the harvest in the birth-valley will cause this physical body to break down: Is. 17

3/1/18 first version


the harvest in the birth-valley will cause this physical body to break down: Is. 17
[the 144,000 encounter Adam – and he ceases to plant the branches]


we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” is a real country during the exodus, but always represents Sekhet-Áaru when the term is used in prophecy. Related to this face-value is a second problem, namely the line-up of the words being used:
there is the “interlinear version” (which we use), and there is the other version (from which most modern versions are taken from, as KJV); but this version is often “switching words” in a sentence, and when object and subject have switched places, it often renders a different meaning, altogether. We consider this was done on purpose, in order to “keep the adamite soul thinking like Job”, using “sorcery by words”: because sorcery is typically about “creating another consciousness by hustling the order of words”; and we consider the added term as “reverse interlinear” to be no accident.
note: our interpretation of the line in purple; possible interesting terms for you in the notes in darkblue ; we apologize for each time the extensive notes, it makes things very unreadable, but Vital for context; we added other (legal) possible readings in red , glued to objectword,
note # : the theme of “our present physical body, having a source (in that world), represented by a stalk of corn”, and that “the health of this body depends upon the health of that stalk”, is a concept very dificult for us to gather — yet spells hint at exactly the same concept. The ‘pruning and harvesting, overthere, of all the false and mixed branches’, will have immediate effect upon the physical body of present humanity –

Isaiah 17

load-of Damascus behold! Damascus being-taken-away from·city and·she-becomes rubbish-heap-of fallen-place
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap

  • ‘ruinous’, H4596 mei ‘perhaps ruin’ 1x; me’eh ‘internal organs’ (many); me’ah ‘belly’ 1x; maah ‘sand’ 1x; ma,mah ‘what, how, etc’ meah ‘hundred’, “something of the – who”? as ‘core of the who”?
  • heap (fallen place)’, H4654 mappalah ‘ruin’, (mappal-ah, unusual); said: ‘from naphal – ‘fallen’; mappal, ‘folds, refuse (of flesh)’ (but can be anything); said from pele ‘wonder, miracle’; but likely prefix ma- phal; because no real map- root in Akkadian; Akk. palâhu ‘fear, become afraid’, palû ‘rotate, turn, turn over, transfer, change’, pelû ‘ovoid egg,red, brown’, pillû, ‘a grape’;

note: we need to pick a term, either way; contextually it makes a bit sense, when it’s about the tá;
“the burden of / the place of the staff-tá: / look! / the place of the staff-tá / (is) being removed / from the city (Õn), / and she becomes / the internal organ (?) ofas / the thing turned-around (?): ”

ones-being-forsaken cities-of Aroer for·droves they-shall-become and·they-recline u·ain and·there-is-no one-making-tremble
The cities of Aroer [are] forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make [them] afraid

  • ”aroer’ H6177; 6176 aroer ‘juniper'(?) 2x; glyph UÃRT? 6209 arar ‘strip, undress’; Akk. arârru ‘miller’, (no single root -ar but arû ‘wing, front, branch’); erru ‘sinew, intestines, string’; urrû ‘pluck, trimmed, pluck hair or wool’ ‘to grind, cut up, chop, to prune’;
  • 2) “Aroer, which is at the brink (=lip,edge) of the river Arnon even to Gilead”, Arnon is aren+n, oren ‘cedar, fir tree’, ara ‘earth’ (Aram.), Akk arânu, unknown; erânu ‘a tree’, erênu ‘cedar’, so “juniper/cedar/sinew, which is at the edge (vesica) of the river (axis as the cedar/tree) of the witness-wave”, if you’re still there – the lip is SEPT (Sirius, vesica), and witness-wave the top of the glyph TCHEBÃ (‘finger’), which is (when interpreted upside-down) a ‘leg’ or ‘thigh’; making a case for the important UÃRT, to right,

glyph pic: though ‘juniper’ may be questionable, the bent-thigh as bent-axis (river) is valid; as is Gilead (the bent part as upper half of the pictured leg);

  • ‘flocks (recline)’, H5739 eder; (into Adar); the three flocks at Abraham playout; adar ‘missing, lacking’, but colour ‘to arrange, or negative when blocked to be arranged’, Akk. edêru ‘to embrace’, adâru ‘poplar’, ‘dark, gloomy’; udûru ‘to be darkened’,

ain-eye: we left the term above,

  • ‘make them afraid (making tremble)’, H2729 charad; ‘tremble, quake, frighten’; make afraid, terrified; chor ‘nobles’, chere ‘dung’ 1x, chor,chuwr ‘caves, holes’;

note: we simply lack the language for the concepts,
“the cities of / the juniper tree (UÃRT-thigh) – being forsaken, / they shall become – for the three darkened aspects of eden (SESHT), / and they (aspects) lay down (in the stargate) / andby the eye / (being) the one making to tremble (the t’epht-caves);”

and·he-is-eradicated fortress from·Ephraim and·kingdom from·Damascus and·remnant-of Aram as·glory-of sons-of Israel they-shall-become averment-of ieue-of hosts
The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts

  • ‘cease (eradicated)’ H7623 shabath ‘rest’ as main theme (‘resting on the 7th day’); by opposition the”removing and ceasing of everything what blócks that resting”; here as “start of new eden”,
  • ‘fortress’ H4013 mib-tsar; pun on Tyre + ma-; probably ÁMEN-corner (see diagram 14 áats), where BD uses often ‘the fortress’ as glyph MENU-,

context: line still wobbly, but their generator-house is stopped, the dimension changes (‘becomes heavy’) and the sons will appear (who, at present, appear to be all as ‘Ephraim’…),
“and he – the fortress (ÁMEN-corner) – is made to cease (for the new eden) / from Ephraim (the fleshy believer), / andas the kingdom (-stargate) / from the staff-tá / andfor the remains of / this spelled matrix of earth (Aram); / (and) asby the (dimensional) heavyness – they shall become – the sons of / ‘the powerful deity’ (Israel), / declaration of / IEUE / of hosts; “

and·he-becomes in·the·day the·he he-shall-be-impoverished glory-of Jacob and·stoutness-of flesh-of·him he-shall-be-made-lean
And in that day it shall come to pass, [that] the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean

  • ‘fatness’, H4924 mashman ‘fatness (of crops, earth, etc)’, post-deluge context; from shaman-, same; shamen ‘rich, fat’, ultimately from shem-, ‘name’, but added -n shows ‘corruption of name’; stealing of names theme;
  • ‘wax lean’, H7329 razah ‘starve, famish’ 2x, as raz- and -ah ‘something of’; 7328 raz ‘mystery’, 9x;

note: rather this dimension becomes impoverished, as the soul herself, considered second line,
context: the aspects of the eden-flesh are starting to be withdrawn out of this matrix; compare next line, about thém;
“and heit becomes / in – that – day / heit shall be impoverished / the (dimensional) heavyness of(for) / ‘the adamite-soul upon earth’, / and the physical post-deluge aspects ofby / the eden-flesh of him / heit shall be made to famish (as the mystery);”

and·he-becomes as·to-gather-of harvest-of raised-grain and·arm-of·him spikes he-is-reaping and·he-becomes as·one-gleaning spikes in·vale-of Rephaim
And it shall be as when the harvestman gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim

  • ‘harvest’ as qtsiyr, q-axis+Tyre;
  • ‘corn (grain)’, H7054 qamah; likely ‘corn’, NEPER, qimah ‘rising up’ 1x; qum ‘arise, stand’ (many), related to ‘philistines’, so either corn or some ‘spelt’ type,
  • ‘ears (spikes)’, shibol (several) ‘ear (of corn or grain)’, once 7046 as “leg”

context: there are a few spells about ‘corn’ and ‘wheat’ and ‘spelt’, but the theme is still dark for us; if ‘garment-bodies’ are related to ‘a field of branches’, as some parallel event and place, where “the health of the type branch is responsible for the health of the type garment-body” – but “when that plant is broken, also the body-garment will cease”; here, it seems that “an entire illegal field of inferior branches (as ‘corn’, instead of eden-wheat) will be harvested, cut-off: the ‘corn’ being the life-branches for the garment-bodies of the half-giants”;
“and heit becomes / asby to gather / the harvest of / spelt / andby the arm of him – he is reaping (q-tsiyr) – the ears (of corn; mixture), / and heit becomes / as one being gathered together / the ears (of corn, as mixture) / in the (birth-) valley-plain of / the half-giants; ”

and·he-remains in·him clean-gleanings as·after-gleaning-of olive-tree two three fixed-fast-berries in·top-of tip four five in·forks-of·her one-being-fruitful averment-of ieue Elohim-of Israel
Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two [or] three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four [or] five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the LORD God of Israel

  • H7604 shaar ‘remnant, remain, to be left over’, left-behind; once in a page we used as NTT, the horus-spirits as ‘those who are’ here as ‘those who remain, stay’;
  • ‘gleaning (gleaning)’ H5955 oleloth, grape gleaning; from alal (doubled; sometimes violent);
  • ‘shaking’ H5362 naqaph ‘to encircle, surround, round about, encompass’; this H5363 noqeph as ‘shaking’, 2x in Isaiah; niqpah ‘encircling rope’ 1x;
  • ‘berries’ H1620 gargar 1x ‘from garar’ (but term seems doubled here), garar ‘drag-away, sweep away’; ger ‘sojourner’ (many), gir ‘chalk, lime’ 1x, gephen- cluster as eden-vine; gur, ‘(lion-) whelp’, 1625 ger-ah ‘cud’ (partly digested food) as ‘something of ger-‘; gar-ah ‘to provoke, stir up, contend’ 14x; we found Akk. garû, ‘cream’; gerru ‘cub’ (=whelp); gerû, ‘hostile, to challenge’, girimmu ‘ a fruit, a tree, olive, flower, be pure, clean’;
    2) “but does not chew (garar) the cud (ger-ah)” 1x; 1626 ger-ah ‘one-twentieh’ 6x;
  • ‘top’ as rash ‘head, top, summit, etc’,
  • ‘tip’ H534 amir, 2x (this chapter, see line 9), uppermost branch (mountain-tip)’ H534 amir, 2x this chapter; also 559 amar ‘to say’ (many); 561 ‘words, speech’ seems negative (as the ‘saying’ as more negative as “speak (in right order)’ dbr ); Akk. amâru ‘to see, regard, observe’, emêru, ‘to swell, have colic’, immer- ‘sheep, ewe, to be fat’,
  • ‘branches (forks)’ H5585 saiph ‘clefts’ 4x, only here adapted as ‘bough’, suph- was ‘reed’ (s-áaru), c’appah, ‘boughs’ 2x, said of ‘birds nested in cedar boughs’; colour as “the clefts in the rock” as khemenu; [review]
  • ‘fruitful’, from Ephraim, parah, as “this present physical body for the soul”,

context: some aspects must remain, because of the physical bodies during the Interval? we are not sure what to do with the khemenu colour,
“and heit is left / in him / the grape gatherings (for the 2nd time) / as after the round-about pruning of / the olive tree: / two, / three, / fruits of dimensional-adhesive / in the top of / the tree (of matrix-speech); / (and) four, / five, / in the boughs of she (the clefts of the khemenu mountain) / the fruitful tree (Ephraim-tree), / declaration of / IEUE; / Deity of / ‘the powerful deity’; “

in·the·day the·he he-shall-heed adm the·human on one-makingdo-of·him and·eyes-of·him to holy-one-of Israel they-shall-see
At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel

  • ‘look (heed)’, H8159 shaah ‘to gaze at, to regard’ (red flag – SÃH’), strangely used in Cain and Abel context, event probably the playout of Orion (SÃH’); colour ‘to regard, respect’; 8160 shaah ‘the same moment’; shaah ‘crash into ruins’ 6x sic; 7583 shaah ‘gazing’ [note how far apart the H-nrs]; also in line 8;

note: probably ‘shaah’ used here, to indicate it is Orion’s spell upon him still,
context: we tried several times, but think to conclude that this is not about IEUE whom Adam will see – first because the important word IEUE itself is lacking here, but also the term ‘makingdo’ (instead of ‘created’ – were it Adam having been created by IEUE). Second because the 144,000 are indeed ‘madedo by Adam’, as result of his work – yet now became the deity; and third because, as Ez.28, some ‘exchange’ appears to happen here;
“in – that – day, / he – the adam-male – shall crash into ruins (shall regard) / onby / the one makingdo ofby him (=144,000); / andfor the eyes of him / to / the holy one / (being) ‘the powerful deity’ (Israel) / they shall see: “

and·not he-shall-heed to the·altars deed-of hands-of·him and·which they-madedo fingers-of·him not he-shall-see and·the·fetishes-of-happiness and·the·solar-images
And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shall respect [that] which his fingers have made, either the groves, or the images

  • ‘look (heed)’, H8159 shaah ‘to gaze at, to regard’ (red flag – SÃH’), strangely used in Cain and Abel context, event probably the playout of Orion (SÃH’); colour ‘to regard, respect’; 8160 shaah ‘the same moment’; shaah ‘crash into ruins’ 6x sic; 7583 shaah ‘gazing’ [note how far apart the H-nrs];
  • ‘fingers’ H676 etsba, ‘finger’, “hands defiled with blood (dm) and fingers with iniquity (of Self,õn)” Is.59; unusual addition; finger as glyph TCHEBÃ, also ‘10,000’ (years — until right now; because Henoch writes that the fallen ones will come upon earth ‘after 10,000 years’ – and the deluge was 8000 bc);
    2) the glyph resembling the bent in the axis, from north-gate at inner-court to north-gate of outer-court (Õn),
    3) a peculiar context, where Moses gets the tablets ‘written by the finger of Elohim’, but as the tablets which he smashed when he saw the people making the calf; the next set of tablets do not mention the finger; we saw the tablet was “the block of wood beneath the main mast” (see page); then we have a case that the bent-axis is represented here –
  • ‘groves (fetishes)’, H842 Asherah (asher+ suffix ah-,’thing of’), Asher as attribute son; chalice NEB- related; in context Asherah must be Nebh’et; “the altar of Baal and the Asherah (tree)”, first is the stargate, but the sacred pole (or tree) is a bit out of place – but also as multiple, Akk. asurrû, ‘pit, pond, source (of river), hole, cistern’, sic,
  • ‘images’ H2553 chamman 8x; ‘idol, sun-image, altar, incense altar’, Akk. kamânu ‘sweetened cake, loaf’ (khemenu); kammu ‘board, plaque’ (MEN- draughtboard?), kummu ‘cellar, shrine, sanctuary of Ningal’ (consort of Nanna – moon – by whom she got Rã); where Ninhursag is the house of Saturn and the Khemenu mountain, the pairing here with Nebh’et should make this one Isis – as occupied throne of adamite,

note: the term “regard no more (crash into ruins)” as shaah, is used in both line 7 and this one, but where previously ‘crash into ruins’ must be the main colour, here it should be the ‘regard’ – or the context would be Off,
“and nót / he shall regard and attend (no more) / to / the altars / the work of / his hands / and which – his fingers (10,000 years) – they madedo; / and – nót / he shall see / the NEB chalice, as the grove (Nebh’et) / and the occupied adamite-throne (Isis);”

in·the·day the·he they-shall-become cities-of stronghold-of·him as·being-forsaken-of the·plowland and·the·mountain-tip which they-forsook from·faces-of sons-of Israel and·she-becomes desolation
In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation

  • ‘bough’ H2793 choresh (kho-resh), pun on Horus (which was Oreb)? ‘of uncertain derivation’; as ‘forest, wood’; “and Saul sought to kill David, being in the wilderness at Ziph in Horeth”, negative za- cluster; as 2790 charash ‘to plough, engrave, be silent, dumb’, ah, so that is why the idols are mute; here with capital, so ‘a place’;
  • ‘uppermost branch (mountain-tip)’ H534 amir, 2x this chapter; also 559 amar ‘to say’ (many); 561 ‘words, speech’ seems negative (as the ‘saying’ as more negative as “speak (in right order)’ dbr ); Akk. amâru ‘to see, regard, observe’, emêru, ‘to swell, have colic’, immer- ‘sheep, ewe, to be fat’,
  • ‘left’ H5800 azab, mirror-word, power za- and -az;

context: the 144,000 arrive at that place, and their inversed speech, glyph KHER-, is abandoned, invalid,
“in – that – day / the cities of / he the stronghold (matrix-power by eden) – they shall become / as being the forsaken / place of engraving, / andas the matrix-speech / which / they abandoned / from in front of / the sons of / ‘the powerful deity’, / and she becomes / desolation; ”

that you-forgot Elohim-of salvation-of·you and·rock-of stronghold-of·you not you-remembered on·so you-shall-plant plants-of ones-pleasant and·pruned-slip-of alien-one you-shall-sow·him
Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips

  • ‘rock’.tzur; but as Horus’ (Oreb), 1 step from Tyre,
  • ‘strength’ H4581 maoz, several; from -az but added the suffix ma-; as ‘strength of Pharaoh’,
  • therefore’ H5631 ken, ‘so, thus, like manner, well, such thing, howbeit, state, following, after this, wherefore,
  • ‘pleasant’, H5282 naaman ‘pleasant’; impossible- Naaman; 5267 naem, ‘beauty’ said of cedar; noam, 1 of 2 staffs in Zecheriah, which was broken because it was their polluted axis; Naomi was the playout of that; and when Naaman is the enemy of Esther, as myrtle as opposed to T’uat-star (vasthi)
  • ‘slip (pruned slip)’ zmr, see vine page;

context: we can only read that Adam was told that “his sons would come back for him”; but he got so spelled that the spirits made him to go construct even the solarplane, after the deluge,
note: a second ‘not’ is lacking, for a line “nót you remembered that you should not plant the alien axis”, therefore the only option left is to make past-tense ‘would’ from ‘shall’;
“thatbecause / you (Adam) forgot / the deities (Israel) / (being) the salvation of you / andfróm the matrix-tile of / matrix-power (by eden); / nót / you remembered (action to bring new eden): / onfor soafter this, / you shallwould plant / the plants of / the axis for the mixed-body, / and – you shallwould sow he – the alien – vampiring sprout, inbetween eden-vine and it’s fruit;”

in·day-of planting-of·you you-shall-get-great-growth and·in·the·morning sowing-of·you you-shall-find-to-bud evanescence harvest in·day-of travail and·pain-of one-being-mortally-ill
In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: [but] the harvest [shall be] a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow

  • ‘plant to grow (planting)’ H5194 neta, plant 3x, not as verb; 5193 to plant (tree in garden)
  • ‘to flourish’ H7735 sug, 1x, 7734 ‘turn(back)’ 1x; sega ‘increase’ 3x;
  • ‘sorrow (pain-of)’, H3511 keeb (ka’aba), Gen.34 relates this pain to ‘circumcision-pain’, a type pain related to genitals (compare the metal vulva in that ka’aba); we missed this link in Ez.28 (page); Akk. kab- cluster very large; here the keeb- can have the colour of ‘not being able to hear, deaf’ (uncircumsized ears or heart),
    ‘were found your words and i did eat (them)’, plexus theme) – so the words will be lacking, soon; this is the real reason for the darkness during ‘the tribulation’;
    then still Akk. kabattu ‘liver, (plexus?), main body, bulk (torso?)’; kabattu ‘to breathe, innards, pregnancy, to be wide (dimensionally?), to give birth’; kabû ‘great, important’; kibtu ‘wheat’ (Demeter/feminine theme), then we also need to go to kibirru ‘kindler, taper’ (fire-stick – as plexus?);
  • ‘desperate’, to 606 enash (enoch), post-eden pre-deluge type body,

note: the H3511 is both related to genitals and physical heart, say “emotions, belonging to this body”, as opposed to real feelings,

“in the day of / planting by you / you shallwould get great growth, / andbut (instead,) – the sowing of you – inby the eden-dawn / you shall find to sprout / piling-up – (being) the harvest; / inas the day of / sickness (this type body) / and this body’s emotions / one being incurable (the post-eden-pre-deluge-body); “

woe! clamor-of peoples many as·to-clamor-of seas they-are-clamoring and·tumult-of folkstems as·tumult-of waters abundant-ones they-are-tumulting
Woe to the multitude of many people, [which] make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, [that] make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!

  • ‘nations (folkstems)’, H3816 leom, “two type of people are in your womb” (Jacob and Esau);
  • ‘noise’ H1993 hamah (ham-ah); hem ‘they, them’, Ham, a place related to Zuzim (half-giants); hum ‘stirred’, same term used for Ez.28 where the 144,000 will see Adam, they shall be stirred / fromover the adam-man “stirred” H1949 hum or him (entry: ‘from hamam’), Ass. hamû ‘to paralyze (?)’, hamû śa zamri ‘to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)’;
    hammu ‘pit, pond, puddle’, hamâmu ‘to pluck, to gather, to collect, to harvest’, hamâtu,’burned, roasted meat, to brand, to mark’, hâmû, ‘litter, rubbish, chaff’, himśu, ’tissue’;
  • ‘rushing (tumult)’, same term shaah (to regard, gaze, fall into ruin) as line 8,

context: it must be the ‘causing the hell for the peoples’ which is woed;
“and woe! the act of causing to paralyze of / the – many – peoples on earth / asby to roar of / the dimensions / they are roaring, / andby causing to tumult (shaah) / the (adamite-) bloodline /as the tumult of / abundant – eden-waters / they are tumulting:”

folkstems as·tumult-of waters many-ones they-are-tumulting and·he-rebukes in·him and·he-flees far-off and·he-is-pursued as·trash-of mountains to·faces-of wind and·as·tumbleweed to·faces-of sweeping-whirlwind
The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but [God] shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind

  • ‘rolling thing’, to right;

context: that the same line is repeated here, can imply that the óther bloodline is intended here; it can make sense “that this bloodline escapes” (as ‘Edom hiding high in the cliffs’?), but is hunted out from there,

credit biblehub

“asby – the bloodline – cáusing the tumult of / the – many – eden-waters / they are tumulting, / and he (that bloodline) is being rebuked / inas himhe, / and he escapes / afar, / andbut he is pursued / as the chaff of / the mountains / toin front of / the (eden) spirit-breath, / and as – the tempest (over the Sekhet-reeds) – toin front of – the (cherub) wheel; “

to·time-of evening and·behold! decadence in·ere morning ain·nu there-is-no·him this portion-of ones-robbing-of·us and·lot to·ones-plundering-of·us
And behold at eveningtide trouble; [and] before the morning he [is] not. This [is] the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

  • ‘portion’ H2606 cheleq, ‘portion, tract, territory’, share (but not ‘inheritance’); from chalaq ‘division, to divide’,

the eye – ain: the ‘there is no’ —

  • ‘lot’ H1486 goral, gor ‘(lion) whelp’, gur ‘sojourn’, gir ‘chalk’,

context:though the words must be alright, the second half of line remains dark; perhaps because the eye has been necessary (to be) only because of their realm?,
“and look! – toat the time of / the evening (of the matrix-day) / inas – the terror – before / the eden-dawn; / he the eye / (being) this / portion (as the division) of / the ones plundering us, / andas the (casted) lot / toby the ones plundering us.”

———- end Isaiah 17
3/1/18 loNe – first version