of / war /;

that thus he-says my-Lord to·me in·further year as·years-of hired-one and·he-vanishes all-of glory-of Kedar and·remnant-of number-of bowman masterful-men-of sons-of Kedar they-shall-be-few
that ieue Elohim-of Israel he-spoke For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail And the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished: for the LORD God of Israel hath spoken [it]

  • – ‘hireling’, H7916 sakar ‘hired (man)’ 17x, skiyr-ah ‘hired’ 1x (Shaquira?), sakar ‘wages’ 28x; seker ‘wages (from Tyre)’; link to SEK ?
  • – ‘archers’, H7198 qesh-eth ‘bow, from 76 x hardly bow-men’, qush ‘ensnare’ 1x, also used as ‘rainbow’ [bow dome],
  • – ‘kedar’, H6938 qedar 12x; into qadar ‘black, swarthy, darkness’; no other root likely as abberation of qadosh ‘holy, sacred’;
  • – ‘diminished’, H4591 maat ‘few, small, diminish’ 21x, pun on MAÃT ?

line context:
just not that it takes anóther year, from right now….?
“thatbecause / thus / he – IEUE – says / to me (Watercourse) /, in further / a year (one more year) /, as the years of / a hired one (the forest, or house-H?) /, +
and it vanishes / all of / the glory (dimensional heavyness) of / the Qedar (corrupted eden-sacredness?) /; and the – number of – the remnant of / the bow (-dome of the serpent) /,
(being) the masterful men (giants) / (as) the sons of / Qedar (polluted eden-sacredness) /, shall be few /, thatbecause / he – IEUE – the deity of – the powerful deity (ishral) – spoke (right direction) /.

end of chapter
25.05 loNe

#add: notes by line 7

A] the camel,
2) the hebrew G as gimel (foot+water) “gather, to walk”, glyph as “foot” (solarplane glyph -B);
4) Sanskrit:

  • karabha,MH; -kara, ‘to do (verb), do-er (the hand), elephant’s trunk, ray of light as sunbeam, moonbeam’ RA MH RV; pattra ‘any vehicle, car, chariot, camel, etc’ MH; uSTra, MH; but perhaps ‘buffalo’ in RV; not much usable concepts;

5) glyphs:

  • KAMÃÁAR ‘camel’,as “skin,mouth,vulture-rule of hail, to be willpower, for, to devise”,
  • KAMI(T) ‘gardener’, as “to force (place-T of) m-b-soul-adam, for to double”,
  • KAM ‘garden’, as “house (land), tree, for to double”, KAM-tile of Pteh’;
  • GEMER “skin(camel), lion-mouth, for throne-G”,-R is hebrew-L (Gemel, Gimel),
  • MEKUT ‘camel cloth’, as “cloth, doubled-T,
  • MEKAT “the island,place-T,to double, m-realm”, into
  • MEKTI (VaV) and MEKTÁR ‘tower’ (Migdol), (VaV sceptre);
  • ÁHAR ‘tent made of camel hair’, “house,covering,mouth,\\descended-house-H, of hail”, 2x ÁAH ‘incense’; into ÁAH’ moon ?
  • ÁHER ‘camel hair tent’, “house,covering,mouth,\\house-H, of hail”,
  • ÁHEN ‘wooden instrument'(BD) “branch,existence,door(?), hebrew-H of hail”,
  • ÁHMT (ÁH-MUT) ‘incense’ (“(stone),lights, place-T, house-H of hail”, into ÁHI “house,m-b-soul-adam,house-H of hail” (see text below),
  • ÁHHI ‘festival’ “completion of solarplane,by m-b-s-adam, house-H, house-H, to be hail”,

aspects of ‘camel’:

K-axis; raised house-H, copying human,
and ‘whiteness’ (see Jer.22);

conclusion camel –
it makes sense that, when there is a mutilated place of the eden-image (donkey), that they will have their own place of théir image: by the KAR-shrine, “the shrine of speech for to double (the image)”, both constructs comprising the ‘yoke’, as their house of the horizon.

The ‘camel’ also includes the -KA and -R, ‘mouth’ (eden-gate),”mouth to devise” or “mouth to double”, where ‘mouth’ is always eden’s gate; this stepdown -KAR as “(by the mouth) the speech for to double”. In the vignette below (from opening of mouth pages), the adamite-soul opens the shrine for the figure, standing (or walking already to the shrine); and since the columns read (down to up) and left to right, it is assumable that the same person now stands in the shrine, now being transformed (doubled) because he has a beard, as royal symbol. The added text does not use glyph KAR, but does “shrine and white light”, as H’ETCH, (pictured right); text reading “[for] to come the son (construct). [of] he. the speech. the house. the speech. the house (doubled house of speech). [by] he. all. existence. the house. to open [and become new].”;

We don’t pretend to understand it all, that is sure; but note how the line mentions “as the son-construct”, and see line 10 of this chapter; the “camel” concept (with double lump) can be very well relating to the -KA, “to double”;

B] the donkey

  • 1) donkey: (from Jer.22 posted chapter)
    the tomb (in front of eden-gate) of / the male-donkey / it shall be entombed / (and) dragged off /,+ andfor to fling (it) / from the dimensional other side / to the gates of / Jerusalem (this earth’ place)/;
    as ‘donkey’, H2543 chamor ‘male donkey’, H2563 chomer ‘clay’, so not the gold-dust where adam was made of, but as the copied ‘adama’ of the sumerian epos; chamar ‘wine’, ÁRP ? by their new-root; chamar ‘to smear over, to foam’, (also with chalk?), chem-ah ‘butter’ (the churning of the ocean) into Cham, KAM (see camel, chem- and gim- are close), chom ‘heat’, chema ‘anger’ 2x; cham ‘father-in-law’ (as related but other house);

  • 2) Issashar: one of the 12 sons, and where Gad will return the ‘white’, Issashar is linked to ‘donkey’, Gen.49; he shall “lay down between two sheepfolds” (see Bileam, below); and “he bowed his shoulder to bear (the pleasant land)”, the tricky shoulder-glyph REMEN and QÃH’ (saturn shoulder by q-axis); since the donkey theme is ‘willpower’ Ã, perhaps it’s this one (and see vignette in opening of mouth);
  • 3) Bileam and the ass:
    Bilam (“not of the people”) was asked by Moab (torso) to go curse old-israel; he tried that upon 3 mountains (see 3 horus-spirits, below), where mountain is ‘height’ (see book of gates, below); he drove his donkey through two walls (the shesshes, below ?), but upon seeing the angel, the donkey started to speak (related to cord of words, below?);

  • 4) Sanskrit:
    donkey: khara, MH; – khara ‘rough, harsh, sharp, dense (clouds, dimension)’ RV MH; also -khara ‘hurtful, injurious, cutting (as speech or word)’ RA MH; “name of a Raksha slain by Rama (younger brother of Ravana)’, MH RA, construct of eden, see below; râsabha ‘donkey (the brayer)’ RV, brayer is “an ink-roller in the printer’s hand’ (?)

  • 5) glyphs:
  • ÁAI ‘ass-headed god,tuat IX’, but is Book-of-gates IX; ‘the opponent of Apep and Sessi’,
  • ÁAIT ‘divine olden ones by place-T of m-b-s-adam as vulture-rule of hail” into the whole ÁAT cluster (regions),
  • ÃA(T) ‘ass god, form of Rã’, with pillar-glyph;
  • ÃMAA ÃA “the ass, the throat, to reap, for willpower” (?), into the threefold monster Ammit, “skin,throat, (for?) place-T of m-b-s-adam +ÃMM”,
  • ÃM ÁSFT-TIU “horus-spirits,by evil place-T of he-eden for ad-soul of hail, by to be the throat, to devour”;
  • ÃM ÁUTIU ‘doorkeeper tuat III’, “horus-spirits, by the heir (ad.originals), to devour’,
  • ÃMÃ ‘pig in boat’, B-gates VI;
  • ÃMAA ÃA (BD) “the ass, the throat, to reap, for willpower”;
  • aspects of ‘donkey’:
    great pillar Ã; willpower Ã; (axis-Ã ?); off-axis as bent-axis; inversed cord of Words as axis; shoulder (axis); ‘between two pools’ (as axis); in torso (Moab, outer-court); as inversed cord linking to their new place of eden-light of speech ÁTER+; as violent matrix-whiteness -ab (Jer.22) as glyph -AB;
  • conclusion ‘donkey’ –
    for now, we consider “the region between eden-gate and adamite-throne”, as cord of words; because of the twisted figure in vignette (below), compared to the “twisting (of shape) of watercourse”, per line 3; and the “mutilate the q-axis to form the donkey”, below; perhaps this region is the glyph ÁSS from the CT “fishnet spells” (to make the adamite-soul), but it is too early to conclude this: all we know it’s “the tomb of the donkey” now; see next –

  • 6) book of gates, division IX, gate of ÃBBUT,
    “the sky of earth. of [=as]. this (pn). god., [by] the [an-] face (eden’s). to battle. [by] these (pu) gods.,
    [as] (doubled) existence. [by] the cherub-poles. [for] existence of hail.,
    [and] the speech of the an-face (eden). of [=as]. this (pn). god.,
    [through] the branch (-T for kh-house). of [=for]. existence to make.;
    [by] to come the double root for willpower (ãpp+). [for] to become devoured (ãm). [by?] the pillar. the god.,
    [as] existence. [by] the boat (uáa). existence. this (pn). serpent word. of [=by]. he. wick-H’. to ascend (ãr).,
    [through] existence to make. to be given.,
    [by means of] the evil double-place-T-eden nót., [but by] the divine m-b-soul-adam-like vulture-rule (ai,likely).,
    [as] the words of saturn (wick-H’). [being] the word as the opened word-inside (likely). [for] existences to make.;
    [and by] the eden-word to guard., [in order for] existence (matrix). existences to make.,
    [through] the cord (?) of words at place-T for the doubled-solarplane of willpower (ãbbtu+). below.,
    [for] these (pn). words to make speech and nature (via ad.soul) (skhru+). of [=for]. existences to make.,
    [in order] existence to become new (unn,matrix).;
    [by] the four (what?) of the most-b-soul-adam to copy (existence to make) (seni+4). [for] the evil-T to become new.,
    [..unreadable..]. [by] the double-place-T of the original-adamite-throne to destroy (h’ást\\ here).;
    end plate
    [and by] place-T to erase (of speech by eden-hand) (t’ert). to become the most-b-soul-adam house-H of hail.,
    [for] existences. [through] place-T to give. of [=as]. adam-within., of [=by]. the one. existences. [..unreadable..].
    thou. within. existences to make (as concept). to give.,
    thou. divine horus-spirits for the doubled-word for the doubled-solarplane of willpower (ãbbtu\\,likely).;
    [by means of] thou. place-T of the adamite-throne to destroy. [for?] thou. speech.,
    [for] the divine things by the Ass (?.áai+). [through] thou. to mutilate [the q-axis] (h’sq).,
    [and so] thou. speech. [as] the things of the -an-face. [by] the house of the doubled-place-T to guide (likely).;
    [as] existence (matrix). [by] the Watercourse. [..unreadable..]. ãpep (eden double root for willpower).,
    thou. the [an-] face. place-T of the adamite-throne to destroy., [and so] he. the evil words. place-T to give.;
    [by] the most-b-soul-adam. to give., Ãpep (double-root). the most-b-soul-adam. word (or ‘cord’).
    of [=for]. [..unreadable..]. the Sbá serpent (of adamite-throne). to become the most-b-soul-adam house-H of hail.
    [for] existences to make., [by] sorcery [‘to double’] (h’eka). existences to make. [for] existence of hail.;
    the (matrix-) dome [of place-T for the word-inside] (nut). of [=by] (using). the prisoner (su,Cain). to become [..unreadable..].
    [as] existence. [by] the (doubled) houses by double-place-T for speech of eden-light of hail (átert\\+).,
    of [=by]. he. existence (eden’s)., [for] existences to make. [through] speech to transform.;
    [through] the dome at place-T for the [an-] face (north). the speech. he. the speech and nature (kher, matrix).,
    [by] to come the root for willpower (ãp+,or ‘to enter’?). [to] the double-place-T as island of the horizon.,
    of [=for]. existence (matrix). [through] the house as place-T of the most-b-soul-adam to ascend (ãrit+).,
    [as] the speech. [for] existence to make (as concept). to return (to matrix).;
    of [=by] (means of). ãpep (eden doubled root). existences to make. to devise (ka). wick-H’.,
    end plate
    [and so] the light (eden’s?). [for] place-T of the dimensional foreground [of saturn]. of [=for]. existences to make.,
    [by] to come the word for the word-inside by to make the new-hand [at q-axis] (sqt’nu-u).,
    [for] these (pu). the things to make speech and nature. existences to make. [for] existence to become new.;
    [through] existences to make. [by] the cord (?) of words of eden-willpower to devour (ãmãu+).,
    [being] the word of speech of the an-face (eden’s). [for] the word by decree of law (?,likely).,
    [for] thou. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [of] thou. peace [of saturn].,
    [as?] the light. [for] hail of the advanced beautified-soul.;
    he. the word. [by] the land’s sh-pool (shta). of [=for]. the word to become to unite (smau).,
    [by?] the word.[for?] thou (k-axis?). words. [by] to come the halted eden-cord (glyph).;
    [by] thou. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [for] thou. peace [of saturn].;
    [as] he. place-T of the shadow (shut?). [for] existence (matrix). [as] the god.,
    [by] to come to stop the cord. [for] he. place-T (of essence for) the dead-body (kha-t). [of] existence. the god.;
    to come \\hail for the advanced beautified-soul., [by] the light. [for] existences to make.,
    [through] to come the halted cord. [for] existences to make. [as] existence of hail.,
    [by] the (star-) gate at doubled-place-T for to make the solarplane (sbt+). [for] the gods. [as] existence of hail.,
    [through] the great pillar. this (pn). god., [the pillar being by?] to come the halted cord.;
    end plate

bold lines note:
we have bolded relevant sections, rather supporting the -KAR-shrine and the region of the cord (but now mutilated); so that may just be right: the -KAR-shrine, and -T of adamite-throne of the axis (cord);

in text, see depictions:

  • – crocodile:
    SHESSHES, “the adamite-soul’s sh-pool (- doubled)”; the crocodile is always “powerful masculine” in the spells; apart from their crocodiles, they have one for eden’s masculine, as well (SUI, in CT); Rg-Veda links eden’s masculine to the ‘ghandharva’s”, the cherub-poles; and appsrently there is a doubled pool, congruent with ãpep as “double root” (eden’s and the solarplane’s);

  • – the three spearmen:
    appears to read ÃBBUTtiu,
    “the horus-spirits by place-T of the word for the doubled-solarplane of willpower”
    that they are “three” perhaps relates to the threefold place (this place must relate to
    both aspects of their dual-realm + eden’s aspect (and see glyph SHESEMT, perhaps the region of eden’s treshfloor, per line 10 here; “sacred place of Horus”..?),
  • – the four apes:
    we think ‘4’ is an eden number, but we aren’t sure; cherubs is also four; likely these 4 apes “mimick” the four key eden-masculine (of cherubs); it appears they hold to form a “bent stick”, as bent axis (rather as holding a bow); “the light. [by] the words of the most-b-soul-adam’s hebrew-H-house” is written below them;
  • – the four women:
    ‘women’ are often depicting “new-created constructs” (perhaps by the mimicking apes);
    “the light. [as] the things by place-T of most-b-soul-adam. for protection {sa)”,
    the -SA as attribute of Neith, the 4-fold weaver up in the outer-court;
  • – the six men:
    the six as matrix number (6 flames of the 10 of the lampstand),
    “the words. of the most-b-soul-adam. for sorcery [‘to double’]. [as] the words. to become-?”,
    final glyph unreadable;
  • – the four figures pulling the boat:
    as “the things of the (star-) gate (for to make the solarplane)”,
    alternatively the same but then “the (4) gates” – since they are with four;
    it seems to us that after the apes, and the women, these 4 are their new gates.


  • – the (cherub-poles and the) ass:
    creating a phallus (axis) by the bend [at the cherub-loins]..?; the text starts out with the cherub-poles; these got ’tilted’ at height of the loins,which is fairly the positioning of the figure in the drawing; Ezekiel relates how six (!) scribes descended over the bent (!) path, from the Õn-gate to the eden-gate – compare the three vignettes, above. the “bent staves” the apes and women hold, must refer tó the bended figure (the ass), in the sense that they created this “bend”; while the cord which the donkey-figure holds must originally been heading towards the crocodile (and ãpep), but is now going the other (bent) way – to the horus-spirits.
  • 2) Ezekiel also mentions he “sees an adm-like figure atop of the cherubs”, or perhaps “within the top”; again giving us the impression that “the area of the image of the adm-soul” must be this region of the “cord of words” (now mutilated as the donkey’s tomb). Continuing this line of thinking – perhaps since the cherubs got tilted (at the loins, towards another axis), also the image of the adm-man got likewise tilted (= ‘blurred’), causing for them a ‘half-breed-image’ in order to can feed upon…? the half-breed termed ‘ass’ ?

first attempt: 23.05.18, loNe