the Eye – as the splendid balancing-equipment of realms: Nahum 2

13/12/17 first version


the Eye – as the splendid balancing-equipment of realms: Nahum 2
[the implosion of the crystal castle – by Judah ruling the stargate again]
themes: destruction of the city of Õn – as crystal castle

we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,
note #: line 2, 3 and 4 were strange difficult; theme builds up during chapter, clue in line 11 and 12,

Nahum 2

he-comes-up one-shattering on faces-of·you to-preserve siege-work watch-you! way make-steadfast-you! waists make-resolute-you! vigor exceedingly
He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make [thy] loins strong, fortify [thy] power mightily

  • we only swapped “shattering – comes up”

“the one shattering – he comes up / onfrom / in front of you / to preserve / the (captured eden-) fortress (áat-region); / watch you! / the way, / make steadfast you! / the waists, / make resolute you! / the vigor / exceedingly,”

that he-restores ieue pomp-of Jacob as·pomp-of Israel that they-voided·them ones-voiding and·pruned-slips-of·them they-ruined
For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches

  • ‘for (that)’, deliberately wrong context here: H3588 kiy, “because, surely, that, “
  • ‘turned away (restores)’, H7725 “restore, etc”, Watercourse-related,
  • ‘excellency’, H1347 ga’own; (we don’t believe it’s root is ga’an); H1593 gannah (ganna-), “orchard” (16x), or ginnah in Esther (who played-out countering the rule of the T’uat-star as Vasthi); 1588 gan (40x) garden (as eden); etc. also the main vine is with -G (gephen), yet a doubled-G is bad (gog), so tricky cluster; likely similar problem here as the za- and az- cluster;
  • ’empty (void)’; sem. root bq,”to fly away, light dust”; bq, “to pour out, be empty”; baqa “to cleave” (NUT), incorporating all would make “to cleave open / for the stardust / and leave empty”
  • ‘vine branches (pruned-slips)’, H2156 zêmowrah (zmr), tacky cluster – see Is.22 (page), as the illegal branch coming from the vine (ez.15,page), of their power za- instead of -az,
  • ‘marred (pruned)’, Hos.10:11, “Israel is an empty vine”,

A] the ‘branch feeding-off the vine’ in Numbers 13
in Numbers, the spies go south, being send there by Moses:
“So they went up, and searched the land from the wilderness of Zin unto Rehob, as men come to Hamath”
(Zin) is tricky, but (Rachab) is ‘(dimensional) width’; and (Hamath) as skin-bottle,
“And they ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, [were]”. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.)”
(Hebron) as ‘magic knot, to tie, unite’, (Ahiman) perh. ‘out of the brother’, (Sheshai) perh.’white fine linen’;
(Talmai) prob. ‘furrow,ridge,terrace’, (Anak) prob. ‘neck’, (Zoan) context ‘to wander-astray’?;
“And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it between two upon a staff; and [they brought] of the pomegranates, and of the figs.”
(Eshcol) prob. ‘cluster (of grapes), testicles”; “And they returned from searching of the land after forty days.”Sic.
— —
so if we transpond this into their “valley / tunnel / setu bridge”, then they came from the south; went up into the skin-bottle (tunnel), as far as the magic-knot (THES-glyph?); and IN the dimensional neck (glyph NEH’BT, tunnel)were 3 divisions – “white linen, terraces and out of the brother”, The text saying “Now the time [was] the time of the firstripe grapes”, suggesting that “the eden-fruit grows fróm the branch which feeds-upon the eden-vine”, as if some bizarre extension has set itself between the vine and it’s fruit.

B] the ‘branch feeding-off the vine’ in Isaiah 17
difficult chapter; it is about the same valley/tunnel, and the same “grapes in the tops of the tree” is mentioned, but here saying that “when (the corn in) this valley will be reaped, it will have immediate effect upon the physical bodies of adamite souls on éarth” (flesh of Jacob waxes lean); and to not cause a total disaster (for the bodies),
“four or five grapes will be left in the top”.
Line 7 strongly suggests “that Adam, there, will see IEUE again – busy as he was with creating things, deluded by solar-images (idols)”, and in line 10 “that he (adam) was mixing up planting good plants, and sowing the feeding-off-branch (zmr), being under the spell of the deities; and that the result is, that eventhough it grew all
very fast, the result is a lot of pain and horror – because all will be harvested”
note: how the kjv line is completely telling the opposite: instead of “restoring”;
note: ‘Jacob’ is usually “all adamite souls here on earth”, and not ‘house of Israel’ but just the term,
note: we added (is going to) for context; and when the correct lampstand is the condition fór the upper-node, then we consider the word should be “by” (but theme is about both),
“because / he (is going to) restore / (namely) IEUE / the pride (of the garden) ofor / ‘the amazingly supplanted’ / as the pride (of the garden) of / the risen deity; / (in) that / they was being emptied (-lightddust) / (by) the ones cleaving (spirits), / and the branches (feeding-off the Vine), / they (the spirits) corrupted,”

— narrating the implosion —
shield-of masterful-men-of·him being-reddened mortals-of valor ones-wearing-crimson in·fiery-flash-of hub-blades the·chariot in·day-of to-prepare-of·him and·the·firs they-are-made-to-shiver
The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men [are] in scarlet: the chariots [shall be] with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken

  • ‘shield’, H4043 magen; is a separate theme; magen is always negative (in spite of 2 corruptions), said to derive from H1598 ganan (all positive), but the ganan has more merit to derive from gan-, ‘garden’ (line 2 above), since that is indeed something requiring protection (ganan). Changing vowels yields but 4044 meginnah 1x, “blindness, harshness” (said to be from gan), the problem here, like with the eye -ain, is two similar clusters, which they mingled-up:
  • 1) the Negative H4043 magen (mä-gân), 48 x (but 2 displaced),
  • 2) and the positive H4042 magan (maw-gan), 3 x positive (and here need be placed the 2 from 4043). We don’t care so much whether a term is in Psalms many times, or used in literal descriptions as shields when in wars – but instead the “and kir (fiery furnace) un-covered his shield”, Isaiah 22 —
  • A] similar verse as this line 3: Is.21:5, “rise up you princes (sar) and anoint the shield”; sar as ‘osiris’ and ‘anoint’ with “redness” (see above); Related – H4127 mug,”to melt” (of hills, heart, crystal palace, the Geb-land) 15x; Akk. magannu, Phoen. and Ugar. mgn, etc, all as “to give, grant, gratis, to bestow”, and this may be their legal right to stéal the term (and concept!);
  • B] sanskrit
       carman, “shield” RV, MH, RA,
       carman, “hide, skin” RV
       carama,”last, ultimate, final (frontier) RV, RA
       caraNa,”foot” MH
       caraNa,”going round, motion, course” RV (many)
    root -car “to go”, suffix -man “to destroy”, something like “(the shield) for to destroy by going”, many ‘feet, leather, leather bag, bat, garment with skin turned outwards, shoemaker, leather” all carma-; and we are back by glyph THEBT, ‘sandal’ again. (sanskrit candana, ‘sandal’ and ‘ape’, RV, RA)
    – hari-candana, “one of 5 trees of paradise” MH,RA, hari as “horse, lion, reddish-bay, monkey 2x, name of vâyu the wind”, the hari- cluster very much like Watercourse, “yellow, turmeric, serpent-demon RA; yellow soma stones RV; deer, antelope RV), 1) pârijâta, ‘coral tree (w/crimson flowers); mândara 3) sâmtana, mythical weapon RA, continuity, 4) law, rule, ordinance RV; and 5th) yellow sandaltree; cont. in A] below,
  • ‘mighty men’, as Genesis 6,”there were giants in those days, men of renown”,
  • ‘scarlet’, H8529 ta’la, 1x; H8438 towla, scarlet; (see ‘worm Jacob’ note in other page); there seems to be a juxtaposition between “scarlet” and “Adam’s blushyness” – specific Num.19:6, “and the priest shall take cedar-wood (great pillar), and hyssop, and scarlet, and throw it into the midst of the burning of the heifer (Horus)”; [do Num.5!] H8511 tala “hang, bent”, 8522 teliy, “quiver” (wormhole),
  • ‘torches’, H6393 pêladah (pld) 1x; obviously composite, no root; entry: ‘iron of some kind; fom an unused root meaning to divide’; kjv has “torches”, others “steel”; seems an Aram. lpd,(pld) ‘torch’; p-l can be the root, ‘to divide’; but we consider this aramaic an osmosis (lpd into pld) because the meaning is the same (‘torch’); and vowel-change yields no other terms; why not use H3940 lappiyd..? lpd becomes pld…? — we assume a deliberate Corruption ; since ‘torches’ are always about the Watercourse (compare Gideon),
  • ‘preparation’ H3559, “to stand upright, establish, etc”
  • ‘fir trees’, H1265 cypress; we had the cypress at the “cedars of lebanon” page, wondering why ‘they shiver ‘, same here; Ez.37 seems to be an… analogy about their “boat-construct”, and telling the ship-boards; when searching boards, the term is linked to “both tablets of Moses”, and “sin is graven with iron pen upon the table of the heart”, heart=stargate, and engrave is Pteh’… so what we have here? It is also related to fire-altar, Ex.27:8; or is “cypress” their counterpart of “acacia” as eden wood? cypress is both eden-tree as shenir, the “cypress trees of Shenir (mt.Hermon)”, that is where the Watchers descended,
  • ‘shall be terribly shaken’, H7477 ra’al, 1x; red flag – because -ra’ 7451; (enemy-deity?), H7487 “trembling”,
    (Jerusalem a cup of trembling?..sounds still Off..);

we still cannot get clear what is ‘shield’, but singular here ;
“the masterful men (of renown) ofby himhe – the shield / being reddened (with adam’s-blushyness), / the human males of / the power of olden / (being) the ones wearing (matrix-) crimson / in the fire of / the (eden-) torches / the chariot (-construct) / in the day of / to stand upright ofas himhe / and the cypresses (as shared aspects) / they are made to shiver,”

in·the·streets they-are-raving the·chariot they-are-sprowling in·the·squares appearances-of·them as·the·torches as·the·lightnings they-are-running
The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings

  • ‘rage’, H1984 halal, “to shine, to praise”; H1966 helel, ‘morning-star’ (lucifer),
  • ‘justle’, H8264, “go or run back and forth (wanting something)” is the colour, negative; 8275 chaga ‘to sink down’,
  • ‘torches’, H3940 lappiyd, see previous line;
  • ‘run’ H7323 ruts, to run; 7492 raats ‘afflicted, to shatter’; 7527 ratsa ‘to pierce ‘

note: chariot as singular,
“in the ‘places outthere’ / they (the torches) are (the stolen) shining / (for) the chariot (-construct); / they are going back and forth / in the (dimensionally-) wide places, / (namely) their appearances / as the (feminine-eden-) torches / (and) as the (eden-) lightnings / they are running,”

he-is-remembering nobles-of·him they-are-stumbling in·goings-of·them in·going-of·them they-are-hastening wall-of·her and·he-is-prepared the·mantelet
He shall recount his worthies: they shall stumble in their walk; they shall make haste to the wall thereof, and the defence shall be prepared

  • ‘recount (remembering)’, H2142 zakar (z- cluster is negative; here as inversed -az ‘power’), the colour of this ‘remembering’ (172x) must be “the lost eden-power – and now it is either remembered for to give back (to adamite), or for to be punished with (the wicked)”
  • ‘worthies (nobles)’, H117 addir – virtually the same as Akk. stormgod Adar; usually persons, but can be “royalties” too (as glyph SÃH’), but because of the ‘walking’ added, we should consider ‘persons’ are meant here,
  • ‘defence’, H5526, cakak, only used in “covering cherub-” context,

glyph pic: the ÃNTCH is not very often used in spells (but it’s derivative is, as ÃNTCHT-morning-boat); suppose that the glyph suggests “two bow-domes, intersecting eachother”, of which the upper one is their inversed dome — then indeed it can be viewed as “a wall, build inbetween two mountain slopes”,

  • 1) the word used as ‘covering’ matches the area – since it is ‘cherub-covering related’,
  • 2) and we must be at the difficult ‘double bow theme’ here, pic to right;

note: we still would need some..’situational map of the area’, to know what ‘wall’, but it must be the one of Is.22, “and you will throw down / the houses / tofor – the wall – to fence (the vintage) “, see page; sounding very much like “the son of Allah (the horned Qarnain) building a wall between two slopes”, sura 18;
“he (Õn) is trying to remember (the stolen eden-power), / (but) the nobles of he / they are stumbling / in walkings of them, / in walking of them / they are hastening / (in order for) the wall of her (Õn) / to make firm / the covering (on upper node),”


gates-of the·streams they-are-opened and·the·palace he-is-dissolved
The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved

  • ‘gates’, here multiple, so likely the 21 SEBEKHT gates,
  • ‘dissolved’, H4127, several times used “to melt away hills, mountains”,

note: the waters shall pour óut of Õn, to the South land,
“the (matrix star-) gates offor / the rivers / they are opened / and the (spacious) castle of Õn / it is melted-away,”

and·he-is-set-up she-is-deported she-is-brought-up and·maidservants-of·her ones-leading as·sound-of doves ones-tambourining on hearts-of·them
And Huzzab shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up, and her maids shall lead [her] as with the voice of doves, tabering upon their breasts

  • ‘huzzab’, H5324, in context as “standing (upon, upright, etc)”, perhaps textual error, written as natsab (-tz word); colour ‘to (be) positioned, to stand’, also “to stand upright” as the (behemoth-) construct in Zech. 11;
  • ‘captive’, H1540 galal; “un-covered,dis-covered”, same as we had in “by discovering she will be uncovered”, related the wheel -gal,
  • ‘to lead’, H5090 nahag, “to direct, lead, carry away, drive away, to guide, etc”
  • ‘tabering (tambouring)’, H8608 taphtaph fct. 1x entry:”also sanskrit tup, to smite, to kill”, sic; “damsels playing on timbrels” Psalms; Lyre theme: tff ‘lost’, tff ‘children’ (Aram.,Ar. tifl, ‘child’); we found Akk. tappû, “companion, partner”, tapâlu, “a pair”, tuppu, “tablet”;

note: the idea must be that “the behemoth-lampstand (‘he’) has to let go their rule (‘she’)”, compare the Leviathan-head being the head of the behemoth – and now she rises fróm that position; hence the second line is about the imprisoned eden-females as the torches being led-out;
“and(on) hé (who) is (illegally) made to stand-upright, / shé (matrix-rule) is discovered and un-covered / (and) she is made to ascend, / and the maidservants (torches) of her / (as) the ones being guided-away / as sound of / doves / the ones accompanying / their hearts,”

and·Nineveh as·reservoir-of waters from·days-of she and·they ones-fleeing stand-you! stand-you! u·ain and·there-is-no one-facing-about
But Nineveh [is] of old like a pool of water: yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand, [shall they cry]; but none shall look back

  • ”reservoir’, just after Nineveh meaning already reservoir? into H1288 barak “bend the knee”, and by implacation ‘to bless’ etc; as the Bend; the term is important because of the “..the way turning towards the north-gate”, the same word ‘panah’ being used in second line here, and see line 10 about ‘knees’,
  • eye: ‘but none (and there is no)’; ẗhe whole line “[shall they cry]; but none shall look back” is being said in kjv to fall under ‘panah’ (next word); here again the u-ain, H369, we left the term above;
  • ‘back (one facing about)’, H6437 peneh,”to turn (oneself)”; this doesn’t appear as the ‘transformation’ type turning, or inside-out, but just “turn around”; as “turn -away,around”, it don’t seem “return”;

note: in spite of the term “… but there is no one turning back” sounding more acceptable (and readable),
context note: the maidens (or torches, or doves) are always related to the eye – at the cherubs, they are inbetween the cherubs, and in Revelation they are upon/in the sea of glass,
“and the dagon-fish-pool (Nineveh) / as the (stolen) pool (at the Bend) offor / eden-waters, / from the days ofas / (the matrix’-) she-rule / (being) andby theythem (maidens) / (namely) the ones dissappearing, /stand you!, / stand you! (shouts the she-rule), / andyet the eye / (is) the one turning (away) (panah),”

plunder-you! silver plunder-you! gold u·ain and·there-is-no end to·the·establishment glory from·all-of article-of coveted
Take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold: for [there is] none end of the store [and] glory out of all the pleasant furniture

  • ‘take you (plunder you)’, H962 bazaz, as “B+azaz”, where -azaz is ‘goat’, since this is the past,
  • the eye: “and there is no” = u-ain ,
  • ‘the store (the establishment)’, H8498 têkuwnah, entry: “splendid equipment”, sic, “arrangement, structure”, fom H8505 takan “equal” (7x), into “to balance, be even, to weigh”, is glyph TEKH, “plummet (of balance)”! note how it is “plundered”, very important for us: the “Horus-eye or eye-for-Horus” problem in the spells,
  • ‘furniture (article)’, H3627 kêliy, “vessel 166x, instrument 39x”, then also jewel, article, etc” (only 7x furniture),
  • ‘all’, H3606 kol (Aram.), all, any, whole, every, as, whole, etc
  • ‘pleasant’ H2532 as main colour “precious(ness), appreciated”, in 12 out of 12,

note: we but only swapped “eye-infinite” and istrument-precious”, because of the important line,
note: we included all relevant aspects in the one word H8498,
context note: the “silver” of eden had already been exchanged, after the fall, as the ’30 silvers’ (see page), that suddenly the “you-form” is used here, is a bit strange — but can only be said by Õn; compare the line
“all the silver and all the gold is Mine” in Haggai 2;
“plunder you! / the silver; / plunder you! the gold, / and the – infinite – eye / toas the splendid balancing-equipment (of realms), / (being) the glory / fromas all of / the – precious – instrument,”

void and·voided and·being-evacuated and·heart being-melted and·quavering-of knees and·sore-travail in·all-of waists and·faces-of all-of·them they-draw-together frustration
She is empty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain [is] in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness

  • ‘void’, to 1236 biqa “plain”. to “breaches, fissure” 1233; to 1234 baga ‘to cleave’ (50x),
  • ‘waste’, H1110 balaq, 1x, see difference with previous word; prob. corrupted root; Balaq was the king of Moab (Anubis’head);
  • ‘melteth’, H4549 macac; melting hills, mountains – but also Geb (land on tiles),
  • ‘smite together’, said from H6329 puwq, “tottering” (1x); 6375 piyq, same (1x); also H6328 puwq,

colour: to be off-point, off-axis, non-focused, to 6491 paqach “opened”(and their eyes will be opened) 20x, 6497 ‘gourd shaped ornament’ (fruit-shell); Zech. 12 pictures “blindness as the closed halfs of the hard-fruit-shell”

pic right: from tomb of Ramses VI – the theme about ‘covering’ (compare the term ‘aura’); the small figure standing upright as ‘artificial-soul’ (an egyptian – since he has a beard), being covered by the Ka-spirit-double for him (because of the both arms – note how the úpper-half is inversed) the theme is very obscure still — but it very much appears “as if this body of us has two halves”, a front-side and backside (and the disease Fybromyalgia is about these two halves), and compare pic of the figure with two faces; and it also appears we have a left- and right side (even in Exodus is mentioned a phrase ‘sprinkle blood upon right ear and rightside toe. In some previous page we had the scripture line
“and that flesh is glued-upon, so it does not fall off”, when describing their producing of this body; Yes we would lóve to can see the glyphs above the figures – but lack of time… lack in everything, prevents us to;
  • ‘knees’, the horned-deity Pan related, but we fail to see the meaning; it can only be that knee is related; to’thigh’ as the same concept; (though technically, thigh is 3409 yarek, as in Jacob’s thigh); Barak is near to brq, eden-lightning; yet barak (to kneel) is a stepdown to berekah (pool) 17 x; perhaps suggesting “to bend – the Bend”; as “the doubled-Bend”? the doubled-eden-pool three times in prophets the knees are related to ‘water’;
  • ‘pain’, as birth-pain, but a redoubled-word, negative,
  • ‘gather’ H6908 qabats, (-tz term),
  • -‘blackness (frustration)’ H6269 parur, red flag; redupicated prr,
    H6286 pa’ar, in every instance ‘glorious, beautified’,
    H6289 pa’ruwr, entry: ‘from root warmth,ruddy,glowing, here ‘grow pale with terror”; esau nonsense,
    the whole “gather blackness” (= 2 words, btw! ); pa’ar, “gape, open mouth (negative)”; par ‘young bull’ (133x),

context note: yes it reads better, the “and knees smite together, and faces become grey” etc, but this is prophecy – please remember that the goal of the spells was, to make for themselves a face ‘of fairness’, beauty; to make them into “the advanced beautified-soul” (a counter of Adam); and that hence can be understood here as “the gathering back from those aspects” – akin to their ÁB, torso, as “sweet feminine place in the abdomen” – we just lack a bit normal terms to describe, because the themes are Unusual,
“(being) empty (by cleaving) / and voided (by cleaving) / and being made waste (by cleaving), / and the heart (stargate) / being melted, / and the opening (of the eye-shells) of / the doubled-bend, / and (matrix-) birth-pangs / in all of / the loins (as the removal of the plexuses), / and (from) faces / all of them / beautifyings – they (are) gathered together,”

where? habitation-of lions and·feeding-place he to·the·sheltered-lions which he-goes lion parent-lion there whelp-of lion u·ain and·there-is-no one-causing-to-tremble
Where [is] the dwelling of the lions, and the feedingplace of the young lions, where the lion, [even] the old lion, walked, [and] the lion’s whelp, and none made [them] afraid?

  • ‘where’; part of the tricky ain eye problem; here as solid “where”, but note context – as the lion theme of Judah (see Nahum 3 page),
  • ‘dwelling’, separated cluster: positive as H4585 menoah, but H8583 meonah as “lion’s den”,
  • ‘dwelling (feeding-place)’ as H4829 mir’eh; as “pasture” it is ‘in a high place, upon the mountains of Israel’, Ez.34; colour is negative though (mi+ra?); mra (1x) ‘mischief’; mrea ‘companion’ 7x; marah, ‘rebellious’ (47x), etc; in short “a contended place”,
  • ‘parent-lion (old lion), as H3833 labiy’, in the “heart-” cluster; and see next line,
    eye theme: “and there is no (make them afraid)”, u-ain ;
  • ‘afraid’, H2725 charad; “afraid (20x)”, colour ‘frightened of awe’,
  • ‘whelp’: separated cluster : H1482 guwr “whelp” (7x), and H1481 guwr, “sojourn” (70x); see previous page about the blessings to Judah, “sojourn my son to the high place (etc)”, Gen.49;

note: we switched ‘he’ to be inserted within ‘contended pasture’,
“whére / (is) the habitation stargate as their den) of / the lions (matrix spirits), / andas – he – the contended pasture / tofor the young lions (144,000), / (to) which / he goes / the lion (Judah) / (being) the lion-heart (as eden-stargate)?; / (to) there, / the sojourn of / the lion / andfor the eye / (being) the one causing to tremble of awe.”

lion tearing-to-pieces in·sufficient-of whelps-of·him and·strangling for-parent-lionesses-of·him and·he-is-filling prey holes-of·him and·habitations-of·him flesh-torn-to-pieces
The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin

  • ‘tearing’, H2963 taraph, “blessed he that enlargeth Gad, he dwelleth as a lion, and teareth the arm with the crown of the head”, Deut.33; Gad was 1 of 4 sons (of 12) who represent aspects which the matrix stole befóre eden (so very old aspects), the arm as great pillar (or close), the lion as their stargate (see some dreampage for these 12 sons); important also as Benjamin “a ravenous wolf” Gen.49 as his attribute: it seems to us that Judah and Benjamin are linked, insofar that “Benjamin has to do the fighting fór Judah” (they both are south kingdom); the wolf as “ze’eb”, (the negative power cluster ze- + solarplane), compare the wolf-jackall glyph SeB, (as often in PT spells); “the jackall / to make the solarplane (via ad.soul)”, the ‘tearing’ refers to these constructs,
  • ‘enough’ H1767 day, 40x, “enough, sufficient”, but the colour is “to supply, supplies”, but as verb; noun a bit tricky; also in several instances “from the time (that)…”, as juxtaposition or? H1768 diy; particle: “who, which, that, because”
  • ‘strangled’, H2614 chanaq 2x, dubious; no others (strange), chanah ‘to encamp’ (many); considering syntax we understand the -n may be skipped (since we can’t find another root), as H3436 cheq, “bosom” (37x), notably the line we had before, “thy mouth between the breasts” (read: bosom); H2706 choq, “ordinance, statues, etc” (179); chanak derived from chek (see skipped -n), into chanukkah, “dedication (of new temple)”; The occult festival where “the dedication of the 2nd temple is celebrated”, using a candlestick with nine arms [the nine is typically the ennead as PESTCH’]; but factually it is the same as the pagan origin of christmas, namely ‘the dedication to the matrix dawn T’UAT”. All in all a tricky term when combined, but it’s clear that the strangling is invented Nonsense,
  • ‘lionesses, parent-lionesses’ aka ‘parent-lion (old lion), as H3833 labiy’, in the “heart-” cluster;
    deliberate multiple and deliberate feminine in order to confuse — in no verse (related to this theme) is the “multiple”, simply because the stargate is but 1 place;
  • ‘holes’, H2356 chowr, the hole in the wall (to border-sky) in Ezekiel; to H2352 “hole of the asp (viper)”, [do Is.24 next] H2355 and 2353 chowr ‘byssus’ (linen; PEQ in Nahum 3 page, as adamite-originals-essence + holes + prison = valley), H2354 Hur (chuwr), holding up with Aaron Moses’ arms at a battle agains Amalek (representing the dead-bodies KHAT), and they 3 went ‘up the mountain’; it is possible Hur represents the concept of these holes.

A] possibility: their tunnel as ‘flute’
it is very possible that the setu-bridge/tunnel/gallery is made into a “flute” by them (compare Pan playing the flute, or the Hameln player, luring the children = adamite-originals); glyphs for flute are SEB- into glyph SEB ‘stargate’;

  • 1) UAR\\ ; the magically-dangerous-\\ shows something is coming fróm eden, for this flute;
    “the blossoms (words) / (of,by) the pipe/pole / (of) the eden-mouth / (for) the imprisoned word of the Watercourse”,
  • 2) UAR ‘to conceive’; the deer-glyph is “heir”, adamite-oiginals, as inversal ÁU-, from the Revelation-woman; the cluster there is “to conceive (birth) great speech by the heir”, but here as first step “to conceive the imprisoned word of the Watercourse”;
    – this cluster links immediately with the UÃ, the “One” (moon) and UÃRT, “name of a BEND on a hill, it was a corridor to Osiris in Abydos, to which offerings were transported to the other world”; this Bend we had in line 8 above;
  • 3) MAAIT flute; the sickle-glyph as ‘to cut-off’; “workshop and island” can point to the tunnel; “the cat” is Rã, powered by adamite originals (willpower; apart from the birthing); “ring-fastenings” are the tabernacle-golden rings (and here is used the brick-kiln glyph, in their stargate); not shown: MAÃH’ETCH, “onyx stone” (at shoulders of highpriest); etc,
  • ‘dens (refuges)’, separated cluster: positive as H4585 menoah, but H8583 meonah as “lion’s den”, Jer.21 “o inhabitant of the valley, you say who shall come against our refuges?” the valley as their set-bridge/gallery,
  • ‘ravin (flesh-torn-to-pieces)’, H2966, same word as previous ‘tearing’ but now a suffix, as “têrephah”, “that which is torn”; see term above for the colour tearing to pieces the ‘solarplane-constructs’ – including this earth!

note: combining both meanings of the term, we consider “from the time that it was enough” perfectly legal;

note: we added (in) for continuance,
note: we are sure that the terms belong together: stardoor, solarplane-constructs, leaking holes; but we have trouble with understanding the concept: the stanza-form is “…tear to pieces.. (text)…torn to pieces”, (spells do that, too); and the “door, filling the holes (it was originally in) makes sense, also – yet Judah must be cáusing that the door is going back to it’s place (the door is the one ‘filling’),
“the lion (Judah) / tearing to pieces (the solarplane constructs) / in from the time it was enough / the sojourns of him, / and (is) dedicating the ordinance / for he the lion-heart: / and he is filling / (namely) the prey (the double-leaved stargate-door) / it’s leaking holes (in cavern) / and it’s lion-dens (in setu-bridge-valley), / (being) (now) the solarplane-constructs torn to pieces.”

behold·me! to·you averment-of ieue-of hosts and·I-consume in·the·smoke chariot-of·her and·sheltered-lions-of·you she-shall-devour sword and·I-cut-off from·earth prey-of·you and·not he-is-being-heard longer voice-of messengers-of·you
Behold, I [am] against thee, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will burn her chariots in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions:
and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard.

  • ‘smoke’, the same as “the smoke from a burning oven” in Revelation – we saw already that “the imprisoned girls will open the door, and their fire will burn the city”, here the ‘chariot-construct’ must be “all they constructed directly around the city”,
  • ‘young lions – can be matrix, also: compare the “cedars of Lebanon” (page), where “the young lions howl when the Vintage is coming down”,

note: for us important because the prey can be the SA-symbol (protection / to guard / fetters of mouth); unlikely related to ‘this earth’ (that was previous line); and the “voice” as ‘sound’ should be the glyph HRU, “mutilated eden-light” — but as ‘speech’, glyph -R; hence we consider this the voice fór the messengers;
“and I look! to you, / declaration of / IEUE of / hosts, / I kindle a fire and burn / in the smoke / the chariot-construct of her, / and your young lions (=spirits) / the axe (set’fit) – she shall devour, / and I cut off / your prey (stardoor) – from the southland; / and nót / he is being heared / longer / the voice offor / the messenger-angels of you.”

——-end Nahum 2

13/12/17 loNe

“They came to it after having moved forward a day’s journey. And there, at the middle of the light, they saw the extremities of its bonds stretched from heaven; for this light is that which binds heaven, like the undergirders of triremes, thus holding the entire revolution together. From the extremities stretched the spindle of Necessity, by which all the revolutions are turned. Its stem and hook are of adamant, and its whorl is a mixture of this and other kind.”

— Plato – Republic