Tag Archives: isaiah

you please cause a demarcation-line to come into being, Is. 6 — in order to start the era which we know as end-time —

is. 6 you please cause a demarcation-line to come into being, Is. 6 — in order to start the era which we know as end-time — chapters 6-9 belong together, as one theme # belonging to chapters 7-9 1 in·year-of death-of the·king Uzziah and·I-am-seeing my-Lord sitting on throne being-high and·being-lifted-up and·skirts-of·him ones-filling the·temple In the […]

spelled Adam, now working for them, is not afraid of the 144.000, Is 31

spelled Adam, now working for them, is not afraid of the 144.000, Is 31 is 31 1 woe ! the·ones-going-down Egypt for·help on horses they-are-leaning and·they-are-trusting on chariot that many and·on horsemen that they-are-serried very and·not they-heed on holy-one-of Israel and ieue not they-inquire Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and […]

Babylon *has* fallen, as we speak: by declaring, Is.21 — the watchman confirming the vision —

Babylon *has* fallen, as we speak: by declaring, Is.21 — the watchman confirming the vision — is 21 1 load-of wilderness-of sea as·sweeping-whirlwinds in·the·Negev to·to-pass-on-of from·wilderness one-coming from·land being-feared The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; [so] it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land – […]

the Sorcery used in the battle against those returning to the eden-gate, Is.28 — warnings to the believers empowered by the Abzu —

the Sorcery used in the battle against those returning to the eden-gate, Is.28 — warnings to the believers empowered by the Abzu — 1 woe! crown-of pride-of drunken-ones-of Ephraim and·blossom decaying stateliness-of beauty-of·him which on head-of ravine-of fertilities ones-being-battered-of wine Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty [is] […]

the upcoming change of dimensions as dream-vision, Is.29 — amazing chapter about legal rights —

the upcoming change of dimensions as dream-vision, Is.29 — amazing chapter about legal rights — 1 woe! Ariel Ariel town-of he-encamped David add-you! year on year celebrations they-are-compassing Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city [where] David dwelt! add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices – ‘city’, H7151 qiry-ah, (instead of -ir); qyir […]

the seventy year imprisonment for the city of Õn, Is. 23 — no more extortion of the Eden virgin —

the seventy year imprisonment for the city of Õn, Is. 23 — no more extortion of the Eden virgin — 1-2 load-of Tyre howl-you! ships-of Tarshish that he-is-devastated from·house from·to-enter-of from·land-of Kittim he-is-revealed to·them be-still-you! ones-dwelling-of coastland one-being-merchant-of Sidon one-crossing sea they-filled·you The burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of Tarshish; for it is laid […]

this earth to spiral Down, and and her bent atmosphere being dismantled, Is. 24 — the moment when the Vintage has been freed —

this earth to spiral Down, and and her bent atmosphere being dismantled, Is. 24 — the moment when the Vintage has been freed — 1-2 behold! ieue making-void the·land and·evacuating-of·her and·he-contorts surfaces-of·her and·he-scatters ones-dwelling-of·her and·he-becomes as·the·people as·the·priest as·the·servant as·lords-of·him as·the·maid as·the·mistress-of·her as·the·one-buying as·the·one-selling as·the·one-lending as·the·one-borrowing as·the·one-being-creditor as·whom one-being-creditor in·him Behold, the LORD maketh the earth […]

the staff, as axis, and the new-hand of the Assyrian dismantled – Is.10 – at the day of completing the 144,000

the staff, as axis, and the new-hand of the Assyrian dismantled, Is.10 — at the day of completing the 144,000 — 1-2 woe! the·ones-making-statutes statutes-of lawlessness and·ones-writing toil they-write to·to-turn-aside-of from·adjudication poor-ones-of and·to·to-pillage-of judgment-of humble-ones-of people-of·me to·to-become-of widows loot-of·them and orphans they-shall-plunder Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness [which] they […]

the false-images being destroyed which deluded Adam creates – Is.2 – the moment when the 144,000 enter the rock –

the false-images being destroyed which deluded Adam creates, Is.2 — the moment when the 144,000 enter the rock — 1-2 the·word which he-perceived Isaiah son-of Amoz on Judah and·Jerusalem and·he-becomes in·last-of the·days being-established he-shall-be mountain-of house-of ieue in·summit-of the·mountains and·being-lifted-up from·hills and·they-stream to·him all-of the·nations The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning […]

Adam to die – being at present the powersource of their corrupted stargate: Ez. 28

Ez. 28 08.21.: Ez. 28 revisited — “how art thou fallen from heaven, o Adam !” upd. 08.21.18.: … in the past few months, posting chapters of scripture, we didn’t expect that Adam would appear to play such a crucial part. But again and again this concept appears to be true, when even Rg-Veda tells […]

narrating the invasion of Eden – Isaiah 22

11/12/17 first version RESTART narrating the invasion of Eden – Isaiah 22 [setu-bridge theme of Ramayana] themes: invasion of eden the coming into being of the city of Õn making the valley – as the Setu bridge in Ramayana / Gizah grand gallery occupying the stargate stealing the multi-coloured Veil Pteh’ tile Enki hewing out […]